Hotwire In Screed Heating System Instruction Manual

September 19, 2024

Hotwire In Screed Heating System

Product Information


  • Product Name: Hotwire In Screed
  • Manufacturer: Hotwire (Australia Head Office)
  • Address: Factory 1 / 7-9 Newcastle Rd Bayswater Vic 3153
  • Contact: Phone 1300 HOTWIRE (468947)
  • Website:

Product Usage Instructions

Step 1: Read This Manual

Please read the manual thoroughly before starting the installation process. Incorrect installation may void warranty claims. Ensure you have the necessary power supply, flush box, and draw wire for installation.

Step 2: Pre-wire or Rough In

Prepare the area by ensuring it is completely clean and free of debris. Use a spray adhesive for added strength when fixing down the cable.

Step 3: Floor Preparation

Clean the floor thoroughly to remove any sand, lumps, or debris that may affect the Hotwire installation. Sweep up dust and consider using a vacuum for a more thorough cleaning.

Step 4: Cable Spacing

Calculate the exact square meters of the area to be heated. Multiply this by 1000 and divide by the length of the element to determine the cable spacing, which should be between 75 and 120 mm. Ensure correct measurements to avoid mistakes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can the Hotwire element be cut, shortened, or lengthened?
    • A: The Hotwire element cannot be cut, shortened, or lengthened in any way. It must be installed as is.
  • Q: Is waterproofing required for Hotwire installation?
    • A: Waterproofing can be installed under the screed or on top of it. Check with the manufacturer of the waterproofing material for their specific requirements.
  • Q: Do I need a licensed electrical contractor for the installation?
    • A: The installation requirements may vary by state or territory in Australia. Some regions may require a licensed electrical contractor for the entire installation, while in others, it may only be required for connections to the thermostat. Check with your local electrical authority or contractor for verification.

Please read this instruction manual. It includes important information that will assist you and save you time and money such as, To calculate the wire spacing start with the M2 of the area to be heated. Multiply this by 1000. Then divide this answer by the length of the element. The answer will be the space at which the element should be laid.

Step 1 Read This Manual

Please read this manual. It includes everything you need to know to successfully install Hotwire.  Incorrect installation of Hotwire may lead to any warranty claim being denied. In some States and Territories of Australia, the installation of Hotwire Under Tile Heating must be performed in its entirety by a licensed electrical contractor. Whist in others a licensed contractor is only required for the connections to the thermostat. Please check with your local electrical authority or Electrical Contractor to verify the requirements applicable to your State or Territory. The Hotwire element cannot be cut, shortened or lengthened in any way

Note: Water Proofing

It does not affect Hotwire whether the water proofing is installed under the screed or on top of the screed. Please check with the manufacturer of the waterproofing as to their specifications.

Pre-wire or “Rough-In”

Three things are required before Hotwire can be installed. Please see the diagram.

  1. Power supply. You will need power capable of running the Hotwire element you are installing.
  2. Flush Box. A vertically flush box will need to be installed. This is a standard light switch / power point plate.
  3. Draw Wire. You will need a draw wire through the wall cavity or chased into wall (if brick) and run through conduit.

Floor Preparation

The floor needs to be completely clean. Sand, lumps of gyprock glue etc will affect your Hotwire installation. So make sure you clean the floor well. Sweep up all the dust, a once-over with the vacuum is also a good idea if you have one handy. we also recommend you use a spray adhesive for added strength when fixing down your cable.

Cable Spacing

This is really important to an excellent Hotwire installation, so please read this carefully. Calculate the EXACT m2 of the area to be heated and multiply it by 1000 (this is to bring the measurement to square millimeters). Then divide that answer by the length of the element. This is printed on the side of the spool. The answer will be the cable spacing and should be between 75 and 120 mm. If your answer is outside this check your measurements again as you have made a mistake or have the wrong element. If this is the case do not proceed with the installation

The above formula is a good guide. Replace with this measurement is C to C (centre to centre) of the cable so take off 7-8 mm from the calculation to get the exact space between each run. It is a good idea to cut a jig to the size you need it rather than use a tape measure the whole time. A off cut of wood is fine, in the picture we used an off cut of electrical cable.

Plan the installation

This is a step where you can come undone if you don’t plan properly. The Hotwire element CANNOT be cut or shortened in any way. So have a look at the room and work out what is the most logical and simple way to run the cable around that room. You want to be doing as many long runs as possible. Try and leave the longest wall to last. That way if you have a little too much or too little cable left you can make an easy adjustment by coming a bit further away or going right up close to the wall. Neither option will affect the heating of the room in any way.

Check the element

Before installing the element it is always a good idea to ensure it has not been damaged during transit. We check every element before it leaves our warehouse but there is the possibility that it may get damaged by a courier

  • If you have a multimeter then you can check the cable against the following table.
  • If you don’t have a multimeter don’t panic we have you covered too.

In the Hotwire Box is a continuity alarm. It is a small black box with 3 cables coming off the end.

  1. Remove small white sticker over “On / Off” Switch
  2. Fix the Black clip to the Brown wire of the element.
  3. Fix the Red clip to the Blue wire of the element.
  4. Fix the Green clip to the remaining wire.
  5. Switch the tester on.
  6. A Red Light then shows that the tester is on and working.
  7. If you have a fault the tester will start “Beeping”

If the alarm does not beep you are good to keep installing. There is also another use for the alarm so keep it handy, more about that after the element is down

Element Spacing

There are two main options for fixing the element in place. If the subfloor is clean and dust free the provided tape may be enough. If not fixing the element to a wire mesh is a great option. This product can be purchased from Hotwire or is available at most hardware stores.

We recommend,

  • Whites Cage Mesh 90cm x 10m x 25mm x 25mm
  • Use small cable ties to hold the element in place.

Roll out Element

You are now ready to start rolling out the element and sticking it down. There is 3 meters of “Cold Tail” at the end of the element, you will notice a join between the cold tail and the thinner element wire. No part of the element or cold tail join can be in the wall cavity. This is dangerous and will void the warranty. Start spreading the element around the floor using the jig you cut earlier

Half Way

You will notice a half way marker. It is little piece of tape around the element. When you see this stop and look at where you are up to. If you are not sure if you are half way through the floor check your measurements. Measure the remaining m2 and use 50% of the cable length to check if you are on target. If you are a little more or under half way you can spread the cable runs out or close them up a bit.

More Tape

Stick any proud bits of element down. Some of the loops may have popped up a bit. You will also need to run a strip of cable right across the whole floor to ensure the cable does not get moved or damaged by other trades. It is a good idea to run right across the floor every meter.

Install the Floor Probe

If using the Hotwire fully programmable thermostat you will now need to install the floor probe. If you are not sure check the small white box in the Hotwire box your product came in. The floor probe is a white cable that will be coiled in the bottom of that box. Stick the probe to the floor. Make sure you don’t stick any tape over the end of the probe. It is also critical to ensure that the probe is exactly half way between two cable runs. I.e. If your measurement was 100 mm. Ensure the end of the probe is 50 mm from one run of element and 50 mm from another. The Thermostat sensor should be run in a conduit so it can be easily replaced if required. Warranty claims on probes will not be accepted if not laid in a conduit.

Pull Cables to Power Supply

Tape the ends both cables (cold tail and the floor probe) to the draw wire and gently pull the cable up the wall cavity or through the conduit to the position of the power supply No part of the element can be run inside the wall. The entire cold tail join must be buried under the floor.

Connect Continuity Alarm

Connect the continuity alarm again. This will ensure you have not damaged the cable during installation. It will also monitor the cable while you are laying of the screed.

  1. Remove small white sticker over “On / Off” Switch (if you haven’t already)
  2. Fix the Black clip to the Brown wire of the element.
  3. Fix the Red clip to the Blue wire of the element.
  4. Fix the green clip to the remaining wire.
  5. Switch the tester on.
  6. A Red Light then shows that the tester is on and working.
  7. If you have a fault the tester will start “Beeping” If there is no “Beep” you can continue with the installation
  8. If the beep sounds at any time, before or during installation STOP IMMEDIATELY as this means that damage has occurred to the element and you will need to repair it before continuing.
  9. Once you have finished the installation and before you start tiling reconnect the tester as above & turn on.
  10. Keep the tester on until your tiling is complete.
  11. If the tester light turns off you will need to replace the batteries.

It is a good idea to tape the alarm up with the tails so that it is not in your way while you finish the installation.

Take a picture

Take a picture of the element layout. If there is ever a problem it will be handy to know how the element has been installed across the floor


Admire your work. You have just installed Hotwire.

Connecting systems over 20 m2 or 3kw

Hotwire Thermostats are rated from 16 – 25 amps. Simply follow the instructions in the box with the thermostat to connect the heating elements and the floor sensing probe. If you have a system that is over 3kw you may need to install a contactor in the switch-board. If you are installing a 6kw system, you definitely will need a contactor and should also install a 32 mm conduit from the Thermostat to the floor. Please refer to the back of the Thermostat to confirm the capacity of the Thermostat as different models have different ratings. We suggest installing a 25a, 32a or 40a contactor depending on the circuit size in the switch board. Please consult your Electrician to ensure you have the right preliminary electrical work completed.

Notice to Tilers

Inside this manual is a yellow flier pointing out to tilers that Hotwire has been installed. Stick it to the wall in a prominent place. The flier also has a place to write your name and number for them to call with any questions.

Materials Check List

Provided from Hotwire:

  • Hotwire Element:
  • Thermostat: (including a floor sensing probe)
  • Cloth Tape
  • Continuity Alarm
  • This Manual
  • Relay if required

You will also need,

  • Broom
  • Tape Measure

Electrical Connection of the Thermostat

All circuit wiring supply and thermostat connections must be undertaken in accordance with the current electrical standards and regulations. The heating units must be separated from other heating sources. The maximum thermal resistance between the heating element and the room = 0.4 m sq K/wAll electrical supply circuits must be RCD (Residual Current Device) protected with a rated residual operation current not exceeding 30 mA.


Wait 7 days for the tile adhesive to dry before you turn your heating on. Once the heating is commissioned the initial heat up time will vary depending on the sub floor type, (concrete or timber) insulation, thermal characteristics and ambient temperature. The performance will improve with the use

Do’s and Don’ts


  • Carefully read the installation instructions prior to commencing your installation.
  • Check the element is working before you start.
  • Ensure the surface is clean and clear of obstructions.
  • Pre plan your element layout and stay with the recommended element spacing.
  • Maintain even element spacing.
  • Protect the heating element from damage at all times.
  • Plan required pre work and drilling before you lay the element.
  • Take care when tiling to make sure that you do not damage the element. Ensure that enough tile adhesive is used so not to leave gaps or voids under the tiles.


Don’t cut or shorten the heating element.

  • Don’t commence installation on concrete floors that are not fully cured.
  • Don’t allow the heating elements to cross or touch.
  • Don’t allow traffic over the heating element until the flooring has been laid.
  • Don’t remove the heating element off the spool except during installation.
  • Don’t store tiles sharp or heavy objects on the elements while tiling.
  • Don’t switch on the heating until the tile adhesive has fully cured. Don’t install the element over uneven floor surfaces.

In Screed Heating Technical Information


  1.  Multi Stranded Heating Conductor (0.25mm -0.68)
  2. Conductor Insulation 0.5mm RTI XPLE (natural)
  3. Return Conductor AWG 20/7/28 TPC (0.5mm²) : AWG 19/10/28 TPC (0.75mm²).
  4. Return Conductor Insulation 0.5mm RTI XPLE (natural)
  5. Earth Conductor 1.0mm TPC (0.9mm²).
  6. Aluminised Mylar Tape 15mm Width & 65 Micron Thickness.
  7. Outer Insulation 1.5mm RTI High Temp PVC.
    • Working Temperature 105 Deg C.
    • Working Voltage 230V AC, 50Hz.
    • Cable Dia 6.0mm.
    • Cold Tail 3.5m


A resistance R factor of 1.7m2 / 0C / w for heated floors. High-density polystyrene of fiberglass insulation materials should be used. (NZ 4218P, BRANZ 292, 344 ) Perimeter 1m width insulation should be fitted


  • The lowest ambient temperature that the heating element can be installed equals -80C
  • The minimum radius for bending the heating element equals 40 mm. The thickness of covering materials should be at least 5mm.
  • Contact the manufacturer for advice if materials other than those recommended are used. The appliance is not intended for use by young children, or infirm persons, without supervision.
  • Young children should be supervised to ensure they do not play with the appliance. Laws in different states and territories of Australia differ. Please check with your local electrical authority if someone other than a licensed
  • Electrician is able to lay the cable in your state or territory. In all states and territories all electrical connections including the thermostat must be carried out by a registered electrician.
  • All circuit wiring supply and thermostat connections must be undertaken in accordance with the current electrical standards and national wiring regulations.
  • The heating units must be separated from other heat sources.


Turnkey International Pty Ltd (ABN 36 086 830 766 trading as Hotwire Heating (Hotwire)


  1. These Terms and Conditions apply to all transactions between Turnkey International Pty Ltd trading as Hotwire Heating (Hotwire Heating and the Customer named in the Purchase Order/Quotation/Invoice (Customer.
  2. The Customer acknowledges that these Terms and Conditions, together with the Quotation/Invoice issued by Hotwire Heating constitute the whole agreement between the parties, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  3. The Customer agrees to abide by these Terms and Conditions and accepts all charges set out therein and agrees to make payment of such amounts in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Quotation/Invoice.
  4.  These conditions shall be deemed to be incorporated in all contracts for the sale of Goods and Services by Hotwire Heating to the Customer and will apply in place of and prevail over any terms or conditions contained or referred to elsewhere (including the Customer’s terms and conditions of purchase or implied by trade custom, practice or course of dealing.


  1. Collateral, Commingled Goods, Financing Statement and Financing Change Statement each have the meaning set out in the PPSA.
  2. Credit Account means a specific agreement between Hotwire Heating and the Customer pursuant to which Hotwire Heating agrees to provide Goods and Services on credit to the Customer, including delayed payment terms.
  3. Goods means all goods sold or otherwise made available to the Customer by HotwireHeating.
  4. GST means the tax imposed by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Act 1999.
  5. Invoice means a tax invoice rendered by Hotwire Heating to the Customer in respect of Goods and/or Services.
  6. Premises means the premises/property of the Customer (or the end user of the Goods at which the Goods and Services are delivered toor installed at.
  7. PPSA means the Personal PropertySecurities Act 2009 (Cth.
  8. Purchase Order means a purchase order for Goods and/or Services submitted issued by a Customer to Hotwire Heating.
  9. Quotation means the quotation prepared by Hotwire Heating in respect of the Customer’s instructions for the Goods and Services to be supplied by Hotwire Heating for the Customer.
  10.  Services means services supplied by Hotwire Heating (or its agents, contractors or third parties to the Customer

Installation Requirements

  1. Hotwire Heating will provide an Installation Manual for the Goods upon delivery.
  2. The Goods and the installation of the Goods requires the technical skills and qualifications of a licensed electrician.
  3. The Customer (including its employees, contractors and agents must not take any steps to install the Goods without reading the Installation Manual and shall ensure that the Goods are installed strictly in accordance with the Installation Manual by a licensed electrician.
  4. Failure to install the Goods:
  5. In accordance with the Installation Manual; and
  6. By a licensed electrician, shall shall result in the voiding of all warranties, including statutory warranties in respect of the Goods, and Hotwire Heating shall have no liability or responsibility to the Customer (or the end user in such circumstances.


  1. Hotwire Heating may supply a Quotation for Goods and Services at the request of the Customer.
  2. The Quotation shall be valid for acceptance for a period from the date of issue as stated on the Quotation.
  3. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that the Quotation is based on the Customer’s stated requirements at the time of Hotwire Heating providing the Quotation. Any changes to the scope of Goods or Services shall invalidate the Quotation.
  4. Hotwire Heating may vary the Quotation at any time in the event that there is an increase in the costs of materials or labour since the date of issue of the Quotation.
  5. Quotations exclude costs and charges associated with:
  6. Removal of replaced, excess or damaged materials and packaging from the installation Premises;
  7. Removal of existing flooring at the Premises;
  8. Preparation of the installation area at the Premises;
  9. Provision for any site allowances that may be applicable to the carrying out of Services or installation of Goods;
  10. Any variations to the scope of Goods and Services, design, additional Goods and Services or delays resulting in non-productive time;
  11. Council Permits, Building Permits, Development Approvals or compliance with any other regulatory requirements, and the Customer shall pay to Hotwire Heating such reasonable costs and charges of Hotwire Heating associated with such circumstances in addition to amounts provided for in Hotwire Heating’s Quotation or Invoice.
  12. Quotations are based on the following assumptions:
  13. Hotwire Heating requires an adequate area for the installation of wiring materials and assembly components;
  14. For the safety of Hotwire Heating crews, site employees and other tradespersons, the installation area must be clear of obstruction, other parties and have unimpeded access; and
  15. All normal site services in addition to the above will be available, including toilets, first aid and washing facilities.

Acceptance of Quotation/Purchase Order

  1. The Quotation may be accepted by the Customer in writing to Hotwire Heating by way of email or submission of a purchase order by the Customer
  2. The Purchase Order provided by the Customer shall constitute the Customer’s agreement to acquire the Goods and/or Services from Hotwire Heating as stated in the Purchase Order, at Hotwire Heating’s current pricing rates, and constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer.
  3. Upon acceptance of the Quotation or submission of the Purchaser Order (whichever is applicable) the Quotation/Purchase Order shall be binding on the Customer and the Customer shall not be entitled to withdraw acceptance or refuse to proceed with the Goods and Services.
  4. The Customer agrees to pay to Hotwire Heating the amounts set out in the Quotation/ Invoice, plus any additional amounts/Invoices charged in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and any other amounts as agreed by the parties from time to time.
  5. The Customer agrees that by accepting the Quotation or submitting the Purchaser Order (whichever is applicable), the Customer entrusts and authorises Hotwire Heating to supply the Goods and Services in such fashion and manner as determined by Hotwire Heating, having regard to Hotwire Heating’s professional judgement. The Customer accepts and agrees that it shall not interfere with the manner in which the Goods and Services are supplied, and Hotwire Heating shall have complete control over the carrying out and completion of the Goods and Services, including the engaging of any third parties to assist with the provision Goods and Services or any part thereof.
  6. The Customer may vary the Goods or Services and the scope of same, by agreement with Hotwire Heating. Hotwire Heating shall not be bound to accept such variations. The Customer shall indemnify Hotwire Heating for any additional costs incurred by Hotwire Heating should the Customer vary the scope of the Goods and Services to be provided.


  1. The Customer without an approved Credit Account with Hotwire Heating shall make payment to Hotwire Heating for all Goods and Services as follows:
  2. For the supply of Goods only (without installation services being supplied by Hotwire Heating), payment to be made at the time the Quotation/Purchase Order is accepted; or
  3. For the supply of Goods and Services, payment to be made
  4. 50% of the Goods and Services at the time of the Customer accepting the Quotation/ Purchase Order; and
  5. 50% of the Goods and Services upon completion of the installation Services, However, in no circumstances, shall payments exceed 21 days after the date upon which Hotwire Heating issues an Invoice to the Customer.
  6. Payment terms for Customers with an approved Credit Accounts are 30 days from the end of the calendar month in which the Goods and Services were invoiced by Hotwire Heating to the Customer.
  7. The Customer acknowledges that time is of the essence with regard to payment and that notwithstanding any terms and conditions of payment provided for in the Customer’s terms and conditions or the Customer’s business, the provisions of Hotwire Heating’s Terms and Conditions herein override and apply to the exclusion of those of the Customer.
  8. If payment remains outstanding beyond Hotwire Heating’s payment terms as outlined in Clause ?6.1 and 6.2 above, the Customer hereby agrees:
  9. To pay interest on all amounts outstanding from the due date until the date of payment at a rate equal to 2% above the rate set out in Section 2 of the Penalty Interest Rates Act as varied from time to time; and
  10. To pay any costs and disbursements incurred by Hotwire Heating in pursuing recovery of any amounts due to Hotwire Heating from the Customer, including legal costs on an indemnity basis and any collection agency costs, and an administration fee equal to 1% of the balance outstanding.
  11. Hotwire Heating may at its discretion require a payment to be paid by the Customer in respect of any additional Goods and Services required or requested outside the scope of the Purchase Order/Quotation/Invoice. Such deposits are payable within 3 days of request being made by Hotwire Heating to the Customer. Hotwire Heating reserves the right to halt supply of Goods and Services until such time as the additional payment is forthcoming.
  12. In the event that the Customer’s payment is dishonored for any reason, the Customer shall be liable for any dishonour fees incurred by Hotwire Heating.


  1. Hotwire Heating may refuse to deliver any Goods or Services ordered by the Customer if any monies are owing by the Customer to Hotwire Heating and are beyond Hotwire Heating’s payment terms set out in Clause ?6 above.
  2. Hotwire Heating’s responsibility for delivery ceases at either (as applicable):
  3. The point of collection of the Goods from Hotwire Heating’s premises by the Customer (or its agent); or
  4. The point at which the Goods are lodged with the carrier for delivery.
  5. Any period or date for delivery stated by Hotwire Heating is intended as an estimate only and is not a contractual commitment. Hotwire Heating will use its best endeavours to meet any estimated delivery dates but in no circumstances whatsoever will Hotwire Heating be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer or any other person for failure to meet an estimated delivery date.
  6. The Customer will take any action necessary on its part for timely delivery of the Goods or facilitating Hotwire Heating installing the Goods (where required). Hotwire Heating will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer as a result of the Customer failing to provide the necessary access and personnel to accept the Goods at the agreed delivery point.
  7. Hotwire Heating shall not be held liable for any damage or destruction to Goods which are transported from Hotwire Heating’s premises by the Customer or a third party.

Claims and Returns

  1. Hotwire Heating shall not be liable for any cost, damage, liability or other loss incurred or suffered by the Customer (or end user) in respect of the following matters relating to the Goods, or in Hotwire Heating supplying and installing the Goods and Services:
  2. Matters arising from the Customer’s failure to install the Goods as set out in the Installation Manual;
  3. Matters arising from the Goods not being installed by a licenced electrician;
  4. Matters arising from the Customer’s failure to order/install the necessary amount of Goods (unless such amount has been determined by Hotwire Heating at the request of the Customer); and
  5. Failure to complete the Hotwire Element Testing process, as set out in the Hotwire Heating Element Booklet.
  6. The Customer shall indemnify Hotwire Heating for all costs incurred when the Goods are manufactured exclusively to the Customer’s specifications. Orders for such Goods cannot be cancelled and payment must be made by the Customer for same in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  7. Returns of Goods will not be accepted unless:
  8. Prior authorisation has been given by Hotwire Heating, at Hotwire Heating’s absolute discretion;
  9. The Goods are accompanied by appropriate documentation which stipulates the invoice number, the Customer name and address and the reasons for return; and
  10. The Goods are faulty by reason only that the quality of the materials used for the construction of the Goods or the manufacturing process was defective.
  11. Return of Goods accepted by Hotwire Heating under Clause ?8.3 shall be subject to an administrative fee equal to 15% of the Invoice amount. The balance of the Invoice amount will be refunded to the Customer within 14 days.
  12. Hotwire Heating accepts no liability:
  13. For defects caused by the Customer’s (or their agent’s) installation of the Goods and by failing to follow the Installation Manual;
  14. If the Goods have been modified or repaired;
  15. If the Goods have not been used stored, or maintained as recommended by Hotwire Heating; or
  16. Where the Customer has failed to observe the terms of the payment for the Goods or any other obligation imposed by these Terms and Conditions.
  17. It is the responsibility of the Customer to check each delivery to ensure that the delivery is complete and in good condition. The Customer will be deemed to have accepted the Goods as being in accordance with its order and received in good condition unless it notifies Hotwire Heating in writing of any claim within 7 days of receipt of the Goods.
  18. Hotwire Heating will not accept a return of Goods unless the Goods are defective and if so, Hotwire Heating’s liability is limited, to the extent permitted by law, to:
  19. The replacement of any defective Goods or a refund for the purchase price of any Goods (at the election of Hotwire Heating); or
  20. The resupply of any defective Services.
  21. No return of Goods shall be accepted unless the returned Goods are in their original condition. The Customer is responsible for any freight or delivery costs to return Goods to Hotwire Heating unless otherwise agreed.


  1. Where Hotwire Heating has been contracted to install the Goods, Hotwire Heating will obtain all relevant/required insurances prior to the commencement of supply and installation of Goods and Services, including a full suite of Work Cover and Public Liability insurances.
  2. Designs and Specifications
  3. All drawings, designs, specifications and particulars of weight, dimensions and any figures of statements as to the performance of the Goods supplied by Hotwire Heating are intended merely to describe the Goods generally. Hotwire Heating gives no warranty as to accuracy and they are not to be regarded as a warranty, representation or contractual term unless expressly so stated by Hotwire Heating in writing.
  4. Hotwire Heating shall retain ownership and intellectual property rights to any drawings and specifications created for the Goods and Services and grants to the Customer a nonexclusive licence for use of the drawings and specifications strictly limited to the undertaking of the Goods and Services at the Premises by Hotwire Heating and its contractors.


  1. Hotwire Heating may terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time prior to the commencement of supply of the Goods and Services, by notice in writing.
  2. Hotwire Heating may terminate these Terms and Conditions and the supply of the Goods and Services immediately upon:
  3. The Customer becoming bankrupt, insolvent, entering into administration/ receivership/liquidation/ management/an act of bankruptcy; or
  4. The Customer endangering the safety of Hotwire Heating, its agents, employees, contractors or third parties in any way.
  5. Hotwire Heating may terminate these Terms and Conditions and the supply of the Goods and Services by 7 days’ notice in writing upon:
  6. Any money payable to Hotwire Heating becoming overdue, including deposits or additional payments; or
  7. The Customer otherwise breaching any term of these Terms and Conditions or the Quotation/Invoice.
  8. The Customer may not terminate these Terms and Conditions, the Quotation/Purchase Order or the purchase of Goods and Services once Services have commenced or Goods have been ordered by Hotwire Heating.
  9. In the event that the Customer purports to terminate the Goods and Services at any time after the Quotation/Purchase Order is accepted or in circumstances where Hotwire Heating has incurred disbursements and costs or purchased materials for the Goods and Services, the Customer shall be liable to Hotwire Heating for payment of the disbursements or costs incurred by Hotwire Heating, in addition to forfeiture of any payments made by the Customer.
  10. Hotwire Heating shall not be liable for any loss or damage or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising from termination of these Terms and Conditions, the Quotation/Purchase Order or the Goods and Services.
  11. The Customer shall be liable to Hotwire Heating for any loss or damage or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising from termination of these Terms and Conditions, the Quotation or the Goods and Services, including  payment of the full amount that would have been due to Hotwire Heating have the Goods and Services been completed.


  1. Title to the Goods and Services does not pass from Hotwire Heating to the Customer until such time that the Goods and Services have been paid for in full by the Customer.
  2. The Customer hereby charges all of its real and personal property whether currently owned or after acquired by the Customer, with its indebtedness to Hotwire Heating. The Customer authorises and consents to Hotwire Heating placing any form of encumbrance over such property.
  3. The Customer acknowledges that these Terms and Conditions will constitute a security agreement which creates a security interest in favour of Hotwire Heating over all present and after acquired Goods and/or Services supplied by Hotwire Heating to the Customer to secure the payment of all amounts due to Hotwire Heating from time to time.
  4. The Customer acknowledges that by accepting these Terms and Conditions and the Quotation, and by virtue of the retention of title clause as provided for in Clause 12.1, the security interest is a purchase money security interest (PMSI) as defined under Section 14 of the PPSA for all present, after acquired Goods and/or Services including any Commingled Goods.
  5. The security interest will continue to apply as an interest in the Collateral for the purposes of PPSA with priority over registered or unregistered security interest.
  6. Hotwire Heating may register the security interest as PMSI on the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) under the PPSA without providing further notice to the Customer, where applicable. In respect of circumstances in which Hotwire Heating supplies only Services to the Customer, the Customer agrees that Hotwire Heating is entitled to register a security interest on the PPSR either as an “All present and after acquired property (All-PAAP) no exceptions” security interest or over the goods to which Hotwire Heating supplies services as “Other goods” security interest.
  7. The Customer agrees Hotwire Heating is not required to disclose information pertaining to Hotwire Heating’s security interest to an interest party unless required to do pursuant to PPSA or under the general law.
  8. The Customer agrees and undertakes:
  9. To sign any documents and/or provide further information reasonably required by Hotwire Heating to register a Financing Statement or Financing Change Statement on the PPSR;
  10. To indemnify Hotwire Heating for all expenses and/or costs incurred by Hotwire Heating in registering a Financing Statement or Financing Change Statement on PPSR including the costs of amending, maintaining, releasing and enforcing any security interests in the Goods;
  11. Not to register and/or make a demand to alter a Financing Statement in the Collateral without prior written consent of Hotwire Heating;
  12. To provide Hotwire Heating with 7 days written notice of any change or proposed change to the Customer’s name, address, contact details or other changes in the Customer’s details registered on the PPSR;
  13. To waive any rights of enforcement under Section 115 of the PPSA for Collateral not used predominantly for personal, domestic or household purposes; and
  14. To waive any rights to receive Verification Statement in respect of any Financial Statement or Financing Charge Statement under Section 157 of the PPSA.


  1. If the Goods are supplied to a consumer (as defined in the Australian Consumer Law) then the Goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. The Customer is entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. The Customer is also entitled to have the Goods repaired or replaced if the Goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
  2. Further information regarding warranties can be found at:
  3. All warranties whether express or implied and whether statutory or otherwise with regard to the Goods and Services supplied by Hotwire Heating as to quality, fitness for purpose or any other matter are hereby excluded except in so far as any such warranties are incapable of exclusion at law, and the liability of Hotwire Heating is limited to the extent permitted under Section 64A of Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
  4. With respect warranties for non-consumers (per the definition of “consumer” contained in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), Hotwire Heating hereby limits the extent of such warranties (subject to these Terms and Conditions) to:
  5. For Goods that are defective or not of acceptable quality: To replacement of the Goods, at the cost of Hotwire Heating, or refund of the purchase price, at the election of the Hotwire Heating; and
  6. For Services that are not rendered with due care and skill, or are not fit for purpose: To resupply of the Services, at the cost of Hotwire Heating.


  1. These Terms and Conditions can only be amended with the written consent of Hotwire Heating.
  2. Hotwire Heating may licence or subcontract all or any part of its rights and  obligations hereunder.
  3. Hotwire Heating hereby excludes liability to the Customer for any loss, cost or damage of any kind arising out of or as a consequence of its failure to perform or complete the Goods and Services by reason of matters beyond Hotwire Heating’s control and which it could not have reasonably foreseen at the date of the Quotation.
  4. Where there are multiple Customers, each Customer is jointly and severally liable in full for all obligations under these Terms and Conditions and the Quotation/Invoice.
  5. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable the validity, existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired and the offending provision shall be deemed as severed from these Terms and Conditions.
  6. The Customer shall have no right of set-off in any suit, claim or proceeding brought by Hotwire Heating against the Customer for default in payment.
  7. These Terms and Conditions and the Quotation/Invoice are deemed to be made in the State of Victoria and all disputes hereunder shall be determined by the appropriate courts of the State of Victoria.

To claim this Warranty contact:

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