Midea MD21IU-013D ATW Heat Pump User Manual
- June 28, 2024
- Midea
Table of Contents
Midea MD21IU-013D ATW Heat Pump
Product Information
- Model: M thermal Mono ATW Heat Pump
- Energy Efficiency Class: A++ to A+++
Product Usage Instructions
Temperature Application
The heat pump is suitable for medium to low-temperature applications in various climates. -
Space Heating
The heat pump provides space heating with different energy efficiency levels and annual energy consumption rates depending on the model. -
Sound Power
The sound power of the unit ranges from 60dB to 72dB, depending on the model and operation. -
Rated Heat Output
The rated heat output varies from 6.4kW to 15.2kW, ensuring efficient heating performance. -
Seasonal Space Heating Energy Efficiency
The seasonal space heating energy efficiency ranges from 113.1% to 193.4%, providing high efficiency in heating.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: What is the energy efficiency class of the heat pump?
A: The energy efficiency class of the heat pump ranges from A++ to A+++, depending on the model. -
Q: What is the sound power level of the unit?
A: The sound power level ranges from 60dB to 72dB, varying with different models. -
Q: How much is the rated heat output of the heat pump?
A: The rated heat output ranges from 6.4kW to 15.2kW, ensuring sufficient heating capacity.
- M thermal Mono
- ATW Heat Pump
- Thank you very much for purchasing our product,
- Before using your unit , please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference.
Temperature application
Model | For medium – temperature application |
Energy efficiency class | Unit sound power |
warmer climate
Rated heat output| Seasonal space heating energy efficiency| For space heating
annual energy consumption| Rated heat output| Seasonal space heating energy
efficiency| For space heating annual energy consumption| Rated heat output|
Seasonal space heating energy efficiency| For space heating annual energy
| –| dB| kW| %| kWh| kW| %| kWh| kW| %| kWh
MHC-V5WD2N8-C| A++| 60| 6.4| 140.7| 3655| 5.2| 113.1| 4428| 6.2| 170.9| 1895
MHC-V7WD2N8-C| A++| 63| 7.3| 143.6| 4088| 6.1| 117.7| 4948| 8.1| 185.3| 2303
MHC-V9WD2N8-C| A++| 65| 8.2| 145.5| 4539| 7.2| 122.4| 5665| 9.0| 193.4| 2458
MHC-V12WD2N8-C| A++| 70| 12.5| 141.6| 7148| 11.3| 126.0| 8628| 12.0| 179.0|
MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| A++| 70| 12.5| 141.6| 7146| 11.3| 126.0| 8639| 12.0| 178.8|
MHC-V14WD2N8-C| A++| 72| 14.2| 141.8| 8079| 12.5| 126.6| 9496| 14.2| 184.6|
MHC-V14WD2RN8-C| A++| 72| 14.2| 141.8| 8106| 12.5| 126.6| 9508| 14.2| 183.1|
MHC-V16WD2N8-C| A++| 72| 14.7| 140.6| 8471| 13.5| 124.3| 10473| 14.5| 184.0|
MHC-V16WD2RN8-C| A++| 72| 14.7| 140.6| 8457| 13.5| 124.3| 10459| 14.5| 184.0|
Model| For low – temperature application
Energy efficiency class| Unit sound power| average climate| colder climate|
warmer climate
Rated heat output| Seasonal space heating energy efficiency| For space heating
annual energy consumption| Rated heat output| Seasonal space heating energy
efficiency| For space heating annual energy consumption| Rated heat output|
Seasonal space heating energy efficiency| For space heating annual energy
| –| dB| kW| %| kWh| kW| %| kWh| kW| %| kWh
MHC-V5WD2N8-C| A+++| 60| 6.5| 201.8| 2631| 6.1| 173.4| 3425| 6.2| 268.2| 1229
MHC-V7WD2N8-C| A+++| 63| 7.9| 204.0| 3155| 7.5| 174.6| 4166| 8.1| 274.7| 1551
MHC-V9WD2N8-C| A+++| 65| 9.1| 201.9| 3654| 8.3| 174.6| 4591| 9.0| 279.1| 1714
MHC-V12WD2N8-C| A+++| 70| 12.3| 200.1| 5004| 12.5| 168.8| 7153| 12.1| 262.3|
MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| A+++| 70| 12.3| 200.1| 5004| 12.5| 168.8| 7175| 12.1| 262.1|
MHC-V14WD2N8-C| A+++| 72| 14.2| 192.5| 5984| 14.3| 171.3| 8095| 13.2| 260.5|
MHC-V14WD2RN8-C| A+++| 72| 14.2| 192.4| 6005| 14.3| 171.3| 8090| 13.2| 260.5|
MHC-V16WD2N8-C| A+++| 72| 15.2| 190.5| 6510| 15.1| 170.9| 8546| 14.2| 255.3|
MHC-V16WD2RN8-C| A+++| 72| 15.2| 190.5| 6491| 15.1| 170.9| 8563| 14.2| 255.2|
Product fiche 1
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
Outdoor unit sound power (*)| Average climate low temperature application| dB|
60| 63| 65| 70| 72
Average climate medium temperature application| dB| 60| 63| 65| 70| 72
Space heating| Energy efficiency class 35°C (Low temp. app.)| –| A+++| A+++|
A+++| A+++| A+++
Space heating| Energy efficiency class 55°C (Medium temp. app.)| –| A++| A++|
A++| A++| A++
Average climate (Design temperature = –10°C)
Space heating 35°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –10°C| [kW]| 6.5|
7.9| 9.1| 12.3| 14.2
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 201.8| 204.0| 201.9| 200.1| 192.5
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 2,631| 3,155| 3,654| 5,004| 5,984
Space heating 55°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –10°C| [kW]| 6.4|
7.3| 8.2| 12.5| 14.2
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 140.7| 143.6| 145.5| 141.6| 141.8
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 3,655| 4,088| 4,539| 7,148| 8,079
Part load conditions space heating average climate low temperature application
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.77| 6.99| 8.02|
10.85| 12.52
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.43| 3.29| 3.09| 3.11| 2.97
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.74| 4.51| 5.06|
6.79| 7.98
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.04| 4.99| 4.92| 4.86| 4.56
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.32| 2.81| 3.22|
4.79| 5.04
COPd (declared COP)| –| 6.06| 6.72| 7.03| 6.98| 7.01
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 1.87| 1.87| 1.87|
3.73| 3.73
COPd (declared COP)| –| 9.12| 9.12| 9.12| 9.02| 9.02
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 6.52| 7.46| 7.88| 12.30| 13.41
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.00| 2.87| 2.87| 2.80| 2.66
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65| 65
Product fiche 2
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
Outdoor unit sound power (*)| Average climate low temperature application| dB|
72| 70| 72| 72
Average climate medium temperature application| dB| 72| 70| 72| 72
Space heating| Energy efficiency class 35°C (Low temp. app.)| –| A+++| A+++|
A+++| A+++
Space heating| Energy efficiency class 55°C (Medium temp. app.)| –| A++| A++|
A++| A++
Average climate (Design temperature = –10°C)
Space heating 35°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –10°C| [kW]| 15.2|
12.3| 14.2| 15.2
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 190.5| 200.1| 192.4| 190.5
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 6,510| 5,004| 6,005| 6,491
Space heating 55°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –10°C| [kW]| 14.7|
12.5| 14.2| 14.7
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 140.6| 141.6| 141.8| 140.7
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 8,471| 7,146| 8,106| 8,457
Part load conditions space heating average climate low temperature application
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 13.49| 10.85|
12.52| 13.49
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.87| 3.11| 2.97| 2.87
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)
| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 8.59| 6.79| 7.98| 8.59
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.53| 4.86| 4.56| 4.53
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.55| 4.79| 5.04|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 7.01| 6.98| 7.01| 7.01
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.73| 3.73| 3.73|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 9.02| 9.02| 9.02| 9.02
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 14.05| 12.30| 13.41| 14.05
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.65| 2.80| 2.66| 2.65
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.77| 6.99| 8.02| 10.85| 12.52
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.43| 3.29| 3.09| 3.11| 2.97
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –10°C)| [kW]| 0.00| 0.44|
1.18| 0.00| 0.75
Part load conditions space heating average climate medium temperature
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.62| 6.42| 7.21|
11.06| 12.52
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.36| 2.31| 2.24| 2.15| 2.20
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.52| 4.03| 4.56|
6.91| 7.71
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.70| 3.76| 3.86| 3.59| 3.58
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.20| 2.56| 2.84|
4.64| 5.07
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.21| 4.48| 4.58| 5.07| 5.06
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)
| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 1.31| 1.31| 1.31| 2.15| 2.15
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.96| 4.96| 4.96| 4.52| 4.52
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 6.04| 6.85| 7.01| 10.97| 11.51
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.02| 1.98| 1.97| 1.98| 1.96
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.62| 6.42| 7.21| 11.06| 12.52
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.36| 2.31| 2.24| 2.15| 2.20
Supplemery capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –10°C)| [kW]| 0.32| 0.40|
1.14| 1.53| 2.65
Colder climate (Design temperature = –22°C)
Space heating 35°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –22°C| [kW]| 6.1|
7.5| 8.3| 12.5| 14.3
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 173.4| 174.6| 174.6| 168.8| 171.3
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 3,425| 4,166| 4,591| 7,153| 8,095
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 13.49| 10.85| 12.52| 13.49
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.87| 3.11| 2.97| 2.87
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –10°C)| [kW]| 1.18| 0.00|
0.75| 1.18
Part load conditions space heating average climate medium temperature
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 13.03| 11.06|
12.52| 13.03
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.16| 2.15| 2.20| 2.16
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 8.50| 6.91| 7.71|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.55| 3.59| 3.58| 3.55
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.27| 4.64| 5.07|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.05| 5.07| 5.06| 5.05
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.15| 2.15| 2.15|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.52| 4.52| 4.52| 4.52
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00| -10.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 12.07| 10.97| 11.51| 12.07
COPd (declared COP)| –| 1.94| 1.98| 1.96| 1.94
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00| -7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 13.03| 11.06| 12.52| 13.03
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.16| 2.15| 2.20| 2.16
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –10°C)| [kW]| 2.63| 1.53|
2.65| 2.63
Colder climate (Design temperature = –22°C)
Space heating 35°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –22°C| [kW]| 15.1|
12.5| 14.3| 15.1
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 170.9| 168.8| 171.3| 170.9
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 8,546| 7,175| 8,090| 8,563
Product fiche 3
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
Space heating 55°C
| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –22°C| [kW]| 5.2| 6.1| 7.2| 11.3| 12.5
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 113.1| 117.7| 122.4| 126.0| 126.6
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 4,428| 4,948| 5,665| 8,628| 9,496
Part load conditions space heating colder climate low temperature application
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.11| 4.42| 5.42|
8.08| 8.74
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.76| 3.67| 3.72| 3.64| 3.59
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.38| 2.99| 3.14|
4.93| 5.52
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.33| 5.50| 5.56| 5.34| 5.35
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 1.66| 2.03| 2.16|
3.17| 3.70
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.78| 6.69| 6.55| 5.28| 7.06
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 1.87| 1.87| 1.87|
3.69| 3.69
COPd (declared COP)| –| 9.12| 9.12| 9.12| 9.34| 9.34
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.21| 4.78| 5.08| 8.72| 9.14
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.12| 2.16| 2.01| 2.08| 2.02
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.00| 6.12| 6.75| 10.17| 11.67
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.02| 2.70| 2.59| 2.66| 2.58
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –22°C)| [kW]| 1.92| 2.72|
3.19| 3.78| 5.17
Part load conditions space heating colder climate medium temperature
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.21| 3.95| 4.59|
7.09| 7.80
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.60| 2.75| 2.72| 2.75| 2.77
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
Space heating 55°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –22°C| [kW]| 13.5|
11.3| 12.5| 13.5
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 124.3| 126.0| 126.6| 124.3
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 10,473| 8,639| 9,508| 10,459
Part load conditions space heating colder climate low temperature application
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.26| 8.08| 8.74|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.59| 3.64| 3.59| 3.59
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.76| 4.93| 5.52|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.35| 5.34| 5.35| 5.35
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.76| 3.17| 3.70|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 7.04| 5.28| 7.06| 7.04
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.72| 3.69| 3.69|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 8.78| 9.34| 9.34| 8.78
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.43| 8.72| 9.14| 9.43
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.00| 2.08| 2.02| 2.00
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 12.30| 10.17| 11.67| 12.30
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.58| 2.66| 2.58| 2.58
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –22°C)| [kW]| 5.67| 3.78|
5.17| 5.67
Part load conditions space heating colder climate medium temperature
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 8.43| 7.09| 7.80|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.77| 2.75| 2.77| 2.77
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
Space heating 55°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ –22°C| [kW]| 13.5|
11.3| 12.5| 13.5
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 124.3| 126.0| 126.6| 124.3
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 10,473| 8,639| 9,508| 10,459
Part load conditions space heating colder climate low temperature application
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.26| 8.08| 8.74|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.59| 3.64| 3.59| 3.59
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.76| 4.93| 5.52|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.35| 5.34| 5.35| 5.35
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.76| 3.17| 3.70|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 7.04| 5.28| 7.06| 7.04
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.72| 3.69| 3.69|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 8.78| 9.34| 9.34| 8.78
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.43| 8.72| 9.14| 9.43
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.00| 2.08| 2.02| 2.00
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 12.30| 10.17| 11.67| 12.30
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.58| 2.66| 2.58| 2.58
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –22°C)| [kW]| 5.67| 3.78|
5.17| 5.67
Part load conditions space heating colder climate medium temperature
(A) condition (-7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 8.43| 7.09| 7.80|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.77| 2.75| 2.77| 2.77
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Product fiche 4
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.03| 2.25|
2.82| 4.44| 4.64
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.18| 3.30| 3.60| 3.88| 3.91
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 1.56| 1.56|
1.76| 3.00| 3.00
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.50| 4.50| 4.84| 4.88| 4.88
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
**** (D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 1.44| 1.44|
1.44| 3.60| 3.61
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.83| 5.83| 5.83| 6.61| 6.61
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating li
| Tol (temperature operating limit)| [°C]| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00|
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.24| 3.24| 3.24| 7.00| 7.28
COPd (declared COP)| –| 1.32| 1.32| 1.32| 1.38| 1.35
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.25| 4.94| 5.88| 9.21| 10.19
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.00| 2.08| 2.10| 1.92| 1.91
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –22°C)| [kW]| 1.98| 2.82|
3.97| 4.30| 5.21
Warmer climate (Design temperature = 2°C)
Space heating 35°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ 2°C| [kW]| 6.2|
8.1| 9.0| 12.1| 13.2
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 268.2| 274.7| 279.1| 262.3| 260.5
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 1,229| 1,551| 1,714| 2,437| 2,684
Space heating 55°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ 2°C| [kW]| 6.2|
8.1| 9.0| 12.0| 14.2
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 170.9| 185.3| 193.4| 179.0| 184.6
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 1,895| 2,303| 2,458| 3,524| 4,040
Part load conditions space heating warmer climate low temperature application
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.69| 7.23|
8.29| 12.10| 12.94
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.31| 4.04| 3.85| 3.53| 3.51
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.01| 5.18|
5.81| 7.78| 8.51
COPd (declared COP)| –| 6.39| 6.35| 6.24| 5.82| 5.72
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.20| 4.44|
4.64| 5.20
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.74| 3.88| 3.91| 3.74
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.53| 3.00|
3.00| 3.53
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.19| 4.88| 4.88| 5.19
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.61| 3.60|
3.61| 3.61
COPd (declared COP)| –| 6.61| 6.61| 6.61| 6.61
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00| -22.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 7.52| 7.00| 7.28| 7.52
COPd (declared COP)| –| 1.30| 1.38| 1.35| 1.30
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00| -15.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 11.03| 9.21| 10.19| 11.03
COPd (declared COP)| –| 1.85| 1.92| 1.91| 1.85
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: –22°C)| [kW]| 6.00| 4.30|
5.21| 6.00
Warmer climate (Design temperature = 2°C)
Space heating 35°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ 2°C| [kW]|
14.2| 12.1| 13.2| 14.2
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 255.3| 262.1| 260.5| 255.2
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 2,937| 2,439| 2,677| 2,939
Space heating 55°C| Prated (declared heating capacity) @ 2°C| [kW]|
14.5| 12.0| 14.2| 14.5
Seasonal space heating efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 184.0| 178.8| 183.1| 184.0
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 4,154| 3,527| 4,079| 4,145
Part load conditions space heating warmer climate low temperature application
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 14.20|
12.10| 12.94| 14.20
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.22| 3.53| 3.51| 3.22
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
**** (C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.15| 7.78|
8.51| 9.15
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.41| 5.82| 5.72| 5.41
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Product fiche 5
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.07| 2.46|
2.67| 3.64| 3.96
COPd (declared COP)| –| 8.71| 9.30| 9.63| 8.31| 8.51
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 5.69| 7.23| 8.29| 12.10| 12.94
COPd (declared COP)| –| 4.31| 4.04| 3.85| 3.53| 3.51
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.01| 5.18| 5.81| 7.78| 8.51
COPd (declared COP)| –| 6.39| 6.35| 6.24| 5.82| 5.72
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: 2°C)| [kW]| 0.55| 0.84|
0.75| 0.00| 0.26
Part load conditions space heating warmer climate medium temperature
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 6.17| 7.80|
8.42| 12.00| 13.01
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.77| 2.68| 2.68| 2.39| 2.37
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.97| 5.22|
5.81| 7.73| 9.12
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.90| 4.07| 4.16| 3.86| 3.95
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 2.06| 2.36|
2.74| 3.59| 4.26
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.28| 6.07| 6.64| 5.88| 6.37
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
** (E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating
limit)| [°C]| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 6.17| 7.80| 8.42| 12.00| 13.01
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.77| 2.68| 2.68| 2.39| 2.37
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 3.97| 5.22| 5.81| 7.73| 9.12
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.90| 4.07| 4.16| 3.86| 3.95
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: 2°C)| [kW]| 0.00| 0.32|
0.61| 0.00| 1.18
Heat pump space heating**| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.24| 3.64| 3.96|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 8.56| 8.31| 8.51| 8.56
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 14.20| 12.10| 12.94| 14.20
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.22| 3.53| 3.51| 3.22
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.15| 7.78| 8.51| 9.15
COPd (declared COP)| –| 5.41| 5.82| 5.72| 5.41
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: 2°C)| [kW]| 0.00| 0.00|
0.26| 0.00
Part load conditions space heating warmer climate medium temperature
(B) condition (2°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 13.62| 12.00|
13.01| 13.62
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.35| 2.39| 2.37| 2.35
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (7°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.35| 7.73| 9.12|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.94| 3.86| 3.95| 3.94
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (12°C)| Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 4.26| 3.59| 4.26|
COPd (declared COP)| –| 6.37| 5.88| 6.37| 6.37
Cdh(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(E) Tol (temperature operating limit)| Tol (temperature operating limit)|
[°C]| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00| 2.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 13.62| 12.00| 13.01| 13.62
COPd (declared COP)| –| 2.35| 2.39| 2.37| 2.35
WTOL (Heating water Operation Limit)| [°C]| 65| 65| 65| 65
(F) Tbivalent temperature| Tbiv| [°C]| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00| 7.00
Pdh (declared heating capacity)| [kW]| 9.35| 7.73| 9.12| 9.35
COPd (declared COP)| –| 3.94| 3.86| 3.95| 3.94
Supplementary capacity at P_design| Psup (@Tdesignh: 2°C)| [kW]| 0.91| 0.00|
1.18| 0.91
Product fiche 6
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
Product description| Air-to-water heat pump| Y/N| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Water-to-water heat pump| Y/N| No| No| No| No| No
Brine-to-water heat pump| Y/N| No| No| No| No| No
Low-temperature heat pump| Y/N| No| No| No| No| No
Equipped with a supplementary heater| Y/N| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Heat pump combination heater| Y/N| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Air to water unit| Rated airflow (outdoor)| [m3/h]| 3900| 4500| 4500| 5200|
Brine/water to water unit| Rated water/brine flow (outdoor H/E)| **| /| /|
/| /| /
Other| Capacity control| –| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter
Poff (Power consumption Off mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013
Pto (Power consumption Thermostat off mode)| [kW]| 0.020| 0.020| 0.020| 0.020|
Psb (Power consumption Standby mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013
PCK (Power crankcase heater model)| [kW]| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000
Qelec (Daily electricity consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /| /
Qfuel (Daily fuel consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /| /
Note** :
- Product fiche data according to energy label directive 2010/30/EC regulation (EU) 811/2013. Sound power measured according to the EN12102 under conditions of the EN14825.
- Details and precautions on installation, maintenance and assembly can be found in the installation and or operation manuals.
Heat pump space heating| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
Product description| Air-to-water heat pump| Y/N| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Water-to-water heat pump| Y/N| No| No| No| No
Brine-to-water heat pump| Y/N| No| No| No| No
Low-temperature heat pump| Y/N| No| No| No| No
Equipped with a supplementary heater| Y/N| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Heat pump combination heater| Y/N| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Air to water unit| Rated airflow (outdoor)| [m3/h]| 5200| 5200| 5200| 5200
Brine/water to water unit| Rated water/brine flow (outdoor H/E)| **| /| /|
/| /
Other| Capacity control| –| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter
Poff (Power consumption Off mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.015| 0.015| 0.015
Pto (Power consumption Thermostat off mode)| [kW]| 0.020| 0.023| 0.023| 0.023
Psb (Power consumption Standby mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.015| 0.015| 0.015
PCK (Power crankcase heater model)| [kW]| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000
Qelec (Daily electricity consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /
Qfuel (Daily fuel consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /
Note** :
- represents the hydraulic module series ;
- represents the m-thermal tank series ;
- Product fiche data according to energy label directive 2010/30/EC regulation (EU) 811/2013. Sound power measured according to the EN12102 under conditions of the EN14825.
- Details and precautions on installation, maintenance and assembly can be found in the installation and or operation manuals.
Product fiche 7
Heat pump space cooling| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
Outdoor unit sound power (*)| Average climate low temperature application| dB|
62| 64| 66| 69| 71
Average climate medium temperature application| dB| 62| 64| 66| 69| 71
Space cooling 7°C| Prated (declared cooling capacity) @ 35°C| [kW]| 5.6| 7.4|
9.0| 11.7| 13.5
Seasonal space cooling efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 200.43| 204.71| 200.21| 199.92|
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 658| 854| 1,063| 1,380| 1,592
Space cooling 18°C| Prated (declared cooling capacity) @ 35°C| [kW]| 6.9| 8.6|
10.2| 12.1| 14.0
Seasonal space cooling efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 309.5| 320.48| 329.48| 308.53|
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 527| 635| 739| 932| 1,109
Part load conditions space cooling:low temperature application@7°C
(A) condition (35°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 5.58| 7.39| 9.00|
11.67| 13.51
EERd (declared EER)| –| 3.38| 3.28| 2.92| 3.11| 3.01
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (30°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 4.27| 5.63|
6.91| 8.84| 10.06
EERd (declared EER)| –| 4.52| 4.54| 4.08| 4.14| 4.17
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (25°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 2.90| 3.60|
4.58| 5.64| 6.49
EERd (declared EER)| –| 5.46| 5.87| 5.95| 5.71| 5.64
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
** (D) condition (20°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 1.33| 1.74|
2.07| 2.75| 3.06
EERd (declared EER)| –| 6.91| 6.51| 6.74| 6.76| 6.95
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Heat pump space cooling| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
** Outdoor unit sound power (*)| Average climate low temperature
application| dB| 71| 69| 71| 71
Average climate medium temperature application| dB| 71| 69| 71| 71
Space cooling 7°C| Prated (declared cooling capacity) @ 35°C| [kW]| 14.2|
11.7| 13.5| 14.2
Seasonal space cooling efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 201.37| 199.52| 200.4| 201.13
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 1,670| 1,387| 1,593| 1,670
Space cooling 18°C| Prated (declared cooling capacity) @ 35°C| [kW]| 15.3|
12.1| 14.0| 15.3
Seasonal space cooling efficiency (ηs)| [%]| 296.54| 307.86| 299.88| 296.03
Annual energy consumption| [kWh]| 1,229| 934| 1,109| 1,228
Part load conditions space cooling :low temperature application@7°C
**** (A) condition (35°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 14.22|
11.67| 13.51| 14.22
EERd (declared EER)| –| 2.96| 3.11| 3.01| 2.96
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (30°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 10.62| 8.84|
10.06| 10.62
EERd (declared EER)| –| 4.16| 4.14| 4.17| 4.16
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (25°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 7.11| 5.64| 6.49|
EERd (declared EER)| –| 5.72| 5.71| 5.64| 5.72
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (20°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 3.06| 2.75| 3.06|
EERd (declared EER)| –| 6.95| 6.76| 6.95| 6.95
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Product fiche 8
Heat pump space cooling| Outdoor| MHC-V5WD2N8-C| MHC-V7WD2N8-C| MHC-
Part load conditions space cooling :medium temperature application@18°C
(A) condition (35°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 6.86| 8.55|
10.24| 12.10| 14.03
EERd (declared EER)| –| 5.29| 4.99| 4.42| 4.77| 4.55
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (30°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 5.27| 6.66|
7.81| 9.24| 10.60
EERd (declared EER)| –| 7.03| 6.56| 6.34| 6.67| 6.43
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
**** (C) condition (25°C)
| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 3.32| 4.51| 5.16| 5.83| 7.08
EERd (declared EER)| –| 8.14| 9.48| 9.50| 9.38| 8.93
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (20°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 1.61| 1.96| 2.51|
3.86| 3.89
EERd (declared EER)| –| 11.31| 11.08| 13.78| 9.38| 9.38
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Air to water unit| Rated airflow (outdoor)| [m3/h]| 3900| 4500| 4500| 5200|
Brine/water to water unit| Rated water/brine flow (outdoor H/E)| –| /| /| /|
/| /
Other| Capacity control| –| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter
Poff (Power consumption Off mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013
Pto (Power consumption Thermostat off mode)| [kW]| 0.005| 0.005| 0.005| 0.005|
Psb (Power consumption Standby mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013
Pck (Power crankcase heater mode)| [kW]| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000
Qelec (Daily electricity consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /| /
Qfuel (Daily fuel consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /| /
Heat pump space cooling| Outdoor| MHC-V16WD2N8-C| MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| MHC-
Part load conditions space cooling : medium temperature application@18°C
(A) condition (35°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 15.34| 12.10|
14.03| 15.34
EERd (declared EER)| –| 4.33| 4.77| 4.55| 4.33
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(B) condition (30°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 11.44| 9.24|
10.60| 11.44
EERd (declared EER)| –| 6.14| 6.67| 6.43| 6.14
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(C) condition (25°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 7.93| 5.83| 7.08|
EERd (declared EER)| –| 8.95| 9.38| 8.93| 8.95
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
(D) condition (20°C)| Pdc (declared cooling capacity)| [kW]| 3.89| 3.86| 3.89|
EERd (declared EER)| –| 9.38| 9.38| 9.38| 9.38
Cdc(degradation coefficient)| –| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90| 0.90
Air to water unit| Rated airflow (outdoor)| [m3/h]| 5200| 5200| 5200| 5200
Brine/water to water unit| Rated water/brine flow (outdoor H/E)| –| /| /| /| /
Other| Capacity control| –| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter| Inverter
Poff (Power consumption Off mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013
Pto (Power consumption Thermostat off mode)| [kW]| 0.005| 0.008| 0.008| 0.008
Psb (Power consumption Standby mode)| [kW]| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013| 0.013
Pck (Power crankcase heater mode)| [kW]| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000
Qelec (Daily electricity consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /
Qfuel (Daily fuel consumption)| [kWh]| /| /| /| /
Outdoor unit| Ambient Temperature:35/24 Water temperature:23/18| Ambient
Temperature:35/24 Water temperature:12/7| Ambient Temperature:7/6 Water
temperature:30/35| Ambient Temperature:2/1 Water temperature:30/35
Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
| Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
| Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
| Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
MHC-V5WD2N8-C| 6.50| 1.275| 5.10| 5.50| 1.692| 3.25| 6.50| 1.226| 5.30| 5.60|
1.333| 4.20
MHC-V7WD2N8-C| 8.30| 1.711| 4.85| 7.40| 2.349| 3.15| 8.40| 1.663| 5.05| 7.10|
1.797| 3.95
MHC-V9WD2N8-C| 10.00| 2.326| 4.30| 9.00| 3.103| 2.90| 10.00| 2.128| 4.70|
8.20| 2.158| 3.80
MHC-V12WD2N8-C| 12.20| 2.652| 4.60| 11.60| 3.742| 3.10| 12.20| 2.490| 4.90|
12.30| 3.417| 3.60
MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| 12.20| 2.652| 4.60| 11.60| 3.742| 3.10| 12.20| 2.490| 4.90|
12.30| 3.417| 3.60
MHC-V14WD2N8-C| 13.90| 3.159| 4.40| 13.40| 4.573| 2.93| 14.10| 3.000| 4.70|
13.00| 3.714| 3.50
MHC-V14WD2RN8-C| 13.90| 3.159| 4.40| 13.40| 4.573| 2.93| 14.10| 3.000| 4.70|
13.00| 3.714| 3.50
MHC-V16WD2N8-C| 15.40| 3.667| 4.20| 14.00| 4.828| 2.90| 16.00| 3.556| 4.50|
14.50| 4.462| 3.25
MHC-V16WD2RN8-C| 15.40| 3.667| 4.20| 14.00| 4.828| 2.90| 16.00| 3.556| 4.50|
14.50| 4.462| 3.25
Outdoor unit| Ambient Temperature:-7/-8 Water temperature:30/35| Ambient
Temperature:7/6 Water temperature:40/45| Ambient Temperature:2/1 Water
temperature:40/45| Ambient Temperature:-7/-8 Water temperature:40/45
Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
| Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
| Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
| Capacity kW| Power input kW| ****
MHC-V5WD2N8-C| 6.20| 1.938| 3.20| 6.60| 1.650| 4.00| 6.50| 2.063| 3.15| 6.10|
2.346| 2.60
MHC-V7WD2N8-C| 7.10| 2.254| 3.15| 8.50| 2.237| 3.80| 7.50| 2.459| 3.05| 6.80|
2.720| 2.50
MHC-V9WD2N8-C| 8.00| 2.667| 3.00| 10.20| 2.795| 3.65| 8.50| 2.881| 2.95| 7.40|
3.083| 2.40
MHC-V12WD2N8-C| 11.60| 4.070| 2.85| 12.50| 3.378| 3.70| 12.00| 4.138| 2.90|
11.50| 4.792| 2.40
MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| 11.60| 4.070| 2.85| 12.50| 3.378| 3.70| 12.00| 4.138| 2.90|
11.50| 4.792| 2.40
MHC-V14WD2N8-C| 12.50| 4.464| 2.80| 14.50| 4.085| 3.55| 13.00| 4.643| 2.80|
12.50| 5.435| 2.30
MHC-V14WD2RN8-C| 12.50| 4.464| 2.80| 14.50| 4.085| 3.55| 13.00| 4.643| 2.80|
12.50| 5.435| 2.30
MHC-V16WD2N8-C| 13.50| 5.000| 2.70| 16.20| 4.696| 3.45| 14.30| 5.296| 2.70|
13.50| 6.000| 2.25
MHC-V16WD2RN8-C| 13.50| 5.000| 2.70| 16.20| 4.696| 3.45| 14.30| 5.296| 2.70|
13.50| 6.000| 2.25
Outdoor unit| Ambient Temperature:7/6 Water temperature:47/55| Ambient
Temperature:2/1 Water temperature:47/55| Ambient Temperature:-7/-8 Water
Capacity kW| Power input kW| COP| Capacity kW| Power input kW| COP|
Capacity kW| Power input kW| COP
MHC-V5WD2N8-C| 6.30| 1.969| 3.20| 6.30| 2.250| 2.80| 5.70| 2.651| 2.15
MHC-V7WD2N8-C| 8.20| 2.603| 3.15| 7.60| 2.815| 2.70| 6.60| 3.143| 2.10
MHC-V9WD2N8-C| 9.40| 3.032| 3.10| 8.40| 3.170| 2.65| 7.20| 3.512| 2.05
MHC-V12WD2N8-C| 12.00| 4.000| 3.00| 12.00| 5.106| 2.35| 10.80| 5.143| 2.10
MHC-V12WD2RN8-C| 12.00| 4.000| 3.00| 12.00| 5.106| 2.35| 10.80| 5.143| 2.10
MHC-V14WD2N8-C| 14.00| 4.746| 2.95| 13.00| 5.603| 2.32| 11.70| 5.625| 2.08
MHC-V14WD2RN8-C| 14.00| 4.746| 2.95| 13.00| 5.603| 2.32| 11.70| 5.625| 2.08
MHC-V16WD2N8-C| 16.00| 5.614| 2.85| 13.50| 5.870| 2.30| 12.80| 6.244| 2.05
MHC-V16WD2RN8-C| 16.00| 5.614| 2.85| 13.50| 5.870| 2.30| 12.80| 6.244| 2.05
ErP Information
Fan Types | Axial fan |
Directive (or Standard) for Regulation |
- ErP Directive 2009/125/EC
Model Name| ZKSN-170-8-3L + ZL-58019012-3| Rev.|
Prepare by|
Specified Information of Fan:
No. | Information Item | Comment |
1 | η target = | 28.6% |
2 | Overall efficiency (η e ) = | 34.0% |
3 | Pass or not (Criteria: η e ≧η target ) | Pass |
4 | Measurement category (A-D) | A |
5 | Efficiency category (static or total) | Static |
6 | Efficiency grade at optimum energy efficiency point | N =45.4 |
7 | VSD is integrated within the fan | YES |
8 | Year of Manufacture | Ref. to the Unit Nameplate |
9 | Manufacturer’s name and place of manufacture | Ref. to the Unit Nameplate |
10.1 | Rated motor power input(s) (kW), at optimum energy efficiency | 0.156kw |
10.2 | Rated motor flow rate(s) at optimum energy efficiency | 1.290m3/s |
10.3 | Rated motor pressure(s) at optimum energy efficiency | 36Pa |
11 | Rotations per minute (R.P.M)at the optimum energy efficiency point |
12| Specific ratio| 1.001
13| Information relevant for facilitating disassembly, recycling or disposal
at end-of-life| all materials can be recycled
14| Information relevant to minimize impact on the environment and ensure
optimal life expectancy as regards installation, use and maintenance of the
fan| For installation, the clearance of 500 mm shall be kept from inlet
15| Description of additional items used when determining the fan energy
efficiency,such as ducts, that are not described in the measurement category
and not supplied with the fan.| Measurement category A, fan is free inlet and
outlet conditions
16| Motor manufacturer| SHISHISHI TONGDA MOTOR CO.,LTD.
Fan Types| Axial fan
Directive (or Standard) for Regulation| ErP Directive 2009/125/EC COMMISSION
REGULATION (EU) No 327/2011
Model Name| ZKSN-170-8-3L+ ZL-58019012-3| Rev.|
Prepare by|
No.| Information Item| Comment
1| η target =| 28.5%
2| Overall efficiency (η e ) =| 33.9%
3| Pass or not (Criteria: η e ≧η target )| Pass
4| Measurement category (A-D)| A
5| Efficiency category (static or total)| Static
6| Efficiency grade at optimum energy efficiency point| N =45.4
7| VSD is integrated within the fan| YES
8| Year of Manufacture| Ref. to the Unit Nameplate
9| Manufacturer’s name and place of manufacture| Ref. to the Unit Nameplate
10.1| Rated motor power input(s) (kW), at optimum energy efficiency| 0.153kw
10.2| Rated motor flow rate(s) at optimum energy efficiency| 1.248m3/s
10.3| Rated motor pressure(s) at optimum energy efficiency| 36Pa
11| Rotations per minute (R.P.M)at the optimum energy efficiency point|
12| Specific ratio| 1.001
13| Information relevant for facilitating disassembly, recycling or disposal
at end-of-life| all materials can be recycled
14| Information relevant to minimize impact on the environment and ensure
optimal life expectancy as
regards installation, use and maintenance of the fan
| For installation, the clearance of 500 mm shall be kept from inlet
15| Description of additional items used when determining the fan energy
efficiency,such as ducts, that are not described in the measurement category
and not supplied with the
| Measurement category A, fan is free inlet and outlet conditions
Fan Types| Axial fan
Directive (or Standard) for Regulation| ErP Directive 2009/125/EC COMMISSION
REGULATION (EU) No 327/2011
Model Name| ZKSN-200-10-2L+ ZL-58019012-3| Rev.|
Prepare by|
No.| Information Item| Comment
1| ηtarget =| 29.1%
2| Overall efficiency (ηe) =| 33.6%
3| Pass or not (Criteria: ηe ≧ηtarget )| Pass
4| Measurement category (A-D)| A
5| Efficiency category (static or total)| Static
6| Efficiency grade at optimum energy efficiency point| N =44.6
7| VSD is integrated within the fan| YES
8| Year of Manufacture| Ref. to the Unit Nameplate
9| Manufacturer’s name and place of manufacture| Ref. to the Unit Nameplate
10.1| Rated motor power input(s) (kW), at optimum energy efficiency| 0.186kw
10.2| Rated motor flow rate(s) at optimum energy efficiency| 1.292m3/s
10.3| Rated motor pressure(s) at optimum energy efficiency| 43Pa
11| Rotations per minute (R.P.M)at the optimum energy efficiency point|
12| Specific ratio| 1.001
13| Information relevant for facilitating disassembly, recycling or disposal
at end-of-life| all materials can be recycled
14| Information relevant to minimize impact on the environment and ensure
optimal life expectancy as regards installation, use and maintenance of the
fan| For installation, the clearance of 500 mm shall be kept from inlet
15| Description of additional items used when determining the fan energy
efficiency, such as ducts, that are not described in the measurement category
and not supplied with the fan.| Measurement category A, fan is free inlet and
outlet conditions
Fan Types| Axial fan
Directive (or Standard) for Regulation| ErP Directive 2009/125/EC COMMISSION
REGULATION (EU) No 327/2011
Model Name| ZKSN-200-10-2L+ ZL-58019012-3| Rev.|
Prepare by|
No.| Information Item| Comment
1| ηtarget =| 28.9%
2| Overall efficiency (ηe) =| 33.0%
3| Pass or not (Criteria: ηe ≧ηtarget )| Pass
4| Measurement category (A-D)| A
5| Efficiency category (static or total)| Static
6| Efficiency grade at optimum energy efficiency point| N =44.1
7| VSD is integrated within the fan| YES
8| Year of Manufacture| Ref. to the Unit Nameplate
9| Manufacturer’s name and place of manufacture| Ref. to the Unit Nameplate
10.1| Rated motor power input(s) (kW), at optimum energy efficiency| 0.178kw
10.2| Rated motor flow rate(s) at optimum energy efficiency| 1.420m3/s
10.3| Rated motor pressure(s) at optimum energy efficiency| 36Pa
11| Rotations per minute (R.P.M)at the optimum energy efficiency point|
12| Specific ratio| 1.001
13| Information relevant for facilitating disassembly, recycling or disposal
at end-of-life| all materials can be recycled
14| Information relevant to minimize impact on the environment and ensure
optimal life expectancy as regards installation, use and maintenance of the
fan| For installation, the clearance of 500 mm shall be kept from inlet
15| Description of additional items used when determining the fan energy
efficiency ,such as ducts, that are not described in the measurement category
and not supplied with the fan.| Measurement category A, fan is free inlet and
outlet conditions
16| Motor manufacturer| JIANGSU SHANGQI GROUP CO., LTD.
16125300002840 V.D
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