NGTECO N5 Wi-Fi NVR Kit with Hard Disk 4 Channel HD IP Camera System User Guide

June 10, 2024

NGTECO N5 Wi-Fi NVR Kit with Hard Disk 4 Channel HD IP Camera System


  1. POW: Power indicator
  2. Net: Networkindicator
  3. HDD: Hard disk indicator
S/N name Description
1 Antenna Install antenna
2 LAN Connect to LAN or external network
3 VGA Connect a VGA monitor
4 HDMI Connect an HDMI display
5 USB Connect to operate mouse or U disk
6 Power Connect 12V2A power adapter

Installation and Connection

  1. Note the following wheninstallingandusing:
    1.1、In order to extend the life of the machine,themachine should be kept away fromwater, hightemperature and dusty environment, andplacedinawell-ventilated place. 1.2、Please use SATA hard drives, USBdevices,andmousedevices purchased through regular channels. 1.3、Before use, please make sure that thenetworkHDrecorder is properly grounded and the power supplycannotexceed the normal operating voltage rangeof thepowersupply.

  2. Preparation Before Installation:
    2.1、Determine where to place the NVRIt is recommended to put the NVR in thecenterofthesurveillance area, and avoid obstacles betweentheIPC(wireless camera) installation location andtheNVR.When4channels of video are connected at thesametime,whenthere is no obstacle between NVR andIPC, IPCisplacedin the spherical coverage area with NVRas thecenterofthesphere and a radius of 100-120 meters. If blockedbywall,it will reduce the radius to 30-50 meters
    2.2、Connection steps Install the hard disk to the NVR, as showninthefigure,after the installation is complete, first connecttheNVRtothe mouse and the display, turn on thepower,andconnectthe power to the IPC.
    (1) Using a screwdriver, remove the topcover;

(2) Install the hard disk data cable andpowercable,and tighten the screws;
(3) Confirm that the wireless NVR packageisworkingproperly

The NVR is connected to the monitor, andall supportingIPCs are placed around the NVR. Can beinstalledtoapredetermined location.

  1. Camera is Placed in a Preset Position:
    3.1、Install the wireless camera to thepresetpositionwithin the effective coverage of the wirelesssignalandprovide 12V power supply;
    3.2、When the wireless camera is poweredonforabout1minute, you can see the video on the NVRmonitor;
    3.3、If there is no image, it indicates that thedistanceistoo far, the distance needs to be shortened.
    NVR antenna transmits signals to the surroundings.TheNVRand IPC antennas are at the same height andparalleltoeach other. The best effect is if the antennasarenotatthesame height. The IPC antenna should betangenttothespherical surface with the NVR as the center (Figure6)Point directly to the NVR (Figure
  1. Installation and Connection


Please confirm that the connected voltagematchestherequirements of the hard disk recorder, andensurethattheground terminal of the hard disk recorder is well grounded.When the power supply is abnormal, it will causetheharddisk recorder to not work normally, or evendamagethehard disk recorder. It is recommendedtousearegulatedpower supply.

Explanation: Before turning on, pleasemakesurethatamonitor or monitor is connected to thevideooutputportofthe device.

Specific boot steps are as follows:

  1. Plug in the power supply, the power indicatoronthefront panel is red
  2. Device starts to boot, the boot screenisthebootscreen is as shown:
  3. After the system is turned on and started,afterthesystem is initialized, the systemautomaticallydisplaysthe image preview interface. The logininterfacepopsupautomatically after the user’s operatingsystem.Asshownbelow. The user needs to complete theloginbefore proceeding.


  1. Click the user name edit box with theleft mousebutton,and enter the user name of the local login, defaultfactoryset user name is admin.
  2. Click the password edit box with theleft mousebutton,and enter the password for local machinelogin,thedefaultfactory-set password is admin.
  3. Click “OK” with the left mouse buttontocompletethelogin.


Password can be composed of numbers, characters,operators and dots, *, #, and the lengthcannotexceed12characters.

pls attention: If you forget your password. Youcanclicktoretrieve the password, the systemwill automaticallygenerate a random number, send the randomcodetothecustomer service of the supplier, and requestanewloginpassword, as shown in the following figure

IPC Pairing

  1. IPC Pairing Status
    Function Description: Check the status of theIPCchanneland whether it is connected. Steps:Right-click the main interface of thesystem,clickthe 【Pair IPC】 submenu in the pop-up right-clickmenu,enter the IPC pairing interface, and viewthestatusoftheIPC channel. You can view the channel connectionandchannel status. As shown below:
    IPC Pairing

  2. Wireless Working Status
    Function Description:Check the networkstatusofallIPCsand NVR in the IPC channel. Steps:In the IPC pairing interface, click the【WorkStatus】button to complete the wireless status query. ItcandisplayWi-Fi version information, Wi- Fi interferencesituation,Wi-Fi signal strength of each IPC channel. As shownbelow:

  3. Cascading Information
    Function Description:Used for relay cascadinginformation of added IPC devices. Steps:On the IPC pairing interface, clickthe【Cascadeinfo】 button to view the cascade information.

  4. IPC Pairing
    Function Description:Used to pair IPCdevicesandaddcameras.

Steps :In the IPC pairing interface, findtheunpairedchannel, click the 【Pair IPC】 button, theinterfacedisplays a prompt box, pairing, long press5stoaddthepaired IPC pairing button, the systempromptsthatthepairing is successful, is obtaining IPCinformation,click【OK】 Button to complete the pairing andaddingoperation.

IPC Settings

  1. NetWork Settings
    Function description: Network settings include:networkcard, DHCP switch, IP address, subnet mask,gateway,DNS settings. HTTP port, TCP port, P2PIDdisplay,advanced settings.

【Net Card】 Currently only supports wirednetworkcards;
【DHCP Enable】 After checking, automaticallyobtaintheIP function (not recommended); Note: thedeviceneedsto be connected to the router. Uncheckingrequirestheuser to manually set the IP information.
【IP Addr】 In manual mode, set the IPaddressofthedevice;
【Subnet Mask】 In manual mode, set thesubnetmaskofthe device;
【Gateway】 In manual mode, set thedefaultgatewayofthe device;
【DNS Settings】 The domain name resolutionserverisused to resolve the domain name intoanIPaddress.The address is provided by the network operatorwhereyouare located. After setting the address, youneedtorestart to take effect;
【HTTP Port】 The default is 80;
【TCP Port】 The default is 6001;
【P2P ID】 You can enable the NGTecoUUID/viewthe

NGTeco account connection status.

【Advanced】NVR equipment NTP time, PPPOEsetting,

Email alarm setting, DDNS setting, Telnet serviceswitch.

Mobile P2P Access

  1. One-click Internet
    Function description: enable or disableP2Premotefunction, check the status of tuya P2P, APPdownloadQRcode, cloud ID QR code display, P2Pusersunbind.Operation steps: On the NVR previewinterface,clickthe 【QR code】 in the upper right corner of themousetoopen the 【One Button Internet Access】interface.Asshown below

  2. Mobile APP Access
    Function description: Access the managementdevicethrough the mobile phone APP.

Step 1: Use the mobile phone to scantheQRcodetodownload and install the NGTeco HomeAPP.

QR code for download the APP

Step 2: The first time you use the application,youwillneed to create a user ID. Steps as follows:Click the 【Create New Account】 button→check”Pleaseread and agree to the relevant terms” toentertheregistration interface →enter the mobilephonenumberor email address →enter the verificationcode→enterthe set password →click the 【Finish】buttontoregister→ after registration Log in to the maininterfaceautomatically.

Note: When you forget your password, pleaseclick【Forgot Password? 】 Button, followthepromptstosendthe password to the registered mailbox.

Step 3: Add devices. Click the upper right buttononthemain interface of NGTeco APP or【adddevice】buttontoenter into the “add device” interface→clicktheupperright button → Scan the cloud IDQRcodeontheNVRinterface → Automatically add deviceafterscanningsuccessfully → click【Finish】adding successfully.

Step 4: Device preview and management operationinterface.

Double-click the online device tobrowsethevideoof the online device. The functions of thebuttonsunderthe preview screen are as follow

Button F un ction Button Function
Device information and sharing Play video in four windows

| Alarm information list| | Snapshot
| Video playback playback| | Intercom
| Cloud storage service| | Video
| Channel configuration| | SD/HD

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Tel: 770-800-2321(US)

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