JUNG Really Smart Panel 8 Touch Display Owner’s Manual
- June 9, 2024
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JUNG Really Smart Panel 8 Touch Display
Really smart
The JUNG KNX Smart Panel 8 touch display is the solution for the visualisation
of the KNX system. A server is not necessary.
Installation in porfraif or landscape formats is also possible in existing insfalation boxes. If is thus ideal for retfrofitting.
Quick start with Smart Vision
The app interface for the KNX control is called JUNG Smart Vision. The
installer makes the settings with the help of the associated Windows software.
This appeals with its simplicity, as it works with a WYSIWYG editor (What You
See Is What You Get). Lighting, shade, femperature, music, notifications and
much more: The set-up can be implemenfed fogether with the Owners, as they can
already see what they will operate on their Smart Panel 8 when the settings
are made. The KNX Smart Panel 8 is a particularly easy start for smart home
visualisation and can additionally be operated with the JUNG Smart Vision app.
The app for Android and iOS is available in the app stores for download.
Simple operation of numerous functions
The JUNG KNX Smart Panel 8 touch display is the solution for the visualisation of the KNX system. A server is not necesSary.
it doesn&apos,t matter whether it is directly on the Smart Panel 8 or decentralised in the local network: the Smart Vision app interface is intuitive to operate. In the main menu you find the room view for living room, bedroom, etc. In landscape format, nis sTant SCreen aispiays a maximum or sX rooms in d grd. verficol Scroing Snows Turiner rooms and ies win runcrions. Selecting a room displays the elements and functions for selection. That can, for example, be switching on the ceiling lights. Time switching points, astro function, sequences and logical operations and much more can be stored in one element. A total of 300 elements and rooms can be created. The JUNG KNX Smart Panel 8 is ideally suited for private consumers, small businesses or presentation rooms.
The touch display KNX Smart Panel 8 ata glance
- Overall dimensions: 225 x 145 milimetres
- Screen diagonal of 8 inches or 203 milimetres
- Depth:16 milimetres
- Resolution: 1280 x 800 pixels
- Proximity sensor
- Graphical user interface for visualisation and operation of KNX devices
- Integrated bus coupling unit
- User management
- Operation with a smartphone or tablet in the local network possible with the JUNG Smart Vision opp
ThejUNG KNX Smart Panel 8 fouch display IS the solution for fhe visudlisation of the KNX sysfem. A server is nof necessary.
- The jUNG KNX tOUch display Smart Panel 8 controls and visualises all the processes in the KNX system.
- Porfrait or landscape: the Smart Panel 8 can be mounted in both formats.
- Can be controlled via an app in the local network: users can aiso operate the Smart Panel 8 via a smartphone.
- Portrait or landscape: the Smart Panel 8 can be mounfed in both formats.
Mail: redaktion@agentur-richter.de Pressinformation from 2204.2022
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