BLU Australia Charnwood Cove Instruction Manual

September 28, 2024

BLU Australia Charnwood Cove

Product Information


  • Product Name: Cove 3 BLU
  • Approved Fuel Type: Wood logs
  • Country of Origin: Australia
  • Manufacturer: Charnwood

Product Usage Instructions

Operating Instructions

Congratulations on owning a Charnwood Cove 3 Stove. Please read and understand these instructions before using the stove.

Pre-Lighting Check

Before lighting the stove, ensure that all installation requirements have been met and the flue is clear.

Lighting and Controlling the Fire

  1. Add kindling and paper or firelighters.
  2. Keep air control fully out and door cracked open.
  3. Once kindling is alight, add smaller logs.
  4. Add larger logs once fire is established. Reduce air control to a minimum.

Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Glass: Wipe with a damp, lint-free cloth. Use stove glass cleaner for stubborn deposits.
  • Baffle Plate: Clean monthly by sweeping sooty deposits into the fire.
  • Flue Servicing: Have the flue swept annually. Flue can be swept through the stove.


  • What fuels are suitable for the Charnwood Cove 3 Stove?
    • The approved fuel type for this stove is wood logs. Do not use unsuitable fuels like coal, household waste, or wet wood.
  • How often should the stove be serviced?
    • The stove should be serviced by a professional at least once a year. Additionally, the flue should be swept annually to ensure proper operation.
  • Is it safe to use aerosol sprays near the stove?
    • Avoid using aerosol sprays near the stove when it is alight to prevent the risk of explosion or flash ignition.



  • GLASS Wipe with damp, lint-free cloth. Any stubborn deposits on the glass may be removed with a proprietary stove glass cleaner or ceramic hob cleaner.
  • BAFFLE PLATE Take down once a month and clean. Sweep sooty deposits into fire
  • FLUE Have flue swept anually. Flue can be swept through stove.
  • SERVICING Stove should be serviced by a professional at least once a year.


  • Add kindling and paper or firelighters. Keep air control fully out and door cracked open.
  • Once kindling is alight, add smaller logs. Keep air control fully out and close door.
  • Add larger logs once fire is established. Air control can be reduced to a minimum.

Suitable fuels for your

  • Charnwood:
  • Wood logs

Unsuitable fuels:

  • Petroleum coke
  • Liquid fuel
  • Household waste
  • Coal singles
  • Small nuts or coal dust
  • Wet or unseasoned wood
  • Smokeless mineral fuel


Congratulations on becoming the owner of a Charnwood Cove 3 Stove. Your stove has been approved to burn wood logs if it is used in accordance with these instructions. It is very important that you read and understand these instructions before using the stove. Before lighting the stove check with the installer that the work and checks described in the Installation Instructions have been carried out correctly and that the flue has been swept, is sound and free from any obstructions. The stove is not suitable for use in a shared flue system. This stove will not produce significant smoke if well-seasoned logs of less than 20% moisture content are burnt and these instructions are adhered to. Burning wet (>20% moisture content) wood and operating the stove in an irresponsible manner may produce smoke which is illegal in smoke-controlled areas. Remember that the stove will be hot and that it is made from hard materials – ensure that you have good balance before operating the fire. Always use the provided operating tool and gloves. Do not use an aerosol spray on or near the stove when it is alight. There is a risk of explosion or flash ignition of the spray. When using the stove in situations where children, aged and/or infirm persons are present a fireguard must be used to prevent accidental contact with the stove. The stove is suitable for intermittent operation.


This stove has been designated to burn wood. Only dry well well-seasoned wood should be burnt on this appliance as burning wet unseasoned wood will give rise to heavy tar deposits in the stove, on the glass and within the flue. Burning wet unseasoned wood will also result in considerably reduced outputs. The wood should be cut and split and then left to season in a well-ventilated dry place for at least one year but preferably two years before use. Approximate suitable log sizes are: Cove 3 : 400mm (15.7in) long and 75mm (2.9in) diameter Log moisture content of less than 20% is recommended. PETROLEUM COKE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR USE ON THIS APPLIANCE. ITS USE WILL INVALIDATE THE GUARANTEE. This stove is not designed to burn household waste.


The door handle has been carefully designed to be removed from the stove during operation and re-fitted prior to loading and de-ashing. However, if you need to open the door when the fire is running at maximum then the additional use of a cloth or glove may be required. Take care not to touch the door as it will be hot when the fire is burning. Turn the door handle anti-clockwise to open and clockwise to close.


On initial lighting, the stove may smoke and give off an odour as the silicon paint with which the firebox is painted reacts to the heat. This is normal and will cease after a short time, but meanwhile the room should be kept well ventilated. At first only light a small fire and burn it slowly for two hours to allow any residual moisture in the flue to evaporate. Light the stove using dry kindling wood and paper or fire lighters. Put the paper, or fire lighters, and kindling in the firebox and cover with a few small dry logs. Open the air control fully (see Fig. 1) Light the paper or fire lighters. The door may be left cracked open for a few minutes to assist the combustion and heat up the firebox more quickly. When the kindling wood is well alight add a few more small logs, close the door but leave the air control fully open. When the flames are established around these logs, load the stove with the required fuel load. Maintain the air control at maximum at this stage. Once the fire is up to temperature the airwash system will begin to work, so allow the fire to become hot before adjusting the air control to the required setting. During the lighting period, do not leave the  stove unattended. Do not leave the door open except as directed above to avoid excessive smoke. When relighting the stove, leave the ash on the base, unless it is becoming too deep, in which case some of it may be removed.


The fire is controlled by the single air control knob shown in Fig. 3. Pull the knob out to make the fire burn faster, push it in to make the fire burn slower. This unique QuattroFlowTM air control* provides carefully balanced primary, secondary, tertiary and bypass air to enable optimum burning conditions without the need to fiddle with multiple controls. For correct firing we recommend the use of a stove pipe thermometer. QuatroflowTM air control settings for nominal heat output: Cove 3 BLU Australia – Position 3


Your Charnwood Cove is fitted with a wood ash removal grate to enable wood to be burned and ash to be cleared. The grate has two positions:

  1. In the open position the grate bars are vertical with gaps in between allowing the primary combustion air to come up through the grate and through the fuel bed.
  2. In the closed position the grate bars are horizontal, allowing the combustion air to come round the sides of the grate and over the top of it. When in the closed position ash is able to build up on the grate as is necessary for effective wood burning.

Movement of the grate from one position to the other is effected using the tool supplied as shown in Fig. 2. The grate is put into the open position by moving the tool up until the handle is in the 1 o’clock position. The grate is put into the closed position by moving the tool down until the handle is in the 5 o’clock position. To riddle the appliance, the tool should be moved between the open and horizontal positions several times. When burning wood the ash should be allowed to build up and riddling should only be carried out once or twice a week.


When burning wood, ash should be allowed to build up and only riddled when the ash begins to cover the slots in the rear fireplace. The fire should be riddled with the doors shut (see Fig. 2). Place the tool onto the riddling lever and rotate between the 1 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions several times. Too much riddling can result in emptying unburnt fuel into the ashpan and should therefore be avoided. After riddling, the grate should be put back into the closed position (the tool should be in the 1 o’clock position for open grate or in the 5 o’clock position for closed grate).


Keep the firebox well filled but do not allow fuel to spill over the top of the fuel retainer. Logs should be evenly distributed, filling the firebed to give the most pleasing flame pattern. The air control must be fully opened after refuelling until the flames are established above the fire. It is best to refuel on to a hot bed of embers. If at this point the fire starts to die, the door must be cracked open until the fire is revived. If the fire has started to die down before refuelling, then more kindling wood must be added, the air control opened fully and the door cracked open to re-establish the firebed before adding larger logs (see suitable log sizes in Fuel section). This will avoid excessive smoke emission. Care should be taken, especially when burning wood, that fuel does not project over the fuel retainer or damage to the glass may be caused when the door is closed. It can also cause the glass to blacken up. Maximum filling height is such that logs cannot fall from the fire when the door is opened and does not come above the level of the air holes in back bricks. Do not operate with the door open except as directed by the instructions as this can cause excessive smoke.


The ashpan should be emptied regularly before it becomes too full. Never allow the ash to accumulate in the ashpan so that it comes in contact with the underside of the grate as this will seriously damage the grate bars. The ashpan is handled using the tool and gloves provided. Care should be taken to ensure that ash is cool before emptying it into plastic liners or bins. To make ash removal easier there are ash carriers available. These may be purchased from your supplier or, in case of difficulty, from Charnwood.


For reduced burning the fire door must be closed. When burning wood in areas that are not smoke-controlled, load some large logs on the fire and allow to burn for half an hour before closing the air control (this will help to reduce tar deposits in the flue). Some experimentation may be necessary to find the setting most suitable for the type of fuel being used and the draw on the flue.



The stove is finished with a high-temperature paint which will withstand the temperatures encountered in normal use. This may be cleaned with a damp lint- free cloth when the stove is cold. Should re-painting become necessary, high- temperature paints are available from your supplier or from stove shops.

Cleaning the Glass

Most deposits on the glass may be burnt off simply by running the fire at a fast rate for a few minutes. If it becomes necessary to clean the glass then open the door and allow it to cool. Clean the glass using a damp cloth and then wiping over with a dry cloth. Any stubborn deposits on the glass may be removed with a proprietary stove glass cleaner or ceramic hob cleaner. Do not use abrasive cleaners or pads as these can scratch the surface which will weaken the glass and cause premature failure

When Not in Use

If the fire is going to be out of use for a long period (for instance in the summer) then to prevent condensation, and hence corrosion, the air control should be left fully open and the fire door left ajar. It Is also advisable to sweep the flue and clean out the fire. Spraying the inside of the door with a light oil, such as WD40, will also help to keep all internal parts working well. After long periods where the fire has been out of use, the flue and appliance flue should be cleaned before lighting.

Door Seals

For the fire to operate correctly it is important that the door seals are in good condition. Check that they do not become worn or frayed and replace them when necessary.


It is recommended that the fire is serviced once a year to keep it in first class working order. After cleaning out the firebox thoroughly, check that all internal parts are in good working order, replacing any parts that are beginning to show signs of wear. Check that the door seals are in good condition and that the doors seal correctly. A servicing guide is available on request. Repairs or modifications may only be carried out by the Manufacturer or their approved agents. Use only genuine Charnwood replacement parts.


It is important that the throat plate and all the stove flue are kept clean. They should be checked approximately once a week, by looking up into the firebox for signs of soot or fly-ash on the baffle and at the sides of the firebox. If there are signs of a build up of soot or fly-ash deposits then the fire must be let out in order to clean the throat plate and flue. Before attempting to clean the baffle and flue, ensure that the fire is cold. Wear suitable gloves to prevent irritation from soot deposits. To remove the throat plate lift the front edge up and slide the plate forward until it comes clear of the front pegs, then swing the front edge down (see Fig. 8).


When installing your Charnwood into an existing brick flue that has previously served as an open fire, it is possible that the higher flue gas temperature from a stove may loosen soot deposits with the consequent risk of flue blockage. It is therefore recommended that the flue be swept a second time within a month of regular use after installation. Your Charnwood flue should be swept at least twice a year. Where the top outlet or vertical rear flue connector is used it will generally be possible to sweep the flue through the appliance. First remove the baffle. Then sweep the flue ensuring that soot is removed from all horizontal surfaces after sweeping. In situations where it is not possible to sweep through the appliance, the installer will have provided alternative means, such as a flue access door. After clearing any soot from within the stove, replace the baffle (see Fig. 8 ). It is important to use the correct flue brush for the flue size, different types of sweep’s brushes are available to suit different flue. For prefabricated insulated flues the manufacturer’s instructions with regard to sweeping should be consulted.


Fire Will Not Burn

Check that:

  • a) the air inlet is not obstructed in any way,
  • b) flues and flue are clear,
  • c) a suitable fuel is being used,
  • d) there is an adequate air supply into the room,
  • e) If an extractor fan is fitted, that it is not cause lack of flue draft when operating.
    f) there is sufficient draw in the flue. Once the flue is warm a draught reading of at least 1.25 mm (0.05 in.) water gauge (12Pa) should be obtained.

Blackening of Door Glass

Differences in flue draughts mean that the best settings of the air controls will vary for different installations. A certain amount of experimentation may be required, however the following points should be noted and with a little care should enable the glass to be kept clean in most situations:

  • a) Wet or unseasoned wood, or logs overhanging the front fence will cause the glass to blacken.
  • b) The airwash relies on a supply of heated air to keep the glass clean, therefore, when lighting the stove allow the firebed to become well-established before closing the air control. This may also be necessary when re-fuelling the stove.
  • c) When re-fuelling keep the fuel as far back from the front fence as possible, do not try to fit too much fuel into the firebox
  • d) Do not completely close the air control.

It is always more difficult to keep the glass clean when running the stove very slowly for long periods. If blackening of the glass still occurs check that all flue connections and the blanking plate are well sealed. It is also important that the flue draw is sufficient and that it is not affected by down-draught. When the flue is warm a draught reading of at least 1.25 mm (0.05 in.) water gauge (12Pa) should be obtained. Some blackening of the glass may occur below the level of the fuel retainer. This will not obscure the view of the fire or affect its performance.

Fume Emission

Warning Note: Properly installed and operated this appliance will not emit fumes. Occasional fumes from de-ashing and re-fuelling may occur. Persistent fume emission is potentially dangerous and must not be tolerated. If fume emission does persist, then the following immediate actions should be taken:

  • a) Open doors and windows to ventilate the room and then leave the premises.
  • b) Let the fire out and safely dispose of the fuel from the appliance.
  • c) Check for flue or flue blockage, and clean if required.
  • d) Do not attempt to re-light the fire until cause of fuming has been identified, if necessary seek professional advice. The most common cause of fume emission is a flue blockage. For your own safety the flue must be kept clean

Fire blazing out of control

Check that:

  • a) The door is tightly closed.
  • b) The air control slider is fully closed.
  • c) A suitable fuel is being used.
  • d) Door seals and air slide are intact.

Flue Fires

If the flue is thoroughly and regularly swept, flue fires should not occur. However, if a flue fire does occur close the air control, and tightly close the door of the appliance. This should cause the flue fire to go out in which case the controls should be kept closed until the stove has gone out. The flue should then be cleaned. If the flue fire does not go out when the above action is taken then the fire brigade should be called immediately. After a flue fire the chimney should be carefully examined for any damage. Expert advice should be sought if necessary


If you need further help with your Charnwood then your Installer will be able to provide the answers to most questions. Your Local Charnwood Dealer has a great deal of experience and will also be able to provide helpful advice. Further help is available from Pivot Stove & Heating who will be pleased to give advice, if necessary


The stove arrives bolted and strapped to its pallet. There must be adequate facilities for unloading and maneuvering into position. The wrapping is first removed, then the stove is released from the pallet by removing 4 pallet bolts using a 10mm spanner. The pallet brackets can now be removed from the stove by tilting it and using a 13mm spanner to remove the bolts. The bolts should be refitted and used for leveling the stove. The pallet is intended to be cut up and used for kindling fuel.


Please take care when installing the stove. Ideally there should not be an extractor fan fitted in the same room as the appliance. If this situation is unavoidable then specialist advice should be taken to ensure that the extractor fan does not cause the appliance to emit fumes into the room. The external air kit will help with this in some situations. Alternatively, an additional air supply correctly positioned may be necessary. It is essential to carry out a spillage test to ensure that the appliance can operate safely when the extractor fan is operating. There must be an adequate air supply into the room in which the appliance is installed to provide combustion air. The combustion air supply must be via a permanently open vent. The requirement for minimum free area is partly dependent on the design air permeability of the house. In older properties the air permeability will be above 5.0m³/(h.m²), but in some modern properties it may be less. The vent must be positioned such that it is not liable to blockage. Minimum areas are given in the following table:

A fixed ducted air supply may be used as an alternative to the traditional method of using a permanent open vent into a room to supply air for combustion. External air supply kits are available please contact Charnwood for more information. Instruction sheet ref: TIS 120 It is recommended that a carbon monoxide alarm is installed in the same room as the appliance, in accordance with the alarm manufacturer’s instructions.


In order for the appliance to perform satisfactorily the flue must give sufficient draw when warm (minimum of 12pa/0.05” wg). The height of the flue must comply with local building regulation requirements. The internal dimensions of the flue MUST NOT BE LESS THAN 180mm (7”). The listed flue’s construction and installation must comply with the requirements of AS/NZS2918:2018 and must also meet local building codes. The flue must be suitable for burning solid fuel, lined in good condition and at least 4.6m in height from the base of the appliance. The flue and all its component’s must be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The flue exit requirements of AS/ NZS2918:2018 are 1000mm above the roof and 600mm above any projection within 3000mm, see flue clearances diagram. This stove is not suitable for use in a shared flue system. It is important that there is sufficient draw in the flue and that the flue does not suffer from down- draught. When the flue is warm the draw should be not less than 1.25mm (0.05”) water gauge (12 Pa). If in doubt about the chimney seek expert advice.


The stove must stand on a fireproof floor protector and must not be situated closer than the minimum distance from combustible materials to the sides or rear above hearth level unless adequately fireproofed in accordance with local building regulations. If installed on a combustible floor, floor protection must be provided in the form of a non-combustible material to the minimum specifications described in the ‘Floor Protector’ section (page 12). The floor protector should extend 450mm in front of the stove door. If in doubt as to the positioning of the stove, expert advice should be sought either from the supplier or the local building inspector. The fireplace must allow good circulation of air around the appliance to ensure that maximum heat is transferred to the room and also to prevent the fireplace from overheating. A gap of 150mm (6”) each side and 300mm (12”) above the appliance should give sufficient air circulation. In order for the fire to operate correctly the rear air inlet must not be obstructed. The appliance should be installed on a floor with adequate load-bearing capacity. If an existing construction does not meet this
requirement then please take suitable measures to achieve this. (e.g. load- distributing plate.)


The Cove 3 BLU must be connected to the flue using flue pipe of 180mm (7”) diameter and is tested for both Air Cooled triple Skin Flue Kits & Room Seal Insulated flue Kits that have been tested to AS/NZS2918:2018 Horizontal lengths of flue must be kept to a minimum and should not be more in length than the flue diameter. The stove comes with the blanking plate (fig. 6) fitted to the rear flue outlet. The seal for the top outlet is a 155mm dia ring of rope seal. The seal for the rear outlet is a length of adhesive-backed fibre webbing supplied with instructions ref: TIS093. This is applied to the flue collar or the Vertical Rear Flue adapter for rear outlet installations.


Ensure that the baffle is fitted in the roof of the appliance. For location and positioning see Fig. 5. Check that the front fence is fitted correctly and that the door closes properly.


Ensure that the rear heatshield extension is fitted to the back of the heaishield (part 010/CZEA170) with 2 x 12mm self tapping screws see Fig. 7. This part must be supplied and fitted to the stove. On completion of the installation allow a suitable period of time for the fire cement and mortar to dry out before lighting the fire. Make a layer of ash or sand on the base of the stove before lighting. Check to ensure that smoke and fumes are taken from the appliance up the flue and emitted safely. Also check all joints and seals. On completion of the installation and commissioning please leave the operating instructions with the customer and advise them on the use of the appliance.




  • A 910mm
  • B 765mm (Stove placed centrally)
  • C 450mm (in front of the appliance door)


  • Minimum thickness: 12mm
  • Minimum thermal resistivity: 0.052m2K/W
  • Installed in accordance with AS/NZS 2918:2018 3.3.2




Standard Clearance

  • A 453mm
  • B 250mm
  • C 550mm
  • D 880mm


Corner Clearance

  • A 612mm
  • B 300mm

Note: The safe distance to combustible figures quoted above were achieved using a Room Seal Flue Kit

Standard Clearance (with VRFA)

  • A 613mm
  • B 500mm
  • C 880mm
  • D 550mm

Corner Clearance (with VRFA)

  • A 657mm
  • B 500mm


Summary of minimum height of flue sytem exit requirements from AS/NZS 2918:2018


(Use RSF8)









Parts List

Cove 3 MKII BLU Australia Parts List


To register your 10 Year Stove Guarantee please visit or scan QR: and enter the following code: CGG-AUS


10 Year Warranty: The firebox of your Charnwood Stove is guaranteed against material and manufacturing defect for a period of 10 years
1 Year Warranty: The consumable items such as bricks, rope seal and associated parts are guaranteed for a period of 1 year.

  • The guarantee registration form must be completed online and submitted within 14 days of purchase to enable the guarantee to be activated.
  • The following conditions apply:
  • If any part fails due to manufacturing or material defect within the guarantee period Charnwood will, free of charge, either repair or replace the part at their discretion. The decision of Charnwood is final.
  • This guarantee is for parts only.
  • Charnwood will not be liable for any consequential loss or incidental loss, damage or injury however caused.
  • This guarantee will become void if the appliance: is not installed in accordance with the installation instructions; is not regularly serviced in accordance with the installation instructions; is subject to misuse or neglect, including the use of nonrecommended fuel; or if repairs or modifications have been carried out by anyone other than Charnwood or their official representatives.
  • All claims on this guarantee must be made through the supplier of the appliance and must be accompanied by proof of purchase.
  • Nothing in this guarantee shall affect your statutory rights.


This Guarantee does not cover the following:

  • Charnwood will not be liable for any consequential loss or incidental loss, damage or injury however caused.
  • This guarantee will become void if the appliance is not installed by a suitably qualified and is not installed in accordance with the AS.NZS 2918
  • This guarantee will become void if the appliance is not installed in accordance with the installation instructions and is not regularly serviced, in accordance with the installation instructions.
  • If the product is subject to misuse or neglect, including the use of non-recommended fuels.
  • If repairs or modifications have been carried out by anyone other than Charnwood or their authorised representatives.
  • Damage caused by over-firing of the stove. Please refer to our operating instructions for further details.
  • Damage caused by storing or using the product in a damp environment. Corrosion caused by condensation, damp or water ingress into the flue, chimney or the surrounding of the stove.
  • Defects or faults caused by local conditions such as draught problems and chimney defects.
  • The paint finish will require touching up or repainting from time to time. Maintaining the finish is normal practice and is not covered by the guarantee.


  • TEL. +44 (0) 1983 537777
  • FAX. +44 (0) 1983 537788

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