beko B3RCNE364ZXB, B3RCNE364HXB Refrigerator User Manual

June 3, 2024

beko B3RCNE364ZXB, B3RCNE364HXB Refrigerator User Manual

 Safety Instructions

This section includes the safety instructions necessary to pre-vent the risk of personal injury or material damage. Our company shall not be held responsible for damages that may occur if these instructions are not observed. Installation and repair opera-tions shall always be performed by authorized service. Use original spare parts and ac-cessories only. Original spare parts will be provided for 10 years, following the product purchasing date. Do not repair or replace any component of the product un-less it is clearly specified in the user manual. Do not perform any modifica-tions on the product.

  • In the staff kitchens of the stores, offices and other work-ing environments,
  • In farm houses,
  • In the units of hotels, motels or other resting facilities that are used by the customers,
  • In hostels, or similar environ-ments,
  • In catering services and similar non-retail applications. This product shall not be used in open or enclosed external en-vironments such as vessels, balconies or terraces. Exposing the product to rain, snow, sun-light and wind may cause risk of fire.

Intention of Use
This product is not suitable for commercial use and should not be used other than for its inten-ded use. This product is de-signed to be used indoors, at home and similar places. For example;

Safety of Children, Vulnerable Persons and Pets

  • This product may be used by children aged 8 years and older and persons with under-developed physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they are being given supervi-sion or have been given in- struction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and the hazards involved.
  • Children between 3 and 8 years are allowed to put and take out food to/from the cooler product.
  • Electrical products are danger-ous for children and pets. Chil-dren and pets must not play with, climb on, or enter the product.
  • Cleaning and user mainten-ance should not be performed by children unless there is someone overseeing them.
  • Keep the packaging materials away from children. Risk of in-jury and suffocation.

Before disposing of old products that shall not be used any more:

  1. Unplug the power cord from the mains socket.
  2. Cut the power cable and re-move it from the appliance together with the plug.
  3. Do not remove the racks and drawers from the product to prevent children from getting inside the appliance.
  4. Remove the doors.
  5. Store the product so that it shall not be tipped over.
  6. Do not allow children to play with the scrapped product.
  • Do not dispose of the product by throwing it into fire. Risk of explosion.

  • If there is a lock available in the product’s door, keep the key out of children’s reach. ,
    Electrical Safety

  • The product shall not be plugged into the outlet during installation, maintenance, cleaning, repair, and transport-ation operations.

  • If the power cable is dam-aged, it shall be replaced by authorized service only to avoid any risks that may oc-cur.

  • Do not tuck the power cable under the product or to the rear of the product. Do not put heavy items on the power cable. The power cable should not be bent, crushed, and come into contact with any heat spume.

  • Do not use an extension cord, multi-plug or adaptor to oper-ate your product.

  • Portable multi sockets or port-able power supplies may over-heat and cause fire. Thus, do not have a multi-plug behind or in the vicinity of the product.

  • The plug shall be easily ac-cessible. If this is not possible, a mechanism that meets the electrical legislation and that disconnects all terminals from the mans (fuse, switch, main switch, etc.) shall be available on the electrical installation.

  • Do not touch the plug with wet hands.

  • When unplugging the appli-ance, don’t hold the power cord, but the plug.
    Handling Safety

  • This product is heavy, do not handle it by yourself.

  • Do not hold the product from its door while handing the product.

  • Be careful not to damage the cooling system and the pipes while handling the product. Do not operate the product if the pipes are damaged. and con-tact an authorized service.

Installation Safety

  • Contact the Authorized Ser-vice for the product’s installa-tion. To prepare the product for installation, see the inform-ation in the user manual and make sure the electric and water utilities are as required. If not, call an electrician and plumber to arrange the utilities as necessary. Failure to do so may result in electric shock, fire, problems with the product, or injury.
  • Check for any damage on the product before instating it. Do not have the product installed if it is damaged.
  • Place the product on a level and hard surface and balance with the adjustable legs. Oth-erwise, the refrigerator may tip over and cause ijuties.
  • The product shall be installed in a dry and ventilated environ-ment. Do not keep carpets, rugs or sirrrilar floor covers un-der the product. This may cause risk of fire as a result of inadequate ventilation!
  • Do not block or cover ventila-tion holes. Otheiwise, power consumption may be in-creased and damage to your product may occur.
  • The product must not be con-nected to supply systems such as solar power supply. Otherwise, your product may be damaged due to sudden voltage changes!
  • The more refrigerant a refriger-ator contains, the bigger its in-stallation room should be. In very small rooms, a flammable gas-air mixture may occur in case of a gas leak in the cool-ing system. At least 1 m3 of volume is required for each 8 grams of refrigerant. The amount of the refrigerant avail-able in your product is spe-cified in the Type Label.
  • The installation place of the product shall not be exposed to direct sunlight and it shall not be in the vicinity of a heat source such as stoves, radiat-ors, etc. If you cannot prevent installation of the product in the vicinity of a heat source. you shall use a suitable insula-tion plate and the minimum distance to the heat source shall be as specified below.
    • At least 30 cm away from heat sources such as stoves, heating units and heaters, etc.,
    • And at least 5 cm away from electric ovens.
  • Your product has the protec-tion class of I.
  • Plug the product in a groun-ded socket that conforms with the Voltage, Current and Fre-quency values specified in the type label. The socket must have a 10A – 16A fuse. Our firm will not assume respons-ibility for any damages due to usage without earthing and power connection in compli-ance with local and national regulations.
  • The product’s power cable must be unplugged during in-stallation. Otherwise, risk of electric shock and injury may occur!
  • Do not plug the product to loose. broken. dirty, greasy sockets or sockets that have come out of their seats or sockets with a risk of water contact.
  • Place the power cable and hoses (if available) of the product so that they shall not cause a risk of tripping over.
  • Penetration of humidity to five parts or to the power cord may cause short circuit. Thus, do not use the product in hu-mid environments or in areas where water may splash (e.g. garage, laundry room, etc.) If the refrigerator is wet by wa-ter, unplug it and contact an authorized service.
  • Do not ever connect your refri-gerator to power saving devices. These systems are harmful for the product

Operational Safety

  • Do not ever use chemical solvents on the product. These materials contain an ex-plosion risk.
  • In case of a failure of the product, unplug it and do not operate until it is repaired by the authorized service. There is a risk of electric shock!
  • Do not place a source of flame (e.g. candles, cigarettes, etc.) on the product or in the vicinity of it.
  • Do not get on the product. Risk of falling and injury!
  • Do not cause damage to the pipes of the coding system using sharp and piercing tools.
  • At least 30 cm away from heat sources such as stoves, heating units and heaters, etc., – And at least 5 cm away from electric ovens.
  • Your product has the protec-tion class of I.
  • Plug the product in a groun-ded socket that conforms with the Voltage, Current and Fre-quency values specified in the type label. The socket must have a 10A – 16A fuse. Our firm will not assume respons-ibility for any damages due to usage without earthing and power connection in compli-ance with local and national regulations.
  • The product’s power cable must be unplugged during in-stallation. Otherwise, risk of electric shock and injury may occur!
  • Do not plug the product to loose. broken. dirty, greasy sockets or sockets that have come out of their seats or sockets with a risk of water contact.
  • Place the power cable and hoses (if available) of the product so that they shall not cause a risk of tripping over.

2 Environmental Instructions

Compliance with the WEEE Dir-ective and Disposing of the Waste Product

 Goadad COrraes wth EU VeEEE [Wear (2012119/EU/. This rata tears a (wok Iron ewnlool for waste electrical and dectronc eOuCrrent hAEEE/. This be nolo- vet mat this Watt OISE nor te &wood with other ho..isibad ‘vile:: at the end a IS SenICe Ire. tkxrd dewce must be returned 10 ones collection Pont for recycling of electrical old deCtrOrie OS. WS. TO frd mesa Cheat/al system OhaSt ContWI foredo 10Cal author-diet Cr relater where the Oraluel was pLatliSed. E.:th househOU Oelerne mooch all (Cie n reanana and reeding 07 ad
appian. ApprOpiate coxes Of Lhad EP
bliance nets relent paenhal negatne Con. ‘hOueniCeS fOr me &hotelmen aid hunan heath.

Compliance with P &G Directive
The product you have machmed cOrnpliee with EU RohtS DireCtwe (2311$5,EU). It dices not contan hawrini and rafted ma. trivia’s &peered ri the Dreane.

Ppclueng mgeriPsh Of me product are rton✓achred Iran recyChtle materiale n aCtordana hal Our Na-tional Enoroaneni Regubtions. Do rot derNaew Of the pw.kaginpi mater. 10Oeller warn the dare tic a Omer wastes. Take then) 10 me paCkagng material C011eacn pants designated by me heal Suthaitree.

  1. adjusting
  11. FAN
  12. LAMP

and water unities are as *tasted. It not Cal ealnOan and dumber to arrange the tibia at neCessary.
rnantraCturec aar-Irnere no teA-at:billy10r any darnageS caused try the enAK Crul Lig ullauthCa. ad Ceara.
The paCia hOreer cab ad be unaugged Rang nelaitatien. Falure to dO SO rimy rat in death Cr Seri-Ote inexbd
It the car Span 8 100 narrow kx the ph:dal 10 p•SS. Wane the cat and turn the preaCt StlewayS. tea dOeS not ark comsat the aw inertia sera.

  • RWe the crocittl al a eat SurtaCe 10 Mid strata.
  • Race the terOduCI at bad 30 Cm away frOm the hentsx Sae aid sant& SCurCee Wheal and at mast 5 an away Nem ea -tne emit.
  • DO not expect the baba to deed sol-icit a Meep t in damp enrirOnmentS.
  • Your prOduct recareS adequate Si C10.1. laton to funCtron efictra4*. It the prezdud wit be placed in an Score. ruanar tO Warne at lead 5 Cm daeranee between the peolJoT and the canna ref wall and the side wale.
  • Cha if tre rear tYd1 deaterte protection component re prec at its 10CatiOn ton:roofed with the OroduCh.
  • If the cOnanent es not alatle. a if it is ICUt cx faint boson the prOduCt so that at lain S on <Jenrette anal a bll between the Wee SulaCe of the product and the wet Ot the room. The deGratte at tne re& is Carat to, efroient operation of the radtl.
  • 4.2 Electrical Connection

Ott fern vet net agtaillft ttepOnSitiity 10r arty damages at to use Meese eanh-inn and pone connection in canpfortce with nabOrla reNtSbOre.

  • The power C.3ble. Mg most be easty se-coe)be after nstsestion.
  • DO not Lee rruni.gete Plug vi4ti, or without eceecn cable between 1K wall socket and the reIngwato, 0.3 Attaching the Plastic Wedges We the pastc wedges pth
  • Clect writ the prodttt to mantas, -)anoint space 1Ce Sr ciculainn between the product and the oat 1. To attach the wedges. renege the SONS on the peOduCt and t.t- the strews pitroJed Mt, the wedges. 2. Mach 2 otastc wedges on the trete-lien corer as stem, in the hottre


Adjusting the Legs

If the for OCKCI is not in Wanted position. ad-jull the trent a4uStatie legs by relating tern 10 AIL Or MIL \ftert 5 Preparation IARescir,mew *Safely InStruCePIC sec-ttn

What to Do for EnergySaving

  • This IetnraIng PaPiance 6 not elterPoi to be used at a Lob in apptan.

  • Do not keep me refrigerater COOP Open fa tang Lerboro.

  • Do not pane hot 100C1 Or beverages nt0 the fernijerator.

  • DO not 04611 we febgerafOr. bbtiolg me internal air km 611 redone nenIrV Cepa. oty.

  • In Order to IOW the maxtrum Cmastity 01 MCA into he freezer Occepertment Of your Iths9Lrata. the upper ptawerS SnOsicl be taken Out and the 100(1 should be paned 0610 me iibre.VaSs Shelve& Net yObrre PP energy Caier..impliOn nfOrmatiOn de-CiPed 6 the energy Iatel 01 yap :Pilger-PP waS tested by 1P

  • g at the aer drawers 0 the COP& department PIO the ice boOkel. nhth 6 P.Mly ferniavatie by

  • using me Wow Carer wren Storing it Snoopy recommended

  • 4.5 Not Surface Warning the one milt ot.,CUT product ‘1e eputapEd with 00010 rapt to enhance to cool rg o)otem. high pressLre kid may kw IITOugh these Stita“re. and case not sur-faces on Me side wale. The O flannel and it doEst not recpie keretng. Be careful when you contact Mese areas.

  • Dependng On the MOOJCI’S features, 0e-troarg frozen 100dt n the cooler ccem pantreM1 wi ert.ire energy sawing and preOerve food cnalrty.

  • Make are the foods are not in Contact with the cools compact:rem temperature MOM.- descrbed belOw.

  • Feed Mai be stated uong the tt aftft in the cools COMM:Intl in Ceder 10 ensure energy sawing and protect toad in bets condition.

  • Food packages Mal not te in diet COO-tact Mth tre temoectre sensor located in the freezer compartment

  • rf the; are n contact wen the eerecr. en-ergy coroorroon of the 4:eience Wight Mitch
    First Use
    BEACte yOur retigwata. make are the necreo-1/ PreParata1S are ride in Ire wth the instn.ctiore n ‘Safetyand Enmrcnmental insauons
    and ‘Instaitabcn’ sec-Mons

  • Keep the product nsinng YntIM.rt pteCing any food cede tee 6 nous and Co rot Open the 000r. urie. eno0,tety f*eo.e.

  • The temperature change caused [7/ Open-109 and dosng of the door nhle Lein Ito product May nOrmaly lead to COnienke. lien on cloor/txcly SheAte Yid etWOware paid in the Product

  • Ney ARead Me ‘Safely ilStructOrat

  • Sett-ton Rat. Auctaland visual ltratiOns Of the indCator pond wit asSet ii Mill V rettgerater. ‘001crial: FigureS in this user manual are SChernatO and May not exactly mattli your prOduCi. n yOu 0,00.rd does not carpe the relevant parts. the inbrmanal pertair6 to Other Motels I. Fault Conefrtion Indicator 0 1116 *Gloat°, dial be active when your real. serail), Carnet ;tertian adequate coding or in case 01 any sensor error. Exotimanan nark maybe deClayed Man yOu IOW warm ;Cod 10 the freeZer Canatinment Cr keep the door open fOr a king period 01 line. This is not a taut. MS wianiig seal be renamed when the Iced is coded dorm Or when arty her 6 Ve&..6w71.

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