uAvionix AV-30-E Vacuum Driven Instruments Instruction Manual

September 17, 2024

uAvionix AV-30-E Vacuum Driven Instruments

Product Information


  • Product Name: uAvionix AV-30-E
  • Operating Software: 3.0.0
  • Manufacturer: uAvionix Corporation

Product Usage Instructions

Planning Information

Applicability: This Service Bulletin applies to uAvionix AV-30-E UAV-1004035-001, UAV1004035-002, and 1004035-003 with operating software release 2.6.0 or earlier.

Determining Software Version:

  1. Push and hold the center rotary knob while powering up the unit until the uAvionix startup screen appears.
  2. Push and release the left button under the MENU until the INSTALL / ROT TO SEL appears.
  3. Rotate the knob until you see SW VERSION.
  4. If the version displayed is 2.6.0 or earlier, proceed with this Service Bulletin.


Software Update:
This Service Bulletin provides instructions for loading uAvionix AV-30-E UAV-1004035-001, UAV-1004035-002, and UAV-1004035-003 with updated software release 3.0.0.

Changes in Software Release 3.0.0:

  • Increased performance in DG mode, pitot and static must be connected if not connected already.

Time Required
For a software-only update in the field, up to 90 minutes is required to perform this update procedure. Additional time may be required if pitot and static connections are not installed.

Weight and Balance
No changes are expected in weight and balance after the software update.

Electrical Load Data
No changes in electrical load data are expected post-update.

Applicable Publications
The following documents are applicable to the software release 2.6.0:

  • Title: AV-30-E Installation Manual, Part Number: UAV-1004234-001
  • Title: AV-30-E Pilot’s Guide, Part Number: UAV-1004233-001

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: Is it mandatory to update to software release 3.0.0?
    A: While it is not mandatory, updating to the latest software release can provide improved performance and functionality.

  • Q: What should I do if my software version is not 2.6.0 or earlier?
    A: If your software version is not 2.6.0 or earlier, this service bulletin may not be applicable to your device. Contact uAvionix support for further assistance.

© 2024 uAvionix Corporation. All rights reserved.
uAvionix Corporation
Bigfork, MT

Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this guide may be reproduced, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express written permission of uAvionix. uAvionix grants permissions to download a single copy of this guide onto an electronic storage medium to be viewed for personal use, provided that the complete text of this copyright notice is retained. Unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
uAvionix® and Ping® are registered trademarks of uAvionix Corporation and may not be used without express permission of uAvionix.
AV-30, AV-30-E, AV-30-C, AV-Mag, AV-APA, AV-HSI, AV-Link-E, AV-Link-C, BeaconX, tailBeaconX, and skyBeaconX are trademarks of uAvionix Corporation and may not be used without express permission of uAvionix.


Revision History

Revision Date Comments
A 7/15/2024 Initial release

Warnings / Disclaimers

uAvionix is not liable for damages arising from the use or misuse of this product.

This equipment is classified by the United States Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) as Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) 7A994.

These items are controlled by the U.S. Government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. They may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.

Planning Information

This Service Bulletin applies to uAvionix AV-30-E UAV-1004035-001, UAV-1004035-002, and 1004035-003 with operating software release 2.6.0 or earlier.
AI and DG must be connected to pitot static if not already connected. Use Table 4-1 to determine applicability of the software update.

Hardware P/N Marking Applicability
UAV-1004035-001 Verify by procedure
UAV-1004035-002 Verify by procedure
UAV-1004035-003 Verify by procedure

Table 4-1 Applicability

Parts identified above as “Verify by procedure” may have software release 2.6.0 or previous installed. To determine what version of software is installed:

  1. Push and hold center rotary knob while powering up unit until the uAvionix startup screen appears.
  2. Push and release the left button under the MENU until the “INSTALL /ROT TO SEL” appears.
  3. Rotate knob until you see “SW VERSION”
  4. If the version displayed is 2.6.0 or earlier proceed with this Service Bulletin.

This Service Bulletin provides instructions for loading uAvionix AV-30-E UAV-1004035-001, UAV-1004035-002 and UAV-1004035-003 with updated software release 3.0.0.
This software release (3.0.0) has the following changes:

  • Added rate of turn and standard rate bank angle indicators.
  • Added ability to disable unneeded pages to installation menu.
  • Added ability to connect an AV-Link directly to AV-HSI, providing traffic and updates to all connected AV-30s. Note: to update an AV-30 from an AV-HSI requires this software to be installed directly into the AV-30 first. Future AV-30 releases will be able to use this shared update feature.
  • Added VSI overlay onto MFD.
  • Add rate of climb (ft/nm) overlay.
  • Added max-G and min-G textual overlays. Added max and min indicators to G-Load graphical overlay. Added reset to Setup menu.
  • Added ability to connect NMEA GPS directly to AV-HSI and serve to all connected AV-30s.
  • Added low and high voltage indication to alert pilot of charging system problem.
  • Fixed waypoint drawing bugs in DG arc view when used with Garmin 296/396/496 or Apollo GX, and Avidyne IFD series GPS.
  • Fixed waypoint drawing to display active (magenta) segment on top of overlapping route segments.
  • Improved AHRS performance in turbulent flight.
  • Added simulated traffic to MFD demo mode.
  • Added OFF option for Set Altitude to improve interaction with Aerocruze autopilot.
  • Added GPS “MSG” annunciator for ARINC 429 navigators connected with AV-HSI.
  • Added squawk overlay and push-set option to CDI mode.
  • Improve AV-MAG calibration accuracy.
  • Updated overlay color scheme in Legacy UI style so GPS-derived data is magenta.
  • Updated Squawk entry timeout behavior. Squawk will set if pressing done or letting the menu timeout.
  • Made font size and style consistent for no data “—” indications in overlays.
  • Long-hold of center knob when OBS set is active will sync to current bearing across all AV-30 using AV-HSI.
  • Added navigation mode annunciation to bottom of DG arc pages.

For increased performance in DG mode, pitot and static must be connected if not connected already.

Time Required
For software only update in the field, up to 90 minutes is required to perform this update procedure. Additional time may be required if pitot and static connections are not installed.

Weight and Balance
No change

Electrical Load Data
No change

Applicable Publications
The following documents are applicable to the software release 2.6.0.

Title Part Number Revision
AV-30-E Installation Manual UAV-1004234-001 J
AV-30-E Pilot’s Guide UAV-1004233-001 K

Required Items

There are two methods available to perform the update. The first involves a Windows PC and serial port, the second uses the optional AV-Link-E device over Wi-Fi.
Both methods require you to download the software update file below.

Filename| Version| SW Part Number| Checksum| SHA1 Hash
UAV- 1004037-012-

av30e-3_0_0- 6abf314.bin

| 3.0.0| UAV-1004037-012| 83B4AE40| c9908ebd3d822cb5d3e6141 d07a8f9972f7ad5d5

Table 5-1 Software Update Files

  • uAvionix software update files are available for download from the uAvionix Support website at no charge, at:
  • Click on the link in the section AV-30-E v3.0.0 Firmware and save it to your PC or mobile device.
  • Ensure the software and any necessary update tools have been downloaded prior to visiting the aircraft. An internet connection is required to download the software and application. An internet connection is not required to perform the update.

Windows PC with Serial Port
The following items are required to perform the update when using a Windows PC with serial cable:

Quantity Description
1 Windows PC running Windows 7 or later
1 Available serial port or appropriate USB to RS-232 converter Examples:

FTDI, Parallax 28030, Sabrent CB-DB9P or similar (See for the recommended USB to Serial Cable)
1| Female DB-9 with solder or crimp terminals
2| Female terminals suitable for the installed DB-15
4’| 22-24 AWG wire
1| uAvionix AV Update Tool: UAV-1005199-001 (Windows application) version 2.0.1 or newer
1| AV-30-E Software as shown in Table 5-1 Software Update Files

The uAvionix AV Update Tool is available to download alongside the 2.6.0 Firmware, or is available to download directly at 2_0_1-signed.exe. Download it to your PC.

The following items are required to perform the update when using AV-Link-E over Wi-Fi:

Quantity Description
1 PC or mobile device
1 uAvionix AV-Link-E (UAV-1004413-001 or UAV-1004414-
  1. running software version 0.3.5 or later.

1| AV-30-E Software as shown in Table 5-1 Software Update Files

AV-Link-E software version 0.3.5 or later is required. The uAvionix software update files are available for download from the uAvionix Support website at no charge, at: software-upgrade-0-3-5/
Follow the instructions in AV-Link-E Service Bulletin Upgrade to 0.3.5 UAV-1006731-006 Rev A.pdf to update the AV-Link-E to version 0.3.5.

Update Notes

All AV-30-E configuration settings will be preserved during the update procedure. However, please take note of all settings before performing the update and verify settings are correct after the update has been applied.
Ensure you are running a previous version of AV-30-E software. Specifically, your AV-30-E should currently be running 2.6.0 or earlier. If updating from a version prior to 2.6.0 it is not necessary to apply all prior updates in sequence. This update can be used from any prior version.

There are two approved methods for update of the AV-30-E. The AV-30-E can be updated using either a traditional direct serial connection or the AV-Link-E can be used to update the AV-30-E via wireless interface. Either method is suitable, the choice is installer preference or equipment availability. The AV-Link-E can be removed after update.
If performing the update using PC serial connection, proceed to Section 7.

If performing the update using the AV-Link-E, first verify that the AV-LINK-E is running software version 0.3.5 or later then proceed to Section 8. If the AV-Link-E is running version 0.3.4 or earlier, update the AV-Link-E to version 0.3.5 before proceeding. Refer to section 5.2 for links to AV-Link-E version 0.3.5 upgrade files.

PC Serial Update

Serial Update Preparation

  1. Add wires to pins 8 and 15 to the AV-30-E harness if not already connected. Add an additional ground wire to either the existing ground from the AV-30-E harness or ground the new wire directly to aircraft ground.

  2. Connect the new wires to the DB-9 connector as shown below. Upon completion of wiring, connect the new assembly to an available serial port or USB serial adapter.
    Serial Update Procedure

  3. Connect the AV-30-E to the Windows PC through the DB-9 connection previously installed in Section 7.1.

  4. Apply power to the AV-30-E. Do not interrupt power during the update process.

  5. Launch the previously downloaded AV Updater application.

  6. On the AV Updater tool, select the appropriate COM Port from the dropdown menu and click “Connect”.

  7. Proper connection has been made when the message “Unit Detected” has appeared on the bottom left corner of the AV Updater Tool. The screen on the AV-30-E will go black for the remainder of this procedure.

  8. If “Unit Detected” does not appear, contact uAvionix Support for additional guidance.

  9. Once proper connection has been made, select the firmware file to upload to the AV-30-E by clicking “Open File” and selecting the previously downloaded firmware file as identified in Table 5-1 Software Update Files. A confirmation dialog will appear with the filename and a calculated SHA1 hash. To confirm integrity of the file, compare the displayed SHA1 hash to that in Table 5-1 Software Update Files. Note that the hash is not case sensitive.

  10. When confirmed, press OK and the main dialog will re-appear.

  11. Select “Write Firmware” and then “OK” to begin the upload.

  12. When the AV Update Tool displays “100%” and the lower status reads “Update Complete” the process is complete.

  13. The unit will automatically restart. Upon restart of the unit, verify the startup screen indicates the updated software version.

  14. If the unit was removed to perform the update it can now be reinstalled as per the installation manual.

  15. Any new wiring added for the update process should be properly secured.

  16. Following the completion of the update, follow Section 9 to perform required post-installation procedures.

The AV-Link-E is a wireless bridge that extends the functionality of the AV-30-E. One of the functions AV-Link-E provides is the ability to update software on the AV-30-E through a web interface. AV-Link-E software version 0.3.5 is required for this update. Before proceeding, verify that the AV- Link-E is running software version 0.3.5 or later. If the AV-Link-E is running version 0.3.4 or earlier, do not proceed. Update the AV-Link-E to version 0.3.5 according to the instruction links in Section 5.2.

Preparation for Update via AV-Link-E
If AV-Link-E is already installed in the aircraft, proceed to Section 8.2.
If AV-Link-E is available but not installed, follow the installation procedure as described in AV-30-E Installation Manual UAV-1004234-001 Rev J (or newer), Section 11.1.

Procedure for Update via AV-Link-E
After the AV-Link-E and AV-30-E have been installed, AV-30-E firmware updates can be performed using the AV-Link-E web interface. The web interface is accessible through any PC or mobile device. Ensure the PC or device has the AV-30-E software listed in Table 5-1 Software Update Files downloaded and available.
The following instructions show the update procedure when using a Windows PC. Apply the same procedures, modified as necessary, when using an alternate installation PC or device.

  1. Apply power to the AV-30-E and AV-Link-E. Do not interrupt power during the update process.

  2. If using an Apple iPhone or iPad, you must put the device into Airplane Mode, then turn on Wi-Fi only.

  3. Connect a PC to the AV-Link-E Wi-Fi Network. This will be displayed as AV_#### where #### will be 4 random characters ranging from 0-8 and A-F.

  4. In a Web Browser (such as Google Chrome) navigate to the AV-Link-E home page via the following URL: A page similar to shown on the right should appear.

  5. At the bottom of the page select AV Display Software Update

  6. On the AV Display Software Update page select Choose File then select the previously downloaded AV-30 firmware.

  7. Once the file has been selected you will be prompted with “Are you sure you want to install AV-30-E v3.0.0 software?” Press OK to proceed.
    The screen on the AV-30-E will go black during the update. Apple iPhones and iPads will show 100% on the status bar very quickly but the update is not complete until you see the “Update complete” message. DO NOT power off the unit or close the web browser until the update is complete. The AV-30-E will restart when complete and the AV-Link-E home page will be displayed in the web browser. You should expect the update to take less than 5 minutes. If takes longer, please call uAvionix technical support for assistance.

  8. Upon restart of the AV-30-E, verify the startup screen indicates the updated software version.

Post-Accomplishment Verification and Actions

On restart, verify that the startup screen displays the correct version number. Access the Installation Menu to complete post-accomplishment verification steps.

  1. To enable access to the Installation Menu, ensure the unit is completely turned off. Push and hold the main control knob in while power is applied.
  2. Keep the knob pushed until the startup screen displays, and then release.
  3. Ensure the unit is in AI or DG mode; select the mode by pushing and holding the center knob until the mode display changes.
  4. In AI or DG mode, push and release the left button under the MENU until the “INSTALL / ROT TO SEL” appears.
  5. Rotate the knob until you see “SW PART NUM”. Confirm part number matches that shown in Table 5-1 Software Update Files.
  6. Rotate the knob until you see “SW VERSION”. Confirm version matches that shown in Table 5-1 Software Update Files.
  7. Rotate the knob until you see “SW CHECKSUM”. Confirm checksum matches that shown in Table 5-1 Software Update Files. Note that the checksum is not case sensitive.

If all software fields match, continue with these instructions. Otherwise, contact uAvionix Support.
The following sections detail new Installation Menu options and should be reviewed and set appropriately for your aircraft. Access the Installation Menu and rotate the center knob to select these settings.

Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu. Rotate the center knob until “GPS NAV SRC” is displayed. Set the value to
“NONE” if no GPS is connected to the AV-30. Set the value to “SERIAL 2” if a tailBeaconX is the sole GPS source and is connected through pins 5 and 6. Otherwise select “SERIAL 1.”

Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu. Rotate the center knob until “SERIAL 2” is displayed. If this value is changed to
“AEROCRUZE”, “PRO PILOT”, or “AV-APA” the AV-30 will communicate with an autopilot. The SERIAL 2 setting is verified if the AUTOPILOT setting in the PUSH-SET rotary knob menu is visible. Push and release the center knob five times to see the AUTOPILOT setting. See the latest revision of AV-30 Pilot’s Guide UAV-1004233-001Rev K (or latest available) for further details.

Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu. Rotate the center knob until “SERIAL 3” is displayed. SERIAL 3 will be set to “AVLINK” after update. This will enable the AV-Link-E MFD screen. If no AV-Link-E is installed, this setting should be set to NONE.

Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu. Rotate the center knob until “SERIAL 4” is displayed. SERIAL 4 will be set to
“NONE” after update. If you change the value to AVMAG, this will enable the AV-Mag external magnetometer and its associated installation menus. If no AV- Mag is installed, this setting should be set to NONE.

There are 4 options for the AID MODE. With the internal magnetometer installed (P/N UAV-1004035-002), you can choose from 3 of those options. Note that the internal magnetometer function AID MODE options are only available when the AV-Mag External Magnetometer is not installed.

  • None = Magnetometer will not be referenced.
  • MAG1 = Internal magnetometer provides correction data to DG
  • MAG2 = Internal magnetometer provides correction data to DG and aiding to core AHRS algorithm
  • AVMAG = Automatically selected when AV-Mag external magnetometer installed. Not available for use with internal magnetometer

Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu. Rotate the center knob until “AID MODE” is displayed. If the hardware addition of the internal magnetometer is found then you will have a choice of NONE, MAG 1, and MAG 2. If the internal magnetometer is not automatically detected, only “NONE” will be displayed.

The factory setting for non-magnetometer equipped units is NONE, and the factory setting for magnetometer equipped units is MAG1. Leave the AID Mode set to the default, unless otherwise directed by uAvionix Support.
To change the AID MODE, push and release the center knob then rotate the knob to select your choice of magnetometer aiding. Push and release the center knob to confirm and save.
If the AV-Mag external magnetometer is installed, (P/N UAV-1006321-001), only one AID MODE option is allowed and cannot be changed:

  • AVMAG = AV-Mag external magnetometer provides continuous aiding data to DG and aiding to core AHRS algorithm.

Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu. Rotate the center knob until “SERIAL 4” is displayed. To change, push and release the center knob then rotate the knob to select “AVMAG”. Push and release the center knob to confirm and save your choice. Confirm that AID MODE is set to AVMAG by rotating to knob until “AID MODE” is displayed. Push and release the left button to exit the Installation Menu.

Pitot-static Zeroize
Because 3.0.0 uses pitot-static data to assist the attitude algorithm, a pitot-static zeroize operation should be performed when upgrading to 3.0.0. Running the Pitot Zeroize procedure is required to complete this Service Bulletin.

For more information on Pitot Zeroize, reference the procedure as described in AV-30-E Installation Manual UAV-1004234-001 Rev J (or latest available), Section 13.2.8.

To perform the procedure, the aircraft must be in completely still air with any pitot-static cover removed. It should be located in a hangar and must not be affected by wind.

The Pitot-Static Zeroize feature can be accessed by selecting “PITOT ZERO” from the Installation Menu. Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu.

  1. Ensure the aircraft is stationary and in still air with any pitot static covers removed.
  2. In the Installation Menu, rotate the center knob until “PITOT ZERO” is displayed. Push and release the center knob to enter zeroize mode Press the right button to initiate the zeroize procedure. When the procedure is complete, press the left button to exit.

Airspeed and Altitude Calibration
If a calibrated air data test set is available, it is recommended to calibrate the airspeed and altitude using the altitude and airspeed trim procedures defined in 13.2.9 and 13.2.10, respectively, of AV-30-E Installation Manual UAV-1004234-001 Rev J (or latest available.) While recommended, this calibration is not required for this service bulletin.

As units age or experience unusual conditions, the precision gyroscopic sensors may need to be re-calibrated. This can be accomplished in the field using the procedure noted here. Running the Gyro Calibration procedure is required to complete this Service Bulletin updating from operating software release 2.0.3 or earlier, and can be run periodically to respond to higher rates of observed DG drift.

For more information on Gyro Calibration, reference the procedure as described in AV-30-E Installation Manual UAV-1004234-001 Rev H (or latest available), Section 13.2.2.

To perform the calibration, the aircraft must be completely motionless and on the ground. It should be located in a hangar and must not be affected by wind or other sources of aircraft movement. If unable to perform the procedure while standing outside the aircraft, do not leave the aircraft during the procedure.

The Gyro Calibration feature can be accessed by selecting “GYRO CAL” from the Installation Menu. At least 15 minutes of warmup is required before performing a Gyro Calibration. Follow the procedure in Section 9 to access the Installation Menu.

  1. Ensure the aircraft is completely motionless and on the ground during the next several steps.
  2. In the Installation Menu, rotate the center knob until “GYRO CAL” is displayed. Push and release the center knob to enter calibration mode. If sufficient warmup time has not elapsed, a “Not ready to calibrate” message and countdown will be indicated. Otherwise, initiate calibration by pushing the right button.
  3. “Calibration in progress” will be displayed with a percentage complete.

AV-30-E will indicate “Calibration successfully completed Press DONE”.
Push the left button under “DONE” and the calibration will be complete. If an error is shown, repeat the calibration process.

Charge Battery
Versions 2.4.1 and later changes the battery level reporting algorithm to report levels more conservatively across a variety of environmental conditions.
Upon completion of the 3.0.0 software upgrade, please allow your battery to charge to 100%. Note that charging a battery from 0% may take up to 60 minutes to register an initial charge.

System Checkout
Perform the System Checkout procedure as described in AV-30-E Installation Manual UAV-1004234-001 Section 13.2 prior to returning to service.

For additional questions or support please visit:

Maintenance Record

When post-accomplishment verification and system checkout is completed, make appropriate entries in the Aircraft Maintenance Log Book.

Maintenance Record
Service Bulletin UAV-1005757-009 Rev A to install software v3.0.0 for AV-30-E UAV-1004035-( ), has been complied with.

A copy of this form must be submitted by visiting:

Date: By:

Aircraft Information
Make:| Model:
Serial Number:| Registration Number:
AV-30-E Information
Serial Number:|
Hardware Part Number:| UAV-1004035- __
Customer Information


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