BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor User Manual

June 1, 2024



BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor

BSP logo
Building Services Products Ltd

VIP House, Chaddock Lane,
Astley, Manchester, M29 7JT

(+44) 0161 3993 165 |

Danger: Electric Current

Disregarding these warnings may:

  • endanger health,
  • cause death, fire or other damage,
  • lead to the overloading of individual components and to damage,
  • or otherwise impair the unit’s function.

Caution: Warning for mistakes and wrong basic assumptions

Consider the implications of errors and incorrect set-up conditions carefully!
Disregarding these warnings may lead to:

  • serious personal injury,
  • overloading of individual components and damage,
  • impair the unit’s function

All technical information, data and information contained herein is correct at the me of publication. To the best of our knowledge this information is the sum of our current findings and experience. We reserve the right to make technical changes subject to the future development of the BSP product referred to in this publication. Hence, no rights may be derived from technical data, descriptions and illustrations. Technical pictures, drawings and graphs do not necessarily correspond to the actual assemblies or parts as delivered. Drawings and pictures are not to scale, and may contain symbols for simplification.


Active Period: Manufacturing defects for 18 months from the date of manufacture, or 12 months from the date of commissioning, whichever is sooner. This warranty covers manufacturing defects only.

Please note: removal of the identification data labels from the equipment will render the manufacturing warranty null and void. Manufacturing defects confirmed within the active warranty period will be corrected at no charge.

The warranty is conditional upon the following clauses:

1.1. The equipment must be commissioned by a trained, competent engineer or qualified person, who can verify the integrity of the equipment at that me. The qualified person must confirm in wring that the equipment is undamaged as a result of transportation and installation, and is fit to begin the warranty period.

1.2. Photographic evidence must be collected at the me of commissioning to verify the condition of the equipment at that me.

1.3. A trained, competent engineer or qualified person must test the equipment annually.

1.4. This warranty covers the equipment against manufacturing defects. Normal wear and tear is not covered by this agreement and should form part of a separate service agreement.

1.5. The equipment must be stored, installed and operated in a frost-free and dry area. Damage resulting from exposure to adverse temperatures or other adverse environmental conditions will not be covered by this agreement.

1.6. Any and all non-warranty service visits and non-warranty inspection visits are chargeable and are not covered by this warranty.

Any service costs are applicable if a defect or problem manifests as a direct result of the connected system, misuse, incorrect handling, incorrect installation, or incorrect commissioning of the unit. Confirmed manufacturing defects will be addressed as per the above. Additional remedial works due to the misuse, incorrect handling, incorrect installation or incorrect commissioning of the unit remain chargeable.

The information contained in this manual is confidential. The manual may be circulated among authorised personnel only. It may not be distributed to third pares. All documentation is protected by copyright. Distribution or other forms of reproduction of documents, even extracts, exploitation or notification of the contents hereof is not permitted, unless otherwise specified in wring by BSP Ltd. Infringements are liable to prosecution and payment of compensation. We reserve the right to exercise all intellectual property rights.

General Safety

Disregard for, or lack of attention to, the information and measures contained in this manual may pose a hazard to people, animals, the environment and tangible assets. Failure to observe the safety regulations and the neglect of other safety measures may lead to the lapse of liability for damages in the event of damage or loss.


Operator: Natural person or legal entity who owns and uses the product, or whom use of the product has been entrusted to on the basis of a contractual agreement.

Principle: Legally and commercially liable client in relation to the system as a whole.

Responsible Person: Representative appointed to act by the installer or operator.

Qualified Person (QP): Any person whose professional training, experience and recent professional activity affords them the requisite professional knowledge. This implies that such people have knowledge derived from relevant national and internal safety regulations.

Purpose & Use of this Manual

The following pages list the information, specifications, measures and technical data that will allow relevant personnel to operate the product safely and for its intended purpose. Responsible persons, or those engaged by them, performing required services relating to this product must study this manual to ensure a good understanding of the information contained herein. Such services include: storage, transportation, installation, electrical installation, commissioning and re-starting, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair and dismantling.

Where the product is to be used in plants/facilities that do not comply with harmonised European regulations and relevant technical rules and guidelines of professional associations for this field of application, the present document is purely for informative and references purposes.

As this unit may be subject to unlimited inspection at all times, this manual must be kept in the immediate vicinity of the installed unit, at least within the confines of the operations room.

Qualifications Required, Assumptions

All personnel must possess the relevant qualifications to carry out the required services, and be physically and psychologically capable to do so effectively.

Operating instructions are transferred by BSP representatives, or others assigned by them, during delivery negotiations, or on demand. On-site requirements include logistics, manual handling, and the preparation of an installation location with the requisite foundation engineering to accommodate the unit and the requisite hydraulic and electrical connections, the electrical installation for the power source of the equipment and installation of the BMS signal leads if required.

Appropriate Use

This equipment is designed for use on sealed and unsealed thermal systems (heating, chilled and condenser water). It is designed to confirm when a BSP Filter Pot is blocked with a designated differential pressure rang and signal the fact with either an audible alarm, signal light and/or a BMS common alarm signal. The maximum operating water limits of this equipment is 30Bar.

Supplied Goods

The items delivered must be compared against the items listed on the shipping note and inspected for conformity. Unpacking, installation and commissioning may be started only once the product has been checked as conforming with the intended use. In particular, exceeding the permissible operating or design parameters may lead to malfunctioning, component damage and personal injury. The product may not be used in circumstances which are not in line with our conformity statement, or if the delivery proceeded incorrectly in any other manner.

Transportation, Storage & Packaging

The equipment is delivered in packing units conforming to contract specifications, or specifications required for certain transportation methods and climate zones. At a minimum, packing units meet the requirements of BSP packaging guidelines.

Important note: Deliver the packaged goods as close as possible to the envisaged setup location and make sure there is a vertical, solid surface to which the goods can be mounted/secured.

Emergency Stop / Emergency Off

The required EMERGENCY – STOP facility, in line with directive 2006/42EC is present in the main on/off power switch (Item 2) on the front panel. Refer to the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor drawing, on page 6 of this document.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

To prevent or minimise the risk of personal injury, PPE must be used when carrying out potentially dangerous work, or other activities, if alternate safety measures cannot be taken.

Any alternative safety measures must comply with the requirements set by the main contractor or operator of the plant room or the site in question. In the absence of alternative safety measures, the minimum requirements for operating the product are safety goggles, hand protection, well-fitting clothing and sturdy, closed and skid-proof footwear.

Exceeding Permitted Press. and/or Temp. Levels

Equipment used in combination with the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor must guarantee that the permitted operating temperature and the permitted medium temperature (heat transfer medium) cannot be exceeded. Excess pressure and temperature may lead to component overload, irreparable damage to components, loss of function and, as a result, to severe personal injury and damage to property.

These safeguards must be checked/inspected regularly. The ambient air temperature in which the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is to be installed, should be between 5°C and 45°C.


The equipment supplied is equipped with the required safety devices. To test their effectiveness or restore the original setup conditions, the equipment must first be taken out of service. Taking the system out of service implies that power should be isolated, hydraulics isolated and then vented.

NOTE: All earthing connections are to be connected to a suitable protective earth.

External Forces

Avoid any additional forces (e.g. forces caused by heat expansion, vibration or dead weights on the flow and return lines). These can lead to damage/leakage in water-bearing pipework, loss of stability of the appliance and potential failure of pressure bearing components.

Electrical Equipment Inspections

Regardless of the prescriptions of the property insurer/operator, it is recommended to demonstrably inspect the electrical equipment of the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor together with the heating or chilled installation at least every 12 months.

Maintenance & Repair

These services may only be carried out when the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is shut down. The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor equipment must be taken out of service and guarded against unintentional restarting until the maintenance work is finished.

When installed with a BSP Filter Pot, the Controller can be inter-connected to a BMS or alarm system to allow for indication that the filter is ready for change, and the magnets are ready for cleaning. The BSP Controller is fitted with a combined visual illuminated signal light in low light situations for visual indication and sounder as an indication of a filter blockage.

Task BSP BG29 Filter Monitor
Visual inspection of components 6 months – Site Engineer
Operational check of hydraulic components 12 months – Annual Service –

Qualified Person
Operational check of electrical components| 12 months – Annual Service – Qualified Person

Obvious Misuse
  • Operation at incorrect water pressures, voltage and/or frequency.
  • Use in inappropriate system designs and environments.
  • Use of non-permitted or inappropriate installation materials.
Product Description

The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is a packaged pressure differential monitoring unit. It is a fully assembled, factory tested, wall mounted unit incorporating

  • The Controller will display the Filter blocked as a percentage in real time.
  • 2 No 4-20 milliAmp pressure transducers.
  • BSP 12-volt Controller with BMS connectivity – option (Normally Open).
  • Signal Light (Visual Warning Alarm).
  • 5-Amp Relay for blocked filter and sensor fail alarm.
  • BSP Controller incorporates sounder (mute button provided).
  • Preset to 0.4 Bar pressure differential.
  • Working Pressure up to 30 Bar.
  • Working fluid temperature -4°C up to 100°C


| Max Work. Press.| Weight (kg)| Dimensions| Max. Work. Temp.|

Min. Work. Temp.


Width (mm)

| Depth (mm)|

Height (mm)

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor|

30 Bar

| 1.3| 120| 100| 122| 100°C|



| Power Supply| Transducer Conn.| IP-Rating| Fuse Ref.|

Max. Ambient Temp.

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor|

230V 50Hz

| ¼” BSP| 54| T3.15AL 250V|


Operating Principle

The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is designed to be a self-contained pressure differential monitor and alarm signaling device. The Controller will display the Filter blocked as a percentage in real me on the Controller screen. It has a dedicated up-stream pressure transducer and down-stream pressure transducer connection to a sealed or open vented system. As system fluid passes through the hydraulic components as the flow sequence below, if the pressure detected up-stream and down-stream is out of the preset parameters within the BSP Controller, the alarm settings are activated to signal a blockage within the BSP Filter Pot the unit is monitoring.

Operating Sequence Chart                        BSP BG29 Filter Monitor

Flow Direction


  1. Turn the power on.
  2. Upstream water flow passes the upstream pressure transducer.
  3. Upstream pressure transducer sends pressure data to the controller. 
  4. Upstream water enters the Filter Pot to be monitored. 
  5. Downstream water exits the Filter Pot to be monitored. 
  6. Downstream flow passes the downstream pressure transducer.
  7. Downstream pressure transducer sends data to the Controller 
  8. The Controller correlates up- and downstream data. 
  9. If the Pressure is within the preset parameters, no action is required. 
  10. If the Pressure is outside of the preset parameters, alarms are activated. 
  11. Signal Light, sounder and and BMS signal is activated and sent. 
  12. Maintenance required to clear the blockage. 
  13. Turn power off.
  14. Blockage cleared.
  15. Turn power back on and the BG29 Filter Pot Monitor returns back to item 1 above.

The following markings and warnings are installed on the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor

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Building Services Products Ltd

Model/Type:                  BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor
Technical Ratings:          Electrical: 95V – 230V, 50Hz
Ambient Temp for Installation: 5°C-45°C
Operating Temp: Fluid – 40°C to 100°C
Year of Manufacture:      2022

BSP logo
Building Services Products Ltd

BG29 Compliance Monitor

Supply Voltage: 230v

Serial No: 042022202311666

BSP logo
Building Services Products Ltd

BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor for use on the BSP Filter Pot

(+44) 0161 3993 165
VIP House, Chaddock Lane,
Astley, Manchester,
M29 7JT


Basic Installation Requirements

The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor controller unit (Item 3) is to be positioned in a dry location and fixed to a sturdy wall / frame as close as possible to the BSP Filter Pot to be monitored. The ambient air temperature in which the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is to be installed should be between 5°C and 45°C. The pressure transducers need to be connected either side of an item of plant which require the pressure differential to be monitored. Please note that the pressure transducers are supplied with a 1.8m flying lead.

The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor controller unit is supplied with a 0.9m flying 2 core and earth mains cable (Item 8). This is to be used to power the unit. This ‘mains’ cable needs to be connected to a suitable 230V – 13A isolator (supplied by others) as a main point of electrical isolation. The isolator can then be served by a dedicated 240V mains power supply, or, for example a 230V connection from a dedicated pump which supplies the system in which the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor controller unit is monitoring.

NOTE: All earthing connections are to be connected to a suitable protective earth.

Pressure Transducer 1 (connected to Item 5) is to be located up-stream of the Filter Pot and Pressure Transducer 2 (connected to Item 6) is to be located down-stream of the Filter Pot. Each pressure transducer has a ¼” BSP thread for connecting to the system pipework with a suitable sealing compound.

Each transducer is connected to the transducer cable (Item 6) via a Packard plug (Items 10). Ensure the cables from the Packard plug to the controller unit (Item 1) are kept clear of fouling, are secured to a hard surface, and that any spare cable is coiled and cable-ed. Keep the transducer cable away from electrical mains cables where possible as this may interfere with the current and provide false readings.

Transducer Connections

It is important both the Pressure Transducers are installed for:

  • Horizontal Pipework = with the Pressure Transducer installed in the vertical with the flying lead above the Transducer head.
  • Vertical Pipework = with the Pressure Transducer installed in the horizontal.

Note: Do not install the Pressure Transducer in the Vertical with the flying lead below the Transducer head, this could block the head with debris within the water flow.

Critical Installation Requirements

The equipment must be sited:

  • In a frost-free area (>5°C), protected from adverse environmental conditions.
  • In a well-lit area to allow for safe maintenance.
  • On a flat, vertical, level, solid wall or frame with clear access of 100mm free area top and boom and 200mm on both sides of the controller housing.

Care must be taken when handling this equipment. Appropriate safety measures must be in place in respect of use, handling and application of:

  • Electrical equipment.
  • Sealed system water.
  • Hydraulic equipment.

It is essential to ensure the environment that this equipment is installed in is safe to work in and is free from trip hazards.

Schematic Layout of Installation


BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor - a1

  1. Tundish
  3. Clean Return
  8. Dirty Flow
  9. Fill/Drain


BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor - a2

Electrical Connections and Wiring Diagram

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor - a3

  1. BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor Controller
  2. Configurable VFC Relay 5Amp
  3. Common Alarm/BMS 5Amp
  4. Pump Relay (not required)
  5. 4-20ma Sens 1
  6. 4-20ma Sens 2
  7. 95-240v 50/60Hz
  8. 0.9m Flying Mains Cable
  9. 3A Metaway Fuse Block (Replacement fuse Spec T3.15AL 250V)
  10. Isolation Switch 240V
  11. Downstream Pressure Transducer 2
  12. Upstream Pressure Transducer 1

WARNING: This equipment must only be used, maintained or serviced by trained, competent engineers. If in any doubt please do not touch this equipment.


The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is a ‘Plug and Play’ unit. It is supplied factory set with the Differential Pressure set to 0.4 Bar. Refer to setting parameters on Page 7 for changing the differential pressure.

The operator should read this section prior to hand-over of the equipment from the installation operative to familiarise him/herself with the operating procedures of the BSP Controller and the BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor unit as a whole.

The Control System is based around a BSP Controller complete with I/O modules. A Display Panel is fitted to the BSP Controller to allow interrogation and adjustment of the parameters.

In the event of a power failure, the BSP Controller will return to its last set operating mode once power has been restored.

Ensure the power supply to the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is 230V – 1 N PE 50Hz via a suitable Fused Spur.

The power supply to the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is provided from either a dedicated 240V power supply or the system pump electrical supply that the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is monitoring. Therefore, the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor will only be activated when the main system pump is running and active. The power supply is then connected to the main BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor Mains On/Off Switch (Item 2) below. The power is then distributed throughout the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor via an internal wiring loom.

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor Specification
  • BSP BG29 Filter Monitor Controller will display pressure difference as a percentage, e.g. pressure difference of 0.4 set at 0.2 difference the control would show 50%.
  • Common Alarm will activate in alarm conditions
  • Vfc Alarm can be configured from the alarm table below.
  • 2No – 4-20 milliAmp pressure transducers monitor the pressure differential on the inlet and outlet of the BSP Filter Pot Side Stream Filter
  • The BSP BG29 Filter Monitor Controller has a built-in sounder along with a visual light which is illuminated when a Fault Signal has been activated.
  • The BSP BG29 Filter Monitor receives its power from the 240V mains supply or a dedicated supply from the system pump which is serving the system the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is installed onto.
  •  The BSP BG29 Filter Monitor Controller has 2 relays within:
    • 5 Amp alarm relay for blocked filter alarm and sensor fail;
    • 5 Amp common alarm relay which is configured to normally open signal contact for a BMS system.

The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor can now be activated by pressing On/Off Switch from the ‘Off’ position to the ‘On’ position. The BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor Controller will now activate.

1 = Controller Housing
2 = On/Off Switch
3 = Controller
4 = Blank/Gland BMS Cable
5 = Press Sensor Gland Dirty Flow
6 = Press Sensor Gland Clean Return
7 = Blank / Gland Pump Power Supply
8 = Gland Power In Cable

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor - b1 BSP BG29
Compliant Filter Monitor - b2

Setting Parameters

The Differential Pressure is factory set to 0.4 Bar. To reset the parameters (for example, the pressure differential), the following sequence needs to be followed on the BSP BG29 Filter Monitor Controller (item 3).

Alarm Conditions
  • If the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor detects pressure outside of set parameters during normal operation, a fault condition will be initialised.
  • In alarm conditions, the internal sounder will sound on the controller. This can be muted by pressing the mute button (Button D).
  • In alarm conditions, the signal light will be illuminated on the Fault Signal (Button G).
  • The BSP Filter Monitor Controller can be powered down by pressing the power on/off switch (Item 2) on the facia of the Controller Housing (Item 1).
  • Once the alarm conditions and actions have been rectified, the controller can be reset by re-powering the unit. To power up the unit, switch the electrical isolation switch on the fascia to ‘on’.

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor - c1

A=Up Button            E=Pump Act’d (Not R’qd)
B=Down Button       F=Pump Running (Not R’qd)
C=Set Button            G=Fault Signal
D=Mute Button        H=Main Screen

Button Configuration
  • Up Button (Button A): Used to cycle through parameters and adjust parameter value. Pressed briefly will display transducer 1 pressure.
  • Down Button (Button B): Used to cycle through parameters and adjust parameter value. Pressed briefly will display transducer 2 pressure.
  • SET Button (Button C): When held will access parameters.
  • Mute Button (Button D): Used to mute internal sounder. When held will reset control.
Control Principle

The control will display pressure difference as a percentage, e.g. pressure difference of 0.4 set at 0.2 difference the control will show 50%.

  • Common Alarm will activate in alarm conditions.
  • VFC Alarm can be configured from the alarm table below.


| Conditions for Trigger| Scrolled Message| Action on Outputs
System monitoring without pump| Pressure difference is less than Blocked Filter Trigger Point|

– – % Blocked

| Pump → OFF
Buzzer → OFF
Pump Symbol → OFF
Flow Symbol → OFF
VFC Contact → OFF
Warning Symbol → OFF
Common Alarm → OFF

Parameter Access
  • Press and hold the SET button (Button C) to access parameter menu password, enter “111” by using the Up (Button A)/Down (Button B) buttons followed by SET (Button C) for each digit.
  • To cycle through parameters, press SET (Button C) followed by holding Up (Button A)/Down (Button B) to scroll to the parameter required.
  • Use the Up (Button A)/Down (Button B) buttons to change parameter value.
  • Move onto next parameter using SET (Button C) and Up (Button A)/Down (Button B) button.
  • Press and hold the SET (Button C) button to exit the parameter menu, “saving” will be scrolled on the Main Screen (H) then the BSP Controller will restart and revert to normal operation.
# Parameter Default Range
1 Blocked Filter Trigger Point 0.4 Bar 0-10 Bar
2 Transducer Minimum Pressure 0 Bar 0-30 Bar
3 Transducer Maximum Pressure 30 Bar 0-30 Bar
4 Common Alarm Relay Contact N/O N/O, N/C
5 VFC Contact Alarm Type

All = All Alarm Conditions,
TF = Transducer Fail only,
PF = Pump Fail only,
BF = Pump Fail only)

| Blocked Filter| All, TF, PF, BF
6| VFC Relay Contact| N/O| N/O, N/C
7| Voltage Monitoring| N| Y/N
8| Pump Required| N| Y/N
9| Sounder| Y| Y/N
10| Monitoring Hours| /| /
11| Monitoring Hours with Pump| /| /
12| Alarm Count| /| /
13| ID Number| |

Alarm Messages on the Main Screen

Alarm Messages on the Main Screen

| Conditions for Trigger| Scrolled Message| Action on Outputs

Blocked Filter

| Blocked Filter Trigger Point has been reached| 100% Blocked Filter| Pump → OFF
Buzzer → ON
Pump Symbol → OFF
Flow Symbol → OFF
Warning Symbol → ON
Common Alarm → ON
VFC → if chosen

Transducer Fail

| Faulty Transducer| Transducer Fail| Pump → OFF
Buzzer → ON
Pump Symbol → OFF
Flow Symbol → OFF
Warning Symbol → ON
Common Alarm → ON
VFC → if chosen

Electrical Checks and Inspection

To stop electrical equipment (BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor), shut off power to the main control unit by DANGER 230V pressing the Mains ON/OFF Power Switch (Item 2) to the OFF position. The power supply must remain off for the entire duration of the check / inspection.

It is forbidden to alter or use non-original components or replacement parts without written authorisation. Such acts may result in serious personal injury and endanger operational safety. They will also render any claim for damages against product liability void.

Electrical Checks and Inspection

This equipment must only be used, maintained or serviced by trained, competent engineers. If in doubt please do not touch this equipment.

Please contact BSP or your reseller for additional advice, information and guidance

At the end of the lifespan, or at the planned decommissioning of the equipment, please ensure:

  • that the BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor is separated from the power supply.
  • that the hydraulic system connections are closed off and isolated.


Water areas should first be vented and then emptied. This water may be conditioned, contain an-freeze or other substances, and as such, must be disposed of in accordance with the local legislative requirements.

The destination of and further processing of the construction components, should be carried out in agreement with the relevant waste management service provider.

Declaration of Conformity


Building Services Products Limited
Registered in England and Wales:

Registered Office:
Alpha House
4 Greek Street, Stockport,
Cheshire, SK3 8AB
T: (+44) 0161 3993 165

BSP BG29 Compliant Filter Monitor complies with the following:
Operating Conditions
30 Bar Maximum Working Pressure (fluid)
-40°C Minimum Working Temperature (fluid) +100°C Maximum Working Temperature (fluid)
5°C Minimum Ambient Installation Temperature 45°C Maximum Ambient Installation Temperature
IP54 Protection Rating
All appropriate components bear the CE Mark prior to assembly, and are bound by their
individual applicable directives including but not limited to:
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
IEC 61010-1:2010 + A1:2019
EN 61010-1:2010 + A1:2019
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

For and on behalf of Building Services Products Limited

Richard Cowley, Managing Director


WARNING – This equipment must only be used, maintained or serviced by trained competent engineers. If in any doubt, please do not touch this equipment. Please contact BSP or your reseller for additional advice, information and guidance.

Version 1.2 05/2024

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Building Services Products Ltd

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