E E ELEKTRONIK EE210 Humidity and Temperature Sensor User Guide
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
- EE210 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- Calculated parameters
- Outputs
- General
- References
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EE210 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
User Guide
EE210 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
EE210 – Humidity and Temperature Sensor for demanding Climate Control
Find this document and further product information on our website at
The EE210 sensor which is available for wall or duct mounting, with remote
probe as well as an outdoor version, is designed for highly accurate
measurement of humidity and temperature in demanding climate control
applications. The EE210 incorporates a state of the art E+E humidity and
temperature sensing element.
For use in special applications do not hesitate to contact E+E Elektronik or a
local distributor.
- For accurate measurement it is essential that the temperature of the probe and mainly of the sensing head is same as the temperature of the air to measure. Avoid mounting the sensor in a way which creates temperature gradients along the probe.
- The sensor and mainly the sensing head shall not be exposed to extreme mechanical stress.
- The sensor must be operated with the filter cap on at all times. Do not touch the sensing element inside the sensing head.
- While replacing the filter cap (because of pollution for instance) against an original spare one please take very good care to not touch the sensors.
Model| EE210 Wall mount / Outdoor (Type T1 / T13)| EE210
Duct mount (Type T2)| EE210 with remote probe (Type T3)|
PE210 Remote probe for Type T3| Additionally for all
EE210 with RS485 interface
EE210 according ordering guide| __| __| __| __|
Cable gland| __| __| (2 pcs.)| | __
Mounting materials| __| __| __| |
Mounting flange| | __| | __|
Inspection certificate according to DIN EN 10204-3.1| __|
__| __| __|
Quick Guide – EE210 RS485 Setup| | | | | __
- PE210 is not included in the Scope of Supply of the EE210 Type T3
USB configuration adapter | HA011066 |
Product configuration software | EE-PCS (free download: |
Radiation shield for EE210 Outdoor (Type T13)| HA010501
Power supply adapter| V03 (see data sheet Accessories)
Protection cap for 12 mm probe| HA010783
Values in mm (inch)
Type T13
Radiation Shield HA010501 for Type T13
(needs to be ordered separately)
EE210 with cable gland: Use a matching wrench to install the cable gland (in
the scope of supply) onto the EE210 enclosure.
EE210 with conduit connection for the North American market: use a flat
screwdriver to knock open the blind, carefully, in order to avoid damaging the
electronics inside the enclosure. The conduit adapter is not included in the
scope of supply. The M16x1.5 opening for the cable gland shall be tightly
closed using the blind plug included in the scope of supply.
Important note:
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for personal injuries or damage to
property as a result of incorrect handling, installation, wiring, power supply
and maintenance of the device.
Configuration connector, see chapter SETUP AND ADJUSTMENT for detailed
The PE210 (remote probe for EE210-M1T3x) shall be ordered and it is supplied
as separate item. PE210 is to be connected to the EE210 by the user.
- Install first the cable gland (included in EE210 scope of supply) onto the EE210 enclosure.
- Before connecting the probe, disconnect the EE210 power supply.
- Insert the PE210 cable through the cable gland and connect it to the screw terminals according to the connection diagram below.
Please note:
PE210 is an intelligent probe with digital output and as such it is
interchangeable. In case the probe or its cable gets destroyed or if a longer
cable is needed, please order a replacement probe according to EE210 data
sheet. The replacement probe shall be installed as described above.
Make sure that the cable glands are closed tightly for both PE210 probe cable
and for the power supply and outputs cable. This is necessary for assuring the
protection class (IP class) of the enclosure according to EE210 specification,
as well as for stress relief at the screw terminals on the EE210 board.
Green LED
Information during normal operation
on | = everything OK |
flashing | = the main board does not recognize the measurement electronics |
inside the RH probe
off| = no power supply or main board failure
Blue LED
Information during setup with the optional USB configuration adapter HA011066
and the EE-PCS
Product Configuration Software
on = USB stick connected to PC, no communication with EE-PCS
flashing = communication in progress with EE-PCS
off = USB stick not connected to PC
Factory Setup:
The display shows the two parameters selected for output 1 and output 2
(according to ordering code). For digital output versions the display shows RH
and T.
User Setup:
The user can change the display layout to 1, 2 or 3 lines and select the
parameters to be displayed by using EE-PCS Product Configuration Software
(free download from
www.epluse.com/configurator) and the
optional USB configuration adapter (not included in the scope of supply).
Important: The EE210-M1xA6 (4 – 20 mA, 2-wire version) with display
operates correctly only if both outputs are connected.
The factory setup of the output signal and scaling corresponds to the type
number as ordered.
The output signal (voltage or current 3-wire) can be selected with the DIP
switch on the main electronics board (see picture PCB EE210-M1xA2/3/5). This
does not impact the outputs scaling, which can be changed using USB
configuration adapter and the EE-PCS.
Factory setup: voltage output 0 – 5 V or 0 – 10 V corresponds to 0…100 %RH.
After switching from U to I: current output 0 – 20 mA corresponds to 0…100
A change of the current output range for instance to 4 – 20 mA (3-wire) can be
made subsequently with the USB configuration adapter and EE-PCS.
Factory setup: current output 0 – 20 mA corresponds to -10…+50 °C.
After switching from I to U: voltage output 0 – 10 V corresponds to -10…+50
A change of the voltage output range for instance to 0 – 5 V can be made
subsequently with the USB configuration adapter and EE-PCS.
If required, the bus termination shall be realized with 120 Ohm resistor,
jumper on the board.
- Jumper mounted = bus terminated
- Jumper not mounted = bus not terminated
Address Switch
Address setting via EE-PCS Product
Configuration Software
All DIP switches at position 0 → address has to be set via
EE-PCS Product Configuration Software
Factory setting: 242 (permitted values: 1…247).
Example: Address is set via configuration software.
Address Switch
Address setting via DIP switch
Setting the DIP switches to any
other address than 0, overrules the
address set via configuration software (permitted values: 1…247).
Example: Address set to 11 (= 0000 1011 binary).
| Factory settings| Selectable values
Baud rate| 9600| 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200
Data bits| 8| 8
Parity| EVEN| None, odd, even
Stop bits| 1| 1 or 2
Modbus address| 242| 1…247
Modbus address, baud rate, parity and stop bits can be set via:
- EE-PCS, Product Configuration Software and the appropriate configuration cable.
- Modbus protocol in the register 60001 (0x00) and 60002 (0x01). See Application Note Modbus AN0103 (available on www.epluse.com/ee210)
The measured values are saved as a 32 bit float value and as 16 bit signed
integer, see the Modbus Register map below.
The serial number as ASCII-code is located at read register address
30001-30008 (16 bit per address).
The firmware version is located at register address 30009 (bit 15…8 = major
release; bit 7…0 = minor release).
The sensor name is located at register address 30010.
FLOAT32 (read register):
Function code / Register number1) [Dec]| Register address2) [Hex]| Parameter
name| Unit3)
30026| 0x19| temperature| [°C], [°F]
30028| 0x1B| relative humidity| [%]
30030| 0x1D| water vapour partial pressure| [mbar], [psi]
30032| 0x1F| dew point temperature| [°C], [°F]
30034| 0x21| wet bulb temperature| [°C], [°F]
30036| 0x23| absolute humidity| [g/m³], [gr/ft³]
30038| 0x25| mixing ratio| [g/kg], [gr/lb]
30040| 0x27| specific enthalpy| [kJ/kg], [BTU/lb]
30042| 0x29| frost point temperature| [°C], [°F]
INT16 (read register):
Function code / Register number1) [Dec]| Register address2) [Hex]| Parameter
name| Unit3)| Scale4)
30301| 0x12C| temperature| [°C], [°F]| 100
30302| 0x12D| relative humidity| [%]| 100
30303| 0x12E| water vapour partial pressure| [mbar], [psi]| 100
30304| 0x12F| dew point temperature| [°C], [°F]| 100
30305| 0x130| wet bulb temperature| [°C], [°F]| 100
30306| 0x131| absolute humidity| [g/m³], [gr/ft³]| 100
30307| 0x132| mixing ratio| [g/kg], [gr/lb]| 100
30308| 0x133| specific enthalpy| [kJ/kg], [BTU/lb]| 100
30309| 0x134| frost point temperature| [°C], [°F]| 100
INT16 (read and write register):
Function code / Register number1) [Dec]| Register address2) [Hex]| Parameter
60001| 0x00| Modbus address5)
60002| 0x01| Modbus protocol settings6)
INFO (read register):
Function code / Register number1) [Dec]| Register address2) [Hex]| Parameter
30001| 0x00| Serial number (as ASCII)
30009| 0x01| Firmware version
30010| 0x09| Sensor Name
- Register number starts from 1
- Register address starts from 0
- The choice of measurement units (metric or non-metric) must be done in the ordering guide, see EE210 data sheet. Switching from metric to non-metric or vice versa by using the EE-PCS is not possible.
- 100 is scale 1:100 (2550 is equivalent to 25.5 °C)
- If the address is set via DIP-switch the response will be NAK
- For Modbus protocol settings please see Application Note Modbus AN0103 (available on www.epluse.com/ee210)
Example of MODBUS RTU command for reading the temperature (float value) T =
24.270019 °C from the register 0x19:
Device EE210; Modbus address 242 [F2 in Hex] Reference document, chapter 6.3:
Request [Hex]: F2 03 00 19 00 02 01 0F
| Modbus address| Function code| Starting address Hi| Starting address Lo| No.
of register Hi| No. of register Lo| CRC
Request [Hex]:| F2| 03| 00| 19| 00| 02| 01| 0F
Response [Hex]: F2 03 04 29 00 41 C2 80 A1
| Modbus address| Function code| Byte count| Register 1 value Hi| Register 1
value Lo| Register 2 value Hi| Register 2 value Lo| CRC
Response [Hex]:| F2| 03| 04| 29| 00| 41| C2| 80| A1
For decoding of float values (stored according standard IEEE754), please refer
to AN0103, chapter 7.
Example of decoding:
Response [Hex]: | Value in decimal |
Byte 1 (Register 2 – Hi) | Byte 2 (Register 2 – Lo) |
Byte 4 (Register 1 – Lo) | |
41 | C2 |
(Modification rights reserved)
Measured Values
Relative Humidity (RH)
Working range……………… 0…100 %RH
RH accuracy 1) (incl. hysteresis, non-linearity and repeatability) Type T1
(wall), T2 (duct):
-15…40 °C (5…104 °F)
-15…40 °C (5…104 °F)| ≤90 %RH
90 %RH| ±(1.3 + 0.003measured value) %RH
±2.3 %RH
-40…60 °C (-40…140 °F)| | ±(1.5 + 0.015measured value) %RH
Type T3 (remote): at 20 °C (68 °F)| | ±2.5 %RH
Type T13 (outdoor):
-15…40 °C (5…104 °F)| ≤90 %RH| ±(1.6 + 0.005measured value) %RH
-15…40 °C (5…104 °F)
-40…60 °C (0…140 °F)| ≥90 %RH| ±3 %RH
±(2.3 + 0.008measured value) %RH
Temperature (T)
T accuracyTraceable to standards,
administrated by NIST, PTB, BEV,… The accuracy statement includes the
uncertainty of the factory calibration with an enhancement factor k=2 (2-times
standard deviation). The accuracy was calculated in accordance with EA-4/02
and with regard to GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in
For Type T13: at 24 V DC and RL=250 for A6 versions.
Calculated parameters
from | up | to | unit |
Dew point temperature | Td | -40 | (-40) |
Frost point temperature | Tf | -40 | (-40) |
Wet bulb temperature | Tw | 0 | (32) |
Water vapour partial pressure | e | 0 | (0) |
Mixing ratio | r | 0 | (0) |
Absolute humidity | dv | 0 | (0) |
Specific enthalpy | h | -40 | (-10) |
Analogue output | 0 – 5 V / 0 – 10 V | -1 mA < IL < 1 mA |
4 – 20 mA (2-wire) | RL ≤ 500 Ω | |
for Type 13 | ||
0 – 20 mA (3-wire) | 250 ≤ RL ≤ 500 Ω recommended |
RL ≤ 500 Ω
Digital interface| RS485 (BACnet MS/TP or Modbus RTU), EE210 = 1 unit load
Default settings Modbus RTU| Baud rate according ordering guide, parity even,
1 stop bit, Modbus address 242
Default settings BACnet MS/TP| Baud rate according ordering guide, parity
none, 1 stop bit, address 1
Power supply (Class III) KIP2)
for 4 – 20 mA, 2-wire| 10 V + 1:21_ x 20 mA < V+ < 30 V DC
for Type T13: 24 V DC ±10 % recommended
‘ for 0 – 20 mA, 3-wire
for 0 – 5 V/ 0 – 10 V/ RS485| 15 – 35 V DC or 24V AC ±20 %
Current consumption at 24 V Voltage output| DC supply max. 12 mA; with display
max. 23 mA
AC supply max. 34 mA„„„; with display max. 49 mA,,,,,
Current output
3-wire| DC supply max. 40 mA; with display max. 40 mA
DC supply typ. 33 mA; with display max. 44 mA
AC supply typ. 65 mA„,,,; with display max. 84 mA„„,,
Digital interface| DC supply typ. 5 mA; with display max. 20 mA
AC supply typ. 15 mA,„,,,; with display max. 35 mA„„,,
Digital interface
Display3)| Available for Type -11/T2/T3
1, 2 or 3 lines, user configurable Optional with backlight
Electrical connection| Screw terminals, max. 1.5 mm2
Enclosure material| Polycarbonate, UL94 V-0 (with Display UL94HB) approved
Protection rating| IP65 / NEMA 4X
Cable gland| M16 x 1.5
Probe cable (for PE210)| PVC, 0 4.3 mm, 4 x 0.25 mm2, Length: 1.5 or 3 m (4.9
or 9.8 ft)
Electromagnetic compatibility| EN 61326-1 EN 61326-2-3 Industrial Environment
FCC Part15 Class A ICES-003 Class A ****
Working: -40…60 °C (-40…140 •F) (-40…80 °C / -40… 176 T for probe PE210)
Storage: -40…60 °C (-46…14o •F)
Temperature ranges Without display
Temperature ranges With display| Working: -20…50 °C (-4_122 en (-40…80 °C /
-4o… 176 T for probe PE210)
Storage: -20…60 °C (-4…14o en
- USA & Canada: class 2 supply required. max, supply voltage 30 V DC
- For display operation with EE210-M1xA6 (4 – 20 mA, 2-wire) both outputs must be connected
The EE210 is ready to use and does not require any configuration by the user.
The factory setup of EE210 corresponds to the type number ordered. For
ordering guide please see data sheet at
www.epluse.com/ee210. If needed, the user can
change the factory setup by using the USB configuration adapter (HA011066) and
the EE-PCS Product Configuration Software.
The user can change the scaling and the analogue output signal, the digital
settings and perform RH and T adjustment.
Please note: The EE210 may not be connected to any additional power supply
when using the USB configuration adapter HA011066. EE210XA6 TYPES (2-WIRE)
Please note: The EE210 must be directly supplied on the PCB (do not use the
power supply from the adapter) when using the configuration adapter
- Download the EE-PCS Product Configuration Software from www.epluse.com/configurator and install it on the PC.
- Connect the E+E device to the PC using the USB configuration adapter.
- Start the EE-PCS software.
- Follow the instructions on the EE-PCS opening page for scanning the ports and identifying the connected device
- Click on the desired setup or adjustment mode from the main EE-PCS menu on the left and follow the online instructions of the EE-PCS
Humidity calibration and adjustment:
Depending on the application and the requirements of certain industries, there
might arise the need for periodical humidity calibration
(comparison with a reference) or adjustment (bringing the device in line with
a reference).
Calibration and adjustment at E+E Elektronik
Calibration and/or adjustment can be performed in the E+E Elektronik calibration laboratory. For information on the E+E
capabilities in ISO or accredited calibration please see www.eplusecal.com. -
Calibration and adjustment by the user Depending on the level of accuracy required, the humidity reference can be:
Humor 20 Humidity Calibrator, please see www.epluse.com.
Omniport30 handheld device, please see www.epluse.com/omniport30.
Calibrated salt solutions, please see www.epluse.com/ee210.
Temperature calibration and adjustment:
Due to the outstanding protection of the Pt1000 temperature sensing element
integrated in the E+E RH/T sensing element, a drift of the T measurement is
rather unlikely. If adjustment seems necessary, although the user can perform
a one or two point T adjustment with USB configuration adapter and EE-PCS
against a reference of his choice, it is highly recommended to return the
device to the manufacturer for this. The reasons rest on the difficulty of an
accurate T calibration in the air. The calibration shall take into account the
self-heating of EE210 with closed enclosure, in its real mounting position and
in continuous operation, the impact of the output current and of the probe
orientation to the self-heating, as well as the cooling effect of the air
circulation in a climate chamber possibly used for calibration.
When employed in dusty, polluted environment:
- The filter cap shall be replaced once in a while with an E+E original one. A polluted filter cap causes longer response time of the device.
- If needed, the sensing head can be cleaned. For cleaning instructions please see www.epluse.com/ee210.
EMC note USA (FCC):
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
EMC note Canada (ICES-003):
CAN ICES-3 (A) / NMB-3 (A)
+43 7235 605 0 / info@epluse.com
Langwiesen 7 • 4209 Engerwitzdorf • Austria
Tel: +43 7235 605-0 • Fax: +43 7235 605-8
info@epluse.com •
LG Linz Fn 165761 t • VAT No ATU44043101
Place of Jurisdiction: 4020 Linz • DVR0962759
- Sensor Technology: Humidity, CO2, Flow & Temperature Measurement
- Humidity and Temperature Sensor for Climate Applications
- Multifunctional hand-held meter
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