ELITE ACOUSTICS A4-58 Acoustic Amplifier User Guide

June 9, 2024

Elite Acoustics Engineering A4-58 120W Lithium Battery Powered Acoustic Amplfier with 4 Channels, Mixer, Effects, and Bluetooth ®
Quick Start Guide V1.00

A4-58 package contains the following:
(1) Speaker
(1) 12V AC Power Supply Adapter
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Elite Acoustics Engineering, Inc is under license
NOTE: Due to continuous development and improvements of our products, features and specifications are subject to change without notice. All weights and measures are approximate. Revision Date – Dec 2022.


  1. Battery Switch [37] is set to Connect. (Battery Switch is set to Disconnect position to preserve battery life for transit or storage.)

  2. Make sure the SPEAKER VOLUME [3] control is down before you turn the POWER [38] on.

  3. Connect the input of your microphone to the MIC IN [17.1]. Or you can connect a ¼” line input from an instrument [17]. You can also  connect an additional mono or stereo [20]. All EQ knobs (21) should be set to 12 o’clock (FLAT EQ), Notch Filter knob (19) should be also in the 12 o’clock. MUTE switch (13) and Phase switch (15) is out. EFX send level (14) should be at minimum.

  4. Turn on the POWER [38] switch, battery meter should be all GREEN (indicate battery is fully charged)

  5. EFX MIX knob (8) should be set to 12 o’clock. EFX should be bypassed until you are ready to test EFX. Monitor EQ (6) should be set to 12  o’clock “FLAT EQ”

  6. Turn up GAIN [12] until there is a solid green light showing “signal”[CHAN 1 meter] at desired level, without a red “peak”[CHAN 1 meter]  light, indicating too much signal. Some MIC or INPUTs can distort the Speaker even with Gain Knob (12) at Minimum. Press the PAD switch (16) to reduce the input signal level to avoid distortion if input signal level is too high.

  7. Adjust the SPEAKER VOLUME [3] to a comfortable level.

  8. If you want to test Bluetooth® streaming, Connect device to Bluetooth® [40]

  9. Recommended Monitor EQ (6) setting for Bluetooth playback – High and Mid (12 o’clock) Low (1 – 2 o’clock)

  10. Note if you are using an iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth®, set the volume on your device about halfway. Maximum volume will distort. The  Monitor Sigle (GREEN) LED is a good indication of a good input level from your Bluetooth or AUX inputs.

  11. Use Channel 1 for your Acoustic Guitar and Channel 2 for your vocal.

  12. when you are getting a good sound without CHAN EQ or EFX, time to start playing with the CHAN EQ and EFX – start with these  recommended setting and adjust to achieve the tone you prefer.

  13. Acoustic Guitar EQ setting recommendations.
    Low Volume – High (1 o’clock) Mid (12 o’clock) Low (1 o’clock)

  14. Acoustic Guitar EQ setting recommendations.
    Medium Volume – High (2 o’clock) Mid (11 o’clock) Low (2 o’clock)

  15. Acoustic Guitar EQ setting recommendations.
    High Volume – High (12 o’clock) Mid (9 o’clock) Low (12 o’clock)

  16. Set you vocal EQ FLAT to start and ajdust EQ as you need.

  17. Release the EFX mute switch (11)

  18. Set EFX send level knob (14, 24, 31) on each channel to about 3 o’clock.

  19. Select R2 – Reverb – Dark Cavern.

  20. Turn EFX Parameter Knob (9) to 12 o’clock.

  21. Turn Mix Knob (11) to 5 o’clock. Slowly turn it CCW to achieve the level of EFX you prefer.

Top Panel View

Power LED:
BLUE [1]: Indicate unit is
ON +48V LED [2]: Indicates Phantom Power is on — for Both Chan 1 and Chan 2.

Monitor Output Controls
Speaker Volume [3]: Control speakers’ volume level
Mono [4]: Changes speaker output to Mono sound
Monitor Equalizer [6]: Adjust Speaker High, Mid, and Low Frequency response
Peak LED [5]: RED indicate Signal Clip
Signal LED [5]: GREEN indicate Signal
Aux Input/Level [7]: Connect audio source with 1/8” jack from MP3/CD player.
Effects Controls
Effects Mix [8]: Amount of effect being applied to Input, Dry and Wet mix. There is no EFX if knob is completely on DRY position.
Rate/Decay [9]: Controls the duration of the effect
Effects Knob Selector [10]: Select effect of choice

Chan 1 Signal, Clip and Mute LED
Chan 2 Signal, Clip and Mute LED
Chan 3 Signal and Clipping LED
Use Signal and Clip LEDs to monitor the input signals to help prevent distortion.


  • To turn ON/OFF Bluetooth® function
    PRESS/HOLD down MODE button for approximately 5 seconds
    Both LEDs will flash at the simultaneously

  • To pair device to the speaker system Bluetooth® needs to be turned ON
    QUICK TAP the MODE button once
    Both Flashing LED: indicate Bluetooth ® is ready to be paired
    Flashing Blue LED only: indicate Bluetooth® is connected

Extend the Bluetooth Antenna to increase range for Bluetooth.

USB Charge only is for charging your phone or MP3 players on the go.
Use only approved EAE power adaptors.
DO NOT leave Power Switch on the “ON” position for a long period of time, it will drain the battery if battery is connected. Battery won’t charge after it is completely drain.
+9VDC (500mA) output is Center Positive.
Use to StompMix 4 or GigMix 4-1 digital mixers.

Channel 1
Gain [12]: Gain level control
Mute [13]: Mute channel
EFX Send Level [14]: How much output effect is being sent out
Phase [15]: Change in phase of waveform
PAD [16]: Attenuate if needed
Line In [17]: 1/4” TRS inputs Balanced
Mic In [17.1]: XLR for Microphone Input Balanced
Notch Filter [19]: Adjust feedback
Frequency [20]:
Equalizer [21]: Controls Low, Mids, and High
Mic/Line or Instrument Input selection switch (18)
Instrument Input (17.2)
Instrument Input is recommendated for Passive Pickups that need high Z and higher Gain.

Channel 2
Gain [22]: Gain level control
Mute [23]: Mute channel
EFX Send Level [24]: How much output effect is being sent out
Phase [25]: Change in phase of waveform
PAD [26]: Attenuate if needed
Line In [27]: 1/4” TRS inputs Balanced
Mic In [28]: XLR for Microphone Input Balanced
Equalizer [29]: Controls Low, Mids, and High

Chanel 3/4
Gain [30]: Gain level control
EFX Send Level [31]: How much output effect is being send out
Left/Right Input [32]: 1/4” TRS Input

Monitor Output: Connect with extraspeakers/monitors
Monitor Right Output [33]: Connect to another speaker using 1/4” TRS
Foot Switch[36] : Connect up to 3 Foot Switches Footswith #1 is for EFX bypass. #2 is for Mute Chan #1 and #3 is for Mute Chan #2.  “FootSwitch controller is optional and not included.”

Output Source [34]:Assigns Main Output or Channel 1/2 Direct Output
Output Level Control [35] Main Output [36]: XLR Left/Right Output GND lift For XLR outputs (37)

Battery Switch[38] : Built in Slide Swtich to preserve battery life.
Connect: Enable battery power when using unit
Disconnect: Disable battery power when storing unit to preserve battery life


The Monitor Right Output (33) allows you to add a secondary active monitor while preserving the stereo image. The Monitor unit will play the Left Channel content and the secondary monitor will play the Right Channel. If stereo imaging is not desired, simply engage the Mono button on the  A4-8’s top panel. Note that the Monitor Right Output (33) will not drive a passive speaker; it is a Line-level output that can drive amplifiers or active monitor systems. Connect Master Speaker Right output (33) to Secondary speaker Chan 3/4 Line input (32). Set Secondary Speaker Gain (30) to 3  0’clock. Then set Secondary Monitor Level (3) to balance the Left (Master speaker) and Right (Secondary speaker) channels. EQ on Secondary  Speaker should be FLAT and EFX (11) should be bypassed.



The XLR output jacks can be used for MAIN MIX outputs (seperate from the Monitor Speaker Output) or Direct Outputs for Chan 1 “Left” (35)  and Chan 2 “Right” (35) with Level Control. Switch (34) control Main (Switch Out) or Direct Out (Switch pressed in).


  1. To fully charge a unit –
    a. Set Battery Switch to “CONNECT”
    b. Turn Power Switch OFF
    c. Connect “AC” adaptor to Power Jack.
    d. Blue “Charge” LED should be lit, Charge time is about 5-6 hours.

  2. When unit is powered with “AC” adaptor, Battery Switch should be in “CONNECT” position.
    If unit is always plugged in, it is recommendate to put Battery Swtich in Disconnected position, but make sure to recharge unit monthly.

  3. Battery Switch should be on “DISCONNECT” when unit is packed for transit or unit is in storage.
    Make sure battery is fully charged before UNIT is put into storage. We recommend fully charging the battery at least once each month.

  4. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LifePO4) battery lifetime is typically 3 – 4 years depending on usage.

  5. Recharge Battery every month if not in use.


  • Battery TYPE – LifePO4
  • Battery METER indicators –
  • FULLY CHARGED. – GREEN LED ON (will turn off once unit is in use)
  • NORMAL and LOW — Both LEDS are ON less then (about 10% – 25%)
  • LOW – RED ON (less then 10%)
  • CHARGING – BLUE LED ON. (will turn off when Fully Charged)
  • For Maximum Battery Life
  • – Recharge when battery is low.
  • – Drain & recharge battery at least once a month
  • – Do not leave power switch in the “ON” position when it is not in use.
  • – Keep unit in a cool, dry place away from extreme temperatures
  • – Do not service, modify, or replace the battery
  • – If the battery fails to charge, contact Elite Acoustics
  • If unit is always plugged in, it is recommendate to put Battery Swtich in Disconnected position, but make sure to recharge unit monthly.


Simply put, the annoying shrilling howl of growing and untamed feedback is the result of “in-phase” frequencies getting together and being  reinforced by the sound system and environment.
Phase Switch – since the purpose of the Phase Switch is to reverse the polarity, the first line of defense is to change the phase, which can sometimes  be a cure all by itself. This has the effect of changing the phase relationship between the amplified signal and live sound, which can break up some  “in-phase” reinforcing components. On the other hand, it’s preferred if we can leave the phase set to provide the most natural and balanced sound.
Notch Filter – Another way to prevent “in-phase” reinforcement is to simply find and “notch” out the offending frequency. The approach is  straight forward; with the Notch set to full “cut” (counter clockwise), slowly rotate the Notch Frequency to align with and cancel the offensive tone.
Phase and Notch – probably the most widely used approach is to start without the notch filter engaged, and to bring up the gain and or volume to  encourage feedback. Changing the Phase will change the frequency of the feedback. Leave the Phase set to whichever setting produces the higher  pitched note. Next, use the aforementioned Notch technique to hone in on and prevent the feedback. Keep in mind, fighting feedback in this  manner may or may not appeal to your taste in overall tone. It’s certainly fair to experiment and try it the other way around, i.e., Phase switch to stop HF tone and Notch to cutout the LF tone. After all, Live Sound is an Art and when it’s all said and done tone is King.


High – used to add sibilance and crispness to your sound, with the knob at 12:00, there is no boost or cut to the high frequency content.
Mid – Helps control the clarity of your overall mix and should be adjusted to suit lower or higher volume performance levels. Boosting the mids  helps speech clarity and intelligibility at lower volumes while cutting the mids produces a more natural sound at higher volumes. The Mid frequency  selection knob allows for a range extending from high LF to low HF. When set to 12:00 the Mid frequency peak is around 1.2k Hz, with +/- 12dB  of boost or cut depending on the setting of the Mid knob. Here again, with Mid set to 12:00 the mid control is effectively out of the circuit.
Low – In general, lower volumes can benefit from LF boost to help bring out the bass at these lower settings, but it is usually left flat or even slightly cut for high playback levels.
Notch – When it comes to the mechanics, Notch filtering is very much like the adjustable mid frequency described above. However, the frequency range is much lower, and the filter itself is much tighter, hence the term “notch.” When used in “cut” mode, this is very effective in managing feedback, which is explained in some detail in our Feedback section. However, the notch can be set to cut or boost to allow for the full range of possibilities. Many times feedback is not an issue, and the artist can take advantage of a particular notch setting to effectively tweak a final mix to accommodate specific room or instrumentation considerations.
Phase – Use the phase setting that best supports your overall sound and system integration considerations. For example, Phase can be set to facilitate the best bass response at low volumes, and it can also be effective as a feedback deterrent, which will be reviewed in our Feedback section.


R1 – Bright Cavern R9 – Ambience1
R2 – Dark Cavern R10 – Ambience2
R3 – Bright Hall E1 – Echo
R4 – Dark Hall E2 – Repeat Echo
R5 – Bright Room ER1 – Echo/Rev1
R6 – Dark Room ER2 – Echo/Rev2
R7 – Bright Plate CHO – Chorus
R8 – Dark Plate Flange – Flange


  • There are 16 total Digital EFX programs
  • R1 to R10 – REVERB
  • E1 and E2 – ECHO
  • ER1 and ER2 – Echo and Reverb
  • CHO – Chorus
  • FLange – Flanger
  • Program select Encoder (10) is for program change.
  • Parameter knob (9) to change rate or delay time for the program that is set.
  • Mix knob (8) is to fine turn the amount of EFX you want in output mix.
  • EFX can be bypassed by Pressing the bypass switch (9)
  • EFX send levels for each channel is set by on the rear panel ( 14, 24, and 31) that correspond to each channel.


  • Distorted Sound
    1. Check input level to make sure input Signal Light is in GREEN and not CLIPPING RED. Reduce Input by turn down GAIN knob (12, 22,  30), input Gain can also be reduced by Pressing “PAD” (16, 26), some MIC or PRE-AMPs have very high output level, using the PAD switch for those devices and will help you reduce the chance of distortion. Make sure all EQ knobs are set to Middle. (FLAT)
    1. Check Monitor Signal Light is also GREEN and not Clipping. Reduce Speaker Level by turning Monitor Knob (3), make sure EQ is set to  middle (FLAT)
  • No Sound
    1. Check LED signal lights. Green means there is Signal on the input.
    1. Make sure MIX knob is at 12 o’clock position.
    1. Make sure Channel is un-muted.
    1. Make sure +48V is on when using a Condenser Mic. Make sure to MUTE when turning on +48V to prevent loud POP sound.
  • Battery not Holding Charging
    1. Power unit off and charge the unit for 24 hours with Battery switch in Connected position. If problem still persist, contact   nfo@eliteacoustics.com for battery replacement instructions.


Speakers: 8” Woofer; 5 1/4” woofer, 1” Silk-dome Tweeters Optimized front ports for extended low-frequency response Frequency response 63Hz – 19k Hz
Cabinet: MDF or Plywood.
Amplifier: 120 Watts Ultra High-Efficiency Class D Amplifier.
EQ Controls:
Low +/- 12dB @ 50Hz (shelving)
Mid +/- 12dB @ 200Hz – 4k Hz (resonant)
High +/- 12dB @ 10k Hz (shelving)
Notch +/- 12dB @ 80Hz – 400 Hz (high-Q resonant)
Battery: Built-in Lithium Iron Phosphate (LifePO4) type, rechargeable Typical recharge time ~ 5.5 hours
Play time ~ 4 hours (larger capacity battery modules available for purchase)
Power Supply: DC 12V, 5000 mA
• Dimensions: 15.30”WX13.1”Hx9.80”D
• Weight: 25 lbs

  • Nominal output level (1 kHz): Right Channel Link out: -10 dBu Main/Direct Output: +4dBu

  • Channel controls: CH1 & 2: EFX Send Level knob, Gain knob, Mute switch, Phase, Pad Notch Filter, Frequency, & EQ(Channel 1 EQ includes  Mid Frequency) CH3/4: Level Knob & EFX Send Level

  • EFX Effect controls: Dry/Wet knob, Decay/Rate knob, 16 different effects(Bright/Dark Cavern, Bright/Dark Hall, Bright/Dark Room,  Bright/Dark Plate, Ambience1, Ambience2, Echo, Repeat Echo, Echo/Rev1, Echo/Rev2, Chorus, Flange)

  • Master controls: Volume Knob, Mono Switch, Equalizer (Low, Mid, High knob), Effect Mix, Decay/ Rate, Effects

  • Stereo Inputs: 1/4” Left/Right input jacks

  • Phantom Power: +48V

  • Aux in control: Level knob

  • Indicators: signal clip, power, +48V, EFX Bypass, Bluetooth ®

  • Connectors: CH1 & 2: Input jacks (XLR type, 1/4” TRS phono type), CH3/4: Left/Right stereo input (1/4” TRS phono type), AUX in: input  jacks (1/8” jack), Right channel output: line out jack Right (XLR type), DC in jack

  • Power Switch

  • Other features:
    Playback from Bluetooth device
    USB charging dock
    Optimized front ports for extended low-frequency response
    Built-in pole-mount, 35mm receptacle on bottom of unit
    +9V DC output (500mA)

  • Accessories: AC cord, AC adaptor, Optional DC cord for the car


  • Unit can operate normally when plug into the Car Adaptor.
  • Battery can also be charged by using the Car Adaptor.
  • It is not recommedate that you leave the unit plugged in while car is not running.

WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm – www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.




Contact the Distributor in your area for service and warranty info.

Elite Acoustics Engineering Inc. warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship (excluding battery) for a period of 1 year  from the date of original retail purchase. Elite Acoustics Engineering Inc. warrants the Speaker’s Battery for 90 days from the date of original retail purchase. This warranty is enforceable only by the original retail purchaser. To be protected by this warranty, the purchaser must complete and  return the enclosed warranty card within 14 days of purchase. During the warranty period EAE shall, as its sole and absolute option, either repair or replace, free of charge, any product that proves to be defective on inspection by EAE or its authorized service representative. To obtain warranty  service, contact Elite Acoustics Engineering Technical Support via email: RMA@eliteacoustics.com. PRE-AUTHORIZATION MUST BE  OBTAINED BEFORE SENDING ANY PRODUCT TO AN ELITE ACOUSTIC ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER. All inquires must be accompanied by a description of the problem. All authorized returns must be sent to the EAE repair facility postage prepaid, insured and properly  packaged. EAE reserves the right to update any unit returned for repair. EAE reserves the right to change or improve the design of the product at  any time without prior notice. This warranty does not cover claims for damage due to abuse, neglect, alteration, or attempted repair by unauthorized personnel and is limited to failures arising during normal use that are due to defects in material or workmanship in the product. Any implied  warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration to the length of this limited  warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, therefore above limitation may not apply to you. In no event will EAE be liable for incidental, consequential, or other damages resulting from the breach of any express or implied warranty, including among  other things, damage to property, damage based on inconvenience or on loss of use of the product, and, to the extent permitted by law, damages for personal injury. Some states do not allow the exclusion of limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion  may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. This warranty  only applies to products sold and used in the United States of America. For warranty information in all other countries please refer to your local  distributor.

©Elite Acoustics Engineering Inc.


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