Sygonix SY-6052180 Wi-Fi Thermostat Instruction Manual

July 8, 2024

Sygonix SY-6052180 Wi-Fi Thermostat



  • Product: Wi-Fi Thermostat
  • Item No : 3026090

Product Documentation

The product is documented by different sets of instructions:

  • Installation instructions
  • Operating instructions (for download only)

Use the link (alternatively scan the QR code) to download the instructions (or new/current versions if available). Follow the instructions on the web page.

Intended use

  • The product is a Wi-Fi thermostat for fixed indoor installation. The product is intended to control a mains-operated load via temperature control.
  • The product can be controlled via touch display and the Tuya mobile app Smart Life/Smart Living.
  • The product is equipped with an internal and external sensor (probe). The external sensor can be used to measure the temperature in a different location to the thermostat, such as on the floor with an electric floor heating system.
  • The product is equipped with a backup battery to temporarily maintain the settings during power outages.
  • This device has an IP20 ingress protection rating and is suitable for dry rooms and indoor use. Contact with moisture, e.g. in bathrooms, must be avoided under all circumstances. The operating conditions shown in the “Technical data” must be strictly followed.
  • The product is intended for indoor use only. Do not use it outdoors.
  • Contact with moisture must be avoided under all circumstances.
  • If you use the product for purposes other than those described, the product may be damaged.
  • Improper use can result in short circuits, fires, electric shocks or other hazards.
  • The product complies with the statutory national and European requirements.
  • For safety and approval purposes, you must not rebuild and/or modify the product.
  • Read the operating instructions carefully and store them in a safe place. Make this product available to third parties only together with the operating instructions.
  • All company names and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Product Features

  • Manual mode:
    With the manual mode, you have full control over the temperature settings.

  • Holiday mode:
    The holiday mode controls the temperature throughout your absence.

  • Program mode:
    With the program mode, you can set temperatures for daily time slots for up to three work-week patterns: 5-day, 6-day, and 7-day working week.

  • Window-open mode:
    The window-open mode detects when a window is open and temporarily lowers temperatures to conserve energy.

  • Mobile app control:
    Control and program the product via the built-in touchscreen or the Tuya mobile app over a Wi-Fi Internet connection. The product must only be controlled by persons who fully understand the consequences of controlling the connected device and the possible hazards.

Safety instructions

Read the operating instructions carefully and especially observe the safety information. If you do not follow the safety instructions and information on proper handling, we assume no liability for any resulting personal injury or damage to property. Such cases will invalidate the warranty/guarantee.


  • The product is not a toy. Keep it out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Do not leave packaging material lying around carelessly. This may become dangerous playing material for chil-dren.
  • If you have questions that remain unanswered by this information product, contact our technical support service or other technical personnel.
  • Maintenance, modifications, and repairs must only be completed by a technician or an authorized repair center.

Electrical installation

WARNING! Safety hazard!
The product should only be installed by people with relevant electrical knowledge and experience! *) If it is not installed properly, you risk:

  • your own life

  • the life of the user of the electrical device

  • severe damage to property, e.g., by fire

  • personal liability for personal injury and material damage Always consult an electrician!
    *) Technical knowledge required to perform the installation:
    For the installation, the following specialist knowledge is required in particular:

  • The “Five safety rules”: Disconnect from the mains; protect against accidental switch-on; ensure there is no voltage; earth and short-circuit; cover or protect adjacent live parts

  • Use of suitable tools, measuring devices, and personal protective equipment, where necessary

  • Analysis of measurement results

  • Use of electrical installation materials to meet the requirements for disconnection

  • IP protection ratings

  • Installation of electrical installation materials

  • Type of power supply (TN system, IT system, TT system) and the corresponding connection criteria (classic earthing, protective earthing, necessary additional measures, etc.)

If you are not a professional, do not do it yourself, have it performed by a specialist.


  • Consult an expert when in doubt about the operation, safety or connection of the product.
  • If it is no longer possible to operate the product safely, take it out of operation and protect it from any accidental use. DO NOT attempt to repair the product yourself. Safe operation can no longer be guaranteed if the product:
    • is visibly damaged,
    • is no longer working properly,
    • has been stored for extended periods in poor ambient conditions or
    • has been subjected to any serious transport-related stresses.

Connected devices

  • Also observe the safety and operating instructions of any other devices which are connected to the product.


  • Correct polarity must be observed while inserting the battery.
  • The battery should be removed from the device if it is not used for a long period of time to avoid damage through leaking. Leaking or damaged batteries might cause acid burns when in contact with skin, therefore use suitable protective gloves to handle corrupted batteries.
  • Batteries must be kept out of reach of children. Do not leave batteries lying around, as there is risk, that children or pets swallow them.
  • Batteries must not be dismantled, short-circuited or thrown into fire. Never recharge non-rechargeable batteries. There is a risk of explosion!

Product Overview



Display symbols


Getting started

Switching the product on and off

  1. Switch the product on by touching the display and then tapping the symbol .
  2. The display lights up.
  3. Switch the product off by touching the display and then tapping the symbol .
  4. The display switches off.
  5. The product no longer controls temperature.

Select language
Selecting a language changes the display and menu language.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to General > Language selection.
  3. Select the language and tap Confirm.

Setting date and time
There are two options to set the date and time. You can set the date and time manually or synchronize the Internet date and time by connecting the product to the Tuya cloud.

Setting date and time manually

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to General > Time Setting.
  3. Set the date and time.
  4. Save the settings with Confirm.

Synchronizing Internet date and time

  1. Follow the instructions in Connecting the product to the Tuya cloud using the mobile app.

Connecting the product to the Tuya cloud using a mobile app
Connect the product to your local wireless area network (WLAN) and the Tuya cloud to control the product via the mobile app Smart Life – Smart Living.

The product can only be connected to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks.

The TUYA mobile app “Smart Life – Smart Living” is installed on your mobile device.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to General > Network Connect.
  3. Select Yes.
  4. Connect the mobile device running the mobile app to the WLAN network to which you will connect the product.
  5. Open the mobile app.
  6. Start a device search by tapping the button +.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to add the product to the mobile app and connect the product to the WLAN.
    • If connected successfully, the display shows the WLAN connection symbol and the cloud connection symbol .
    • You have connected the product to the Tuya cloud.
    • The Internet date and time are synchronized with the product.

Selecting a display standby mode
The display can be operated in different standby display modes.


  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to General > Standby Screen.
  3. Select the mode and tap Confirm.
    The display activates the new standby display mode when the standby mode activates.

Manual mode

With the manual mode, you have full control over the temperature settings.

Setting a fixed temperature range
By setting a fixed temperature range, you limit the temperatures that a user can set via the display or the mo-bile app. Example: after setting the highest permissible temperature to 20 °C, a user is unable to set a temperature value higher than 20 °C.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to General.
  3. Go to Mode setting.
  4. Enable the manual mode by selecting Manual and confirming with Confirm.
  5. Go to Advanced.
  6. Set the upper temperature limit under Set upper temperature limit.
  7. Save the settings with Confirm.
  8. Set the lower temperature limit under Set lower temperature limit.
  9. Save the settings with Confirm.
    Users are only able to set temperatures within the lowest and highest permissible temperature limits.

Setting temperature values using the display
Set a temperature value that you want the product to maintain. You can only set the upper limit. The lower limit is preset via the settings menu.


  • The possible highest temperature value is restricted by the lower and upper-temperature limits. See Setting a fixed temperature range [} 9] for details.
  • Example: if the upper limit is set to 18 °C, the highest possible temperature value you can set is 18 °C.
  1. Touch the display.
  2. Drag the temperature dial clockwise or counter-clockwise to increase/decrease the temperature.
  3. Tap the buttons to fine-adjust the temperature in increments.
    The product will respond according to the new temperature value.

Window-open mode

The window-open mode detects when a window is open and temporarily lowers temperatures to conserve energy.

Configuring the window-open mode
Configure the window-open mode to your personal needs by setting a desired temperature to maintain and the ac-tivation duration. The duration setting controls for how long the temperature is lowered after an open window is de- tected.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Advanced.
  3. Scroll to Window opening setting time and tap the time field.
  4. Set for how many minutes the window-open mode shall be active and tap Confirm.
  5. Scroll to Window opening setting temperature and tap the temperature field.
  6. Set the temperature you want to maintain while windows are open and tap Confirm.

Enabling and disabling the window-open mode
After setting temperature and duration for the window-open mode, you can enable and disable it as needed.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Advanced.
  3. Activate the window-open mode by sliding the slider Function next to Window opening setting time to ON.
  4. If open windows are detected, the temperature is automatically lowered to the set temperature for the set time duration.
  5. Deactivate the window-open mode by sliding the slider Function next to Window opening setting time to OFF.

Holiday mode

The holiday mode controls the temperature over the period of your absence.

Using the holiday mode
To use the holiday mode, you must set the duration of your absence (days) and the temperature that you want to maintain during the absence.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Advanced.
  3. Scroll to Holiday mode time and enter the number of absence days.
  4. Scroll to Holiday mode temperature and enter the temperature to maintain during the absence. Allowable temperature values are constrained within the set range. See Setting a fixed temperature range [} 9].
  5. Go to General > Mode setting.
  6. Start the holiday mode by selecting Holiday.
    • The symbol shows on the display.
    • The product controls the temperature according to the set days and temperature.
  7. (If needed) Cancel the holiday mode by selecting a different mode under General > Mode setting.

Program mode

With the program mode, you can set temperatures for daily time slots for up to three work-week patterns: 5 day, 6 day and 7 day working week.

Defining programs
Define programs based on a 5-day, a 6 day or a 7 day work-week pattern. You define a program by customizing a built-in work-week template.

Each working week pattern can only have one program.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Programming parameters.
  3. Under Programming type, tap the current work-week selection (example: 5 Work day – 2 Rest day).
  4. Select a suitable work-week pattern and tap Confirm.
  5. Tap a time slot and customize it.
  6. Tap the associated temperature for the time slot and set the temperature. Allowable temperature values are con-strained within the set range. See Setting a fixed temperature range [} 9].
  7. Customize the other time slots.
  8. Customize other work-week patterns as needed.

Enabling and disabling programs
After you have configured working week patterns, you can enable and disable them as needed.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Programming parameters.
  3. Under Programming type, tap the current work week selection (example: 5 Work day – 2 Rest day).
  4. Select the program for the working week pattern you want to enable and tap Confirm.
  5. Go to General > Mode setting.
  6. Enable the program by selecting Programming.
    • The symbol shows on the display.
    • The product controls the temperature according to a defined working week pattern.
  7. (If needed) Disable the program by selecting a different mode under General > Mode setting.

Manually overwriting programs temporarily
While a program is enabled, use the manual overwrite function to manually set a new temperature until the next program interval takes effect.
The manual settings are temporary only until the next program interval activates. The next program interval will reset the manual settings back to the program settings.

  1. While a program is enabled, set the desired temperature on the display.
  2. The symbols shown on the display indicate that manual overwriting is active.
  3. The mode selection under General > Mode switches to TemporaryManual.
  4. (If required) Re-enable the program by selecting Program under General > Mode.
  5. The symbol shows on the display.

Device security

As a product administrator, you can limit what users can do with the product. Device security is provided at two levels:

  • Display lock
  • Password protection for settings

Display lock
The display lock prevents children and other persons from changing temperatures but also accidental changes.

Selecting display lock modes
Select a display lock mode based on your needs.

  • Half lock: permits switching on and off the product.
  • Full lock : fully locks the display and does not permit any input.
    • Tap the button .
    • Go to Advanced.
    • Scroll to Child lock type.
    • Select Half lock or Full lock depending on your needs.
    • Save the settings with Confirm.
    • You have set a display lock mode.
    • You can lock the display.

Locking and unlocking the display
After you have set a display lock mode, you can lock the display.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to General > Lock.
  3. Lock the display by selecting Yes.
    • The display locks.
    • The display shows the lock symbol in its locked state.
  4. Unlock the display by holding down the button until the display unlocks.
    • The display shows the lock symbol in its unlocked state.

Note: Holding down the button after the display is unlocked will change the temperature setting.

Password protection

Setting and Enabling Password Protection
By setting and then enabling a password you can prevent users from accessing the settings menu.


  • The default password is 123456. Using the default password is insecure. Set your own.
  • The password is only set after disconnecting and reconnecting the product from the mains power supply.
  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Advanced.
  3. Go to Password setting.
  4. Tap the field **.
  5. Enter a 6-digit password.
  6. Save the settings with Confirm.
  7. Activate password protection by sliding the slider Function to ON.
  8. Enable password protection by disconnecting and reconnecting the product from the power supply.
    • After the product has restarted, password protection is enabled.
    • You have set a password.
    • You have enabled password protection. You must enter the set password to access the settings menu.

Disabling password protection

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Go to Advanced.
  3. Go to Password setting.
  4. Deactivate password protection by sliding the slider Function to OFF.
    • You can access the settings menu without entering a password.

Recovering from a lost password
If you forget the password, use the master password to enter the menu and reset the forgotten password.

Important: Do not share the master password with non-authorized users.

Master password: 361000

  1. Enter the master password to access the settings menu.

Mobile app

Controlling the product using the mobile app
After connecting the product to the Tuya cloud, you can control the product using the mobile app via the Tuya cloud and the Internet.


  • The product is connected to the Tuya cloud.
  • The WLAN connection symbol and the cloud connection symbol show on the display.
  • Open the mobile app.
  • Control operation status, temperatures, modes and settings from the mobile app.

Advanced settings

Advanced temperature settings

Advanced settings require specialist knowledge and should only be adjusted by specialists to prevent system damage or damage to the environment in which the product is operated.


Sensor settings




Error messages
Detailed error descriptions are shown in the menu tab Informationof the settings menu.


Resetting the product
Reset the product to return all settings to their default values.

  1. Tap the button .
  2. Scroll to Advanced > Restore factory settings.
  3. Reset the product by selecting Yes.
    • All settings are reset to their default values.




  • Do not use aggressive cleaning agents, rubbing alcohol or other chemical solutions. They damage the hous-ing and can cause the product to malfunction.
  • Do not immerse the product in water.
    • Switch the product off.
    • Clean the display with a damp cloth and little dishwashing detergent.

Replacing the backup battery
Replace the backup battery if the settings are no longer maintained during power outages.


  • The battery must be replaced by a professional.
  • The safety instructions must be observed before and while replacing the battery. See “Safety instructions”.

Assembly diagram


D: backup battery


  1. Switch off the power supply to the product.
  2. Disconnect all connected wires.
  3. Touch an earthed metal object to discharge yourself from static charge to prevent damage to electronic compon-ents.
  4. Unclip and remove the thermostat unit(A).
  5. Unscrew and remove the cover (B).
  6. Carefully lift the cover (B) and guide the built-in sensor through the sensor opening in the cover.
  7. Carefully remove the battery (D).
  8. Replace the battery with a new battery of the same type. Insert the battery with the plus(+)-pole facing up. See Technical data for the correct battery type.
  9. Reassemble the product.
  10. Rewire the product.
    • All settings are reset to their default values.
    • The product is ready for use again.

Technical data


  • Mobile app control ………………………………….. Smart Life/Smart Living
  • Google Home support …………………………….. Yes
  • Amazon Alexa support ……………………………. Yes

Power supply

  • Protection class …………………………………….. Class II
  • Required wire cross-sectional area …………… 2.5 mm2
  • Input voltage …………………………………………. 90 – 240 V/AC
  • Input AC frequency ………………………………… 50/60 Hz
  • Output voltage ………………………………………. 90 – 240 V/AC
  • Output frequency …………………………………… 50/60 Hz
  • Relay type ……………………………………………… Switch relay (1x pole)
  • Contact capacity …………………………………….. max. 16 A
  • Max. switching capacity …………………………… 3600 W (resistive load) 660 W (inductive load)
  • Backup battery ……………………………………….. 1x CR1220 battery


  • Temperature setting range ………………………. +1 to +70 °C
  • Temperature display range………………………. +1 to +70 °C
  • Display accuracy ……………………………………. ±0.5 °C
  • External sensor
  • Sensor type …………………………………………… NTC (10k) 1%
  • Sensor wire length………………………………….. 2.5 m


  • Touch display ………………………………………… Yes
  • Display type …………………………………………… LCD (IPS)
  • Display resolution …………………………………… 480 x 480 pixels
  • Display dimensions …………………………………. 71 x 61 mm


  • Display lock function……………………………….. Yes
  • Password protection ……………………………….. Yes
  • Master password ……………………………………. 361000

Wi-Fi module

  • Wi-Fi standard ………………………………………. IEEE 802.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz
  • Wireless frequency band …………………………. 2.400 – 2.484 GHz
  • Wi-Fi range …………………………………………… max. 100 m (in open area)
  • Wi-Fi transmission power ……………………….. ≤20 dBm


  • Ingress protection ………………………………….. IP20
  • Operating temperature …………………………… 0 to +50 °C
  • Operating humidity ………………………………… 20 – 80 % RH (non-condensing)
  • Storage temperature ………………………………. -10 to +60 °C
  • Storage humidity ……………………………………. 20 – 80 % RH (non-condensing)
  • Dimensions (W x H x D) (approx.) ……………. 86 x 86 x 15 mm
  • Weight (approx.) ……………………………………. 250 g

This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau (
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method (e.g. photocopying, microfilming or the capture in electronic data processing systems) requires prior written approval from the editor. Reprinting, also in part, is pro-hibited. This publication reflects the technical status at the time of printing.

Copyright by Conrad Electronic SE
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How do I download the product documentation?
    • A: You can download the installation and operating instructions by visiting or scanning the provided QR code.
  • Q: Can I set different temperature patterns for various work-week schedules?
    • A: Yes, the program mode allows you to set temperatures for daily time slots for up to three work-week patterns: 5 day, 6 day, and 7 day working weeks.


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