NIBE S1155PC Ground Source Heat Pump User Manual

June 11, 2024

NIBE S1155PC Ground Source Heat Pump


The NIBE S1155PC/S1255PC is a ground source heat pump that provides heating, cooling, and hot water to residential and commercial buildings. The system is controlled through a display unit that allows users to navigate and adjust settings easily. Smartguide is available to help users view information about the system’s current status and make the most common settings easily.

Product Overview

The product name is NIBE S1155PC/S1255PC, and the serial number is 01234567890123. The software service version is 1.0.0. The company AB phone number is available for contact. Users can update the software when it’s available by connecting the system to myUplink.

Usage Instructions

To navigate the system, lightly press on the display with your finger. If the menu has several sub-menus, drag up or down with your finger to see more information. The dots at the bottom edge indicate there are more pages, which can be browsed by dragging right or left with your finger.

Setting the Indoor Temperature
Users can adjust the indoor temperature by navigating to the Heating option under Climate System 1 and adjusting the offset as needed.

Increasing Hot Water Temperature
To increase the hot water temperature, navigate to the Hot Water option and select More Hot Water. Users can also start or stop a temporary increase in hot water temperature.



Smartguide helps you both to view information about the current status and to make the most common settings easily. The information that you see depends on the product you have and the accessories that are connected to the product

Increasing hot water temperature

  • Here, you can start or stop a temporary increase in the hot water temperature.
  • S1155PC: This function page is only visible in installations with a water heater.

Setting the indoor temperature.
Here, you can set the temperature in the installation’s zones.

Product overview
Here, you can find information about product name, the product’s serial number, the version of the software and service. When there is new software to download, you can do it here (provided that S1155PC/S1255PC is connected to myUplink).

If you experience a disturbance in comfort of any kind, there are various measures you can take yourself before contacting your installer. For instructions, see section “Troubleshooting”.

Important information

Installation data

Product S1155PC/S1255PC
Serial number, main unit
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 1
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 2
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 3
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 4
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 5
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 6
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 7
Serial number, subordinate heat pump 8
Installation date

Type of brine –

Mixing ratio/freezing point

Active drilling depth/collector length|
No.| Name| Fact. sett.| Set
---|---|---|---| heating curve (offset)| 0|| heating curve (curve slope)| 7|

Serial number must always be given.
Certification that the installation is carried out according to instructions in the accompanying installer manual and applicable regu

Serial number
The serial number can be found at the bottom right on S1155PC/S1255PC, in the display on the home screen “Product overview” and on the type plate.

Caution: You need the product’s (14 digit) serial number for servicing and support.

Heat pump function

A heat pump can use stored solar energy from rock, ground or water in order to heat a property. The conversion of energy stored in nature to property heating occurs in three different circuits. In the brine circuit, (1), free heat energy is retrieved from the surroundings and transported to the heat pump. The heat pump increases the retrieved heat’s low temperature to a high temperature in the refrigerant circuit, (2). The heat is distributed around the house in the heating medium circuit, (3).

The temperatures are only examples and may vary between different installations and time of year.

Brine circuit
In a hose, collector, an anti-freeze liquid, brine, circulates from the heat pump out to the heat source (rock/ground/lake). The energy from the heat source is stored by it heating the brine a few degrees, from about –3°C to about 0 °C. The collector then routes the brine to the heat pump’s evaporator. Here, the brine releases heat energy and the temperature drops a few degrees. The liquid then returns to the heat source to retrieve energy again.

Refrigerant circuit
Another liquid circulates in a closed system in the heat pump, a refrigerant, which also passes the evaporator. The refrigerant has a very low boiling point. In the evaporator the refrigerant receives the heat energy from the brine and starts to boil.

The gas that is produced during boiling is routed into an electrically powered compressor. When the gas is compressed, the pressure increases and the gas’s temperature increases considerably, from approx. 5ーC to approx. 100 ーC.
From the compressor, gas is forced into a heat exchanger, condenser, where it releases heat energy to the heating system in the house, whereupon the gas is cooled and condenses to a liquid form again.

As the pressure is still high, the refrigerant can pass an expansion valve, where the pressure drops so that the refrigerant returns to its original temperature. The refrigerant has now completed a full cycle. It is routed to the evaporator again and the process is repeated.

Heat medium circuit
The heating energy that the refrigerant releases in the condenser is retrieved by the heat pump’s boiler section. The heating medium circulates in a closed system and transports the heated water’s heat energy to the house water heater and radiators/heating coils.

Passive cooling
The brine can also be circulated via a mixing valve to a heat exchanger. There the brine cools the heating system’s water so that comfort cooling can be maintained during the hotter periods of the year.

Control Introduction

Display unit

The status lamp shows how well your system is operating. It:

  • lights up white during normal operation.
  • lights yellow in emergency mode.
  • lights red in the event of a deployed alarm.
  • flashes white during active notice.
  • is blue when S1155PC/S1255PC is switched off.

If the status lamp is red, you receive information and suggestions for suitable actions on the display.

TIP: You also receive this information via myUplink

Above the display, there is a USB port that can be used e.g. for updating the software. Log into and click the “General” and then “Software” tab to download the latest version of the software for your installation.

S1155PC/S1255PC has a touchscreen where you simply navigate by pressing and dragging with your finger.

Most options and functions are activated by lightly pressing on the display with your finger.


  • The dots at the bottom edge show that there are more pages.
  • Drag to the right or left with your finger to browse between the pages.


  • If the menu has several sub-menus, you can see more information by dragging up or down with your finger.


  • Press the setting you want to change.
  • If it is an on/off setting, it changes as soon as you press it.
  • If there are several possible values, a spinning-wheel appears that you drag up or down to find the desired value
  • Press to save your change, or if you don’t want tomake a change.

Factory set values are marked with *.
Your installer may have chosen other values that suit your system better NIBE-S1155PC-Ground-Source-Heat-Pump-FIG-15


In many menus there is a symbol that indicates that extra help is available.
Press the symbol to open the help text.
You may need to drag with your finger to see all text.


Smartguide helps you both to view information about the current status and to make the most common settings easily. The information that you see depends on the product you have and the accessories that are connected to the product.Select an option and press it to proceed. The instructions on the screen help you to choose correctly or give you information about what is happening.

Function pages

  • On the function pages, you can both view information about the current status and easily make the most common settings.
  • The function pages that you see depend on the product you have and the accessories that are connected to the product.

Drag to the right or left with your finger to browse between the function pages

Press the card to adjust the desired value. On certain functionpages, drag your finger up or down to obtain more cards.

Product overview
It can be a good idea to have the product overview open during any service cases. You can find it among the function pages.
Here, you can find information about product name, the product’s serial number, the version of the software and service. When there is new software to download, you can do it here (provided that S1155PC/S1255PC is connected to myUplink).

Drop-down menu
From the home screens, you reach a new window containing further information by dragging down a drop-down menu

The drop-down menu shows the current status for S1155PC/S1255PC, what is in operation and what S1155PC/S1255PC is doing at the moment. The functions that are in operation are highlighted with a frame Press the icons on the menu’s lower edge for more information about each function. Use the scroll bar to view all information for the selected function.

In the menu tree, you can find all menus and can make more advanced settings .NIBE-S1155PC-Ground-Source-Heat-Pump-FIG-24

Menu system

  • MENU TREE: The menu tree consists of eight main menus. For a detailed description, see the Installer Manual.
  • Menu 1 – Indoor climate: Here, you make settings for indoor temperatures and ventilation (accessory is required).
  • Menu 2 – Hot water: You make settings for hot water operation here. S1155PC: This menu is only visible in installations with water heaters.
  • Menu 3 – Info: Here, you can read current operating information and you can find various logs with older information
  • Menu 4 – My system: Here, you set date, language, operating mode, etc.
  • Menu 5 – Connection: Here, you connect your system to myUplink and make network settings.
  • Menu 6 – Scheduling: Here, you schedule different parts of the system.
  • Menu 7 – Installer settings: Advanced settings are made here. This menu is only intended for installers or service engineers.
  • Menu 8 – USB: This menu lights up when a USB memory is connected. You can update the software here, for examp

my Uplink
With myUplink you can control the installation – where and when you want. In the event of any malfunction, you receive an alarm directly to your e-mail or a push notification to the myUplink app, which allows you to take prompt action.
Visit for more information.

Caution: Before you can start using myUplink, the product has to be installed and set up according to the instructions in the Installer Manual


You need the following in order for myUplink to be able to communicate with your S1155PC/S1255PC:

  • wireless network or network cable
  • Internet connection
  • account on
    We recommend our mobile apps for myUplink.


To connect your system to myUplink:

  1. Select connection type (wifi/Ethernet) in menu 5.2.1 or 5.2.2.
  2. Scroll down in menu 5.1 and select “Request new connection string”.
  3. When a connection string has been produced, it is shown in this menu and is valid for 60 minutes.
  4. If you do not already have an account, register in themobile app or on
  5. Use this connection string to connect your installation to your user account on myUplink.

Range of services
myUplink gives you access to various levels of service. The base level is included and, apart from this, you can choose two premium services for a fixed annual fee (the fee varies depending on the functions selected).

Service level| Basic| Premium extended history| Premium change set- tings
Viewer| X| X| X
Alarm| X| X| X
History| X| X| X
Extended history| –| X| –
Manage| –| –| X

Maintenance of S1155PC/S1255PC

Regular checks

  • You should check your installation at regular intervals.
  • If anything unusual occurs, messages about the malfunction appear in the display in the form of different alarm texts.

BRINE: The brine that obtains the heat in the ground is not normally consumed, but just pumped around.

LEK: Your installation includes an expansion vessel, where you can check the pressure in the system. The pressure may vary slightly due to the temperature of the fluid. The pressure should not fall below 0.5 bar.

  • Ask your installer if you are unsure where the expansion vessel is located.
  • Your installer can also help you to top-up if the pressure has dropped.


  • For installations with a water heater.
  • You can find the safety valve on the incoming pipe (cold water) to the water heater.


  • You can find the safety valve on the incoming pipe (cold water) to S1255PC.
  • The water heater’s safety valve sometimes releases a little water after hot water usage. This is because the cold water, which enters the water heater to replace the hot water, expands when heated causing the pressure to rise and the safety valve to open.

The function of the safety valve must be checked regularly. Perform checks as follows:

  1. Open the valve.
  2. Check that water is flowing through it.
  3. Close the valve

TIP: The safety valve is fitted by your installer. Contact your installer if you are unsure how to check it.

Saving tips

  • Your heat pump installation produces heat and hot water.
  • This occurs via the control settings you made.

Factors that affect the energy consumption are, for example, indoor temperature, hot water consumption, the insulation level of the house and whether the house has many large window surfaces. The position of the house, e.g. wind exposure is also an affecting factor.

Also remember:

  • Open the thermostat valves completely (except in rooms where you want it to be cooler). This is important, as fully or partially closed thermostat valves slow the flow in the climate system, which results in S1155PC/S1255PC working at a higher temperature. This in turn can lead to increased energy consumption.
  • You can lower the operating cost when away from home by scheduling selected parts of the system. This is done in menu 6 – “Scheduling”.
  • If you select “Small” in menu 2.2 – “Hot water demand”, less energy is used.

Disturbances in comfort

In most cases, S1155PC/S1255PC notes a malfunction (a malfunction can lead to disruption in comfort) and indicates this with alarms, and instructions for action, in the display

All the heat pump’s measurement values are gathered under menu 3.1 – “Operating info” in the heat pump’s menu system. Examining the values in this menu can often make it easier to identify the source of the fault.

Manage alarm
In the event of an alarm, a malfunction has occurred and the status lamp shines with a steady red light. You receive information about the alarm in the smartguide on the display.

In the event of an alarm with a red status lamp, a malfunction has occurred that S1155PC/S1255PC cannot remedy itself. On the display, you can see what type of alarm it is and reset it.

In many cases, it is sufficient to select “Reset alarm and try again” for the installation to revert to normal operation.
If a white light comes on after selecting “Reset alarm and try again”, the alarm has been remedied.

“Auxiliary operation” is a type of emergency mode. This means that the installation attempts to produce heat and/or hot water, even though there is some kind of problem. This could mean that the heat pump’s compressor is not in operation.
In this case, any electric additional heat produces heat and/or hot water.

Selecting “Auxiliary operation” is not the same as correcting the problem that caused the alarm. The status lamp will therefore remain red.

If the alarm does not reset, contact your installer for suitable remedial action.


If there are disturbances in comfort, users can refer to the Troubleshooting section in the user manual before contacting their installer. Regular checks should be performed as outlined in the Maintenance section to ensure the system is functioning properly.

If the operational interference is not shown in the display the following tips can be used:


Start by checking the following items:

  • Group and main fuses of the accommodation.
  • The property’s earth circuit breaker.


S1155PC: This part of the fault-tracing chapter only applies if a water heater is installed in the system.

  • Closed or throttled externally mounted filling valve for thehot water.
    • Open the valve.
  • Mixing valve (if there is one installed) set too low.
    • Adjust the mixer valve.
  • S1155PC/S1255PC in incorrect operating mode.
    • Contact your installer!
  • Large hot water consumption.
    • Wait until the hot water has heated up. Temporarily increased hot water capacity can be activated in the “Hot water” home screen, in menu 2.1 – “More hot water” or   via myUplink.
  • Too low hot water setting.
    • Enter menu 2.2 – “Hot water demand” and select a higher demand mod
  • Low hot water access with the “Smart Control” function active.
    • If the hot water usage has been low for an extended period of time, less hot water than normal will be produced. Activate “More hot water” via the “Hot water” home screen, in menu 2.1 – “More hot water” or via my- Uplink.
  • Too low or no operating prioritisation of hot water.
    • Contact your installer!
  • “Holiday” activated in menu 6.
    • Enter menu 6 and deactivate.


  • Closed thermostats in several rooms.
    • Set the thermostats to max in as many rooms as possible. Adjust the room temperature via the “Heating” home screen, rather than turning down the thermostats.
  • S1155PC/S1255PC in incorrect operating mode.
    • Contact your installer!
  • Too low set value on the automatic heating control.
    • Go to the Smartguide for help in increasing heating. You can also change the heating in the “Heating” home screen.
  • Too low or no operating prioritisation of heat.
    • Contact your installer!
  • “Holiday” activated in menu 6 – “Scheduling”.
    • Enter menu 6 and deactivate.
  • External switch for changing room temperature activated.
    • Check any external switches.
  • Air in the climate system.
    • Vent the climate system.
  • Closed valves to the climate system
    • Open the valves (contact your installer for assistance in finding them)


  • Too high set value on the automatic heating control.
    • Go to the Smartguide for help in lowering the heating. You can also change the heating from the “Heating” home screen.
  • External switch for changing room temperature activated.
    • Check any external switches.


  • Incorrectly set heating curve.
    • Fine-tune the heating curve in menu 1.30.1.
  • Too high set value on “dT at DOT”..
    • Contact your installer!
  • Uneven flow over the radiators.
    • Contact your installer!
  • Not enough water in the climate system.
    • Fill the climate system with water and check for leaks.
      In event of repeated filling, contact the installer.


  • There is no heating or hot water demand, nor cooling demand.
    • S1155PC/S1255PC does not call on heating, hot water or cooling.
  • Compressor blocked due to the temperature conditions.
    • Wait until the temperature is within the product’s working range.
  • Minimum time between compressor starts has not been reached.
    • Wait for at least 30 minutes and then check if the compressor has started.
  • Alarm tripped.
    • Follow the display instructions.


  • Closed thermostats in the rooms and incorrectly set heating curve.
    • Set the thermostats to max in as many rooms as possible. Fine-tune the heating curve via home screen heating, rather than choking the thermostats.
  • • Circulation pump speed set too high.
    • Contact your installer!
  • • Uneven flow over the radiators.
    • Contact your installer!

Only additional heat

If you are unsuccessful in rectifying the fault and are unable to heat the house, you can continue running the heat pump in emergency mode, or “Add. heat only” mode, while waiting for assistance. “Add. heat only” mode means that the heat pump only uses the immersion heater to heat the house.

Set the heat pump to additional heat mode

  1. Go to menu 4.1 – “Operating mode”.
  2. Select “Add. heat only”.

Emergency mode

  • You can activate the emergency mode both when S1155PC/S1255PC is running and when it is switched off.
  • To switch off, restart or activate emergency mode: press and hold the on/off button for 2 seconds. This brings up a menu with various options.
  • To activate emergency mode when S1155PC/S1255PC is switched off: press and hold the on/off button for 5 seconds.
    (Deactivate the emergency mode by pressing once.)

Contact information

  • Address: KNV Energietechnik GmbH Gahberggasse 11, 4861 Schörfling
  • Tel: +43 (0)7662 8963-0
  • [email protected]
  • Address: NIBE Energy Systems Oy Juurakkotie 3, 01510 Vantaa
  • Tel: +358 (0)9 274 6970
  • [email protected]
  • Address: NIBE Energy Systems Ltd 3C Broom Business Park, Bridge Way, S41 9QG Chesterfield
  • Tel: +44 (0)330 311 2201
  • [email protected]
  • NIBE-BIAWAR Sp. z o.o.
  • Address: Al. Jana Pawla II 57, 15-703 Bialystok
  • Tel: +48 (0)85 66 28 490
  • Address: NIBE Wärmetechnik c/o ait Schweiz AG Industriepark, CH-6246 Altishofen
  • Tel. +41 (0)58 252 21 00
  • [email protected]


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