VOXORT V454825 Shower Panels Eso System Installation Guide

September 3, 2024

V454825 Shower Panels Eso System


Product Information


  • Water supply pipe thread: G1/2
  • Distance between water supplies: 15 cm, +/- 15 mm

Product Usage Instructions

Step 1: Prepare Water Supply

1. Install water supply pipe with thread dimension G1/2.
2. Ensure that the pipe work centers measure 15 cm, +/- 15 mm in
3. Flush out any impurities from the water supplies.

Step 2: Prepare Eccentric

Wrap the thread of the eccentric with PTFE tape before

Step 3: Install Eccentric into Wall

Carefully insert the wrapped eccentric into the wall.

Step 4: Check Alignment

After installing the eccentrics, use the included gradienter to
check alignment. Ensure the bubble is in the middle before

Step 5: Install Body of Mixer

1. Place the body of the mixer on the eccentrics.
2. Prepare allen screws to secure the mixer.

Step 6: Secure Installation

1. Tighten the allen screws with an allen key.
2. Open the water valve on the wall to test for leaks at the

Step 7: Install Riser Rail

1. Attach the riser rail to the body of the mixer.
2. Mark the position of the bracket with a pencil.

Step 8: Mount Bracket and Riser Rail

1. Remove the riser rail from the body of the mixer.
2. Place the plastic bracket at the marked position.
3. Secure the remaining part of the wall bracket in place.

Step 9: Finalize Installation

1. Install the decorative cup on the bracket and secure it with
an allen key.
2. Attach the riser rail to the body and bracket.
3. Secure all screws with an allen key.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I know if there is a leak in the installation?

A: To check for leaks, open the water valve and test under
0.5MPa water pressure. If there is no leakage, proceed to the next


Upute za montazu / Navodila za montazo / Installation manual

HR Korak 1 1 Pripremite dovod vode iz zida na G1/2″ 2 Osigurajte da su oba dovoda vode udaljena 15cm, +/- 15mm te u ravnini 3 Ocistite dovode od necistoa
SLO 1. korak 1 Pripravite dovod vode od stene do G1/2″ 2 Prepricajte se, da sta obe dovodni odprtini za vodo 15 cm, +/- 15 mm
narazen in ravni 3 Ocistite dovode necistoc

HR Korak 2 Prije postavljanja ekscentra pazljivo na navoj stavite teflon traku.
SLO 2. korak Pred namestitvijo ekscentra previdno nalepite teflonski trak na navoj.

HR Korak 7 1 Postavite izljevnu cijev na tijelo mijesalice 2 Olovkom na zidu obiljezite poziciju za zidni nosac izljevne cijevi

HR Korak 8 1 Maknite izljevnu cijev sa tijela mijesalice 2 Postavite plasticni nosac na prethodno oznacenu poziciju 3 Postavite ostatak zidnog nosaca do kraja

EN Step 1 1 Install water supply pipe, thread dimension G1/2″ 2 Make sure pipe work centers measure 15 cm, +/- 15 mm in distance 3 Flush out the impurities
HR Korak 3 Pazljivo postavite ekscentre u zid.
SLO 3. korak Previdno postavite ekscentre v steno.
EN Step 3 Install the wrapped eccentric into the wall.

EN Step 2 Wrap the thread of eccentric with PTFE tape.
HR Korak 4 Nakon sto ste postavili ekscentre sa prilozenom libelom provjerite da li se balon zraka nalazi izmeu dvije crte. Tada mozete nastaviti s montazom.
SLO 4. korak Ko ste postavili ekscentre s prilozeno vodno tehtnico, preverite, ali je zracni mehurcek med obema linijama. Nato lahko nadaljujete z montazo.

HR Korak 5 1 Postavite tijelo mijesalice na ekscentre 2 Pripremite imbus vijke kako bi ucvrstili mijesalicu
SLO 5. korak 1 Postavite telo armature na ekscentre 2 Pripravite imbus vijake, da pritrdite armaturo

EN Step 4 Put the gradienter on the eccentric, when the bubble is in the middle of gradienter, it is ok.
HR Korak 6 1 Imbus kljucem ucvrstite imbus vijke 2 Otvorite ventil za vodu na zidu te pustite vodu na mijesalici kako bi provjerili
da li je montaza ispravna ili negdje curi na spoju
SLO 6. korak 1 Privijte inbusne vijake z imbus kljucem 2 Odprite vodni ventil na steni in spustite vodo skozi armaturo, da preverite,
ce je sestava pravilna in ali kje na prikljucku pusca

EN Step 5 1 Install the body, connect to the eccentric 2 Holding when the body near the wall, prepare for install the screws

EN Step 6 1 Lock the screws at the button of the body with allen key 2 Testing under 0,5MPa water pressure, if no leakage, follow the next step

SLO 7. korak 1 Postavite izlivno cev na telo
armature 2 S svincnikom na steni oznacite
polozaj stenskega nosilca izlivne cevi
EN Step 7 1 Install the riser rail on the body 2 Mark the brackets position with
a pencil

SLO 8. korak 1 Odstranite izlivno cev z ohisja
armature 2 Plasticni nosilec postavite na prej
oznacen polozaj 3 Namestite preostali del
stenskega nosilca do konca

HR Korak 9 1 Postavite zidni nosac do kraja te ga ucvrstite s imbus kljucem i postaviite
kapicu vijka na zidni nosac 2 Postavite izljevnu cijev na tijelo mijesalice i ucvrstite
SLO 9. korak 1 Namestite stenski nosilec do
konca in ga pritrdite z imbus kljucem ter na stenski nosilec namestite pokrovcek vijaka 2 Postavite izlivno cev na ohisje armature in jo pritrdite EN Step 9 1 Install the decorative cup to the bracket 2 Install the riser rail, connect to the body and the bracket 3 Fix the screw with allen key

EN Step 8 1 Remove the riser rail 2 Install the plastic holder in the marking position 3 Install the bracket
HR Korak 10 1 Pazljivo postavite crijevo tusa 2 Na crijevo tusa postavite tus
slusalicu 3 Postavite i tus ruzu 4 Pustite vodu i provjerite da li je sve
u redu i nema dodatnog curenja
SLO 10. korak 1 Previdno namestite tus cev 2 Tus rocko namestite na cev
za prho 3 Postavite nadglavno prho 4 Odprite vodo in preverite, ali je
vse v redu in ni dodatnih puscanj
EN Step 10 1 Install the shower hose 2 Install the hand shower 3 Install the shower head 4 Water supply and test 5 Finish

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