elero Aero-868-915 Plus Radio Sensor Instruction Manual

June 11, 2024

elero logo Aero-868/915
Aero-868/915 Plus
28 440.0006, 28 480.0006, 28 440.0906, 28 480.0906
Radio Sensor
Instruction Manual

Installation instructions (translation)

elero Aero-868-915 Plus Radio Sensor Note: Horizontal mounting position. Light sensor top, wind sensor underneath.

General information

The Aero-868/915 is a wireless light/wind control unit for awnings.
Integrated solar cells provide the power to run the unit.
Radio signals are transmitted between the Aero-868/915 and the receiver.
The Aero-868/915/Aero-868/915 Plus only operates in connection with elero ProLine 2 and Proline radio receivers.
The awning can be operated manually via a hand-held/wall-mounted transmitter.
This item is not supplied.
Aero-868/915 Plus features
The Aero-868/915 Plus is fitted with an additional battery and an additional solar cell.
Recommendation: Please use an elero transmitter with manual/ auto switch- over to allow deactivation of the light function.

Safety instructions

Important safety instructions!
Observe the following instructions.

  • Only use unmodified original elero parts.
  • Keep persons away from the system’s operating range.
  • Keep children away from the control units.
  • Comply with the regulations in your country.
  • The system’s operating range must be kept in view during operation if one or more units are available for controlling the system.
  • The unit contains small parts which could be swallowed.
  • Radio systems transmitting on the same frequency can interfere with the unit.
  • Note that the range of the radio signal is limited by legislation and adjacent walls and buildings.

Note: The housing may show condensation water.
Intended use
The Aero-868/915 may only be used for the control of awnings and is not suitable for visual protection.
The Aero-868/915 Plus may only be used for the control of awnings and venetian blinds.
Third-party devices should only be connected after consultation with your specialised dealer.

  • Please ensure that the radio systems are not operated in areas where interference is a hazard (e.g. hospitals, airports …).
  • The remote control is only approved for units and systems for which any malfunction of the hand-held transmitter or receiver would not result in a risk to persons, animals or property, or if such a risk is covered by other safety devices.
  • The operator has no protection whatsoever from interference by other radio transmitters and devices (e.g. radio systems), that are normally used on the same frequency range.
  • Only use radio receivers with equipment and systems approved by the manufacturer.

elero Aero-868-915 Plus Radio Sensor - Intended use

Unit function

Light intensity and wind speed are measured at intervals and sent to the receiver for further processing.

Brightness above specified value (delay time approximately 5 – 7 minutes)| ➪ Awning extends (delay time approximately 5 – 7 minutes) (orange LED flashes).
Brightness below value (delay time approximately 15 – 17 minutes)| ➪ Awning retracts after delay time or remains retracted.
Wind value above specified value (wind lock)| ➪ Awning retracts or remains retracted and is blocked for around 15 minutes (red LED flashes).

The programmed hand-held transmitter can be used to switch the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915’s light function on or off. The wind function is always active.
Manual/auto switch-over has no effect on the function of the travel buttons.
Charging the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus
The Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus is supplied discharged.

  • Before using the Aero-868/915 for the first time, place it under a lamp/in the sun for at least 30 minutes or press a travel button for at least 1 minute to the 1st step only.

Note: The travel buttons have two steps.
The first step transfers energy from a built-in cell to the energy store.
The second step runs the travel command.
Setting the mode (awning, visual protection, roller shutter)
The Aero-868/915 Plus can be operated in three different modes.
You can switch through the modes in sequence.
The current mode of the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus is indicated by the transmission LED flashing.
When the system is supplied it is set by default to the awning mode.
A different mode can also be preset in OEM versions.
Awning mode (1 x flashing of the transmission LED)
The awning is automatically retracted when the current measured light value changes from 1 to 0 (late evening) or when the current measured light value changes from 0 to 1 (early morning).
Visual protection mode (only with Aero-868/915 Plus, 2 x flashing of the transmission LED)
To keep the blind closed in the evening too, close the blind manually using your hand-held transmitter or a timer.
The current transitions of the measured light values from 1 to 0 (late evening) or from 0 to 1 (early morning) will be ignored.
The blind will remain closed throughout the night.
The switching commands such as tilting position (venetian blind) or ventilation position (roller shutter) will be executed automatically the next day.
Roller shutter mode (only with Aero-868/915 Plus, 3 x flashing of the transmission LED).
If the roller shutter is operated manually or by a timer to the lower end position, the light function (travel according to specified light values) is switched off.
The current transitions of the measured light values from 1 to 0 (late evening) or from 0 to 1 (early morning) are ignored.
You can switch on the light function again in several different ways:

  • a manual UP travel command (button on the Aero-868/915 Plus) moves the shutter to the upper end position.
  • an automatic timer command moves the shutter to the upper end position.
  • by switching from AUTO mode to MANUAL mode and back to AUTO mode.

Changing the mode
You will find the multi-way switch for setting the wind threshold value on the underside of the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus.

  1. Use a small screwdriver to set the multi-way switch to Function.
  2. Press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons for at least 3 seconds.

Pressing the two buttons again switches to the next mode.
The current mode of the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus is indicated by the Transmit LED flashing.
The operating mode is indicated by the flashing signal.
Transmission LED flashes 1x ➙ awning mode
Transmission LED flashes 2x ➙ visual protection mode
Transmission LED flashes 3x ➙ roller shutter mode
The mode set is indicated at each radio transmission by the flashing of the transmission LED (LED flashing pattern 1x every 3 minutes). Set the multi-way switch back from Function to a wind value of your choice.
Programming the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus
The end positions of the awning are set, a transmitter is programmed.

  1. Move the blind to an intermediate position.

  2. Press and hold the UP, DOWN and P buttons on the programmed hand-held transmitter for at least 3 seconds.
    If the blind now travels UP and DOWN, continue at 4.
    If the blind does not travel UP and DOWN, continue at 3.

  3. Press and hold the STOP/P button on the Aero-868/915 / Aero 868/915 Plus for 3 seconds until the transmission LED begins flashing orange rapidly. The blind now moves UP and DOWN for 2 minutes. The transmission LED will flash orange rapidly every time a button is pressed if the system is in programming mode.

  4. Press the UP button on the unit immediately after the start of an up movement (retract) bmodesegins. The drive will stop briefly.

  5. Press the DOWN button on the unit immediately after the start of a down movement (extend) begins. The drive will stop.

The Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus is now programmed.

Symbols on the unit

Wind settings|
DOWN button|
UP button|
STOP/P button|
Light settings|

Setting the threshold values
On the underside of the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus you will find multi- way switches for setting the threshold values for wind and light; these can be adjusted using a small screwdriver.
Setting the threshold values
On the underside of the Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus you will find multi- way switches for setting the threshold values for wind and light; these can be adjusted using a small screwdriver.

Light| OFF ➙ light function is switched off
Step 1 ➙ extend in low light level
Steps 2-14 ➙ intermediate levels
Step 7 ➙ factory setting
Step 15 ➙ extend at a high light level
Wind| Function ➙ change the mode
Step 1 ➙ retract at low wind speed
Steps 2-10 ➙ intermediate levels
Step 4 ➙ factory setting
Step 11 ➙ retract at high wind speed

Checking the light function (test mode)
Condition: The blind is retracted.
The delay times are shortened in the test mode. You can then test the travel movement of your system when the light threshold is exceeded.

  1. Press the UP button (wind symbol) for at least 3 seconds until the transmission LED flashes.
    The test mode stays active for 5 minutes but the LED goes out.
    Risk of injury by the upward and downward travel of the awning/venetian blind
    The test mode is active for 5 minutes. This time cannot be shortened.
    Keep away from the operating range of the system.

  2. Shine a torch (not an LED lamp) on the light sensor.
    Specified light threshold value is exceeded
    ➙ blind extends/lowers after 5 seconds.
    ➙ orange LED flashes Light value falls below the specified threshold
    ➙ upward travel of the awning/blind after 15 seconds.
    ➙ orange LED stops flashing

You can repeat the operation as often as you want within 5 minutes.
In normal operation the orange LED flashes every 5 seconds and shows that the threshold values have been reached or exceeded.
Checking the wind function (test mode)
Condition: The blind is retracted.
You can then test the travel movement of your system when the threshold is exceeded or falls below the threshold specified.
The wind threshold value is automatically set to the lowest value during the test phase and is reset once the test phase (5 minutes) is over.

  1. Press the UP button (wind symbol) for at least 3 seconds until the transmission LED flashes.
    The test mode stays active for 5 minutes but the LED goes out.
    Risk of injury by the upward and downward travel of the awning/venetian blind.

    The test mode is active for 5 minutes. This time cannot be shortened.
    Keep away from the operating range of the system.

  2. Use the hand-held or wall transmitter to move the blind to an intermediate position.

  3. Turn the wind vane. The blind travels in/up immediately. The wind threshold value for wind is exceeded ➙ red LED flashes.

You can repeat the operation as often as you want within 5 minutes.
The wind alarm lock-out is not active in the test mode.
In normal operation the red LED flashes every 5 seconds and shows that the treshold values have been reached or exceeded.
Deleting the programmed Aero-868/915 or Aero-868/915 Plus
The wind multi-way switch must not be switched to “Function”. elero
Aero-868-915 Plus Radio Sensor - Deleting the programmedThe Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus is deleted from the receiver.

Mounting options

Risk of injury by the upward and downward travel of the awning/venetian blind.
Downwinds on the façade can lead to destruction of the equipment.
The Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus cannot detect these.
Please pay attention to this advice when choosing your mounting position.
Before mounting in the intended mounting position, check that the Aero-868/915/ Aero-868/915 Plus and the receiver work correctly. The Aero-868/915/Aero868/915 Plus must not be mounted under projecting structures.
Wall bracket
The Aero-868/915/ Aero-868/915 Plus can be fastened to the upper side of the roof or to the façade using the hinged wall bracket.
The wall bracket can be swivelled between -5° and 180°. Secure the required position once it has been set (see screw a).elero Aero-868-915 Plus Radio
Sensor - Wall bracket

Technical data

Power supply Solar
Temperature range -25 °C to +60 °C
Detection angle (light sensor) 150 °
Protection class IP 43
Radio frequency 868 MHz frequency band respectively

915 MHz frequency band
Aero-868/915 power reserve
Aero-868/915 Plus power reserve| ≥ 12 hours
≥ 24 hours

For the USA, Canada, Australia and some nations in South America the following applies:
Radio frequency: 915 MHz frequency band
The Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus must be freely accessible and must not be overgrown by vegetation.
The Aero-868/915 / Aero-868/915 Plus is maintenance-free.
However the cover must be cleaned from time to time using a damp cloth.
EC Declaration of conformity
Hereby elero declares, that the product complies with the basic requirements and the other relevant provisions of the EC directives 2014/53/EU. The complete declaration of conformity can be found in the download area of our website.

Fault Cause Remedy
• Awning is automatically retracted in the manual mode • Wind alarm
• Poor radio connection • Wait until the wind alarm lock-out is deactivated

(15 minutes) or briefly interrupt power supply.
• Change the position of the Aero-868/915 Aero 868/9155 Plus
• The travel commands can not be sent using the hand-held transmitter| • Wind alarm is active
• Battery in the handheld transmitter is discharched
• Motor has no power supply or is overheated| • Wait (15 minutes)
• Change battery
• Check power supply
and allow the motor to
cool down
• Awning is not retracted in windy conditions| • Wind threshold value is set incorrectly
• Wind vane is damaged| • Set correct value
• Replace
• Awning is not extended in sunny conditions| • Threshold set incorrectly
• Wind alarm is still active
• Manual mode is set
• Poor radio connection
• Light sensor is dirty
• Light threshold value (OFF setting)| • Set correct value
• Wait
• Set automatic mode
• Change the position of the Aero-868/915 Aero-868/915 Plus
• Clean light sensor
• Set appropriate level
• Receiver does not accept new Aero-868/915
Aero-868/915 Plus| • Aero-868/915
Aero-868/915 Plus has already been programmed| • Delete the Aero868/915 / Aero868/915 Plus

elero GmbH
Maybachstr. 30
73278 Schlierbach
Phone: +49 7021 9539-0
Fax: +49 7021 9539-212
Technical parameters subject to change

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