boAt WAVE FORCE Smartwatch User Manual
- June 9, 2024
- Boat
Table of Contents
WAVE FORCE Smartwatch
Screen Time
Adjust the screen time out from here
Raise To Wake
Enable this f~ t ure from here, you can adjust the w;;1k1i time als.o.
EMble power :.avlng mode trom here
Vibration Intensity
Adjust the vibration lnten:;:ity to soft, strong or tum ott the
vibration from here.
QR Code
Scan arid downloacf the boi;t:t Crest app from here
■ .
• boAt Wave Force x1
• USB ma904t1c chaq:11ng cabla }(1
• Usrwr M;;1nual x1
• Warranty Card xl
The smartwatch must be charged b8to,e lnitlal u:..e. It take,: up to 2 hour:.
to bi& fully charged.
ConMct and charge the watch with the Jmage below as a reference, u::ln9 a
5V/2A adapter
To tum the watch on/off, long•press the side button
for 3-S second::.
You can wake up the scr.ien by lf~ing your wrist.
You can set or change your watch password from here.
System Info
Shows the device detail:..
Tap on this to reset watch data.
Wo te: All data w /11 be erased If watch Is r”eset.
Shut down
Tap on this to switch your watch off.
You can access ONO, Brlghtne~. Settings. find my phone.
Phone, voice assistant
1. Downroad the boAt Crest ;;1pp on your phone
Available on both App StOr’O (lOS 13.0 .!Ind above) ar’ld
Google Play Store ( Android 7,0 and above)
Scan [QR CODE) ( Al5o avail able on the watch)
2. Connect the device with the boAt Crest ,ppp; en;ure that the
phone·s Bluetooth as welt as the GPS tonetionalities are turned on
3. Setlict Wave Force on the home ;creen of thli app and
cllck pair to connt>ct.
4. Once c-onnected, you will 9et an alert to c:.onneet with FORCEBT, dick
pair If need to
receive or ma”:e calls from th.i watch
4. To u~e .!ill featu(~1 of your wave Foree s~mlessly, tap on •yes’ to the
‘conMction· Md
‘grant access· system prompt,
S. Ol~ble battery optlmluition
i#i-i¥1 tl#D
Note: To ensure c:onneetlvlty throughout your Journey, m.,ke sure tM app /$
allowed to run In
the background of your phone 4 t aft times.
Data Synchronizat ion
Op~n the app on your phone.
• M;;1ki1 ;ur.i yovr Wavfi Force i; connectlid to the app
• Synchroni:uitlon wlll start automat!C,!lllly once you enter tho ai::>i::>
Synchronize data c1t least once a day to avoid data loss in the watt:h,
Model boAt W•ve Force
Screen type 1.83″” HD Disp lay
Battery capacity 410 mAh
Net weight 3 5.Sg
Bluet o oth version BLE 5.2 + BT3.0
Working temperature 0•40′(
Charging time up to 2 hours
Working t ime up to 2 cloys with BT coll Ing.
up to 7 days ln normal mode
Maximum transmit power 4dBm
Frequency band 2402Mhz•2480Mhz
R99ular1y cle,i;in your wrist ;;1nd the strap of the smartwatch, e~paciiillly
alter sweating
during exerebe or being exposed to sub:tances such a: soap or detergent, which
git stuck on the other 4jll/j of the prottuct.
Do not wa:h the :tr’llP with ll household ele&nser. Please ose soap less
detergent, rinse
thorou9hly .!.nd wipe wlth ,!II piece of soft towel or napkin .
For spots or stains that are not ea:.y to remove, scrub the area with rvbbing
alcohol and
then rollow the above Qrocedure.
Search for the app to connect keeps failing
1. Keep the boAt Crest &i:>i::> updated to the letost ver::ton
2. Close ell the programs on the wetch-> Stop and restart Bluetooth end GPS
-> Connect again
3 Chec-k and en;;1bte not ification functions of your phone and keep the phone
and watch in
dose contact.
Notfl: Make sure your phon9 .syst41m mHt.$ Android 7.0 ;md above and 1Os rs.o
and above
Choose from multiple :;ports mode like Walking, running, climbing.
cycling, basketball, badminton, footbatl, elliptical, yoga. table tennis,
:.kis:,pln9, tennl: . beseb.111, rugby, hual hoop, golf, long Jump. :alt up,
T.!i::> on any .Sl’.>Ott mode to :.tart the activ ity. Press any side button
swipe right to pause or stop the activity. If the activ ity is le:;s than 3
mins, it will not be nilcorded.
Sync your smartwateh to the app to get the detalled analysis.
Workout records
Check you daily won<.out records hwe,
Heart Rate Monitor
Wear the watch on your wrist, slide twice towarcfs lefl: on
tM screen then click on the 1con to stert measorement:.. You
can i;t:lso view the d;;1ta on the as:,p.
Note: Mea.surements arfl for reference only and not for
med/cal p urPQses.
Sleep Monitor
Tai::> on the Icon to review the sleep data of the prl:!’v1ou::;: night.
On<;& the asleep crlterill ete met, your :mertw&tch will :.tart recotdlng
from 8 pm at night to 10 am in the morning the next day,
Once you lie down and watch detects no movement for 30 minutes, it
wilt start recording, and
w,11 stop raeordlng It It detects exce:.slve movement.
You cen check the data on the a.pp only etter the awake crlterte Is met.
You can also track sleep scores on the boAt Cre:;t app,
·For accurate sl fJe/J data rfJCOrding, the asleep criteria have to be mflt
which Includes limited
movement, wrist positions find angles, and more.
“Thfl awake criteria will be mflt only af ter it records some noticfJ<lble
My Wave Force Is receiving no alerts, texts, or phone calls
Meke sure smart reminders on the ,!llpp ue on and synced to the Wave Force.
Also make sure your notification center of the phone is displaying messages,
Only then will your
smartwatch also display those notifications.
Make :.ure apJ) Is running In the back9round and battery oi::>tlm1uit!on
teetore on the J)hone f:.
My Bluetooth keeps getting disconnected
1. Mt1k& :ure there Is not more tha.n 7m dlstence between Bluetooth on the
,:,hone end tho wetch.
2. Thete Is no obstacle In between the watch and the phone.
3 Make sure the app is rvnning in background
Which functions of the Wave Force need Bluetooth to work?
Call & Text Notlticatlons, Find My Phone, music control, camen control,
weather forecast, eloud
end custom watch faces and Bluetooth celling need Bluetooth connaetlvlty to
WUI It be okay to tako a bath wearing the wave Force?
Th.i lP68 water resistance wil1 only work under ttie following conditions·
(1) Maximum depth of water: 7.Sm (2) Maximum t{me for expo:ure to water: 10
The wat ch isn’t suitable tor hot baths, hot springs. saunas, snorkeling ,
diving, water skiing and
other wading or deep•wat.i-r activities with high-spe&d watlir flow
Do not disassemble, bore or damage the battery,
Do not disassemble the built in batteries of non-replac,;iable battery
Do not use sharp obfects to remove the battery.
• If you are wearing a pacemaker or other ele-ctronic dev ices,
please consl.lft your
doctor before using tile heart rate monitor of the watch
The optical heart rate sensor wdl glow green. If you surf’er from ei::>llepsy
or are sens!Uve to
blinking light sources, please consult y our physician before wearing this
• The device track~ your daily activities through sensors. This data is
intend~ to tetl you about
your daily actlvltle, such as ~tes:,s, sleap, distance, heart r,!lll& end
ealorl~. but may not be
completely accurate
Blood Oxygen
Weer the watch on your wrist, pre,:s the side button then
click on the icon to start m~asurements You can cils.o view
the data on the app,
Note: MHsurements are for r eference only ar,d not for
me<J;cal ,wrposfls.
Check your notltlcatlon from this menu option
Connect with the boAt crest app to g~t daily weat her updates
on the watch
Track your m.instrual cycle and ovulation period from here,
Make tufe this toature ls enabled Uom t he boat Crest app_
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