GW INSTEK GPP-3060 Programmable DC Power Supply User Guide
- June 3, 2024
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GW INSTEK GPP-3060 Programmable DC Power Supply
The GPP series regulated DC power supply series are adjustable, multifunctional work stations. It has three independent outputs: two with adjustable voltage/current levels and one with fixed voltage level selectable from 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V to 5V. When the rear board outputs, each channel has a sense terminal. The GPP series can be used for logic circuits where various output voltage or current are needed, and for tracking mode definition systems where plus and minus voltages with insignificant error are required.
Front Panel
The panel above is the example of GPP-3060.
Rear Panel
For more information, refer to the User Manual within the enclosed CD.
Display Modes
In order to offer diverse information display of each channel to meet
requirements from different users, the GPP series provide several selections
of different display modes.
Tracking Series/Parallel Modes
The CH1/CH2 can output much larger voltage/current via tracking series and
parallel modes. By using CH1 as master and CH2 as slave, there is no need for
external series/parallel connection. In the series mode, the output voltage is
double to CH1; in the parallel mode, the output current is double to CH1
Load Mode
CH1/CH2 of the GPP series can be set to the Load Mode function, under which
both tracking series and tracking parallel function are Not available.
Sequence Function
Under Source mode of the GPP series, user can customize a certain V/I sequential waveform output. Under Load mode, it is programmable for dynamic load (below 1Hz)
Delay Function
It is necessary to output a series of pulse in real applications. This
function is available when voltage is constant. Output waveform can be edited
per user’s preference. The amplitude range of the output waveform is the
output voltage range of power supply
Monitor/Recorder Function
GPP series can realize certain function including the Monitor function, which
helps guarantee load status of client via halting operation based on certain
preset conditions, and the Recorder function, which effectively records output
status in real time.
Front and Rear output Function
GPP can be operated through panel menu or remote command to output on front
and back panels.
Remote Control
To meet the various needs from customers, the GPP series provide the additional 4 types of remote control including USB, RS232 , GPIB(Option) and LAN(Option).
The specifications only apply when the unit has warmed up for at least 30
minutes, within +20°C – +30°C.
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