CHAUVET Intimidator Beam Q60 User Guide

June 7, 2024

CHAUVET Intimidator Beam Q60 User Guide

About This Guide

The Intimidator Beam Q60 Quick Reference Guide (QRG) has basic product information such as mounting, menu options, and DMX values. Download the User Manual from for more details


The information and specifications contained in this QRG are subject to change without notice




For Customers in the United States and /warranty-registration.
For Customers in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and /warranty-registration.
Chauvet warrants that this product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use, for the period specified in, and subject to the exclusions and limitations set forth in the full limited warranty on our website. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. To exercise rights under this warranty, you must provide proof of purchase in the form of an original sales receipt from an authorized dealer that shows the product name and date of purchase. THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state and country to country. This warranty is valid only in the United States, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Mexico. For warranty terms in other countries, please consult your local distributor.

Safety Notes

These Safety Notes include important information about installation, use, and maintenance.

  • ONLY connect this product to a grounded and protected
  • DISCONNECT from power before cleaning or replacing the
  • DO NOT look at the light source when the product is
  • Make sure the power cord is not crimped or
  • Never disconnect this product from power by pulling on the
  • When mounting this product overhead, ALWAYS use a safety
  • DO NOT allow flammable materials close to the product when it is
  • DO NOT touch the product’s housing when it is on because it will be
  • The voltage of the outlet to which you are connecting this product must be within the range stated on the decal or rear panel of the
  • This product is for indoor use only! (IP20) To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose this product to rain or
  • Always mount this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent
  • Be sure that no ventilation slots on the unit’s housing are
  • Never connect this product to a dimmer or
  • Replace the fuse with the same type and
  • Never carry the product by the power Use only the hanging bracket or handle to carry this product.
  • The maximum ambient temperature is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate this product at higher
  • In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using
  • DO NOT open this It contains no user-serviceable parts.
  • To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.


Outside the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Benelux, France, Germany, or Mexico, contact your distributor to request support or return a product. Refer to Contact Us at the end of this QRG for contact information.

What is Included

  • Intimidator Beam Q60
  • Power cord

To Begin

  • Omega bracket
  • Quick Reference Guide

Unpack your Intimidator Beam Q60 and make sure you have received all parts in good condition. If the box or contents appear damaged, notify the carrier immediately, not Chauvet.

AC Power

This product has an auto-ranging power supply that works with an input voltage range of 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
To eliminate wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it

Power Linking

For the maximum number of Intimidator Beam Q60 products that you can power link at each voltage, see the User Manual or the sticker on the product.

Fuse Replacement

  1. Disconnect the product from
  2. Using a flat-head screwdriver, unscrew the fuse holder and pull straight
  3. Remove the blown fuse from the holder and replace with a fuse of the exact same type and
  4. Re-insert the fuse holder and reconnect


Before mounting this product, read the Safety Notes.
Mounting Diagram


Control Panel Description

Button Function
< MENU> Exits from the current menu or function
< UP> Navigates upwards through the menu list and increases the numeric

value when in a function
< DOWN>| Navigates downwards through the menu list and decreases the numeric value when in a function
< ENTER>| Enables the currently displayed menu or sets the currently selected value into the selected function

Refer to the Intimidator Beam Q60 product page on for the latest menu map

Main Level Programming Levels Description
Address 001–512 Sets the DMX starting address

Run Mode

| DMX| 16CH| Selects the DMX mode
Slave| Slave1–4| Selects Slave mode 1, 2, 3, or 4
Auto| Selects Auto mode
Sound| Selects Sound-Active mode
Manual| Pan| 000–255| Manual pan control
Tilt| Manual tilt control


| Pan Reverse| OFF| Normal pan operation
ON| Reverse pan operation
Tilt Reverse| OFF| Normal tilt operation
ON| Reverse tilt operation
Screen Reverse| OFF| Normal display
ON| Reverse display

Pan Angle

| 540| Selects the 540° pan angle range
360| Selects the 360° pan angle range
180| Selects the 180° pan angle range

Tilt Angle

| 260| Selects the 260° tilt angle range
180| Selects the 180° tilt angle range
90| Selects the 90° tilt angle range

Totem Mode

| OFF| Normal mode
UP| Totem mode Base Up
DOWN| Totem mode Base Down
Sensitivity| 001–100| Sets the sound sensitivity
USB Set| OFF| Enables or disables USB function

DMX Loss

| Hold| Holds the last setting when signal is lost
Black| Blacks out the product
Auto| Sets the unit to Auto mode when signal is lost
Sound| Sets the unit to Sound mode when signal is lost
Reset| Resets the product
Factory Set| Loads factory defaults

Sys Info

| Ver:| V_| Displays the firmware version
Running Mode:| _| Displays the current running mode
DMX Address:| _| Displays the current DMX address
Temperature:| _| Displays the product temperature in °C

DMX Linking

The Intimidator Beam Q60 can work with a DMX controller. Instructions for connecting and configuring this product for DMX operation are in the User Manual. If you are not familiar with DMX, download the DMX Primer from

Starting Address

To ensure full access to all channels available in each DMX mode, the highest recommended DMX address is 497.

Master/Slave Connection

The Intimidator Beam Q60 uses the DMX data connection for its Master/Slave mode. Information about configuring the Intimidator Beam Q60 for Master/Slave operation is in the User Manual, which is available from the Chauvet website

DMX Values 16CH

Channel| Function| Value| Percent/Setting|
1| Pan| 000 ó 255| 0–540°|
2| Fine pan| 000 ó 255| Fine control of panning|
3| Tilt| 000 ó 255| 0–260°|
4| Fine tilt| 000 ó 255| Fine control of tilting|


| ****

Continuous pan

| 000 ó 003| No function|
004 ó 127| Pan rotation, fast to slow|
128 ó 131| Stop|
132 ó 255| Reverse pan rotation, slow to fast|


| ****

Continuous tilt

| 000 ó 003| No function|
004 ó 127| Tilt rotation, fast to slow|
128 ó 131| Stop|
132 ó 255| Reverse tilt rotation, slow to fast|
7| Pan/tilt speed| 000 ó 255| Pan/Tilt speed, fast to slow|


| ****


| 000 ó 031| Closed|
032 ó 063| Open|
064 ó 095| Strobe, slow to fast|
096 ó 127| Open|
128 ó 159| Pulse strobe, slow to fast|
160 ó 191| Open|
192 ó 223| Random strobe, slow to fast|
224 ó 255| Open|
9| Dimmer| 000 ó 255| 0–100%|


| ****

Virtual color wheel control

| 000 ó 015| No function|
016 ó 031| CTC|
032 ó 047| Rainbow effect|
048 ó 063| Reverse rainbow effect|
064 ó 079| Continuous|
080 ó 111| Color bounce|
112 ó 255| Reserved for future use|
 |  | 000 ó 047| Color temperature correction 2000K–2700K|
 | Virtual color wheel| 048 ó 098| 3200K white|
099 ó 149| 4200K white|
 | (when Ch. 10 is 016 ó 031)|
150 ó 200| 5600K white|
 |  | 201 ó 255| 8000K white|
 | Virtual color wheel| 000 ó 255| Rainbow effect, slow to fast|
 | (when Ch. 10 is 032 ó 047)|
 | Virtual color wheel| 000 ó 255| Reverse rainbow effect, slow to fast|
 | (when Ch. 10 is 048 ó 063)|
11|  | 000| Blackout|
001| Red|
 |  | 002| Green|
 |  | 003| Blue|
 | Virtual color wheel| 004| White|
005 ó 046| Red: 0%          Green: 0–100% Blue: 100% White: 0%|
 | (when Ch. 10 is 064 ó 111)|
047 ó 088| Red: 0%          Green: 100%    Blue: 100–0% White: 0%|
 |  | 089 ó 130| Red: 0–100%   Green: 100%    Blue: 0% White: 0%|
 |  | 131 ó 172| Red: 100%       Green: 100–0% Blue: 0% White: 0%|
 |  | 173 ó 214| Red: 100%       Green: 0%       Blue: 0–100% White: 0%|
 |  | 215 ó 255| Red: 100–0%   Green: 0%       Blue: 100% White: 0%|
Channel| Function| Value| Percent/Setting
12| Red| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
13| Green| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
14| Blue| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
15| White| 000 ó 255| 0–100%


| ****


| 000 ó 007| No function
008 ó 015| Reset all
016 ó 023| Blackout while pan and tilt moving on (5 second delay)
024 ó 031| Blackout while pan and tilt moving off (5 second delay)
032 ó 039| Sound-active pan and tilt on (5 second delay)
040 ó 047| Sound-active pan and tilt off (5 second delay)
048 ó 055| Sound-active color on (5 second delay)
056 ó 063| Sound-active color off (5 second delay)
064 ó 071| Display off
072 ó 079| Display on
080 ó 087| Fan speed auto
088 ó 095| Fan speed full
096 ó 103| Dimmer speed mode linear
104 ó 111| Dimmer speed mode slow
112 ó 119| Dimmer speed mode medium
120 ó 127| Dimmer speed mode fast
128 ó 135| Blackout on movement
136 ó 143| Pan forward spin
144 ó 151| Pan reverse spin
152 ó 159| Tilt forward spin
160 ó 167| Tilt reverse spin
168 ó 175| Pan and tilt forward spin
176 ó 183| Pan and tilt reverse spin
184 ó 191| Pan forward spin and tilt reverse spin
192 ó 199| Pan reverse spin and tilt forward spin
200 ó 255| Reserved for future use


Channel Function Value Percent/Setting
1 Pan 000 ó 255 0–540°
2 Tilt 000 ó 255 0–260°
3 Pan/tilt speed 000 ó 255 Pan/Tilt speed, fast to slow


| ****


| 000 ó 031| Closed
032 ó 063| Open
064 ó 095| Strobe, slow to fast
096 ó 127| Open
128 ó 159| Pulse strobe, slow to fast
160 ó 191| Open
192 ó 223| Random strobe, slow to fast
224 ó 255| Open
5| Dimmer| 000 ó 255| 0–100%


| ****

Virtual color wheel control

| 000 ó 015| No function
016 ó 031| CTC
032 ó 047| Rainbow effect
048 ó 063| Reverse rainbow effect
064 ó 079| Continuous
080 ó 111| Color bounce
112 ó 255| Reserved for future use


| ****

Virtual color wheel

(when Ch. 6 is 016 ó 031)

| 000 ó 047| Color temperature correction 2000K–2700K
048 ó 098| 3200K white
099 ó 149| 4200K white
150 ó 200| 5600K white
201 ó 255| 8000K white
Virtual color wheel

(when Ch. 6 is 032 ó 047)

| 000 ó 255| Rainbow effect, slow to fast
Virtual color wheel

(when Ch. 6 is 048 ó 063)

| 000 ó 255| Reverse rainbow effect, slow to fast

Virtual color wheel

(when Ch. 6 is 064 ó 111)

| 000| Blackout
001| Red
002| Green
003| Blue
004| White
005 ó 046| Red: 0%          Green: 0–100% Blue: 100% White: 0%
047 ó 088| Red: 0%          Green: 100%    Blue: 100–0% White: 0%
089 ó 130| Red: 0–100%   Green: 100%    Blue: 0% White: 0%
131 ó 172| Red: 100%       Green: 100–0% Blue: 0% White: 0%
173 ó 214| Red: 100%       Green: 0%       Blue: 0–100% White: 0%
215 ó 255| Red: 100–0%   Green: 0%       Blue: 100% White: 0%
8| Red| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
9| Green| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
10| Blue| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
11| White| 000 ó 255| 0–100%
Channel| Function| Value| Percent/Setting


| ****


| 000 ó 007| No function
008 ó 015| Reset all
016 ó 023| Blackout while pan and tilt moving on (5 second delay)
024 ó 031| Blackout while pan and tilt moving off (5 second delay)
032 ó 039| Sound-active pan and tilt on (5 second delay)
040 ó 047| Sound-active pan and tilt off (5 second delay)
048 ó 055| Sound-active color on (5 second delay)
056 ó 063| Sound-active color off (5 second delay)
064 ó 071| Display off
072 ó 079| Display on
080 ó 087| Fan speed auto
088 ó 095| Fan speed full
096 ó 103| Dimmer speed mode linear
104 ó 111| Dimmer speed mode slow
112 ó 119| Dimmer speed mode medium
120 ó 127| Dimmer speed mode fast
128 ó 135| Blackout on movement
136 ó 143| Pan forward spin
144 ó 151| Pan reverse spin
152 ó 159| Tilt forward spin
160 ó 167| Tilt reverse spin
168 ó 175| Pan and tilt forward spin
176 ó 183| Pan and tilt reverse spin
184 ó 191| Pan forward spin and tilt reverse spin
192 ó 199| Pan reverse spin and tilt forward spin
200 ó 255| Reserved for future use

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