ROGUE Chauvet Pro Outcast 1L Beam User Guide

June 3, 2024

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ROGUE Chauvet Pro Outcast 1L Beam

ROGUE Chauvet Pro Outcast 1L Beam product About This Guide
The Rogue Outcast 1L Beam Quick Reference Guide (QRG) has basic product information such as connection, mounting, menu options, and DMX values. Download the User Manual from for more details.
The information and specifications contained in this QRG are subject to change without notice.


For Customers in the United States and Mexico: /warranty-registration.
For Customers in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and Germany: /warranty-registration.
Chauvet warrants that this product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use, for the period specified in, and subject to the exclusions and limitations set forth in the full limited warranty on our website. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. To exercise rights under this warranty, you must provide proof of purchase in the form of an original sales receipt from an authorized dealer that shows the product name and date of purchase. THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state and country to country. This warranty is valid only in the United States, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Mexico. For warranty terms in other countries, please consult your local distributor.

Safety Notes

These Safety Notes include important information about installation, use, and maintenance.

  • DO NOT open this product. It contains no user-serviceable parts.
  • DO NOT look at the light source when the product is on.
  • DO NOT operate this product if the housing, lenses, or cables appear damaged.
  • DO NOT connect this product to a dimmer or rheostat.
  • DO NOT leave any flammable material within 80 cm of this product while operating or connected to power.
  • DO NOT submerge this product. Temporary outdoor operation is fine (IP65).
  • Not for permanent outdoor installation in locations with extreme environmental conditions. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Exposure to a marine/saline environment (within 3 miles of a saltwater body of water).
    • Where the normal high or low temperatures of the location exceed the temperature ranges in this manual.
    • Locations that are prone to flooding or being buried in snow.
    • Other areas where the product will be subject to extreme radiation or caustic substances.
  • CAUTION: When transferring product from extreme temperature environments, (e.g. cold truck to warm humid ballroom) condensation may form on the internal electronics of the product. To avoid causing a failure, allow product to fully acclimate to the surrounding environment before connecting it to power.
  • CAUTION: This product’s housing may be hot when lights are operating.
  • USE a safety cable when mounting this product overhead.
  • ONLY connect this product to a grounded and protected circuit.
  • ONLY use the hanging/mounting bracket or the handles to carry this product. Do not carry by the moving head.
  • To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.
  • Mount this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
  • The maximum ambient temperature is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate this product at higher temperatures.
  • The luminaire should be positioned so that prolonged staring into the luminaire at a distance closer than 34.4 ft (10.5 m) is not expected.
  • If the external flexible cable or cord of this luminaire is damaged, it shall be replaced by a special cord or cord exclusively available from the manufacturer or his service agent.
  • The light source contained in this luminaire shall only be replaced by the manufacturer or his service agent or a similar qualified person.
  • The luminaire is intended for professional use only.
  • In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using immediately.

What is Included

  • Rogue Outcast 1L Beam
  • Sermonic Powertone IP65 power cord
  • 2 Omega brackets with mounting hardware
  • Quick Reference Guide


AC Power

This product has an auto-ranging power supply that can work with an input voltage range of 100–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.

AC Plug
Connection Wire (U.S.) Wire (Europe) Screw Color
AC Live Black Brown Yellow/Brass
AC Neutral White Blue Silver
AC Ground Green/Yellow Green/Yellow Green

To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non- use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.
Replacing the Fuse

  1. Disconnect the product from power.
  2. Using a flat-head screwdriver, unscrew the fuse holder cap from the housing.
  3. Remove blown fuse and replace with a good fuse of the same type and rating.
  4. Screw the fuse holder cap back in place and reconnect power.
DMX Linking

The Rogue Outcast 1L Beam will work with a DMX controller using a 5-pin IP- rated DMX serial connection. A DMX Primer is available from

DMX Connection

The Rogue Outcast 1L Beam uses a 5-pin IP-rated DMX data connection for its DMX personalities: 17CH and 19CH. See the User Manual for information about connecting and configuring the product for DMX operation.

RDM (Remote Device Management)

Remote Device Management, or RDM, is a standard for allowing DMX-enabled devices to communicate bi-directionally along existing DMX cabling. Check the DMX controller’s User Manual or with the manufacturer, as not all DMX controllers have this capability. The Rogue Outcast 1L Beam supports RDM protocol that allows feedback to make changes to menu map options. Download the User Manual from for more details.


Before mounting this product, read the Safety Notes. Use at least one mounting point per product. Make sure the mounting clamps are capable of supporting the weight of the product. For Chauvet’s line of mounting clamps, go to

Mounting Diagram
  • Overhead MountingROGUE Chauvet Pro Outcast 1L Beam 01
  • Floor Mounting

Control Panel Description

Button Function
< MENU> Exits from the current menu or function
< ENTER> Enables the currently displayed menu or sets the currently

selected value into the selected function
< UP>| Navigates upwards through the menu list and increases the numeric value when in a function
< DOWN>| Navigates downwards through the menu list and decreases the numeric value when in a function

Refer to the Rogue Outcast 1L Beam product page on for the latest menu map.

Main Level Programming Levels Description
Address 001–512 Sets the starting address
Run Mode DMX 17CH

Auto Test| Auto test all functions
Manual Test| Pan| 0–255| Manually control and test all settings through the control panel
Pan Fine
Tilt Fine
P/T Speed
Dimmer Fine
Gobo Rotate
Prism1 Rotate
Prism2 Rotate
Fine focus
Special Function
Setup| Pan Reverse| ON| Reversed pan
OFF| Normal pan
Tilt Reverse| ON| Reversed tilt
OFF| Normal tilt
Screen Reverse| YES| Inverted screen display
NO| Normal screen display
AUTO| Automatic screen display
Pan Angle| 540| 540° pan range
360| 360° pan range
180| 180° pan range
Tilt Angle| 270| 270° tilt range
180| 180° tilt range
90| 90° tilt range
BL. O. P/T Move| YES| Blackout while panning/tilting
NO| Disable blackout while panning/tilting
BL. O. Color Move| YES| Blackout while color wheel is moving
NO| Disable blackout while color wheel is moving
BL. O. Gobo Move| YES| Blackout while gobo wheels are moving
NO| Disable blackout while gobo wheels are moving
Main Level| Programming Levels| Description
Setup| Backlight Timer| 30S| Display turns off after 30 seconds
1M| Display turns off after 1 minute
5M| Display turns off after 5 minutes
ON| Display stays on
PWM Option| 600Hz| Sets the Pulse Width Modulation Frequency (PWM)
Fan Mode| Auto| Fan speed according to product temperature
Full| Fan speed set on high
ECO| Quiet mode
USB Update| NO| Enables/disables software update using USB
Reset Function| Pan/Tilt| YES NO| Reset individual functions or all functions from start-up
Gobo/ Gobo Rotate
Factory Settings| YES| Reset to factory default settings

Sys Info

| Ver:| V_| Shows firmware version
Running Mode:| _| Shows current running mode
DMX Address:| _| Shows current DMX address
Temperature:| C| Shows the product’s temperature in °C
Fixture Hours| _| Shows number of hours product has been powered on
LED Hours:| _| Shows number of hours LED has been on
UID:| | Shows product UID
Fan 1| | Shows fan speed
Fan 2|
Base Fan 1| | Shows base fan speed
Base Fan 2|

DMX Values
17CH 19CH Function Value Percent/Setting
1 1 Pan 000 ó 255 0–100%
2 2 Pan fine 000 ó 255 Fine control (16-bit)
3 3 Tilt 000 ó 255 0–100%
4 4 Tilt fine 000 ó 255 Fine control (16-bit)
5 5 Pan/tilt speed 000 ó 255 Fast to slow
6 6 Dimmer 000 ó 255 0–100%
7 Dimmer fine 000 ó 255 Fine control (16-bit)
000 ó 003 No function
004 ó 007 On
7 8 Strobe 008 ó 076
077 ó 145 Synchronized strobe, slow to fast Pulse strobe, slow to fast
146 ó 215 Random strobe, slow to fast
216 ó 255 On
000 ó 003 Open
004 ó 007 Red
008 ó 011 Orange
012 ó 015 Cyan
016 ó 019 Light green
020 ó 023 Light yellow
024 ó 027 Lavender
028 ó 031 Pink
032 ó 035 Yellow
8 9 Color wheel 036 ó 039 Magenta
040 ó 043 Light blue
044 ó 047 Amber
048 ó 051 CTO 5600K
052 ó 055 CTO 6500K
056 ó 059 UV
060 ó 187 Split colors
188 ó 219 Clockwise color scroll, fast to slow
220 ó 223 Stop
224 ó 255 Counterclockwise color scroll, slow to fast
17CH 19CH Function Value Percent/Setting
--- --- --- --- ---
9 10 Rotating gobo wheel

| 000 ó 003

004 ó 007

008 ó 011

012 ó 015

016 ó 019

020 ó 023

024 ó 027

028 ó 031

032 ó 035

036 ó 039

040 ó 043

044 ó 047

048 ó 051

052 ó 055

056 ó 063

064 ó 071

072 ó 075

076 ó 079

080 ó 083

084 ó 087

088 ó 091

092 ó 095

096 ó 099

100 ó 103

104 ó 107

108 ó 111

112 ó 115

116 ó 119

120 ó 123

124 ó 131

132 ó 191

192 ó 255

| Open Gobo 1
Gobo 2
Gobo 3
Gobo 4
Gobo 5
Gobo 6
Gobo 7
Gobo 8
Gobo 9
Gobo 10
Gobo 11
Gobo 12
Gobo 13
Gobo 14
Gobo 14 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 13 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 12 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 11 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 10 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 9 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 8 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 7 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 6 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 5 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 4 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 3 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 2 shaking, slow to fast Gobo 1 shaking, slow to fast Open
Clockwise gobo scroll, fast to slow
Counterclockwise gobo scroll, slow to fast
10| 11| Gobo rotation| 000 ó 063

064 ó 145

146 ó 149

150 ó 231

232 ó 255

| Gobo index
Gobo rotation, fast to slow Stop
Reverse gobo rotation, slow to fast
Bounce effect, short to long
11| 12| Prism 1| 000 ó 004

005 ó 255

| No function
Prism insert
12| 13| Rotating prism 1| 000 ó 127

128 ó 189

190 ó 193

194 ó 255

| Prism index
Clockwise rotation, fast to slow Stop
Counterclockwise rotation, slow to fast
13| 14| Prism 2| 000 ó 004

005 ó 255

| No function
Prism index
14| 15| Rotating prism 2| 000 ó 127

128 ó 189

190 ó 193

194 ó 255

| Prism index
Clockwise rotation, fast to slow Stop
Counterclockwise rotation, slow to fast
15| 16| Frost| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
16| 17| Focus| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
17CH| 19CH| Function| Value| Percent/Setting
| 18| Fine focus| 000 ó 255| Fine control (16-bit)
17| 19| Control| 000 ó 007

008 ó 015

016 ó 023

024 ó 031

032 ó 039

040 ó 047

048 ó 055

056 ó 095

096 ó 103

104 ó 111

112 ó 119

120 ó 127

128 ó 135

136 ó 143

144 ó 151

152 ó 159

160 ó 167

168 ó 231

232 ó 255

| No function Pan/tilt blackout Color blackout Gobo blackout
Pan/tilt/color blackout Pan/tilt/gobo blackout Pan/tilt/color/gobo blackout No function
Pan reset Tilt reset Color reset Gobo reset No function Prism reset Focus reset All reset|
No function Frost reset
No function


ROGUE Chauvet Pro Outcast 1L Beam 03

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