GRANDSTREAM GCC601X(W) One Networking Solution Firewall User Manual

August 19, 2024

GRANDSTREAM GCC601X(W) One Networking Solution Firewall


GCC601X(W) Firewall
In this guide, we will introduce the configuration parameters of the GCC601X(W) Firewall Module.


The overview page provides the users with a global insight into the GCC firewall module and also security threats and statistics, the overview page contains:

  • Firewall Service: displays the firewall service and package status with effective and expired dates.
  • Top Security Log: shows the top logs for each category, the user can select the category from the drop-down list or click on the arrow icon to get redirected to the security log page for more details.
  • Protection Statistics: displays various protections statistics, there is an option to clear all the statistics by clicking on the settings icon.
  • Top Filtered Applications: shows the top applications that have been filtered with count number.
  • Virus Files: displays the scanned files and found virus files as well, to enable/disable the anti-malware the users can click on the settings icon.
  • Threat Level: shows the threat level from critical to minor with color code.
  • Threat Type: displays the threat types with color code and number of repetition, the users can hover the mouse cursor over the color to display the name and the number occurrence.
  • Top Threat: shows top threats with type and count.

The users can easily spot the most important notifications and threats.


The users can click on the arrow icon under Top Security Log to get redirected to the Security Log section, or hover over the gear icon under Protection Statistics to clear the statistics or under Virus files to disable the Anti- malware. Under Threat Level and Threat Type, users can also hover over the graphs to show more details. Please refer to the figures above.


Rules Policy

Rules policy allows to define of how the GCC device will handle the inbound traffic. This is done per WAN, VLAN, and VPN.


  • Inbound Policy: Define the decision that the GCC device will take for the traffic initiated from the WAN or VLAN. The options available are Accept, Reject, and Drop.
  • IP Masquerading: Enable IP masquerading. This will masque the IP address of the internal hosts.
  • MSS Clamping: Enabling this option will allow the MSS (Maximum Segment Size) to be negotiated during the TCP session negotiation
  • Log Drop / Reject Traffic: Enabling this option will generate a log of all the traffic that has been dropped or rejected.
  • Drop / Reject Traffic Log Limit: Specify the number of logs per second, minute, hour or day. The range is 1~99999999, if it is empty, there is no limit.

Inbound Rules

The GCC601X(W) allows to filtering of incoming traffic to networks group or port WAN and applies rules such as:

  • Accept: To allow the traffic to go through.
  • Deny: A reply will be sent to the remote side stating that the packet is rejected.
  • Drop: The packet will be dropped without any notice to the remote side.




Forwarding Rules

GCC601X(W) offers the possibility to allow traffic between different groups and interfaces (WAN/VLAN/VPN).
To add a forwarding rule, please navigate to Firewall Module → Firewall Policy → Forwarding Rules, then click on the “Add” button to add a new forwarding rule or click on the “Edit” icon to edit a rule.


Advanced NAT

NAT or Network address translation as the name suggests it’s a translation or mapping of private or internal addresses to public IP addresses or vice versa, and the GCC601X(W) supports both.

  • SNAT: Source NAT refers to the mapping of clients’ IP addresses (Private or Internal Addresses) to a public one.
  • DNAT: Destination NAT is the reverse process of SNAT where packets will be redirected to a specific internal address.

The Firewall Advanced NAT page provides the ability to set up the configuration for source and destination NAT. Navigate to Firewall Module → Firewall Policy → Advanced NAT.


To add an SNAT click on the “Add” button to add a new SNAT or click on the “Edit” icon to edit a previously created one. Refer to the figures and table below:


Refer to the below table when creating or editing an SNAT entry:


To add a DNAT click on the “Add” button to add a new DNAT or click on the “Edit” icon to edit a previously created one. Refer to the figures and table below:

Refer to the below table when creating or editing a DNAT entry:


Global Configuration

Flush Connection Reload

When this option is enabled and the firewall configuration changes are made, existing connections that had been permitted by the previous firewall rules will be terminated.

If the new firewall rules do not permit a previously established connection, it will be terminated and will not be able to reconnect. With this option disabled, existing connections are allowed to continue until they timeout, even if the new rules would not allow this connection to be established.



DoS Defense
Basic Settings – Security Defense
Denial-of-Service Attack is an attack aimed to make the network resources unavailable to legitimate users by flooding the target machine with so many requests causing the system to overload or even crash or shut down.




IP Exception

On this page, users can add IP addresses or IP ranges to be excluded from the DoS Defense scan. To add an IP address or IP range to the list, click on the “Add” button as shown below:

Specify a name, then toggle the status ON after that specify the IP address or IP range.


Spoofing Defense

The Spoofing defense section offers several counter-measures to the various spoofing techniques. To protect your network against spoofing, please enable the following measures to eliminate the risk of having your traffic intercepted and spoofed. GCC601X(W) devices offer measures to counter spoofing on ARP information, as well as on IP information.


ARP Spoofing Defense

  • Block ARP Replies with Inconsistent Source MAC Addresses: The GCC device will verify the destination MAC address of a specific packet, and when the response is received by the device, it will verify the source MAC address and it will make sure that they match. Otherwise, the GCC device will not forward the packet.
  • Block ARP Replies with Inconsistent Destination MAC Addresses: The GCC601X(W) will verify the source MAC address when the response is received. The device will verify the destination MAC address and it will make sure that they match.
  • Otherwise, the device will not forward the packet.
  • Decline VRRP MAC Into ARP Table: The GCC601X(W) will decline including any generated virtual MAC address in the ARP table.


In this section, the users can enable Anti-malware and update their signature library information.


To enable Anti-malware, navigate to Firewall module → Anti-Malware → Configuration.
Anti-malware: toggle ON/OFF to enable/disable the Anti-malware.

To filter HTTPs URL, please enable “SSL Proxy“.

Spoofing Defense

ARP Spoofing Defense

Block ARP Replies with Inconsistent Source MAC Addresses: The GCC device will verify the destination MAC address of a specific packet, and when the response is received by the device, it will verify the source MAC address and it will make sure that they match. Otherwise, the GCC device will not forward the packet.

Block ARP Replies with Inconsistent Destination MAC Addresses: The GCC601X(W) will verify the source MAC address when the response is received. The device will verify the destination MAC address and it will make sure that they match.

Otherwise, the device will not forward the packet.
Decline VRRP MAC Into ARP Table: The GCC601X(W) will decline including any generated virtual MAC address in the ARP table.


In this section, the users can enable Anti-malware and update their signature library information.


To enable Anti-malware, navigate to Firewall module → Anti-Malware → Configuration.
Anti-malware: toggle ON/OFF to enable/disable the Anti-malware.

Data Packet Inspection Depth: Check the packet content of each traffic according to the configuration. The deeper the depth, the higher the detection rate and the higher the CPU consumption. There are 3 level of depth low, medium and high.

Scan Compressed Files: supports scanning of compressed files


On the Overview page, users can check the statistics and have an overview. Also, it’s possible to disable the Anti-malware directly from this page by clicking on the settings icon as shown below:


It’s also possible to check the security log for more details


Virus Signature Library
On this page, the users can update the anti-malware signature library information manually, update daily or create a schedule, please refer to the figure below:

By default, it is updated at a random time point (00:00-6:00) every day.



Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) are security mechanisms that monitor network traffic for suspicious activities and unauthorized access attempts. IDS identifies potential security threats by analyzing network packets and logs, while IPS actively prevents these threats by blocking or mitigating malicious traffic in real time. Together, IPS and IDS provide a layered approach to network security, helping to protect against cyberattacks and safeguard sensitive information. A botnet is a network of compromised computers infected with malware and controlled by a malicious actor, typically used to carry out large-scale cyberattacks or illicit activities.


Basic Settings – IDS/IPS
On this tab, the users can select IDS/IPS mode, Security Protection Level.


  • Notify: detect traffic and only notify the users without blocking it, this is equal to IDS (Intrusion Detection System).
  • Notify & Block: detects or blocks traffic and notifies about the security issue, this is equal to IPS (Intrusion Prevention System).
  • No Action: no notifications or prevention, IDS/IPS is disabled in this case.

Security Protection Level: Select a protection level (Low, Medium, High, Extremely high and Custom). Different protection levels correspond to different protection levels. Users can customize the protection type. The higher the protection level, the more protection rules, and Custom will enable the users to select what to IDS/IPS will detect.


It’s also possible to select a custom security protection level and then select from the list the specific threats. Please refer to the figure below:


To check the notifications and the actions taken, under the Security log, select IDS/IPS from the drop-down list as shown below:


IP Exception
The IP addresses on this list will not be detected by IDS/IPS. To add an IP address to the list, click on the “Add” button as shown below:


Enter a name, then enable the status, and then select the type (Source or Destination) for the IP address(s). To add an IP address click on the “+” icon and to delete an IP address click on the “– ” icon as shown below:


Basic Settings – Botnet
On this page, users can configure the basic settings for monitoring the outbound Botnet IP and Botnet Domain Name and there are three options:
Monitor: alarms are generated but are not blocked.
Block: monitors and blocks outbound IP addresses/Domain names that access botnets.
No Action: The IP address/Domain name of the outbound botnet is not detected.


IP/Domain Name Exception
The IP addresses on this list will not be detected for Botnets. To add an IP address to the list, click on the “Add” button as shown below:
Enter a name, then enable the status. To add an IP address/Domain name click on the “+” icon and to delete an IP address/Domain name click on the “–” icon as shown below:


Signature Library – Botnet
On this page, the users can update the IDS/IPS and Botnet signature library information manually, update daily or create a schedule, please refer to the figure below:

By default, it is updated at a random time point (00:00-6:00) every day.



The Content Control feature provides users with the ability to filter (allow or block) traffic based on DNS, URL, keywords, and application.

DNS Filtering

To filter traffic based on DNS, navigate to Firewall module → Content Control → DNS Filtering. Click on the “Add” button to add a new DNS Filtering as shown below:


Then, enter the name of the DNS filter, enable the status, and select the action (Allow or Block) as for Filtered DNS, there are two options:

Simple Match: the domain name supports multi-level domain name matching.
Wildcard: keywords and wildcard can be entered, wildcard can only be added before or after the entered keyword. For example: .imag, news, news. The * in the middle is treated as a normal character.


To check the filtered DNS, the users can either find it on the Overview page or under the Security log as shown below:


Web Filtering
Basic Settings – Web Filtering
On the page, the users can enable/disable the global web filtering, then the users can enable or disable web URL filtering, URL category filtering and keyword filtering independently and to filter HTTPs URLs, please enable “SSL Proxy“.


URL Filtering
URL filtering enables users to filter URL addresses using either a Simple match (domain name or IP address) or using a Wildcard (e.g. example).
To create a URL filtering, navigate to Firewall Module → Content Filtering → Web Filtering page → URL Filtering tab, then click on the “Add” button as shown below:

Specify a name, then toggle the status ON, select the action (Allow, Block), and finally specify the URL either using a simple domain name, IP address (Simple match), or using a wildcard. Please refer to the figure below:


URL Category Filtering
The users also have the option not to only filter by specific domain/IP address or wildcard, but also to filter by categories for example Attacks and Threats, Adult, etc.
To block or allow the whole category, click on the first option on the row and select All Allow or All Block. It’s also possible to block/allow by sub- categories as shown below:


Keywords Filtering
Keyword filtering enables users to filter using either a regular expression or a Wildcard (e.g. example).
To create a keywords filtering, navigate to Firewall Module → Content Filtering → Web Filtering page → Keywords Filtering tab, then click on the “Add” button as shown below:


Specify a name, then toggle the status ON, select the action (Allow, Block), and finally specify the filtered content either using a regular expression or a wildcard. Please refer to the figure below:


When the keywords filtering is ON and the action is set to Block. If the users try to access for example “YouTube” on the browser, they will be prompted with a firewall alert as shown below:


Example of keywords_filtering on the Browser
For more details about the alert, the users can navigate to the Firewall module → Security Log.


URL Signature Library
On this page, the users can update the Web Filtering signature library information manually, update daily, or create a schedule, please refer to the figure below:

By default, it is updated at a random time point (00:00-6:00) every day.


Application Filtering
Basic Settings – Application Filtering
On the page, the users can enable/disable the global application filtering, then the users can enable or disable by app categories.
Navigate to Firewall module → Content Control → Application Filtering, and on the basic settings tab, enable Application Filtering globally, it’s also possible to enable AI Recognition for better classification.

when AI Recognition is enabled, AI deep learning algorithms will be used to optimise the accuracy and reliability of application classification, which may consume more CPU and memory resources.


App Filtering Rules

On the App Filtering Rules tab, the users can Allow/Block by app category as shown below:


Override Filtering Rules
If an app category is selected, the users will still have the option to override the general rule (app category) with the override filtering rules feature.
For example, if the Browsers app category is set to Block, then we can add an override filtering rule to allow Opera Mini, this way the whole browser app category is blocked except Opera Mini.
To create an override Filtering rule, click on the “Add” button as shown below:


Then, specify a name and toggle the status ON, set the action to Allow or Block and finally select from the list the apps that will be allowed or blocked. Please refer to the figure below:


Signature Library – Application Filtering
On this page, the users can update the Application Filtering signature library information manually, update daily or create a schedule, please refer to the figure below:

By default, it is updated at a random time point (00:00-6:00) every day.



An SSL proxy is a server that uses SSL encryption to secure data transfer between a client and a server. It operates transparently, encrypting and decrypting data without being detected. Primarily, it ensures the safe delivery of sensitive information over the internet.
When the SSL Proxy is enabled, the GCC601x(w) will act as an SSL Proxy server for the connected clients.

Basic Settings – SSL Proxy

Turning on features like SSL Proxy, Web Filtering, or Anti-malware helps detect certain types of attacks on websites, such as SQL injection and cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. These attacks try to harm or steal information from websites.

When these features are active, they generate alert logs under Security Log.
However, when these features are turned on, users might see warnings about certificates when they browse the web. This happens because the browser doesn’t recognize the certificate being used. To avoid these warnings, users can install the certificate in their browser. If the certificate isn’t trusted, some applications might not work correctly when accessing the internet
For HTTPS filtering, users can enable SSL proxy by navigating to Firewall module → SSL Proxy → Basic Settings, then toggle ON SSL proxy, after either selecting the CA Certificate from the drop-down list or clicking on the “Add” button to create a new CA certificate. Please refer to the figures and table below:



For the SSL Proxy to take effect, users can manually download the CA certificate by clicking on the download icon as shown below:

Then, the CA certificate can be added to the intended devices under the trusted certificates.




Source Address
When no source addresses are specified, all outgoing connections are automatically routed through the SSL proxy. However, upon manually adding new source addresses, only those specifically included will be proxied through SSL, ensuring selective encryption based on user-defined criteria.



SSL Proxy Exemption List
SSL proxy involves intercepting and inspecting SSL/TLS encrypted traffic between a client and a server, which is commonly done for security and monitoring purposes within corporate networks. However, there are certain scenarios where SSL proxy may not be desirable or practical for specific websites or domains.
The exemption list allows users to specify their IP address, domain, IP range, and web category to be exempted from SSL proxy.
Click on the “Add” button to add an SSL exemption as shown below:


Under the “Content” option, the users can add content by clicking on the “+ icon” button and delete by clicking on the “– icon” as shown below:



On this page, security logs will listed with many details such as Source IP, Source interface, Attack Type, Action, and Time. Click on the “Refresh” button to refresh the list and the “Export” button to download the list to the local machine.

The users have also the option to filter the logs by:

1. Time
Logs are retained by default for 180 days. When disk space reaches the threshold, security logs will be automatically cleared.
2. Attack
Sort log entries by:
1. Source IP
2. Source Interface
3. Attack Type
4. Action


For more details, click on the “exclamation icon” under the Details column as shown above:
Security log


When the users click on “Export” button, an Excel file will be downloaded to their local machine. Please refer to the figure below:


E-mail Notifications
On the page, the users can select what security threats to be notified of using E-mail addresses. Select what you want to be notified about from the list.
Email Settings must be configured first, click on “Email Settings” to enable and configure E-mail notifications. Please refer to the figure below:



  • Product Model: GCC601X(W) Firewall

  • Supports: WAN, VLAN, VPN

  • Features: Rules Policy, Forwarding Rules, Advanced NAT

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How can I clear the Protection Statistics?

A: Hover over the gear icon under Protection Statistics and click to clear the statistics.


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