fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel User Manual

June 3, 2024


fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel


1.1 Control panel

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 1

Button Function
SELECTION BUTTONS Selecting tabs in display screen.
ON / OFF Switching the unit on and off.
START / PAUSE Starting and ending a program.
STOP / CANCEL Interrupting a program (one step back in the menu).
OK BUTTON Acknowledge a choice.
ROTOR BUTTON Rotate the rotor.
ROTATION PAD See “Rotation pad”.

Rotation pad
This pad is used for:

  • Navigating through the menu-items in the screen.
  •  Changing the settings.

Changing the settings quickly

  • Increase value: rub the pad clock-wise with one finger.
  • Decrease value: rub the pad counter-clock-wise with one finger.

The following tabs are present:

· Operate “Choose between programs” (See section 2).
· Program “Creating programs” (See section 4).
· Settings “Change settings of programs” (See section 3).

1.2 Switching-on the unit
Press ON/OFF button and hold for approx. 2 seconds.
1.3 Switching-off the unit
Press ON/OFF button and hold for approx. 3 seconds.


Control functionality depending on unit execution.
2.1 Starting a program

  1. Press the left-hand selection button.
  2. Select the required program. The total duration of theprogram is shown in minutes next to the name of theprogram.
  3. Press START/PAUSE.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 2

Use the rotation pad or arrow buttons to toggle between the programs.

  • timer: off Is the timer program (see section 2.6).
  • CLEAN refer to the automatic cleaning program.

2.2 Pre-heating
When the pre-heat function is activated, the unit will start this function after selecting this program.
The screen will display the current temperature (on the right) and the set pre-heat temperature (on the left).
When the set temperature is reached, the screen will show: “Load products” and a sound is activated.
fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 3

2.3 While cooking
During the cooking process, the display shows a graph with the planned trajectory (orange time line) and the set temperature (light orange field).
In the center the graph, the program name current function and remaining time are shown.
In the bottom of the screen the process steps are given.
In the top left section pictogram(s) of active functions are shown.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 4

When „cook correction‟ is switched-on the remaining time can be automatically adjusted.

2.4 Adding extra time to the active program
During the process extra time can be added, by following the next steps:

  1. Press the power button.
  2. Set extra time by rubbing the rotation pad.
  3. Select the arrow point right to save setting.
  4. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 5

The display now shows the extra time, which will be added to the last cooking step. The screen always shows the total amount of extra time.

2.5 Interrupt a program
Interrupt temporarily:

  1. Press START/PAUSE.
  2. Press START/PAUSE again to resume the program.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 6

Interrupt definitely:

  1. Press STOP/CANCEL.
  2. Select “yes”.
  3. Press OK.

2.6 Set the timer (optional)
This function allows the user to automatically start a program on a pre- determined date and time.
To enable this function, the “auto recipe start” in the Manager menu must be set to “YES”.

  1. Select the recipe “timer:off.
  2. Press OK.
  3. Use the arrows to change the setting “timer function” from “OFF” to “ON”. This setting switches the timer off or on.
  4. Press OK twice.
  5. Use the arrows to select the desired program, and press OK.
  6. Select “Set time” and press OK.
  7. Set the desired time using the rotation pad. By pressing OK you switch form hours to minutes, and consequently to “save”. Press OK to save the time setting.
  8. Select “Set date”.
  9. Select the desired date using the right and left arrow.
  10. Select “store” to save the timer settings, and to quit the menu.
  11. Once the timer has been set, the top-left of the display will show a flashing clock-sign.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 7

2.7 Automatic cleaning (optional)
The unit will clean itself completely independently. The screen shows the status of the program.

  1. Press the left-hand selection key.
  2. Select “CLEAN”.
  3. Press OK.

The following steps will be executed (unit depending, can take up to 250 minutes).3x

  1. Steam
  2. Cool down
  3. Spraying detergent
  4. Soaking
  5. Steam
  6. Rinse
  7. Rinse with decalcified water
  8. Blow tubes empty
  9. Dry

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 8

After finishing the cleaning program, the unit switches off automatically.

2.8 Reset alarm signal
When an alarm signal has been set, it will sound. To stop this signal, press OK.
2.9 Power down
If no program is active and no key is touched within the next 60 minutes the unit will switch-off automatically. Press ON/OFF for some seconds to re-start the unit. This option can be both switched-off or adjusted by a service engineer.


3.1 General
The settings of the unit can be changed by using the control panel.
There are three kinds of settings:

  • Information
  • Manager
  • Service

3.2 Information
3.2.1 Access

  1. Activate the settings menu (right selection button).
  2. Select “information”.
  3. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 9

3.2.2 Overview
The screen shows, for a predefined time, an overview with some pre-programmed settings.
Pressing any knob to return to the setting menu instantaneously.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 10

3.3 Manager
The Manager menu is used to set the parameters.
3.3.1 Access

  1. Activate the settings menu (right selection button).
  2. Select “manager”.
  3. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 11

When a pin code has been set:

  1. Use the rotation pad to enter the pin code.
  2. Press OK or the right arrow to enter the next number.
  3. Press OK twice.

3.3.2 Overview parameters (unit depended)

Setting Function and values
Change pin code Setting the pin code for access to the Manager Menu. This pin

code can also be used for access to the Program Menu.
•0000 — 9999
Save recipes| •to save recipes on an USB stick
Load recipes| •to load recipes from an USB stick
Load recipes messages| •to load recipes messages from an USB stick
Light| •ON — OFF
Temperature| •°C — °F
Volume Unit| •Liter — Gallon
Set time| Setting the current time
Set date| Setting the current date
Time format| •24h — AM/PM
Date format| •DIMN — M/D/Y
Alarm signal| •YES — NO
Pre heat mode| •NO: never a pre heating
•1X: pre heating ONCE, after switching on the unit.
•YES: always pre heating
Pre heat delta| Correction on the pre-heat temperature based upon the operation temperature.
•-50°C(-90°F) — +50°C(+90°F)
Auto recipe start| •NO — YES
Buzzer set| •Beep 1 — 5
Key beep| •ON — OFF
Water capacity| •50 — 30000, –” (Liter) / 100 — 7925, –” (Gallon)
Lime filter| The displayed value shows the remaining capacity of the lime filter in percentage.
Lime filter replaced| Reset the lime indicator back to 100%
Clear error| •NO — YES (when error is present)

3.4 Service Menu
The service menu contains settings for the language and security of the unit. This can only be accessed by the supplier or a service technician.


4.1 General
Your dealer has programs that are loaded into the unit by means of a computer. These programs vary with the composition of the product and the customer‟s desire, and are customer dependent.
You can protect the cooking programs and the „secured settings‟ by changing pin code “0000” in the menu, into any other pin code. By changing the pin code back into “0000”, the protection is removed.
The program menu is used to store programs yourself. A program can have not more than 9 steps.
In each step both the temperature and time can be set. The memory can handle 250 programs.

Activate the program menu (middle selection button).
If a pin code has been set:

  1. Use the rotation pad to enter the pin code.
  2. Press OK or the right arrow to enter the next number.
  3. Press OK twice.
  4. Select the desired action.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 12

4.2 Adding programs

  1. Select “add program”.
  2. Press OK.

4.2.1 Enter the program name

  1. Enter the first character by using the rotation pad.
    The name can consist of:
    • letters: “A – Z”
    • numbers ”0 – 9”
    • and character “-“ or “blank”
    The combination is free to choose. A name cannot have more than 11 characters, including blanks. You can create a blank by skipping a position. This can be done by pressing the rightarrow.

  2. Press OK or the right arrow to go to the next position.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the letter/number of the name, if needed.

  4. Select the next position with the right arrow.

  5. Press OK twice to store the name and to proceed.

  6. Select “next”.

  7. Press OK.

4.2.2 Programming cooking step
The table on the screen can contains the following columns:

  • Core (probe) temperature
  • Time duration
  • Temperature
  • Fan speed
  • Clima Safe
  • Steam mode
  • Steam Intensity
  • Number of steam pulses
  • Ventilation/drying valve position

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 14

Row 1 shows step 1, row 2 shows step 2, etc.
There can be no more than 9 steps.
A selected cell shows an orange frame. To alter a cell, it needs to be „opened‟ by selecting it and pressing OK.
Follow next steps depending on machine execution.

Setting the time duration or Core temperature1 (MTS / TRC)

  1. Select the core temperature or the time duration of the first cooking step. This is the value in the top-left cell or the cell next to the upper left cell of the table.
  2. Press OK to open the cell. The cell background turns orange.
  3. Set the core temperature or the time duration of the step using the rotation pad.
  4. Choose “-“ to skip the step.
  5. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

The first cooking step can be set as the pre-heat step. Skip the time setting or enter “-“.

Setting the temperature

  1. Use the arrows to select the temperature cell.
  2. Press OK to open the cell.
  3. Set the temperature using the rotation pad.
  4. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

Setting the fan speed (MTS)

  1. Select the fan speed cell.
  2. Press OK.
  3. Set the fan speed (1 = low; 2 = high).
  4. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

1 The end of a grilling step can be determined by setting a duration for the step or a desired core temperature for the products. The core temperature of the products is determined by sticking the core temperature sensor into one of the products

Setting the “Clima Safe” [0.5… 9.5] (TRC)

  1. Select the “Clima Safe” cell.
  2. Press OK.
  3. Set the time interval.
  4. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

Setting the amount of steam (TRC)

  1. Select the cell in the next column.
  2. Press OK.
  3. Select the steam program (0, 1, 2 or 3 stars):
    – no steam
  • minimum amount of steam
    ** medium amount of steam (temp. Limited to 150 °C / 302 °F).
    *** maximum amount of steam (temp. Limited to 130 °C / 266 °F).

    1. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.
      The exact quantity of steam can only be adjusted in the service menu.

Setting the steam mode (MTS)

  1. Select the steam mode cell.

  2. Press OK.

  3. Set the steam mode (0, 1 or 2):
    0 = Set number of pulses, at the beginning of abaking step. With a 3 second interval,
    1 = Set number of pulses per minute,
    2 = Same as steam mode 1, but the first pulsetakes extra-long.

  4.  Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

  5. Select the cell in the next column.

  6. Press OK.

  7. Set the number of steam pulses. (- = no steam)

  8. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

Setting the ventilation valve position (MTS)

  1.  Select the valve position cell.

  2. Press OK.

  3. Set the valve position (MTS without condenser):
     closed = valve is closed while the step is being gone through.
     open = valve is open while the step is being gone through

  4. or set the time interval 0 – 240 (MTS with condenser) 5. Press OK to close the cell and save the setting.

Next cooking steps
Select the first cell of the next cooking step to add another cooking step.

4.2.3 Keeping warm (HOLD)
Steps 2 – 9 can be set to keep the products warm. Skip setting the time duration, or enter “-“. If setting the temperature, the time duration will automatically be set to HOLD.
A “keeping warm” step will only be executed if this is the last program step. A “keeping warm” step lasts infinitely and it keeps the unit at the desired temperature.
The temperature must be set on at least 85 °C (185 °F).

4.2.4 Saving the program

  1. Select “saving program”.
  2. Press OK.

4.3 Edit programs

  1.  Select “Edit program”.
  2. Press OK.
  3.  Select the required program.
  4.  Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 16

Edit the program name

  1. Select the position of the character.
  2. Change the character using the rotation pad.
  3. Use a „blank‟ to erase a character.
  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if needed.
  5. Select next.
  6. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 17

Edit the cooking steps

  1. Select the cell.
  2. Press OK. The cell background turns orange.
  3. Set the value using the rotation pad.
  4. Press OK to close the cell.
  5. Repeat steps 1 – 4 if needed.
  6. Select “save program”.
  7. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 18

4.4 Deleting programs
Deleting of a program cannot be undone.

  1. Select “delete program”.
  2. Press OK.
  3. Select the program.
  4. Press OK.
  5. Check whether the program name matches the program you wish to delete.
  6. Select “yes” if this is the case. Select “no” if not.
  7. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 19

4.5 Testing the programs
In the test-mode the program will run normally, but the settings can be changed during the process.
Changes that are made (during testing) in the steps that already are passed, will not affect the products in the unit. However, the changes will be stored and will be active the next time the program is executed.

The changes that are made, will be stored during the testmode.

  1.  Select “test program”.
  2. Press OK.
  3.  Select the program.
  4. Press START/PAUSE or OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 20

The process will be running identically to the normal execution of a cooking program. During the process the program can be changed.

  1. Press OK.
  2. Apply the changes.
  3. Select “save program”.
  4. Press OK.

4.6 Sorting programs
This function allows you to sort programs alphabetically.

  1. Select “sorting alphabetically”.
  2. Press OK.
  3. Use arrows to select “yes”.
  4. Press OK.

fri-jado Control-i Addendum Control Panel - Fig 21

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