cronte KI-CF2 Facial Recognition Access Control System User Manual

June 9, 2024

cronte KI-CF2 Facial Recognition Access Control System User Manual
cronte KI-CF2 Facial Recognition Access Control


The product is a new generation of multi-function facial recognition Standalone Access Controller and Reader, which utilizes the new powerful, stable and reliable ARM core 32-bit microprocessor design. It can be used as a Weigand reader, or as a Standalone Access Controller/Reader. And is suitable for access control applications in offices, residential communities, villa, banks and prisons.


Feature Specificetion
**** Card Type 125KHz EM card{Oplianal)
13.56MHz Mifare card (Optiona )
Keyoad Characteristic Infra red remote controller a Aeration.
Outoul PrDlocol Can ogerale as a reader The transmission format auld be add

usted by users
 Access Mode| card, fac‹al recognilion , fingerprint, card + fingerDrin I, card + facial recognition
 Admin Card| admin can , admin fingergrint (add/deIete)
 User Card| 10,000 card users,1000 facial users and 6D0 f!ngerprinl users
**** Distance| 50cm-1m

Technical Specifications

Operating Voltage: DC 12V Standby Current: <180mA
Opera ngCuaenI &300mA
Operating Humidity: 0 95% Access mooe I-ingerprint, card, łaciai recognit ian

or ****


  • Remove the back cover from the keypad using the supplied special screw driver
  • Drill 2 holes on the wall for the self-tapping screws and dig a hole for the cable
  • Put the supplied rubber bungs into the two holes
  • Fix the back cover firmly on the wall with 2 self tapping screws
  • Thread the cable through the cable hole
  • Attach the keypad to the back cover. (See the figure below)



No- CoIor Marks Description
1 Oange NC ReayNC
2 Purple COIVI Relay GOM
4 Blue No Relay NO
6 Blacł‹ GND Negative power su pp ty end
7 Red +12V PoSitive pawer 6upply or AC p ower 6upply end
B Yello+ oPEN Ex‹t butlon inout end
9 NMe D1 Wiegand input (amy when used as a reader)
10 Gwen D0 Wiegand input (only when used as a reader)


Common Power Supply
Common power supply

Special Power supply

Special power supply

Reader Mode

Reader Mode

Sound and Light Indication

Operation Status Lignt indicator Buzzer
Stand by Red
Operation successful Green Beef
Operation failed Beeo-Beep-Beep
Admin card enter programming Beef
Admin card exit programming Beef
Press digital key Beep
Press* key Bee in
Read card under card•tngergrinf mode Red ‘ndicator !Iash slowly BeeD—
Read mM under cab+Mca moe Beep—
Head muIt user cards Red indicator flash slowly Beef
Enter programming mode Red indicator Cash slowly
Enter setting status Orange
Unlocking Green
Buzzer alarm Red indicator flash quickly Alarm

Admin Menu

Device Management

Function wpera»On steps Notes
Change Admin Gode             Factory Default Adminade is 999999.

This islhe code whenyou eseldefault
SetAdminAdd oard orfln er nm| | To set Admin Add card or fingerprint
Set Admin delete card or fingerprint| | | R          ^| To sel Admin Delete
Delete Admin Add card or fingerprint| | Delete Admin Add card or fingerprint
Delete Admin Delete card or finperprin| | Delete admin delete card or fingerprint
Exit programming| | Press to exit programming

Common Operation

Function Operation steps Notea
Change admin code ax e e e __ Uetault Admin œde is 999990.
Add carô user __ Add multiple card users
Add taœ user ****__aöa     n 8 faces per user
Add fingerprint **** Add multip e fingergrint! use
Delete card user              Delete card user
Delete faœ user       Delete multiple face users
Delete fingerprint e   multiple fingerpnnt
Ueete aI user m    ^  min c°    e  mfi       

faces and fingerprint

Add users

Function Operaüon steps Notes
Add carô user __ Add multiple card usem
Ada carô number _Admin_ code _due_ i s..@ gœeraleô

Add user IU number|             | number and reaoing œrd
Add user ID number +| __             ID numLer |@| Ado c-ar0 user Dy speciiyingUser ID number and inoul
Add face user| | d ser“””ta e 8 Ui uresu
Adü taœ user Dy specityID number| AÔfT1i0 ŒXiB          | ID nMmiaF racial recognition 8 times @| Add multiple face user by speciffying user ID number
Add fingerprint user|  | Add multiple fingerprint user

Delete Users

Function O@Œtion steps Notes
Uelete card user i … @x Deleie œrô user
Delete card number Delete card user by card number
Delete ID number _Admin ecole_ __!I   _II21
__ Delete card fingerprint face user by specify ID number
Delete taœ __Admin cède @           

Delete faœ user
DeIer tingerDnn1| | Delete fingerprint user
OeleTemuÆpeusec| Qt e %%| Delœ mufiple usés by ID numLe
Delete all user| née 0000 @| Delele all user carös, faces

Admin Card Operation

Add Card

Read admin add card
Read the 1′ user card
Read the 21” user card
Read admin add card
Note: The Admin Add card is used to add card users continuously and quickly. When you present the Admin Add card. you will hear short “BEEP” sounds twice and the indicator light turns orange. You have entered into Add user programming mode.You can present the cards for programming now.After all the cards are added, present the Admin Add card again.You will hear long “BEEP” sound once and the indicator light turns red, indicating that you have exited the Add card user programming mode.

Delete Card
Read admin delete card
Read the 1′ user card
Read the 21d user card
Read admin delete card
Note: The Admin Delete card is used to delete card users continuously and quickly. When you present the Admin Delete card,you will hear short “BEEP” sounds twice and the indicator light turns orange. You have entered into Delete user programming mode.You can now present the cards for deletion.When it is completed, you can present the Admin Delete card and you will hear a long “BEEP” sound once and the indicator light turns red,indicating that you have exited the Delete card user programming mode.

User Operation

Acknowledging the Alarm
Read admin card,
Read valid user card’
Input valid fingerprint,
Press Admin code #1
Note: When the alarm is activated, users can acknowledge and stop the alarm by reading valid user or Inputting valid fingerprint or pressing admin code. 10.2 Reset to Factory Default Users can reset to device to its factory default if the Admin code is forgotten or the user wants to place the device back to factory original settings. To reset, follow the procedures below: Power off the device. Hold down the Exit button. Power on. Release the Exit button only when you hear the beep sound twice. The Admin code has been reset to 999999, factory and the device has defaulted to factory setting.
Note: Registered user data won’t be deleted when reset to factory default.

Data Backup Operation
Example: Backup the data of machine A to machine B The pink wire of machine A connects the pink-white wire of machine B, the pink-white wire of machine A connects the pink wire of machine B, set B for receiving mode at first, then set A for sending mode, the indicator light turns green flash during the data backup, data backup is successful when indicator light turns red.

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