Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote User Guide

June 9, 2024
Auto Anchor

AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote
User GuideAuto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless

AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote

This User Guide is intended as a quick reference for day to day use of the AA710. It must be read in conjunction with the Owner’s Manual. The Owner’s Manual has installation, set up and testing instructions plus information relating to troubleshooting and maintenance. If you do not have the Owner’s Manual please contact your supplier or the manufacturer for a copy.
It is the owner’s sole responsibility to ensure the Auto Anchor is installed, used and maintained in a manner that will not cause accidents, personal injury or property damage.
When using the Auto Anchor the operator must follow safe boating practices for all equipment use. The Auto Anchor manufacturer and supplier accept no liability for personal injury or property damage resulting from failure to follow the installation and operating instructions or the use of the Auto Anchor in a way that may cause accidents or damage or that may violate the law.

  • all equipment controlled by the Auto Anchor must be installed and used strictly according to the original equipment manufacturer’s instructions;
  • only persons who are fully aware of the correct use of the thruster, windlass, auxiliary or optional equipment should be allowed to use the Auto Anchor to control this equipment;
  • the user must personally control and supervise all anchoring, docking and other equipment operations;
  • the user must have a clear view of all equipment when operated using the Auto Anchor;
  • the user must know the location of the main breaker or battery switch to disconnect the windlass, thruster or auxiliary equipment from all power sources in the event of an emergency;
  • the power supply to all equipment must be turned off when it is not in use;
  • there must be an alternative method available to operate all equipment to be operated by the Auto Anchor, including the windlass, thruster, auxiliary and optional equipment;
  • a failure of the wireless link will result in loss of control of the equipment via the Auto Anchor.

WHEN Controlling A Windlass

  • maintain a clear view of the windlass, rode and/or anchor, plus any optional or auxiliary anchoring equipment during windlass operation;
  • always ensure the anchor is fully docked and secured before moving the boat.


  • do not operate close to swimmers, the powerful suction of water could cause serious injury;
  • never run the thruster out of the water, this can cause serious damage to the motor;
  • running a thruster without resistance from the propeller can also cause serious damage to the motor;
  • if the thruster stops giving thrust while the motor is running, turn it off immediately.


AA710 BUTTONSAuto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - AA710

Mode & On/Off
Turn on Hold to unlock Tap for menu Hold 1 second to change application eg from windlass to thruster Hold 6 seconds to turn off
Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 1
Power up the AA702 base station.
Press the Mode button to turn the remote console on. There will be a delay of a few seconds while the remote console connects to the network. The screen will be locked and will display the last mode operated.

In the start screen press the Mode button to display the menu.
Scroll to Off.
Select Off.
Press and hold the MODE button for 6 seconds.
Note: Note: The AA710 remote console automatically turns off after a preset time without use. Default Auto Off is 5 minutes. The Auto Off Time can be changed to between 4 and 20 minutes in the Setup menu. See page 23 in the Owner’s Manual.


Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - DISPLAYED

Displays the power left in the 2 x AA batteries in the remote console. To ensure full operational capacity do not allow the battery status to drop to zero. All settings and measurements are saved if the unit is turned off or if the battery fails. Refer to Part 5 in the Owner’s Manual for details on battery replacement and care.
This is the signal received by the remote console from the base station. It is affected by the distance between the two units and by structural aspects of the boat. Eg. A high concentration of steel superstructure between the base station and the remote console. If the base station is installed beneath a steel, carbon fibre or alloy deck it may need an antenna.
The backlighting turns on when the control buttons are touched. At all other times it is in power saving mode. The backlighting level is controlled by the light sensor fitted to the front of the AA710.
Hold the Mode button for 2 seconds to unlock.
The AA710 automatically turns off and resets the lock after 5 minutes without use.
See page 36 in the Owner’s Manual to change lock reset time.
To reset the lock manually:
Press the Mode button to display the menu.
Select Lock. The screen will return to the current mode with the lock on.

Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 4

Cycle through the modes by pressing the Mode button for 1 second at a time
Press and release the Mode button to access the menu. Select the Mode.


Keep your finger on the button to deploy the anchor manually or use the automatic function for hands free anchor deployment and retrieval. See the instructions for both options below.
Note: The AA710 remote console automatically turns off after a preset time without use.
Default Auto Off is 5 minutes. The Auto Off Time can be changed from between 4 to 20 minutes in the Setup menu. See page 23 in the Owner’s Manual.

For an accurate reading always ensure the AA710 display reads 0.0 before deploying the anchor. See Clear to Zero on page 40 of the Owner’s Manual.
Counting continues if the AA710 remote console is turned off and if the windlass is operated by another control eg foot switches.


Deploy and Retrieve the Anchor Using Manual Operation
Turn the AA710 on.
Clear the safety lock.
Press and hold the up or down button to deploy or retrieve the anchor. Releasing the button stops the windlass operation.
Ensure the anchor is fully docked and secured before moving the boat.
DOCKING ALARM: During retrieval the windlass will stop and the AA710 beeps to warn the operator the anchor is at the preset docking distance. Press and hold the button to continue retrieval. If the system has been set up for dual speed. It will change to slow at this point. Extra care must be taken at this stage of retrieval.
WARNING: There is an inherent risk when using any automatic function on a boat. If you choose to use the AA710 automatic functions, you must still control and supervise all windlass and anchoring operation.
Use the Automatic Function to:

  • Preset the length of rode for deployment;
  • Have hands-free operation of the windlass;
  • Retrieve the anchor automatically to the preset docking distance.

Note: For rope/chain counting, if the sensor or load sensing wires are not installed correctly the automatic function will not operate. An Installation warning message will display on the screen. The windlass can still be operated using manual operation but the Auto Anchor will not count accurately.
Safety Override
Press any button on the AA710 to stop the windlass during automatic release or retrieval. In an emergency shut off the power to the windlass using the isolating/breaker switch.
Enable Automatic Operation
A “rode to be released” value must be entered to use automatic operation.
To Set A Rode to be Released Value

Turn the AA710 on.
Clear the safety lock.
Press the Mode button to enter the menu.
Press the Mode button twice to enter Set auto.
Scroll up or down to the value.
Save and return to start screen.
To disable automatic operation: Set the rode to be released value to Off.
Deploy the Anchor Using Automatic Operation
Turn the AA710 on.
Clear the safety lock.
Press the Mode button to enter the Menu.
Press the Mode button again to select Auto. The screen displays the current length for Auto release. If this setting is correct, press and release the down button to deploy the anchor.
To Change the Setting:

Press the Mode button again to select Set auto.
Scroll to the value.
Save and return to Auto.
The windlass will stop and the AA710 will beep when the preset length of rode has been released. The screen will display “Target reached”.
Retrieve the Anchor Using Automatic Operation

Turn the AA710 on.
Clear the safety lock.
Press the Mode button to enter the Menu.
Press the Mode Button again to select Auto.
Press and release the Up button to retrieve the anchor.
The windlass will stop and the AA710 will beep when the docking distance is reached. The screen will display Docking distance. If the system is set up for dual speed, it will change to slow speed at this point.
Press and hold the Up button to complete retrieval of the anchor. The AA710 will beep during this process.
Ensure the anchor is fully docked and secured before moving the boat.


You must have a windlass with a dual speed motor to use this feature. Default Speed is slow.
Use the right arrow to toggle between fast and slow speed. The current speed is displayed on the screen SL or FS.
If using Auto Mode select fast speed prior to selecting Auto.
The windlass automatically changes to slow speed when the docking distance is reached.
Use the Left arrow to turn Option A on and off.
Use the Right arrow to turn Option B on and off.
Note: If Auto wash is set it will turn on automatically during retrieval if any windlass control is used. Control could be via the AA710 and also foot switches, toggle switches or another Auto Anchor unit.
Press to access the Menu when the Auto Anchor is turned on.
The AA710 must be turned on.
Press to access the Menu.
Scroll to Clear to Zero
Select Clear to zero.
Select No/Yes.
Yes – return to start screen.
No – return to the menu, then press again to return to the start screen.

The AA710 must be turned on.
Press to access the Menu.
Scroll to Logs.
Select Logs.
Return to the menu.
Exit and return to start screen.
Logs can be cleared if base station is reset.

The AA710 must be turned on.
Press to access the Menu.
Select Reset sensor.
Select No/Yes.
Yes – return to start screen.
No – return to the menu, then press again to return to the start screen.
Deploy the anchor to tune the sensor. See page 37 in the Owner’s Manual.
The AA710 can control a single bow thruster or a bow and stern thruster together.


Note: The AA710 remote console automatically turns off after a preset time without use.
Default Auto Off is 5 minutes. The Auto Off Time can be changed from between 4 to 20 minutes in the Setup menu. See page 23 in the Owner’s Manual. If you have more than 1 console you must set the time for each console.
Only persons who are fully aware of the requirements for safe operation of the thruster should be allowed to use the AA710 to operate this equipment. The owner of the boat must take responsibility for ensuring the thruster is used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and with the appropriate safety precautions.
The thruster must not be operated close to swimmers, the powerful suction of water could cause serious injury. Never run the thruster out of the water as this can seriously damage the motor. Running a thruster without resistance from the propeller can also cause serious damage to the motor. If the thruster stops giving thrust while the motor is running, turn it off immediately. Always turn off the power to the thruster when it is not in use.
TO ACCESS THE THRUSTERAuto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote -
Sambol 14

Turn the Auto Anchor on.
Clear the safety lock.
Cycle through the modes by pressing the Mode button for 1 second at a time
Access the Menu.
Select “Select Mode”.
Scroll to Thruster.
Select Thruster.

Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 15


AA710 System locked.
Hold Mode button to clear.| Local lock on. No access from AA710.
Thruster operated by another controller.

Use the left and right arrow buttons to control the thruster operation.
Left to port and and right to starboard.

Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 18

Bow thruster selected.
System powered up and idle.| Thrust to port.| Thrust to starboard.

If there is a bow and a stern thruster fitted, use the up button to toggle between the bow thruster and the combined bow and stern thruster.
Use the down button to toggle between the stern thruster and the combined bow and stern thruster.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to control the thruster operation to port and starboard.
Dual Thruster Operation

Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 19

Bow and stern thrusters selected.  System powered up and idle.| Bow and stern thrusters to port.| Bow and stern thrusters to starboard.

Bow Thruster Operation

Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 20

Bow thruster selected.
System powered up and idle.| Bow thrusting to port.| Bow thrusting to starboard.

Stern Thruster Operation

Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 21

Stern thruster selected.
System powered up and idle.| Stern thrusting to starboard.| Stern thrusting to port.

Pivot (360º Turn) Operation

Pivot mode can be selected from any thruster operation mode, by pressing the Up button for more than 1 second. For example:
Bow thruster selected. System powered up and idle.

Hold the Up button for more than 1 second to change to Pivot Mode.

Use the left or right buttons to turn the boat clockwise or anticlockwise. Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol 24

To exit pivot mode and return to single thruster operation press the up or down button.
Press the up button to return to bow thruster operation.

Press the down button to return to stern thruster operation.


The AA710 can control other equipment on the boat such as pumps, davits or cleats using the auxiliary outputs.
Only persons who are fully aware of the requirements for safe operation of the auxiliary equipment should be allowed to use the AA710 to operate this equipment. The owner of the boat must take responsibility for ensuring the equipment is used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and with the appropriate safety precautions.
Note: The AA710 remote console automatically turns off after a preset time without use.
Default Auto Off is 5 minutes. The Auto Off Time can be changed from between 4 to 20 minutes in the Setup menu. See page 23 in the Owner’s Manual.
TO ACCESS THE AUXILIARY MODE![Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote

Turn the AA710 on.
Clear the safety lock.
Depending on the system set up.
Cycle through the modes by pressing the button for 1 second at a time.
Tap to access the Menu.
Scroll to “Select Mode”.
Select “Select Mode”.
 Scroll to Auxiliary outputs.
Select Auxiliary outputs.Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote - Sambol

On the console use the key shown on the screen to operate the Auxiliary output. The Auxiliary output will be highlighted on the screen when it is active.

M = Momentary
T = Toggle

Auxiliary Key ReferencesAuto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote -
Auxiliary Key References

FCC, CE and compliance statements are set out in the Owner’s Manual
To the best of our knowledge the information in this User Guide was correct at the time of printing. However, the Auto Anchor is continuously being reviewed and improved and product specifications may be changed without notice. The latest product specifications may not be reflected in this version of the manual.
Documentation relating to the Auto Anchor is created in the English language and can be translated from English to another language. In the event of any conflict between translated documents, the English language version will be the official version.
All Auto Anchor documents including the Owner’s Manual are also available on the website

A Kiwi Yachting

The Auto Anchor is designed and manufactured by:
Kiwi Yachting Consultants Ltd PO Box 90114, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland, New Zealand Ph: +64 9 360 0300 Email:
Auto Anchor is a trademark of Kiwi Yachting Consultants Limited Copyright © 2013, Kiwi Yachting Consultants Limited, New Zealand


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| Auto Anchor AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote [pdf] User Guide
AA710 Handheld Wireless Remote, AA710, Handheld Wireless Remote, Wireless Remote, Remote

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