Roadstar TRA-886D Portable DAB FM Radio User Manual Product Information: TRA-886D+

October 30, 2023

TRA-886D Portable DAB FM Radio

Product Information: TRA-886D+

The TRA-886D+ is a product manufactured by Roadstar, a company
that specializes in car audio and video systems. This product is a
car stereo system that is designed to provide high-quality audio
and a range of features for an enhanced driving experience.

The TRA-886D+ has a sleek design with a black matte finish and
is equipped with a large LCD display that shows the time, radio
station, and other information. It has a range of connectivity
options including Bluetooth, USB, and SD card support, enabling
users to play music from their smartphones, tablets, or other
devices. The stereo system also includes an AM/FM radio tuner with
a built-in antenna for clear reception.

Other features of the TRA-886D+ include a remote control for
easy operation, adjustable bass and treble settings for customized
sound, and a clock display with an alarm function.

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the TRA-886D+ car stereo system, it is important to
read the instruction manual carefully and keep it handy for future

To install the stereo system, first turn off the car’s engine
and disconnect the negative battery cable. Remove the old stereo
system and connect the wiring harness of the TRA-886D+ to the car’s
electrical system. Mount the stereo system into the dashboard using
the included mounting kit.

To use the stereo system, turn on the car’s engine and press the
power button on the TRA-886D+. Use the source button to select the
desired input source such as Bluetooth, USB, or radio. To listen to
radio, use the tuning knob or press the seek button to find a
station. Use the volume knob to adjust the volume level and the
bass and treble buttons to customize the sound.

The TRA-886D+ also includes a clock display with an alarm
function. To set the clock, press and hold the clock button until
the display flashes. Use the tuning knob to adjust the hour and
press the clock button again to set the minutes. Press the clock
button once more to save the setting. To set the alarm, press and
hold the alarm button until the display flashes. Use the tuning
knob to adjust the hour and press the alarm button again to set the
minutes. Press the alarm button once more to save the setting.

The TRA-886D+ also includes a remote control for easy operation.
Use the remote control to adjust the volume, change the input
source, and customize the sound settings. The remote control
requires two AAA batteries (not included).

Note that some features of the TRA-886D+ may not be available in
all countries or regions. Refer to the instruction manual for more
information on product specifications and limitations.

Portable DAB+ / FM Radio User manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d’instructions Manuale d’istruzioni Manual de instrucciones Manual de instruões Gebruiksaanwijzing Návod k pouzití Návod na pouzitie

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Pagina 13

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Strana 33

· Your new unit was manufactured and assem- · Vuestro nuevo sistema ha sido construido se-

bled under strict ROADSTAR quality control. gún las normas estrictas de control de calidad

Thank-you for purchasing our product for your ROADSTAR. Le felicitamos y le damos las gra-

music enjoyment. Before operating the unit, ple- cias por su elección de este aparado. Por favor

ase read this instruction manual carefully. Keep leer el manual antes de poner en funcionamien-

it also handy for further future references.

to el equipo y guardar esta documentación en

case de que se necesite nuevamente.

· Votre nouvel appareil a été fabriqué et monté · Il vostro nuovo apparecchio é stato prodotto ed

en étant soumis aux nombreaux tests ROA- assemblato sotto lo stretto controllo di qualità

DSTAR. Nous espérons que cet appareil vous ROADSTAR. Vi ringraziamo di aver acquistato

donnera entière satisfaction. Avant de vous a- un nostro prodotto per il vostro piacere

donner à ces activités, veuillez lire attentive- d’ascolto. Prima di procedere all’utilizzo dell’ap-

ment ce manuel d’instructions. Conservez-le à parecchio, leggete attentamente il manuale

portée de main à fin de référence ultérieure.

d’istruzioni e tenetelo sempre a portata di mano

per futuri riferimenti.

· Ihr neues Gerät wurde unter Beachtung der · Seu novo aparelho foi construido e montado

strengen ROADSTAR Qualitätsvorschriften ge- sob o estrito controle de qualidade da ROA-

fertigt. Wir danken Ihnen für den Kauf unseres DSTAR. Agradecemos por ter comprado nosso

Produktes und wünschen Ihnen optimalen Hör- produto para a sua diversão. Antes de usar e-

genuss. Bitte lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanlei- sta unidade é necessário ler com atençâo este

tung durch, und heben Sie sie auf, um jederzeit manual de instruções pare que possa ser usa-

darin nachschlagen zu können.

da apropriadamente; mantenha o manual ao

seu alcance para outras informações.


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Dokoncete, prosím, proces objednávky. Následn budete mít pístup k celému dokumentu.
Proc je dokument uzamcen? Nahnvat Vás rozhodn nechceme. Jsou k tomu dva hlavní dvody: 1) Vytvoit a udrzovat obsáhlou databázi návod stojí nejen spoustu úsilí a casu, ale i financní prostedky.
Dlali byste to Vy zadarmo? Ne. Zakoupením této sluzby obdrzíte úplný návod a podpoíte provoz a rozvoj nasich stránek. Teba se Vám to bude jest nkdy hodit. ) Mozná zpocátku ano. Ale vzte, ze dotovat to dlouhodob nelze. A rozhodn na tom nezbohatneme. 2) Pak jsou tady ,,roboti”, kteí se pizivují na nasí práci a ,,vysávají” výsledky naseho úsilí pro svj prospch. Tímto krokem se jim to snazíme pekazit. A pokud nemáte zájem, respektujeme to. Urgujte svého prodejce. A kdyz neuspjete, rádi Vás uvidíme!


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