MONGOOSE VT904 4G GPS Vehicle Tracker Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024


MONGOOSE VT904 4G GPS Vehicle Tracker


4G GPS TRACKER 12-14 volt
Model VT904

Dual Passwords for Double Data Protection & Security

This product requires a mobile SIM card (not included). Data only SIM cards are not compatible.


New Zealand


Thank you for choosing Mongoose as your GPS tracking provider.
The VT904 is a GPS tracker that transmits its location to the data storing online website, at intervals of your choice, using the mobile phone network, mainly for text and data, all viewable and controlled by the mobile phone APP.

The mobile APP and website
The VT904 GPS tracker can be accessed via mobile phone APP, either Apple IOS or Android, as well access to the online PC website.
Your logon to the website and mobile APP is password protected (you choose the password) making your location data confidential and secure.
The APP is a tool and is used for tracker location, historical travel as well as issuing password protected commands that control how the tracker operates.
Location data is stored on the website for a continuing 6 month period. More detailed travel history and reporting functions can be found on the easy to use website.

Mobile SIM card (not included)
The tracker uses fixed orbit GPS satellites to find its location on the earth.
The tracker requires its own mobile SIM card so it can send GPS locations using mobile data to the online website.
The trackers SIM card must have the ability for text and data. (data only SIM cards are not compatible)
Apart from your initial purchase price and installation, your only ongoing cost is for the SIM card usage payable to the SIM provider.
Due to the nature of this product, a PrePay SIM card is sometimes the most cost efficient especially if ‘auto top-up’ is selected when registering the SIM phone number with the service provider. The tracker does not inform you when available credit has been used up.
Hint: Speak to your SIM provider about sharing text and data with your mobile phone and, if unlimited, it can cost nothing to run the tracker.

DUAL PASSWORDS – Double Data Protection & Security
There are 2 separate unique passwords to protect your personal data.

Password 1:
This is your logon password to allow entry to the mobile APP and online website.
This password is chosen by you when completing the ‘activation wizard’. Default is 222444

Password 2:
This password is for text commands sent from the APP or your mobile phone. This password I
chosen by you by selecting ‘password’ in the ‘command list’. Default is 123456

NOTE: Only reveal your logon and password details to persons who you wish to have full access to the tracker including locations, history and programming options.


Go to App Store for Apple IOS or Play Store for Android


Search for : – 4G MONGOOSE GPS
Note: For this tracker to function correctly and accurately, ensure your mobile phone GPS location services are switched on to allow phone and APP tracking.

THE ACTIVATION WIZARD – must be completed Pairing your tracker to the APP is so easy.
The activation wizard guides you through the process.

All details must be entered. Please have these details at hand;

  • Serial number (ID) of the tracker (on carton and tracker)
  • Phone number of the SIM card used in the tracker
  • Your mobile phone number (exclude country code)
  • Trackers SIM card ‘APN’ ……. See below
  • Choose a unique 6-digit logon password (default is 222444)MONGOOSE-VT904-4G-GPS-Vehicle-Tracker-04

The wizard must be completed to unlock all the tracker features

Note: Some wizard information is sent from the APP to the tracker as a password protected text message.
The APP wizard opens your phones text service displaying the text code being sent. Just press send. A confirmation text will be received.

The ‘APN’ (Access Point Name) allows your GPS tracker to connect to the internet via the APP. It is your trackers SIM card providers data channel. Here are some APN examples;

Australia New Zealand
Telstra telstra.ipn or telstra.wap
Optus connect or yes internet or connectome
Boost Telstra. mms
Moose yes internet
AmaySim internet

Contact your SIM card provider if your provider is not listed above or to verify the correct APN.

With the wizard completed, press LOGON, the logon screen appears (appears each time you open the APP)

    Enter the trackers ID (serial number) and your password

  • GPS ACCOUNT USERS (For more than one tracker) * Enter your account name and logon password

  • Tick the ‘remember me’ box for future logons

  • If you have more than one tracker and to view them with just one logon, contact Mongoose to create your GPS ‘account’.


  • After logging on, the ‘real time’ map screen opens and shows the current or last viewed vehicles’ location.
  • This location is the last one recorded by the APP (and GPS website).
  • The dialogue box gives the time and date of that location.
  • This could be right now, or sometime previously.
  • If this screen is left open, a trace line will be drawn showing the route currently being driven.
  • The green triangle is the tracker – the blue dot is your mobile phone.
  • The green line shows the direction and distance your phone is from the tracker.
  • You can view in either map or satellite view.
  • MENU – takes you to the main menu
  • LIST – allows you to choose which tracker you wish to view (Account users only)


Each time the blue circle is pressed, the view changes to what information is displayed.

  1. An individual tracker location and distance from your mobile phone
  2. The location of your mobile phone
  3. All online trackers (account holders with more than one tracker)

NOTE: For this feature to function correctly and accurately, ensure your mobile phone GPS location services are switched on to allow phone and APP tracking.

The top bar shows the trackers status

  • ‘Real Time’ – shows the current or last reported location
  • ‘History’ replay todays travel, yesterday or any 24 hour period History is retained for 6 months.
  • ‘Text Commands’ allows you to control the tracker (Uses text messages from your mobile phone)
  • ‘Messages’ a record of alerts sent to you
  • ‘Setup Wizard’ – Allows you to activate additional trackers
  • ‘Geofence’ – sets a permitted radius of travel.
  • Tracker info’ – complete all details
  • ‘Set APN’ – Allows you to change APN if a different SIM card is used.

If you have more than one tracker and you wish to view them on your mobile phone, contact Mongoose so we can create your own GPS ‘account’.

Main menu
Same as above with an additional button for your account details. As an account holder, you have 4 more buttons at the foot of the screen :-

  • ‘HOME’ – Takes you to the main menu as shown on the right
  • ‘LIST’ – Lets you select which tracker to view.
  • ‘MONITOR’ – Allows you to view all your trackers (online and offline) on your mobile phone at the same time.
  • ‘MESSAGE’ – Shows text messages that have been sent to your mobile phone.

TRACKER INFO’ – Please complete all details


  • Edit the device name to one of your choice (This name shows on the map and other screens)
  • Enter the vehicles registration number
  • Enter the phone number of the trackers SIM card
  • Enter the name of the main contact person. (For multiple vehicles, you can enter the drivers name)
  • Enter the paired mobile phone number – ‘master user’

Important ;
Last item is important.
The tracker needs to know who to send alerts to. If this is left blank no alerts will be sent to you.

The history screen allows you to select;

  • ‘Today’
  • ‘Yesterday’
  • or ‘Custom’ – (any 24 hour period)

Select a 24 hour period, the screen opposite will appear;

  • Which tracker is being shown
  • Date and time
  • Start and end points
  • The green trace line is the route taken
  • Speed at each location
  • Direction of travel 

The control buttons at the bottom allow you to zoom in or out, play, pause, change progress and change replay speed.

This tracking device will always attempt mobile connection via the 4G network.
If 4G is unavailable, or in area that has high level of 4G traffic it will automatically attempt to find 4G network. This can cause a momentary loss of location data whilst searching for a mobile connection. This can result in odd short straight lines appearing on the replay of a historical journey. The onboard location memory function of the tracker can assist in alleviating these straight lines.


Go to :

  • First select ‘IMEI’ (ID number of tracker) for single tracker users

  • ‘USER NAME’ if you have a Mongoose GPS ‘account’ for multiple trackers.

  • Logon are the same details as the mobile APP.


Your ‘logon’ password must be confidential and is chosen by you when completing the ‘activation wizard’.
This password can be changed/updated at any time when logged onto the website.

Once logged in, the top right corner will show your trackers or account name.
Next to this is a ‘change password’ menu item. Input current password and your new password.
Please make a note of any password changes – best place in ‘notes’ on your phone.

Without using the mobile APP, you can find a trackers location by simply sending a normal text from any mobile phone to the tracker :-

Send :- G123456#

  1. You will receive a text reply.
  2. Tap the blue web address.
  3. The phones map will show trackers location.

Note: 123456 is the default password. If this was changed when completing the wizard, replace the default with your chosen password.

GEO-FENCE (A restricted area of travel)
A geo-fence is an invisible boundary that has a minimum radius of 100m to a maximum of 5000m. The area is easily set from within the APP.
If the tracker moves in or out of the geofenced area it will send an alert to the paired mobile phones (master + authorized numbers).
Multiple geo-fences can be set, for instance, around your home, your place of work, usual parking places, shopping centers, friend’s houses, customers premises, etc.
Especially useful for business for you can tell when an employee arrives or leaves a customers location.

  • Select ‘Geo-fence’ in main menu
  • Press ‘Add New’ top right corner
  • Enter a name for your geo-fence
  • Press ‘CREATE’
  • The map on the right opens.
  • Move the map so the crosshairs are over where you want the center of your geo-fence to be.
  • Use the slider bar to increase or decrease the size of the geo-fenced area.
  • The text in the center of the ‘crosshairs’ shows the radius chosen (distance from center to perimeter). Min’ 100m – Max’ 5000m
  • Press the save icon top right.

The geo-fence alert is now automatically ‘on’.
To turn the alerts ‘off’, select ‘geo-fence’ in main menu and a list of created geo-fences appears. To delete a geo-fence by press and hold till the delete options appears.


These are the SMS (text) commands that can be sent from the mobile APP. These commands are the most frequently used. This screen also shows the current status and previous settings.
When commands are sent from the APP to the tracker, they are sent as text messages from your mobile phone. The APP opens your phones text messages displaying the command as a text code to be sent to the tracker…….. Just press ‘send’.
For most commands, a reply text message will be received confirming the action.

NOTE: Do not send texts directly from your phone (must be via the APP) as the APP’s status will not be updated.
Should you require greater control, see the ‘Advanced User’ commands.


Command Function

Arm / Disarm

| Turns text alerts on or off. When ON, text alerts are sent for possible intrusion for ignition on and shock(vibration) sensor.
Engine Immobilizer via starter motor On or Off| Immobilize relay if installed
If vehicle is stopped, immobilization is immediate. If moving it will activate once below 20km per hour.
Get Location Data| Provides latitude/longitude as a text message – click on blue text to open your phones mapping system (not APP)
Tracking Frequency| Sets how often the tracker updates its location when moving. Default is every 15 seconds – accurate trace
Time Zone| Set hours ahead of GMT your tracker is located. Adjust for daylight saving when applicable.
Vibration Level| Adjust the sensitivity of the shock sensor. 1~9 (1 most sensitive)
Speed Alert| Sets a maximum permitted speed. Speeding sends alert
Move Alert| Sets a radius of permitted movement.
Master User
Number| The main users mobile phone number
Authorized Number| 2 other authorized users to receive messages (SOS)
Text Command Password| Choose your own unique 6-digit number for SMS command of your VT904. (default 123456) (This does not change your
APP or website logon password)
Reset| Resets settings to factory default


  • The following commands provide greater control of how the tracker operates.
  • Commands are sent as text messages from your mobile phone direct to the tracker, not via the mobile APP.
  • A reply text message will be received confirming the action.
  • 123456 is the default text password (not the logon password) this should be changed.
Command Text format to send to tracker Reply
Pair master mobile phone **adm123456,XXXXXXXXX
** XXXXXXXXX = your mobile phone number adm ok
Cancel Master Number adm123456, adm ok
Add 2 Phone numbers to receive SOS- Siren trigger alerts **sos,

XXXXXXXXX = mobile phone numbers (can use one phone number twice instead of 2
difference phone numbers)| SOS!
Arm (enables alerts)|
111| sf ok
Disarm (cancels alerts)|
000| cf ok
Immobilise the engine|
555| cut oil ok
Restore engine starting|
666| resume oil ok
Sensitivity of vibration wake-up|
eg: vibxyz123456,1,3,3,3
t:0-9 xyz:1-9 default= as shown| vibxyz ok
CQ| cq ok
Reset to factory default|
begin123456| begin ok
Check IMEI|
APN setting|
apn123456 xxxxxxx
xxxxxx = APN name (see page 3)| apn ok
Set IP address|
ip,,,7701| ip ok
Check set-up parameters|
CXZT| Replies with parameters
Request location|
G123456#| Replies with details
Power disconnected alert (SMS alert)|
Turn On send SCZS#POF=1 Turn Off send SZCS#POF=0| Set OK: POF=1 Set OK: POF = 0
Change text command password (not logon)|
** 123456 = default password xxxxxx = new password| OK ! New password: xxxxxx


DISARM – ALERTS OFF (Always disarm before driving)
With ignition off, the tracker is ‘armed’ or ‘disarmed’ by using the APP under ‘Text Command’ To receive any of these alerts the tracker must be armed.

  1. Vibration sensor activated
  2. Ignition has been turned on

It is critical that only the starter motor is immobilized as this does not affect the safe operation of the vehicle. Please ensure that the correct immobilization has been carried out.
The tracker can immobilise the starting of the engine via the mobile password protected APP.

SOS TEXT ALERT (SP904 Security Pack)
An SOS button is fitted to the vehicle close to the driver. If the driver requires help or assistance, pressing the button for 4~5 seconds will cause a text alert to all authorised mobile phone numbers. Does not require the tracker to be armed.

CAR ALARM TEXT ALERT (SP904 Security Pack)
The SOS feature can instead be connected to your car alarm siren. If the car alarm is activated for more than 4~5 seconds, a text alert will be sent to all authorized numbers. Arming/disarming chirps should not cause an alert. Does not require the tracker to be armed.

When armed, if the tracker detects a violent shock (vibration), it will send an alert to all authorised mobile phone numbers.
Sensitivity is factory set and is also dependent on where the tracker is mounted. We recommend attaching to a solid part of the vehicle for best detection.

When armed, if the ignition of the vehicle is turned on, all authorized numbers will receive an alert.

When armed, if the power to the tracker is disconnected, the tracker will send a text alert.

This is similar to geo-fence but is not at a fixed location – the location is where your vehicle is parked when you activate ‘move’.
The vehicle must be stationary for more than 3 minutes before a ‘move’ command can be sent. The command sets a permitted radius of travel of your choice (100m~5000m) from the parked location. Movement outside this radius will send a text alert to your mobile phone.
If move alert is on, then geo-fence is automatically off.

A speed limit can be set between 50~300kph.
Speeding sends a text alert to all authorized numbers.

FREQUENCY OF REPORTING – default 15 seconds
Set how often the tracker reports when moving.
Typically, 15~20 seconds is used when moving as this gives a good map plot.

GPS time is based on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

Example settings are;

  • When no daylight saving (10 – NSW) (12 for NZ)
  • With daylight saving (11 -NSW) (13 for NZ)

The tracker does not automatically update time – it must be done manually.

Apart from the main ‘master’ user, you can add 2 other authorized mobile numbers that can have the same APP control and receive text alerts from the tracker.

The GPS tracker has an internal battery which is charged once connected to your vehicle.
It provides short term power back-up in the event the vehicle battery is disconnected.
Switched – under top clear cover.
Turn off if you plan to have tracker disconnected from power.

COMMAND PASSWORD (for text commands) (Does not change APP logon password – see pg 7) The default password is 123456.
This may be changed to any unique 6-digit number of your choice.
Note: If changing the password, please make careful note of the new number.
LED’s (Viewed on the tracker module)

YELLOW LED — Mobile communication

  • Unlit Mobile reception is off
  • Lit solid Working normal
  • Flashing once every 3 sec’s Searching for signal

Blue LED – GPS satellite reception

  • Unlit GPS off
  • Lit solid Working normal
  • Flashing once every 3 sec’s Searching for signal

Red LED – Internal battery for back-up

  • Unlit No Power
  • Lit solid Has Power


It is recommended that this product is installed by suitably qualified persons.
For safety reasons, only immobilize the starter motor


  • Choose a hidden but accessible mounting location that allows for the tracker to face towards the sky – SIM card side facing up.
  • Ensure there is no metal above that could shield the tracker.
  • Do not put the tracker close to other emission sources such as computers, parking system, alarms, Bluetooth units or other electronic equipment.
  • Remove the top cover and insert the SIM card.
  • Plug in the loom and park outdoors to get good GPS reception.
  • Verify mobile and GPS reception by looking at the LED’s for correct flash code.
  • Refit the cover.
  • Secure the tracker in the chosen location.
  • Connect the tracker to the vehicle
  • Remove the ‘snap on’ top cover of the tracker
  • Slide and lift SIM card holder – Insert SIM card
  • Close holder and slide forward to lock
  • Turn on the trackers’ battery back-up isolating switch
  • Replace the plastic cover


  • Unlit Reception is off (No power or unit asleep)
  • Lit solid Working normal
  • Flashing Searching for reception (Yellow – Mobile) (Blue – GPS)
  • Red LED Power connected and internal battery charging

TEST THE BASIC INSTALLATION if you are installer and not the owner of VT904 Using the mobile APP, check for correct operation – do not complete the WIZARD.

  • Download and open the APP on your mobile phone – page 3
  • Press ‘SKIP’ at the bottom of the ‘wizard’ screen to go to LOGON screen
  • Enter the trackers ID (serial number) and default 222444 password
  • Turn vehicle on so VT904 sends data to server
  • Map shows the current location (tracker is Green triangle – Blue is your phone)
  • If location is not correct, press ‘MENU’
  • Select ‘Set APN’ and enter SIM cards APN – see page 3
  • Allow a few minutes and check location which should now be correct
  • Please ask tracker owner to download the APP and complete the Activation ‘Wizard’ detailed in this manual


The VT904 can be easily upgraded to provide vehicle and personal security in addition to vehicle location and travel history.

The SP904 Security Pack includes;

  • An engine starter immobilizer relay kit (For engine immobilization via the APP)
  • A vehicle’s car alarm connection kit (Sends the SOS alert when car alarm sounds)
  • An ‘SOS’ button (Sends the SOS alert to authorized mobile phones)
  • Security Pack installation instructions

All controllable via the mobile APP or simple text messages.



To prevent engine starting only the starter motor is to be immobilized to provide safe operation of the vehicle.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Immobilizing circuits other than the starter motor (eg: ignition or fuel pump) may result in the vehicle stopping unexpectant whilst being driven which could cause death or injury. Only immobilize the starter motor.
VT904 and SP904 must be tested to ensure correct and safe operation when installed
NOTE: 24-volt vehicles – relays not supplied.

Mount the switch in a suitable location within easy reach of the driver, if using as SOS instead of Siren input trigger.

CAR ALARM SIREN INPUT – Can connect SOS to siren trigger
The wiring diagram above shows how a (+) positive trigger Mongoose car alarm siren is connected. If connecting to a negative trigger alarm system, connect pin 85 to constant (+) positive supply and pin 86 to the negative trigger of the siren.

NOTE: The siren input does not provide for pulsed siren or horn triggers. ( has information on converting pulsed output to constant)

The ‘WIZARD’ must be completed by the trackers owner or main user to allow access to TEXT COMMANDS and to activate all functions


  • Open the APP (complete the WIZARD if not already done so) & logon.
  • Select ‘menu’ and then ‘text commands’.
  • Select the immobilizer command and choose ‘ON’.
  • The APP will ask for confirmation to prevent accidental immobilization.
  • Test immobilization by attempting to start the engine.
  • Assuming immobilization is successful, re-engage the starter by sending the ‘OFF’ text command. Test for correct operation by starting the engine.

When the alarm is activated, or the SOS button is pressed, the VT904 will alert the owner and authorised mobile phones with an ‘SOS’ text message.
There is a built-in 4~5 second delay before the alert is sent to allow for false alarms and for the vehicle owner to cancel the alarm sounding.
Arming/disarming and pre-intrusion chirps do not cause an alert.


  • GPS tracking may not function correctly if it cannot ‘see’ the GPS satellites such as undercover, in parking buildings, surrounded by tall buildings, heavy overcast weather, etc.
  • For this tracker to function correctly and accurately, ensure your mobile phone GPS location services are switched on for the Mongoose 4G APP.
  • The APP and website are owned & operated by a 3rd party and are free to use by purchasers of Mongoose GPS tracker products. Mongoose is not liable if access becomes unavailable for any reason.
  • Be aware that use of this product may infringe the rights or invade the privacy of others, user must ensure that they comply with all government rules and regulations.
  • We are not responsible for the non-operation of this product should the internet services, mobile service providers of the GPS or mobile signals become unavailable for whatever reason.
  • We are not responsible for the operation of your mobile device used with this tracker nor the compatibility of it with this GPS tracking device.
  • Keep the unit dry. Clean with dry cloth. Do not clean with chemicals or detergent, etc.
  • Do not disassemble, tamper or attempt repairs. Do not paint or apply metal foil stickers.
  • No internal serviceable parts. Tampering, abuse and misuse will void warranties.


Dim. 80mm x 38mm x 17mm
Weight 53g
Network 4G LTE /GSM
Bands LTE-FDD B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B7/B8/B28/B66GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
Working voltage DC 9V – 95V
Working current 12V/38mA
Sleep current 12V/10mA
GPS sensitivity -162dBm
GPS accuracy 5m
Time To First Fix Cold status 35-80s – Warm status 35s – Hot status 1s
Battery 3.7V 140mAh Polymer battery
Storage Temp. -30°C to +80°C
Operation Temp. -20°C to +75°C
Humidity 5%–95% non-condensing
External ports Immobiliser-SOS siren trigger
Other port Factory use only


Mongoose warrants for the period of 2 YEARS (24 months) that it will make good without charge, at Mongoose’s discretion, by way of repair or replacement with the same or with a reasonable equivalent.

It is the product owner’s responsibility to return the GPS tracker for service, repair or replacement at their own cost.

Any claim made to Mongoose under this warranty must comply with the following;

  1. any defect has been notified to the supplying Mongoose dealer as soon as the defect was noticed.
  2. a copy of your retail ‘proof of purchase’ stating where and when it was purchased and (if applicable) who carried out the installation.
  3. the product was manufactured within 12 months prior to the commencement of this warranty period.
  4. the product was purchased from Mongoose or one of its authorized dealers/resellers.
  5. the product has not been disassembled or the manufacturers security seals have not been broken or tampered with.
  6. if installation of the product was required, that it has been installed by a Mongoose approved installation agent or suitably qualified industry recognized person.
  7. that the original installer, or other Mongoose dealer nominated by the original installer, has determined that the reported defect is a genuine product defect and not caused by;
  8. incorrect operation, incorrect installation or any other consequential damage caused by other equipment not part of this product.
  9. operation of the product after it is known to be defective
  10. tampered with, alteration or modification by any person
  11. the fitment and/or connection of additional parts or accessories not supplied by or approved of by Mongoose
  12. water damage, misuse, accident, deliberate act or abuse, misdirected electrical current, insufficient or excess voltage, ingress of any fluid or fire
  13. excessive heat from either the vehicle or the sun
Items not covered by this warranty
  1. labour costs for removal & refitting of parts
  2. mobile ‘onsite’ service
  3. normal wear and tear
  4. any consequential loss incurred by the failure of this product or SIM card failure
  5. product purchased from internet trading sites which is not supplied by an authorized dealer
  6. Mobile SIM cards
  7. The download and use of the mobile APP and website
  8. Loss of access to App and Website

Warranty when not fitted by auto electrician or suitably qualified persons
This warranty may be void or limited to 12 months ‘manufacturing defects only’ depending on the reasons for repair.

Installation warranty

Warranty on the installation is borne by the installer.



New Zealand
GPS tracking website:


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