MARTIN LOGAN ESL 9 Classic Speakers Instruction Manual

August 30, 2024

ESL 9 Classic Speakers



  • Premier loudspeaker system

  • Hybrid electrostatic speakers with XStat technology

  • Powerful woofers

  • Precision audiophile-grade components in crossover

  • Controlled horizontal and vertical dispersion

  • Full range operation

Product Usage Instructions:


Congratulations on investing in the MartinLogan premier
loudspeaker system. Follow these instructions to enjoy the advanced
sonic technologies and design of your speakers to the fullest.


  1. Place the speakers in an optimal position in your room for
    balanced sound distribution.

  2. Connect the speakers to your audio source using high-quality

  3. Ensure proper ventilation around the speakers for optimal


Once the speakers are set up, power them on and adjust the
volume to your preference. The advanced crossover topology ensures
accurate reproduction of sound across a wide range of


Regularly dust the speakers with a dry cloth to maintain their
appearance. Avoid using liquid cleaners to prevent damage to the


If you experience any issues with your speakers, refer to the
user manual for troubleshooting tips. Contact customer support for
further assistance if needed.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q: Can I use these speakers for home theater systems?

A: Yes, the speakers are suitable for home theater setups and
offer electrostatic advantages for immersive audio experiences.

Q: What are the MartinLogan Exclusives mentioned in the


A: The MartinLogan Exclusives refer to unique features and
technologies incorporated into the speakers, enhancing their
performance and sonic capabilities.



user’s manual | manuel de l’utilisateur

Serial Numbers: Record your serial numbers here for easy reference. You will need this information when filling out your warranty registration. Serials number are located near the bottom of the backplate and on the shipping container. Each individual unit has a unique serial number. Numéros de série : Veuillez noter vos numéros de série ici afin de pouvoir les consulter facilement. Vous aurez besoin de ce numéro lorsque vous remplirez l’inscription à la garantie. Les numéros de série se trouvent dans la partie inférieure de la plaque arrière et sur le contenant d’emballage. Chaque appareil possède un numéro de série unique.
©2017 MartinLogan Ltd. All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés.

Thank you–to you the MartinLogan owner, for loving what we do,
and making it possible for us to do what we love.

Merci à vous, propriétaire d’un produit MartinLogan, d’aimer ce que nous faisons,
et de faire en sorte que nous puissions faire ce que nous aimons.

MartinLogan’s Product Development Team

__ Greg Dunham, Director of Engineering

__ Joe Vojtko, Chief Audio Technologist

__ Devin Zell, Product Manager

__ Joe McCracken, Senior Loudspeaker Engineer

__ Eric Urban, Project Manager

__ Pat Shoup, Mechanical Designer

__ Brian Kirby, Engineering Technician


Congratulations! You have invested in one of the world’s premier loudspeaker systems. MartinLogan electrostatic speakers represent an advanced combination of sonic technologies establishing an unprecedented direction for audiophile design. The result of years of research, these hybrid electrostatic loudspeaker features XStat technology, powerful woofers, and meticulous crossover engineering establishing new standards for efficiency, dynamics and precision in a floorstanding loudspeaker.
The CLS XStat transducer builds upon the legacy of MartinLogan’s electrostatic heritage with the incorporation of advanced vacuum bonding and MicroPerf stat panels. The electrical interface technology, developed by MartinLogan’s NeolithTM engineering team, extends effortless dynamics and purity, resulting in high sonic standards of efficiency and precision. Through rigorous testing the curvilinear electrostatic panel has proven itself to be one of the most durable and reliable transducers available today. Fabricated from a custom tool punched high-grade steel, the patented panel is then coated with a special polymer that is applied via a proprietary electrostatic bonding process. This panel assembly houses a membrane just 0.0005 of an inch thick.
Featuring an advanced crossover topology, each crossover uses precision audiophile-grade polypropylene capacitors, toroidal transformers, and high- purity air-core and iron-core coils. This advanced crossover topology flawlessly preserves microscopic subtleties while effortlessly handling the broadest range of dynamics contained within even the most demanding sonic source.
This User’s Manual explains in detail the operation of your speakers and the philosophy applied to their design. A clear understanding of your speakers will insure that you obtain maximum performance and pleasure from this most exacting transducer. It has been designed and constructed to give you years of trouble-free listening enjoyment.

Félicitations! Vous avez investi dans l’un des meilleurs systèmes de hautparleurs au monde. Les enceintes électrostatiques MartinLogan constituent une combinaison perfectionnée de technologies sonores et établissent une direction sans précédent pour la conception audiophile. Résultats de plusieurs années de recherche, ces haut-parleurs électrostatiques hybrides sont dotés de la technologie XStat, de haut-parleurs de graves puissants, et d’une ingénierie de répartition méticuleuse qui établissent de nouvelles normes en matière d’efficacité, de dynamique et de précision pour les haut-parleurs sur le sol.
Le transducteur CLS XStat s’appuie sur l’héritage électrostatique de MartinLogan grâce à l’inclusion d’un collage sous vide perfectionné et de panneaux stat MicroPerf. La technologie d’interface électrique, développée par l’équipe d’ingénierie NeolithMC de MartinLogan, produit des dynamiques et une pureté sans effort, ce qui donne des normes sonores élevées d’efficience et de précision. Grâce à des essais rigoureux, le panneau électrostatique curvilinéaire a démontré qu’il est l’un des transducteurs parmi les plus durables et fiables sur le marché. Fabriqué à partir d’acier perforé avec outil de haut calibre, le panneau breveté est revêtu d’un polymère spécial qui est appliqué au moyen d’un procédé de collage électrostatique exclusif. Le montage du panneau abrite une membrane d’une épaisseur de seulement 0,0005 pouce.
Comportant une topologie de répartiteur perfectionnée, chaque répartiteur utilise des condensateurs en polypropylène de haute précision, des transformateurs toroïdaux et des bobines à noyau d’air et à noyau de fer d’une grande pureté. Cette topologie de répartiteur avancée préserve de façon irréprochable les subtilités microscopiques tout en gérant sans effort la gamme la plus large de dynamiques contenue dans les sources sonores les plus exigeantes.
Ce manuel de l’utilisateur explique en détail le fonctionnement de vos enceintes et la philosophie appliquée à sa conception. En comprenant clairement vos enceintes, vous obtiendrez un rendement maximal et profiterez pleinement de ce transducteur des plus précis. Cette enceinte a été conçue et construite pour vous donner des années d’écoute sans tracas.


Controls and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Low-Voltage (DC) Power Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Signal Input Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Break-In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Jumper Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Single Wire Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bi-Wire Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Passive Bi-Amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Active Bi-Amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Listening Position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Wall Behind the Listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Wall Behind the Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Side Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Experimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Final Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Extra “Tweak” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Enjoy Yourself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Room Acoustics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Your Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Rules of Thumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dipolar Speakers and Your Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Solid Footing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dispersion Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Controlled Horizontal Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Controlled Vertical Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Three Major Types of Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Home Theater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Electrostatic Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Full Range Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 MartinLogan Exclusives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
XStatTM Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CLSTM (Curvilinear Line Source) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Generation 2 Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MicroPerf Stator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Vacuum Bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ultra-Rigid AirFrame Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Electrostatic Loudspeaker History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Frequently Asked Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Warranty and Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Glossary of Audio Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Raccords et commandes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Raccord de l’alimentation (CC) à faible tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Raccord du signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rodage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Pinces de démarrage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Raccord à un fil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Raccord à deux fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Bi-amplification passive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Bi-amplification active. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Positionnement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Position d’écoute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Le mur derrière l’auditeur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Le mur derrière les enceintes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Les murs latéraux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Expérimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Positionnement final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Mise au point supplémentaire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Profitez du produit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Acoustique de la pièce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 La pièce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Terminologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Règles pratiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Enceintes dipolaires et votre pièce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Base solide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Interactions de la dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Dispersion horizontale contrôlée . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Dispersion horizontale contrôlée . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Trois principaux types de dispersion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Cinéma maison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Avantages électrostatiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Plage complète de fonctionnement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Exclusivités MartinLogan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Transducteur XStatTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 CLSTM (Source linéaire curvilinéaire) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Diaphragme Generation 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Stator MicroPerf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Collage sous vide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Technologie AirFram ultrarigide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Historique des haut-parleurs électrostatiques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Foire aux questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Dépannage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Spécifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Renseignements généraux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Garantie et enregistrement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Numéro de série . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Glossaire des termes audio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48




1 Read these instructions. 2 Keep these instructions. 3 Heed all warnings. 4 Follow all instructions. 5 Do not use this apparatus near water. 6 Clean only with dry cloth. 7 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accor-
dance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 8 Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators,
heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. 9 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. 10 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit the apparatus. 11 Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. 12 Use only with the stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. 13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. 14 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for

operate normally, or has been dropped. 15 The mains plug of the power supply cord shall remain
readily operable. 16 To completely disconnect this equipment from the mains,
disconnect the power supply cord plug from the receptacle. 17 WARNING! To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, this apparatus should not be exposed to rain or moisture and objects filed with liquids, such as vases, should not be placed on this apparatus.
·To reduce risk of electric shock, do no remove cover (or back).
· No user serviceable parts inside. · Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Service Information For service this product should be returned to your authorized distributor. In the US, please visit for contact information. Outside the US, please use the distributor locator at
REMARQUE : cet équipement a été testé et jugé conforme aux limites d’un appareil numérique de Classe B, en vertu de la Section 15 du règlement de la FCC. Ces limites sont conçues pour offrir une protection jugée raisonnable contre l’interférence nuisible dans une installation résidentielle. Cet équipement génère des utilisations et peut émettre une énergie radiofréquence et, s’il n’est pas installé et utilisé conformément aux instructions, peut causer une interférence nuisible aux radiocommunications. Toutefois, il n`existe aucune garantie qu’une interférence ne se produira pas dans une installation particulière. Si cet équipement cause une interférence nuisible à la réception radiophonique ou télévisuelle, qu’on peut déterminer en ouvrant et en fermant l’équipement, l’utilisateur est invité à essayer de corriger l’interférence à l’aide d’une des mesures suivantes : — Réorienter l’antenne de réception ou la changer de place. — Augmenter la distance entre l’équipement et le récepteur. — Raccorder l’équipement à une prise située sur un autre circuit
que celui sur lequel le récepteur est raccordé. — Consulter le revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV compétent
pour obtenir de l’aide.

In accordance with the European Union WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive effective August 13, 2005, we would like to notify you that this product may contain regulated materials which upon disposal, according to the WEEE directive, require special reuse and recycling processing.
For this reason MartinLogan has arranged with our distributors in European Union member nations to collect and recycle this product at no cost to you. To find your local distributor please contact the dealer from whom you purchased this product, email or visit the distributor locator at
Please note, only this product itself falls under the WEEE directive. When disposing of packaging and other related shipping materials we encourage you to recycle these items through the normal channels.

En vertu de la directive WEEE de l’Union européenne (directive sur les déchets électriques et électroniques) entrée en vigueur le 13 août 2005, nous vous avisons que ce produit pourrait contenir des matériaux réglementés dont l’élimination doit faire l’objet de procédures de réutilisation et de recyclage particulières.
À cette fin, Martin Logan a demandé à ses distributeurs dans les pays membres de l’Union européenne de reprendre et de recycler ce produit gratuitement. Pour trouver le distributeur le plus près, communiquez avec le revendeur du produit, envoyez un courriel à ou consultez le site Web
Notez que seul le produit est régi par la directive WEEE. Nous vous encourageons à recycler les matériaux d’emballage et autres matériaux d’expédition selon les procédures normales.

The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.

Le point d’exclamation dans un triangle équilatéral avertit l’utilisateur de la présence de directives importantes en matière de fonctionnement et d’entretien (service) dans les documents qui accompagnent l’appareil.

The lightning bolt flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.

Le symbole de l’éclair avec une pointe en forme de flèche, dans un triangle équilatéral, avertit l’utilisateur de la présence d’une « tension dangereuse » potentielle près du produit qui peut être suffisante pour constituer un risque de décharge électrique.

WARNING! Do not use your loudspeakers outside of the country of original sale–voltage requirements vary by country. Improper voltage can cause damage that will be potentially expensive to repair. The speaker are shipped to authorized MartinLogan distributors with the correct power supply for use in the country of intended sale. A list of authorized distributors can be accessed at www. or by emailing

MISE EN GARDE! N’utilisez pas les enceintes à l’extérieur du pays où elles ont été achetées à l’origine ­ les exigences en matière de tension varient d’un pays à l’autre. Une tension inappropriée peut causer des dommages potentiellement dispendieux à réparer. Les enceintes sont expédiées aux distributeurs MartinLogan autorisés avec l’alimentation électrique appropriée pour une utilisation dans le pays où la vente est prévue. Une liste des distributeurs autorisés est disponible sur le site Web www.martinlogan ou en envoyant un courriel à l’adresse info@martinlogan.

Classic ESL 9 Tested to Comply with FCC Standards FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Classic ESL 9 Testé pour être conforme aux normes du FCC POUR UNE UTILISATION À LA MAISON OU AU BUREAU
Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 des règles du FCC. L’utilisation est assujettie aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférence nuisible, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter l’interférence reçue, notamment l’interférence qui peut causer un mauvais fonctionnement.

Safety Warnings and Installation in Brief (English)
WARNING/CAUTION! · Hazardous voltages exist inside–do not remove cover. · Refer servicing to a qualified technician. · To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this
module to moisture. · Turn amplifier off and unplug speaker should any
abnormal conditions occur. · Turn amplifier off before making or breaking any sig-
nal connections! · Do not operate if there is any visual damage to the
electrostatic panel element. · Do not drive speaker beyond its rated power. · The power cord should not be installed, removed,
or left detached from the speaker while the other end is connected to an AC power source. · No candles or other sources of open flame should be placed on the speaker. · No liquids either in glasses or vases should be placed on speaker. · Speaker should not be exposed to dripping or splashing liquids. · The terminals marked with the lightning bolt symbol should be connected by an instructed person or by way of ready made terminals. · The power cord should remain readily operable should any abnormal conditions occur. · The power cord must be connected to mains socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.
We know you are eager to hear your new MartinLogan loudspeakers, so this section is provided to allow fast and easy set up. Once you have them operational, please take the time to read, in depth, the rest of the information in the enclosed manual. It will give you perspective on how to attain the greatest possible performance from this most exacting transducer.
If you should experience any difficulties in the setup or operation of your MartinLogan speakers, please refer to the Room Acoustics, Placement or Operation sections of the enclosed owner’s manual. Should you encounter a persistent problem that cannot be resolved, please contact your authorized MartinLogan dealer. They will provide you with the appropriate technical analysis to alleviate the situation.
Step 1: Unpacking Remove your new MartinLogan speakers from their packing.
Step 2: Placement Start by placing the speakers about two feet from any wall and angle them slightly toward your listening area. Please see the Placement section of the enclosed manual for more details.
Step 3: Power Connection (AC) (see warning)

Use the best power cords you can. Higher quality power cords, available from your specialty dealer, are recommended and will give you superior performance.
MartinLogan speakers require AC power to energize their electrostatic cells. Using the AC power cords provided, plug them in first to the AC power receptacle on the rear panel of the speaker, making sure that you have made a firm connection, and then to the wall outlet. Please see the Operations section of the enclosed manual for more details.
Step 4: Signal Connection Use the best speaker cable you can. Higher quality cable, available from your specialty dealer, is recommended and will give you superior performance. Spade connectors are suggested for optimum contact and ease of installation.
Attach your speaker cables to the Signal Input section on the rear panel. Be consistent when connecting speaker leads to the terminals on the back of the speaker: take great care to assign the same color to the (+) terminal on both the left and right channels. If bass is nonexistent and you cannot discern a tight, coherent image, you may need to reverse the (+) and (­) leads on one side to bring the system into proper polarity.
If your speaker is equipped for Bi-wiring/Passive Bi-amping, turn to the Operations section of the enclosed manual for proper setup of your MartinLogan speakers.
Step 5: Listen and Enjoy
( / Chinese)
/! · ­ · ·
· · · · ·
· · · ·

“Room Acoustics”, “Placement” “Operation” MartinLogan
: MartinLogan
: “Placement”
: () () MartinLogan “Operations”

Bezpecnostní varování a instalace ve zkratce (Cesky/Czech)
VAROVÁNÍ / POZOR! · Nikdy neodstraujte kryt, nebezpecí úrazu vyso-
kým naptím. · Servis penechejte vzdy jen kvalifikovanému
technikovi. · Nevystavujte reproduktor vlhkosti. Mze dojít k
pozáru, nebo úrazu elektrickým proudem. · Vzdy vypnte zesilovac a odpojte
reproduktor z
elektrické sít, kdyz se vyskytuji abnormální podmínky. · Pi kazdé zmn zapojení
vzdy nejprve vypnte zesilovac. · Nepoustjte reproduktor, pokud je viditeln

poskozen elektrostatický panel. · Nepetzujte reproduktor za jeho stanovený
výkon. · Napájecí kabel by neml být instalován nebo
odpojen od reproduktoru, zatímco jeho druhý konec je pipojen ke zdroji napájení. · Zádné svícky nebo jiný zdroj oteveného ohn by neml být umístn na reproduktoru, ci v jeho blízkosti. · Zádné kapaliny ve sklenicích nebo vázy neumisujte na reproduktor. · Reproduktor by neml být vystaven kapající nebo stíkající kapalin. · Konektory oznacené symbolem blesku mohou být zapojeny pouze kvalifikovanou osobou, nebo musí být pouzita originální kabeláz. · Napájecí kabel by ml být snadno pístupný a umístn v suchém prostedí. · Napájecí kabel mze být zapojen pouze s elektrickou zásuvkou se zemnícím kolíkem.
Víme, ze se nemzete dockat az uslysíte své nové reproduktory Martin Logan, takze tato sekce slouzí k rychlému a snadnému nastavení. Jakmile budete mít sestavu funkcní, udlejte si více casu na ctení ostatních informací v pilozeném návodu. To vám dá dalsí podnty, jak dosáhnout co nejlepsího výkonu z tchto nekompromisních reproduktor.
Pokud máte njaké potíze s provozem vasich reproduktor Martin Logan, dalsí informace naleznete v pilozeném návodu v sekci o akustice místnosti Room Acoustic), umístní reproduktor (Placement) nebo provozu (Operation). Pokud narazíte na problémy, které neumíte vyesit, obrate se na Vaseho autorizovaného prodejce Martin Logan. Poskytne Vám veskeré informace, jak zvládnout situaci.
Krok 1: Rozbalení Vyjmte nové reproduktory Martin Logan z jejich obalu.
Krok 2: Umístní Zacnte tím, ze umístíte reproduktory asi 60cm od zadní stny a natocíte je nepatrn smrem k poslechovému místu. Dalsí informace naleznete v sekci umístní (Placement) v pilozeném návodu.
Krok 3: Pipojení k síti (viz upozornní) Reproduktory Martin Logan vyzadují napájení stídavým proudem, které dodává naptí elektrostatickému panelu. Jako první zapojte kabel na stran reproduktoru, ujistte se, ze je pevn spojen. Potom zapojte reproduktory do zásuvky.
Krok 4: Pipojení signálu Pouzijte nejlepsí reproduktorové kabely, které mzete. Pokud váháte, pozádejte svého autorizovaného dealera Martin Logan o

doporucení spickové kabeláze pro nejlepsí výkon Vasí sestavy. Konektory reproduktoru jsou navrzeny pro optimální kontakt s kabelem a snadnou instalaci.
Nejprve se ujistte, ze je vás zesilovac vypnutý. Pipojte reproduktorový kabel ke svorkám výstupního signálu na zadní stran zesilovace. Bute dslední pi pipojování reproduktorových kabel k terminálm zesilovace, vzdy piate stejnou barvu na píslusný kanál. Pokud nejsou slyset basy a nelze rozeznat pevný a koherentní stereofonní obraz, máte reproduktorový kabel zapojen ve spatné polarit. Napravte to.
Pokud je vás reproduktor vybaven pro pipojení bi-wiring / pasivní Bi-amping, dalsí informace naleznete v sekci provozu (Operation).
Krok 5: Poslouchejte a uzívejte si.
Sikkerhedsanvisninger og gode råd om installationen (Dansk/ Danish)
ADVARSEL! · Undgå at fjerne coveret. · Overlad alle former for service og reparation til en
kvalificeret tekniker. · For at undgå elektriske stød og risiko for ildebrand
bør dette produkt ikke udsættes for fugt. · Afbryd forstærkeren når anlægget ikke er i brug i
længere perioder. · Afbryd altid forstærkeren før du tilslutter eller afbry-
der forbindelsen til dine højttalere! · Undgå at belaste højttaleren med højere effekter
end angivet. · Undgå at anvende højttaleren hvis der er synlige
skader på det elektrostatiske panel. · Lysnetkablet bør ikke tilsluttes, fjernes eller efter-
lades på gulvet, hvis stikket i den anden ende er tilsluttet en lysnetkontakt. · Undgå brugen af åben ild og stearinlys på eller i nærheden af højttalerne. · Undgå konsekvent at stille væskefyldte vaser og glas på højttalerne. · Højttalerne bør under ingen omstændigheder udsættes for fugt eller stænk med væsker. · Terminalerne der er markeret med lyn-symbolet bør kun tilsluttes af en faglært installatør eller ved brug af præfabrikerede kabler monteret med de helt rigtige stik. · Het netsnoer moet aan een geaarde wandstekker worden aangesloten. · Strømkablet skal tilsluttes en stikkontakt med jord.
Vi ved, du er ivrig efter at lytte til dine nye MartinLogan højttalere i brug, så denne anvisning skal hjælpe dig med at sikre en hurtig og effektiv ibrugtagning. Så snart højttalerne er tilsluttet og spiller bør du

tage dig tid til grundig gennemlæsning af den medfølgende brugermanual. Den vil give dig indsigt i, hvordan du får det lydmæssigt bedste udbytte af disse ultra-præcise højttalere.
Hvis du oplever problemer under opstillingen eller brugen af dine MartinLogan højttalere bør du snarest søge til den medfølgende manuals kapitler om Rumakustik, Opstilling og Anvendelse. Skulle der mod forventning opstå vedvarende fejl, du ikke kan løse på stedet, så tøv ikke med at kontakte din autoriserede MartinLogan forhandler. Han har den fornødne tekniske indsigt til at løse problemerne for dig.
Step 1: Udpakning Pak dine nye MartinLogan højttalere ud og gem emballagen.
Step 2: Opstilling Placer højttalerne mindst 60 cm fra den nærmeste væg og ret dem lidt ind mod den foretrukne lytteposition. Du kan søge mere information om opstillingen i manualens kapitel Opstilling.
Step 3: Tilslutning af strøm (AC) (se advarsel) MartinLogan’s elektrostatiske højttalere fordrer strømforsyning fra lysnettet til opladning af de elektrostatiske paneler. Tilslut først netkablet til tilslutningspanelet på højttalernes bagside og sørg for at der er god og sikker forbindelse. Tilslut dernæst den anden ende af netkablet til lysnetkontakten på væggen. Du kan finde flere instruktioner herom i den medfølgende manual.
Step 4: Tilslutning Anvend de bedst mulige højttalerkabler ­ de har stor betydning for lyden. Dedikerede højkvalitets højttalerkabler giver markant bedre lydkvalitet end “lysnetledning”, så det kan ikke betale sig at spare her. Vi anbefaler kabler med kabelsko, der både har det største kontaktareal (minimalt signaltab) og er lette at spænde til, så du får en sikker og stabil kontakt.
Forbind kablerne omhyggeligt til Signal Input tilslutningerne på højttalernes bagpanel og vær opmærksom på, at du faser dem korrekt ­ farvekodning på terminaler og kabler hjælper dig på vej. Hvis basgengivelsen er svag og lydbilledet forekommer meget diffust er højttalerne formentlig tilsluttet ude af fase. Så skal du vende polariteten til den ene af højttalerne ved at bytte om på plus (+) og minus (­).
Hvis dine højttalere er udstyret med tilslutninger for Bi-wiring/Passiv Bi- amping, så spring videre til afsnittet Operations i den medfølgende manual, så du sikrer dig optimalt udbytte af dine MartinLogan højttalere.
Step 5: Lyt og nyd dine højttalere

Veiligheidswaarschuwingen en installatie in het kort (Nederlandse/Dutch)
WAARSCHUWING / LET OP! · Gevaarlijke spanningen zijn binnen aanwezig.
Product niet open maken. · Laat onderhoud en service over aan een gekwalifi-
ceerde technicus. · Om brand of een elektrische schok te voorkomen,
dit apparaat niet blootstellen aan vocht. · Schakel de versterker uit en ontkoppel de luidspre-
kers in geval van abnormale omstandigheden. · Schakel de versterker uit alvorens signaal connecties
te maken of te ontkoppelen. · Niet gebruiken als er visuele schade aan het elektro-
statische paneel is. · Laat de luidspreker niet spelen buiten zijn toelaat-
baar vermogen. · Het netsnoer mag niet aan de luidspreker worden
aangesloten, verwijderd of los van de luidspreker gelaten worden terwijl het andere uiteinde aan een stopcontact is aangesloten. · Geen kaarsen of andere bronnen van open vuur mogen op de luidspreker geplaatsts worden. · Geen vloeistoffen, nog in glazen of vazen, mogen op de luidspreker geplaatst worden. · De luidspreker mag niet worden blootgesteld aan druppels of opspattend water. · De aansluitingen die gemarkeerd zijn met de bliksemschicht moeten worden aangesloten door een gekwalificeerde persoon of door middel van kant en klare terminals. · Het lichtnetsnoer moet altijd gemakkelijk bereikbaar blijven. · Het netsnoer moet aan een geaarde wandstekker worden aangesloten.
We weten dat u staat te popelen om uw nieuwe MartinLogan luidsprekers te beluisteren, dus dit gedeelte wordt verstrekt om een snelle en makkelijke installatie mogelijk te maken. Zodra ze in gebruik zijn, neem dan de tijd om u in de rest van de informatie van de bijgevoegde handleiding te verdiepen. Het zal u meer inzicht geven over hoe u de grootst mogelijke prestaties uit deze meest nauwkeurige luidsprekers kunt krijgen.
Als u problemen bij de installatie of bediening van uw MartinLogan luidsprekers zou ervaren, verwijzen wij u naar de “Room Acoustics”, “Placement”of “Operations” secties van de meegeleverde handleiding. Mocht u een hardnekkig probleem tegenkomen dat niet kan worden opgelost, neem dan contact op met uw MartinLogan dealer. Hij zal u deskundig bijstaan om de situatie op te lossen.
Stap 1: Uitpakken Remove your new MartinLogan speakers from their packing.

Stap 2: Plaatsing Begin met het plaatsen van de luidsprekers ongeveer 60 cm van de muur en oriënteer ze iets in de richting van uw luisterpositie. Zie paragraaf “Placement” van de meegeleverde handleiding voor meer details.
Stap 3: Aansluiting op het lichtnet ­ (Zie waarschuwing) MartinLogan luidsprekers moeten op het lichtnet worden aangesloten om hun elektrostatische panelen van energie te voorzien. Met behulp van de meegeleverde netsnoeren, sluit ze eerst in het stopcontact aan de achterzijde van de luidspreker aan, zorg ervoor dat u een stevige verbinding heeft gemaakt en sluit ze vervolgens aan een wandstekker van het lichtnet. Zie sectie “Operations” van de meegeleverde handleiding voor meer details.
Stap 4: Signaalverbinding Gebruik de beste luidsprekerkabels die u kunt. Hogere kwaliteit kabel, verkrijgbaar bij uw speciaalzaak, is aanbevolen en zal u superieure prestaties geven. Vork connectoren worden aanbevolen voor optimaal contact en installatiegemak.
Bevestig uw luidsprekerkabels aan de “Signal Input” luidsprekeraansluitingen op het achterpaneel. Werk zorgvuldig bij het aansluiten van de luidsprekerkabels aan de achterkant van de luidspreker en verzeker u ervan dezelfde kleur aan de (+) aansluiting, op zowel het linker als het rechter kanaal, toe te wijzen. Indien de laagweergave zwak klinkt en u kunt geen strak, coherent stereobeeld krijgen, dan kan het nodig zijn om de (+) en (-) kabels van één van de luidsprekers om te wisselen om het systeem in de juiste fase te brengen.
Als uw luidspreker is uitgerust voor Bi-wiring/Passieve Bi-amping, verwijzen wij u naar de “Operations” sectie van de meegeleverde handleiding voor de juiste instelling van uw MartinLogan luidsprekers.
Stap 5: Luister en Geniet.
Turvallisuus- ja asennusohjeet lyhyesti (Suomi/Finnish)
Varoitus! · Sähköiskun vaara — älä avaa laitetta. · Anna huolto ammattilaisen tehtäväksi. · Tulipalon tai sähköiskun välttämiseksi älä altista lai-
tetta kosteudelle. · Kytke vahvistimesta ja kaiuttimista virta pois, jos lait-
teeseen tulee jokin vika. · Kytke vahvistin pois päältä ennen kuin liität laitteisiin
johtoja! · Älä käytä laitetta, jos paneelissa on jokin näkyvä
vika. · Älä ylitä kaiuttimien suositusvoimakkuutta. · Virtajohtoa ei pidä asentaa tai irrottaa silloin kun kai-
utinjohto on kytketty virtaan. · Älä aseta kynttilää tai avointa tulta kaiuttimen päälle. · Älä aseta nestettä sisältävää vaasia kaiuttimen päälle.

· Kaiutinta ei pidä altistaa roiskuville nesteille. · Ne liitännät, joissa on salamamerkki, on tarkoitettu
vain asiantuntijan kytkettäviksi. · Virtajohto on kytkettävä suojamaadoitettuun pisto-
Tiedämme, että olet innokas kuuntelemaan heti uusia MartinLogan kaiuttimia, mutta lue tämä kappale ennen asentamista. Sitten kun olet saanut kaiuttimet toimimaan, ole hyvä ja lue ajan kanssa käyttöohjeet syvällisemmin. Näin saat tietoa siitä, miten saat kaiuttimista parhaan mahdollisen suorituskyvyn.
Jos sinulla on vaikeuksia saada MartinLogan-kaiuttimet toimimaan huoneessa, ole hyvä ja katso “Room Acoustics”, “Placement or Operation” kappaleet käyttäjän käsikirjassa. Jos törmäät ongelmaan, jota et pysty ratkaisemaan, ota yhteyttä valtuutettuun MartinLoganmyyjään, niin hän tekee teknisen analyysin tilanteesta.
Vaihe 1: Pakkauksen avaus Poista uudet MartinLogan-kaiuttimet pakkauksistaan.
Vaihe 2: Sijoitus Aseta kaiuttimet vähintään reilun puolen metrin päähän seinistä ja käännä ne hieman kohti kuuntelualuetta. Ole hyvä ja katso “Placement” kappale käyttöohjeessa
Vaihe 3: Virtakytkentä (katso varoitus) MartinLogan-kaiuttimet tarvitsevat virtaa aktivoidakseen elektrostaattisen paneelin. Virtajohto pitää kytkeä ensin kaiuttimen takapaneelissa olevaan liittimeen ja vasta sen jälkeen pistorasiaan. Ole hyvä ja katso “Operations” kappale käyttöohjeessa.
Vaihe 4: Signaalikaapeleiden kytkentä Käytä vain parhaita kaiutinkaapeleita. Korkealaatuinen kaapeli, jota myydään erikoisliikkeessä, on suoriteltava sen takia, koska silloin saat kaiuttimistasi parhaimman suorituskyvyn. Haarukkaliittimet takaavat optimaalisen kontaktin ja helpottavat asentamista.
Kytke kaiutinkaapelit takapaneelin “Signal Input” osaan. Ole johdonmukainen kytkiessäsi kaiutinkaapelin päät kaiuttimen liitinpaneeliin: erittäin tärkeää on kytkeä sama väri (+) liittimeen vasemmassa ja oikeassa kanavassa. Jos basso ei kuulu kunnolla tai stereokuva on häilyvä, sinun tarvitsee kääntää (+) ja (­) johdot toisessa kanavassa saadaksesi oikean vaiheen.
Jos kaiuttimesi on varustettu kaksoisjohdotuksella, katso “Operations” kappale käyttöohjeessa varmistaaksesi oikean asennuksen MartinLogan-kaiuttimille.
Vaihe 5: Kuuntele ja nauti

Avertissement sur la Sécurité et Installation en Bref (Français/ French)
MISE EN GARDE! · Tensions dangereuses à l’intérieur ­ ne pas retirer le
couvercle. · Pour les réparations, faire appel à un technicien
compétent. · Pour éviter les risques d’incendie ou de décharge
électrique, ne pas exposer ce module aux vapeurs d’eau ni à l’humidité. · Éteindre l’amplificateur et débrancher les enceintes en cas de conditions anormales. · Éteindre l’amplificateur avant de faire ou de briser tout raccord de signal! · Ne pas utiliser l’appareil si des dommages sont visibles sur l’élément de panneau électrostatique. · Ne pas pousser l’enceinte au-delà de sa puissance nominale. · Le cordon d’alimentation ne doit pas être installé, enlevé ou laissé débranché de l’enceinte lorsque l’autre extrémité est branchée à une source d’alimentation CA. · Ne pas placer de chandelles ou d’autres flammes ouvertes sur l’enceinte. · Ne placer aucun liquide (dans un verre ou un vase) sur l’enceinte. · L’enceinte ne doit pas être exposée à un écoulement ou à une éclaboussure de liquide. · Les bornes qui comportent un symbole d’éclair doivent être raccordées par une personne compétente ou par l’entremise de bornes préfabriquées.. · Le cordon d’alimentation doit rester accessible si des conditions anormales surviennent. · Le câble électrique doit être raccordé à une prise secteur dotée d’une prise de terre.
Nous savons que vous êtes impatient d’entendre vos enceintes MartinLogan; par conséquent, cette section est destinée à vous permettre de les installer de façon rapide et facile. Une fois les enceintes prêtes à fonctionner, veuillez prendre le temps de lire attentivement le reste des renseignements de ce manuel. Vous saurez ainsi comment obtenir le meilleur rendement possible de ce transducteur très précis. Si vous éprouvez des problèmes avec la configuration ou le fonctionnement de vos enceintes MartinLogan, veuillez consulter les sections Acoustique de la pièce, Positionnement ou Opération de ce manuel. Si vous éprouvez un problème récurrent que vous ne pouvez pas régler, veuillez communiquer avec votre revendeur MartinLogan autorisé. Il effectuera l’analyse technique appropriée pour régler le problème.
Étape 1 : déballage Retirez vos nouvelles enceintes de leur emballage.

Étape 2 : positionnement Placez chaque enceinte MartinLogan à au moins deux pieds du mur arrière et orientez-les légèrement vers votre zone d’écoute. C’est un bon endroit pour commencer. Consultez la section Positionnement de ce manuel pour obtenir plus de détails.
Étape 3 : alimentation (CA) (voir la mise en garde) À l’aide des cordons d’alimentation CA fournis, branchez-les d’abord dans la prise d’alimentation CA située sur le panneau arrière de l’enceinte, en vous assurant que le raccord est bien fait, puis branchez-les à la prise murale. Consultez la section Raccord de l’alimentation CA de ce manuel pour obtenir de plus amples détails.
Étape 4 : raccord du signal Utilisez les meilleurs câbles d’enceinte possible. Des câbles de haute qualité, disponibles auprès de votre revendeur spécialisé, sont recommandés et offriront un rendement supérieur. Des cosses rectangulaires sont recommandées pour obtenir un contact optimal et faciliter l’installation.
Branchez les câbles d’enceinte dans la section du signal d’entrée située sur le panneau arrière. Faites preuve de cohérence en branchant les câbles de l’enceinte aux bornes situées derrière l’enceinte MartinLogan. Assurez-vous d’attribuer la même couleur à la borne (+) des canaux de gauche et de droite. Si aucune grave n’est présente et que vous ne pouvez pas discerner une image serrée et cohérente, vous pourriez devoir inverser les câbles (+) et (-) d’un côté pour que le système ait la bonne polarité.
Pour obtenir les instructions détaillées sur la configuration, consultez la section Commandes et Raccords de ce manuel.
Étape 5 : écoutez et profitez-en Vous pouvez maintenant allumer le système et en profiter!
Sicherheitshinweise und Installationsanweisungen (Deutsch/ German)
ACHTUNG! · Hochspannung existiert in Ihren Lautsprecher–
Entfernen Sie nicht die Abdeckung. · Reparaturen sind nur durch qualifiziertes Personal
durchzuführen. · Um Überschläge oder Brand zu vermeiden, setzen
Sie das Modul keiner Flüssigkeit aus. · Schalten Sie den Verstärker aus, sollten sich unge-
wöhnlichen Bedingungen ergeben. · Schalten Sie den Verstärker aus, bevor Sie
Anschlüsse machen! · Nehmen Sie den Lautsprecher nicht in Betrieb,
sollten irgendwelche sichtbaren Schäden am Elektrostatenpanel sein. · Betreiben Sie den Lautsprecher nicht über

der angegebnen Leistung. · Das Netzkabel sollte nicht entfernt werden oder am
Lautsprecher verbunden sein, wenn sich das andere Ende nicht in der Netzdose befindet. · Keine Kerzen oder andere Flammen sollten auf den Lautsprecher gestellt werden. · Keine Flüssigkeiten in Gläsern oder Vasen sollten auf dem Lautsprecher gestellt werden. · Die Lautsprecher sollten keinem Dampf oder Spritzern von Flüssigkeiten ausgesetzt werden. · Die Anschlüsse gekennzeichnet mit einem leuchtenden Symbol sollten nur von eingewiesenem Personal vorgenommen werden. · Das Netzkabel muss immer zugänglich sein, um es bei abnormalen Bedingungen augenblicklich entfernen zu können. · Der Netzstecker des Stromkabels muss an eine Steckdose mit Schutzleiterverbindung angeschlossen werden.
Wir sind sicher, dass Sie gespannt sind auf Ihre neuen Martin Logan Lautsprecher, so dass dieses Kapitel eine schnelles Setup ermöglicht. Arbeitet Ihr Lautsprecher einmal, nehmen Sie sich bitte Zeit, das Manual in Ruhe und Sorgfalt durchzulesen. Es gibt genaue Anweisungen, wie Sie aus Ihren Martin Logan Lautsprechern die bestmögliche Performance herausholen.
Sollten sie irgendwelche Schwierigkeiten mit Ihren Martin Logan Lautsprechern während des Setups oder Betriebs erfahren, dann gehen Sie zum Kapitel Raumakustik, Aufstellung oder Betrieb im Manual.
Sollten Sie ein ernsthafteres Problem haben, dass nicht zu lösen ist, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Martin Logan Händler. Dieser wird Ihnen weiterhelfen und das Problem genauer analysieren.
Schritt 1: Auspacken Nehmen Sie Ihren neuen Martin Logan Lautsprecher aus der Verpackung.
Schritt 2: Aufstellen Stellen Sie Ihre Lautsprecher mindestens 50cm von der Rückwand entfernt auf und winkeln diese leicht zu Ihrem Hörplatz ein. Bitte entnehmen Sie nähere Angaben zur Aufstellung aus dem Manual.
Schritt 3: Netzanschluss (AC) (siehe Warnung) Martin Logan Lautsprecher benötigen eine AC Netzspannung für die elektrostatischen Panele. Verwenden Sie das mitgelieferte Netzkabel, stecken dieses zuerst in die Netzbuchse an der Rückseite der Lautsprecher und dann in eine Netzdose. Siehe Bedienungsanleitung für weitere Details.
Schritt 4: Signal Verbindung Verwenden Sie möglichst das beste Lautsprecherkabel. Hochwertige

Kabel, die Sie von Ihrem Händler beziehen können werden empfohlen, da diese den Klang deutlich verbessern. Für bestmöglichen Kontakt und einfachen Anschluss empfehlen wir Kabelschuhe.
Schließen Sie Ihr Lautsprecherkabel an die Terminals auf der Rückseite der Lautsprecher an. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie die Lautsprecherkabelenden an das Terminal anschließen: Achten Sie auf die richtige Bezeichnung (+) von dem Terminal an dem Lautsprecher und Verstärker. Existiert beispielsweise kein Bass und Sie können keine richtige Raumabbildung ausmachen, dann sind die Pole (+) und (­) auf einer Seite vertauscht und Sie müssen das System wieder in die richtige Polarität bringen.
Schritt 5: Hören und Spaß haben
! · , –
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Service . ·
, . · , . · ! · , . · . · , . · . · . · . · , . · . · .

Martin Logan. O , . , . .
Martin Logan, « », «» «» .
, Martin Logan. .
1: .
2: . . «» .
3: () (. ) Martin Logan (AC) . . , (). «» .
4: . . , .
. : (+) (+) , . ,

(+) (­) .
/ , «» .
B 5: !
Biztonsági figyelmeztetések és rövid telepítési útmutató (magyarul /Hungarian)
FIGYELMEZTETÉS/FIGYELEM! · Veszélyesen magas feszültség található a készülék
belsejében–ne bontsa meg! · Bízza az esetleg meghibásodott készülék javítását
a szakemberekre! · A tzveszély és az áramütés veszélyének elkerülé-
se érdekében ne tegye ki a készüléket nedvesség hatásának! · Kapcsolja ki az ersítt és húzza ki a hangsugárzókat, ha bármilyen szokatlan körülményt észlel! · Mindig kapcsolja ki az ersítt, mieltt bármit csatlakoztat hozzá, vagy választ le róla! · Ne üzemeltesse a készüléket, ha bármilyen fizikai sérülést lát az elektrosztatikus panelen! · Ne hajtsa a hangsugárzókat a megengedett teljesítményhatárokon túl! · Ne válassza le a hálózati tápkábelt a hangsugárzóról és ne is csatlakoztassa hozzá, ha be van dugva a villásdugó az elektromos aljzatba! · Ne tegyen gyertyát, vagy nyílt lángot használó eszközt a hangsugárzóra! · Ne helyezzen folyadékot tartalmazó vázát, vagy edényt a hangsugárzóra! · Ne tegye ki a hangsugárzót csepeg, vagy fröccsen folyadék hatásának! · A villámjellel jelzett csatlakozókat szakember csatlakoztassa, vagy ahhoz csak elre elkészített csatlakozó dugót csatlakoztasson! · Mindig könnyen elérhet helyen legyen a hálózati csatlakozó aljat, hogy veszély esetén gyorsan áramtalanítani · Csak védföldeléssel ellátott elektromos aljzathoz csatlakoztassa a hálózati kábel villásdugóját!
Tudjuk, hogy mihamarabb szeretné üzembe helyezni és hallgatni az új MartinLogan hangsugárzóit, ehhez szeretnék most rövid útmutatót adni. Miután már megszólaltak, szánjon rá idt és olvassa át figyelmesen a kezelési utasítását! Abban mindent megtalál ahhoz, hogy hogyan tudja a legtöbbet kihozni ebbl a lehet legéletszerbben megszólaló hangképz szerkezetbl.

Amennyiben nehézségei támadnának a hangsugárzó telepítése, vagy használata során, akkor lapozza fel a részletes kezelési utasítás Teremakusztika, A hangsugárzók elhelyezése, vagy A hangsugárzók kezelése pontjait!
Amennyiben tartósan fennálló problémát tapasztalna, forduljon bizalommal a hangsugárzót eladó MartinLogan értékesít partnerünkhöz. Tlük minden bizonnyal megkaphatja a probléma megoldásához szükséges tanácsokat és segítséget.
Az 1. lépés: Kicsomagolás Vegye ki az új MartinLogan hangsugárzókat óvatosan a dobozukból!
2. lépés: Elhelyezés A hangsugárzókat legalább 60 cm-re helyezze el a falfelületektl és kissé fordítsa szögbe azokat, hogy a hallgató szék fele nézzenek. A használati útmutatóban többet megtudhat az ideális elhelyezésrl.
3. lépés: Csatlakoztatása az elektromos hálózatra (lásd a figyelmeztetések) A MartinLogan hangsugárzók elektrosztatikus celláinak feltöltéséhez váltóáramra van szükség. A tartozék hálózati tápkábelt csatlakoztassa elbb a hangsugárzó IEC tápcsatlakozó aljzataihoz, majd ezután dugja a villásdugót a 230 V váltóáramot adó elektromos aljzathoz! Ügyeljen arra, hogy minden csatlakozó szorosan illeszkedjék! További részleteket a használati utasításban talál.
4. lépés: A hangszórókábel csatlakoztatása A lehet legjobb minség hangszórókábelt használja! Kérjen tanácsot a szakkereskedtl: minél jobb kábelt használ, annál jobb hangzással fogja megörvendeztetni a hangsugárzó. A lehet legjobb és legegyszerbb csatlakozás biztosítása érdekében villás csatlakozó használatát javasoljuk.
A hangszórókábelt a hangsugárzó hátlapján lév Signal Input (jelbemenet) aljzatokhoz csatlakoztassa! Ügyeljen a polaritás- és színhelyes csatlakoztatásra: A bal és jobb csatorna (+) pólusához ugyanazzal a színkóddal jelölt kábeleret/villát/banándugót csatlakoztassa! Vélheten felcserélte a polaritást, ha soványak a mélyhangok, nem fókuszált a hangzáskép. Ilyenkor próbálja meg felcserélni a kábel (+) és (­) pólusait.
Amennyiben ketts kábelezésre, vagy passzív ketts ersítésre (Bi-wiring/Passive Bi-amping) alkalmas a hangsugárzója, akkor lapozza fel a tartozék használati utasítás A hangsugárzó kezelése fejezetét! Ott találja meg a MartinLogan hangsugárzók ilyen módon való bekötéséhez szükséges tudnivalókat.
5. lépés: Dljön hátra és élvezze a hangzást!

Avviso sulla sicurezza ed installazione in breve (Italiano/Italian)
AVVISO! · Non aprire i diffusori. All’interno sono presenti ten-
sioni pericolose. · In caso di necessità rivolgiti solo a personale qualifi-
cato. · Per prevenire pericoli d’incendio o di scossa elettri-
ca, non esporre il diffusore all’umidità. · Spegni l’amplificatore e disconnetti i diffusori dalla
presa di corrente in caso di funzionamento anomalo. · Spegni l’amplificatore prima di intervenire sulle con-
nessioni audio · Non far funzionare i diffusori se il pannello elettro-
statico appare danneggiato. · Non portare i diffusori oltre i limiti di potenza
dichiarata. · Il cordone di alimentazione non deve essere inseri-
to, rimosso o lasciato staccato dal diffusore mentre l’altra estremità è connessa ad una presa di corrente. · Non porre sui diffusori candele od altre sorgenti di fiamme libere. · Non porre sui diffusori recipienti contenenti liquidi. · Non lasciare i diffusori in luoghi sottoposti all’azione di liquidi. · I terminali contrassegnati dal simbolo del fulmine devono essere connessi da persona esperta o mediante appositi connettori. · Il cordone di alimentazione deve essere facilmente accessibile ed utilizzabile in caso possano verificarsi condizioni anomale. · Il cavo di alimentazione deve essere connesso ad una presa a muro dotata di messa a terra.
Ben conosciamo il tuo desiderio di ascoltare quanto prima i nuovi diffusori Martin Logan, quindi abbiamo qui riportato le istruzioni per un’installazione rapida ed agevole. Una volta messi in funzione i diffusori, leggi con molta attenzione tutte le altre informazioni esposte nel manuale fornito, in modo da avere una chiara prospettiva su come ottenere la massima qualità da prodotti così impegnativi.
In caso di difficoltà nelle fasi di messa a punto o nel funzionamento, vedi le sezioni Acustica dell’ambiente, Disposizione e Funzionamento del manuale d’istruzioni fornito.
Per altri problemi di difficile soluzione, rivolgiti al rivenditore autorizzato Martin Logan, che ti fornirà tutta l’assistenza tecnica necessaria per risolvere la situazione.
1 ­ Apertura dell’imballo Togli i diffusori dall’imballo.
2 ­ Disposizione Poni i diffusori ad una distanza di almeno cm 60 da qualsiasi pare-

te, rivolgendoli leggermente verso il punto d’ascolto. Vedi la sezione Disposizione del manuale fornito per maggiori dettagli.
3 ­ Connessioni AC (vedi l’avviso qui sopra) I diffusori elettrostatici Martin Logan richiedono una certa energia per il loro funzionamento. Connetti il cordone di alimentazione fornito al connettore posto sul pannello posteriore dei diffusori. Controlla la stabilità della connessione appena eseguita, poi inserisci la spina all’altra estremità del cordone in una presa di corrente. Infine, per maggiori dettagli, vedi la sezione Funzionamento sul manuale d’istruzioni allegato.
4 ­ Connessioni audio Usa cavi di alta qualità, disponibili presso il rivenditore e capaci di restituire un comportamento sonoro superiore. Si consiglia l’impiego di connettori a forcella per l’ottimo contatto e la facilità d’installazione.
Collega i cavi agli ingressi sul pannello posteriore dei diffusori. Fai molta attenzione ed assegna lo stesso colore dei cavi ai terminali positivi (+) sia sul diffusore del canale destro, sia su quello del canale sinistro. Se l’immagine sonora apparisse incerta e priva di coerenza e le frequenze basse si rivelassero insufficienti, prova ad invertire le connessioni (+) e (­), per riportare il sistema alla corretta polarità.
Se per i diffusori è prevista la configurazione in bicollegamento/biamplificazione passiva, vedi la sezione Funzionamento sul manuale allegato per le istruzioni relative all’ottimizzazione.
5 ­ Siediti e…Buoni ascolti.
( / Korean)
· . · . · ,
. · ,
. · Signal
. · panel
. · . · AC
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. · . · . · Lighting bolt symbol
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Martin Logan Section 1 , . .
Martin Logan Room Acoustics, Placement, Operation Section . Martin Logan .
Step 1: Martin Logan .
Step 2: 30cm . placement section .
Step 3: (AC) <> Martin Logan AC AC . AC . Operation section .
Step 4: . spade connector .
Signal Input Section . : (+) .
tight, coherent image (+) (-) . , Bi-wiring/ Pass Bi-amping MartinLogan Operation Section .
Step 5: Martin Logan .
Instrukcje dotyczce bezpieczestwa i instalacji. (Polski/Polish)
UWAGA! · Niebezpieczne napicie wewntrz ­ nie zdejmuj
obudowy. · Pozostaw serwis wykwalifikowanemu personelowi. · Aby unikn poaru lub poraenia prdem, nie
naraaj urzdzenia na dzialanie wilgoci. · Wylcz wzmacniacz i odlcz kolumny jeli zauwa-
ysz wszelkie niepokojce zachowania urzdze. · Wylcz wzmacniacz przed dokonaniem wszel-
kich podlcze lub odlcze kabli. · Nie próbuj wlcza kolumn jeli widoczne s

uszkodzenia mechaniczne paneli elektrostatycznych. · Nie dostarczaj wikszej mocy do kolumn od najwyszej zalecanej w specyfikacji. · Przewód zasilania nie powinien pozostawa odlczony od kolumny jeli wtyczka jest w gniedzie zasilania. · wiece lub inne ródla wolnego ognia powinny pozosta w bezpiecznej odlegloci od kolumn. · Nie naley umieszcza plynów w wazonach lub szklankach na kolumnach. · Kolumny nie powinny by naraone na dzialanie plynów. · Gniazda oznaczone symbolem blyskawicy powinny by podlczane przez przeszkolon osob lub w sposób nie stwarzajcy zagroenia. · Kabel zasilania powinien by latwo dostpny w celu odlczenia go w przypadku zagroenia. · Przewód zasilajcy musi by podlczony do gniazdka elektrycznego z uziemieniem (z bolcem ochronnym).
Wiemy, e niecierpliwie chcesz uslysze swoje kolumny MartinLogan w akcji, ta sekcja pozwoli na ich szybkie podlczenie i skonfigurowanie. Po pierwszej konfiguracji, powi chwil na zapoznanie si doglbnie z pozostalymi informacjami zawartymi w instrukcji. Pozwoli to na uzyskanie najlepszej moliwej wydajnoci tych ekscytujcych przetworników.
Jeli napotkasz problemy podczas instalacji lub obslugi kolumn MartinLogan, sprawd sekcje Akustyka Pomieszczenia, Rozmieszczenie, oraz Obsluga w zalczonej instrukcji. Jeeli napotkany problem nie moe by rozwizany z pomoc instrukcji, skontaktuj si z autoryzowanym dealerem MartinLogan. Dostarczy on wlaciwych technicznych uwag dotyczcych zaistnialej sytuacji.
Krok 1: Rozpakowanie Wyjmij kolumny MartinLogan z opakowania.
Krok 2: Rozmieszczenie Rozpocznij od ustawienia kolumn w odlegloci okolo 0.5m od cian, oraz skieruj je wlekko w stron pozycji odsluchowej. Sprawd sekcj Rozmieszczenie w zalczonej instrukcji w celu uzyskania szczególów.
Krok 3: Podlczenie Zasilania (AC) Kolumny MartinLogan wymagaj podlczenia zasilania AC do obslugi paneli elektrostatycznych. Uzywajc dolczonych do zestawu kabli, podlcz gniazda kolumn umieszczone na tylnim panelu, upewniajc si, e polczenie jest pewne do ródla zasilania. Sprawd sekcj Obsluga w dolczonej instrukcji, aby uzyska wicej informacji.

Krok 4: Podlczenie ródla sygnalu Uyj najlepszych dostpnych kabli glonikowych. Im wysza klasa jakoci kabla tym lepsza jako sygnalu. Zalecamy uycie zlczy widelkowych w celu latwej i pewnej instalacji.
Dolcz kolumny do wejcia sygnalowego umieszczonego na tylnym panelu. Upewnij si, e podlczasz kable zgodnie z zaznaczon na tylnym panelu polaryzacj: kolor czerwony (+) powinien zosta podlczony do odpowiedniego gniazda ródla zarówno lewego jak i prawego kanalu. Jeeli bas jest plaski i niekoherentny, moliwe, e kable zostaly podlczone niepoprawnie, popraw podlczenie upewniajc si, e polaryzacja jest prawidlowa.
Jeli kolumna jest wyposaona w Bi-wiring/Passive Bi-amping sprawd sekcj Obsluga w zalczonej instrukcji, aby uzyska wicej informacji o poprawnej instalacji kolumn MartinLogan.
Krok 5: Ciesz si odsluchem
Instruções de Segurança e Breve Manual de Instalação (Português/Portuguese)
ATENÇÃO! · Voltagens perigosas no interior – não retire a tampa. · Para assistência dirija-se a um técnico especializado. · Para evitar incêndios ou choques eléctricos, não
exponha este módulo a humidades. · Em caso de situações anormais desligue o amplifica-
dor e retire as fichas das colunas. · Desligue o amplificador antes de efectuar ou inter-
romper qualquer ligação de sinal! · Não as ligue se verificar que existe algum dano no
painel electrostático. · Não ultrapasse a potência nominal dos altifalantes
das colunas. · O cabo de corrente não deve ser colocado, retirado
ou ficar solto da coluna enquanto a outra extremidade estiver ligada a uma fonte de corrente AC. · As velas ou outras formas de chama aberta não devem ser colocadas sobre as colunas. · Não colocar qualquer líquido, mesmo em copos ou taças, sobre as colunas. · A coluna não deve estar exposta a gotas ou salpicos de líquidos. · Os terminais marcados com o símbolo do relâmpago devem ser ligados por uma pessoa experiente ou pela utilização de terminais já prontos. · O cabo de potência deve remanescer prontamente acessível e operável se todas as circunstâncias anormais ocorrerem. · O cabo de corrente tem que ser ligado à tomada da corrente com uma ligação à terra.

Sabemos que está ansioso por ouvir o som das suas novas colunas MartinLogan pelo que criámos esta secção para permitir uma instalação mais rápida e fácil. Uma vez que tenha as colunas a funcionar, por favor disponibilize algum tempo para ler com atenção a restante informação incluída no manual. Dar-lhe-á uma perspectiva correcta sobre como obter o melhor desempenho possível deste transdutor excepcionalmente preciso.
No caso de se deparar com alguma dificuldade na instalação e funcionamento das suas colunas MartinLogan, por favor consulte as secções Room Acoustics (Ambiente Acústico), Placement (Posicionamento) ou Operation (Funcionamento) deste manual.
Se encontrar um problema persistente que não consiga resolver, por favor contacte um agente autorizado. Este garantirá a análise técnica adequada para resolver a situação.
Etapa 1: Desembalar Retire as suas novas colunas MartinLogan da respectiva caixa.
Etapa 2: Posicionamento Coloque as colunas a pelo menos 61 cm de distância das paredes e vire-as ligeiramente na direcção do seu ponto de audição. Este é um bom ponto de partida. Por favor consulte a secção Placement (Posicionamento) deste manual para obter mais pormenores.
Etapa 3: Ligação à Corrente (AC) (ver o aviso) As colunas MartinLogan necessitam de corrente AC para estimular as células electrostáticas. Ligue os cabos de corrente AC fornecidos, primeiro à ficha de corrente AC no painel traseiro da coluna, certificando-se que faz a ligação com firmeza, e de seguida ligue-os à tomada da parede. Por favor consulte a secção Operations (Funcionamento) deste manual para mais detalhes.
Etapa 4: Ligação do Sinal Utilize os melhores cabos possíveis na ligação das colunas. Recomendamos a utilização de cabos da melhor qualidade, disponíveis no seu agente ou em lojas especializadas, que proporcionarão uma performance superior. Os terminais de forquilha são os mais indicados pois proporcionam o contacto ideal e facilitam as ligações.
Ligue os seus cabos para colunas na secção Signal Input (Entrada de Sinal) existente no painel traseiro. Tenha atenção ao ligar os cabos aos terminais das colunas existentes na parte de trás da coluna: tenha muito cuidado para ligar a mesma cor ao terminal (+) existente nos canais esquerdo e direito. Se não existirem graves e não conseguir obter uma imagem estereofónica que soe clara e coerente, poderá ser necessário inverter os cabos (+) e (­) de um dos lados para colocar o sistema na polaridade correcta.
Se as suas colunas estiverem equipadas para bi-cablagem/bi-amplificação consulte a secção Operations (Funcionamento) deste manual para uma ligação correcta das suas colunas MartinLogan.
Etapa 5: Ouvir e Desfrutar.

Avertismente de siguran i montaj (Rumanien/Romanian)
AVERTIZARE / ATENIE! · Curent la tensiuni periculoase în interior – nu scoatei
capacul! · Pentru service, apelai la un tehnician calificat. · Pentru a preveni incendiile sau pericolul de electrocuta-
re, nu expunei acest modul la umiditate. · În cazul apariiei oricror manifestri anormale, stingei
amplificatorul i scoatei boxa din priz. · Oprii amplificatorul înainte de orice conectare la sau
deconectare de la semnal! · Nu utilizai dac observai orice defecte vizibile ale pano-
ului electrostatic. · Nu forai boxa dincolo de puterea sa nominal. · Cablul de alimentare nu trebuie instalat, deconectat de
la sau lsat desprins de box când cellalt capt este conectat la sursa de curent alternativ. · Nu punei lumânri sau alte surse de flacr deschis pe box. · Nu lsai pe box lichide în pahare sau vaze. · Boxa nu trebuie s fie expusa la scurgeri de sau stropiri cu lichide. · Bornele marcate cu simbolul fulger trebuie s fie conectate fie de ctre o persoan calificat, fie prin intermediul unor borne prefabricate. · Cablul de alimentare trebuie s rmân pregtit de funcionare în cazul în care apar orice manifestri anormale.
tim c suntei nerbdtori s ascultai prin noile boxe Martin Logan, aceast seciune fiindu-v oferit pentru a permite o montare rapid i uoar. Odat puse în funciune, v rugm s v facei timp pentru a citi, în detaliu, restul informaiilor din manualul anexat. Acestea v vor arta cum s obinei cele mai bune performane posibile de la acest traductor de înalt fidelitate.
Dac întâmpinai orice dificulti la montarea sau funcionarea boxelor Martin Logan, v rugm s consultai seciunile Acustica încperii, Poziionarea sau Operarea din manualul de utilizare anexat. În cazul în care v confruntai cu o problem persistent care nu poate fi rezolvat, v rugm s contactai distribuitorul autorizat Martin Logan. El v va pune la dispoziie o analiz tehnic adecvat pentru a remedia situaia.
Pasul 1: Despachetarea Scoatei noile boxe Martin Logan din ambalaj.
Pasul 2: Plasarea Începei prin plasarea boxelor la o distan de aproximativ 60 cm de orice perete, orientându-le spre zona dumneavoastr de ascultare. Pentru mai multe detalii, v rugm s consultai seciunea despre Poziionare din manualul ataat.
Pasul 3: Conectarea la reeaua de alimentare (AC) (a se vedea avertizarea)

Boxele Martin Logan au nevoie de curent alternativ pentru activarea celulelor electrostatice. Folosii cablurile de alimentare AC prevzute, conectându-le mai întâi la intrarea de curent alternativ de pe panoul din spatele boxei, asigurând o conexiune ferm, i apoi la priza de perete. Pentru mai multe detalii, v rugm s consultai seciunea Operaiuni din manualul ataat.
Pasul 4: Conectarea la semnal Utilizai, pe cât posibil, cele mai bune cabluri pentru boxe. V recomandm cablurile de înalt calitate, disponibile la dealer-ul de specialitate, care v vor oferi performane superioare. Fiele plate sunt recomandate pentru un contact optim i uurina instalrii.
Ataai cablurile boxelor la seciunea de Intrare semnal de pe panoul din spate. Fii consecvent la conectarea cablurilor boxei la bornele de pe spatele acesteia: avei mare grij la atribuirea aceleiai culori bornei (+) atât la canalul din stânga cât i la cel din dreapta. Dac bass-ul este inexistent i nu putei discerne o imagine clar, ar putea fi necesar s inversai bornele (+) i (-) pe una dintre pri, pentru a aduce sistemul la polaritatea corespunztoare.
Dac boxa dumneavoastr este echipat pentru bi-cablare/bi-amplificare pasiv, consultai seciunea Operaiuni din manual pentru configurarea corect a boxelor Martin Logan.
Pasul 5: Ascultai i delectai-v
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– MartinLogan, , « », «» «» . – , , , ­ MartinLogan. , .
1: . MartinLogan .
2: . 60 . . , , «» .
3: (. ). MartinLogan . , , , ­ . , , «» .

4: . , . , -, , ­ . .
«Signal Input» [ ] . : (+) . , , , , (+) (­) , .
MartinLogan Bi-wiring/Passive Bi-amping, «» , .
5: .
Advertencias de seguridad e instalación en breve (Español/Spanish)
¡ADVERTENCIA! · Voltaje peligroso en el interior – no retire la cubierta. · Para las reparaciones, diríjase a un técnico cualificado. · Para evitar incendios o descargas eléctricas, no
exponga este módulo a la humedad. · Si ocurriera algo fuera de lo normal, apague la etapa
de potencia. · Apague la etapa de potencia antes de establecer o
deshacer las conexiones de señal. · No las ponga en funcionamiento si puede ver algún
daño en el panel electrostático. · No fuerce los altavoces. · El cable de red no deberá ser instalado, retirado o
sin conectar si el otro final está conectado a la toma de la pared. · No sitúe sobre las pantallas velas o fuentes de llama abierta. · No sitúe jarrones sobre las pantallas. · No exponga las pantallas a salpicaduras de líquidos. · Los terminales marcados con un rayo deberán ser conectados por personal cualificado o por terminales preparados. · Para evitar daños, deberá instalar esta unidad en el suelo o a la pared de acuerdo con las instrucciones

de instalación. · El cable de alimentación debe permanecer accesible
en todo momento por si se diera alguna situación fuera de lo normal. · El cable de alimentación debe conectarse a un enchufe con toma de tierra.
Sabemos que está impaciente por escuchar sus nuevas pantallas Martin Logan; esta sección le explica cómo instalarlas fácil y rápidamente. Una vez que las tenga operativas, por favor, tómese su tiempo para leer en profundidad el resto de información que incluimos en este manual. Le dará una perspectiva de cómo obtener los mejores resultados posibles del transductor más exacto.
Si tuviera alguna dificultad en la configuración o fun-cionamiento de sus pantallas Martin Logan, le referimos a los apartados “Acústica de sala”, “Ubicación” o “Funcionamiento” del manual del usuario. Si hubiera algún problema que persistiera y que no pu-diera resolver, por favor, contacte con su distribuidor autorizado de Martin Logan, que le podrán ofrecer la ayuda técnica apropiada para solventar el problema.
Paso 1: Desembalado. Desembale sus nuevas pantallas Martin Logan.
Paso 2: Ubicación. Sitúe sus pantallas en la posición deseada. Por favor, lea el apartado “Ubicación” del manual para más detalles.
Paso 3: Conexión a la alimentación (ver advertencias). Las pantallas MartinLogan precisan CA para poner en funcionamiento sus células electrostáticas. Si usa los cables de alimentación que le suministramos, primero conéctelo al panel trasero de la pantalla, ajustando bien el terminal, y después a la pared. Ver el aparato de “Funcionamiento” del manual de instrucciones para más detalles.
Paso 4: Conexión de señal. Use los mejores cables de altavoz que pueda. Le recomendamos usar cables de alta calidad, déjese aconsejar por su distribuidor. Sugerimos los conectores spade para optimizar el contacto y facilitar la instalación.
Inserte los cables de altavoz en la sección de entrada de señal del panel trasero. Preste atención cuando conecte los cables de altavoz a los terminales del panel trasero: tenga cuidado de asignar el mismo color al terminal positivo (+) tanto del canal izquierdo como del derecho. Si nota ausencia de graves y usted quiere conseguir una imagen coherente, puede ser que deba invertir el positivo (+) y el negativo (­) de un lado para seleccionar la polaridad adecuada.
Paso 5: Escuche y disfrute

Säkerhetsanvisningar och goda råd om installationen (Svenska/ Swedish)
VARNING! · Undvik att ta isär produkten. · Överlåt alla former av service och reparation till en
kvalificerad tekniker. · För att undgå brandfara och elektrisk stöt bör denna
produkt inte utsättas för fukt. · Stäng av förstärkaren när anläggningen inte skall
användas under längre perioder. · Stäng alltid av förstärkaren innan du ansluter eller
kopplar ur dina högtalare. · Undvik att belasta högtalaren med högre effekter än
angivet. · Undvik att använda högtalaren om det uppstått syn-
liga skador på elektrostatpanelen. · Nätkabel bör inte anslutas, urkopplas eller kvarläm-
nas på golvet om stickkontakten i den andra änden är ansluten till ett nätuttag. · Undvik användning av öppen eld och stearinljus på eller i närheten av högtalarna. · Undvik alltid att ställa vätskefyllda vaser och glas på högtalarna. · Högtalarna bör under inga omständigheter utsättas för fukt eller stänk från vätskor. · Terminaler markerade med blixt-symbolen bör endast anslutas av en sakkunnig installatör eller med användande av prefabrikerade kablar med rätta kontakter monterade. · Strömsladden måste vara ansluten till jordat vägguttag.
Vi vet att du är ivrig efter att få lyssna till dina nya MartinLogan högtalare. Dessa anvisningar skall hjälpa dig att komma igång så snabbt och effektivt som möjligt. Så snart högtalarna är anslutna och spelar bör du ta dig den tid som krävs till en grundlig genomläsning av den medföljande användarhandboken. Den kan hjälpa dig att få nödvändig insikt i hur du kan få det ljudmässigt bästa utbytet av dessa ytterst högkvalitativa högtalare.
Uppstår det problem under uppställning eller användning av dina MartinLogan högtalare bör du snarast söka råd i den medföljande användarhandbokens kapitel om rumsakustik, uppställning och användning. Skulle det mot förmodan uppstå ett bestående problem du inte direkt kan lösa, skall du inte tveka att snarast kontakta din auktoriserade MartinLogan handlare. Han har den tekniska insikt som krävs för att lösa problemen för dig.
Steg 1: Uppackning. Packa upp dina nya MartinLogan högtalare och spar emballaget.
Steg 2: Placering. Placera högtalarna minst 60 cm från närmaste vägg och rikta dem något inåt mot din lyssningsposition. Du kan hitta ytter-

ligare information om placering i användarhandbokens kapitel om placering.
Steg 3: Nätanslutning (AC) (se varning). MartinLogans elektrostathögtalare kräver ström från nätuttag för uppladdning av elektrostatpanelerna. Anslut först nätkabeln till anslutningspanelen på högtalarens baksida och se till att det finns en bra och säker förbindelse. Anslut sedan den andra änden av nätkabeln till nätuttaget i väggen. Du kan hitta fler instruktioner om detta i den medföljande användarhandboken.
Steg 4: Anslutning. Använd bästa möjliga högtalarkablar – det har stor betydelse för ljudet. Högtalarkablar av hög kvalitet ger markant högre ljudkvalitet än “lampsladd”, så det lönar sig inte att spara. Vi rekommenderar kablar med kabelskor, vilket både har störst kontaktyta (minimal signalreduktion) och är lätta att spänna till så att du får en säker och stabil kontakt.
Koppla omsorgsfullt kablarna till anslutningarna på högtalarnas bakpanel och var uppmärksam på att du gör det med korrekt fas – här får du hjälp av färgkodningen på terminaler och kablar. Om basåtergivningen är svag och ljudbilden verkar mycket diffus är högtalarna förmodligen anslutna ur fas. Då skall du vända polariteten till den ena högtalaren genom att byta om på plus (+) och minus (­).
Är dina högtalare försedda med anslutningar för Bi-wiring/ passiv Bi-amping, gå vidare till avsnittet om användning i den medföljande användarhandboken så att du kan få optimalt utbyte av dina MartinLogan högtalare.
Steg 5: Lyssna och njut!
/! · ­ · ·
· · · ·
· · · ·
· ·

MartinLogan ?
“Room Acoustics””Placement””Operation” MartinLogan
() () MartinLogan “Operation”


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· · · ·
Room Acoustics, Placement or Operation

2 .
MartinLogan .

+. -+
Bi-wiring/Passive Bi-amping

Güvenlik uyarilari ve kurulum hakkinda (Türkçe/Turkish)
DKKAT! · Cihazin kapaini açmayin, öldürücü seviyede
voltaj ihtiva edebilir. · Servis için yetkili bir servis istasyonuna müracaat
edin. · Olasi bir yangin ya da elektrik çarpmasi ihtima-

line kari cihazi neme maruz birakmayin. · Herhangi anormal bir gelimede öncelikle amplifi-
katörü kapatin. · Herhangi bir sinyal balantisini takmadan/
çikarmadan önce amplifikatörü kapatin! · Hoparlörü ölçülmü gücünden daha yüksek
çikili cihazla kullanmayin. · Ceryan kablosunun bir ucu duvara bali iken
hiçbir ekilde devreye almayin, sökmeyin, takmayin. · Sadece toprak hatti olan bir prize takin. · Hoparlör üzerine mum veya benzeri, açikta alev almi eyalar koymayin. · Hoparlör üzerine içerisinde sivi bulunan vazo, cam kap gibi nesneler yerletirmeyin · Hoparlör hiçbir halde, damlayan veya siçrayan suya maruz kalmamalidir. · imek iareti ile iaretlenmi balantilar tecrübeli bir kii tarafindan veya hazir balantilarla yapilmalidir. · Acil durumlarda müdahale için elektrik kablosu her zaman kolay ulailabilir ve takilip çikarilabilir konumda olmalidir. · Güç kablosu toprak hatli prize balanmalidir.
Biran önce yeni MartinLogan hoparlörünüzü dinlemek istediinizi biliyoruz, onun için bu bölümü hizli ve kolay bir kurulum salamak amaciyla yazdik. Kurulumu tamamladiktan sonra lütfen bu kullanim kilavuzunun devamindaki bilgileri derinlemesine okumak için zaman ayirin. Bu size, bu mükemmel üründen en iyi performansi elde etme yollari hakkinda fikir verebilir.
MartinLogan bas hoparlörünüzü kurarken herhangi bir sorunla karilairsaniz bu kilavuzun Oda Akustii, Yerletirme veya Kullanim bölümlerine bir göz atin. Çözülemeyen, kalici bir sorunla karilairsaniz hemen bir MartinLogan yetkili saticisina bavurun, en uygun teknik analizle sorunu halletmenize yardimci olacaklardir
1. Adim: Kutudan çikartma. Yeni MartinLogan hoparlörlerinizi kutularindan çikartiniz.
2. Adim : Yerletirme. Hoparlörleri etrafindaki olasi duvarlarin her birinden en az 60cm uzaklia yerletirin ve dinleme bölgesine doru hafif açi verdirin. Daha fazla detay için lütfen bu kilavuzun Yerletirme bölümüne göz atin.
3. Ceryan balantisi (AC) (uyariya dikkat edin). MartinLogan hoparlörlerin elektrostatik hücrelerine enerji yollayabilmeleri için ceryana balanmalari gerekmektedir. Önce, kutunun içerisinden çikan ceryan kablosunun bir ucunu hoaprlörün arkasindaki ceryan giriine takin. Balantinin sikiliindan emin olduktan sonra kablonun fiini duvardaki prize takin. Daha fazla detay için kullanim kilavuzunun Operations bölümüne göz atin.

4. Adim: Sinyal Balantisi. Kullanabildiiniz en iyi hoparlör kablolarini kullanin. Süper bir netice için saticinizdan en üst kalitede kablo temin etmenizi öneririz. Optimum iletim ve kurulum kolaylii açisindan çatal (spade) balanti uçlari tavsiye edilir.
Hoparlör kablolarini arka paneldeki Signal yazili girilere balayin. Hoparlör balantilarini yaparken, hem sol hem sa hoparlör için (+) ucunda kullandiiniz kablo renginin ayni olduundan emin olun. Eer bas yok gibiyse veya noktasal ve düzgün bir sahne imgesi olumuyorsa, hoparlör kablolarinin (+) ve (­) uçlarinin yerlerini deitirmeniz gerekebilir.
Hoparlörlerinizin “çift kablolama/pasif çift ampli ile sürme” gibi özellikleri varsa bu balantilar için kullanim kilavuzunun Operations bölümünde örnekler bulacaksiniz.
5. Adim: Dinleyin ve tadini çikartin
Tóm tt v vic lp t và nhng cnh báo an tòan (Ting Vit/ Vietnamese)
CHÚ Ý / CNH BÁO · Thit b vn còn in bên trong ­ xin ng m np. · Hãy tham kho ý kin ca chuyên viên k thut. · Không c b phn này ni m t tránh
in git và cháy. · Nu có hin tng bt bình thng phi tt ngay
amplifier và rút dây cáp loa. · Phi tt amplifier trc khi rút hay cm dây tín hiu. · Không c vn hành loa nu có h hng nhìn
thy c trên mành. · Không c vn hành loa quá vi công sut ca
loa. · Dây cáp ngun phi c rút khi cm in trong
trng hp di chuyn, hay rút khi loa. · Không èn cy hay bt k ngun la h nào
trên loa. · Không bình hoc ly cha cht lng trên loa. · Không cht lng vng tóe vào loa. · Trm kt ni c ánh du biu tng tia chp
phi c s hng dn hoc bng các trm kt ni sn. · Phi chc chn dây cáp ngun vn hot ng tt sau khi xy ra bt k s c không bình thng nào. · Dây cáp ngun cn phi c cm vào cp in có tip t.
Chúng tôi bit bn ang háo hc c thng thc b loa Martin Logan mi ca mình, vì th phn tóm tt di ây s giúp bn thit lp cài t nhanh và n gin. Sau khi b loa i vào hot ng, xin vui long dành thi gian c k phn còn li ca hng dn s dng ính kèm. iu này s giúp bn a h thng vào vn hành mt cách hiu qu nht tái to âm nhc mt cách chính xác.

Nu bn gp tr ngi trong quá trình cài t hay vn hành h thng loa MartinLogan, hãy tham kho thêm mc Room Acoustics (X lý âm hc phòng nghe), Placement (Cách sp t loa) hoc Operation (Thao tác vn hành) trong hng dn s dng kèm theo. Trong trng hp không th gii quyt c, vui lòng liên h i din phân phi ca MartinLogan. H s tin hành kim tra và x lý giúp bn.
Bc 1: Khui thùng Di chuyn b loa MartinLogan ca bn khi thùng .
Bc 2: Sp t vào v trí Bt u a loa vào v trí cách tng khong 600mm sau ó chnh mt loa hi nghiêng v phía ngi ngi nghe. Vui lòng xem chi tit trong mc Placement trong hng dn s dng.
Bc 3: Cm in ngun (xem phn cnh báo) Loa MartinLogan cn ngun in xoay chiu cung cp nng lng cho các ngn tnh in. S dng dây cáp ngun i theo loa, cm vào l mt sau loa trc sau ó mi cm vào tng.
Bc 4: Kt ni dây tín hiu Hãy s dng loi cáp loa tt nht có th, nó s ti u hoá cht lng âm thanh ca loa. Nên s dng jack cm kiu càng cua cho d thao tác.
Ni dây cáp loa vào phn tín hin vào Signal Input mt sau loa. Chú ý khi gn phi úng cc (+) và (-) và úng kênh trái phi c loa và amplifier.
Nu loa ca bn c trang b b cc ni kiu Bi-wiring / Passive Bi-amping, vui lòng tham kho phn Operations trong tài liu hng dn vn hành.
Bc 5: Nghe và tn hng thành qu.

34Hz­23kHz ± 3dB 78 lbs. (35.4 kg) 4 Ohms 90dB @ 2.83 V/M

59.8″ (152cm)

9.3″ (23.6cm) 10.4″ (26.4cm)

15″ (38cm)




25.1″ 25.4″ (63.7cm) (64.6cm)

6.2″ (15.8cm)

4.4″ (11.3cm)

x 2x

8″ (>20cm)
24″ (>61cm)

Classic ESL 9 50­400W @ 4 Ohms


user’s manual




Low-Voltage (DC) Power Connection
Your speakers use external low-voltage power supplies to energize their electrostatic panels. For this reason the proper low-voltage power supplies are provided. A power supply should be firmly inserted into the `DC Power In’ receptacle on the rear connection panel of each speaker, then to any convenient AC wall outlet. Your speakers integrate a signal sensing circuit which will switch off after a few minutes of no music signal, and requires less than two seconds to recharge the panels when a music signal is present.
Your speakers are provided with a power supply for the power service supplied in the country of original consumer sale. The AC power requirements applicable to a particular unit is specified both on the packing carton and on the DC power supply.
If you remove your speakers from the country of original sale, be certain that the AC power supplied in any subsequent location is suitable before connecting the low-voltage power supply. Substantially impaired performance or severe damage may occur to a speaker if operation is attempted from an incorrect AC power source.
WARNING! The DC power supply should not be installed, removed, or left detached from the speaker while connected to an AC power source.

Connections are done at the signal input section on the rear electronics panel of the speaker. Use spade connectors for optimum contact and ease of installation. Hand tighten the binding posts, but do not overtighten–do not use a tool to tighten the binding posts.
Be consistent when connecting the speaker cables to the signal input terminals. Take care to assign the same color cable lead to the (+) terminal on both the left and right channel speakers. If bass is nonexistent and you cannot discern a tight, coherent image, you may need to reverse the (+) and (­) leads on one speaker to bring the system into proper polarity.
WARNING! Turn your amplifier off before making or breaking any signal connections!
When you first begin to play your speakers, they will sound a bit bass shy. This is due to the high quality, long-life components used in our woofer. Our custom made woofer requires approximately 72 hours of break-in at 90 dB (moderate listening levels) before any critical listening. The break-in requirements of the crossover components (and, to a lesser degree, the stator) are equivalent.

Signal Input Connection
Use the best speaker cables you can. The length and type of speaker cable used in your system will have an audible effect. Under no circumstance should a wire of gauge higher (thinner) than #16 be used. In general, the longer the length used, the greater the necessity of a lower gauge, and the lower the gauge, the better the sound, with diminishing returns setting in around #8 to


A variety of cables are available whose manufacturers claim better performance than standard heavy gauge wire. We have verified this in many cases, and the improvements available are often more noticeable than the differences between wires of different gauge. The effects of cables may be masked if equipment is not of the highest quality.

Jumper Clips
In some countries federal law prohibits MartinLogan from supplying jumper clips. If none are found installed under your speakers binding posts, please refer to `Bi-Wire Connection’ for connection instructions.
Single Wire Connection
Please take note of the jumper clips installed under the binding posts. These clips attach the high and low frequency sections of the crossover together. Leaving these in place, connect the (+) wire from your amplifier to either red binding post and the (­) wire from your amplifier to either black binding post.


Bi-Wire Connection
This connection method replaces the jumper clips installed under the binding posts with individual runs of speaker wire from your amplifier. This doubles the signal carrying conductors from the amplifier to the speaker, thus direct- coupling each portion of the crossover to the amplifier.
To bi-wire you must first loosen the binding posts and remove the jumper clips. Connect one set of wires to the upper set of binding posts which connect to the panel. Then connect a second set of wires to the lower binding posts which connect to the woofer. Next, connect both sets of wires to the appropriate terminals on your amplifier. Please take care to connect both (+) wires to the (+) amplifier terminals and both (-) wires to the (­) amplifier terminals. This is known as a parallel connection.
Passive Bi-Amplification
For those that desire ultimate performance, the speaker may be passively bi- amplified using the existing internal passive crossover elements.
WARNING! Only after jumper clips are removed may you connect individual runs of speaker cable from your amplifiers to the high pass (ESL) and low pass (WOOFER) signal input binding posts. Damage will occur to your amplifiers if the jumper clips are not removed.
This method takes the bi-wiring concept one step further. You will have a dedicated channel of amplification directly connected to the high and low pass sections of the crossover. There are two different methods for bi-amping with two stereo amplifiers. The first and most common is referred to as Horizontal Bi-amping. The second method is referred to as Vertical Bi-amping. With either method you may use two stereo amplifiers or four mono amplifiers, or two mono amplifiers and one stereo amplifier. Get the idea? With either form of passive bi-amplification, your preamplifier must have dual outputs. If your preamplifier is not so equipped, you must either purchase or construct a “Y” adapter.
Horizontal Passive Bi-Amplification Horizontal bi-amping allows you to use two different types, models or brands of amplifiers (i.e. tubes on top, transistor on the bottom). However, we recommend that you use two identical amplifiers (i.e. same brand and model). If you must use two different amplifiers, it is essential that they have the same gain or that one of the two have adjustable gain so that you can match their gain characteristics. If the amplifiers of choice do not have the same gain characteristics, then a sonic imbalance will occur. With horizontal bi-amping, one amplifier drives the high

pass (ESL) section while the second amplifier drives the low pass (WOOFER) section. To horizontally bi-amp you must loosen the binding posts and remove the jumper clips. Connect the low frequency amplifier to the lower set of binding posts of both speakers. Connect the high frequency amplifier to the upper set of binding posts. Next, connect the left and right preamplifier outputs to the appropriate left and right inputs of both amplifiers.
Vertical Passive Bi-Amplification The very nature of vertical bi-amping dictates that both amplifiers be identical. With vertical bi-amping, each of the stereo amplifiers is dedicated to one speaker. For instance, the left channel of each amplifier drives the low pass (WOOFER) section while the right channel drives the high pass (ESL) section. To vertically bi-amp your you must loosen the binding posts and remove the jumper clips from both speakers. Starting with one speaker, connect the right channel to the lower binding posts and the left channel to the upper binding posts. Repeat the same procedure for the other speaker. Connect the left preamplifier outputs to both inputs of the left channel amplifier and the right preamplifier outputs to both inputs of the right channel amplifier.
Active Bi-Amplification
We do not recommend active bi-amplification. The internal crossover can not be bypassed. This connection method seriously degrades the performance.



Single-wire connection. One channel shown.

Bi-wire connection. One channel shown.


Horizontal bi-amplification connection. One channel shown.

Vertical bi-amplification connection. One channel shown.




Listening Position
Start with the rear of your speakers placed approximately eight inches from the front wall (the wall in front of the listening position) and the edge of the electrostatic stat panel about two feet from the side walls. Your sitting distance should be further than the distance between the speakers themselves. You are trying to attain the impression of good center imaging and stage width.
There is no exact distance between speakers and listener, but there is a relationship. In long rooms, naturally, that relationship changes. The distance between the speakers will be far less than the distance from you to the speaker system. However, in a wide room, you will still find that if the distance from the listener to the speakers becomes smaller than the distance between the speakers themselves, the image will no longer focus in the center.
Now that you have positioned your speaker system, spend time listening. Wait to make any major changes in your initial setup for the next few days as the speaker system itself will change subtly in its sound. Over the first 72 hours of play the actual tonal quality will change slightly with deeper bass and more spacious highs resulting. After a few days of listening you can begin to make refinements and hear the differences.
The Wall Behind the Listener
Near-field reflections can also occur from your back wall (the wall behind the listening position). If your listening position is close to the back wall, these reflections can cause problems and confuse imaging quality. It is better for the wall behind you to be absorptive than to be reflective. If you have a hard back wall and your listening position is close to it, experiment with devices that will absorb information (i.e. wall hangings and possibly even sound absorbing panels).
The Wall Behind the Speakers
The front surface, the wall behind the speakers, should not be extremely hard or soft. A pane of glass will cause reflec-

tions, brightness and confused imaging. Curtains, drapery and objects such as bookshelves can be placed along the wall to diffuse an overly reflective surface. A standard sheet rock or textured wall is generally an adequate surface if the rest of the room is not too bright and hard. Walls can also be too soft. If the entire front wall consists of heavy drapery, your system can sound dull. You may hear muted music with little ambience. Harder surfaces will actually help in this case.
The front surface ideally should be one long wall without any doors or openings. If you have openings, the reflection and bass characteristics from each channel can be different.
The Side Walls
A good rule of thumb is to have the side walls as far away from the speaker sides as possible. However, MartinLogan’s unique controlled dispersion electrostatic transducer inherently minimizes side wall reflections–a position as little as two feet or less from the side walls often proves adequate. Sometimes, if the system is bright or the imaging is not to your liking, and the side walls are very near, try putting curtains or softening material directly to the edge of each speaker. An ideal side wall, however, is no side wall at all.
Toe-in–Now you can begin to experiment. First begin by toeing your speakers in towards the listening area and then facing them straight into the room. You will notice the tonal balance and imaging changing. You will notice that as the speakers are toed-in, the system becomes slightly brighter than when toedout. This design gives you the flexibility to compensate for a soft or bright room.
Generally it is found that the ideal listening position is with the speakers slightly toed-in so that you are listening to the inner third of the curved transducer section. A simple, yet effective method to achieve proper toe involves sitting at the listening position, holding a flashlight under your chin and pointing it at each speaker. The reflection of the flashlight should be within the inner third of the panel.


Tilting the Speakers Backwards and Forwards–As the diagrams show in the Dispersion Interactions section of this manual, the vertical dispersion is directional above and below the stator panel itself. In some instances, if you are sitting close to the floor, slight forward tilting of the speakers can enhance clarity and precision.
Imaging–In their final location, your speakers can have a stage width somewhat wider than the speakers themselves. On well recorded music, the instruments can extend beyond the edges of each speaker (left and right), yet a vocalist should appear directly in the middle. The size of the instruments should be neither too large nor too small, subject to the intent and results of each unique audio recording.
Additionally, you should find good clues as to stage depth. Make sure that the vertical alignment, distance from the front wall, and toe-in is exactly the same for both speakers. This will greatly enhance the quality of your imaging.
Bass Response–Your bass response should neither be one note nor should it be too heavy. It should extend to the deepest organ passages and yet be tight and well defined. Kick-drums should be tight and percussive–string bass notes should be uniform and consistent throughout the entirety of the run without booming or thudding.
Tonal Balance–Voices should be natural and full and cymbals should be detailed and articulate yet not bright and piercing, pianos should have a nice transient characteristic and deep tonal registers. If you cannot attain these virtues, read the section on Room Acoustics. This will give you clues on how to get closer to these ideal virtues.
Final Placement
After the full break in period, obtaining good wall treatments, and the proper toe-in angle, begin to experiment with the distance from the wall behind the speakers. Move your speaker slightly forward into the room. What happened to the bass response? What happened to the imaging? If the imaging is more open and spacious and the bass response is tightened, that is a superior position. Move the speakers back six inches from the initial setup position and again listen to the imaging and bass response. There will be a position where you will have pinpoint imaging and good bass response. That position is the point of the optimal placement from the front wall.

Now experiment with placing the speakers farther apart. As the speakers are positioned farther apart, listen again, not so much for bass response but for stage width and good pinpoint focusing. Your ideal listening position and speaker position will be determined by:
·Tightness and extension of bass response ·Width of the stage ·Pinpoint focusing of imaging
Once you have determined the best of all three of these considerations, you will have your best speaker location.
The Extra “Tweak”
This extra “tweak” may be useful when your speakers are placed in a dedicated listening room. Use the following procedure and measurements for your speakers placement to see what can happen to your system’s performance. These formulas will help determine optimum placement of your speakers to minimize standing waves.
1 Distance from the front wall (in front of the listening position) to the center of the curvilinear transducer: To determine distance from the front wall, measure the ceiling height (inches) and multiply the figure by 0.618 (i.e. ceiling height (inches) x 0.618 = the distance from the front wall to the center of the curvilinear transducer).
2 Distance from the side-walls to the center of the curvilinear transducer: To determine distance from the side walls, measure the width of your room in inches and divide by 18. Next, multiply the quotient by 5 (i.e. room width in inches / 18 x 5 = the distance from the side-walls to the center of the curvilinear transducer).
Enjoy Yourself
Your speaker is very refined and benefits from care in setup. With these tips in mind you will find, over your months of listening, that small changes can result in measurable differences. As you live with your speakers, do not be afraid to experiment with their positioning until you find the optimal relationship between your room and speaker system that gives to you the best results. Your efforts will be rewarded.



x 2x

8″ (>20cm)
24″ (>61cm)


Final placement. 6


Flashlight toe-in technique. 7



Your Room
This is one of those areas that requires both a little background to understand and some time and experimentation to obtain the best performance from your system. Your room is actually a component and an important part of your system. This component is a very large variable and can dramatically add to, or subtract from, a great musical experience.
All sound is composed of waves. Each note has its own wave size, with the lower bass notes literally encompassing from 10′ feet to as much as 40′ feet. Your room participates in this wave experience like a three dimensional pool with waves reflecting and becoming enhanced depending on the size of the room and the types of surfaces in the room.
Remember, your system can literally generate all of the information required to recreate a musical event in time, space, and tonal balance. Ideally, your room should not contribute to that information. However, every room contributes to the sound to some degree. Fortunately MartinLogan had designed your speaker to minimize these anomalies
Let’s talk about a few important terms before we begin.
Standing Waves The parallel walls in your room will reinforce certain notes to the point that they will sound louder than the rest of the audio spectrum and cause “one note bass”, “boomy bass” or “bloated bass”. For instance, 100Hz represents a 10 feet wavelength. Your room will reinforce that specific frequency if one of the dominant dimensions is 10 feet. Large objects in the room such as cabinetry or furniture can help to minimize this potential problem. Some serious “audiophiles” will literally build a special room with no parallel walls just to help eliminate this phenomenon.
Reflective Surfaces (near-field reflections) The hard surfaces of your room, particularly if close to your speaker system, will reflect some waves back into the room over and over again, confusing the clarity and imaging of your system. The smaller sound waves are mostly affected here, and

occur in the mid and high frequencies. This is where voice and frequencies as high as the cymbals occur.
Resonant Surfaces and Objects All of the surfaces and objects in your room are subject to the frequencies generated by your system. Much like an instrument, they will vibrate and “carry on” in syncopation with the music, and contribute in a negative way to the music. Ringing, boominess, and even brightness can occur simply because they are “singing along” with your music.
Resonant Cavities Small alcoves or closet type areas in your room can be chambers that create their own “standing waves” and can drum their own “one note” sounds.
Clap your hands. Can you hear an instant echo respond back? You have near- field reflections. Stomp your foot on the floor. Can you hear a “boom”? You have standing waves or large panel resonances such as a poorly supported wall. Put your head in a small cavity area and talk loudly. Can you hear a booming? You’ve just experienced a cavity resonance.
Rules of Thumb
Hard vs. Soft Surfaces If the front or back wall of your listening room is soft, it might benefit you to have a hard or reflective wall in opposition. The ceiling and floor should follow the same basic guideline as well. However, the side walls should be roughly the same in order to deliver a focused image.
This rule suggests that a little reflection is good. As a matter of fact, some rooms can be so “over damped” with carpeting, drapes and sound absorbers that the music system can sound dull and lifeless. On the other hand, rooms can be so hard that the system can sound like a gymnasium with too much reflection and brightness. The point is that balance is the optimum environment.
Breakup Objects Objects with complex shapes, such as bookshelves, cabinetry and multiple shaped walls can help break up those sonic gremlins and diffuse any dominant frequencies.


Solid Coupling Your loudspeaker system generates frequency vibrations or waves into the room. This is how it creates sound. These vibrations vary from 20 per second to 20,000 per second. If your speaker system is not securely planted on the floor or solid surface, it can shake as it produces sound and, consequently, the sound can be compromised. If your speaker is sitting on the carpet and only foot gliders are used, the bass can be ill defined and even boomy. The use of spikes is recommended to insure secured footing for your speakers. (See `Solid Footing’ for spike information and installation instructions).

Dipolar Speakers and Your Room
MartinLogan electrostatic loudspeakers are known as dipolar radiators. This means that they produce sound from both their fronts and their backs. Consequently, musical information is reflected by the wall behind them and may arrive, either in or out of step, with the information produced by the front of the speaker.
The low frequencies can either be enhanced or nulled by the position from the front wall. Your speakers have been designed to be placed eight inches from the front wall (the wall in front of the listening position) to obtain the best results; however, your room may see things differently. So listening to the difference of the bass response as a result of the changes in distance from the front wall can allow you to get the best combination of depth of bass and tonal balance.
Now that you know about reflective surfaces and resonant objects, you can see how the midrange and high frequencies can be affected. The timing of the initial wave as it radiates to your ears, and then the reflected information as it arrives at your ears later in time, can result in confusion of the precious timing information that carries the clues to imaging. Consequently the result is blurred imaging and excessive brightness. Soft walls, curtains, wall hangings, or sound dampeners (your dealer can give you good information here) can be effective if these negative conditions occur.
Solid Footing
After living and experimenting with your speaker’s placement you will want to use the ETC (energy transfer coupler) spikes supplied with the speaker. With the use of these spikes, the speaker will become more firmly planted on the floor and, consequently, bass will tighten and imaging will become more coherent and detailed. It is best not to implement the spikes, however, until you are secure in the positioning, as the spikes can damage the floor if the speaker is moved. The feet that attach to the bottom of the speaker use a common 3/8 – 16 thread.

The ETCTM Spike.
Spike Installation Instructions:
1 Carefully tilt the speaker or lay it on its side to gain access to the bottom. This may require 2 people.
2 Remove existing feet. Thread new spikes into holes and screw them in all of the way. If the speaker does not sit level loosen one spike until level is achieved.
3 Tighten the jam nut snugly by hand. Do not over tighten the nut.
4 Right the speaker. Caution: Make sure your hands and any cabling are clear of the spikes. Do not slide speaker as spikes are sharp and can damage your floor or carpet.
5 Adjust to level by rotating spikes. Tighten the jam nut securely when satisfied that speaker is level. Caution: Walking the speaker may result in a broken spike.





Controlled Horizontal Dispersion
Your speakers launch a 30 degree horizontal dispersion pattern. This horizontal dispersion field gives a choice of good seats for the performance while minimizing interactions with side walls. Make sure both speakers stand exactly at the same vertical angle, otherwise the image can be skewed or poorly defined. The wave launch of both speakers is extremely accurate in both the time and spectral domain. Consequently, small refined adjustments can result in noticeable sonic improvements.
Controlled Vertical Dispersion
As seen in the illustrations, your speaker project a controlled dispersion pattern. This vertical dispersion profile minimizes interactions with the floor and the ceiling.

Three Major Types of Dispersion
It is a known fact that as the sound wave becomes progressively smaller than the transducer producing it, the dispersion of that wave becomes more and more narrow, or directional. This fact occurs as long as the transducer is a flat surface. Large flat panel speakers exhibit venetian blind effects due to this phenomenon. This is one reason why many manufacturers opt for small drivers (i.e. tweeters and midrange) to approximate what is known as a point source wave launch.
Historically, most attempts to achieve smooth dispersion from large flat panel transducers resulted in trade-offs. After exhaustive testing of many different methods, we conceived an elegantly simple, yet intensely hand crafted process. By curving the radiating surface, we create the effect of a horizontal arc. This allows the engineers at MartinLogan to control the high frequency dispersion pattern of our transducers.

A controlled 30 degree cylindrical wave-front, a MartinLogan exclusive, offers optimal sound distribution with minimal room interaction. The result is solid imaging with a wide listening area.

As can be seen here, point source concepts invite a great deal of room interaction. While delivering good frequency response to a large listening audience, imaging is consequently confused and blurred.
Even though they suffer from “venetian blind” effect, angled multiple panel speakers can deliver good imaging, but only to specific spots in the listening area.




It had long been the practice of stereo buffs to connect their television to a stereo system. The advantage was the use of the larger speakers and more powerful amplifier of the stereo system. Even though the sound was greatly improved, it was still mono and limited by the broadcast signal.
In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s two new home movie formats became widely available to the public: VCR and laser disc.
By 1985, both formats had developed into very high quality audio/video sources. In fact, the sonic performance of some video formats exceeded audio- only formats. Now, with theater-quality sound available at home, the only element missing was the “surround sound” presentation found in movie houses.
Fortunately, Dolby and DTS encoded movies (including almost all films) have the same surround sound information encoded on home releases as the theatrical release. All that is required to retrieve this information is a decoder and additional speakers and amps to reproduce it.
Home theater is a complex purchase and we recommend that you consult your local MartinLogan dealer, as they are well versed in this subject.
Each piece of a surround system can be purchased separately. Take your time and buy quality. No one has ever complained that the movie was too real. The following list and descriptions will give you only a brief outline of the responsibilities and demands placed on each speaker.
Front Left and Front Right If these speakers will be the same two used for your stereo playback, they should be of very high quality and able to play loudly (over 102 dB) and reproduce bass below 80 Hz.
Center Channel This is the most important speaker in a home theater system, as almost all of the dialogue and a large portion of the front speaker information is reproduced by the center channel. It is important that the center speaker be extremely accurate and mate well the front speakers, and that it is recommended for use as a center speaker. This is not the place to cut corners.

Surround Speakers We recommend (along with the film industry) that the surround speakers play down to at least 80 Hz. Surround speakers contain the information that makes it appear that planes are flying over your head. Some may suggest that this is the place to save money and purchase a small, inexpensive speaker. If you choose to do so, be prepared to upgrade in the future as discrete multi-channel digital encoding is proliferating rapidly and the demands on surround speakers have increased. Subwoofer With any good surround system you will need one or more high-quality subwoofers (the .1 in a 5.1 channel surround system). Most movie soundtracks contain large amounts of bass information as part of the special effects. Good subwoofers will provide a foundation for the rest of the system.
MartinLogan electrostatic speakers as front channels, center channel, and rear and side surround (effects) channels. MartinLogan subwoofers as LFE (effects) channel.



How can sound be reproduced by something that you are able to see through? Electrostatic energy makes this possible.
Where the world of traditional loudspeaker technology deals with cones, domes, diaphragms and ribbons that are moved with magnetism, the world of electrostatic loudspeakers deals with charged electrons attracting and repelling each other.
To fully understand the electrostatic concept, some background information will be helpful. Remember when you learned in a science or physics class that like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract each other? Well, this principle is the foundation of the electrostatic concept.
An electrostatic transducer consists of three pieces: stators, the diaphragm and spacers. The diaphragm is what actually moves to excite the air and create music. The stator’s job is to remain stationary, hence the word stator, and to provide a reference point for the moving diaphragm. The spacers provide the diaphragm with a fixed distance in which to move between the stators.
As your amplifier sends music signals to an electrostatic speaker, these signals are changed into two high-voltage signals that are equal in strength but opposite in polarity. These high voltage signals are then applied to the stators. The resulting electrostatic field, created by the opposing high voltage on the stators, works simultaneously with and against the diaphragm, consequently moving it back and forth, producing music. This technique is

known as push-pull operation and is a major contributor to the sonic purity of the electrostatic concept due to its exceptional linearity and low distortion.
Since the diaphragm of an electrostatic speaker is uniformly driven over its entire area, it can be extremely light and flexible. This allows it to be very responsive to transients, thus perfectly tracing the music signal. As a result, great delicacy, nuance and clarity is possible. When you look at the problems of traditional electromagnetic drivers, you can easily see why this is so beneficial. The cones and domes which are used in traditional electromagnetic drivers cannot be driven uniformly because of their design. Cones are driven only at the apex. Domes are driven at their perimeter. As a result, the rest of the cone or dome is just “along for the ride”. The very concept of these drivers requires that the cone or dome be perfectly rigid, damped and massless. Unfortunately, these conditions are not available in our world today.
To make these cones and domes move, all electromagnetic drivers must use voice coils wound on formers, spider assemblies, and surrounds to keep the cone or dome in position. These pieces, when combined with the high mass of the cone or dome materials used, make it an extremely complex unit with many weaknesses and potential for failure. These faults contribute to the high distortion products found in these drivers and is a tremendous disadvantage when you are trying to change motion as quickly and as accurately as a loudspeaker must (40,000 times per second!).


Cut away view of an XStat electrostatic transducer. Notice the simplicity due to minimal parts usage.

Cut away view of a typical moving coil driver. Notice the complexity due to the high number of parts.


Full Range Operation
Another significant advantage of MartinLogan’s exclusive transducer technology reveals itself when you look at examples of other loudspeaker products on the market today. MartinLogan electrostats uses no crossover networks in critical frequency ranges because they are not needed. The single, seamless electrostatic membrane reproduces all frequencies above the single crossover point. How is this possible?
First we must understand that music is not composed of separate high, mid and low frequencies. In fact, music is comprised of a single waveform with all frequencies interacting simultaneously.
The electrostatic transducer of the speaker essentially acts as an exact opposite of the microphones used to record the original event. A microphone, which is a single working element, transforms acoustic energy into an electrical signal that can be amplified or preserved by some type of storage media. The speaker’s electrostatic transducer transforms electrical energy from your amplifier back into acoustical energy.
Due to the limitations of electromagnetic drivers, no single unit can reproduce the full range of frequencies. Instead, these

drivers must be designed to operate within a narrow, fixed bandwidth of the frequency range, and then combined electrically so that the sum of the parts equals the total signal. While nice in theory, we must deal with real-world conditions.
In order to use multiple drivers, a crossover network is enlisted to attempt a division of the complex musical signal into the separate pieces (usually highs, mids, and lows) that each specific driver was designed to handle. Unfortunately, due to the phase relationships that occur within all crossover networks and during the acoustical recombination process, nonlinearities and severe degradation of the music signal take place in the ear’s most critical zone.
The speaker’s electrostatic transducer can single-handedly reproduce all frequencies above the crossover point simultaneously. You have in one transducer the ability to handle in elegant simplicity the critical frequencies.
The crossover phase aberrations that are associated with traditional tweeter, midrange, and woofer systems are eliminated. The result is a dramatic improvement in imaging and staging performance due to the minutely accurate phase relationship of the full-range panel wave launch.

MartinLogan Classic ESL 9

Conventional Loudspeaker
crossover point (2,000­5,000 Hz)


ESL Panel

Critical Zone


crossover point (400 Hz)
This diagram illustrates how a conventional speaker system must use multiple crossover networks that have negative effects on the musical performance.

crossover point (100­400 Hz)







XStat Transducer
XStat transducers incorporate a myriad of technology and design innovations including CLS, MicroPerf, Generation 2 Diaphragms, ClearSparsTM, and Vacuum Bonding.
CLS (Curvilinear Line Source)
Since the beginning of audio, achieving smooth dispersion has been a problem for all designers. Large panel transducers present unique challenge because the larger the panel, the more directional the dispersion pattern becomes.
Wide range electrostats have long been one of the most problematic transducers because they attain their full range capabilities via a large surface area. It looked as if they were in direct conflict to smooth dispersion and almost every attempt to correct this resulted in either poor dispersion or a serious compromise in sound quality.
After extensive research, MartinLogan engineers discovered an elegantly simple solution to achieve a smooth pattern of dispersion without degrading sound quality. By curving the horizontal plane of the electrostatic transducer, a controlled horizontal dispersion pattern could be achieved, yet the purity of the almost massless electrostatic diaphragm remained uncompromised. After creating this technology, MartinLogan developed the production capability to bring it out of the laboratory and into the market place. You will find this proprietary MartinLogan technology used in all of our electrostatic products. It is one of the many reasons behind our reputation for high quality sound with practical usability. This is also why you see the unique “see through” cylindrical shape of MartinLogan products.
Generation 2 Diaphragm
The electrostatic transducer’s diaphragm employs an extremely sophisticated conductive coating applied to the polymer surface at an atomic level using a plasma bonding process. A proprietary compound is driven into the surface of the polymer film in an oxygen free argon chamber. This process allows extremely uniform surface resistivity characteristics, an optically transparent surface, and a nearly massless diaphragm. This

uniform surface resistivity controls the electrostatic charge on the diaphragm surface and regulates its migration. As a result, no discharging or “arcing” can occur.
MicroPerf Stator
Sleek. Compact. MicroPerf stator technology, featured in all XStat transducers, reveals more open playable area in each panel, offering increased performance from even more compact stat panels. It is significant to note that the XStat transducer supports the bandwidth and dynamics associated with traditional electrostatic panels nearly twice its size.
Vacuum Bonding
To achieve the power, precision, and strength of the XStat transducer, two insulated high-purity carbon steel stators along with a proprietary plasma bonded diaphragm and ClearSpar spacers are fused into a curved geometry with an aerospace adhesive whose strength exceeds that of welding. Our proprietary Vacuum Bonding process guarantees uniform diaphragm tensioning and extremely precise construction tolerances, resulting in unequivocal precision, linearity and efficiency.
Ultra-Rigid AirFrame Technology
XStat panels are joined to their speaker cabinets using MartinLogan’s AirFrame technology, manufactured from aerospace-grade extruded aluminum alloy. This makes the panels extremely rigid without obstructing playable surface area or interfering with the panel’s dipole sound radiation pattern, while also providing electrical and acoustical isolation, minimizing intermodulation distortion caused by vibration and resonance.




In the late 1800’s, any loudspeaker was considered exotic.

After a short time, Rice and Kellogg had narrowed the field of

Today, we take the wonders of sound reproduction for granted.

“contestants” down to the cone and the electrostat. The out-

come would dictate the way that future generations would

It was 1880 before Thomas Edison had invented the

refer to loudspeakers as being either “conventional” or “exotic”.

first phonograph. This was a horn-loaded diaphragm

that was excited by a playback stylus. In 1898, Sir Oliver

Their electrostat was something to behold. This enormous

Lodge invented a cone loudspeaker, which he referred to

bipolar speaker was as big as a door. The diaphragm, which

as a “bellowing telephone”, that was very similar to the con-

was beginning to rot, was made of a pig intestine that was cov-

ventional cone loudspeaker drivers that we know today.

ered with fine gold leaf to conduct the audio signal.

However, Lodge had no intention for his device to reproduce music

Rice and Kellogg had

When Rice and Kellogg began playing

because in 1898 there was no way to amplify an electrical signal! As

narrowed the field of

the new electrically cut records through the electrostat, they were stunned and

a result, his speaker had nothing to offer over the acoustical gramo-

“contestants down” to the

impressed. The electrostat performed splendidly. They had never heard instru-

phones of the period. It was not until 1906 that Dr. Lee DeForrest

cone and the electrostat.

mental timbres reproduced with such realism. This system sounded like real

invented the triode vacuum tube.

music rather than the honking, squawk-

Before this, an electrical signal could not be amplified. The

ing rendition of the acoustic gramophone. Immediately, they

loudspeaker, as we know it today, should have ensued then,

knew they were on to something big. The acoustic gramo-

but it did not. Amazingly, it was almost twenty years before

phone was destined to become obsolete.

this would occur.

Due to Rice and Kellogg’s enthusiasm, they devoted a con-

In 1921, the electrically cut phonograph record became

siderable amount of time researching the electrostatic design.

a reality. This method of recording was far superior to the

However, they soon encountered the same difficulties that

mechanically cut record and possessed almost 30 dB of

even present designers face; planar speakers require a very

dynamic range. The acoustical gramophone couldn’t begin to

large surface area to reproduce the lower frequencies of the

reproduce all of the information on this new disc. As a result,

audio spectrum. Because the management considered large

further developments in loudspeakers were needed to cope

speakers unacceptable, Rice and Kellogg’s work on electro-

with this amazing new recording medium.

statics would never be put to use for a commercial product.

Reluctantly, they advised management to go with the cone.

By 1923, the decision was made to develop a complete musi-

For the next 30 years, the electrostatic design lay dormant.

cal playback system consisting of an electronic phonograph

and a loudspeaker to take advantage of the new recording

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, consumer audio

medium. The project to two young engineers, C. W. Rice and

almost died. The new electrically amplified loudspeaker

E. W. Kellogg.

never gained acceptance, as most people continued to use

their old Victrola-style acoustic gramophones. Prior to the

Rice and Kellogg had a well equipped laboratory at their dispos-

end of World War II, consumer audio saw little, if any, prog-

al. This lab possessed a vacuum tube amplifier with an unheard

ress. However, during the late 1940’s, audio experienced

of 200 watts, a large selection of the new electrically cut pho-

a great rebirth. Suddenly there was tremendous interest in

nograph records and a variety of loudspeaker prototypes that

audio products, and with that, a great demand for improved

had been collecting over the past decade. Among these were

audio components. No sooner had the cone become estab-

Lodge’s cone, a speaker that used compressed air, a corona dis-

lished than it was challenged by products developed during

charge (plasma) speaker, and an electrostatic speaker.

this new rebirth.


In 1947, Arthur Janszen, a young Naval engineer, took part in

watts. As a result, many people continued to use box speakers

a research project for the Navy. The Navy was interested in

with cones.

developing a better instrument for testing microphone arrays.

The test instrument needed an extremely accurate speaker,

In the early 1960’s Arthur Janszen joined forces with the KLH

but Janszen found that the cone speakers of the period were

loudspeaker company, and together they introduced the KLH

too nonlinear in phase and amplitude response to meet his

9. Due to the large size of the KLH 9, it did not have as many

criteria. Janszen believed that electrostats were inherently

sonic limitations as the Quad. The KLH 9 could play marked-

more linear than cones, so he built a model using a thin plastic

ly louder and lower in frequency than the Quad ESL. Thus a

diaphragm treated with a conductive coating. This model con-

rivalry was born.

firmed Janszen’s beliefs, for it exhibited remarkable phase and

amplitude linearity.

Janszen continued to develop electrostatic designs. He

was instrumental in the design of the Koss Model One, the

Janszen was so excited with the results that he continued

Acoustech and the Dennesen speakers. Roger West, the chief

research on the electrostatic speaker on his own time. He

designer of the Janszen Corporation, became the president

soon thought of insulating the stators to prevent the destruc-

of Sound Lab. When Janszen Corporation was sold, the RTR

tive effects of arcing. By 1952, he had an electrostatic tweeter

loudspeaker company bought half of the production tooling.

element ready for commercial production. This new tweeter

This tooling was used to make the electrostatic panels for the

soon created a sensation among American audio hobbyists.

Servostatic, a hybrid electrostatic system that was Infinity’s

Since Janszen’s tweeter element was limited to high frequency reproduction, it often

These developments allow the

first speaker product. Other companies soon followed; each with

found itself used in conjunction with woofers–most notably, those from Acoustic

consumer to own the highest

their own unique applications of the technolog y. These include

Research. These systems were highly regarded by all audio enthusiasts.

performance loudspeaker

Acoustat, Audiostatic, Beverage, Dayton Wright, Sound Lab and

As good as these systems were, they would

products ever built.

Stax, to name a few.

soon be surpassed by another electrostatic

Electrostatic speakers have pro-


gressed and prospered because they actually do what Peter

Walker claimed they would. The limitations and problems

In 1955, Peter Walker published three articles regarding

experienced in the past were not inherent to the electro-

electrostatic loudspeaker design in Wireless World, a British

static concept. They were related to the applications of these

magazine. In these articles, Walker demonstrated the benefits


of the electrostatic loudspeaker. He explained that electrostat-

ics permit the use of diaphragms that are low in mass, large

Today, these limitations have been resolved. Advancements

in area and uniformly driven over their surfaces by electro-

in materials due to the U.S. space program give designers the

static forces. Due to these characteristics, electrostats have the

ability to harness the superiority of the electrostatic principle.

inherent ability to produce a wide bandwidth, flat frequency

Today’s electrostats use advanced insulation techniques or

response with distortion products being no greater than the

provide protection circuitry. The poor dispersion properties of

electronics driving them.

early models have been addr


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