OMEGA IF-001 USB Modbus Smart Probe Interface User Guide

June 9, 2024

OMEGA IF-001 USB Modbus Smart Probe Interface


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Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified in this manual, the protection by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not operate the equipment in flammable or explosive environments.

It is important to read and follow all precautions and instructions in this manual before operating or commissioning this device as it contains important information relating to safety and EMC. Failure to follow all the safety precautions may result in injury and/or damage to the equipment.
The following labels identify information that is especially important to note:

Note: Provides information that is important to successfully set up and use the Omega Link device.

Caution or Warning: Informs about the risk of electrical shock.

Caution, Warning, or Important: Informs of circumstances that can affect the functionality of the instruments and must refer to accompanying documents.

Omega Link Smart Interface Overview

The Omega Link IF-001 and IF-002 smart interfaces provide an easy way to configure, integrate, and monitor your Omega Link Smart Probes. The IF-001 and IF-002 are both fully compatible with SYNC configuration software, the Omega Link Cloud, the Omega Link family of hardware Gateways, and Omega Enterprise Gateway software. Omega Link Smart Interfaces provide both a simple command line interface, for quick configuration and monitoring, and Modbus RTU support, for integration with industrial networks. The command line interface allows interactive visualization of the connected Omega Link Smart Probe through accessible text strings using any terminal emulator.

The M12 8-pin female connector provides 3.3 VDC power for external Omega Link Smart Probes with an integrated power monitor to protect against short circuits.

Operating Requirements: Windows OS 10 and above

The following LED status indicator table provides descriptions of the different Smart Interface behaviors.

Color Status
Off No Activity (no VBus present), waiting for next command
YELLOW Waiting for USB enumeration, Pending Bootstrap mode

RED – 1-second

flash rate

| A short condition has been detected on the sensor power circuitry. Disconnect the device.
RED – ¼ second


| A message to the device was not acknowledged.
GREEN| After power-up and USB enumeration, the GREEN LED remains on until the first transaction with the smart sensor device
GREEN Flash| The GREEN LED is turned on at the beginning of each transaction with the Smart Sensor and turned off at the end.

  1. IF-001
    The IF-001 provides an easy way to configure and monitor Omega Link Smart Probes using SYNC or other configuration tools. The IF-001 is a USB CDC / VCP device (serial interface), allowing it to connect to computers that do not have a native serial port. The USB 2.0 compliant device is compatible with Windows.

  2. IF-002
    The IF-002 allows Omega Link Smart Probes to connect to existing RS485 Modbus RTU serial networks. An M12 5-pin male connector provides a standard RS485 serial interface. The IF-002 can run off a wide range of power, from 5 to 36 VDC, allowing broad compatibility while providing regulated power to Smart Probes.

Smart Interface Pin Layouts

IF-001: Smart Probe to USB
The IF-001 can connect direct to the Omega Link Smart Probe through an M12 8-pin female connector as shown in the example below. The connector supports the required I2C + INTR signal lines and the Smart Probe power signals. The shield connection is coupled to the Serial Connector.


The Smart Probe Discrete I/O signals are not internally connected. An M12.8-S-M-FM and M12.8-T-SPLIT are required to access the Discrete I/O Use the wiring diagram below to connect your Smart Probe and Discrete I/O accessories to the IF-001 cable.


IF-002: Smart Probe to Modbus RTU
The IF-002 is used to connect to an existing Serial Modbus network through its M12 5-pin connector and directly to M12 Smart Probes through its M12 8-pin connector. The serial 5-pin connector provides the RS485 differential pair signal (A’, B’), power input, and a shield signal. The device will accept external power in the range of 5 – 36 VDC with reverse polarity and overcurrent protection up to 300 mA.

  Name Function
Pin 1 VDD 5-36VDC
Pin 2 A’ RS485 Data +
Pin 3 GND Ground
Pin 4 B’ RS485 Data –
Pin 5 Shield Shield Ground

Additionally, a 5-pin M12.5B-S-F-FM connector and a third-party USB to RS485 Serial Converter Cable are required to establish a connection from the IF-002 and the USB COM Port of your PC or Modbus device. Refer to the wiring diagram provided with your USB to RS485 to successfully connect the IF-002 wire leads of the USB to RS485 cable.


An M12.8-S-M-FM and M12.8-T-SPLIT can be attached to the Smart Probe prior to connecting to the IF-002 to access the discrete I/O using the following wiring diagram. Refer to Figure 3 for a setup example.

  Name Function
Pin 1 N/A No Connection
Pin 2 INTR Interrupt Signal
Pin 3 SCL SCL Signal
Pin 4 SDA SDA Signal
Pin 5 Shield Shield Ground
Pin 6 N/A No Connection
Pin 7 GND Power Return
Pin 8 VCC Nominal 3.3 VDC

to Smart Probe

IF-001 and IF-002 Serial Communication

The serial communication parameters may be configured over the serial channel or SYNC configuration software. The factory default configuration conforms to the required Modbus RTU standard.
The IF-001 is a virtual COM port and will accept any serial port baud rate.

Refer to the table below for the default serial configuration of the IF-002:

Default Serial Configuration

Modus Address| 1
Address Range| 0
Baudrate| 115200
Parity| Even
Stopbits| 1
Databits| 8

Serial Packet Format

Communications to the IF-001 and IF-002 are based on serial data frames. For serial terminal sessions, the “transaction” ends on the receipt of a CR (0x0d) character. For Modbus RTU transactions, the entire transaction must adhere to the Modbus serial RTU time specifications.

The IF-002 uses the first byte of the transaction (the start-of-frame character) to determine the type of transaction. For the Command Line Interface, the first character denotes the operation to be performed as indicated in the following table:

Start of Frame


| Hex| Interpretation

| 0x23| Command Line Interface comment line (ignored)

:| 0x3a| Start of Frame for Modbus ASCII frame
?| 0x3f| Command Line Interface ‘Help’ command – display command / current state


C| 0x43| Command Line Interface ‘Configure’ command – configure Smart Probe device
O| 0x4F| Command Line Interface ‘Options’ command – configuration options
R| 0x52| Command Line Interface ‘Read’ command – read any Smart Probe register
T| 0x54| Command Line Interface ‘Trigger’ command – trigger an event on Smart Probe device
V| 0x56| Command Line Interface ‘View’ command – view Smart Probe data and status
W| 0x57| Command Line Interface ‘Write’ command – Write any Smart Probe register
Any other


| Any


| Indicates register address for a Modbus RTU frame

Any other byte value appearing at the start of the frame is interpreted as a Modbus RTU Modbus device address.

Note: This requires excluding several Modbus addresses in the RTU mode, but in most cases, this will have no impact.

Modbus Register Mapping
The IF-001 and IF-002 accept RS485 Modbus RTU packets. The IF-001 / IF-002 maps the Modbus register addresses to internal configuration registers and to external I2C registers.

Modbus Register = ((Smart Probe 12C Register) / 2) + 0xf000

Modbus Register Usage
0x0000 – 0xebff Register address 0x0000 – 0xebff and addresses 0xf800 –

0xffff are not recognized and will result in an INVALID ADDRESS response
0xec00 – 0xefff| Registers 0xec00 – 0xefff are reserved for configuration of the IF-001 / IF-002
0xf000 – 0xf7ff| Registers 0xf000 – 0xf7ff are mapped to the external I2C device(s)
0xf800 – 0xf800| Invalid Address

Configuration Registers
The configuration registers are stored in non-volatile memory. Changes to the serial configuration and Modbus address take effect after the Modbus Transaction.

  MB Register Type Access Description
Reserved 0xec00 – 0xefcf u16 Reserved, return Invalid Address
I2C_Read Errors 0xefd0 u32 R Number of Read errors
I2C_Write_Errors 0xefd2 u32 R Number of Write errors
I2C_Read Retries 0xefd4 u32 R Number of Read Retries
I2C_Write_Retries 0xefd6 u32 R Number of Write Retries
I2C_Indirect_Retries 0xefd8 u32 R Number of Read Retries
I2C_Read_Request 0xefda u32 R Number of read requests
I2C_Write_Request 0xefdc u32 R Number of write requests
Reserved 0xecda – 0xefe7 Reserved, return Invalid Address
DEVICE_ID 0xefe8-0xefeb u8[8] RW* Read only, but used as part of Bootload

access mechanism

FW_VERSION| 0xefec-0xefed| u32| RW*| Read only, used as part of Bootload access

mechanism. Formatted as

HW_VERSION| 0xefee-0xefef| u32| R| Formatted as
DEVICE_TYPE| 0xeff0| u16| R| 0xff01 == IF-002
SYSTEM CONTROL| 0xeff1| u16| R/W|
I2C_BASE_ADDRESS| 0xeff2| u16| R/W| Defaults to 0x68. Sets the base address of

I2C device(s).

I2C_SPEED| 0xeff3| u16| R/W| I2C bus speed in kHz, ie 40 == 40


SERIAL_CONFIG| 0xeff4| u16| R/W| See Serial Configuration Word
MODBUS_ADDRESS| 0xeff5| u16| R/W| Defaults to 1. Sets the base address for Modbus transactions. Limited to 1 .. 247.








| Default to 0, limited to 0..7. Sets number of consecutive Modbus addresses accepted. Each Consecutive Modbus address maps to consecutive I2C device addresses.
MANUFACTURED_DATE| 0xeff8| u16| R| Bit packed value with format


USER_HOURS| 0xeff9| u16| R/W| User settable counter, increments every 3600 seconds
OPERATING_TIME| 0xeffa| u32| R| Total number of seconds of operation
GATEWAY_CONTROL| 0xefff| u16| R| Reserved

I2C Status
Modbus registers 0xefd0 – 0xefd9 provide access to statistics indicating the number of I2C errors and retries.
The Retry counts indicate the number of transactions that resulted in an NAK. When an NAK is detected, the IF-001 / IF-002 will automatically generate up to 3 retries. If an NAK is detected on the 3rd attempt the transaction is dropped, an error is reported and the Read or Write Error count is incremented. The Indirect Retry count is incremented if an NAK is generated when writing the Indirect register (0x0030).

System Control Register


  1. INTR Mode
    The INTR Mode determines how the Smart Probe INTR signal is handled. If it is set to PROCESS, the Command Line Interface activity is processed. If it is set to Notify, the device will send a NOTIFY command through the Command Line Interface. For Modbus applications, the INTR Mode should be set to IGNORE.

  2. Verbose
    The Verbose mode offers expanded information when in the Command Line Interface mode.

  3. Hex
    The Hex mode causes the data to be displayed as HEX values in the Command Line Interface mode.

  4. Device Reset
    Writing a 1 to the device reset bit will force the device to re-initialize using the current configuration information.

  5. Factory Reset
    Writing a 1 to the Factory Reset bit will force a factory reset and all configuration parameters will be returned to the initial factory default values.

  6. Reset Stats
    Writing a 1 to the reset stats bit will force the I2C Statistic counters to be reset to 0.

Serial Configuration (IF-002)
All serial line configuration is done through the serial channel using Modbus or Command Line Interface commands and the configuration information is retained in non-volatile memory. When accessed via Modbus, the serial configuration parameters are accessed at a Modbus register address which is outside of the range mapped to the Smart Sensor registers. When altering the communications parameters, any changes occur after the acknowledgment of the Modbus command.

The device serial configuration word is located at Modbus register address 0xeff4.


Configuration Update
The IF-002 Modbus commands accept changes to the serial configuration (Baudrate, Parity, Stop Bits, Data Bits) but does not apply them until the next power cycle or a Device Reset trigger has been received. This allows all serial configuration parameters to be set using Modbus commands without having to change the host settings as each configuration setting change is made. All other configuration changes are applied immediately.

The sequence to change the communication parameters over the Modbus connection is:

Step 1: Change one or more parameters – each change is acknowledged using the current Serial settings

Step 2: Issue a Write command to the IF-002 System Control Register with the Device Reset bit set.

The command will be acknowledged using the current settings and then the serial channel will be reconfigured to reflect the new settings.
The Command Line Interface includes a Serial command that allows you to set the serial channel. These take immediate effect. In general, the terminal emulator must be reconfigured after the command to match the new configuration.

Serial Configuration Recovery
The IF-002 serial configuration may be reset to the factory default values by momentarily connecting the SCL (M12 8-Pin Pin 3) and SDA (M12 8-Pin Pin 4) signal lines together and cycling power. To reset the IF-002 to its factory default settings, follow these steps:

Step 1: Disconnect power from the IF-002 by disconnecting it from your Modbus Network.

Step 2: Unplug any smart probe connected to your IF-002.

Step 3: Short pins 3 and 4 on the 8-Pin connector on the IF-002.

  Name Function
Pin 1 N/A No Connection
Pin 2 INTR Interrupt Signal
Pin 3 SCL SCL Signal
Pin 4 SDA SDA Signal
Pin 5 Shield Shield Ground
Pin 6 N/A No Connection
Pin 7 GND Power Return
Pin 8 VCC Nominal 3.3 VDC

to Smart Probe

Step 4: Apply power to the IF-002 for 3 seconds from the 5-pin connector.

  Name Function
Pin 1 VDD 5-36VDC
Pin 2 A’ RS485 Data +
Pin 3 GND Ground
Pin 4 B’ RS485 Data –
Pin 5 Shield Shield Ground

Step 5: Reconnect your Omega Link Smart Probe and apply power.

Command Line Interface

Note: The following Command Line Interface section can be applied to both the IF-001 and the IF-002.
The command line interpreter allows human-readable commands to be sent to the smart sensor device through a terminal emulator which are widely available and may be easily installed on a PC or Linux systems. The COM channel enumerated by the device must be selected and must be configured to match the serial configuration parameters.
(Refer to Appendix A).

  1. Help Command
    The Help command uses the ‘?’ character and will display a brief summary of the available commands and options.
    It is useful to determine if the IF-001 / IF-002 is successfully communicating and does not require a smart probe device to be connected.
    IF-002, Version
    O(ptions) <V/v(erbose)> <H/h(ex)/D(ecimal)> <I(gnore) | P(rocess) | N(otify) INTR handling>
    <A/a(ddr for I2C) =?> <S(peed) =?> <M(odbus Addr) =?> <R(ange) = ?>
    R(ead) <@><#n><{Add}> Reg [Len …] W(rite) <@><#n><{Add}> Reg [data …] V(iew) <@><#n><{Add}> <I(nfo) | D(ata) | L(og) | N(ext)
    T(rigger) <@><#n><{Add}> <R(eset) | F(actory reset) | P(ower reset) | C(lear log) | S(ample) | L(og)
    S(erial) <B(audrate) = 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200> <P(arity) = E(ven) | O(dd) | M(ark) | N(one)>
    <S(top) = 1 | 2> <D(ata) = 7 | 8> <R(eset)>
    C(onfig) <@><#n><{Add}><R(ate) | I(nterrupt) | D(evice) | S(ensor nn) | O(utput nn)
    @ – Continuous/no delay, #n – number cycles, /d – delay time, <..> – are optional
    formats: I/i(nteger), L/l(ong), F/f(loat).precision, S/s(string)
    Verbose, Hex, internal INTR use, I2C Addr: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Addr: 0x01, Modbus Range: 0x00

  2. Alternate Address {Add}
    The I2C address used to access the Smart Sensor device defaults to 0x68, unless overwritten by the Options command. The address may be further overwritten in each command by enclosing the address in { } bracket.

  3. Numeric Formats
    Data may be entered or displayed as hexadecimal, decimal or float values. The standard output shows data in decimal or hex format depending on the Verbose H/h/D mode setting, which may be overwritten using formatting characters. The following formatting characters are accepted: Data Type| Suffix| Example (Assume Hex Option Selected)
    Byte| <none, default>| R 0x68 -> display single byte value


| i| R 0x68 20 2 i -> result displayed as 0x1234


| l (lower case ‘L’)| R 0x68 20 2 l -> result displayed as 0x12345678
Floats| f.n (n == precision)| R 0x68 0x3c 4 f.3 → result displayed as 12.345, precision is optional

and defaults to 1 digit.




| R 0xe0 s → result displays the user-defined device name located at 0xe0

W 0xe0 “My Name” → will write a new device name to the string. Be

cautious not to exceed the maximum string lengths.

  1.  **Invalid Commands**  

Since the first character of the serial record is used to determine the Command Line Interface command and all other characters are treated as Modbus Start of Frame (‘:’) or address values, no interpretation is made of characters other than those shown in the Help summary and no error reporting will be generated.

3. Command Repetition @, #, /  

The Read, Write, View, Configure and Trigger commands may be set up to repeat a specific number of times with an optional repetition rate. Repeated commands are terminated if an error occurs or any keyboard entry is made.

  * The ‘@’ symbol causes the command to be repeated indefinitely, at the fastest possible rate. If the @ symbol is specified, the # and / may not be used.
  * The ‘#’ symbol, followed by a numeric value, causes the command to be repeated the specified number of times.
  * The ‘/’ symbol, followed by a numeric value, allows specifying a delay in seconds between each command repetition when using the ‘#’ option.  

If no repetition information is provided the command will be executed once.

  1. Read Command
    The Read command accepts the repetition information, the starting register number, the number of elements to be read and the format of the data. The starting register location must be provided while all other fields are optional. If the number of elements is omitted, it is assumed to be one. If the data format is omitted, it is assumed to be BYTES. There may be multiple elements and related format information contained within a read. Commas or spaces may be used to separate the individual values.
    R(ead) register [ <format <.precision>> …]
    The simplest form is R 0x????, where 0x???? represents a value between 0x0000 and 0x0fff. The command will return a single byte from the specified location. A more complex example would be Read 0x38 1l 4f.2 to read the current time, and the 4 sensor readings. The Time information is stored in register 0x38 as a 32-bit long value and is then immediately followed by the four sensor results stored as floating-point values at locations 0x003c ..0x004b.
    // Location 0x3c represents the sensor readings, stored as floating point values.
    // Read a single byte from the start of the sensor values (default count is 1, type byte)
    R 0x3c
    [Dev: 0x68 Reg: 0x3c Cnt: 0x01 -> 0x41 ] // Read 2 bytes (the format defaults to BYTE)
    R 0x3c 2
    [Dev: 0x68 Reg: 0x3c Cnt: 0x02 -> 0x41, 0xb7 ] // Read 3 ‘long ‘ (4 byte) values, representing 12 (0x0c) bytes
    R 0x3c 3l
    [Dev: 0x68 Reg: 0x3c Cnt: 0x0c -> 0x41b73333, 0x42483d71, 0x447605c3 ] // Read 3 ‘float’ ( 4 byte ) values, representing 12 ( 0x0c ) bytes, default precision is 2
    R 0x3c 3f
    [Dev: 0x68 Reg: 0x3c Cnt: 0x0c -> 22.8, 50.1, 984.0 ] // Read 3 float values and display with 4 digit precision
    R 0x3c 3f.4
    [Dev: 0x68 Reg: 0x3c Cnt: 0x0c -> 22.8899, 50.1899, 984.1099 ] O v d
    verbose, Decimal mode, Ignore INTR, I2C Addr: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Addr: 0x01
    Read 0x38 1l 4f.2
    0000367195 23.22, 28.27, 1013.40, 0.00

  2. View Command
    The View command accepts an option that specifies what is to be displayed. If no option is provided the command assumes the View Information option.
    V(iew) <I(nformation) | (D(ata) | L(og) | N(ext)>

Information Group Attributes (registers) Usage
I (nformation) Device Name (0xe0), Device ID (0x00)

Number of Sensors (0x00) Number of Outputs (0x00)

| Provides summary of the device status and health used to take the measurements.

D (ata)

| Current Time, Sensor Readings, Sensor Units| Provides summary of current time, reading values and units of measure.
L (og)| Extract Start, Extract End,

Number Records

| Provides information on information contained in Log file
N (ext)| Extract Time Extract Data| Extracts and displays the next log file record

View Information

  • Device: Device Name, ID: 00000001
  • Type: BTH-SP, Version:
  • Manufactured: 2017/08/25, Operating Hours: 11-13:33:48
  • Calibrated: 2017/08/25, Calibration Hours: 11-13:33:48
  • Oper Volt: 3.3 Vdc,Oper Temp: 21 oC, Fault Code: 0
  • Sensors: 3, Outputs: 2

View L
Start Time: 11-13:06:41, End Time: 11-13:33:59, Records Available: 820

V Data
11-13:34:03 21.0 .C 28.0 %RH 1017.0 mbar

11-13:34:01 21.0 .C 28.0 %RH 1017.0 mbar

Trigger Command
The Trigger command allows users to initiate an action on the smart sensor. The Trigger commands makes use of the options provided by the Trigger register at register location 0x26. If no option is provided, a Trigger Log sequence will be performed, forcing a reading to be taken and saved to the event memory.

T(rigger) <R(eset) | F(actory reset) | P(ower reset) | C(lear) | S(ample) | L(og)>

Action Trigger Register, Value Usage
R (eset) Trigger Register =

Trigger Value 0x0004

| Reset device forcing re-enumeration of sensor mix
F (actory reset)| Trigger Register =

Trigger Value 0x0005

| Forces a factory reset which clears all user set up and logged information
P (ower reset)| Trigger Register =

Trigger Value 0x0006

| Performs a user reset that is treated as a power on reset which includes logging the event in the event log.
C (lear)| Trigger Register =

Trigger Value 0x0003

| Clears the event log

S (ample)

| Trigger Register = Trigger Value 0x0100| Forces a sampling of the sensor data. The data is not

written to the event log. The display will show the current values.

L (og)

| Trigger Register (0x26), Trigger Value 0x0300| Forces a sampling of the sensor data and the information is saved to the event log. The display will show the current values.

Serial Command
The Serial command allows setting specific operating characteristics of the Serial interface. If no option is provided the current settings for the selected characteristics are provided.

S(erial) <B(audrate) = 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200> <P(arity) = E(ven) | O(dd) | M(ark) | N(one)> <S(top) = 0 | 1> <D(ata) = 7 | 8> <R(eset)>
Baudrate = 115200, Parity = Even, Data = 8, Stop = 1
Multiple options may be set on the same command line in any order. The updated configuration will be shown using the current serial configuration and then all changes are applied at once.

Serial BR=38400, Stop = 1, Data=7 Parity = Odd
Baudrate = 38400, Parity = Odd, Data = 7, Stop = 1
<changes are applied, terminal configuration must be changed to match new configuration>

Characteristic Options Usage
Baudrate) 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200 Serial Baudrate = 38400
Parity Even, Odd, Mark, None S P=None
Stop 1, 2 S S=2
Data 7, 8 Serial Databits = 8
Reset Resets serial configuration to 115200, Even,8, 1

Configure Command

The Configure command sets specific operating characteristics of the device. If an option is not provided, the current settings for the selected characteristic are provided. If no characteristic is provided, a summary of the Configure command is provided.

C(onfig) <R(ate) | D(evice) | S(ensors) | O(utputs)> < option >

Characteristic Attributes (registers) Usage

R (ate)

| ****

Event 1 Time Base

| C R

Displays current Rate C R = xx

Sets the Event 1 sample time, which is the default timer,

used to trigger reading and logging activity.

D (evice)

| ****


| C D

Displays the I/O mix available on the device with an indication of how to select different configurations. C D = nn

Allows selecting device configuration from available

options shown in the C D command.

S (ensors)

|  | C S

Displays the list of all available sensors on the device and available configuration options.

C S n

Displays the configuration options available on sensor ‘n’.

C S n = x

Allows selecting a sensor configuration option from available options shown in the C S n command

O (utputs)

| ****


| C O

Displays the list of all available outputs on the device and available configuration options.

C O n

Displays the configuration options available on output ‘n’.

C O n = x

Allows selecting a output configuration option from available options shown in the C O n command

Configure Device

The Configure Device command displays a list of different device configurations as shown below. In this example, there are 2 configurations available (0 to 1) and currently option #6 is selected.

To change the device configuration, enter C D = n, where n is one of the displayed options. The device will be reconfigured, a ‘Reset’ will be generated to force the new input selections to be enumerated and a revised list will be displayed.


  • SP-003-1 Options
    • T / OUT (option: 0)
    • H / OUT (option: 1)
    • T,H / OUT (option: 2)
    • B / OUT (option: 3)
    • T,B / OUT (option: 4)
    • H,B / OUT (option: 5)
  • T,H,B / OUT (option: 6)

C D = 1

  • SP-003-1 Options
    • T / OUT (option: 0)
    • H / OUT (option: 1)
    • T,H / OUT (option: 2)
    • B / OUT (option: 3)
  • T,B / OUT (option: 4)

    • H,B / OUT (option: 5)
    • T,H,B / OUT (option: 6)

Configure Sensors and Outputs
When configuring sensors and outputs, multiple Sensor or Output Types may be presented. If any of the ‘options’ related to the Sensor or Output Type are selected the device will be reset to ensure enumeration of the selected type and the remaining options (CLK A, RST etc.) may change.


In addition to selectable options, sensors may also contain Sensor Parameters, whose floating-point values are maintained in a fixed memory space allocated for each sensor. Sensor Parameters are displayed showing the corresponding allocated space. The corresponding Sensor Parameter may be read or written using the Read and Write commands.


Option Command
The Option command allows configuring the IF-001 / IF-002 device to use default values to simplify the user interface by providing extended formatting options. Changes to the Options settings are retained in the internal Flash memory.

O(ptions) <V/v(erbose)> <H/h(ex)/D(ecimal)> <I(gnore) | P(rocess) | N(otify) INTR handling> <A/a(ddr for I2C) =?> <S(peed) =?> <M(odbus Addr) =?>

Characters shown in parenthesis (..) are optional. To Enable an option, specify the name with an upper-case character. Multiple options may be specified in the same command line in any order. To disable the option, specify the name with a lower-case character.

Action Usage
V (erbose) Turn on Verbose mode
v (erbose) Turn off Verbose mode
H (ex) Data values are output in hexadecimal Upper case ie: 0x1AC7
h (ex) Data values are output in hexadecimal Lower case ie: 0x1ac7
D (ecimal) Data values are output in decimal format ie: 6855
I (nterrupt) Ignore (and disable) the Smart Sensor device INTR device

P (rocess)| Process the Smart Sensor INTR device interrupt
N (otify)| Notify via notification message on interrupt occurrence
A (ddress) = nnn| Set the address to be used when accessing the smart sensor device
a (ddress)| Set the default I2C address (0x68)
S (peed) = nnn| Set the I2C bus clock speed to be used
M (odbusAddr) = nnn| Set the Modbus address to be used

The serial port settings can be changed using the command line interface. To set the Modbus Address on your IF-001 / IF-002, use the following command:

O(ptions) M(odbusAddr) = X

Note: For Modbus RTU operation the Modbus Address must be unique, Databits must equal 8, and Stopbits must be set to 1.
Serial commands should be entered in the same line and can be separated by a comma. Use the following table and example to set your serial configuration:

Serial Configuration Options
B (audrate) 9600
P (arity) Even
D (atabits) 7
S (top) 1

To Set the Serial Configuration options on your IF-001 / IF-002, use the following command:

S(erial) B(audrate) = X, P(arity) =X, D(atabits) = X, S(top) = X
To reset the IF-001 / IF-002 serial configuration to default, type the following command:
Multiple Options may be combined into a single command line.


Option V h Set to verbose mode, lower case hexadecimal output

The response from the Options command is a summary of the current settings. Entering the O command with no parameters returns the current settings.

Verbose, Hex, Ignore INTR, I2C Addr: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Addr: 0x01

Verbose Mode
The Verbose mode adds formatting characters to command responses. Commas are inserted between each field and each record is enclosed in [ ] brackets.

Hex/hex / Decimal Option

The Hex/hex and Decimal option determines how numeric data is displayed if not specifically designated as a float or string value. When entering data, a ‘0x’ indicates a hex value.

  • Option Verbose
    Verbose, Hex mode, i(ignore INTR), I2C Address: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Address: 0x01
    // Read current sensor readings, display as 4 floats

  • R 0x3c 4f
    [Dev: 104 Reg: 060 Cnt: 016 -> 23.1, 50.1, 984.0, 0.0 ] // Force failure by disconnecting device

  • R 0x3c 4f
    [Dev: 104 Reg: 060 E_NAK (009)

  • O v
    verbose, Decimal mode, n(INTR ignored), I2C Address: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Address: 0x01

  • R 0x3c 4f
    23.1, 49.8, 983.9, 0.0

  • R 0x3c 4f
    E_NAK (009)

INTR Processing
Smart sensor devices use I2C in a request/response configuration, where the IF-001 / IF-002 is always the ‘master’that initiates requests to the attached smart sensor device. If the attached device wishes to initiate a transaction, a separate active low interrupt signal (INTR) is provided.

Ignore INTR
If the IF-001 / IF-002 is configured to ignore the INTR signal (I) the corresponding hardware interrupt signal is disabled. No changes are made to the attached device.

Process INTR
Note: The processing of the INTR signal generates data whenever an interrupt is generated by the device. This behavior is not compatible with Modbus RTU and the I(nterrupt) processing mode MUST be set to Ignore if Modbus is to be used.

If the IF-001 / IF-002 is configured to process the INTR signal (P) the attached device is preconfigured,enabling the interrupts indicated below and the hardware interrupt is enabled. A handler is enabled to process the INTR signals. Upon receipt of an interrupt from the smart sensor device, the IF-001 / IF-002 adaptor will perform the following actions based on the INTERRUPT STATUS bits register read from the device.

Interrupt Status Bits Enabled Handler Action
SENSOR CHANGE Y Executes a ‘View Info’ command
POWER CHANGE Y Executes a ‘View Info’ command
HEALTH CHANGE Y Executes a ‘View Info’ command
DATA READY Y Executes a ‘View Data’ command (precede with ‘!’)
LOG DATA READY N Executes a ‘View Log’ command

Verbose, Hex mode, Process INTR, I2C Addr: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Addr: 0x01

  • 10-19:48:47 23.0 .C 16.0 %RH 1014.0 mbar
  • 10-19:48:53 23.0 .C 16.0 %RH 1014.0 mbar

If the INTR is configured to notify (N), an alternate handler is loaded which will generate a Notify message consisting of the Interrupt Status read from the device. No change is made to the INTERRUPT CONTROL register.

Verbose, Hex mode, Notify on INTR, I2C Addr: 0x68 @ 50 kbp, Modbus Addr: 0x01

  • N 0x68 0x02 0x0020
  • N 0x68 0x02 0x0020
  • N 0x68 0x02 0x0020

The Notify information consists of the device address (0x68), Register Index (0x?? = Interrupt Status),number of bytes (0x02), and the value.
Writing to the integer INTERRUPT CONTROL register at location 0x16 allows changing the enabled interrupts.

I2C Address
The IF-001 / IF-002 defaults to using I2C address 0x68. The default may be overwritten by setting the Address = ??. If a lower case ‘a’ is entered it resets the address back to the default 0x68 value.

Bus Speed
The I2C bus speed defaults to 40 kb/second, suitable for up to 5-meter cable lengths. This may be changed from values 20 to 100 kbits/second. Note that changing this value will have a minimal impact on overall performance.

Modbus Address
The IF-001 / IF-002 defaults to Modbus address 0x01, which may be overwritten with the M(odbus) option.

Smart Sensor Register Summary

The following is a summary of commonly used smart sensor registers.

Name| Type| SS


| Modbus Register| Usage / Comments
DEVICE_ID| u32| 0x0000| 0xf000| Unique identifier for this device
F/W Version| u32| 0x0004| 0xf002| Formatted as Major.Minor.Bug.Build


| u32| 0x0008| 0xf004| Formatted as Major.Minor.Bug.Build
Device I/O List


| u8| 0x000c| 0xf006| Selects Mix of Sensor / Outputs
User Operating


| u16| 0x000e| 0xf007| User settable (Hours)
Event 1 Timer


| u16| 0x0010| 0xf008| Used to set internal sampling rate
Event 2 Timer


| u16| 0x0012| 0xf008| Aux timer for application specific use
System Control| u16| 0x0014| 0xf009| Determines how device behaves
Interrupt Control| u16| 0x0018| 0xf00c| Determines what generated INTR signal
Number Sensors| u8| 0x001a| 0xf00d| Number of enumerated sensors
Number Outputs| u8| 0x001b| Number of enumerated outputs


| u8| 0x001c|


| Operating temperature of device


| u8| 0x001d| Operating voltage of device
Fault Process| u8| 0x001e| 0xf00f| Where last fault was detected
Fault Code| u8| 0x001f| Type of last fault
Event 1 Timer| u16| 0x0020| 0xf010| Time remaining on Event Timer 1
Event 2 Timer| u16| 0x0022| 0xf011| Time remaining on Event Timer 2
System Status| u16| 0x0024| 0xf012| Overall system status / health
Trigger Request| u16| 0x0026| 0xf013| Initiates action on device
Extract Start Time| u32| 0x0028| 0xf014| Used for searching Event Log
Extract End Time| u32| 0x002c| 0xf016| Used for searching Event Log
Number of


| u16| 0x0036| 0xf01b| Number of records found
Current Time| u32| 0x0038| 0xf01c| Current time (offset for 2000)
Sensor Readings


| float| 0x003c| 0xf01e| Four values (consecutive Address)
Log Record Time| u32| 0x004c| 0xf026| Current time (offset for 2000)
Extracted Values


| float /


| 0x0050| 0xf028| Four values (consecutive Address). May be float or u32 values based on record type

Range/Type (4)

| u8| 0x0062|


| Determine overall sensor type/range. The values are offset by 0x08 (0x04 Modbus)
Sensor Device (4)| u8| 0x0063| Determine overall specific signal configurations. The values are offset by 0x08 (0x04 Modbus)
Sensor Units (4)| u8[4]| 0x0064| 0xf032| 4 byte string describing units of measure. The values are

offset by 0x08 (0x04 Modbus)

User Parameters


| float| 0x0080| 0xf040| Application specific user registers (setpoints etc.)
Sensor (16)| float| 0x0080| 0xf040| Application specific user registers (setpoints etc.)
User Parameters


| float| 0x0080| 0xf040| Application specific user registers (setpoints etc.)
Sensor Offset (4)| float| 0x00c0| 0xf060| Offset value for V = R * Gain + Offset applied to Sensor 0, 4


Sensor Gain (4)| float| 0x00c4| 0xf062| Gain value for V = R * Gain + Offset applied to Sensor 0, 4


Device Name| u8[16]| 0x00e0| 0xf070| 16 character user assigned device name
Output Values (4)| float| 0x00f0| 0xf078| 4 values represent output values


| u16| 0x0128| 0xf094| Bit formatted as, year offset by 2000


Calibration Date| u16| 0x012a| 0xf095| Bit formatted as, year offset by 2000


Operating Time| u32| 0x012c| 0xf096| Seconds since manufactured
Time since


| u32| 0x012c| 0xf096| Seconds since calibrated

Range/Type (4)

| u8| 0x0134|


| Determine overall Output type/range. The values are

offset by 0x02 (0x01 Modbus)

Output Device (4)| u8[4]| 0x0135| Determine overall specific signal configurations. The values

are offset by 0x02 (0x01 Modbus)

Sensor Names| u8[8]| 0xe00| 0xf700| 4 X sensor name string
Output Names| u8[8]| 0xe20| 0xf710| 4 X output name string


| u8[8]| 0xe40| 0xf720| 16 X parameter name string
Function Block


| u8[8]| 0xec0| 0xf760| 32 X parameter name string
FB Parameter


| u8[8]| 0xfc0| 0xf7e0| 4 X Function Block parameter names


RS485 Serial Port

  • Baudrate: 9600, 19200, 34800, 115200
  • Parity: Even, Odd, None
  • Data Bits: 7, 8
  • Stop Bits: 1, 2
  • Protocol: Modbus RTU or Command Line Interpreter

Input Power

  • Voltage: 5 VDC – 36 VDC

Output to Smart Probe

  • 100 mA max @ 3.0V ±5%


  • Operating Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
  • Rating: IP67 when mated


  • Dimensions: 22.1 mm W x 96.7 mm L (0.87” x 3.80”) not including mounting tabs


  • Agency Approvals: CE
    Compatibility: Windows OS 10 and above. Compatible with OEG, SYNC configuration software,and Modbus networks
  Name Function
Pin 1 N/A No Connection
Pin 2 INTR Interrupt Signal
Pin 3 SCL SCL Signal
Pin 4 SDA SDA Signal
Pin 5 Shield Shield Ground
Pin 6 N/A No Connection
Pin 7 GND Power Return
Pin 8 VCC Nominal 3.3 VDC to Smart Probe
  Name Function
Pin 1 VDD 5-36VDC
Pin 2 A’ RS485 Data +
Pin 3 GND Ground
Pin 4 B’ RS485 Data –
Pin 5 Shield Shield Ground

Texas Instrument License Statement

Some elements of Texas Instruments developed software are used in this product. As such, we are required to provide the following:
Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
All rights reserved.

  • Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
    from this software without specific prior written permission.



OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.
If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service
Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request.

Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs

OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence,indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.

CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.


Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department.

The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.

FOR WARRANTY RETURNS , please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:

  1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,
  2. Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and
  3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.

FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS , consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:

  1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,
  2. Model and serial number of the product, and
  3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.

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