DENNERLE Compact 130 Osmose System Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

DENNERLE Compact 130 Osmose System


Congratulations on purchasing this high-quality osmosis system from Dennerle. You have opted for a highly-efficient, state-of-the-art piece of aquarium equipment. If used properly you will be able to produce highly pure and clean water that is ideal for use in maintaining aquariums. It will enable you to set the water values to match those to which the tropical fish and plants are accustomed from their natural habitat. Osmosis water allows you to successfully keep the most demanding of fish such as discus or salt water fish. Dennerle wishes you lasting enjoyment from your aquarium!

Important tips

  • Protect all components, especially the membrane, from sunlight, heat and frost!
  • Maximum permissible operating temperature: 25 °C, for short intervals up to 30 °C.
  • Required operating pressure: at least 3 bar. Maximum permissible operating pressure: 6 bar.
  • The system is designed to be used with tap water of a quality that corresponds to European standards for drinking water. The system must not be operated with well water or spring water – the high iron content in such water will result in the membrane becoming blocked within only a short space of time.
  • Switch off the system while work is being carried out on the mains water supply and for several hours afterwards, as otherwise it might suddenly become blocked by rust or other deposits that are released while work is in process.
  • If the tap water is chlorinated, the system should only be used together with a fitted active carbon filter, since chlorine may destroy the membrane.
  • Do not bend the hoses. Osmosis water and residual water must always be able to drain off freely – do not close the hoses using a faucet or solenoid valve.
  • Once the membrane has been put into operation, do not allow it to dry out.

This is how the Dennerle Osmosis system works
The system works according to the principle of reverse osmosis: tap water is forced through a special membrane with ultra-fine pores by the pressure of the water mains supply. These pores are so small that only small water molecules can pass through. The larger molecules of harmful substances, hardness elements and salts, on the other hand, are filtered out. Even bacteria and viruses are removed. The result is extremely soft and highly pure water. The standard fine filter with a pore diameter of 5 μm removes even the smallest of floating particles from the tap water, thus preventing the osmosis membrane from becoming blocked. The active carbon filter protects the membrane safely against aggressive chlorine. A specially configured flow restrictor provides for an optimum ratio of osmosis water to residual water – ensuring a long service life for the membrane.


The Osmosis system in summary

  1. Tap adapter 3/4“ with supply hose
  2. Active carbon filter
  3. Fine filter 5μm
  4. Membrane container
  5. White hose: osmosis water (permeated)
  6. Blue hose: residual water (concentrate)
  7. Flow limiter 200cc (Osmose 130) (A)
  8. Flow limiter 300cc (Osmose 190) / 400cc (Osmose 380) (B)
  9. Flushing valve
  10. 2 brackets for wall mounting
  11. Key for the membrane container lid

Mode of use

  • Remove the two holding clips 10 from the membrane container and affix them vertically one above the other at a suitable distance from one another on a wall or board. Please note: Ensure that there is a suitable facility to allow the water to drain away beneath the osmosis system to enable water to drain away without causing damage in the event of possible leakages.
  • Carefully press the osmosis system into the holding clips.
  • Connect the tap adapter 1 of the osmosis system to a 3/4“ tap (cold water tap!). Ensure that the seal fits properly.
  • Place the residual water hose 6 and initially also the osmosis water hose 5 in the drain. Osmose 190 + 380: The flushing valve 9 must be closed (level at right angles to the flow direction).
  • Carefully open the tap, to begin with only slightly.
  • Now check all hose connections and screws carefully to ensure that they are watertight. (In case of leakages see point 11)
  • Open tap fully. Allow the system to run for 2 hours in order to rinse away the preservative in the membrane. During this period, do NOT use the osmosis water, but allow it to drain away. Then open the flushing valve and rinse the system for 15 min. (see also point 7 – Maintenance).
  • Your Dennerle Osmosis system is now ready for use. The osmosis water can now be collected and used. The residual water can also be used, for example for cleaning, watering your houseplants or flushing your toilet. Recommendation: The osmosis water reservoir should be equipped with a safety overflow to channel the water into the drain. This will enable you to prevent “flooding” should you forget to turn off the system in time.

Quality of the osmosis water

The Dennerle osmosis system reduces harmful substances in tap water such as heavy metals, nitrate, phosphate, silicate and pesticides as well as hardness elements and salts by at least 95 %. Osmosis water is therefore very soft and virtually free of any harmful substances.
Total hardness and conductivity of the osmosis water depend on the tap water:

Tap water Osmosis water at 95 % retention of all harmful substances
Conductivity μS/cm Total hardness* °d
1,000 33
500 16
300 10

Using the osmosis water

Osmosis water is very pure and therefore contains practically no hardness at all, which is necessary to buffer the pH value. For this reason osmosis water should always be set to the required hardness in the aquarium before use. To do so, you can mix it with tap water, provided that the tap water does not contain any harmful substances (e.g. copper, nitrate, phosphate). The better and safer option is to specifically increase the hardness of the osmosis water using Dennerle Osmose
ReMineral+ . This enables you to set the water hardness and mineral content precisely according to the needs of your aquarium fish. Dennerle uses only highly pure mineral salts of pharmaceutical quality

Recommended water values:

Fish Total hardness Carbonate hardness
Discus 3 – 5 °d 1 – 3 °d

Tropical community aquarium with neons, scalares, long- whiskered catfish, etc.| 4 – 7 °d| 2 – 4 °d
Malawi Cichlids| 3 – 6 °d| 5 – 8 °d
Tanganyika Cichlids| 8 – 12 °d| 16 – 18 °d

Please consult the relevant specialist literature to find out about the care needs of specific fish or consult your local pet specialist.

Turning off the system

  • The system can also be automatically deactivated using a standard solenoid valve, which can be installed subsequently in the hose between the tap and the active carbon filter 2.
  • We recommend using the system at least once a week for 30 minutes. If the system has not been used for a period of more than two weeks, the osmosis water should be run down the drain for approx. 1/4 hour at start-up. This will flush out any bacteria that may have got into the system.
  • If the system not used for longer periods, please ensure that the membrane is not allowed to dry out. To do this, close the hose ends for osmosis water and residual water with the rubber plugs provided.


The Dennerle osmosis system is virtually maintenance-free. To ensure a long membrane life, it is important to remove the residues that build up on any osmosis membrane over time by means of regular rinsing. If the membrane is not rinsed regularly, lime scale will become deposited on the membrane surface, which will result in diminished performance and premature failure of the system. We therefore recommend rinsing the membrane for a few minutes before and after each osmosis water production. As a general rule, the harder the water, the more often and longer flushing of the membrane is required to ensure consistently high performance.
Rinsing the membrane:

  • Osmosis 190 + 380: Open the rinsing valve during operation. Close again after the flushing process.
  • Osmosis 130: Close the water tap. Remove the flow limiter from the residual water hose (see also item 10).

Open the water tap and carry out the rinsing process. Then reconnect the flow limiter.

Replacing the membrane

If used properly, the modern Dennerle polyamide/polysulphone membrane will have a service life of 3-8 years. The service life depends in particular on the quality of the tap water, the operating conditions, the intensity of usage, membrane care by means of regular rinsing as well as the timely replacement of the pre-filter.
The membrane should be replaced if

  1. the conductivity or hardness of the osmosis water is greater than 25 % of the tap water, or
  2. the produced osmosis water drops to below 70% of the original amount, despite otherwise correct use (temperature, pressure, filter not blocked). Before measuring these values, the device should have been rinsed for 15 minutes and have been in operation for at least 2 hours.

Replacing the membrane:

  • Turn off the tap.
  • Detach the hose from the membrane housing cover (see also item 10).
  • Unscrew the membrane container lid 11 using the spanner provided (C). Carefully remove the membrane using a pair of pliers.
  • Lightly grease the two O-ring seals on the new osmosis membrane with Vaseline (chemist). Insert the membrane (the two O-rings first) into the membrane container as far as it will go (D).
  • Likewise, lightly grease the O-ring for the membrane container lid with Vaseline. Screw on housing cover tightly and reconnect hose (see also point 10).
  • Turn on the tap and check that the device is watertight.
  • Allow the new membrane to run for 2 hours. During this period, DO NOT use the osmosis water. Then rinse the system for 15 min. as described under point 7 – Maintenance.

Replacing the fine filter or active carbon filter

Fine filter 3
You will notice whether the fine filter is blocked if the flow rate declines significantly.
Check fine filter:

  • Detach the hose from the membrane housing cover (see also item 10).
  • Turn on the tap and measure the volume of water flowing out of the outlet of the fine filter: Replace the fine filter if the volume is less than 1 l/min.
  • The fine filter should generally be replaced once per year; more often in case of poor water quality.

Active carbon filter 2

  • The active carbon filter should be replaced once per year, in case of heavily chlorinated tap water (smells of chlorine!) every 6 months.

Replacing the fine filter or active carbon filter

  • Turn off the tap.
  • Detach hoses from filter (see also point 10) and unscrew fittings.
  • Remove the old sealing tape from the fittings. Wind approx three turns of Teflon tape (available in all DIY stores) around the thread of the fitting in the opposite direction to the thread. Screw the fittings into the new filter. Please note the general tips on fittings (see section 10).
  • Mount the filter in the same position and reconnect all hoses.
  • Turn on the tap and check that the system is watertight.

Please note these general tips on fittings and hose connections


  • Always screw in fittings where the thread has been wound in sealing tape slowly and straight.
  • Do NOT unscrew fittings once they have been inserted.
  • Remove hose: Pull out securing clip (E), push down retaining ring (F) and pull out the hose (G) from the current supplement.
  • Mount hose: Insert hose as far as it will go, and reinsert the retaining clip.

What should you do if… Troubleshooting

If the system leaks…

  • between the fittings and the container:
    Carefully screw the fitting in a further half to single turn. If that does not remedy the fault, you will have to reseal the fitting using Teflon tape. See also sections 9 and 10.

  • between the hose and the fitting:
    Remove hose, cut off approx. 2 cm straight and reinsert (see also point 10).

  • at the membrane container lid:
    Release the hose connector and unscrew the lid. Check whether the O-ring is properly in place or is cracked and if necessary install a new O-ring. Grease the O-ring lightly with Vaseline and tightly replace the container lid. Reconnect the hose.

If the output is not right

Fault Cause Remedy
Little osmosis water and little residual water Fine filter is blocked

Hoses are bent

Water pressure in the house water mains is too low

| Check fine filter and replace if necessary (see section 9)

Replace hoses

Check water pressure and if necessa- ry the pressure (at least 3 bar)

Little osmosis water but lots of residual water| Flushing valve open

The membrane is blocked

Tap water is very cold (winter)

| Close flushing valve

Rinse membrane for 15 minutes (see section 7), replace if necessary take measures to increase

Lots of osmosis water but little residual water| Flow restrictor is blocked or the residual water hose is blocked| Replace

Technical data

Maximum daily output* (rated output):| Osmose Compact 130: 130 L/day

Osmose Professional 190: 190  L/day

Osmose Professional 380: 380  L/day

Respectively at 25 °C water temperature and 4.1 bar pressure

Retention rate:| At least 95 % (at a pressure of at least 3 bar after 48 hours in operation)
Membrane:| Modern TFC dry membrane made out of polyamide/poly- sulphone. High resistance to bacterial decomposition

The daily output of osmosis water and the ratio of osmosis water to residual water depend on the temperature of the tap water and the pressure in the house water pipe. The higher the temperature (max. 25 °C) and the higher the pressure (max. 6 bar), the higher the daily output and the better the flushing ratio (more osmosis water, less residual water).

Spare parts and useful accessories

  • 7023 Fine filter 5 μm
  • 7027 Active carbon filter
  • 7024 Fitting 1/4“, straight
  • 7025 Angle fitting 1/4“
  • 7026 Angle fitting 1/8“
  • 7029 Osmosis hose, blue, 2 m
  • 7030 Osmosis hose, white, 2 m
  • 7032 Key for the membrane container
  • 7033 Tap connector, chrome
  • 7035 Osmose ReMineral+ , 250 g

Guarantee conditions

In the event of a defective product, warranty claims can be made against your dealer in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DENNERLE shall be liable for damage caused to other property by a defect in the product as well as for personal injury resulting therefrom in accordance with the Product Liability Act.
Guarantee period osmosis plant: 36 months Guarantee period membrane (wearing part): 6 months. The guarantee covers production and material defects. During the guarantee period you will receive a free replacement or a free repair of defective parts. The condition is that the unit is used as intended. Parts subject to wear (fine filters, activated carbon filters, etc.) are excluded from exchange. DENNERLE accepts no liability for any kind of damage caused by improper installation or improper operation of the  unit.In the event of a complaint, please contact your specialist dealer or send the unit with valid proof of purchase and sufficient postage to Dennerle Customer Service. We reserve the right to carry out technical modifications. Dennerle GmbH, Industriestraße 4, D-66981 Münchweiler


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