Logic Pro release notes

June 7, 2024

Logic Pro release notes

Learn about current and previous versions of Logic Pro.

Before updating Logic Pro, make sure to back up the currently installed version of the Logic Pro application and your Logic Pro projects.

New in Logic Pro 10.6.3

New Features/Enhancements

  • The Plug-in Manager now offers a way to reset Audio Unit caches and perform a rescan of all installed Audio Unit plug-ins.


  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro might unexpectedly quit when loading projects with plug-ins that use PACE/iLok copy protection.
  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro quits unexpectedly when Option-dragging a marquee selection within a folder.

Sampler/Quick Sampler

  • Key label sets can now be saved in Sampler.


  • Resolves delay compensation issues for plug-ins that require look-ahead, and for busses containing plug-ins that are side-chained to tracks.
  • Duplicated tracks based on tracks that have a user-defined default patch loaded are now named correctly.
  • Audio tracks created by bouncing software instrument tracks in place are now named correctly.


  • ARA edits are now properly retained for saved projects containing muted ARA regions.


  • Fixes an issue where changing Smart Quantize parameters could reset prior edits to note velocities.

Previous versions

Logic Pro 10.6.2

New features and enhancements

  • Fixes an issue where high latency plug-ins could cause timing issues for side-chain routing and automation.

Stability and reliability

  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro may quit unexpectedly when using Bass Amp Designer under Rosetta 2 on a Mac with Apple silicon.
  • Improved stability when using Audio Units running natively on a Mac with Apple silicon.
  • Logic Pro no longer becomes unresponsive when quickly changing presets on the Vintage Organ.
  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when renaming Arrangement Markers after a Marker Set has been created
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when Explode Folders is selected  for a folder in the Score.


  • Large sample-based instruments now load more quickly.
  • The playhead no longer appears to be stuck when playback is started after the computer wakes from sleep.
  • Performance is improved in large projects in which the Console 1 Lua script is installed.

Sampler and Quick Sampler

  • Manually created slices in Quick Sampler are now properly assigned to pads when converted to a Drum Machine Designer kit.
  • Optimizing the Loop Start/End in Quick Sampler now updates the loop playback range as expected.
  • Automating Smart Controls to modulate Envelope 1 Attack in Sampler now sounds correct when the display shows the value returned to 0.

Live Loops

  • MIDI Live Loops cells that are set to Play from Playhead Position now play back in sync when triggered while the project is playing.


  • Resolves an issue in which some multi-output Audio Unit software instruments showed more outputs than were actually available.
  • MIDI effect Audio Unit plug-ins running natively on a Mac with Apple silicon now output MIDI as expected.
  • Controls View is now available on Audio Units running natively on on a Mac with Apple silicon.
  • Performance is improved when streaming audio to Elektron hardware using the Elektron Overbridge plug-in.


  • The Mixer now displays correctly after Hide buttons on several tracks have been enabled.


  • Time Machine volumes can no longer be selected as the destination when relocating the Sound Library.
  • Resolves an issue in which relocating the Sound Library to an external drive was not possible.


  • Automation of toggled parameters for Audio Unit plug-ins now work as expected.

Export and bounce

  • Regions that are bounced in place are now named based on the Track, rather than the Channel Strip.


  • Edits applied with the Fade tool to multiple selected regions now work as expected.

Smart Controls

  • Fixes an issue where touching the Limiter level parameter in the Smart Controls can cause an unexpected drop in level.

Track Stacks

  • The names of sub-tracks in a software instrument track stack now display properly.

MIDI controllers and control surfaces

  • Resolves several issues with Lua script support for control surfaces.
  • When a Drum Machine Designer track is selected, control surfaces now display the channel strip as Drum Machine Designer instead of displaying the name of the audio plug-in on the first insert slot.


  • If the left and right locators are set to the same position and Cycle is enabled, putting Logic Pro into play mode now disables Cycle.
  • Fixes an issue where the playhead might not respond correctly after the Mac wakes from sleep.
  • A highlighted Marquee section is now dismissed after it is Option-dragged to copy the selection.
  • Marquee selections are now deselected after the Repeat function is used.

Logic Pro 10.6.1

Stability and reliability

  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could occasionally quit when clicking and holding the Forward or Rewind transport button.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro occasionally quit when using older versions of Waveshell.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro occasionally quit when the Bypass All Effects Plug-ins key command is triggered.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro occasionally quit when selecting a track automation parameter.
  • Restores the ability to click the transport Play button while a Live Loops cell is in record.
  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when stepping through presets in the Native Instruments Guitar Rig 6 plug-in.
  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when working in the Pattern Editor on tracks using Drum Machine Designer.


  • Instances of Ultrabeat now load more quickly.

Live Loops

  • Fixes an issue where cells containing files that are a different sample rate than the project play at the wrong pitch until the end of the current loop when the Flex mode is changed.

Sampler/Quick Sampler

  • Sampler instrument load times improved with larger instruments.
  • Fixes an issue where Sampler zones could lose their connection to samples when they are edited in the Audio File editor.


  • Fixes an issue where notes hang occasionally in Studio Strings when playing back in cycle mode if the instrument is set to a MIDI channel other than channel 1.

Track Stacks

  • Collapsed Track Stack overview regions now show the Track color as expected when the Region Color as Track Color setting is enabled.


  • On macOS Big Sur, Drummer now responds immediately to changes made in the Drummer controls while playing back.


  • The 808 Bass patch now plays as expected.
  • The Vowel Pad patch now plays as expected.


  • The Join Notes function is now available when the Piano Roll in One Track view.
  • Fixes an issue where Catch Playhead occasionally activates when editing notes in the Piano Roll during playback.
  • Drum names in Producer Kits now display as expected in the Piano Roll.
  • The Event List display now updates properly when events are moved.

Export and share

  • MIDI Files exported from regions contain events from the end of the region as expected.

MIDI Controllers/Control Surfaces

  • It is now possible to manually enter values into files in the Control Surface Inspector.

Impulse Response utility

  • Quad audio files dropped into Impulse Response Utility now show the correct channel labels when True Stereo is chosen from the format dropdown.
  • Impulse Response Utility now correctly adjusts the Reverb Time to the length of files added to the Track List.


  • Logic Pro no longer shows an error when choosing a different tempo from the Transport if Advanced Tools is not enabled.
  • Fixes an issue where copying a looped region sometimes overwrites subsequent regions in the track.
  • It is now possible to copy a region that loops to the end of a project over itself in No Overlap mode.
  • On macOS Big Sur, the Keyboard object in the Environment now shows visual feedback when clicked.
  • Fixes an issue where saved Spotlight searches that include files accessible in the All Files browser in Logic Pro occasionally cause navigation issues.

Logic Pro 10.6

New Features and enhancements

  • Adds the ability to control Step Sequencer using Logic Remote on your iPad or iPhone to create beats, bass lines, and melodic parts.

Stability and reliability

  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly:
    • When beaming a large number of notes in the Score.
    • When making long recordings into Quick Sampler.
    • When stepping through ChromaVerb presets.
    • Occasionally when setting color display options in the Piano Roll.
    • When opening a project from GarageBand for iOS that contains a Live Loops grid with no columns.
    • When “Apply Region to Project Tempo” is performed using an audio file whose tempo had been previously removed and recalculated and is part of a Multitrack Set.
  • Logic Pro no longer hangs:
    • When the Paste Multiple command is applied in the Score editor if the clipboard is empty.
    • If all tracks except an external MIDI track are deleted from a project containing a Live Loops grid.
  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could unexpectedly quit when reversing the direction of a Live Loops cell during playback.
    • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro occasionally quits unexpectedly when moving plug-ins to different positions in the Mixer while using VoiceOver.
    • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when changing the MIDi port setting for a Monitor object in the Environment.
    • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro sometimes quits unexpectedly when clicking in the patch library immediately after saving a project.
    • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could occasionally quit when selecting the Additive tab in Alchemy after creating a new track from a sample.
    • Resolves an issue were Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when multiple projects are open.
    • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when changing the MIDi port setting for a Monitor object in the Environment.
    • Logic Pro no longer changes when audio is processed in “Beats Only” mode in the Time and Pitch Machine.
    • Logic Pro no longer hangs when dragging an audio file with a name that contains “/“ into Quick Sampler.
    • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could occasionally quit when selecting the Additive tab in Alchemy after creating a new track from a sample.
    • Logic Pro no longer shows an error when trying to create a Template in certain rare cases.
    • Resolves an issue where using the “Repeat Multiple” command with MIDI regions whose lengths are not even bars, beats or divisions could occasionally cause Logic Pro to behave erratically.
    • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when dragging a repeat symbol to the score.


  • Creating a Drum Machine Designer instance from an audio file containing multiple slices is now much faster.
  • UI performance when editing Flex Pitch on long audio files is improved.
  • Logic Pro no longer appears to hang when importing large Sampler Drum Kits into Ultrabeat.
  • Projects named with the file extension in uppercase now open as expected.
  • Disk I/O activity while playing a large number of audio tracks is no longer unexpectedly high in certain cases.
  • Opening and closing Logic Pro plug-in windows no longer causes memory usage to increase.
  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro occasionally hangs when certain video files are open in the project.
  • Studio Strings now play back smoothly in cycle mode when there are large tempo changes.

Live Loops

  • The Copy Playing Cells Here command now transfers play status to the copied cells.
  • The Audio Cell Editor is no longer empty after joining two cells containing audio regions.
  • There is now an option “Bounce Second Cycle Only” when bouncing Live Loops cells.
  • Fixes an issue where audio regions transferred from the Tracks area to cells in the Live Loops grid are occasionally transposed unexpectedly.
  • There is now an OK button to exit the Smart Tempo editor when editing an Apple Loop from a Live Loops cell.
  • Deleting the last Live Loops cell on a track now causes playback to automatically switch to the Tracks area.
  • Files bounced from Live Loops cells that have Flex & Follow enabled on tracks where Flex is not active now have the correct length.
  • The Slip and Rotate commands in the Live Loops cell Piano Roll editor now work as expected when the cell is not selected.
  • “Paste at Original Position” no longer pasted at the Playhead position in the MIDI editors for Live Loops cells.
  • Dragging a Marquee selection from a Live Loops cell Audio editor to the Tracks area now correctly sets the editor view to the Audio Track editor.
  • Stopping recording of a Live Loops cell no longer stops playback of all other cells when the playhead has reached the end of the project timeline.
  • Step input from an external MIDI controller now works consistently in Live Loops MIDI cell editors.
  • The Repeat Once command now correctly overwrites content in the Live Loops cell to the right of the currently selected cell.
  • Dragging a scene in the Live Loops grid no longer causes the view to scroll  to the bottom.
  • Live Loops cell editors no longer display the Global Tracks area in cases where Global Tracks are not functional.
  • Fades are now the correct length in the Live Loops Audio Cell Editor when in Drag: X-Fade mode.
  • The “Rename” key command now works for selected Live Loops scenes.
  • Step Sequencer pattern cells now take on the color of the track.
  • Select by Transient in the Audio Cell Editor now reliably selects all transients in the cell.
  • The Copy to Live Loops command now populates the currently focused, or first following empty scene rather than the first empty scene in the grid.
  • Live Loops grids now play and respond as expected after saving as part of an untitled project on systems using UAD Apollo interfaces.
  • The commands “Toggle Zoom to fit selection” and “Zoom to fit All Contents” now work correctly with selections in the Live Loops grid.
  • Copying selected Markers to the Live Loops grid now sets Cell lengths to the distances between Markers in cases where the Marker lengths are 1 clock tick.
  • A cell moved to a different track and then back while playing no longer speeds up briefly.
  • Pasting a Marquee selection into a Live Loops cell now includes any blank space that is part of the selection.
  • The length of a Live Loops cell is now automatically adjusted based on the region Flex & Follow settings when a long audio file is added.
  • Fixes an issue where copying multiple contiguous regions from the Audio Cell Editor to the Tracks Area sometimes results in unexpected overlaps between regions.
  • Changing the tempo of a cell now consistently works with audio files that have had the original recording tempo removed.
  • The Force Legato command now works consistently in the Live Loops MIDI Cell editor.
  • Option-clicking Live Loops cells now toggles their queue status.
  • There is now an option “Copy to Live Loops” in the contextual menu for the cycle area.
  • There are new options in the Live Loops cell contextual menu: “Select all Cells for Same Track” and “Select all Cells of Same Scene”.
  • The Live Loops Cell contextual menu now includes recording settings.
  • It is no longer possible to inadvertently select a cell in the Live Loops grid and a region on the same track in the Tracks area.
  • Audio files added to the Audio Cell editor are no longer placed one bar to the left of the position clicked with the pencil tool.
  • Cells containing flattened take folders now play back reliably at the correct tempo.
  • Cutting a portion of the start of Take region in the Audio Cell editor no longer removes the same section from other takes in the Take folder.
  • Control + Option rubber band now zooms the view in the Live Loops grid.
  • Fixes an issue where edits applied to individual Takes in the Live Loops Cell editor are occasionally applied to the Take folder.
  • Pattern cells in the Live Loops grid can now be reliably deleted after performing Undo in the Step Editor.
  • Live Loops cell recording behavior is no longer affected by the cell playback mode.
  • Live Loops cells created by dragging a marquee selection of audio regions to the grid now play back in sync and at the correct tempo.
  • Track selections made in Logic Remote’s LCD display are now reflected in the Live Loops grid.
  • Cell colors in Logic Remote now update reliably when the Track color in Logic Pro is changed and the Region display preference is set to “As Track Color”.
  • When a flexed cell is copied to an empty track, the track now reliably switches to the flex mode of the copied cell.
  • Cell or scenes in the Live Loops grid can no longer be inadvertently dragged when tools other than the pointer are assigned.
  • Pattern cells in the Live Loops grid now reliably continue to respond to automation after a cycle jump.
  • When non-crossfaded regions overlap in a Live Loops cell, the first region now stops playing when the second begins.
  • Recording to MIDI cells in the Live Loops grid now works in cases where Auto Punch is enabled in the Tracks area and the playhead is outside the Auto Punch locators.
  • Exclusive Groups in Drum Machine Designer now perform as expected in Live Loops cells.
  • The Live Loops grid now automatically scrolls to show scenes selected using the Previous or Next Scene key commands.
  • Recordings made into MIDI cells in the Live Loops grid are now correctly positioned when Low Latency mode is enabled.
  • Fades on reversed cells are now rendered properly when a Performance recording is created.
  • It is now possible to stop and retrigger an individual cell without stopping playback entirely.

Sampler/Quick Sampler

  • The Root Key in Quick Sampler can now be editing using the keyboard.
  • Scrubbing in the Sampler zone editor is now possible when the Loop Range encompasses the entire sample.
  • MIDI Continuous Controller can now be assigned to controls in Sampler by right- or Control-clicking them.
  • In Sampler or Quick Sampler a Mod Matrix slot can now be created by right- or Control-clicking a target parameter and choosing a source.
  • Sampler now retains the view of modules configured by the user when re-opening the plug-in window.
  • An audio file dragged to a Zone in an empty instance of Sampler is now immediately displayed in the Zone editor.
  • The tooltip shown when hovering the cursor over the default Zone volume knob now correctly shows “–6 dB.”
  • The loop mode in Sampler can now be set directly from off to any other mode without setting it to Forward first.
  • Sampler now reliably loads the correct settings for bundled instruments.
  • Groups are no longer unexpectedly still selected after the “Select Last Group” setting is disabled.
  • Performing Undo after inserting a Slice marker in Quick Sampler while zoomed in no longer causes the view to unexpectedly zoom out.
  • Selection “Show Mod”  when right- or Control-clicking a modulation control in Sampler now shows the modulation when the Modulation panel is closed.
  • Exchanging a sample in a gain-optimized Zone now optimizes the gain for the newly added sample.
  • The maximum zoom in the Sampler Zone Key editor has been increased.
  • When working in Slice mode in Quick Sampler, the active slice marker is now displayed on top of the sample start marker.
  • Multiple clicks in an empty zone panel in Sampler no longer triggers multiple file load dialogs.
  • There is now a Preview audio button in all modes in the Quick Sampler window.
  • There is now a command in the Sampler Zone edit panel to add a new zone.
  • The Sampler Zone editor now immediately updates the view to show enabled EQ Power fades.
  • Selections made in the Zone list are now maintained when the cursor is moved into the Waveform display area.
  • The waveform in the Sampler Zones panel now updates when switching zones with the keyboard while in Round Robin mode.
  • Dragging  a stereo file to the Track Header to create a Quick Sampler instrument no longer creates a mono instance.
  • The “Show used columns” command in the Zone editor contextual menu now consistently shows the Flex column when Flex is in use.
  • Automatic pitch detection for Sampler and Quick Sampler now consistently detects the correct pitch.
  • Quick Sampler’s display has been improved in cases where there are a large number of slices has been improved
  • The Ctrl key can now be used to temporarily override the Snap setting in Sampler and Quick Sampler
  • Sampler and Quick Sampler no longer show animations when the Display Preference “Show Animations” is disabled.
  • Sampler now sorts Zones numerically as well as alphabetically.
  • The LFO On/Off button now shows in Controls view in Sampler and Quick Sampler.
  • It is now possible to edit the Velocity settings of multiple zones that belong to different groups in Sampler.
  • Highlighting of selected zones in Sampler’s list view now displays consistently.
  • The Command key can now be used to temporarily override the snap value in the Quick Sampler grid.
  • The names of slices from Sampler and Quick Sampler are now displayed in the Piano Roll.
  • The Sampler Zone Editor column can now be resized when the plug-in window is at 150% scaling.
  • File names are now visible in the Sampler Zone Editor.
  • Sampler now retains changes to the Waveform Zoom setting when the plug-in window is closed and then reopened.
  • Optimized Import in Sampler now automatically assigns audio files to round-robins based on file names that include “rr1,” ” rr2”…
  • When working in the Zone table or mapping area the Preview button in Sampler now keeps the focus on the respective area to make navigation using the arrow keys easier.
  • Sampler now sets velocities automatically when multiple samples with file names that include dynamic indications such as “fff,” “mf,” “pp” are imported.
  • Double-clicking a Zone in the mapping area now opens the Zone Panel.
  • Round Robins created from a selection of Groups now play in the same order as the Groups.
  • Saved patches in Sampler that use the default sine wave now play back correctly when recalled.
  • The Zone Mapping menu in Sampler now immediately updates to show changes made in the Zone Editor.
  • It is now possible to audition samples in Classic or One Shot mode in Quick Sampler.
  • There is a new Track Header drag and drop option “Zone per Note” to create a Sampler instrument.
  • Performing undo after exchanging a kit piece or loading a patch in Quick Sampler now immediately updates the waveform display.
  • It is now easier to swap the position of Zones in Sampler by selecting two zones and choosing ‘Zone > Remap > Swap’
  • Zone snapping in Sampler now responds to transient edits made in the Audio File Editor.
  • Audio file names can now be edited in Sampler.
  • When opening projects that contain EXS instruments that can’t be found, Sampler now shows the names of the missing instruments.
  • The accuracy of slice positions in Quick Sampler is improved.
  • Edit Key Labels in Sampler now works as expected.
  • Sampler now offers several new options to remap notes to Zones: Remap Notes, Fill Gaps (Notes Only), Fill Gaps (Vel Only).
  • Resolves an issue in which it was sometimes not possible to drag an audio file to a position between two existing Zones, even if there was room.
  • The Save As command in Sampler no longer overwrites the original instrument preset.
  • Sampler now plays audio files on which Undo has been performed after editing in the Audio File editor.
  • Slices now reliably appear in instances of Quick Sampler created by dragging a MIDI region to the Track Header.
  • Sampler now successfully loads EXS instruments with filenames longer than 57 characters.
  • The volume of Quick Sampler presets is now more consistent when Optimize Gain is enabled.
  • Loop data written into audio files by Sampler or Quick Sampler is now used when the files are loaded as Original into new instances of Sampler or Quick Sampler.
  • Zones now play back edits performed on their audio files in Audio File editor.
  • Sampler now automatically finds all missing files in a folder once the first missing file in that folder has been located.
  • The volume setting for newly created Zones is now consistently 0 dB.
  • Apple Loops edited in Quick Sampler are now copied to the Project folder as expected.
  • Canceling a Zone per Files import in Optimized mode now instantly stops the operation.
  • Auto Split when creating an Optimized Sampler instrument now works reliably with short, percussive sounds.
  • The accuracy of detection has been improved for audio recordings that contain soft transients or short duration fundamental frequencies when creating optimized Sampler instruments using Split at Silence.
  • Creating an optimized Sampler Instrument using “Split at Silence” now creates an instrument with a single zone when an audio file containing no silence is dragged to the Track Header.
  • Key labels entered into Sampler now appear immediately in the Piano Roll.
  • Fades are now immediately displayed on the waveform in Sampler and Quick Sampler.

Step Sequencer

  • Learn mode in Step Sequencer is now automatically disabled when deselecting the Pattern Region.
  • Closing the Step Sequencer editor while it is playing back no longer leads to stuck notes.
  • Fixes an issue where adding a Pattern region in a new project and enabling Learn occasionally creates a large number of unexpected new rows.
  • The playhead now displays at the correct position in the Step Sequencer editor Pattern regions that contain cells with left border offsets.
  • All rows in copied pattern regions now play reliably.

Remix FX

  • Automation values for the Remix FX plug-in now display the correct parameter types.

Drag and Drop

  • Drag and drop from the Live Loops cell editor to the Track Header to create a Quick Sampler instrument now works reliably.

Auto Sampler

  • The Auto Sampler “Auto Loop Start”and “Auto Loop End” files are now populated as expected when accessed from the keyboard.


  • VoiceOver now announces the status Track Record Enable.
  • VoiceOver now announces readout values for the Level Meter and Loudness Meter plug-ins in Controls View.
  • VoiceOver no longer announces audio regions as muted when they are on tracks with no output assigned.
  • The EQ tab in Smart Controls is now accessible with VoiceOver
  • VoiceOver now announces the solo and mute state of tracks when using the up/down arrows to navigate through the track header.
  • VoiceOver now announces the number of record-enabled tracks when the Track Header group is selected.
  • It is now possible to access the Logic Pro legacy plug-ins using VoiceOver.


  • Multimode filters in Alchemy can now be set to the note C3.
  • The Gate control for the Acoustic Reverb in Alchemy now works as expected.
  • The Mod section Target menu is now organized by target destinations rather than sources.
  • Fixes an issue where sample loop points occasionally create a click sound when a project or setting is reloaded.
  • Single cycle waveform sample files no longer exhibit clicking artifacts when looped in Alchemy.
  • Instances of Alchemy using addictive synthesis created by dragging an audio file to the track header now show the correct audio waveform.
  • Alchemy now immediately responds to MIDI note input after audio added to a Source drop zone.
  • MSEG envelope points that have been dragged all the way to the left in Stretch mode no longer get stuck, and can now be dragged back to the right.
  • Alchemy now reports the correct latency when its limiter is turned off.
  • Synthesis and effects accuracy is improved in Alchemy.


  • It is now easier to make precise adjustments to the Pre-delay setting in Chromaverb using a mouse.
  • Manually typed Pitch values in the Vocal Transformer now transposes to the correct pitch.
  • Automating the bypass state of Auto Filter no longer causes clicks and pops.
  • Fixes an issue where the ENV setting in the Modulator plug-in occasionally skips a cycle when the LFO rate and Release Time are identical.
  • The Modulator plug-in LFO now continues to output as expected with Symmetry values lower than 0.97.
  • Pitch Correction no longer quantizes slowly rising pitches to values in between semi-tones when the Response time is set to 0.00 ms.
  • Plug-in windows set to Link mode now update reliably as different plug-in slots are clicked.
  • Option-clicking a plug-in control to reset it to its default value now works when Caps Lock is on.
  • Ultrabeat’s LFO display now switches from Hz to rhythmic values when the it is switched from Free to Sync mode.
  • The scale values in Space Designer’s EQ are now correctly displayed.
  • Ultrabeat and Drum Synth now reliably recall changes to LFO settings in cases where the LFO in Sync mode.
  • Plug-in windows now reliably reopen at their most recent position.
  • The “Custom EQ” label now appears as expected when a custom EQ model is chosen in Amp Designer.
  • Retro Synth now properly creates wavetables from surround files.
  • The bypass button in hidden plug-in windows now updates to reflect changes in made in the Mixer.
  • Plug-ins on busses are no longer dimmed and uneditable in certain rare cases.
  • The channel order is now displayed correctly in Audio Units in Surround mode.
  • Option-clicking the Track On/Off button to enable or disable plug-ins now work when there is a Take folder on the track.
  • The ENV to LFO Amp control in the MIDI Modulator plug-in now has effect at settings of less than 100%.


  • Automation for the Rate parameter of Arpeggiator in free mode now shows the correct values.
  • When using Region-Based automation with Remix FX, Logic Pro no longer creates an unexpected Gate ON automation point at the beginning of the region.
  • Region-based automation now responds to the Rotate command.
  • Enabling Automation Quick Access before it has been configured no longer brings up an endless loop of error messages.
  • Editing Region-based Automation in soloed MIDI regions no longer deselects them.
  • Fixes an issue where performing Undo after editing Region-Based Automation occasionally causes the automation to appear to be interpolated when it is not.
  • Automation edits created by dragging the Pencil from right to left are now reliably applied to all members of a group of tracks.
  • Transpose values entered by keyboard to the MIDI Transpose plug-in can now be recored as automation.
  • Region-based automation now is now dimmed as expected when Automation is turned off.

Drummer/Drum Machine Designer

  • It is now possible to load Kit Piece Patches to multiple Drum Machine Designer pads assigned to the same input key.
  • Performing Undo after exchanging one sample for another on a Drum Machine Designer pad now correctly reassigns the previous sample.
  • Clicking “+” on a Drum Machine Designer pad now opens the Patch library.
  • The Drum Machine Designer window is no longer hidden behind the Main window after a sample is added to a pad and then the Main window is clicked.
  • Group Solo is now triggered when soloing from a Drum Machine Designer pad that is assigned to a Mix Group.
  • It is now possible to map Drum machine Designer pads to the C-2 note.
  • Drum Synth now responds to continuous pitch bend messages.
  • Selection of Pads in Drum Machine Designer can now be controlled using TAB and Shift + TAB.
  • Dragging a new sample to an existing Drum Machine Designer pad no longer resets the channel strip to defaults.
  • When a Drum Machine Designer kit with multiple missing samples is loaded, there is now a “Skip All” dialog.

Flex Time and Flex Pitch

  • Playback is no longer slower than expected when using the Flex mode Speed in projects set to a sample rate of 96 kHz.
  • Fixes an issue where transposing audio regions could occasionally cause them to unexpectedly shift position.
  • SMPTE-locked regions in which the region anchor is not at the region start no longer shift position unexpectedly when Flex & Follow is enabled.
  • The Flex Pitch display now updates immediately after trimming regions.
  • In Flex Pitch mode, the Track Editor now opens to show the correct pitch range to display notes from Takes or Comp segments.
  • Quantization now works in audio regions that have been trimmed before quantization was applied.
  • Creating Flex markers now consistently works on regions where the right end has been trimmed.
  • Flex Time now reliably activates when a Quantization value is applied to an audio region
  • Flex Markers can now reliably be created in regions that have been trimmed to a different length.
  • Fixes an issue in projects that contain tempo changes, where enabling Flex Time on a region occasionally causes it to automatically stretch.
  • The starting position of quantized audio regions is now reliably maintained when the left border is trimmed to the right and then back.
  • Enabling and then disabling Flex Time on a track in a song originally created on GarageBand for iOS now correctly re-enables Follow Tempo.
  • It is now possible to reliably cut regions precisely to the grid with the Scissors tool at all tempos.

Smart Tempo

  • Enabling Flex Time/Follow Tempo on a Take folder now reliably places all Comps at the correct positions.
  • The Smart Tempo editor no longer detects variable tempos for regions that were recorded at a constant tempo.
  • “Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo” no longer unexpectedly shortens the other regions of a Smart Tempo Multitrack Set in cases where “Maintain relative positions of all other regions” is enabled.
  • The volume control in the Smart Tempo editor is now reliably at the correct value when a MIDI region is opened.
  • The Smart Tempo now reliably updates the tempo display or MIDI regions when changing from Constant to Variable tempo or vice versa.
  • Custom time signatures can now be added in the Smart Tempo Editor.


  • Peak and hold values on channel strips are now more accurately calculated and displayed.
  • The “Bypass All Effects Plug-ins” command on channel strips now acts as a toggle.
  • Selected tracks within Track Stacks are now reliably selected in the Mixer when it is opened.
  • After bouncing regions in place to a new track, the hidden original track is no longer visible in the mixer until the screenset is recalled.
  • The Mixer now updates properly after unhiding tracks.
  • Tracks within a Track Stack created using the “New Track with Duplicate Settings and Content” key command now have the same routing as the original track.
  • VCA labels in channel strips are now immediately updated to reflect changes made to a VCA channel strip.


  • Selecting regions on grouped tracks no longer causes the wrong Track Alternative to be selected on the bottommost track.

Key Commands

  • There is now a key command in the Audio File Editor to “Set Anchor by Playhead”.
  • There is now a key command for Live Loops to “Export Selection as Audio File”.
  • There are now key commands to set a region anchor point to the start or end of the current Marquee selection.
  • There is now a key command to select all currently playing Live Loops cells.
  • It is no longer necessary to click on newly opened plug-in windows to get Key Commands targeted for them to work.
  • The Close All Plug-ins command now closes open Drum Machine Designer windows.
  • There is now a key command to open an independent Step Sequencer window.
  • The Rotate key command now works correctly after all the audio regions in a one track folder are selected in the Audio Track editor.
  • There is now a key command “All Regions/Cells of Selected Tracks”.
  • All selected Takes are now affected when using the Nudge Right key command.


  • Selecting notes outside the cycle zone in the Piano Roll no longer incorrectly enables Catch mode.
  • “Define Brush Pattern” in the Piano Roll is now available in new projects when the Advanced Tools preference is disabled.
  • The Piano Roll for Live Loops MIDI cells now immediately showed changes to selection of notes when the cell is not playing.
  • Notes that are slipped to the left beyond the pickup grace period for a region are no longer visible in the Piano Roll editor.
  • The Control and Shift keys can now be used to allow more precise positioning when Option-dragging to copy items in the Piano Roll.
  • Holding Shift while adjusting the lengths of multiple selected notes in the Piano Roll now sets them to the same length as expected.
  • Selected audio regions in the Event List now behave correctly when custom Groove Templates are applied.
  • Resolves an issue where Catch Playhead sometimes unexpectedly activates in the Piano Roll own editing notes during playback.
  • Fixes an issue where copying a note within an existing region in the Piano Roll sometimes causes the region to extend unexpectedly.
  • Fixes an issue where notes clicked into the Piano Roll using the Brush tool are sometimes placed an octave too low.
  • Custom values are now reliably retained when the Transform window is closed and then reopened.
  • It is now possible to delete custom created Transform sets.
  • Entering a chord in the Piano Roll chord editor for the first time now longer always enter a “Cno3” chord.


  • A user created slur attached to a note on the next line no longer creates an unexpected automatic slur.
  • The tooltip now shows a “+” to indicate dragged events are being copied when Option-dragging in the Score window.
  • Pressing Return to trigger the OK button in Time Signature window now works when the control for the number of beats has focus.
  • The Score Layout tool now works correctly when assigned to the right mouse button.
  • When opening the Chord Grid library, the last-used library becomes the new default.
  • Creating a Score Set from a selection of regions now works as expected.
  • Notes can now be entered to Score Sets with small scale values in Linear View.
  • When a large number of notes are beamed in Linear View, the beams now display reliably for all notes at all zoom levels.
  • The clef selector now shows the currently assigned clef when the Viola clef is assigned to the region.


  • Crossfades now display at their correct positions on comp segments in Take folders.
  • Audio files recorded into Take folders are now named using the Take name, if the Take is the entire length of the Take folder.
  • Take Folder lengths are now adjusted to account for changes in Takes when Follow Tempo is enabled.

Track Stacks

  • A recording preview is now displayed when recording MIDI to a Summing Stack that includes Audio tracks.
  • Creating a new track by dragging a region from a track stack to the empty area below the last track no longer adds the new track to the stack.
  • Dragging a summing stack below a closed folder stack in the Track Header no longer adds the summing stack to the folder.

Track Alternatives

  • Selecting a region in an inactive Track Alternative now selects its track if the “Select tracks on region/marquee selection” preference is enabled.

Global Tracks

  • Automation now moves correctly with Arrange Markers.
  • Adding a first time signature change at any position other than the project start now brings up a dialog asking whether to change the signature for the project or to insert the change at the current position.


  • Existing automation on a track is now retained when importing Content from another project if the “Automation” import option not selected.
  • Flex time on existing tracks is no longer disabled when importing tracks from another Logic Pro project.


  • It is now possible to share Logic Pro projects using Mail Drop.
  • Improves reliability when sharing projects to GarageBand for iOS.


  • Logic Pro now detects inserted ARA plug-ins at launch.
  • Logic Pro now shows an alert when an incompatible audio file, such as an MP3 or Apple Loop is dragged to a track using an ARA plug-in.

Apple Loops

  • Dragging an Apple Loop over the beginning of an existing looped region now replaces it as expected.
  • Apple Loops now consistently preview at the correct project tempo.

Sound Library

  • Logic Pro now triggers a prompt requesting Full Disk Access when moving the  Sound Library to an external drive.
  • It is now possible to change sound settings on legacy GarageBand instruments that were originally created by dragging Apple Loops into the tracks area.
  • The Patch Library now maintains the focused area when changing tracks.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • Supports all Novation Launchpad grid controllers and no longer requires turning the device 90-degrees to align with the Live Loops grid layout.
  • Lua scripts for MIDI controllers can now set the Version filed in the divide inspector.
  • The “controller_finalize()” command in Lua scripts is now properly processed when quitting.
  • Fixes an issue where toggle modes on Novation Launchpad X and Mini Mk3 could occasionally get stuck.
  • Improves Lua script compatibility with several MIDI controller devices that offer multiple MIDI inputs or outputs.
  • Controller assignments are now mapped properly with the M-Audio Axiom Pro 49 controller.
  • The fader bank size is now shown correctly for attached Launchpad MK2 devices,
  • The Cancel button on Mackie Control surfaces now closes a selected folder.

Impulse Response Utility

  • Video files can now be used as a sound source in Impulse Response Utility.
  • It is now possible to set the Impulse Response Utility to perform shorter sweeps for cases where better transient response is preferred over better frequency response.
  • It is now possible to drag multiple audio files into Impulse response Utility to facilitate creating true stereo and multi-channel IRs.
  • 4 channel B-Format and AmbiX files can now be processed by the Impulse Response Utility.


  • The Record Repeat command no longer triggers an unintended Undo step.
  • Performing Undo after inserting Drum Machine Designer on a Software Instrument track no longer sets the input of the track to an audio input.
  • Performing Undo after changing the lengths of crossfaded overlapping regions no longer removes the crossfade.
  • Performing Undo after editing Control Change messages in the Event List no longer creates unexpected interpolated events.
  • Fixes an issue where performing Undo after recording to a Software Instrument track occasionally shifts plug-ins to the wrong tracks.
  • Setting a Transpose value in a Region Inspector and then setting a different value now creates an Undo step.
  • Activating the Automation Select tool by pressing Control-Shift and selecting automation points now creates Undo steps.
  • Pressing the :2 or x2 button in the Tape Delay, Stereo Delay, Echo or Arpeggiator plug-ins now creates an Undo step.
  • It is no longer necessary to grab a Flex Pitched note before performing Undo on Flex Pitch edits.
  • Fixes an issue where articulation sets occasionally disappear after performing an Undo.
  • Performing Undo after deleting an audio recording now restores the audio region as expected.
  • Option Double Click to delete selected automation data now generates an undo step.


  • A movie window on a separate display now remains visible when Logic Pro is not in focus.


  • Note-off events are now reliably passed through environment objects cabled to channel strips.
  • Togging a button in the Environment no longer sometimes causes other buttons to unexpectedly toggle.


  • Moving the left corner of a SMPTE-locked region to the left no longer causes its MIDI events to unexpectedly shift positions.
  • Fixes an issue where performing “Separate by MIDI Channel” on a region occasionally creates new tracks for the wrong MIDI instrument.
  • The scroll position in the Environment window is now properly recalled when opening a locked screenset.
  • The Play button in the File Browser now works on systems running macOS Catalina.
  • The contextual menu for audio regions in the Tracks Area now includes a setting “Reverse On/Off”.
  • The “Trim region end to next region” command now calculates from the start of the region rather than the anchor position.
  • Regions that overlap the cycle zone now are moved properly when the “Cut Section Between Locators” command is used.
  • Dragging or nudging a region to the right to overlap the next region’s start position no longer causes two unexpected region segments to appear in the Project Audio window.
  • Dragging regions to a Protected track no longer unexpectedly places them on the track after Cancel is pressed in the warning dialog.
  • The MMC Format preference panel now shows the correct value after making a setting, closing the window and then reopening it.
  • No Overlap mode now works as expected when nudging regions by key command.
  • Fixes an issue where Drum Replace/Double loads the first preset for the drum type rather than the one chosen.
  • The Rotate key command no longer causes unexpected gaps between audio regions in one-track folders.
  • When the Musical Grid is turned off, clicking with the Marquee tool no longer makes extremely small unexpected selections.
  • Deleting tracks no longer causes the track header to narrow.
  • The Articulation dropdown menu no longer appears in the Inspector for tracks that do not contain articulations.
  • The “Zoom to Selection” command now works correctly if part of the selection includes regions on a track with a user set track height.
  • A single click followed by a two finger click (right-click) on a track pad is no longer sometimes interpreted as a double-click.
  • Frozen Software Instrument tracks now play correctly after the project has been converted to a higher sample rate
  • There is now a Display Preference to apply region colors to the entire track.
  • Regions dragged from the top level of the Tracks area into a folder now are placed at the correct position.
  • MIDI regions created with Force Touch gestures on a track pad are now placed at the cursor position as expected.
  • Simultaneously deleting two regions while in Shuffle L mode no longer leaves an unexpected gap if the second deleted region is shorter than 1/16 note.
  • Fixes an issue where a save dialog is sometimes presented when closing a project that has not been changed.
  • The “Separate by MIDI Channel” command now places new tracks immediately below the original track as expected.
  • The selected track no longer unexpectedly changes after recording if there are open Take Folders using Flex Pitch and the preference  “Select tracks on region / marquee selection” is enabled.
  • Looped regions no longer play back notes to the left of the region start that fall within the playback grace period.
  • Tracks now reliably display correctly after Flex & Follow is disabled.
  • A crossfade is now created when the “Nudge Event Length Right by Nudge Value” key command causes a region to overlap the next region when the X-Fade drag mode is enabled.

Logic Pro 10.5.1

Stability and reliability

Logic no longer quits unexpectedly

  • After a playing Live Loops cell is moved to a track with Flex Pitch enabled, and then the Flex mode is changed.
  • When making adjustments in the Spectrasonics Stylus RMX plug-in.
  • When playing Live Loops cells that trigger MPE enable software instruments.
  • When recalling a screen set that only contains a Step Sequencer edit window from a track that does not contain any pattern regions.
  • When performing tempo analysis on MIDI regions on a Mapped Instrument track.
  • When switching between drum kits while a Pattern Sequence is playing in a Live Loops cell.
  • Logic no longer hangs if a bus routing that might create feedback is created.
  • Logic no longer experiences occasional hangs when the disclosure triangle for a Track Stack is Option-clicked.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic could unexpectedly quit after moving a playing Live Loops cell to another track after the Flex mode has been changed.
  • Logic no longer experiences occasional hanging when creating a Performance Recording in scenes that contain cells using Take Folders.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic might quit unexpectedly when changing the Software Instrument assigned to Track Stack sub-track while the Step Sequencer Pattern region editor is open.
  • Improves stability with certain Audio Unit plug-ins.


  • Playing a Live Loops cell with a flexed mono audio track no longer causes unexpected System Overload messages.


  • When Logic is launched for the first time on a system with VoiceOver activated, a dialog offering to change all plug-in windows to Controls View is now displayed.
  • VoiceOver now announces the Show/Hide Library command when it is performed with a key command.

Live Loops

  • A new empty cell region is now created when an empty cell is added to the Live Loops grid.
  • Regions created by a Live Loops Performance Recording are now reliably in sync when some cells are not set to follow tempo.
  • Live Loops cells that do not have Flex Time enabled now reliably play in sync when they are set to Play From Song Position or Play From Cell Position.
  • Live Loops cells now reliably play in sync when pausing and then continuing in cases where there are plug-ins that introduce significant latency in the signal chain.
  • Live Loops cells created by joining two cells containing audio regions now play back properly when the two source cells had different Flex settings.
  • The Copy to Live Loops command now properly aligns the copied regions in cells.
  • The Velocity slider now works as expected in the Live Loops cell Piano Roll editor.
  • Deleting a Live Loops cell with an open Piano Roll editor no longer unexpectedly switches the view to the Tracks area.
  • Fixes an issue where dragging a Live Loops cell containing multiple audio regions to the Tracks area could result in unexpected gaps between regions.
  • It is now consistently possible to enable Flex & Follow for all audio regions in a Live Loops cell.
  • Fixes an issue where Live Loop cells containing audio regions sometimes play a short interval of silence at the end of every other loop.
  • Regions created by by a Live Loops Performance Recording that include cells playing flexed audio are now reliably the correct lengths.
  • Cells now update immediately to respond to articulation changes made in MIDI editors.
  • The Velocity slider in the Live Loops Piano Roll editor is more responsive.
  • Switching off multiple selected tracks with their Power buttons now switched off Live Loop cells on those tracks as expected.
  • Includes various improvements in the behavior of freeze tracks in Live Loops
  • Live Loops cells containing multiple overlapping regions now play back as expected in cases where the drag mode is set to Overlap.
  • Cells that contain Drummer regions or Step Sequencer Pattern regions no longer incorrectly show recording options.
  • Drummer and Step Sequencer regions that do not start on an even bar now play in sync when added to a Live Loops cell.
  • Live Loops Performance Recording now works correctly in cases where some cells contain compressed audio file formats.
  • The Event List editor now reliably shows the content of audio and MIDI Live Loops cells.
  • Live Loops cell region inspectors now reliably update to show changes in selection or focus.
  • Fixes an issue where take folders copied to Live Loops cells are sometimes transposed unexpectedly.
  • The Piano Roll Inspector for MIDI Live Loops cells now remains visible when changing the focus between the Live Loops grid and the Piano Roll.

Sampler/Quick Sampler

  • The Sampler waveform display now updates when a sample for an existing zone is replaced.
  • In Slice mode, Quick Sampler now reliably plays all slices in cases where the project tempo is much faster than the audio file loaded into the plug-in.
  • Sustain pedal (cc64) messages no longer cause held notes in Quick Sampler to go into their release phase when the “Play to End on Release” setting is enabled.
  • The Slice Play buttons in Quick Sampler now reliably play the correct slice the Snap mode is set to Transients.
  • It is now possible to preview audio files “in place” in the Sampler load files dialog.
  • Fixes an issue where the Cleanup Project command sometimes removes references to Sampler files.
  • Dragging regions with a forward slash (/) in the filename into Quick Sampler no longer prevents regions from being dragged in the tracks area.
  • Loudness detection is now reliably performed on sections of long audio files used in a zone in Sampler.
  • Improves compatibility of certain EXS24 settings with Sampler.
  • Saving over an existing Sampler instrument setting no longer prompts for the file path in cases where an alias or symlink is used.

Drummer/Drum Machine Designer

  • The Drum Machine Designer window is no longer hidden unexpectedly when the Reimport Original command is used for a pad.
  • Drum Machine Designer pads now show up on the MacBook Pro Touch Bar immediately after an instance of the plug-in is inserted.
  • It is now possible to join Drummer regions together.
  • Assigning input note to Drum Machine Designer pads now works properly when the pad is clicked before the note is assigned.

Flex Time and Flex Pitch

  • Regions set to Flex Time: Polyphonic now play correctly when the pitch setting in the Region Inspector is changed.
  • The Flex Inspector in the Track Inspector now displays reliably on Tracks set to Flex Pitch mode.
  • Fixes an issue where Blue tempo markers are sometimes created unexpectedly on regions with Flex Time enabled.
  • The Scale Quantize setting for Flex Pitched regions is no longer sometimes  enabled unexpectedly.
  • Flex Time edits made across multiple selected regions are now immediately displayed
  • The demo song “Ocean Eyes” no longer transposes unexpectedly if Flex is disabled.


  • Third-party software instruments no longer unexpectedly show multi-output stereo configurations that they don’t actually support.
  • Modulating the Edgy Filter in Retro Synth no longer can cause an unexpected noise.
  • Fixes an issue where dragging the gain for an EQ band in the Channel EQ sometimes causes it to unexpectedly jump 24 dB in value.
  • The Pianoteq Audio Unit plug-in again works with Logic Pro.

Key Commands

  • The key command to Select All now works consistently in all text fields.
  • The “Go To” key command no longer requires pressing an extra Tab before entering numbers when performed on a MacBook Pro running macOS Catalina.
  • Key commands now work while the mouse button is being pressed.


  • All supported ARA Audio Units are now visible in the plug-in browser.


  • Automation is now possible for meta parameters in Audio Unit plug-ins.
  • Recording Region-based Automation on Software Instruments in cycle mode no longer causes MIDI playback to stop working.


  • The Slip Left and Slip Right commands now nudge events by the correct increments in MIDI edit windows.
  • The window view in the Audio Track editor no longer jumps unexpectedly back to the region start when working with Flex Pitch with the “Select tracks on region/marquee selection” setting enabled
  • Adding a note after the end of a region in the Piano Roll now extends the length of the region.

Smart Tempo

  • Logic now correctly identifies the downbeat for short audio recordings.


  • Colors assigned to Takes within a Comp now display correctly.


  • Logic now loads MIDI files that were generated in Cakewalk correctly
  • Imported audio is now inserted at the playhead position, as expected.

Global Tracks

  • Fixes an issue where using the key command to insert a time signature sometimes deletes subsequent time signatures.

Track Stacks

  • Double-clicking a track folder that contains only one track now opens the folder as expected.


  • Opened windows are now reliably visible when first opening projects created in earlier versions of Logic Pro.
  • The “Create Tracks and Mute” recording preferences no longer unexpectedly creates extra Stereo Output tracks when recording overlapping recordings in Track Stacks.
  • The Split Region at Marquee Selection command now works as expected.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented patches from being dragged and dropped into the track header.
  • The Join Regions and Join Regions by Track commands now work as expected when there are looped MIDI regions at contain no data included.
  • The Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position command now deletes the audio file from the drive, as expected.
  • Projects no longer stop playing after a single beat in certain cases.
  • When multiple projects are open, the Play button now works with whichever project is currently in focus.
  • Plug-ins can now be added to to channel strips when multiple projects are open.
  • The Mixer now displays reliably when multiple projects are open.
  • It is now possible to enter a delay value in Software Instrument region inspectors.
  • Multiple record-enabled Software Instrument Track Stacks respond to incoming MIDI as expected
  • Marquee selections now resize correctly to adjust to changes in zoom.
  • Catch Playhead now works with floating windows.
  • Link content now works properly in projects created in versions earlier than Logic Pro 10.5.
  • Locked screen sets that include an Event Float window now work as expected.
  • Fixes an issue where drag and dropping audio files onto the Sampler sometimes leaves graphic artifacts that look like regions in the Tracks area absolve the Sampler window.

Logic Pro 10.5

New Features

Live Loops

  • Compose music by arranging and triggering cells in a grid using loops, samples, and your recordings.
  • Perform and capture free-form arrangement ideas into the tracks area.
  • Add Remix FX to perform creative effects like filters, gates, repeaters, and downsampling.
  • Use Logic Remote on your iPad or iPhone to perform Live Loops and Remix FX using Multi-Touch gestures to trigger several loops or effects simultaneously.


  • Create sophisticated multi-sampled instruments using a drag-and-drop workflow.
  • New modern design provides synthesis, mapping, and zone editing in a single window interface.
  • Integrated zone editor offers detailed control over start, end and loop points.
  • Mapping editor enables fast and flexible assignment of samples across the keyboard.
  • Flex Time has been integrated into Sampler allowing sounds to be played at the same length, regardless of pitch.
  • Auto Sampler automates the process of converting MIDI-enabled hardware and software instruments into Sampler instruments.
  • Supports all existing EXS24 instruments.

Quick Sampler

  • Import a single audio file to instantly build a playable sampled instrument.
  • Quick Sampler automatically identifies the root note, optimal loop points, and trims silence from an imported sample.
  • Use Slice mode to chop a vocal or drum sample into multiple slices that can be triggered on a keyboard.
  • Record live samples using a microphone, external hardware, or from any track or bus.

Drum Machine Designer

  • Use Drum Machine Designer to build custom drum kits by dragging and organizing samples.
  • Directly access Quick Sampler or Drum Synth controls on any pad.
  • Easily assign any instrument or third-party plug-in to a pad.
  • Perform any sound chromatically to create bass lines or other melodic parts.

Step Sequencer

  • Build your own beats, melodies and effects automation using an interface inspired by classic drum machine workflows.
  • Create and edit patterns with discrete control over velocity, repeat, chance, offset, step rate, skip and tie for each row.
  • Use any patch as a sound source, including custom kits made with Quick Sampler and Drum Machine Designer.
  • Includes a library of over 150 rhythmic and melodic patterns.

More Content

  • Over 2,500 new loops in a variety of instruments and genres covering modern and classic hip-hop, electro house, reggaeton, future bass, techno, and transition effects.
  • 17 Live Loops starter grids covering a range of electronic and hip-hop genres.
  • More than 70 new Drum Machine Designer kits.
  • Over 1,500 new patches.
  • Original multi-track project of Billie Eilish’s “Ocean Eyes.”

Other New Features/Enhancements

  • The Drum Synth plug-in generates synthesized kicks, snares, percussion, cymbals, and hi-hats with dedicated sound shaping controls.
  • Individual or multiple audio files or software instrument regions can be dragged into an empty track header to provide instant options for creating Sampler, Quick Sampler, Drum Machine Designer, or Alchemy instruments.
  • Trigger cells and other functions in Live Loops with support for Novation Launchpad (Launchpad, Launchpad MK2, Launchpad Mini, Launchpad Mini MK3, Launchpad Pro, Launchpad S, Launchpad X)
  • It is now possible to import Electronic Drummer tracks from other projects.
  • The preference “Select tracks on region selection” has been renamed “Select tracks on region/marquee selection,” and marquee selections also select the corresponding tracks if it is enabled.
  • Name labels can now be displayed on notes in the Piano Roll editor.
  • The Modulator plug-in now offers a new control for the waveform phase value in the extended parameters.
  • It is now possible to capture MIDI performances played while Logic is stopped.
  • The maximum number of Mix Groups has been increased to 64.
  • There is a new command “Hide all but selected tracks.”
  • It is now possible to input the tempo of audio files in the Project Audio window.
  • Impulse Response Utility now supports Dark Mode.
  • There is now a menu item and a Key Command to select frozen tracks.
  • Project and Track Notes now support hyperlinks for internal actions, such as Key Commands.
  • The Pan Law setting now allows for -4.5 dB and -6 dB compensation.
  • There are new commands to Slip and Rotate content in regions.
  • Dragging a region below the last track in the Track List now creates a new track with duplicate settings.
  • There is now a setting to auto-colorize markers.
  • There are now Key Commands to create MIDI, Drummer and Audio regions.
  • There is a new menu item “Reactivate Upbeat Event Playback” to allow MIDI notes that are ¼ note or less before the start of a region to play, in cases where the left edge of the region has been edited.
  • There is now a key command to bypass all plug-ins on selected channel strips.
  • Option-clicking the disclosure triangle of a Take folder now sets all Take folders on the same track to the same state.


  • Logic no longer quits unexpectedly:
    • When creating a MIDI track from a Flex Pitched region, if there are no notes within the region.
    • When loading an Alchemy preset in which the loop end point has been set later than the end of the sample.
    • When analyzing audio for Flex editing
    • When the On button in the additive tab of the A source in Alchemy is clicked in certain presets.
    • When an AUv3 plug-in that supports side-chaining is present, but has no side-chain connection yet defined.
    • When performing tempo analysis on an Apple Lossless file at 192 kHz sample rate.
    • When the right border of a regions is adjusted rapidly while the Score is open in Page view.
    • At launch after an erase install of macOS 10.15 Catalina has been performed on the computer.
    • After Revert to Saved is performed on a project that includes ARA instances of Melodyne.
    • When importing a sample into Alchemy after adding a new Group.
    • When the Create button is clicked in the New Tracks dialog.
    • When the Gain is changed in the Audio File Editor.
    • Occasionally when a project is opened without closing the current project.
    • Occasionally when a sequencer mod source is loaded into Alchemy, playback in Logic is started and then Sequencer 1 is selected as the mod source from the source Transpose button.
    • When moving a Sysex fader after adjusting the border of a MIDI region.
    • Occasionally when left sitting idle.
    • Occasionally when dragging one audio region over another.
    • Occasionally when installing items using the Sound Library Manager.
    • When a Marquee selection within a folder is copied.
    • Occasionally when loading a project that contains an Aux that has a send that routes to itself.
    • Occasionally when “Cut All Names” is performed in a Text Fader and then the fader’s range is adjusted.
    • Occasionally after moving a window from an iPad Pro back to Logic when using Sidecar.
  • Logic no longer experiences occasional hangs when saving a project after adding notes to in the Score to a region on an external MIDI track.
  • Logic no longer hangs when selecting the Untagged Loops tab in the Loop Browser in certain projects.
  • Using the Join Regions/Notes key command on a folder no longer causes a Circular Structure error to be displayed.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic occasionally quits with certain plug-ins.


  • Creating notes in the Score is no longer sluggish on systems using a high-density display.
  • Scrolling of plug-in parameters in Controls view using a mouse wheel is now smoother.
  • Performance when dragging regions in projects that contain a large number of small regions is improved.
  • Playback and recording no longer stop unexpectedly when a content package is finished downloading.
  • Performance when importing assets from the All Files browser in large projects is improved.
  • Adjusting values by scrubbing with the mouse is no longer sluggish when an Event List Editor window is open.
  • Dragging files into Logic via the Finder no longer interrupts playback.
  • Audio Unit scans are now much faster.
  • Performance in the Mixer is improved when switching between projects.
  • Fixes an issue where Logic occasionally becomes sluggish after recalling multiple screen sets.
  • Fixes an issue where automation of plug-in parameters in projects with a high sample rates could cause clicks, pops or other audio anomalies.
  • Alchemy patches that use Spectral effects now consume less CPU when on the live track.
  • Start-up time at launch has been improved.
  • Improves responsiveness of editing in the Tracks area when the Project Audio window is also open.


  • VoiceOver now properly announces the first column in the Loop Browser.
  • VoiceOver now announces the state of the Direct Monitoring button in the Mixer.
  • VoiceOver no longer announces disclosure triangles in Inspectors as button.
  • VoiceOver now positions plug-ins  in the correct slots when inserting more than three plug-ins consecutively.
  • The Part box in the Score is now accessible with VoiceOver.
  • VoiceOver now announces the note position and pitch in linear view in the Score.
  • The pop-up menu for creating a Software instrument no longer requires a mouse click interaction with VoiceOver.
  • Filter by Type in the Loop Browser now supports VoiceOver.
  • Fixes an issue where channel strips sometimes remain unexpectedly selected when navigating the Mixer using VoiceOver.
  • VoiceOver now speaks the track name when using the up and down arrows to navigate the track list.
  • Favoriting an Apple Loop no longer causes the focus to unexpectedly jump to a different loop when using VoiceOver.


  • Option-clicking the Group slot on a channel strip now selects all other channel strips that are members of the same group.
  • Right- or Control-clicking a group slot now opens a contextual menu with group settings.
  • Enabling editing for a Group in which a member contains a selected region now immediately selects all other relevant regions on other members of the Group.
  • It is now possible to store a user default mixer configuration by right-clicking a channel strip.
  • Notes and track numbers now immediately reflect changes made to the track color.
  • The External Instrument plug-in now opens immediately when inserted when the “Open plug-in window on insertion” preference is enabled.
  • Software Instrument plug-ins no longer open when inserted if the “Open plug-in window on insertion” preference is not enabled.
  • Changes to Drum Machine Designer channel strip icons are now immediately visible on Mixer channel strips.
  • Multi-linked plug-in windows now reliably show the plug-ins for the currently selected channel strip after the key command for Show/Hide All plug-in Windows is toggled, or when changing screen sets.
  • Changing a track icon in the Track list now also immediately changes it in the Mixer.
  • Dragging all tracks out of a summing stack now reroutes their outputs to the main output pair.
  • Long names for Groups now display as expected in the Mixer.
  • It is now possible to create an Aux by right- or control-clicking the name label of a channel strip in the Channel Strip Inspector.
  • Opening a track stack in the Mixer is now instantaneous.
  • The Mixer now immediately updates when tracks are hidden or unhidden.
  • The Settings button is now available on Output and Master channels in projects that include Surround channels.
  • It is now possible to see the presets for a plug-in in the Sound Library by Shift-clicking it.
  • Shift-clicking to add Mixer channels to the selection now works reliably.
  • The Mixer now consistently updates displayed channel strips when Filter buttons are enabled to change the view.
  • Fixes an issue where the click zone to control Stereo Pan is unexpectedly small.
  • The “Select Auxiliary Channel Strips” command in the Mixer now excludes Track Stacks.
  • There are now commands to remove all plug-ins, all bypassed plug-ins, all empty insert slots or all sends from selected channel strips.
  • The Mixer no longer shows device controls when using audio devices that do not support direct control from within the Logic Mixer.
  • Typing a hyphen with a space before and after now forces a line break in a Channel Strip name.
  • VCA slots now immediately appear on channel strips when creating a new VCA from the contextual menu by Ctrl- or right-clicking on a channel strip.
  • The volume display indicator now displays as expected on Folder Stack faders in the Inspector.
  • Changes to Channel Strip text labels are now retained when clicking outside the label to exit editing.
  • All buttons and controls on the Mixer now remain visible when after changing Screensets.
  • Frozen stereo Software Instrument in Pre-Fader mode tracks no longer play back in mono.
  • Creating a Software Instrument track, dragging it to the top of the Track List and then selecting a patch no longer sometimes causes an audio track at the bottom of track list to convert to a Software Instrument track and load the patch.
  • In the Mixer, selecting “Scroll to > Outputs” no longer brings up a “This project does not contain this type of object” error.
  • The key command “Sends on Faders – Cycle Through Sends” now causes the Mixer view to scroll to show the currently selected sends as needed.
  • The Freeze cursor now displays when hovering the cursor over Mixer plug-in slots on a frozen track.
  • The cursor now displays properly when adjusting Send, Pan or Volume on the mixer when another window has focus.
  • It is now possible to type in values that include a period (.) in the Mixer.
  • It is no longer possible to add plug-ins to or change Software Instruments on frozen tracks.
  • Sends on faders that are part of a Group now correctly show -∞ when the send is at its minimum setting.
  • On a Mixer configured to hide Pan controls, toggling Read mode on a channel no longer causes the Pan control to show up unexpectedly.
  • Groups created while the Groups Active checkbox is turned off now work as expected when the “Groups Active checkbox is turned back on.
  • Adding and then removing a second instance of the Scripter plug-in on a channel strip no longer leaves a graphic remnant of the second instance.
  • Touch automation now properly records the release of a fader in Sends on Fader mode.
  • The track numbers for channel strips in the Mixer now correctly correspond to the numbers in the Track List.
  • When the patch library is focused on a secondary Aux channel in the Channel Strip Inspector, adjusting a send on the Track no longer causes the library to shift focus to the Track.
  • Dragging to swap the I/O plug-in with another plug-in on a channel strip no longer unexpectedly removes the I/O plug-in.
  • The context menu for showing/hiding channel strip components is now available from any channel strip.
  • The Mixer now shows the correct track numbers for channel strips in All view.
  • The Mixer in Logic Remote now follows the selection of Aux tracks.
  • Meters on the more now immediately switch to their correct positions relative to the faders when the Pre-fader Metering setting is toggled.

Flex Time and Flex Pitch

  • Fixes an issue where Music Memos projects opened in Logic exhibit unexpected stretching after the Flex command Analyze Again is performed.
  • Dragging the left border of a quantized audio region no longer causes the quantization to be calculated multiple times.
  • Turning quantize off for flexed regions that have been trimmed no longer causes the regions to go out of sync.
  • It is now possible to adjust the left border of a Flex Pitched region after it has already been adjusted and then the vertical zoom level has been increased.
  • Fixes an issue where deleting a selected flex-pitched note in a Take sometimes deletes the entire Take region.
  • It is now possible to edit flex-pitched notes in Take regions at all vertical zoom levels that display flex-pitch.
  • Play from Selection now works with Flex-pitched regions.
  • Placing the cursor over a Flex marker in a Take no longer causes all other Flex markers in the Take to be highlighted.
  • Multiple selected Flex Pitch notes now remain visibly highlighted when any Flex Pitch adjustment is made to one of the notes.
  • Flex-timed Take Regions now remain in sync when the Tempo is changed after Reset All Flex Edits is triggered, or after Quantize-Locked is turned off in the Group settings.
  • Flex Markers in flattened Take Folders now display handles correctly.
  • Audio waveforms now render reliably on tracks using Flex Time Slicing mode.
  • Fixes an issue where transients in Take Folders on tracks set to the Flex Time mode Slicing move to unexpected positions when the project tempo is changed.
  • Flex Timed Take regions on tracks that are members of a group now continue to play back flexed when “Quantize Locked (Audio)” is disabled for the Group, and the perfect tempo is changed.
  • Fixes an issue where splitting an audio region occasionally causes Flex Pitch noise detection to disappear in the portion of the original region to the right of the split point.
  • Editing two regions from the same audio file in Flex mode no longer sometimes causes unexpected large position shifts of flex markers.
  • Dragging the right edges of multiple flexed regions now places the ends of the regions where expected if “Snap Edits to Zero Crossings” is enabled.
  • Regions now display correctly when Flex mode is toggled.
  • Fixes an issue where detected transients are sometimes shifted slightly to the right.
  • Reset All now reliably removes all Flex edits.
  • The accuracy of Transient detection is improved.
  • Flex pitch notes are now displayed on flattened takes.
  • Improves Flex Time analysis for audio files with low levels
  • Enabling Flex Time after a new tempo analysis has been performed on the audio file now uses the newly created Tempo Flex Markers.
  • Fixes an issue where the section of an audio region before the first Flex marker is unexpectedly stretched or compressed after Smart Tempo analysis.

Smart Tempo

  • The Write Project Tempo to Audio Files command now works on audio files contained in Take Folders.
  • The volume slider in the Smart Tempo editor now works correctly with MIDI tracks.
  • Renamed Tempo Sets now retain their names after a region’s tempo is applied to the project.
  • Tempo from audio recordings made in Take folders while in ADAPT mode is now exported as expected.
  • Fixes an issue where importing multiple audio files with the option “All selected files are stems from one project” unexpectedly sets their Flex & Follow status to On.
  • It is now possible to accurately set the position of the Playhead on the Smart Tempo Editor while working in trimmed regions.
  • Fixes an issue where the Catch Playhead Position controls in the Smart Tempo Editor occasionally activate unexpectedly.
  • Logic now shows a progress bar when performing Smart Tempo analysis on multiple audio files when switching from KEEP Mode to ADAPT mode.
  • Fixes an issue where adjusting the left border of an audio region in ADAPT mode, in projects that contain time signature changes, occasionally causes audio in the region to go out of sync.
  • Monitoring level in the Smart Tempo Editor is no longer reset sometimes when using key commands to start or stop playback.


  • Alchemy now tunes each note based on the sum of its detune offset and the tuning table.
  • Disabling an Alchemy track and then performing Consolidate Project no longer adds an unexpected .aaz file to the project or to ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Alchemy Samples.
  • Alchemy now includes a Limiter switch in the header.
  • Text in the Alchemy search filed now persists when a patch is selected.
  • MP3 files can now be dragged directly into Alchemy.
  • Sustain messages now work reliably with all Alchemy sounds that include AHSDR envelopes assigned to FX parameters.
  • Option-clicking oscillator controls in Alchemy now sets them to -6.0 dB.


  • The “Clear all Pads” command in Drum Machine Designer now immediately removes all icons and labels from the window.
  • There is now an option to prevent the Gain setting from affecting frequency display in the Channel EQ.
  • It is now possible to adjust the Q setting on the selected band in the Channel EQ by moving the  cursor.
  • The scaling of EQ gain values when dragging a band Wirth mouse has been improved to make fine adjustments easier when the Gain Range is set to 30 dB.
  • The scale view in the Channel EQ is now maintained when a plug-in setting is loaded.
  • There is now a contextual menu for switching the EQ range, Analyzer Resolution and Analyzer Mode in the extended parameters section of the Channel EQ.
  • Right-clicking the Q-Couple knob in the channel EQ now brings up a contextual menu to set the Gain-Q Couple Mode.
  • The frequency setting in Channel EQ can now be adjusted in finer increments.
  • The vertical scale of the Channel EQ display now adjusts dynamically, depending on how much boost or cut is applied.
  • Using the MIDI Randomizer plug-in to randomize release velocity no longer sometimes causes unexpected hanging notes new notes.
  • The Size parameter in Space Designer is now available in the surround configuration.
  • The Output EQ view in Space Designer now offers the Gear menu to reset parameters.
  • Bypassing Autofilter no longer causes an unexpected change in signal level.
  • The range of the Analyzer in the Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ is now switchable between 60dB and 120 dB.
  • The Retrosynth polyphonic glide parameter now behaves predictably when playback is started.
  • The port value is now displayed for all event subtypes in Scripter’s toString() function.
  • The Chord Trigger and Modifier MIDI plug-ins no longer unexpectedly send note-off events for overlapping notes.
  • Logic no longer scans Audio Units at every launch on some computers.
  • There is now an option to initialize plug-in and Software Instrument settings.
  • Changed settings in the AU Roger beep Audio Unit plug-in are now accurately displayed when the Sensitivity is changed while in Controls view and then the view is switched to Editor.
  • Ultrabeat now displays in higher resolution on high density displays.
  • The Vintage Organ now offers a switch to change the Scanner Mode.
  • Automation on tracks using Audio Unit V3 instruments no longer causes hung notes at certain buffer settings.
  • Plug-ins now continue to work on computers with more than 3120 plug-ins installed.
  • The Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ now show more detailed representation of the logarithmic scale.
  • Fixes an issue where scrubbing the Delay Time parameter in the Tape Delay or Stereo Delay plug-in sometimes causes the parameter to jump to its minimum setting.
  • Resolution of the Gain setting in the Limiter plug-in has been increased to 0.1 dB.
  • Plug-in headers no longer incorrectly show “User Default” when a default is loaded from /Library/Application Support.
  • ES1 settings that use noise now play correctly when the sound is re-triggered.
  • The cursor now reliably shows the correct glyph when adjusting controls in the Channel EQ.
  • When running Sculpture in HD mode, the string sound no longer unexpectedly undampens while using the maximum Inner Loss setting.
  • The view in the Clarinet instrument now updates properly when Default is selected from the plug-in menu.
  • Fixes an issue where turning the length parameter down in Space Designer 1.1s Auditorium setting could lead to an unexpected volume spike.


  • Renamed Drum Machine Designer cells are now properly labeled in the Piano Roll.
  • Channel strips are now added to the track stack in the track list when adding sounds to empty pads in Drum Machine Designer.
  • Parameters for exclusive groups in Drum Machine Designer are now available in the contextual menu.
  • Drum Machine Designer cells can now be dragged to new position to exchange their sounds.
  • It is now possible to independently set the input and output note for each pad in Drum machine Designer.
  • It is now possible to hide General MIDI drum names in Drum Machine Designer.
  • Drum Machine Designer now offers an option to set the kit piece focus based on incoming MIDI notes.
  • Drum Machine Designer now offers a learn function to set the MIDI input or output note to match incoming notes.
  • Drummer regions that are inside folders can now be converted to MIDI regions.
  • Drum Machine Designer cells now respond to mouse clicks while Logic is playing.
  • There is now a preference to create an empty kit when adding a Drum Machine Designer instance to a project.
  • Drummer regions created by the “Copy Section between Locator” command are now fully editable.
  • Drummer no longer allows the Kick and Snare to be set to follow its own track.


  • It is now possible to toggle between Track Based Automation and Region Based Automation in editor windows when Automation is switched off.
  • Pasted automation now includes interpolated events.
  • It is now possible to change the automation mode for multiple selected tracks at once using a Key Command.
  • If a track is currently showing Track Based Automation, and Autoselect Automation is enabled, editing notes in the Piano Roll no longer changes the automation display to with to Velocity in the Tracks area.
  • Fixes an issue where selecting an Aux in the Track List and then another channel no longer causes incoming CC7 messages to continue to control the Aux.
  • Auto Select Automation Parameters now excludes Solo.
  • When track based automation is changed to region-based automation, or vice versa, the automation display now switches to show the newly converted automation type.
  • Grabbing a scrubber style control in a plug-in with Automation Autoselect enabled now sets the Automation type to the control consistently.
  • It is now possible to selectively disable interpolation for specific automation nodes by Option-clicking them with the Automation Curve tool.
  • The secondary channel in the Inspector Channel Strip now consistently shows the expected channel when Automation View is on together with “Autoselect Automation Parameter.”
  • Automation labels now display properly on frozen tracks containing MIDI plug-ins.
  • Regions now continue to display properly after track-based automation is created using the menu command “Mix > Create 1 Automation Point Each for Volume, Pan, Sends.”
  • Drawing Region-Based Automation with the Pencil tool now works more fluidly.
  • Fixes an issue where the key command for activating channel strip Volume automation could incorrectly activate MIDI channel 1 volume
  • Relative Automation is now displayed when Autoselect Automation Parameter is enabled.
  • After splitting a region that contains a Region-based automation ramp, moving an automation point to the start of the resulting right-hand region now reliably overwrites the existing automation.
  • Creating 4 Automation points using the Marquee Tool now works in the Audio Tracks Editor.
  • Switching on Automation view in the Audio Tracks Editor now sets the correct default tools.
  • Resolves an issue where automation points sometimes unexpectedly jump when dragging them.

Apple Loops

  • It is now possible to drag a mixed selection of MIDI and audio regions to the Loop Browser.
  • Flex-based transients are now used when regions are exported as Apple Loops.
  • Dragging an Apple Loops into the Tracks Area while Logic is playing with the metronome enabled no longer causes the metronome to stop making sound for several seconds.
  • Dragging multiple Apple Loops into a project with a different tempo now places them in the expected position.
  • The minimum duration for Untagged Loops to be recognized as loops rather than one-shots has been lowered to 1.7 seconds.
  • Untagged Loops now play in sync in projects that have been saved with assets.
  • Untagged Loops can now be edited in the Smart Tempo Editor.
  • Dragging multiple Drummer loops to the Tracks area now works correctly.
  • Apple Loop collections are now sorted alphabetically in the Loop Browser.
  • Changes to the size of the Descriptors section of the Loop Browser are now retained when a project is reloaded out a screenset is recalled.
  • Enabling Follow Tempo on Apple Loops and Untagged Loops now reliably sets their Flex Markers.
  • Improves indexing and display of user created Apple Loops in the Loops Browser
  • There is now a setting to keep Loop Browser filter settings in sync between the Mac and Logic Remote.
  • The default playback level between factory installed Apple Loops is now much more consistent.
  • The Loop Browser no longer shows the tempo of some Untagged Loops to be 1 BPM lower than it really is.
  • Dragging loops with the same name from the Tracks Area to the Loop Browser no longer fails on every other attempt.

Key Commands

  • It is now possible to use the key command to toggle the Metronome on/off during recording.
  • The “Hide All Empty Tracks” key command has been renamed “Show/Hide All Empty Tracks” and can now be used to toggle the view of empty tracks.
  • There are now separate key commands available to apply each possible quantization value.
  • There are now key commands to double and halve the current cycle length.
  • There are now separate Key Commands to select the members of each Group.
  • There is now a key command “Color by Articulation”.
  • There are now key commands for Forward by Nudge Value and Rewind by Nudge Value.
  • The “Stop or Play and Go to Last Locate Position” key command now continues to work after the playhead has reached the end of the project.
  • There are now separate key commands to show Track Based Automation and Region Based Automation.
  • There is now a Key Command “Duplicate Staff Style.”
  • The key command to mute tracks now works when other tracks are soloed.
  • There is now a key command “Select Tracks of Selected Regions.”
  • It is now possible to assign Undo to a MIDI command.
  • There are now Key Commands for “Open Keyswitches” and “Open Keyswitches as float.”
  • Global Key commands assigned to the left/right arrow keys now work properly when the Mixer has focus
  • Learned MIDI commands now work properly when triggered with a higher velocity than the command was initially learned with.
  • The “Open/close Instrument plug-in window of focused track” key command now works with Drum Machine Designer.
  • There are now Key Commands to show/hide up to 64 groups.
  • Menu Items in the Take Folder drop-down menu now display their equivalent key commands.
  • The key commands to increment/decrement he last used plug-in parameter are now configurable in the Key Commands window.


  • Replacing an ARA plug-in on a track with another now properly updates with current audio region data.
  • ARA edits are now maintained in copied Tracks and comped Take folders.
  • Dragging a second instance of the same audio file into a track no longer causes Melodyne ARA edits on the first instance to be lost.
  • Region selection is now transferred to ARA plug-ins.
  • When a project that uses ARA is selected to be opened while another project using ARA is already open, Logic now presents a dialog offering to close, and if necessary, save the current project,
  • ARA on a track is now updated properly after Selection Based Processing is performed.


  • Alternating margins are now displayed correctly in the Score.
  • Using the pencil tool to insert pedal markings now alternates them between on and off as expected.
  • Muting a track now immediately hides it in the All Instruments view in the Score.
  • The original position of an Auto Slur is now displayed as dimmed while editing it.
  • Auto Slurs are now reliably placed correctly when printing a score.
  • Auto Slurs now display correctly in Linear view when zooming in.
  • Fixes an issue where Auto Slurs converted to manual slurs occasionally disappear
  • When using the Jazz font, courtesy accidentals no longer display using Logic’s score font.
  • Fixes an issue where editing an Autoslur causes other Autoslurs to change position slightly.
  • The Staff Size and Transpose parameters now immediately update in the Styles List when changed in the editor panel.
  • The Staff Editor now immediately appears as expected when switching to a Screenset that includes it.
  • Adjusting the left corner of a region no longer sometimes causes custom text to disappear in the Score.
  • The Camera Tool now works as expected in Wrapped View.
  • Fixes an issue where the Automation view button occasionally does not work correctly
  • Music XML files exported from Logic that contain mixed staff styles no longer cause Siblelius to quit unexpectedly when opened.
  • Symbols for Auto Slur objects no longer jump unexpectedly when editing other objects.
  • All elements in large scores are now captured reliably by the Camera tool.
  • Margins on even numbered pages in the Score now display at the correct positions.
  • Insert Multi now inserts events to correct positions in regions that have had their left corner and positions changed.
  • Inserting line breaks using the contextual menu now works as expected.
  • Auto Slurs no longer display outside the page margins.
  • Autoslur settings are now retained when the start or end note is modified.
  • Fixes an issue where graphic artifacts could appear in the Score area after scrolling and opening a print preview of the window.


  • An Undo step is now created when switching the channel input mode on a channel in the Mixer.
  • Undo now works as expected after a line break is created in the Score.
  • Undo now reliably undoes the creation of Marker Sets.
  • Performing Undo of Edit > Selection -> Region in the Audio File Editor now resets the region length in the Tracks area as expected.
  • Undo now works after importing a track with content in cases where the I/O settings for the track are included.
  • Adding a ReCycle file no longer causes Undo to stop working.
  • Undo now works in the Staff Styles window as expected.
  • “Insert Time Signature” and “Insert Key Signature” are now each labeled correctly in the Undo History.
  • The Undo History now correctly lists “Insert Automatic Slur.”
  • Undo now works for Flex Pitch Notes edited via MIDI input or Musical Typing.
  • Deleting a group in the Project Audio window now creates an Undo step.
  • Undo now works properly after writing Pan automation.
  • Fixes an issue where performing Undo after making several Flex edits in quick succession sometimes removes multiple edits.
  • Performing Redo of the “Populate With Drummer Regions” command no longer creates empty regions.


  • Take recording now works on grouped tracks in cases where the last track in the group is selected, and the Take folders in all other tracks in the group are disclosed.
  • Undo after recording now works on grouped tracks in cases where the last track in the group is selected, and the Take folders in all other tracks in the group are disclosed.
  • The “Copy Regions to Focused Track” command and Marquee selection now work in Track Alternatives when a Take folder is disclosed
  • Auto-colorize takes now assigns the correct colors to takes recorded on tracks other than Audio 1.
  • Crossfades rather than fadeouts are now applied as expected to region boundaries of regions manually moved within Take folders.

Dynamic Plug-in Loading

  • Plug-ins in frozen tracks that were selected when the project was saved no longer are active when the project is reopened.


  • Region names in exported MIDI files can now have more than 32 characters.
  • Tab to navigate between fields in the Bounce dialog now works correctly.
  • Ties to chords now display properly in exported XML files.
  • Logic no longer prompts to save a project after bouncing in cases where “Add to project” is turned off.
  • Logic projects at a sample rate higher than 44.1 kHz now load properly when shared to GarageBand for iOS.
  • The Bounce in Place dialog now remembers the previous used destination track setting.
  • Automation is now reliably copied to new tracks created when bouncing in place.
  • MIDI files are now exported with note events in their correct positions in cases where the project starts earlier than 1 1 1 1, and there is a Folder track containing sub-tracks.


  • In KEEP mode, adding an audio file now always asks whether to import the file’s tempo unless “Do not ask again” has been selected.
  • Tempo is now correctly imported from audio tracks imported from another Logic project.
  • Levels on Track Stacks are retained correctly when they are imported to a different project.
  • AAC or MP3 files are now reliably converted to the project sample rate when using File > Import after the first file has been imported and converted.
  • Drummer regions in projects imported from Music Memos no longer show chord names.
  • Final Cut Pro XML v 1.9 documents now import correctly.

Smart Controls

  • The Learn Button in Smart Controls now automatically turns off after a mapping is learned.
  • Duplicating a track stack no longer causes associated Smart Controls to stop working on the original and the duplicated track stack.
  • Performing Undo after using the “Delete all Patch Mappings” command in the Smart Controls now restores the mappings and expected.


  • It is now possible to create fade-outs on multiple regions in a group of tracks when the regions already include fade-ins.
  • It is now possible to selectively remove Fade-ins, Fade-Outs, Crossfades or all Fades from the contextual menu on regions.


  • Articulations for Chinese and Japanese instruments now display their correct articulations.
  • It is now possible to set a MIDI channel for an articulation for which no type has yet been set.
  • Setting the MIDI channel to “-” no longer causes editors to instead display the MIDI channel of Articulations.
  • The Track Inspector controls for Transpose, Key Range and Vel Limit no longer affect key switched assigned to articulation maps.
  • When writing automation in Latch mode, the last automation point written before stopping is now maintained to the end of the project in cases where there are no existing automation points after that position.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • The “Learn Assignment for” item in the Control Surface Logic Prop > Control Surfaces submenu now updates to the most recently clicked parameter.
  • The drawbars on the Hammond SK1 control surface now work correctly with the Vintage Organ.
  • It is now possible for control surfaces learn parameters in the LCD.
  • Connected Logic Control hardware now consistently wakes up when “Bypass All Control Surfaces” is enabled, “Automatic Installation” is turned off, or when another control surface device that sends Universal Device reply messages is also connected.
  • The display of inserts on Eucon control surfaces now updates to reflect changes made in the Logic project.
  • Mode names are now reliably shown in the Controller Assignment Parameter > Mode menu.
  • On EuCon control surfaces, Soft Keys now reliably show their active/inactive status.
  • The menu item Logic Pro> Control Surfaces now displays an option to learn an assignment for the last button or menu item used.
  • Double-clicking a Control Surface control bar in the Track header now opens the Control Surface setup window, with the relevant device selected.
  • Fixes an issue where Control Surface indicator bars unexpectedly display in the Track header when there is no control surface connected.
  • A second connected control surface of the same type now reliably works when using class compliant MIDI drivers.
  • Logic now detects and installs a connected and powered Mackie Control surface at launch.

Global Tracks

  • The Repeat Section Between Locators command now works with Global Tracks data as expected.
  • Custom names for tempo sets are now retained as expected when tempo smoothing or average tempo is applied to the set.
  • Tempo events deleted from the Tempo Track are now immediately removed from the Tempo List in all cases.
  • When a Key Signature is created by key command, the first field in the dialog is now immediately selected.
  • It is now possible to Beat Map a flexed region in which the region start has been edited.
  • Markers pasted along with regions are now placed correctly when the original position is not on a bar.
  • Copying and pasting Tempo events in the Tempo Track no longer also pastes previously copied events from other Global Tracks.
  • Command-clicking a Marker no longer unexpectedly moves it a beat to left at certain zoom levels.
  • The correct Tempo information is now pasted when the copied section includes a tempo curve.
  • Fixes an issue where Command-double-click to rename a Marker in the Marker track renames the Marker under the Playhead instead of the one clicked.
  • A position guide line is now displayed when adjusting the left or right edge of a Marker in the Marker Track.
  • Duplicating an Arrangement Marker no longer causes Flex & Follow to be switched off in audio regions in section covered by original Arrangement Marker.
  • The vertical guide line when dragging regions now extends into the Global Tracks.
  • The Beats field in the Time Signature editor is now highlighted by default when adding a new Time Signature in the Global Tracks.
  • The maximum possible Numerator value for time signatures has been increased to 96.
  • In cases where the project contains only one key signature, adding a key signature in the LCD now always changes the project key signature rather than inserting a change at the current playhead position.

Track Alternatives

  • The button to dismiss Show Inactive Track Alternatives now remains visible when a Take Folder on the track is open.
  • It is now possible to drag regions to an inactive Track Alternative on the bottom-most track in the track list.

Track Stacks

  • The overview region for a closed Track Stack no longer includes hidden tracks.
  • Track Stack overview regions that contain tracks with overlapping regions can now be moved.


  • Changes to names in the Mapped Instrument editor are now immediately reflected in the Mapped Instrument window.
  • Quantize note position now works from Transform Sets.
  • Option-dragging a note in the Piano Roll no longer causes a shortened region to revert to its original length.
  • The Transpose via MIDI input function in the Piano Roll now works on selected notes in all selected regions.
  • The width of the Piano Roll Inspector is now properly maintained when switching between tracks that do not have note name labels and those that do.
  • The chord display in the Piano Roll shows open 5th chords as expected.
  • New Piano Roll windows now open with the visible area centered around the Playhead or selected notes if Catch Playhead is on.
  • It is now possible to SMPTE unlock a selected group of events in the Event List Editor when one or more Meta events are part of the selection.
  • Hovering over a note border in the Piano Roll while using Option-Control to zoom no longer unexpectedly shows the Trim tool.
  • The Audio Track Editor now displays selected content correctly when switching takes.
  • The Piano Roll chord display now reflects all selected notes, regardless of position.
  • Region position and length can now be edited correctly in the Event List.
  • The visible area in an unlinked Piano Roll window no longer shifts position in response to MIDI input when recording.
  • “Copy MIDI Events” from the Functions menu in the Score and Event List is no longer dimmed when the view hierarchy is on a single region.
  • The Event List now consistently opens with selected MIDI events in view when Catch Playhead Position is not enabled.
  • When the Piano Roll is set as the preferred editor to open when double-clicking a MIDI region, double-clicking an alias now opens the Piano Roll to the contents of the region when the “Original” button is pressed in the dialog.
  • The Piano Roll now maintains its Catch Playhead setting when switching to the Score and then back to the Piano Roll.
  • Option-dragging to copy notes beyond the current right border of a region in the Piano Roll now automatically extends the length to accommodate the copied notes.
  • Using the Eraser tool to delete a note in the Piano Roll no longer sets the default note length for subsequently added notes.
  • The vertical scroll position of one Piano Roll no longer affects the vertical scroll position of other open Piano Roll windows when Link is not active.
  • Typed-in velocity values in the Event Editor now immediately take effect when another event is double-clicked.


  • Quick Help for the Tools menu now shows key commands.

  • The Keyboard window octave labels now immediately update if the “Display Middle C as” preference is changed.

  • The Project Audio window now shows the last known path for missing audio files.

  • Gate and Delay settings are no longer destructively added to MIDI regions captured using the Capture as Recording command.

  • Gluing multiple regions that are reversed in the Region inspector now leads to the correct result.

  • The LCD configured to display tempo as a whole number correctly rounds the number.

  • Logic projects created by “Save a Copy As” now retain Finder color tags that were applied to the original project.

  • There is now a visual overlay along the length of selected tracks in the Tracks area.

  • The “Set Locators by Regions” commands now use only the original region to calculate the locators in cases where the region is looped.

  • The time position labels in the bar ruler now update more logically as the horizontal view is zoomed in.

  • “Capture recording” now works as expected when starting playback from the start of the project.

  • System generated windows within Logic now immediately update to reflect changes in the Light Mode/Dark Mode setting.

  • The All Files browser now sorts files by name.

  • Holding Control and pressing Page Up/Down on a Pro Keyboard now scrolls the Tracks Area rather than the Track Header.

  • Marquee selections now display across all grouped tracks when there are no regions within the selected area.

  • The “Reset All Preferences Except Key Commands” command now resets all preferences as expected.

  • The indication for focused tracks is now correct in cases where one of the selected tracks contains an open takes folder.

  • Auto-punch by Marquee selection now only records to audio tracks that are record enabled, and includes them whether they are included in the selection or not.

  • The Project Audio window now preserves changes to the positions of columns in saved screen sets.

  • Merge recording into the looped MIDI region no longer disables the loop.

  • It is no longer possible to drag regions to a hidden track.

  • Performance of the Tempo setting scrubber in the New Project dialog is improved.

  • Changes to the loop length of all selected regions are now displayed while the mouse button is still pressed.

  • It is no longer possible to change the start position of SMPTE locked regions with the junction tool.

  • The area covered by a Marquee selection no longer shifts unexpectedly when dragging the start and end points to swap them.

  • Using the cursor to move from track to track while recording no longer sometimes causes multiple tracks to be unexpectedly selected.

  • Audio waveforms now display accurately in areas containing tempo changes.

  • Projects renamed in the Finder no longer show the original project name as a Project Alternative.

  • It is now possible to paste Timecode values into the Plays at SMPTE field in the Synchronization settings window.

  • Fixes an issue where SMPTE locking a MIDI region occasionally causes notes near the beginning of the region to disappear.

  • The stand-alone Mixer window now opens at a larger size, and is placed in a better position.

  • It is now possible to open a MIDI Transform window when the Main window is not open.

  • Templates can now be saved to symlinked locations.

  • All UI elements in Logic now display correctly when Logic is launched from within a folder whose name starts or ends with a question mark.

  • The swipe gesture to toggle buttons in the Track List now works reliably after repeatedly swiping a number of times.

  • Stopping Capture Last Recording while playing a note no longer causes unexpectedly long notes in the resulting recording.

  • Newly recorded or captured MIDI regions no longer take on the Quantize parameters of a currently selected MIDI region.

  • Fixes an issue where deleting an audio recording made in the current session brings up a dialog asking whether it should be deleted from the disk if it is included in another Project Alternative.

  • Capture as Recording now works when Cycle is on.

  • Fixes an issue where merging MIDI Take folders results in a “Circular Structure” error.

  • Fixes an issue where splitting regions with the Marquee Tool multiple times occasionally causes regions to the right of the split position to be unexpectedly deleted if “Snap Edits to Zero Crossings” is enabled.

  • Samples from Sampler and Quick Sampler plug-ins in a currently inactive Project Alternative are now saved to the project’s media folder when the project is copied via Save As.

  • Capture Recording now continues to create Take Folders beyond the second iteration of a Cycle in cases where the Overlapping MIDI Recordings preference for Cycle is set to “Create Take Folder.”

  • Fixes an issue where adding an Environment Multi Instrument to the Tracks area unexpectedly links its selection to track immediately above it in the Track List.

  • When unmuting a channel in the Track Header, the regions on the track no longer appear to remain muted in cases where there are hidden tracks above the track.

  • It is now possible to copy a track by Option-dragging it below itself in the Track List.

  • “Crop Region Outside Marquee Selection” and “Crop Region Outside Locators” now leave the remaining portion of the region selected.

  • The “Set Region/Event/Marquee End to Playhead Position” command now works correctly when a MIDI note start position extends beyond the region start.

  • The “Select All Inside Locators” command now works correctly in cases where a region within the locators contains MIDI notes to left of the region start.

  • The option key can now be pressed either before or after grabbing tracks to drag-copy them in the Track Header.

  • Project Templates now include a Download button if missing assets need to be installed.

  • Fixes an issue where clicking the Transport buttons in the Control Bar causes the Main window to inadvertently move.

  • It is no longer necessary to press Enter twice in the Go To Position window to return to a previously entered position after playback.

  • The “Select Regions of Selected Tracks” command now disregards enabled Cycle ranges or  Autopunch ranges.

  • Pressing Control and Shift while scrolling in the Main Window now adjusts the scrolling speed instead of causing the view to unexpectedly jump to either side.

  • Automatic scrolling of the Tracks Area view now works correctly when grabbing a region and moving it within the current view.

  • Shift-clicking an inserted plug-in now changes the Sound Library focus as expected.

  • When dragging content into the Tracks area, a focus ring now shows what track the content will be placed on.

  • It is now possible to send SysEx messages longer than 19 bytes when there is no project open.

  • Scrolling volume and panning values in the Inspector and Mixer now follows the correct direction when the Mouse preference “Scroll Direction: Natural” is enabled.

  • The MIDI input port list now updates to show only currently available MIDI inputs.

  • Fixes an issue where newly recorded regions are unexpectedly named for other selected regions.

  • Markup on images in Notes now displays as expected.

  • MIDI input port names edited in Audio MIDI Setup are now displayed in Logic.

  • Logic now supports tiling with other applications in Full Screen mode.

  • Photos can now be directly dragged from the Photos app to the Notepad.

  • Sending a MIDI panic now silences notes on Software Instruments as well as external MIDI devices.

  • Vertical Auto Zoom now compensates track heights when showing or revealing hidden tracks.

  • The display of notes on regions is no longer affected by hidden notes, or notes that fall before out after the current region borders.

  • Typing in values for SMPTE offset now works consistently for all SMPTE formats.

  • Option-clicking on the Preview Level control in the Loop Browser now sets it to 0 dB as expected.

  • The scrubber control for the time signature denominator in the new project Template picker now works as expected.

  • Pressing the Space Bar while a System Overload dialog is open no longer opens Safari in cases where “Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls” is enabled in the System Preferences.

  • CC messages created by splitting a region are now placed correctly on the first clock tick of the new region.

  • The time positions in the LCD display and floating time display windows now reflect an enabled SMPTE View Offset.

  • File names of merged comps no longer contain characters that may be incompatible with certain file systems.

  • Fixes an issue where joining looped MIDI regions occasionally includes MIDI events that sit before the left border of the regions.

  • Fixes an issue where activating check boxes sometimes causes other check boxes to unexpectedly deactivate in the Consolidate Assets window.

  • Visibility of grid lines in the Ruler has been improved.

  • Bounce in place now creates 24-bit audio files in cases where the “24-bit recording” option is not enabled in the Audio Recording preferences.

  • Fixes an issue where copying and pasting a looping region could remove the looped repetitions. When pasting looping content, it will now preserve the loops until the next region on the track.

  • Pasting a note into a region using “Paste at Original Position” no longer creates an unexpected empty region at the playhead position if the playhead is to the left of the destination region.

  • Copying events within a Marquee selection now works correctly in cases where the selected area includes Markers.

  • Turning on Individual Track Zoom no longer causes the track to overlap with other tracks in the Main window.

  • Fixes an issue where performing “Flatten and Merge” on audio regions sometimes causes Drummer regions in the same position on the timeline to be converted to empty Region-Based automation regions.

  • List editors, such as the Event List now open with focus when the System Preference Keyboards > All Controls is enabled.

  • It is now possible to dismiss the Go To Position dialog using the Escape key.

  • Take region edits made in the Audio Track Editor are now immediately reflected in the Tracks area.

  • Screen Sets now recall the state of the “Hide Plug-ins” command.

  • The locked status of a screen set is now properly displayed if there are plug-in windows open.

  • The Screenset menu now shows Screensets for the correct project when multiple projects are open.

  • Logic no longer shows “Volume Full Errors” when recording to drives that have plenty of free space.

  • Accuracy of the zoom tool is improved in large projects.

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Published Date: July 13, 2021

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