MOMIMO BL002-1 Smart Bike Light with Controller User Manual

September 5, 2024

BL002-1 Smart Bike Light with Controller

Product Information


  • Product Model: BLOO2
  • Dimensions: 16.5cm x 11.5cm
  • Features: Smart Bike Light with Controller
  • Lighting Modes: Steady White, Flashing, Steady Red, Multiple
    Flashing Frequencies

Product Usage Instructions


  1. Install the base on a suitable position on the bike, such as
    the handlebars or under the seat.

  2. Turn on the controller and the bike light separately.

  3. Select the lighting mode by pressing the mode button on the

  4. Rear or Night mode: Suitable for mounting on the rear of the
    bike as a tail light. Press the L or R button on the controller and
    then mount the bike light on the corresponding side of the

Flashing Mode:

In flashing mode, due to different times, the flashing frequency
of the lights may be inconsistent. Press the sync button on the
controller to synchronize all lights to flash at the same


  1. Avoid prolonged use directly on the handlebar to prevent
    damage. Use the silicone wrap provided for better performance and
    to attach the light base securely to the handlebar.

  2. The bike light can be installed in various locations on the
    bike, including the handlebars, ends of drop bars, under the seat,
    and more.

  3. Insert the bike light into the base; it will securely attach
    using magnetic attraction.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How do I change the lighting mode?

A: To change the lighting mode, press the mode button on the
controller to cycle through the different modes available.

Q: Can I use the bike light in rainy conditions?

A: The bike light is designed to be weather-resistant, but it is
recommended to avoid heavy rain or submerging the light in water to
ensure longevity.

| User Manual



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Smart Bike Lig ht with Controller


· LTum Si,nal · Ri,ht Tum Signal

·”ad Li9ht · Bra Lig”

Product Model
BLOO2: A set ofone contller and b,cyclehgs

ghtTumSgnaI:Pmss the righmmbunRon theL”mactimte the yelllight,indicatmg a ightum signal.

t Produc Description
The smartbicyc.ligh< is dasigowokm oo”,Unc,t on with the accomng cooller lmainfeues indude lt and right tum s,gnals,had lighb ra ligsand vaious lighting mod such ase steadywhiOOflashing, td steady and mdflashing.Theseamts signicam” enhanridlng”aad<sbi W.The llghts andLJ,tll am securely attachebase usmg a magnC oonon.Tbase isfdw,h SIlicoraps and can easily and sumb mounood mvanous p<>5Inons on the le, such ase handlebaa,the ends of madbidrop baundethe0 cn the eaWel stays.The installion pcess i”imple and quick.

Function Description
TumSignal Funa TumSignal:Pthe lturnbutton1Lon the

contmlleoo actwathe”lightmdting a le

turn signal

Hanl UghtFunction: · Hamnl LighPesse hazadbutton on the contmller
to actthe yell~Jlights in a doublesh me, enhamngwsbi iliwand saduring n,ghtt,me ridIng
…LiglrtFunaion: ‘”Light:When the llght is inmode and dete abraking actlon,the red lightWIll autul,}ati,.ally illuminate in stobe mode.alertingvehicles and ped,tdansbehind you
””‘ization Function: · J,,….When the lig a powJ on a
set1lashmg mode,them maybe Incons.aL~, m theflashingfrequen due to diffeent mweaonmes. Pthenchmnitlonbun on the9″lie to ensuall lightsflash ate samequency.Pleasewait 3-5,~olas the slgnalilonpess oomples

Lighting M
· WIModCThewhite light raIns steadiWon mpma
· Wi””hiogModwhite l,gashes to enhance ,isibdu,inge donn l·hght condltlons.
aMode:Thed light mmains steadlly onb impvisibil
FlashingMode:Thed lighashesenhance warningvisibiliwduring nighttime o lo”·light condhions.
B,..,,,,l.and Runme: · c….L.L”c..F· 550mAh · 8iqcle LightByG1200mAh
1Biqcle lightwhiteeady mode131Ds):appmximely 3 houm
2.BiqclehghtwhIteeady mode 128Ds):appmmely 3.5 houS
3.BicyclehghtwhIteflashmg mode I31 LEDs):appXImately 6houm
4.Biqcle lightwhiteflashing mode Q8 LEDs). appmximaly 65 houS

5.Bicle light d sy mode(28 LEappmmW S hou
6Bicle light ashing mode(28 LEDs)· appmximately 11 houS
7,Cont,.battey l·PPmately22 houS
LowBte”Warning: BicFleM:Wn thebattery ,s l t thcenter ligWIllflash red rapid”and men automatically shut
.down.Please chae the light ason asble “‘rollerWhen tba”is low.the triangle”mbol abothe hadttonwlllflash md rap dly a then automatlly shut down Plse chae the cJntII`. as soon as poble.
Co””Cion L1TIJ. Ml,.LionThe light is secuy attach ebase using an intemal magniC llol,lam.This deslgn allrsy msllatlon and emlwhlle enring stabil,Wduing riding.
C haing lndka
leUglrtChaiThe indlight on the power buon ,s redwh,le chargmg,It turns gmenwhenfully chaed

lI_, 01aging;The indilight on the powe; buon ISiwhile chaIng,It turns gmenwhenfully ,ha
p O erating Guide:
Button Descipons:
B i cleLightButtons:
BumUsed 1o tum thehght on o off Indlorhght on the mwebuttonwes as the chalng Indioit is mdwhile chagiog a mms genw fulh chaed`
· LBunthe l,gh1 as the lide light andfixes it on the ltside of thele.When the Lbotton on t
Cvl;1II llSpd thehghtWlllflash yellow.
· RButtonthe l,ghas t,ighde l,gndfixes on the ight5lde of thebiqcleWhen theRbutton on the omIIi>p”the lightwillh yell
·MModeButton:Ud toswi1ch the lighting modes. PSthe Mbutton to qcle thmugh the modes:whIte steady(28 LEDs),white 31 LEDs),whi1lashing (28 LEDs),wh,te n.””‘ (31 LEDs5teady(28 LED andshing1,8 LEDs)





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ContmlleButton, Button:Pmss and hold h>r 2to tum the
contmller on o 0ff.When the oonto ller ismed off. it ll simulneous”tum off all the lighThe Indio ligs tdwhile chaIng and tums gmenwhenfully ,ha · WamButtont1vates the doubleflash mode on the ligUsmg them toflashlu m a doublefla pm.pding a,,dllct.

CButtm:Used t05mchmn,ze theflashgquen he lighfl multiple lighh diffentflashing quencies afterbeing tumed on,psing the” bunl ensum allhghtsflash at the mequency.
·LTumB….nLn):When theLbun is presd,the left-SIde ligmonebiclemllflashII indicating a left turn
ghtn,mButton(RBummI:When theROOtton is µi”~J,the Ight-Sldehght on the bdel flash l indicating a right tum
_,h I I A I, ~

B i leLlghtUge lnsdion 1,lnstall thebase on a su,able positmn on thebide
acoming Ui such as the handlebas,1he s”‘roodbike dropbaunder the stor on 1he Wl s 2.Turn on the contmller and mebide lighsepa,atay, fte tuming on the b,qcle lightpSthe M mode button tolect 1heallghtIng
1.Whhe stiy or n__,’,·· mSablefomount onefront lJLL””as afrontwami”9 light
2.Rod,or na,hi”Jmode:Suble fo mounting 001rear ofebcle as a tail light
r tuming onebiClightptthe L orRbun, and then mount thebclehght on the……Jng left o nght Sldethebicle
5.lnflashmg moddueto dmnt”C”‘tlmes,the “ashingfrnquen0f the ligRs m~inconsient ln thISCBpSSthe sync~tton one coroller synchronize all lightoflash at the samefrnquen



1.{rtamrtgth,Ug{rtBase on the HanJl

·Wl.ligAId~µ9.”‘,the l,ghts t0er (1) lnsert the siliconed into theckof the lightbase

Jperiods Althoughe pmduct ISminpm

(2)Use the silicone rap to

pmlongedOSUmtowmay armance.

m the lightbase to

·u”gei,”‘mmt,When using the lig ensuth

the handlam. The sap

youecte appmplate lightmg mode and aust the lig stings acoongad oonditions and enw””l J,°”Jto ensurerid
ta Ins llation Guide

has multiple holes,
alling puto choose
the appropriate pItion
based on the handlebar
thi35,msuing a
=lllol lhebase


Thebicle lightnbe mllinrious location$on t bmclud the handlem,the endsdthe dmpbaSon

one harnllebaS

oodbis, Uer the atand one ar el sh

(3) lnsert the b,qde light mto the

se.The light is CUely atOch

thebase using magnic attaction.




2. lnsll ni gtheLigBase on therW hlys The insOllation l,Il,-fur the llghtse on the,arwh lSthe same as on the handle
1 0

3. lnsm,gth·LightBaon the Endso1 Biko Drop Ba
I1)Select the appmpria pansmn scl”·<Smm or 19 -24mm) and mounting bracksUse a long sc to slightlyo,ct <hem L T he scrshould Clyti9htened sl,9ht”to avoidtighningwhich may pventtfromfitting inmthe handleba
Q) lnrt the ooncted mountingbrt andns,on plece mmthe haleS.

(3)TIgne scto expamthe
on pe ms,de the haleS and ~t it in place




1 1


(4)Plamthe lightse on the mountingbmct a secun it in placewith theblackscre

{S)Thef’l ms UIt isshown In the imagebel”

4 lnstallingtheLightBa Und”theSeat (1)Select the 14-19mm “dl’n pie~and mouming
bacU a long scto sli9hllyLLl them u,IThe scW ould on”be ti9hnslightly to aVOld ove,-t,ghtemng,wh,ch maytfmm ing into the tail lightbackt

  1. lnsemconnd moummgbract and expans,on piece lmo thel lightL4KL

(S)Thefaal esult is as shown ine imagebol,




OITighten theind the-µdlbiJn plece inside e tail lightL,”l and secuit in place

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t Packing Lis

BLOO2(a setw i one ontmlleandobicle lig





5ma BiqcleLi,h unithhiple mOOe


,41Place the llghtbaon the moontingbmcand secum h in placewith theblksc”


9..l.J un withve buons




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MoumBase ;,lioonePOO
i i5 l conerap

t J··`baserin9 he
biql.ligmd ~··l.Jl






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1. Enable and disable Bluetooth First, users need to enable Bluetooth in the Settings of their phone or other device. This can usually be done in one of two ways: Find the “Bluetooth” option in the Settings menu and turn on the Bluetooth switch.Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the status bar, and long press the Bluetooth icon in the Control Center to turn on Bluetooth. The method of turning off Bluetooth is similar, just find the Bluetooth switch in the above path and turn it off. 2. Device search and pairing When Bluetooth is enabled, the device will automatically search for nearby Bluetooth devices. Users can see the list of searched devices in the phone’s Bluetooth Settings screen. Next, the steps for device pairing are as follows: Locate the device you want to connect to and click on its name BL002. Depending on the device’s prompts, you may need to enter a pairing code (usually “0000””, but it may also be customized by the device manufacturer). When pairing is complete, the device will display a “Connected” or “paired” message, indicating that the connection was successful.
1 6

FCC ID Warning

Poble lssuwith the Bicycle Light oSolutions

Po·ble les Cause Analysis


This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Warning: changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment
The devices has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement the device can be used in portable exposure condition with restriction

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Manufacturer Information
S henz hen Xinc hangtu Tec hnology Co., Ltd. ·ddCmmn 2u1n9I MB|Lf.N.aD lH onCu1ncheng “rhnlcolpr….,Ol1p hllllphn


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