ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide

June 7, 2024

ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide

ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide

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Thank you for choosing the ADT® Fall Detection Pendant. We welcome you to the ADT family. If you have any questions please call our support team at 800.568.1216 . They are available 24/7/365.
The Fall Detection Pendant enables you to send an alarm to the emergency response center when you need it by pressing the blue Emergency Help Button. It also provides extra protection by automatically sending an alarm if you fall and are unable to push your button.

Using the Fall Detection Pendant with the ADT Health Systems
The Fall Detection Pendant is compatible with both the Medical Alert Plus and On-the-Go Emergency Response Systems. The Medical Alert Plus System uses a fixed Base Station that resides within your home. The On-the-Go Emergency Response System features a portable Mobile Device that you can use inside your home and take with you when you leave home. You can speak with an emergency response operator using either of these two devices. The Fall Detection Pendant itself is not capable of two-way communication.

ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide - Using the Fall Detection Pendant
with the ADT Health Systems

This user guide describes using the Fall Detection Pendant with both of these systems. Please remember that when we mention the Base Station, we are referring to the Medical Alert Plus System. When we talk about the Mobile Device, we are referring to the On-the-Go Emergency Response System.
The Fall Detection Pendant does not detect 100% of falls. If able, you should always push the blue Emergency Help Button when you need assistance. You will find instructions on how to set up your system in the user guide for your Medical Alert Plus System or On-the-Go Emergency Response System.

Fall Detection Pendant User Guide

ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide - Fall Detection Pendant

Putting on the Fall Detection Pendant

  1. Place the Fall Detection Pendant around your neck and adjust the lanyard so that it rests at chest level with the Pendant facing away from your body so that it is easier for you to press.
  2. Wear the Fall Detection Pendant outside your shirt, as wearing it inside your shirt can reduce the percentage of falls being detected.


  • Please handle your Fall Detection Pendant with care when putting it on or taking it off, as the device may interpret this movement as a fall and activate.
  • If the Fall Detection Pendant does sense a fall, it sounds a series of beeps and the red light begins flashing.
  • You can cancel the Fall Detection alarm by pressing and holding the blue Emergency Help Button on the Fall Detection Pendant for approximately 5 seconds until the light flashes green once and you hear a series of beeps.
  • If you are unable to cancel, please tell the operator that it was a false alarm. If you do not respond or speak to the operator, emergency help will be dispatched.
Testing Your Fall Detection Pendant

Please have your complete system near you at the time of testing.
NOTE: It is important that you test your system at least once a month.

  1. Firmly press the blue button on the Fall Detection Pendant one time.
    • An alarm is sent to the Base Station or Mobile Device.
    • The Base Station states, “ CALL IN PROGRESS. ” After the Fall Detection alarm is received, the Base Station states, “ PLEASE STAND BY FOR OPERATOR.
    • The Mobile Device sounds three (3) double beeps and the red ring around the gray Emergency button lights up for several seconds, and then fades out.
    • An emergency operator will speak with you through the Base Station or Mobile Device.

  2. Tell the operator that this is not an emergency and that you are testing the system.
    • If you do not respond or speak to the operator and explain that you are testing your unit, emergency help will be dispatched.

NOTE: Neither the Base Station nor the Mobile Device will transmit an emergency call if you have already sent one within the previous two minutes.

Testing Fall Detection

Please have your complete system near you at the time of testing.

  1. Drop the Fall Detection Pendant from a height of approximately 18 inches. The Pendant takes 20 to 30 seconds to interpret the movement and determine if an actual fall has occurred. If it determines that a fall has occurred:
    • The Fall Detection Pendant sends a signal to the Base Station or Mobile Device.
    • The Fall Detection Pendant sounds a series of beeps and the light flashes red for 20 seconds.
    • The Mobile Device sounds three (3) double beeps and the red ring around the gray Emergency button lights up for several seconds, and then fades out.

  2. Do not pick up the Fall Detection Pendant before the test is completed, as it may interpret this as normal movement and cancel the test call.

To cancel the Fall Detection test call:

  • Press and hold the blue Emergency Help Button on the Fall Detection Pendant for five seconds until it flashes green once and you hear a series of beeps. The alarm is not sent to the emergency response center.
  • You can also cancel the Fall Detection alarm by pressing the blue RESET button on the Base Station. If you cancel the Fall Detection alarm, your Base Station states, “ALARM CANCELLED.”
  • You cannot cancel the Fall Detection alarm with the Mobile Device. You must press the blue button on the Fall Detection Pendant to cancel the alarm.

If you do not cancel the alarm during the first 20 seconds after a fall was detected, a call will be made to the Emergency Response Center. Please tell the operator that you are testing your system. If you do not respond or speak to the operator and explain that this is a test, emergency help will be dispatched.

Using the Fall Detection Pendant

With the Medical Alert Plus System

ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide - Medical Alert Plus

If You Fall
The Fall Detection Pendant takes 20 to 30 seconds to interpret the movement and determine if an actual fall has occurred. If it determines that a fall has occurred:

  • The Fall Detection Pendant sends a signal to the Base Station.
  • The Fall Detection Pendant sounds a series of beeps and the light flashes red for 20 seconds.
  • If you do not cancel the Fall Detection alarm during the first 20 seconds after a fall was detected, the Base Station states, “FALL DETECTED, CONTACTING EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTER,” and then “PLEASE STAND BY FOR OPERATOR.”
  • An emergency operator communicates with you through the Base Station.
  • Tell the operator that you are in need of help.
  • Emergency help is dispatched.

To cancel the Fall Detection Alarm during the first 20 seconds after a fall was detected:

  • Press and hold the blue Emergency Help Button on the Fall Detection Pendant for approximately five (5) seconds until the light flashes green once and you hear three (3) beeps.
  • You can also cancel the Fall Detection alarm by pressing the blue RESET button on the Base Station.
  • If you cancel the Fall Detection alarm, the Base Station states, “ALARM CANCELLED.” No alarm is sent to the emergency response center.
Using the Pendant with the On-the-Go Emergency Response System

If you Fall
The Fall Detection Pendant takes 20 to 30 seconds to interpret the movement and determine whether an actual fall has occurred. If it determines that a fall has occurred:

  • The Fall Detection Pendant sends a signal to the Mobile Device.
  • The Pendant sounds a series of beeps and the light flashes red for 20 seconds.
  • The Mobile Device sounds three (3) double beeps and the red ring around the gray Emergency button lights up for several seconds, and then fades out.
  • To cancel, press and hold the blue Emergency Help button on the Fall Detection Pendant for five (5) seconds until three (3) beeps are heard. This cancels the alert.
  • If you did not cancel the Fall Detection alarm, an emergency operator communicates with you through your Mobile Device.
  • Tell the operator that you are in need of help.
  • Emergency help is dispatched.
To Manually Call for Help
  • Press the blue Emergency Help Button on the Fall Detection Pendant once firmly.
  • An alarm is sent to the Base Station or Mobile Device.
  • The Base Station states, “ CALL IN PROGRESS. ” After the alarm is received, the Base Station states, “ PLEASE STAND BY FOR OPERATOR.”
  • The Mobile Device sounds three (3) double beeps and the red ring around the gray Emergency button lights up for several seconds, and then fades out.
  • An emergency operator communicates with you through the Base Station or Mobile Device.
  • Tell the operator that you are in need of help.
  • Emergency help is dispatched.

You cannot cancel a Manual Call made with the Fall Detection Pendant. If you press the blue Emergency Help Button when there is no emergency, wait for the emergency operator to speak to you. Tell the operator that this is not an emergency and that you do not need help.

Fall Detection Pendant Light Indicator

The Multicolor Indicator at the top of the Fall Detection Pendant flashes in different colors to advise you of various conditions. The following table describes the colors that the Indicator may flash and what it means.

ADT Fall Detection Pendant User Guide - Fall Detection Pendant Light

Helpful Tips to Minimize Activation While Sleeping

Tip 1
To prevent your Fall Detection Pendant from accidentally activating while you sleep, please shorten the length of your lanyard so that the Pendant rests at chest level.
Tip 2
Keep the Base Station or Mobile Device in or close to your bedroom. If the Fall Detection Pendant accidentally activates while you are sleeping, you will be able to hear the operator over the Base Station or Mobile Device and can advise the operator that it was a false alarm and that you do not need emergency assistance. If the Fall Detection Pendant alerts the call center and we are not able to contact you over your Base Station, Mobile Device or primary home phone, help will be dispatched.
Tip 3
If your Fall Detection Pendant activates frequently when you are sleeping, you may want to wear a regular neck pendant or wrist button while in bed. Remember to put your Fall Detection Pendant back on when you get up from bed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team at 800.568.1216.

Important Safety Information

  • Test your system once a month.
  • The Fall Detection Pendant does not detect 100% of falls. If you are able, please press any Emergency Help Button when you need assistance.
  • The Fall Detection Pendant will work up to approximately 600 feet from the Base Station, if there are no obstructions (Line of Sight).
  • The Fall Detection Pendant will work up to approximately 100 feet from the Mobile Device, depending on the size and construction of your home and whether you are inside or outside.
  • Wear your Fall Detection Pendant at all times.
  • Place the Fall Detection Pendant around your neck and adjust the lanyard so that it rests at chest level with the blue Emergency Help Button facing away from your body so that it is easier to press.
  • Wear your Fall Detection Pendant outside your shirt, as wearing it inside your shirt can reduce the percentage of falls being detected.
  • If your Fall Detection Pendant is not working properly, please call ADT support at 800.568.1216.

The Fall Detection Pendant lanyard has been designed to break away when tugged. However, you can still suffer serious personal injury or death if the cord becomes entangled or stuck on objects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I fall?
If you are able to, you should always press the blue Emergency Help Button if you need help. If you are unable to press the button and a fall is detected by the Fall Detection Pendant, it waits for 20 to 30 seconds to check for normal movement before sending the emergency fall message. It then waits 20 additional seconds for manual cancellation. After this time, if no motion has occurred and the alarm is not cancelled manually, the alert is sent to the emergency response center just as it would for an Emergency Help Button press.

How can I cancel a Fall Detection Alarm?
Alarms can be manually cancelled by pressing and holding the blue Emergency Help Button on the Fall Detection Pendant for at least 5 seconds during the time that the red light is flashing. You will hear a series of beeps and the light will flash green once. You can also cancel by pressing the blue RESET button on the Base Station, if you have the Medical Alert Plus System. If the alarm is not cancelled, the emergency operator will contact you through the Base Station or Mobile Device. If the operator cannot hear you or you do not respond, emergency help will be dispatched.

How do I manually call for help?
Press the blue Emergency Help Button on the Fall Detection Pendant. An alarm will be sent to the monitoring center through the Base Station or Mobile Device. Once you communicate with an operator, if you are able to speak, please provide your status. If you fall and are not able to push your button, your fall will be automatically detected and an alarm will be sent to the emergency response center through the Base Station or Mobile Device.

Is the Fall Detection Pendant waterproof?
Yes, it can be worn in the shower. However, it is not recommended to submerge any pendant for extended periods of time.

Is the lanyard adjustable?
Yes, the lanyard is adjustable. Tighten the lanyard by grasping the two black fittings and pulling. Loosen by grasping just below the fitting and on the connector for the lanyard and giving a slight pull.

How long will the battery last?
The battery is designed to last 18 months. The visual indicator will also flash amber briefly every two minutes to indicate low battery. If this occurs, please call ADT technical support at the number listed at the end of this user guide.

If I fall and stand up, will the Fall Detection Pendant still call for help?
If the fall detect pendant detects regular movement it may cancel the alarm on its own.

Is the lanyard breakaway?
Yes, with a tug the lanyard will break away.

What do I do if I accidentally set off the Fall Detection Alarm?
If you accidentally set off the alarm, you can press and hold the blue Emergency Help Button for five seconds or until it flashes green to cancel the alarm. You can also press the blue RESET button on the Base Station. If you are not able to do this just let the alarm go through and simply inform the emergency operator that this is a “false alarm.” The operator will disconnect and no further action will be taken.

Can I replace the Fall Detection Pendant cord?
Yes, it will work with just about any chain or cord, so feel free to use any one of your personal chains or necklaces. However the risk of choking may increase if you do not use the provided lanyard.

Can I speak into my Fall Detection Pendant?
No, you can only communicate with the monitoring center through the Base Station or Mobile Device. The Fall Detection Pendant does not have two-way communication.

FCC Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Caution
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not create harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Technical Specifications

Fall Detection Pendant

Dimensions: 1.4″ x 2.0″ x 0.8″ (35 mm x 53 mm x 20 mm), W x L x H
Weight: 1 Oz (28 g)
Battery Power: 3.6 VDC, 1200 mAh
Battery Life: Up to 18 months
Signal Frequency: 433 MHz
Operating Temp: 14°F to 122°F (­10°C to +50°C)
Environmental: Waterproof–can be worn in the shower
• Fall Detection Pendant to Base Station: Up to 600 feet Line of Sight (unobstructed)
• Fall Detection Pendant to Mobile Device: Up to 100 feet, depending on the size and construction of the home and whether you are inside or outside

Contact ADT

ADT agents are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year to assist you with your Fall Detection Pendant, Medical Alert Plus or On-the-Go Emergency Response systems.

For assistance call:

Legal Information

Manufactured for ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services, Boca Raton FL 33431.
An ADT Medical Alert System is not an intrusion detection or medical device and does not provide medical advice, which should be secured from qualified medical personnel. Fall detection is only available on Medical Alert Plus and Mobile Emergency Response Systems. The System and Services rely on the availability of cellular network coverage to operate properly. These systems are not controlled by ADT. There is always a chance that the System may fail to operate properly. The 911 emergency services line is an alternative to the System and the Services. The Fall Detection Pendant does not detect 100% of falls. If able, users should always push their Help Button when they need assistance.

©2015 ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services. All rights reserved. ADT, the ADT logo, 800 ADT.ASAP and the product/service names listed in this document are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Document number: L9289-03 (02/16)


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