Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners User Manual

June 7, 2024

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners

Modbus PTV [EIA-485] Interface for
Toshiba air conditioners

Compatible with Digital Inverter & VRF lines

Issue date: 04/2019 r2.7 ENGLISH

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners -

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners -

Modbus RTU (EIA-485) Interface for Toshiba air conditioners Compatible with Digital Inverter & VRF lines


Important User Information


The information in this document is for informational purposes only. Please inform HMS Industrial Networks of any inaccuracies or omissions found in this document. HMS Industrial Networks disclaims any responsibility or liability for any errors that may appear in this document.

HMS Industrial Networks reserves the right to modify its products in line with its policy of continuous product development. The information in this document shall therefore not be construed as a commitment on the part of HMS Industrial Networks and is subject to change without notice. HMS Industrial Networks makes no commitment to update or keep current the information in this document.

The data, examples, and illustrations found in this document are included for illustrative purposes and are only intended to help improve understanding of the functionality and handling of the product. In view of the wide range of possible applications of the product, and because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular implementation, HMS Industrial Networks cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the data, examples, or illustrations included in this document nor for any damages incurred during the installation of the product. Those responsible for the use of the product must acquire sufficient knowledge in order to ensure that the product is used correctly in their specific application and that the application meets all performance and safety requirements including any applicable laws, regulations, codes, and standards. Further, HMS Industrial Networks will under no circumstances assume liability or responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result of the use of undocumented features or functional side effects found outside the documented scope of the product. The effects caused by any direct or indirect use of such aspects of the product are undefined and may include e.g. compatibility issues and stability issues.


The INMBSTOS001R000 interfaces allow complete and natural integration of Toshiba air conditioners into Modbus RTU (EIA-485) networks.
Compatible with Digital Inverter & VRF lines. Reduced dimensions.
93 x 53 x 58 mm
3.7” x 2.1” x 2.3”![Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners

  • Toshiba]( Interface-for-Toshiba-Air-Conditioners-Toshiba.jpg)

    • Quick and easy installation.
      Mountable on DIN rail, wall, or even inside the indoor unit of AC.

    • External power is not required.

    • Direct connection to Modbus RTU (EIA-485) networks. Up to 63 INMBSTOS001R000 devices can be connected to the same network.
      INMBSTOS001R000 is a Modbus slave device.

    • Direct connection to the AC indoor unit. Up to 16 AC indoor units can be connected to INMBSTOS001R000, controlling them as one (not individually).

    • Configuration from both on-board DIP switches and Modbus RTU.

    • Total Control and Supervision.

    • Real states of the AC unit’s internal variables.

    • Allows simultaneous use of the AC’s remote controls and Modbus RTU.

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners - Allows

  • Up to 63 Intesis devices can be installed in the same Modbus RTU bus. However, depending on the configured speed, the installation of Modbus Repeaters may be required


The interface comes with a plug-in terminal block of 2 poles to establish a direct connection with the AC indoor unit. It comes as well with a plug-in terminal block of 2 poles to establish a direct connection with the Modbus RTU EIA-485 network.

Connect to the AC indoor unit

The INMBSTOS001R000 connects directly to the Toshiba AB Bus, which is not provided within the interface. The recommended connection’ methods are the following ones  (details in Figure 2. 1):

  • Wired remote control available.
  • No remote control is available

Maximum AB bus length is 500 m / 1,640.42 ft. The bus has no polarity sensitivity.

Important: If a wired remote controller of the AC manufacturer is connected to the same bus, communication may shut down.

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners -

Figure 2. 1 ,INMBSTOS001R000 connection diagram

Connection to the EIA-485 bus

Connect the EIA-485 bus wires to the plug-in terminal block of INMBSTOS001R000 and keep the polarity on this connection (A+ and B-). Make sure that the maximum distance to the bus is 1,200 meters (3,937 ft). Loop or star typologies are not allowed in the case of the EIA-485 bus. A terminator resistor of 120Ω must be present at each end of the bus to avoid signal reflections. The bus needs a fail-safe biasing mechanism (see section 4.7 for more details).

Quick Start Guide

  1. Disconnect the air conditioning from the Mains Power.
  2. Attach the interface next to the AC indoor unit (wall mounting) following the instructions of the diagram below or install it inside the AC indoor unit (respect the safety instructions given).
  3. Connect the AB bus between the interface and the AC indoor unit following the instructions of the diagram. Screw each bare cable end in the corresponding AB terminals of each device.
  4. Connect the EIA-485 bus to the connector EIA485 of the interface.
  5. Close the AC indoor unit. 6. Check the DIP-Switch configuration of the Intesis interface and make sure it matches the current installation’s parameters (see section 4.4).

By default, the interface is set to:

▪ Modbus Slave Address ➔ 1
▪ Modbus baud rate ➔ 9600 bps

These parameters can be modified from SW4 and SW3 DIP-Switches.
All other switch positions are set at a low level (Off position ) by default.
NOTE: All changes on the DIP-Switch configuration require a system power cycle to be applied.

7. Connect the AC system to Mains Power.
IMPORTANT: The Intesis interface requires to be connected to the AC unit (powered) to start communicating.

Modbus Interface Specification

Modbus physical layer

INMBSTOS001R000 implements a Modbus RTU (Slave) interface, to be connected to an EIA-485 line. It performs 8N2 communication (8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bit) with several available baud rates (2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps -default-, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps, 76800 bps, and 115200 bps). It also supports 8N1 communication (8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit).

4.2 Modbus Registers

All registers are type “16-bit unsigned Holding Register” and they use the Modbus big-endian notation.

4.2.1 Control and status registers

Register Address
(protocol address)
| Register Address
(PLC address)
| R/W| Description
0| 1| R/W| AC unit On/Off
♦ 0: Off
♦ 1: On
1| 2| R/W| AC unit Mode 1
♦ 0: Auto
♦ 1: Heat
♦ 2: Dry
♦3: Fan
♦4: Cool
2| 3| R/W| AC unit Fan Speed 1
0: Auto
♦ 1: Low
♦ 2: Mid
♦ 3: High
3| 4| R/W| AC unit Vane Position 1
♦1: POS1 (Horizontal)
♦ 2: POS2 (Horizontal)
♦ 3: POS3 (Medium)
♦ 4: POS4 (Vertical)
♦ 5: POSS (Vertical)
♦ 6: POS6
♦7: POS7
♦ 10: Swing
4| 5| R/W| AC unit Temperature Setpoint 1,2,3
♦ -32768 (Initialization value)
♦16..320C (0C/x100C)
♦ 61..900F

  1. Available values will depend on the AC unit mode. Check the AC unit model functions in its user manual to know the possible values for this register.
  2. The magnitude for this register can be adjusted to Celsius x 1ºC, Celsius x 10ºC (default), or Fahrenheit. See section 4.3.6 for more information.
  3. It is not possible to turn to x10 the value shown in Fahrenheit.

Register Address
(protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description
5| 6| R/W| AC unit Temperature reference 1.2,3

· 32768: Initial value. Value invalid, which comes from the IU’s sensor. If the value that is shown in register 22 (23 PLC) is valid, the address is going to take this value.
· Ranges are specific from Manufacturer (°C/×10°C/°F)

6| 7| R/W| Window Contact
· 0: Closed (Default)
· 1: Open
7| 8| R/W| INMBSTOS001R000 Disablement 4
· 0: INMBSTOS001R000 enabled (Default)
·1: INMBSTOS001R000 disabled
3| 9| R/W| AC Remote Control Disablement 4
·0: Remote Control enabled (Default)
·1: Remote Control disabled
9| 10| R/W| AC unit Operation Time 4
· 0..65535 (hours). Counts the time the AC unit is in “On” state.
10| 11| R| AC unit Alarm Status
· 0: No alarm condition
·1: Alarm condition
11| 12| R| Error Code s
·0: No Error active
·65535 (-1): Error in the communication of INMBSTOS001R000 with the AC indoor unit.
·Any other error present, see the table at the end of this document.
22| 23| R/W| Indoor unit’s ambient temperature from external sensor (at Modbus side) 1,2,3,6
·-32768: Initialization value. No temperature is being provided from an input sensor. There’s no input sensor.
·Any other: (°C/×10°C/°F)


| 24| R| AC Real temperature setpoint 1‘2‘3‘6
There’s no Virtual Temperature. The value equals to the value of register 5 (6 PLC). The value which is introduced by the user is the one that the machine uses (the external sensor is able to write directly over the machine to do this operation).
·Ranges are specific from Manufacturer  (°C/×10°C/°F)
97| 98| R/W| Block Periodic Sendings 417‘8

· 0: Non-blocked (Default value)
· 1: Blocked

4 . This value is stored in non-volatile memory
5. See section 7 for possible error codes and their explanation
6. See section 4.3.6 for more information
7. If the register is configured as “0:Non-blocked”, all commands received from Modbus will be sent to the AC system. If “1: Blocked”, commands from Modbus will only be sent to the AC system if they differ from the previous value.
8. This register applies to firmware version 2.3 onwards

4.2.2 Configuration Registers

Register Address
(protocol address)13| Register Address
(PLC address)14| R/W
R/W| Description

“Open Window” switch-off timeout 9

· 0..30 (minutes)

·  Factory setting: 30 (minutes)

14| 15| R| Modbus RTU baud-rate 10

· 2400bps


9600bps (Default)

· 19200bps


· 57600bps

· 76800bps

· 115200bps

15| 16| R| Modbus Slave Address
· 1..63
21| 22| R| Max number of fan speeds
49| 50| R| Device ID: Ox1F00
50| 51| R| Software version

While the initialization is ongoing, some Modbus registers indicate an undetermined value. Once the normal operation starts, they acquire its corresponding value. It is important to keep in mind that any change done during the initialization process will not have effect until it has been finished.

**4.3 Modbus Registers for Advanced Functions


4.3.1 Advanced registers for Indoor Unit status

These registers are only available when the indoor unit’s type selected on SW1 is different from the default value. Please, check the Section 4.4 for more information.

NOTE: IU stands for Indoor Unit’s Index

Register Address
(Protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
(IU – 1) 25 + 4000| (IU – 1) 25 + 4001| R| Indoor Unit exist
▪ 0: Doesn’t exist
▪ 1: Exist| 0
(IU – 1) 25 + 4001| (IU – 1) 25 + 4002| R| Indoor Unit address
▪ MSB – OU address ; LSB – IU
address| 0
(IU – 1) 25 + 4002| (IU – 1) 25 + 4003| R| Indoor Unit duty
▪ 0..15| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4003| (IU – 1) 25 + 4004| R| Indoor Unit defrost
▪ 0: Off
▪ 1: On| 1

9. Once window contact is open, a count-down to switch off the AC Unit will start from this configured value.
10. The range 38400bps-115200bps applies to firmware version 2.3 onwards

Register Address
(Protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
(IU – 1) 25 + 4004| (IU – 1) 25 + 4005| R| Indoor Unit filter alarm
▪ 0: No alarm
▪ 1: Alarm| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4005| (IU – 1) 25 + 4006| R| Indoor Unit 11hermos ON.
▪ 0: Cool
▪ 1: Heat| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4010| (IU – 1) 25 + 4011| R| Room temperature (During
▪ x1 ºC| 2
(IU – 1) 25 + 4011| (IU – 1) 25 + 4012| R| Room temperature (Remote
▪ x1 ºC| 2
(IU – 1) 25 + 4012| (IU – 1) 25 + 4013| R| Indoor suction temperature (TA)
▪ x1 ºC| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4013| (IU – 1) 25 + 4014| R| Indoor fan coil temperature (TCJ)
▪ x1 ºC| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4014| (IU – 1) 25 + 4015| R| Indoor fan coil temperature
▪ x1 ºC| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4015| (IU – 1) 25 + 4016| R| Indoor fan coil temperature
▪ x1 ºC| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4016| (IU – 1) 25 + 4017| R| Indoor discharge temperature
▪ x1 ºC
▪ Only for VRF systems| 0
(IU – 1) 25 + 4017| (IU – 1) 25 + 4018| R| Revolutions indoor fan
▪ Only for RAV systems| 0
(IU – 1) 25 + 4018| (IU – 1) 25 + 4019| R| Indoor PMV opening
▪ x1, x10 Pulses
▪ Only for VRF systems| 1
(IU – 1) 25 + 4019| (IU – 1) 25 + 4020| R| Running hours indoor fan
▪ x100 hours
▪ Only for RAV systems| 0
(IU – 1) 25 + 4020| (IU – 1) 25 + 4021| R| Time filtersign
▪ Hours
▪ Only for RAV systems| 0
(IU – 1) 25 + 4021| (IU – 1) 25 + 4022| R| Estimated supply air temperature
▪ x1 ºC
▪ Only for RAV systems| 0

4.3.2 Advanced registers for Outdoor Unit Status on VRF-SMMSi Systems

These registers are only available when the indoor unit’s type selected on SW1 is different from the default value. Please, check section 4.4 for more information.

Register Address
(protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
4200| 4201| R| Outdoor Unit duty
▪ 15| 1
Register Address
(Protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
4210| 4211| R| High-pressure sensor detention
pressure (Pd)
▪ X100 Mpa| 2
4211| 4212| R| Low-pressure sensor detention
pressure (Ps)
▪ X100 Mpa| 2
4212| 4213| R| Compressor  1 discharge temperature  (Td1)
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4213| 4214| R| Compressor  2 discharge  temperature (Td2)  ▪ x1 ºC| 2
4214| 4215| R| Compressor
3 discharge
temperature (Td3)
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4215| 4216| R| Suction temperature (TS)
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4216| 4217| R| Outdoor fan coil temperature 1
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4217| 4218| R| Outdoor fan coil temperature 2(TE2)
▪ x1 ºC| 1
4218| 4219| R| Temperature at liquid side (TL)
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4219| 4220| R| Outside ambient temperature
▪ x1 ºC| 1
4220| 4221| R| PMV1 + 2 opening
▪ x1 Pulse| 2
4221| 4222| R| PMV4 opening
▪ x1 Pulse| 2
4222| 4223| R| Compressor 1 current (I1)
▪ x10 A| 1
4223| 4224| R| Compressor 2 current (I2)
▪ x10 A| 2
4224| 4225| R| Compressor 3 current (I3)
▪ x10 A| 2
4225| 4226| R| Outdoor fan current (Ifan)
▪ x10 A| 2
4226| 4227| R| Compressor 1 revolutions
▪ x10 RPS| 2
4227| 4228| R| Compressor 2 revolutions
▪ x10 RPS| 2
4228| 4229| R| Compressor 3 revolutions
▪ x10 RPS| 2
4229| 4230| R| Outdoor fan mode
▪ x1 mode| 2
4230| 4231| R| Compressor IPDU 1 heat sink
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4231| 4232| R| Compressor IPDU 2 heat sink
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4232| 4233| R| Compressor IPDU 3 heat sink
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4233| 4234| R| Outdoor fan IPDU heat sink
▪ x1 ºC| 2
4234| 4235| R| Heating/cooling
controlled ∗5
▪ 0: Normal
▪ 1: Recovery controlled| 2
4235| 4236| R| Pressure release ∗5
▪ 0: Normal
▪ 1: Recovery controlled| 2
4236| 4237| R| Discharge temperature release ∗5
▪ 0: Normal
▪ 1: Recovery controlled| 2
4237| 4238| R| Follower unit release (U2/U2/U4outdoor units) ∗5
▪ 0: Normal
▪ 1: Recovery controlled| 2
4238| 4239| R| Outdoor unit horsepower
▪ x1 HP| 0

4.3.3 Advanced registers for Outdoor Unit Status on VRF-SHRM/SMMS Systems

These registers are only available when the indoor unit’s type selected on SW1 is different from the default value. Please, check section 4.4 for more information

Register Address
(protocol address)
| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
4200| 4201| R| Outdoor Unit duty

▪ 15

| 1
4210| 4211| R| Tdl-Compressor 1 Discharge Temp.

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4211| 4212| R| Td2-Compressor 2 Discharge Temp.

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4212| 4213| R| Pd – High Pressure Sensor

▪ Mpa

| 2
4213| 4214| R| PS – Low Pressure Sensor

▪ Mpa

| 2
4214| 4215| R| TS – Suction Temp.

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4215| 4216| R| TE – Outdoor Heat Exchanger Temp.

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4216| 4217| R| TL – Liquid Temp.

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4217| 4218| R| TO – Outside ambient temperature

▪ x1 ºC

| 1
4218| 4219| R| TU – Low Pressure Saturated Temp.

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
Register Address
(protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
4219| 4220| R| Compressor 1 Current
▪ A| 1
4220| 4211| R| Compressor 2 Current
▪ A| 2
4221| 4222| R| PMV1 + 2 Opening
▪ 0..100| 2
4223| 4224| R| Compressor 1, 2
▪ 0: Off
▪ 1: On| 2
4224| 4225| R| Outdoor Fan Mode
▪ 0..31| 2
4225| 4226| R| Outdoor Unit Size
▪ HP| 2

4.3.4 Advanced registers for Outdoor Unit Status on RAV Systems

These registers are only available when the indoor unit’s type selected on SW1 is different from the default value. Please, check section 4.4 for more information

Register Address
(protocol address)
| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
4400| 4401| R| Outdoor Unit duty

▪ 0..15

| 1
4410| 4411| R| TE temperature (evaporator)

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4411| 4412| R| TO temperature outdoor

▪ x1 ºC

| 1
4412| 4413| R| Compressor              discharge


▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4413| 4414| R| Suction temperature TS

x1 ºC

| 2
4414| 4415| R| Temperature thyristor THS

▪ x1 ºC

| 0
4415| 4416| R| Compressor current

▪ A

| 1
4416| 4417| R| Temperature at liquid side TL

▪ x1 ºC

| 2
4417| 4418| R| CompreRpsssor revolutions


| 2
4418| 4419| R| Revolutions lowest Fan


| 0
4419| 4420| R| Revolutions upper Fan


| 0
4420| 4221| R| Running hours compressor

▪ x100 hours

| 2

4.3.5 Advanced registers for Indoor Unit Type and Refresh Time adjustment

Register Address
(protocol address)| Register Address
(PLC address)| R/W| Description| Priority
4450| 4451| R| Indoor Unit Type
▪ 0: Not defined (extra signals
▪ 1: RAV
▪ 2: VRF (SMMSi)
▪ 3: VRF (SHRM/SMMS)| 0
4451| 4452| R/W| Refresh Time Adjust
▪ 1..4| –

This parameter indicates the cadence when reading priority signals. Priorities are defined as follows and can’t be modified:

0: Update on start-up

  1. High priority
  2. Low priority

The higher the value, the fastest the priority signals are going to update. The cadence is defined by:

  • One high priority signal and one low priority signal’s poll.
  • Two high-priority signals and one low-priority signal’s poll.
  • Three high-priority signals and one low-priority signal’s poll.
  • Four high-priority signals and one low-priority signal’s poll.

4.3.6 Considerations on Temperature Registers

  • AC unit temperature setpoint (R/W)
    (register 4 – in Protocol address / register 5 – in PLC address):
    This is the adjustable temperature setpoint value that must be required by the user.
    This register can be read (Modbus function 3 or 4) or written (Modbus functions 6 or 16). A remote controller connected to the Toshiba indoor unit will report the same temperature setpoint value as this register.

  • AC unit temperature reference (R)
    (register 5 – in Protocol address / register 6 – in PLC address):

  • This register reports the temperature that is currently used by the Toshiba indoor unit as the reference of its own control loop.
    If the value on the register 22 is valid (different from 0x8000), it will report the value from this register. If not, it will show the indoor unit reference temperature.
    It is a read-only register (Modbus functions 3 or 4).
    Depending on the mode selected, the register shows a different value:
    Heat Mode:
    Temperature reference = Ambient temperature +0.50C
    Dry Mode / Fan Mode / Cool mode:
    Temperature reference = Ambient temperature -0.50C
    When the mode changes from Heat to anyone else, or from anyone else to Heat, the register updates the value using the intervals +0.5°C/-0.5°C

  • AC unit external temperature reference (Modbus) (R/W)
    (register 22 – in Protocol address / register 23 – in PLC address):
    This register reports the temperature from an external sensor in the Modbus side. If valid value is received, the Modbus register will indicate a 0x8000 value.
    This register can be read (Modbus function 3 or 4) or written (Modbus functions 6 or 16).

  • AC Real temperature setpoint (R)
    (register 23 – In Protocol address / register 24 – in PLC address):
    This register will show the same value as in register 4 (protocol address). The reference temperature from the remote controller is sent directly to the AC unit to be applied in the control loop.
    It is a read-only register (Modbus functions 3 or 4).
    Moreover, notice that temperature’s values of all these four registers are expressed according to the temperature´s format configured through its onboard DIP-Switches (See “4.4 -DIP-switch Configuration Interface”). The following formats are possible:• Celsius value: Value in Modbus register is the temperature value in Celsius (i.e. a value “22” in the Modbus register must be interpreted as 22ºC)
    • Decicelsius value: Value in Modbus register is the temperature value in decicelsius (i.e. a value “220” in the Modbus register must be interpreted as 22.0ºC)
    • Fahrenheit value: Value in Modbus register is the temperature value in Fahrenheit (i.e. a value “72” in the Modbus register must be interpreted as 72ºF (~22ºC).

4.4 DIP-switch Configuration Interface

All the configuration values on INMBSTOS001R000 can be written and read from Modbus interface. Otherwise, some of them can also be setup from its on-board DIP-switch interface. The device has DIP-switches SW1, SW3 and SW4 on the following locations:
Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners - DIP-switch

The following tables apply to the interface´s configuration through DIP- switches:
SW1 – AC indoor unit’s features

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air AC indoor unit’s

Table 4.1 SW1: AC indoor unit´s features

SW3/SW4 – Baud rate configuration
Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners -Baud rate

Table 4.2 SW3-SW4: Modbus baud rate

SW4 – Degrees/Decidegrees (x10), temperature magnitude (ºC/ºF), and EIA-485 termination resistor.Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air
Conditioners - DIP-switch temperature

Table 4.3 SW4: Temperature and termination resistor configuration

SW3 – Modbus Slave addressIntesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air
Modbus Slave address

Table 4.4 SW3: Modbus slave address

4.5 Implemented Functions

INMBSTOS001R000 implements the following standard Modbus functions:

▪ 3: Read Holding Registers
▪ 4: Read Input Registers
▪ 6: Write Single Register
▪ 16: Write Multiple Registers (Despite this function is allowed, the interface does not allow to write operations on more than 1 register with the same request, this means that the length field should always be 1 when this function is being used in case of writing)

4.6 Device LED indicator

The device includes two LED indicators to show all the possible operational states. In the following table there are written the indicators which can be performed and their meaning.

L1 (green LED)

Device status

| LED indication| ON / OFF Period|


During not normal operation| LED blinking| 500ms ON / 500ms OFF| Communication error
During normal operation| LED flashing| 100ms ON / 1900ms OFF| Normal operation (configured and working properly)

L2 (red LED)

Device status| LED indication| ON / OFF Period| Description
During not normal operation| LED Pulse| 3sec ON / — OFF| Under voltage

L1 (green LED) & L2 (red LED)

Device statu ED indication ON / OFF Period Description
During normal operation LED Pulse 5sec ON / — OFF Device Start-up
During not normal operation LED alternatively blinking 500ms ON / 500ms OFF

EEPROM failure

4.7 EIA-485 bus. Termination resistors and Fail-Safe Biasing mechanism

EIA-485 bus requires a 120Ω terminator resistor at each end of the bus to avoid signal reflections.

In order to prevent fail status detected by the receivers, which are “listening” the bus, when all the transmitters’ outputs are in three-state (high impedance), it is also required a fail-safe biasing mechanism. This mechanism provides a safe status (a correct voltage level) in the bus when all the transmitters’ outputs are in three-state. This mechanism must be supplied by the Modbus Master.

The INMBSTOS001R000 device includes an onboard terminator resistor of 120Ω that can be connected to the EIA-485 bus by using DIP-switch SW4. Some Modbus RTU EIA-485 Master devices can provide also an internal 120Ω terminator resistor and/or fail-safe biasing mechanism (Check the technical documentation of the Master device connected to the EIA-485 network in each case).

Enclosure| Plastic, type PC (UL 94 V-0)
Net dimensions (dxwxh):
93 x 53 x 58 mm / 3.7” x 2.1” x 2.3”
Color: Light Grey. RAL 7035| Operation
Temperature| 0ºC to +60ºC
Weight| 85 g.| Stock
Temperature| -20ºC to +85ºC
Mounting| Wall
DIN rail EN60715 TH35.| Operational
Humidity| <95% RH, non-condensing
Terminal Wiring (for low-voltage signals)| For terminal: solid wires or stranded wires (twisted or with ferrule)
1 core: 0.5mm 2 … 2.5mm 2
2 cores: 0.5mm 2 … 1.5mm 2
3 cores: not permitted| Stock Humidity| <95% RH, non-condensing
Modbus RTU port| 1 x Serial EIA485 Plug-in screw terminal block (2 poles):
A, B
Compatible with Modbus RTU EIA-485 networks| Isolation voltage| 1500 VDC
AC unit port| 1 x AB bus Plug-in screw terminal block
(2 poles):
A, B
Compatible with Toshiba networks| Isolation
resistance| 1000 MΩ
Switch 1 (SW1)| 1 x DIP-Switch for AC features| Protection| IP20 (IEC60529)
Switch 3 (SW3)| 1 x DIP-Switch for Modbus RTU settings| LED indicators| 2 x Onboard LED – Operational status
Switch 4 (SW4)| 1 x DIP-Switch for extra functions| |

Intesis Modbus RTU Interface for Toshiba Air Conditioners -

List of supported AC Unit Types.

A list of Toshiba indoor unit model references compatible with INMBSTOS001R000 and their available features can be found in:
intesis_inxxxtos001rx00_compatibility-list [PDF]

Error Codes

| Error
| Error In
| Error category| Error Description
0| 0| N/A| INMBSTOS001R000| No active error
33| 21| CO1| Central Controller Issues| Duplicated setting of control address
34| 22| CO2| Central control number of units mis-matched
35| 23| CO3| Incorrect wiring of central control
36| 24| C04| Incorrect connection of central control System Controller fault, error in transmitting comms signal, i/door or o/door unit not working, wiring fault
37| 25| CO5
38| 26| C06| System Controller fault, error in receiving comms signal, i/door or o/door unit not working, wiring fault, CN1 not connected correctly
44| 2C| C12| Batch alarm by local controller
48| 30| C16| Transmission error from adaptor to unit
49| 31| C17| Reception error to adaptor from unit
50| 32| C18| Duplicate central address in adaptor
51| 33| C19| Duplicate adaptor address
52| 34| C20| Mix of PAC & GHP type units on adaptor
53| 35| C21| Memory fault in adaptor
54| 36| C22| Incorrect address setting in adaptor
55| 37| C23| Host terminal software failure
56| 38| C24| Host terminal hardware failure
57| 39| C25| Host terminal processing failure
58| 3A| C26| Host terminal communication failure
60| 3C| C28| Reception error of S-DDC from host terminal
61| 3D| C29| Initialization failure of S-DDC
63| 3F| C31| Configuration change detected by adaptor
65| 41| E01| Addressing and Communication
Problems| Remote control detecting error from indoor unit, Address not set/Auto address failed. Check interconnecting wiring etc. Re-address system.
66| 42| E02| Remote detecting error from indoor unit,
67| 43| E03| Indoor unit detecting error from remote,
68| 44| E04| Indoor seeing error from outdoor. Qty of i/d units connected are less than qty set. Check; all i/d units are ON, reset turn off all units wait 5min power up
69| 45| E05| Indoor unit detecting error from outdoor unit, Error in sending comms signal
70| 46| E06| Outdoor unit detecting error from indoor unit, Error in receiving comms signal
71| 47| E07| Outdoor unit detecting error from indoor unit, Error in sending comms signal
72| 48| E08| Incorrect setting indoor/controller, Indoor address duplicated
73| 49| E09| Incorrect setting indoor/controller, Remote address duplicated or IR wireless controller not disabled
74| 4A| El0| Indoor unit detecting error from ‘option’ plug, Error in sending comms signal
75| 4B| Ell| Indoor unit detecting error from ‘option’ plug, Error in receiving comms signal
76| 4C| E12| Auto addressing failed, Auto address connector CN100 shorted during auto addressing
77| 4D| E13| Indoor unit failed to send signal to remote
78| 4E| E14| | Setting Failure, Duplication of master indoor units
79| 4F| E15| Auto addressing failed, Number of indoor units connected are less than number set
80| 50| E16| Auto addressing failed, Number of indoor units connected are more than number set
81| 51| E17| Addressing and
Problems| Group control wiring error, Main indoor unit not sending signal for sub indoor units
82| 52| E18| Group control wiring error, Main indoor unit not receiving signal for sub indoor units
83| 53| E19| Outdoor header units quantity error
84| 54| E20| Auto addressing failed, No indoor units connected
87| 57| E23| Sending error in communication between outdoor units
88| 58| E24| Auto addressing failed, Error on sub outdoor unit
89| 59| E25| Auto addressing failed, Error on outdoor unit address setting
90| 5A| E26| Auto addressing failed, Quantity of main and sub outdoor units do not correspond to the number set on main outdoor unit P.C.B.
92| 5C| E28| Follower outdoor unit error
93| SD| E29| Auto addressing failed, Sub outdoor unit not receiving comms for main outdoor unit
95| 5F| E31| Between units, Comms failure with MDC, does E31 remain after power is re-instated? If so replace PCB. & power PCB
97| 61| F01| Sensor Faults| Indoor Heat Exch inlet temp sensor failure (El)
98| 62| F02| Indoor Heat Exch freeze temp sensor failure (E2)
99| 63| F03| Indoor Heat Exch outlet temp sensor failure (E3)
100| 64| F04| Outdoor Discharge temp sensor failure (TD) or (DISCHI)
101| 65| F05| Outdoor Discharge temp sensor failure (DISCH2)
102| 66| F06| Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (C1) or (EXG1)
103| 67| F07| Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (C2) or (EXL1)
104| 68| F08| Outdoor Air temp sensor failure (TO)
106| 6A| FIO| Indoor inlet temp sensor failure
107| 68| F11| Indoor outlet temp sensor failure
108| 6C| F12| Outdoor Intake sensor failure (TS)
109| 6D| F13| GHP – Cooling water temperature sensor failure
111| 6F| F15| Outdoor temp. sensor misconnection (TE1,TL)
112| 70| F16| Outdoor High pressure sensor failure
113| 71| F17| GHP – Cooling water temperature sensor fault
114| 72| F18| GHP – Exhaust gas temperature sensor fault
116| 74| F20| GHP Clutch coil temperature fault
119| 77| F23| Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (EXG2)
120| 78| F24| Outdoor Heat Exch temp sensor failure (EXL2)
125| 7D| F29| Indoor EEPROM error
126| 7E| F30| Clock Function (RTC) fault
127| 7F| F31| Outdoor EEPROM error
129| 81| H01| Compressor Issues| Compressor Fault, Over current (Compl)
130| 82| H02| Compressor Fault, Locked rota current detected (Comp1)
131| 83| H03| Compressor Fault, No current detected (Compl)
132| 84| H04| | Comp-1 case thermo operation
133| 85| H05| Compressor Fault, Discharge temp not detected (Compl)
134| 86| H06| Compressor Fault, Low Pressure trip
135| 87| H07| Compressor Fault, Low oil level
136| 88| H08| Compressor Fault, Oil sensor Fault (Compl)
139| 88| H11| Compressor Fault, Over current (Comp2)
140| 8C| H12| Compressor Fault, Locked rota current detected (Comp2)
141| 8D| H13| Compressor Fault, No current detected (Comp2)
142| 8E| H14| Comp-2 case thermo operation
143| 8F| H15| Compressor Fault, Discharge temp not detected (Comp2)
144| 90| H16| Oil level detection circuit error / Magnet switch error /Overcurrent relay error
149| 95| H21| Compressor Fault, Over current (Comp3)
150| 96| 1122| Compressor Fault, Locked rota current detected (c.3)
151| 97| H23| Compressor Issues| Compressor Fault, No current detected (Comp3)
153| 99| H25| Compressor Fault, Discharge temp not detected (Comp3)
155| 98| H27| Compressor Fault, Oil sensor fault (Comp2)
156| 9C| H28| Compressor Fault. Oil sensor (connection failure)
159| 9F| H31| Compressor Fault. IPM trip (IMP current on temperature)
193| CI| LO1| Incorrect Settings| Setting Error, Indoor unit group setting error
194| C2| L02| Setting Error, Indoor/outdoor unit type/model miss-matched
195| C3| L03| Duplication of main indoor unit address in group control
196| C4| L04| Duplication of outdoor unit system address
197| C5| LO5| 2 or more controllers have been set as ‘priority’ in one system – shown on controllers set as ‘priority’
198| C6| L06| 2 or more controllers have been set as ‘priority’ in one system – shown on controllers not set as ‘priority’
199| C7| LO7| Group wiring connected on and individual indoor unit
200| C8| LOS| Indoor unit address/group not set
201| C9| L09| Indoor unit capacity code not set
202| CA| L10| Outdoor unit capacity code not set
203| CB| L11| Group control wiring incorrect
205| CD| L13| Indoor unit type setting error, capacity
207| CF| L15| Indoor unit paring fault
208| DO| L16| Water heat exch. unit setting failure
209| D1| L17| Miss-match of outdoor unit with different refrigerant
210| D2| L18| 4-way valve failure
211| D3| L19| Water heat exch. unit duplicated address
212| D4| L20| Duplicated central control addresses
213| D5| L21| Gas type setup failure
220| DC| 1_28| | Maximum number of outdoor units exceeded
221| DD| L29| | No. of IPDU error
222| DE| L30| | Auxiliary interlock in indoor unit
223| DF| L31| | IC error
225| El| P01| Indoor Unit Problems| Indoor unit fault, Fan motor thermal overload
226| E2| P02| Outdoor unit fault, Compressor motor thermal overload, over or under voltage
227| E3| P03| | Outdoor unit fault, Compressor discharge temperature too high (Comp’) over 111 0C. Low on ref gas, exp. valve, pipework damage.
228| E4| PO4| Outdoor unit fault, High pressure trip
229| E5| P05| Outdoor unit fault, Open phase on power supply. Check power on each phase, inverter PCB, control PCB
231| E7| P07| Heat sink overheat error
233| E9| P09| Indoor unit fault, Ceiling panel incorrectly wired
234| EA| P10| Indoor unit fault, Condensate float switch opened
235| EB| P11| GHP – Water Heat exch. low temp (frost protection) fault
236| EC| P12| Indoor unit fault, Fan DC motor fault
237| ED| P13| Outdoor liquid back detection error
238| EE| P14| Input from leak detector (If fitted)
239| EF| P15| Refrigerant loss, high discharge temp and EEV wide open and low compressor current draw.
240| FO| P16| Outdoor unit fault, Open phase on compressor power supply
241| Fl| P17| Outdoor unit fault, Compressor discharge temperature too high (Comp2) over 1110C. Low on ref gas, exp. valve, pipework damage.
242| F2| P18| Outdoor unit fault, By-pass valve failure
243| F3| P19| Outdoor unit fault, 4 way valve failure, i/door
temp rises in cooling or fills in heating. Check
wiring, coil, PCB output, valve operation.
Ref gas, high temp/pressure fault, heat exch. temp high C2, 55-60 0C, cooling over-load, sensor fault.
244| F4| P20| Outdoor unit fan motor fault, fan blade jammed, check connections, does fan turn freely, motor resistance 30-40ohm on each pair, no fan fault, yes PCB fault.
246| F6| P22| Outdoor unit fault, Compressor overcurrent – check winding resistance, Inverter failure – check internal resistance term HIC + & – to UVW 200-300Kohm or more
250| FA| P26| Outdoor unit fault, Inverter circuit fault –
252| FC| P29| Motor-current Detection Circuit (MDC) fault, check comp windings, sensors Cl & TS, if ok possible PCB failure
253| FD| P30| Indoor unit fault, System controller detected fault on sub indoor unit
255| FF| P31| Simultaneous operation multi control fault, Group controller fault
65535 (–1)| | N/A| INMBSTOSOO1R000| Error in the communication of INMBSTOS001R000 with the AC unit

In case to detect an error code not listed, contact your closest Toshiba technical support service.

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