BOSCH UniversalDetect Thorough Wall Scanning Instruction Manual

October 30, 2023


BOSCH UniversalDetect Thorough Wall Scanning


Product Information: UniversalDetect

The UniversalDetect is a measuring tool manufactured by Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH in Stuttgart, Germany. The product is designed to detect objects behind walls and other surfaces, such as drywall, with the use of a sensor. The product comes with a touch screen display that is used to operate the device.

Technical Specifications:

  • Model Number: 1 609 92A 85B
  • Operating Frequency Range: 48-52 kHz
  • Battery Life: Approximately 4 hours
  • Weight: 0.34 kg
  • Operating Temperature Range: 0-40°C
  • Storage Temperature Range: -20-70°C
  • Relative Humidity: 30-80%


  • (a) Navigation Area
  • (b) Information Area
  • (c) Status Bar
  • (d) Sensor Area
  • (e) Battery Compartment
  • (f) Serial Number

Usage Instructions:

  1. Insert the batteries into the battery compartment (e).
  2. Turn on the device by pressing the power button located in the navigation area (a).
  3. Ensure that the sensor area (d) is not wet before using the device.
  4. Select the appropriate mode of operation from the navigation area (a).
  5. Hold the device against the surface to be scanned and move it slowly across the surface.
  6. Read the results displayed on the information area (b).
  7. Turn off the device by pressing the power button located in the navigation area (a).

Safety Instructions

All instructions must be read and observed. The safeguards integrated into the measuring tool may be compromised if the measuring tool is not used in accordance with these instructions.

  • Have the measuring tool serviced only by a qualified specialist using only original replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the measuring tool is maintained.
  • Do not use the measuring tool in explosive atmospheres which contain flammable liquids, gases or dust. Sparks may be produced inside the measuring tool, which can ignite dust or fumes.
  • The measuring tool may not be 100 % accurate for technological reasons. To eliminate hazards, familiarize yourself with further sources of information, such as building plans and photographs taken during construction, etc. before carrying out any drilling, sawing or routing work on walls, ceilings or floors. Environ-mental influences, such as humidity, or proximity to devices that generate strong electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, moisture, metallic building materials, foil-laminated insulation materials or conductive wallpaper or tiles may impair the accuracy of the measuring tool. The number, type, size and position of the objects may dis-tort the measuring results.
  • If there are gas pipes in the building, check to ensure that none of them have been damaged after completing any work on walls, ceilings or floors.
  • When attaching objects to dry walls, and in particular when attaching them to the substructure, check to ensure that both the wall and the fastening materials have a sufficient load-bearing capacity.

Product Description and Specifications

Please observe the illustrations at the beginning of this operating manual.

Intended Use
The measuring tool is intended for the detection of metal (ferrous and non- ferrous metals, e.g. reinforcing steel) and live wires in walls, ceilings and floors, and to detect wooden beams in dry walls.

The measuring tool is suitable for indoor use.

Product features
The numbering of the product features shown refers to the illustration of the measuring tool on the graphic page.

  1. Battery compartment cover
  2. On/off button/measuring button
  3. Display (touchscreen)
  4. Light-up ring
  5. Marking hole
  6. Sensor area
  7. Serial number
  8. Wall sensor
  9. Gripping surface


Display elements

  • Navigation area
  • Information area
  • Status bar
  • Number of pages symbol (only with multi-page menus)
  • Audio signal indicator
  • Battery indicator

Technical data

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  • Depends on operating mode, material and size of the objects, as well as material and condition of the base material
  • Lower detection depth with non-live wires
  • Equal to two plasterboard panels
  • Only non-conductive deposits occur, whereby occasional temporary conductivity caused by condensation is expected.

The serial number (7) on the type plate is used to clearly identify your measuring tool.

  • The accuracy and detection depth of the measuring result may be negatively affected if the condition of the substrate is unfavorable.


Inserting/changing the Batteries
It is recommended that you use alkaline manganese batteries to operate the measuring tool.
Do not use disposable batteries that have a rated voltage of greater than 1.5 V.
To open the battery compartment cover (1), push it away from the battery compartment in the direction of the arrow. Insert the batteries.
When inserting the batteries, ensure that the polarity is correct according to the illustration on the inside of the battery compartment.
The battery symbol (f) in the display status bar shows the current state of charge of the batteries.

If the symbol opposite appears in the display status bar, the measuring tool can continue to be used for up to another 15 minutes. Change the batteries.
Always replace all the batteries at the same time. Only use batteries from the same manufacturer and which have the same capacity.

  • Take the batteries out of the measuring tool when you are not using it for a pro-longed period of time. The batteries can corrode and self-discharge during pro-longed storage in the measuring tool.


  • Protect the measuring tool from moisture and direct sunlight.
  • Do not expose the measuring tool to any extreme temperatures or variations in temperature. In case of large variations in temperature, leave the measuring tool to adjust to the ambient temperature before switching it on. The accuracy of the measuring tool and the functionality of the display may be compromised if exposed to extreme temperatures or variations in temperature.
  • Avoid hard knocks to the measuring tool or dropping it. After severe external influences and in the event of abnormalities in the functionality, you should have the measuring tool checked by an authorized Bosch after-sales service agent.
  • Hold the measuring tool by the intended gripping surface (9) only, so as not to influence the measurement.
  • Do not attach any stickers or labels to the sensor area (6) on the rear of the measuring tool. Metal labels in particular will affect measuring results.
    BOSCH-UniversalDetect-Thorough-Wall-Scanning-09 Do not wear gloves when taking measurements and make sure that you are properly earthed. If you are not properly earthed, the identification of live wires may be impaired.
    When taking measurements, avoid getting close to devices that emit strong electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, such as mobile tele-phones, laptops or tablets. If possible, deactivate all tools whose radiation could interfere with the measurement and switch off the corresponding functions or tools.

Using the touchscreen

  • Do not use the measuring tool if the touchscreen is visibly damaged (e.g. cracks in the surface etc.).
    The display is divided into a status bar (c) and touchscreen with an information area (b) and a navigation area (a).
    The status bar (c) shows the current sound setting (e), the battery’s state of charge (f) and the number of pages (d) (in multi-page menus).
    The measuring tool can be controlled by touching the buttons on the touchscreen dis-play.

  • Use only your fingers to operate the touchscreen.

  • Do not bring the touchscreen into contact with other electrical devices or water.

  • To clean the touchscreen, switch the measuring tool off. Wipe off any dirt e.g. using a microfiber cloth.

Navigating in the menu
To control the measuring tool via the touchscreen, the following general buttons (in addition to buttons in the specific language) will appear:


Starting Operation

Switching on/off

  • Before switching on the measuring tool, ensure that the sensor area (6) is dry. If necessary, use a cloth to dry the measuring tool.
  • If the measuring tool has been exposed to a significant change in temperature, leave it to adjust to the ambient temperature before switching it on.

To switch on the measuring tool, press the on/off button (2). Follow the tips on using the measuring tool. You can choose to disable the function that shows these detailed instructions every time the tool is switched on in the submenu

. To switch off the measuring tool, press and hold the on/off button (2). If no measurement takes place and no button is pressed on the measuring tool for approx. 5 minutes, the measuring tool will switch off automatically to save the batteries.

How it works (see figure A)
The measuring tool checks the substrate of the sensor area (6) in the measurement direction z up to the maximum detection depth.
Select the operating mode you require.
Always move the measuring tool over the substrate in a straight line along the x-axis, applying light pressure, without lifting it off or changing the pressure. The wall sensor (8) must be in uniform contact with the substrate in order for the measurement to be correct.
Hold the measuring tool by the gripping surface (9) with an even grip and do not touch the sensor area (6) while taking measurements.
If the measuring tool receives a signal, this will be shown in the information area (b) and the light-up ring (4) will light up yellow. Follow the additional instructions in the information area. Note that moving over the substrate multiple times will detect objects more precisely. If an object has been detected, this will be shown in the information area. The light-up ring (4) will light up red and the tool will emit a sound.


The type of object found (depending on the operating mode) will be shown on the display:

  • Power cable,
  • Metal object,
  • Substructure.

If no objects are found, the light-up ring (4) will remain green and nothing will be shown on the display.

Operating Modes
When detecting, you can choose between three operating modes and can activate two modes simultaneously.

< Wood> operating mode (see figure B)

operating mode is designed for finding wooden beams in dry walls. When the measuring tool is placed on the wall, the light-up ring (4) lights up yellow until the signal can be clearly assigned by moving the measuring tool around. Please note that when selecting this operating mode, all objects located in dry walls will be displayed. You can only rule out the presence of a metal object or electricity cable by combining this operating mode with the other two operating modes. This operating mode will also find plastic pipes, especially those that are filled with water. Before drilling, sawing or milling, check to ensure that the object found is actually a wooden beam and not a plastic pipe. Only use operating mode on dry walls.![BOSCH-UniversalDetect-Thorough- Wall-Scanning-03]( UniversalDetect-Thorough-Wall-Scanning-03.png)

< Metal> operating mode (see figure C)

operating mode is designed solely for finding objects made of metal (e.g. cop-per pipes or reinforcing steel), regardless of the nature of the wall. In this operating mode, live cables are not displayed as power cables. In order to find power cables, you can also select the  and  operating modes at the same time.![BOSCH-UniversalDetect-Thorough-Wall- Scanning-04]( UniversalDetect-Thorough-Wall-Scanning-04.png)

< Current> operating mode (see figure D)

operating mode is designed solely for finding single-phase live cables (110−240 V, 50−60 Hz).![BOSCH-UniversalDetect-Thorough-Wall- Scanning-05]( UniversalDetect-Thorough-Wall-Scanning-05.png)

Preparing to take measurements and features of the measuring process:

  • The cable must be live. You should therefore connect electricity consumers (e.g. lights, appliances) to the electricity cable you are trying to find. Switch on the electricity consumers to ensure that the electricity cable is live.
  • The 50–60 Hz signal from the electricity cable must be able to reach the measuring tool. If the cable is in damp walls (e.g. > 50 % humidity), behind metallic foil (e.g. thermal insulation) or in an empty metal pipe, the signal will not reach the measuring tool and you will not be able to find the cable.
  • The measuring tool must be sufficiently earthed. To do this, hold it firmly (without gloves) by the gripping surface (9). Make sure that you are in good contact with the floor. Insulating shoes, ladders or platforms may compromise your contact with the floor. The floor must also be earthed in order for live cables to be detected.
  • The 50–60 Hz signal from the electricity cable must be stronger along the cable than in its immediate vicinity. If the wall is very dry or poorly earthed, the signal will be the same strength throughout the wall. This will result in the measuring tool indicating that it has found a signal over a large area, but it will not be able to detect the ex-act location of the cable. In this instance, it may be helpful to place your free hand on the wall 20−30 cm from the measuring tool in order to conduct the signal away from the wall.
  • Switch off power consumers and make sure that live cables are deenergized be-fore drilling, sawing or milling into walls, ceilings or floors. After performing any kind of work, check to ensure that objects placed on the substrate are not live.

If you are unable to detect the cable in  operating mode, then you may be able to search for it as a metal object in  operating mode. Please be aware that the maximum detection depth is low (approximately 2−3 cm). While solid-wire cables can be detected in  operating mode, stranded-wire cables cannot.

Multi-phase (known as three-phase current or heavy current) electricity cables cannot be detected in operating mode because the signals from the different phases cancel each other out. You can, however, detect multi-phase electricity cables as metal objects in operating mode. The maximum detection depth is somewhat higher than that for single-phase electricity cables.

< Settings> menu

To open the  menu, lift the measuring tool off the substrate and press the button with the symbol shown opposite.

The sound and language settings will remain the same unless changed (i.e. they do not need to be set every time you switch on the tool).

  • Submenu :
    You can switch the sound indicating that an object has been found on and off. The selected setting appears with the symbol (e) in the status bar.

  • Submenu :
    Select the language of the menu navigation.

  • Submenu :
    Here you can recalibrate the measuring tool manually. It is advisable to recalibrate the measuring tool if it starts to continuously detect a metal object without there actually be-ing one nearby.
    Follow the instructions in the information area on the touchscreen when recalibrating. Only carry out the recalibration at room temperature.

< Help menu> menu

To open the  menu, lift the measuring tool off the substrate and press the button with the symbol shown opposite.

Submenu :
Here you will find information about your measuring tool.

Submenu :
You can choose whether you want the instructions on using your measuring tool to be shown every time you switch it on. In this submenu, you can also choose to view the tips directly.

Submenu :
Here you will find information about the most common measuring errors.

Submenu :
A website address is given here where you will find further information about your measuring tool.

Working Advice
Marking objects
If required, detected objects can be marked. Perform a measurement as usual.
Once you have found an object, mark its position through the marking hole (5).
The symbol shown on the measuring tool may change while you are making this mark as the marking hole is directly in the sensor area (6) and the pen you use may disturb the sensors.
Always start a new measurement after marking a position. You can do this by lifting the measuring tool off the wall and then putting it down again. This will ensure that the mark-ing process does not affect the measuring results that follow.

Errors – Causes and Corrective Measures


The measuring tool monitors correct operation in every measurement. If a defect is detected, the display will indicate only the symbol shown opposite. In this case, or if you are unable to rectify an error using the other corrective measures mentioned, send the measuring tool to an authorized Bosch after sales service center.

Error during measurement using operating mode Cause Corrective measures

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Error during measurement using  operating mode

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Maintenance and Service

Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Check the measuring tool before each use. If the measuring tool is visibly damaged or parts have become loose inside the measuring tool, safe function can no longer be ensured.

Always keep the measuring tool clean and dry to ensure optimum, safe operation. Never immerse the measuring tool in water or other liquids.
Wipe off any dirt using a dry, soft cloth. Do not use any detergents or solvents.

After-Sales Service and Application Service
Our after-sales service responds to your questions concerning maintenance and repair of your product as well as spare parts. You can find explosion drawings and information on spare parts at:
The Bosch product use advice team will be happy to help you with any questions about our products and their accessories.
In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please always include the 10‑digit article number given on the nameplate of the product.

Great Britain
Robert Bosch Ltd. (B.S.C.)
P.O. Box 98
Broadwater Park
North Orbital Road
Denham Uxbridge
UB 9 5HJ
At you can order spare parts or arrange the collection of a product in need of servicing or repair.
Tel. Service: (0344) 7360109
You can find further service addresses at:

Measuring tools, accessories and packaging should be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner.

Do not dispose of measuring tools or batteries with household waste.

Only for EU countries:
According to the Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment and its transposition into national law, measuring tools that are no longer usable, and, ac-cording to the Directive 2006/66/EC, defective or drained batteries must be collected separately and disposed of in an environmentally correct manner.
If disposed incorrectly, waste electrical and electronic equipment may have harmful effects on the environment and human health, due to the potential presence of hazardous substances.

Only for United Kingdom:
According to The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/3113) (as amended) and the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/890) (as amended), products that are no longer usable must be collected separately and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.


Copyright © 2009–2020 ARM LIMITED
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Hereby, Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH declares that the radio equipment type Universal Detect is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: –>

Declaration of Conformity

Hereby, Robert Bosch Limited as authorized representative acting on behalf of Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH declares that the radio equipment type Universal Detect is in compliance with the Radio Equipment Regulations 2017. The full text of the declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: –>


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