Vestil LPC-SERIES Vertical Plate Clamps Instruction Manual
- June 3, 2024
- Vestil
Table of Contents
Vestil LPC-SERIES Vertical Plate Clamps
Receiving Instructions
After delivery, remove the packaging from the product. Inspect the product
closely to determine whether it sustained damage during transport. If damage
is discovered, record a complete description of it on the bill of lading. If
the product is undamaged, discard the packaging.
NOTE: The end-user is solely responsible for confirming that product
design, use, and maintenance comply with laws, regulations, codes, and
mandatory standards applied where the product is used.
Technical Service & Replacement Parts
For answers to questions not addressed in these instructions and to order
replacement parts, labels, and accessories, call our Technical Service and
Parts Department at 260-665-7586. The
department can also be contacted online at
Electronic copies of Instruction Manuals
Additional copies of this instruction manual may be downloaded from
Documents that provide specifications for LPC-series plate clamps are available online to anyone who visits Vestil’s website. Specifications include dimensions, net weight, and capacity information. To access the appropriate specifications document, navigate to this webpage: Click the “Specifications” tab. Scroll the page to the entry for the model ladder you purchased, and click the button in the “PDF” column that looks like a pencil inside a blue-bordered box. A PDF file will open. This file is the specifications document. Print a copy of the document and keep it with your copy of this manual. The following is an exemplar specifications document for model LPC-20.
SIGNAL WORDS in this manual draw the reader’s attention to important safety-
related messages.
Identifies a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in DEATH
or SERIOUS INJURY. Use of this signal word is limited to the most extreme
Identifies a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in DEATH
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in MINOR
or MODERATE injury.
Identifies practices likely to result in product/property damage, such as
operation that might damage the product.
Vestil strives to identify all foreseeable hazards associated with the use of its products. However, material handling is dangerous and no manual can address every conceivable risk. Ultimately, the most effective way to prevent injury is to apply sound judgment whenever using this device.
Improper or careless use of this product might result in death or serious personal injuries.
- Read and understand the entire manual before using, inspecting, or servicing the plate clamp. DO NOT use this device until you read and understand the entire instruction manual. Read the manual to refresh your understanding of proper use and maintenance procedures. Review the instructions and safety messages included in the manuals for your crane, trolley, hoist, and any other device used in conjunction with the clamp. Use this device as instructed in this manual. You must also follow applicable provisions of ASME B30.20 “Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices” (BTH), and all laws, regulations, codes, etc. that apply to BTH devices where the clamp is used.
- Electrocution Risk: Avoid contact with live electrical wires
- DO NOT open the clamp while lifting or moving material. BEFORE opening the clamp be certain that the sheet material is entirely supported by the ground or other surface, and is fully stabilized e.g. can’t fall over, roll, slide, or move in an uncontrolled manner. If necessary, find a second help you immobilize the material. DO NOT open the clamp while using it to lift or move sheet material.
- Inspect the plate clamp as instructed in INSPECTIONS AND MAITENANCE on p. 9. Acquire a copy of the most recent revision of ASME B30.20. Apply all applicable inspection procedures in ASME B30.20.
- Properly maintain the plate clamp according to the maintenance procedures on p. 9 of the manual. These procedures supplement the maintenance recommendations of ASME B30.20. If any instruction in this manual conflicts with B30.20, then you should apply the provision in B30.20. DO NOT use this lifter if it is damaged, malfunctioning, or missing parts.
- ALWAYS attach the plate clamp to a safety hook to prevent accidental/unintended detachment from the hoist. DO NOT use a hoist hook that might accidentally/unintentionally release the clamp.
- DO NOT connect the clamp to a safety hook that does not function properly or that is damaged.
- Clean and dry the sheet material before attaching the plate clamp to it. In particular, clean the material where the clamp will be attached. Debris on the surfaces of the sheet material could impair the connection between the clamp and the material.
- Make sure that the path of travel is clear of debris and obstacles BEFORE picking up the load. Make sure that no person is in the travel path.
- DO NOT lift and move a sheet of material unless it balances when suspended. Attach as many clamps as necessary to balance the load while it is suspended. Load balancing is discussed in USING THE PLATE CLAMP on p. 5-8. If a load cannot be balanced, do not use the lifter to elevate it.
- Only lift the topmost sheet of a stack. Make sure that there are no items on the sheet before lifting it.
- DO NOT attach the clamp to a side edge. ONLY attach the clamp to the top edge of a plate.
- DO NOT lift more than 1 sheet at a time.
- DO NOT lift a sheet from a horizontal position. LPC’s are vertical plate clamps. They must ONLY be used to lift a plate as shown in the PROPER VERTICAL LIFT warning message of Step 3 on p. 6.
- DO NOT sit on or apply any load to the sheet material held by the clamp.
- DO NOT exceed the capacity of the clamp. Never attempt to lift material that weighs more than the capacity of the clamp. Clamp capacity is provided on the data tag which is fastened to the face of your clamp. See Data Tag in LABELING DIAGRAM on p. 7.
- DO NOT lift a load higher than necessary. See USING THE PLATE CLAMP on p. 5-8.
- DO NOT raise the load over your feet or any other part of your body.
- DO NOT lift people or carry material over people. DO NOT lift any apparatus supporting/carrying people such as a work platform. The clamp must ONLY be used to lift single sheets of material.
- DO NOT get in front of or behind a suspended load while moving it. Stand to one side of the load. Grasp the safety hook of your hoist with one hand to stabilize the material. Keep feet out from underneath the load at all times. Clothing must not become entangled in the load or the lifter.
- Keep an eye on the load at all times while it is attached to the clamp.
- DO NOT leave suspended material unattended. Move the load to the unloading location, land the load, and store the clamp before leaving it.
- Referring to American National Standard ASME BTH-1, this clamp is BTH design category B (loads and variations which are severe and not accurately defined), service class 1 (20,001 to 100,000 load cycles).
DO NOT exceed these usage parameters. Permanently remove the clamp from service before exceeding the maximum number of load cycles.
- DO NOT elevate the lifter if the hoist rope/chain is kinked. Make sure that multiple part lines are not twisted around each other before elevating the clamp and the load.
- DO NOT modify the product in any way without first obtaining written approval from Vestil. Unapproved modifications automatically void the LIMITED WARRANTY (p. 11) and might make the product unsafe to use.
- Avoid load swing by making sure the hoist rope/chain is vertical before raising the load.
- Carefully raise, lower, and move loads with the clamp. DO NOT start or stop suddenly. Sudden stops/starts might induce load swing or disrupt the connection between the clamp and the sheet.
- DO NOT drag loads with the clamp.
- DO NOT remove or deface labeling on the clamp. DO NOT use the clamp UNLESS each label is in place, undamaged, and easily readable from a reasonable distance. See LABELING DIAGRAM, p. 10.
- Inspect the product as instructed in INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE on p. 9.
- DO NOT elevate the lifter any higher than necessary. Keep it as close to the ground as possible.
- DO NOT use the lifter if it is tagged “Out of service” or is otherwise designated as malfunctioning.
LPC-series products are Below-the-Hook lifting (BTH) devices. They facilitate the handling of materials in sheet form. American National Standard ASME B30.20 (the “Standard”) can be purchased online at The Standard provides inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation instructions for users of BTH devices. Acquire a copy of the Standard. Apply all provisions that apply to Structural and Mechanical Lifting Devices. Contact local occupational safety and health specialists to determine whether there are laws, ordinances, codes, etc. (“authorities”) in addition to the Standard that apply to BTH devices in the location where the plate clamp will be used. If content in this manual conflicts with provisions in authorities or the Standard, apply the provisions from the authorities or Standard. Please contact Vestil’s TECHNICAL SERVICE department to report conflicts as soon as they are discovered.
In order for the clamp mechanism to securely attach to a sheet of material, a sheet of material must weigh at least as much as the MINIMUM UNIFORM LOAD/PLATE WEIGHT (MUPW) of the model of your plate clamp. Do not attempt to lift a sheet if the sheet weighs less than the MUPW of your clamp. Do not attempt to lift a sheet of material that exceeds the capacity of your clamp.
LPC-20| 400 lb.| (181.8 kg)| 2,000 lb.| (909.1kg)
LPC-40| 800 lb.| (363.6 kg)| 4000 lb.| (1,818.2kg)
LPC-60| 1,200 lb.| (545 kg)| 6,000 lb.| (2,727kg)
Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Measure dimension A after you
receive your unit and include it in the RECORD OF SATISFACTORY CONDITION on p.
MODEL | A | B | C | D | E |
LPC-20 | 7/8” | 4 27/32” | 29/16 | 1013/16” | 2” |
LPC-40 | 13/16” | 61/8” | 31/8” | 1213/32” | 2” |
LPC-60 | 19/16” | 75/32” | 39/16” | 14” | 2” |
1” = 2.54cm 2.2 lb. = 1kg
1| Cover Assembly| 1| 12| Gripper Pin| 1
2| Pad| 1| 13| Lock Nut| 1
3| Heavy Bolt| 1| 14| Spring Pin| 1
4| Lock Nut| 1| 15| Shackle| 1
5| Connecting Link| 2| 16| Spring Pin| 1
6| Ring| 2| 17| Spring Pin| 1
7| Lock Wheel Assembly| 1| 18| Spring Pin| 1
8| Gripper Pin| 2| 19| Spring| 1
9| Axis Pin| 2| 20| Chain Link| 2
10| Link Pin| 1| 21| Lock Ring| 1
11| Gripper/Cam| 1|
NOTE: The clamp is BTH design category B, service class 1. It is not
designed for use with stainless steel or aluminum sheets. Materials must have
surface hardness up to 30 RC (300 HB).
This lifter is a below-the-hook lifting device, design category B (used for
loads and variations which are severe and not accurately defined), service
class 1 (20,001 to 100,000 load cycles). It should only be operated by
qualified personnel. ASME B30.20 defines qualified person as “a person who, by
the possession of a recognized degree in an applicable field or certificate of
professional standing, or who, by extensive knowledge, training, and
experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve
problems relating to the subject matter at hand.” Qualified persons include
designated persons, trainees under the direct supervision of a designated
person, maintenance personnel, test personnel, and inspectors.
The Instructions provided in this manual are meant to supplement the recommendations of ASME B30.20. Only trained, qualified persons should use the plate clamp.
STEP 1: Perform an EVERY LIFT INSPECTION as described in the INSPECTIONS & MAINTENANCE section of this manual (p. 9). If the clamp is in SATISFACTORY CONDITION, connect the clamp to a hoist.
STEP 2: Connect the clamp to the hoisting device. Only connect the clamp
to a safety hook—hook with a latch that automatically closes—to prevent
accidental detachment from the hoist.
STEP 3: Unlock the clamp by rotating the lock lever away from the clamp
body (see photo 1). Move the hoist above the sheet material. The sheet must
balance when lifted, so position the clamp above the center of the sheet. The
center of the sheet is identified with a dashed line in photo 2.
NOTE: The sheet must weigh AT LEAST as much as the MINIMUM UNIFORM PLATE
WEIGHT (MUPW) of your clamp. MUPW figures for all models are provided on p. 4.
The plate thickness must be at least 25% of the maximum jaw opening. See
SPECIFICATIONS, dimension A on p. 2. Using the clamp to only lift sheets of
the same thickness causes wear in a specific region of the gripper. The
gripper has to be replaced sooner as a result.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt a horizontal lift. Only lift vertically. Make horizontal adjustments to the position of the clamp by moving the hoist. DO NOT push or pull the clamp so that the hoist chain/rope is not vertical. This is important because any deflection of the chain/rope from straight up-and- down will cause the load to swing when lifted. A swinging load may cause serious personal injuries.
STEP 4: Engage the sheet with the clamp. Press the clamp onto the top edge of the sheet. The top edge of the sheet must touch the back of the clamp mouth (photos 4a – 4c). Lock the clamp by rotating the lock lever towards the clamp body.
STEP 5: Confirm that the sheet balances when suspended. Raise the load a few inches above the ground or other supporting surface (see photo 5). The material is balanced if the top edge is substantially level. It is not level is one side is lower than the other side). If improperly balanced, return the sheet to the ground or other supporting surface and immobilize it. Reposition the clamp to improve balance by moving the clamp slightly towards the end that hung lower during the test; then raise the object again to see if it is balanced. DO NOT proceed to the next step until the load is properly balanced. DO NOT use the clamp if you cannot achieve a balanced hold; use a different lifting device to raise and move the sheet.
- Use more than 1 clamp if the load cannot be balanced with a single plate clamp (long or flexible load). For instance, connect a chain sling to the hoist hook and attach a plate clamp to each end of the sling via safety hooks. This setup is demonstrated in the below diagram. Test the balance of the sheet material again by repeating the process of this Step (5). Do not continue to step 6 until the sheet balances.
STEP 6: Lift the sheet to an ergonomically comfortable height. Steady the load by grasping the hoist hook or the bale of the clamp. Do not apply any weight to the top edge of the sheet material. Do not touch the lock lever. Avoid contact with the lock ring. Walk slowly and move the load to the work location.
- Regularly review and apply all SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS from p. 2-3, as well as the Operation section of the applicable chapter of ASME B30.20.
- NEVER lift material over yourself or other persons. Inform people in the work area that you are going to use the clamp. Make sure that all persons have cleared the area before lifting and moving material.
- Stabilize suspended material by grasping the hoist hook or clamp bale while raising, lowering, or moving the material.
- Always stand at arm’s length to the side of the material. If two or more clamps are used, grasp the clamp (bale) that provides you with the most control of the sheet material. The below diagram labeled “Properly grasp the second clamp” illustrates the situation where grasping the trailing clamp provides the best control. If you cannot adequately control the sheet by yourself, ask someone to help you. The second person should grasp another clamp (bale). Make sure that your clothing, feet, and the rest of your body stay out from underneath the load. This stance allows the operator to exercise some control of the load and optimizes safety.
- The sheet must remain substantially level while it is moved. Walk slowly. Keep the load level.
- If your hoist is moved by a motorized trolley, allow the trolley to provide all movement. DO NOT push or pull the clamp or the load.
- If you use a manual trolley, grasp the clamp with one hand and carefully move the trolley. DO NOT push or pull the sheet. Walk slowly to keep the load level.
STEP 7: Make sure that the load is not swinging or rotating. Slowly lower
the hoist hook until the load contacts the ground or work surface. Lower the
load sufficiently to create slack in the clamp chain. DO NOT disconnect the
clamp from the sheet until the material has been stabilized. If you cannot
control BOTH the clamp and sheet material without difficulty, ask someone to
help you.
STEP 8: Release the load. Rotate the lock lever to the unlocked position.
Pull the clamp off of the sheet; then disconnect the clamp from the hoist
NOTE: It might be necessary to wiggle the clamp to loosen the connection
between the gripper and the sheet.
Record the condition of the plate clamp before putting it into regular
service. Thoroughly photograph the unit. Include close range photos of all
labels and tags, the bale, the gripper and pad, and the lock mechanisms.
Measure the length and width of the bale opening. Measure the gripper teeth.
Measure the throat opening in 3 places: 1) The mouth; 2) Where the pad is
located; 3) Back/top of the throat. Record your measurements. Write a
description of the overall condition of the clamp. How much force is required
to lock and unlock the clamp. Lock the clamp. Try to manually move the
gripper. There should be definite resistance against movement while the lock
is engaged. Collect all photographs and writings in a single file. Mark the
file appropriately to identify it. The file is a record of the clamp in
satisfactory condition. Compare the results of all inspections to this RECORD
to determine whether the unit is in satisfactory condition. If the clamp is
not in satisfactory condition, repair it before returning it to service.
Purely cosmetic changes, like damaged paint/powdercoat, do not constitute
changes from satisfactory condition. However, touchup paint should be applied
to all affected areas as soon as cosmetic damage occurs to prevent rusting and
corrosion. If left unaddressed, rust/corrosion will degrade the condition of
the clamp and could make it unsafe to use.
After creating a RECORD OF SATISFACTORY CONDITION and before using the lifter
for the first time, a qualified person should conduct a load test. The test
load should be 125% of the capacity of your clamp. For example, the test load
for an LPC-20 clamp is 2,000 x 1.25 = 2,500lb. (1136.4kg). Elevate the test
load a few inches above the ground for approximately 1 minute. Ground the load
and disconnect it from the plate clamp. Perform a Monthly Inspection as
described in INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE (below). The (qualified) person
performing the test must compose a written report confirming the load rating
of the clamp. The load rating (capacity) should not be more than 80% of the
test load. The clamp must undergo load testing whenever it is repaired. Never
modify the clamp.
Notice Regular inspections and maintenance are essential. Always inspect and maintain this product in accordance with the instructions in this manual.
Apply all relevant inspection instructions in your copy of ASME B30.20 as well as the following instructions. Inspections and maintenance should only be performed by qualified persons. Compare the results of each inspection to the RECORD OF SATISFACTORY CONDITION. Do not use the clamp unless all parts are in satisfactory condition. Replace parts that are not in satisfactory condition before returning the clamp to service. Only use manufacturer-approved replacement parts to restore the unit to satisfactory condition. DON’T GUESS! If you have any questions about the condition of your lifter, contact the TECHNICAL SERVICE department. The phone number is provided on the cover page of this manual. Never make temporary repairs of damaged or missing parts.
- Disconnect the clamp from the hoist hook and tag it “Out of service”.
- Perform the appropriate inspection (A or B). If a component is not in satisfactory condition, repair it or replace it as necessary to restore the unit to satisfactory condition. DO NOT modify the clamp.
- Inspection before each use – The operator must inspect the clamp before every lift. Closely inspect the bale mechanisms. Check the bale loop and bale pin for cracks, elongation, warps, and other forms of damage. Confirm that the bale mechanism is securely pinned in place. Remove debris from the clamp surfaces. Check the gripper teeth. Teeth must be sharp, clean, & dry.
- Monthly inspections – At least once per month a qualified person must perform the following inspections and maintenance. Written reports should be prepared for every monthly inspection including inspections following LOAD TESTS.
- Surfaces: Look for forging fractures, weld fractures, significant wear, and deformations/distortions, corrosion/rusting, and metal fatigue. If rusting is purely superficial, remove it with a steel bristle brush or steel wool. Clean the affected area & apply touchup paint. If rust, rot, or thinning has weakened the material, permanently remove the clamp from service.
- Throat opening: Measure the width of the throat opening in the 3 places that were measured to generate the RECORD. Enlargement of the opening indicates that the clamp has been overloaded. The clamp must be permanently removed from service.
- Gripper/cam, gripper teeth, and pad: Examine the gripper teeth. If teeth are flattened by 50% or more, replace both the gripper and the pad. If the plate clamp is used to only move sheets of a particular thickness, the gripper surface will wear in only 1 area and will have to be replaced more frequently.
- Spring, lock mechanisms, and pad: The spring should hold the gripper/cam against the pad when the clamp is unloaded. The locking spring should provide little initial pressure (of the gripper) without material in the clamp. Counter-pressure should increase as the gripper is pressed away from the pad. Lock and unlock the clamp. Confirm that the lock engages and disengages satisfactorily.
- Pins and pinholes, and other fasteners: Examine all pins and pinholes. Pins should be straight. Pinholes should be round, not ovoid. Evaluate the degree of wear of all pins and pinholes. Examine pin retaining clips and spring pins (used to secure pins in place).
- Bale assembly: Measure the length and width of the bale opening and connecting link. Make sure the measurements match the measurements in the RECORD. If any cracks, distortions, elongation, or severe wear is found, permanently remove the clamp from service.
- Labels: Check all labels. Labels are shown in the LABELING DIAGRAM (below). Replace labels that are missing, damaged, or not easily readable.
Label content and location are subject to change. Your product might not be
labeled exactly as shown. Compare this diagram to your RECORD OF SATISFACTORY
CONDITION. If differences exist between the diagram and the RECORD, contact
TECHNICAL SERVICE. Replace all labels that are damaged, missing, or not easily
readable (e.g. faded). Order replacement labels by contacting the parts
department online at or by calling
260-665-7586 and asking the operator to
Vestil Manufacturing Corporation (“Vestil”) warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship during the warranty period. Our warranty obligation is to provide a replacement for a defective, original part covered by the warranty after we receive a proper request from the Warrantee (you) for warranty service.
Who may request service?
Only a warrantee may request service. You are a warrantee if you purchased the
product from Vestil or from an authorized distributor AND Vestil has been
fully paid.
Definition of “original part”?
An original part is a part used to make the product as shipped to the
What is a “proper request”?
A request for warranty service is proper if Vestil receives: 1) a photocopy of
the Customer Invoice that displays the shipping date; AND 2) a written request
for warranty service including your name and phone number. Send requests by
one of the following methods:
US Mail
Vestil Manufacturing Corporation
North Wayne Street, PO Box 507 Angola, IN 46703
260-665-1339 2999
Enter “Warranty service request” in the subject field.
In the written request, list the parts believed to be defective and include the address where replacements should be delivered. After Vestil receives your request for warranty service, an authorized representative will contact you to determine whether your claim is covered by the warranty. Before providing warranty service, Vestil will require you to send the entire product, or just the defective part (or parts), to its facility in Angola, IN.
What is covered under the warranty?
The warranty covers defects in the following original, dynamic parts: motors,
hydraulic pumps, motor controllers, and cylinders. It also covers defects in
original parts that wear under normal usage conditions (“wearing parts”), such
as bearings, hoses, wheels, seals, brushes, and batteries.
How long is the warranty period?
The warranty period for original dynamic components is 30 days. For wearing
parts, the warranty period is 30 days. Both warranty periods begin on the date
Vestil ships the product to the Warrantee. If the product was purchased from
an authorized distributor, the periods begin when the distributor ships the
product. Vestil may, at its sole discretion, extend a warranty period for
products shipped from authorized distributors by up to 30 days to account for
shipping time.
If a defective part is covered by the warranty, what will Vestil do to
correct the problem?
Vestil will provide an appropriate replacement for any covered part. An
authorized representative of Vestil will contact you to discuss your claim.
What is not covered by the warranty?
The Warrantee (you) is responsible for paying labor costs and freight costs to
return the product to Vestil for warranty service.
Events that automatically void this Limited Warranty.
- Misuse;
- Negligent assembly, installation, operation or repair;
- Installation/use in corrosive environments;
- Inadequate or improper maintenance;
- Damage sustained during shipping;
- Collisions or other accidents that damage the product;
- Unauthorized modifications: Do not modify the product IN ANY WAY without first receiving written authorization from Vestil.
Do any other warranties apply to the product?
Vestil Manufacturing Corp. makes no other express warranties. All implied
warranties are disclaimed to the extent allowed by law. Any implied warranty
not disclaimed is limited in scope to the terms of this Limited Warranty.
Vestil makes no warranty or representation that this product complies with any
state or local design, performance, or safety code or standard. Noncompliance
with any such code or standard is not a defect in material or workmanship.
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