Hanwha Techwin PNB-A9001 IP Camera User Guide

June 9, 2024
Hanwha Techwin

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Hanwha Techwin PNB-A9001 IP Camera

Product Information

WisenetRoadAI Application User Guide

The WisenetRoadAI application is designed to work with Hanwha AI cameras and allows users to view live recognitions, stored events,and historical data. The application consists of six tabs: Events,Statistics, About, Notification, Search, and Settings. Each tab has its own set of features that users can use to customize their experience.

Product Usage Instructions

To use the WisenetRoadAI application, follow the instructions below:

Events Tab Features

  • Full-Screen Mode / Windowed Mode: To view the live image from the camera in full-screen mode, click on the full-screen mode icon. To exit full-screen mode back to windowed mode, click anywhere.
  • List Mode: To enable the list display of events, click on the corresponding button. Such event parameters as Date/Time, Plate, Photo, Country, Type, Brand, Model and Color are displayed as a table. The events are displayed in a list from the newest to the oldest.
  • List Display Mode: To display full event data in List mode and enable image viewing, it is needed to expand the selected event data. This menu allows viewing images in full-screen mode (click on the button in the right bottom corner of a photo), as well as to add the selected plate number to the white or black list.
  • Table Display Mode: To enable the display of events as a table, click on the corresponding button. In this mode events and their parameters (Date/Time, Plate, Direction, Photo,Country, Type, Brand, Model Color) are displayed in blocks.

Statistics Tab Features:

  • Vehicles for a day and vehicles for a week widgets: These widgets show the number of vehicles that passed through the camera for a day and a week.
  • Top-5 brands and Top-5 models widgets: These widgets display the top 5 brands and models of vehicles that passed through the camera.
  • Vehicles types: This section displays a pie chart showing the different types of vehicles that passed through the camera.

About Tab Features:

  • Data on the About page: This section displays information about the application, including its version, build date, and developer.

Notification Tab Features:

  • Notification feature: This feature allows users to receive notifications when specific events occur, such as when a blacklisted vehicle passes through the camera.

Search Tab Features:

  • Search by plate and color: This feature allows users to search for events by plate number and color.
  • Search by country, make, and model: This feature allows users to search for events by country, make, and model of the vehicle.
  • Search by date and date range: This feature allows users to search for events within a specific date or date range.

Settings Tab Features

  • Setting up WisenetRoadAI: This section allows users to configure settings related to the application, such as the language, time zone, and unit of measurement.
  • Setting up Events: This section allows users to configure settings related to event display and notification.
  • Integration options: This section allows users to integrate the application with other systems.
  • List settings: This section allows users to configure settings related to the white and black lists.
  • Updating App: This section allows users to update the application to the latest version.
  • DB Export & Import: This section allows users to export and import event data.


If you encounter any issues while using the WisenetRoadAI application, refer to the Troubleshooting section of the user manual for tips and recommendations on how to resolve the issue.

This document contains tips and recommendations on how to use WisenetRoadAI application running on Hanwha AI cameras.

This document describes the following application sections:

  • Live view of the recognitions in Events tab.
  • Work with Notifications
  • Look for the stored events in Search tab
  • Review historical data in Statistics
  • Configure the application in Settings
  • App status and recovery options in About tab


Full Screen Mode / Windowed Mode

  • Full-screen mode allows you to use the entire screen area but not a small window.
  • To view the live image from the camera in full-screen mode, click on the full-screen mode icon.
  • To exit full-screen mode back to windowed mode, click anywhere.

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List Mode

To enable the list display of events, click on the A corresponding button. Such event parameters B as Date/Time, Plate,Photo, Country, Type, Brand, Model and Color are displayed as a table. The events are displayed in a list from the newest to the oldest.

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After moving the cursor over the Country,Type, and Brand icons, a popup window demonstrates the required field’s value.

List display mode

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  • A To display full event data in List mode and enable image viewing, it is needed to expand the selected event data.
  • This menu allows viewing images in full screen mode (click on the B button in the right bottom corner of a photo), as well as C to add the selected plate number to the white or black list.
  • The display of the new events will be paused until the list is collapsed. After collapsing, the list will be updated with past events. If the list isn’t collapsed manually, it will be updated automatically in a minute.

Table display mode

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  • To enable the display of events as a table, click on the A corresponding button. In this mode events and their parameters (Date/Time, Plate, Direction, Photo, Country, Type, Brand, Model и Color) are displayed in blocks.
  • After moving the cursor over the B Country, Type and Brand buttons, a popup window demonstrates the value of the required field.
  • This menu allows viewing images in full-screen mode (click on the C button in the right bottom corner of a photo). However, you can not add the selected plate number either to the white or black list.


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  • Navigation through the events tab is done using the left and right arrows below the events list. You can also use numbered buttons pointing to the page.
  • The events are displayed from the newest on the first page to the oldest on the thirteenth page.
  • The number of displayed items is limited to 500.


Vehicles for a day and vehicles for a week widgets

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  • On the Statistics tab, users can familiarize themselves with the statistics on different parameters displayed on the widgets.
  • A The Vehicles widget displays the statistics on the number of cars for the last 24 hours. After moving the cursor over a certain place on the widget, the user will be able to see the number of cars for the specified hour.
  • B The Vehicles for a week widget displays the statistics on the number of cars for the last week. After moving the cursor over a certain date on the widget, the user will be able to see the number of cars for the specified 24 hours.

Top-5 brands and Top-5 models widgets

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  • A The Top-5 brands widget shows the car brands statistics based on their statistical distribution (no more than 10,000 latest cars are taken into account, due to the limitation of the database size).
  • B The Top-5 models widget shows the car models statistics based on their statistical distribution (no more than 10,000 latest cars are taken into account, due to the limitation of the database size).

Vehicles types

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  • A The Types widget shows the car brands statistics based on their statistical distribution (no more than 10,000 latest cars are taken into account, due to the limitation of the database size).


Data on the About page

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  • The A status of the SD card are shown on the ABOUT page.
  • B Export/Import buttons allow user to store current configuration and database for later re-use.
    NOTE: Please be aware that the event images are stored on the SD-card and will not be exported.

Notification feature

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  • The notification tab allows the user to see license plate numbers that were added either to the white or black list in real-time.
  • The user can choose the display mode: Table mode A , List mode B , similar to the Events tab.
  • Display by the black and white list is switched by the corresponding buttons ( C , D ).


Search by plate and color

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  • The Search tab allows searching by plate, color, date and a combination of these criteria.
  • A To search by color, the user must select the search string and start entering the color. B After that, the user must select the desired color from the list and C click the Search button.
  • License plate search can be partial plate numbers or any characters that contains with in the plate.

Search by country, make and model

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  • To search by country, Make or model the user must select the search string and start entering the first letters. After that, the user must select the desired country, make or model from the list and click the search button.
  • Search results can always be saved to the user’s device by clicking the Export CSV button.

Search by date and date range

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  • To search by date, A click From or To box and B select the start or end date of the search.
  • The user can search with or without the start / end date. The user can also combine search by date with search by license plate and / or color.
  • The depth of the search results database is 10000.


Setting up WisenetRoadAI

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A The first option should be to define the Region

  1. As you go in to the settings menu, choose the correct region that matches your country/region. The default region given is Europe. If you are in any other region or country, use the pull down menu to choose the region/country that matches your geographical area.

  2. Save the settings.
    Note: You need to stop and start the application for the regions to take effect. This can be done from the web interface of the camera, under open platform settings.

  3. Once you restart the application and come to the settings page continue with other settings as given next page.

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  • A The application settings allow the user to move the or resize the frame with in which the reading takes place.
  • B Change resolution (3840×2160 or 1920×1080)
  • C Switch on/off the Plate size measurement
  • D Add License Plate Recognition Area
  • E Freeze the frame
  • F Save the corresponding sections by clicking the Recommended camera settings button

Setting up Events

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  • A In the Events settings, the user can specify the number of events displayed on a page.
  • Changing this parameter will lead to changes on the Event,Notification and Search pages.
  • Event quantity per page should be with in 10 to 50.

Integration options

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  • In the Integration options section, the user can select one or several options from the proposed variants: A JSON via HTTP(s) integration and B Wave integration.
  • To select the integration, the user must check the box next to the selected method.
  • To ensure the correct work/operation of each method, the user must fill in all the fields displayed in this method and save the changes.

List settings

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In the List settings section, the user can set reactions to events from the white and black list.

  • A To select a reaction, the user must click drop-down list button.
  • Two reactions are available: No reaction and Open barrier.
  • You can also rename the title of the list. By default it is know an Black /white list, but you can edit the name. It can be done in the following ways:
  • Click B Edit icon on the top of the list. It allows editing already added plates.
  • C Enter a number and then click the Add button.
  • D Import the list in the .csv format
  • You can also add white list and black list from the Events menu directly by right clicking on any of the plate events.

Updating App

To update App, the user need to go back to camera web viewer.

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  • A Go to Open platform section in camera web viewer

  • B Click Stop box to stop Wisenet Road AI App
    It is very important process to stop App before updating App

  • C Click “….” box to select App file to update

  • D Click Intall box to update App

DB Export & Import
Go to Wisenet Road AI application tab and select ABOUT from the pull down menu.

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  • Select A to export current stored DB to another place in connected PC.
  • It is highly recommended to export DB after all of settings have been finalized.
  • B Check the file to be downloaded
  • Select C to import DB and select D for the place that DB is placed.

Restart App


  • How to install the application
    You will have Wisenet RoadAI application pre-installed. In case you need to manually install the app (e.g. update app with the latest version) the installation package is required from Hanwha Techwin website.
    If you are upgrading the existing application it is recomended to stop the app before installing the newer version. Check the compatible firmware version and upgrade the camera if necessary. Check that you have one of the supported camera models: PNO-A9081RLP, PNV-A9081RLP, PNB-A9001LP
    Please keep in mind that the latest firmware version support could lag for a few weeks, so do not rush to upgrade the camera without confirmation of compatibility.

  • Applications restarts from time to time – is that normal?
    Both your camera and the application have protective mechanisms to avoid crashes and stalling. Those watchdogs could restart the application. Please contact the support if the situation happens too often.
    Check that built-in video-analytics are disabled, as they consume camera’s resources and affect application performance; micro SD-card health; camera’s firmware version is compatible.

  • Do I need an micro SD-card?
    The micro SD-card is needed to store the images of the events.
    Also, it is mandatory to have micro SD-card installed and operational to send data via HTTP(s) integration and store application’s logs.
    Your camera have an micro SD-card(32Gb) pre-inserted. In case you need to change it, please select a compatible option (32Gb at least, class 10).

  • I do not see event’s images in the application
    Please check the following:

    • Micro SD-card is inserted in the camera
    • Micro SD-card status is OPERATING in the About tab
    • Micro SD-card is class 10
      Try to restart the camera to re-initialize the microSD-card if all the above are OK.
  • How to obtain logs?
    In some cases additional information needed to check the issues with the application.
    There are two types of logs: 1) in-camera, 2) in-application ones.
    In-camera logs are accessible through camera configuration in System>Log section.
    In-application logs could be downloaded via your browser after hitting this combination, while on the app’s page:
    Ctrl +Alt+ Shift+ L
    Also, you can change the log-level (the amount of stored data) with Ctrl +Alt+ Shift+ , where is in range 1..7.
    The default level is 4.
    Please keep in mind that micro SD-card is needed to store and download logs.
    Also, log-levels higher than 4 provide massive amounts of data, so would both increase the log size, micro SD-card usage and could affect application’s performance.
    Alternative method to access logs if camera is hidden bedding the router is to use the following link
    http:///home/setup/opensdk/html/WisenetRoadAI/logs/WisenetRoadAI_logs.log?AppName=WisenetRoadAI In some cases more details could be requested.
    Useful links to check application status:
    The application configuration is stored here
    Check if integration with VMS (SSM, Milestone, Genetec) is enabled
    Check the latest integration event
    Check the integration message schema
    Check internal camera debug information

  • How can I delete all Number Plates from the SD Card to have an empty database?
    You can format the micro SD-card after removing it from a camera. That will remove stored images without removing the events from the database. Re- installing the app would clear the database. Also, you can import empty database in the About tab.

  • How many events can be stored?
    The application stores up to 10.000 events in the camera. You can increase the number of events by saving them on the back-end side via different integration types available.

  • Bad recognition at night. How to fix that?
    This might be result of:

1. Improper focusing. Consider that the area with sharp details varies during daytime and nighttime. You can even configure two setups for day and night recognition with different focus.
2. AGC (automatic gain control) is set to Normal or High, which results in noise and affects recognition performance.
3. Shutter speed is low (slower than recommended 1/300)
4. IR power is not configured properly (either vehicle is too far and IR is not enough or too close that plates are over-exposed; also closer to frame borders a vignette effect is strong). Consider using external IR for longer distances or higher vehicle speeds.
5. Camera does not switch to the B/W mode during nighttime, as in case of high illumination it can stay in Color mode, but the conditions would be poor for plates reading and IR would not affect the image.  

Application does not recognize Make, Model and color at night. This is normal. With the help of IR, it can read only
the plate numbers. Occasionally it gives the make and model but it may not be the exact match due to poor lighting conditions.

  • Do I need to activate the application after installation?
    You do not need to activate the application in any way – you can install it on any of the supported camera models and use it right away.

  • Application does not recognize licence plates, vehicle models
    Check if the application is installed. Follow the installation guides to configure the whole setup properly.
    Check whether the application is running.
    Check the Image requirements in case you have a video in a preview, but do not have recognition.
    Do you use a supported browser? Recommended browsers.
    Use Plate Size checker and Freeze Frame tools in the settings tab to check if the plate size, roll angle, positioning are valid. Change the application resolution to FullHD if plates are too big or to 4K if they are too small. Adjust plate’s size with camera’s zoom.
    Make sure to start the application. It is recommended to use the ‘Enable Auto Start” function for convenience.
    If you go in to the Wisent Road AI app with out actually starting the app, you only get a black screen with Wisenet Road AI.

  • Image requirements
    Plates should fit the following restrictions for better recognition :

    • Clearly visible and readable by human

    • Plate roll angle is less than 5˚
      Check for details in Installation Guide.

    • Plate width should be in range of 130-350 pixels on a picture

    • Plate pitch and yaw angles are less than 30˚

  • Recommended browsers
    We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Check details in the Installation Guide, section Camera Settings > Important note on web browsers

  • False recognitions: grass / asphalt / textures detected

1. Configure the recognition area in the Settings tab to avoid appearance of unnecessary texture and limit it only to plates appearance zone.
2. Use manual focusing in camera settings and adjust focus to provide a sharp picture of license plates in the area they appear.
  • False recognition: low picture quality
    Try improving picture quality through camera settings: Sharpness, focus, exposure

  • False recognition: small objects detected
    Change Area of Interest in the Settings tab to avoid detecting small plates. Use zoom or in-app resolution to adjust.

  • Can’t see video in browser

1. Check whether you use supported browser if you are in the same network with camera.
2. Port 6162 from camera should be forwarded through router to view video from remote network.
  • Recommended Settings does not apply
    Some of the camera’s settings are interconnected. Try to reset Video setting to default and use Recommended Settings button, or just follow the Installation Guide to set the camera manually.

  • Region selection, resolution selection does not apply
    Changing region and resolution will apply to GUI firstly. You need to restart the application in the Open Platform section of camera setting to fully apply changes.

  • Not all search results are displayed
    The search results are currently limited by transmitting buffer size providing approximately 800 latest results. Please specify your search parameters to narrow down the result by using date/time filter or other vehicle criterias.

  • How can I integrate with Milestone/Genetec
    Please use Hanwha Techwin’s AI plug-ins for your VMS to obtain vehicle recognition events from Wisenet RoadAI. No additional settings needed on the application side.

  • What happens if I reset camera
    You will not lose the application setup or data if you reset camera keeping Network & OpenPlatform parameters. Otherwise, the application will be removed with only event images stored on the SD-card. The only way to obtain images is to remove card from the camera in that case.
    We strongly recommend export application settings and database in the About tab prior reset or application reinstallation/update.
    If you hard reset the camera through the physical reset button, you have to re-install the application.

For more information visit us at

Head Office
6, Pangyo-ro 319beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 463-400 Rep. of KOREA
Tel : +82.70.7147.8753
Fax : +82.31.8018.3740
© 2021 Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Under no circumstances, this document shall be reproduced, distributed or changed, partially or wholly, without formal authorization of Hanwha Techwin Co.,Ltd. * Wisenet is the proprietary brand of Hanwha Techwin, formerly known as Samsung Techwin.


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