Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual

June 7, 2024
DR Trust

Dr. Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User


Step 1
Check batteries and insert the air tube from the cuff into the air jack.

Step 2
Before starting the measurement, make settings for user no., time, and date etc.

Step 3
Slide the blood pressure cuff onto your upper arm and secure it so that it sits snugly about one inch above of your elbow.

Step 4
Simply push the ON/OFF button and cuff begins to inflate with controlling deflation speed automatically.

Steps 5
The device is intended for giving very fast result with Cuff Inflation, look at  the screen to get your blood pressure reading.

Step 6
Hypertension Classification Indicator displays coloured results according to the range between which blood pressure values lie.

Step 7
Users can make settings for talking (HINDI/ENGLISH), memory and other features to make blood pressure monitoring convenient.


Dr. Trust A-One Galaxy Blood Pressure Monitor with MDI -106 is a fully automatic, digital blood-pressure measuring device for use on the arm. It uses oscillometric method to enable quick and reliable measurement of the systolic and diastolic blood-pressure as well as the pulse frequency. This device ensures user-friendliness to the maximum extent and suitable for self-use at home. Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the device and consult your doctor for any queries and advice regarding Blood pressure.

1.1. Features
  • The Dr. Trust Galaxy MDI comes with the Measurement During Inflation (MDI) technology to make BP monitoring a less painful process with less pressure on arm.
  • Quickly displays results on the monitor.
  • It can be powered through Micro USB or4AA batteries.
  • The Pulse Arrhythmia indicator warns you if certain pulse irregularities are noticed during the measurement.
  • Evaluates BP according to the WHO guidelines Zebra lights display.
  • Works with the universal conical cuff for arm circumference of 22-42 cm the device provides accurate results.
  • Keeps data of 120 usages each of two users in memory.
  • Displays error codes if any error occurs during the measurement.


1.2. Important Information Regarding Self-Measurement
  • Substitution of a different component might result in measurement error.
  • Cuff is replaceable only by an original.
  • Do not use the device with pregnant or pre-eclamptic patients. Avoid using it on neonatal patients. It can be harmful to the patients.
  • Too frequent measurements can cause injury to the patient due to blood flow interference.
  • Tying the cuff over a wound can cause further injury. Refrain from doing that.
  • Using the cuff and applying pressure on any limb where any arteriovenous stunt or intravascular access is present, would result in harm to the patient because of interference in blood flow.
  • Do not let the cuff pressure you on the side of the arm on which mastectomy is done.
  • Ensure that the use of the automated BP Monitor does not result in prolonged impairment of the patient’s blood circulation.
  • Not intended to be used together with HF surgical equipment.
  • The devices that we use for preventive measures should not be taken as a replacement for doctor’s prescriptions.
  • Serious blood pressure ailments should be discussed with the doctors immediately.
  • The pulse display is not suitable for checking the frequency of heart pacemakers!
  • In cases of cardiac irregularity (Arrhythmia), measurements made with this instrument should only be evaluated after consultation with the doctor.
  • The device contains sensitive electronic components (Microcomputer).
    Therefore, avoid strong electrical or electromagnetic fields in the direct vicinity of the device (e.g. mobile telephones, microwave cookers). These can lead to temporary impairment of the measuring accuracy.



2.1. How Does High/Low Blood-Pressure Arise?

The level of blood-pressure is determined in a part of the brain, the circulatory center as it is called. Then it is received by the respective center byway of feedback via the nervous system. To adjust the blood-pressure, the strength and the frequency of the heart (Pulse) as well as the width of circulatory blood vessels is altered. The width of circulatory blood vessels is affected byway the fine muscles are aligned in the blood-vessel walls. The level of arterial blood pressure changes periodically during the heart activity: During the blood ejection (Systole) the value is maximal (systolic blood-pressure value), at the end of the heart’s rest period (Diastole)the value is minimal (diastolic blood pressure value). The blood-pressure values must lie within certain normal ranges in order to prevent sever diseases.

2.2. Which Values Are Normal?

If you are undergoing medical treatment to control your blood pressure, please keep a record of the level of your blood pressure by carrying out regular self measurements at specific times of the day. Never alter the doses of your medicines on your own on the basis of self measurement of blood pressure. Show these values to your doctor for appropriate treatment.

Table for classifying blood-pressure values (unit: mmHg) according to World Health Organization:

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Classifying blood-pressure values Dr Trust
Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual - Classifying
blood-pressure values

Further Information
If your values are mostly standard under resting conditions but exceptionally high under conditions of physical or psychological stress, it is possible that you are suffering from labile hypertension. Please consult your doctor if you suspect that this might be the case. While correctly measured diastolic blood- pressure values above 120mmHg require immediate medical treatment.


Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Various components of the blood pressure monitor


4.1 Insetting The Batteries
  • Insert the batteries (4x size AA 1.5V), thereby observing the indicated polarity.

  • If the battery icon appears in the display, it symbolizes low battery of around 20% to warn the user the batteries will run out soon.

  • If the battery icon appears in the display, it symbolizes the batteries are empty and must be replaced by new ones.

  • Attention!
    After the battery icon appears, the device stops operating until the batteries have been replaced.

  • Please use «AA» alkaline 1.SV batteries.

  • If the blood-pressure monitor is left unused for long periods, please remove the batteries from the device.

4.2 Reading The Set Date

Please press TIME button and the date will be shown in the display.

4.3 User Selection And Setting The Time/Date

User selection: Th is advanced blood pressure monitor al lows you to track blood pressure readingsfor2 individuals independently.

  • a) Before measurement, make sure you set the unit for the intended user. The unit can track results for2 individuals.
  • b) Press the Tl ME button for at least 3 seconds. The display now indicates the set user, during which the light blinks. To confirm, press ON/OFF button.
  • c) Click the MEMORY button to select User.

Setting the Time, & Date:
This blood-pressure monitor incorporates an integrated clock with date display. This holds the advantage at each measurement procedure. Along with storing the values of measurement, it also holds the exact time of measurement.. After new batteries have been inserted, the clock begins to run Tl ME 12:00 and DATE 1-01.You must then re-enter the date and current time. Forth is, please proceed as follows.

  1. Press the TIME button for at least3 seconds, user icon will blink. Then press TIME button again. The display now indicates the set year.
  2. The correct year can be entered by pressing the MEMORY button.
  3. Press the TIME button again. The display now switches to the current date, during which the first character(month) blinks.
  4. The corresponding month can now be entered by pressing the MEMORY button.
  5. Press the Tl ME button again. The lasted characters (day) starts blinking.
  6. The corresponding day can now be entered by pressing the MEMORY button.
  7. Press the TIME button again. The display now switches to the current time, during which the first character(Hour) blinks.
  8. The corresponding hour can now be entered by pressing the MEMORY button.
  9. Press the Tl ME button again. The lasted characters (Minutes) now blink.
  10. The exact time can now be entered by pressing the MEMORY button.
  11. Press TIME button (or TIME/ DATE or TIME):the unit of measurement will flash.
  12. Press the “MEMORY to seethe unit of measurement(mm Hygro kPa)
  13. Once you have saved your settings, press the TIME button (or TIME/ DATE or TIME). The setting is confirmed and the clock starts running.

Further Information

With each press of the button (TIME, MEMORY) one input is made (e.g. switching over from hours to minutes mode, or altering the value by+ 1). However, if you keep the respective button pressed, you can switch more quickly to find the desired value respectively.


5.1. Before The Measurement
  • Avoid eating or smoking directly before the measurement. Refrain from exerting yourself before you take the measurement. If you can, take out time to relax by sitting in an armchair in a quite atmosphere for about ten minutes before the measurement.
  • Measure always on the same arm (preferably left).
  • Attempt to carryout the measurements regularly at the same time of day, since the blood-pressure changes during the course of the day.
5.2.Common Sources of Error

Note: Comparable blood-pressure measurements require the same conditions! Make sure you replicate the environment every time you take a measurement.

  • Any efforts by the patient to support the arm can increase the blood-pressure. Make sure you are in a comfortable, relaxed position. Avoid flexing any of the muscles of the arm during the measurement. Use a cushion for support if necessary.
  • The performance of the automated BP monitor can be affected by extremes of temperature, humidity and altitude.
  • Avoid compression or restriction of the connection tubing.
  • A loose cuff causes false measurement values.
  • With repeated measurements, blood accumulates in the respective arm, which can lead to false results. Correctly executed blood-pressure measurements should therefore first be repeated after a 5 minute pause or after the arm has been held up in order to allow the accumulated blood to flow away(after at least3 minutes).
5.3. Fitting The Cuff

Insert air connector into air outlet as shown in left picture and please make sure the air connector is fitted properly to avoid air leakage. Following steps might help you in fitting the cuff.

a) Secure the cuff with the Velcro fastener, so that it lies comfortably leaving no space between the cuff and the arm. Make sure it’s not too tight on the arm.

b) Lay the arm on a table, with the palm upwards. Support the arm with a rest cushion, so that the cuff rests at about the same height as the heart. Take care, that the cuff lies free. Sit still and quietly for two minutes in the exact position before start taking the measurement.

c) Leave your legs uncrossed, feet flat on the floor, while supporting back and arm.

After the cuff has been appropriately positioned, the measurement can begin:

5.4 Measuring Procedure
  • a) Press the ON/OFF button, the pump begins to inflate the cuff. The increasing cuff-pressure is continually displayed in the display.
  • b) Once the value reaches inflation pressure, the pump stops, and the pressure slowly falls. The cuff-pressure is displayed during the measurement. Once the device has detected the pulse, the heart symbol in the display begins to blink for every pulse beat.
  • c) When the measurement has been concluded. The measured systolic and diastolic blood-pressure values as well as the pulse frequency get displayed. Example (Fig.): Systole 118, Diastole 73, Pulse 75.

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Figure a,b,c

The measurement results are displayed, until you switch the device off. If no button is pressed for 3 minutes, the device switches automatically off, to save the batteries.

5.5. Discontinuing a Measurement

At times of emergencies when you have to necessarily interrupt a blood pressure measurement, you can press the On/Off power button any time you want. The device immediately lowers the cuff-pressure automatically.

5.6.Memory-Storage and Recall of the Measurements

The blood-pressure monitor automatically stores last 120 measurement values. By pressing the MEMORY button, an average value of the last 3 measurements as well as the the further last 120 measurements (MR119,MR118, … ,MR1) can be displayed one after the other

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Memory Storage and Recall of the measurements

(Mr1: Values of the last measurement) (MR2-MR120: Values of the measurement before MR1)

5.7. Memory Full

Make sure that the maximum memory capacity is not exceeded. When the memory is full, the old values are automatically replaced  new ones. Display screen shows “memory full” to warn you to change the batteries.

5.8. Memory-Cancellation of All Measurements Attention

Ensure you will not need the stored readings later before clearing the, memory of the device. Keeping a written record is advised for assistance during your next doctor’s visit. For deleting the stored, readings, long press the MEMORY button for at least 5 seconds, the ta LL display will show the symbol «CL», then release the button. To permanently clear the memory, Press the MEMORY button while «CL» is flashing


This symbol indicates detection of pulse irregularities during the measurement. In this case, the result may deviate from your normal blood pressure. In most cases, this is no cause for concern. However, if the symbol appears on a regular basis (e.g. several times a week with measurements taken daily) we advise you to consult your doctor.

Please show your doctor the following explanation

This instrument is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor which also analyses pulse frequency during measurement. The instrument is clinically tested. The arrhythmia symbol is displayed earthen measurement if pulse irregularities occur during measurement. If the symbol appears more frequently (e.g., several times per week on measurements performed daily) we recommend the patient to seek medical advice.
The instrument does not replace a cardiac examination but serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage.


If an error occurs during a measurement, the measurement is discontinued, and a corresponding error code is displayed.

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Error Messages Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure
User Manual - Error Messages


The values of blood pressure are subjected to fluctuations even in healthy people. To avoid this to a certain extent, ensure that the comparable measurements are taken in similar conditions. If despite the precautions, the fluctuations are larger than 15 mm Hg or you hear irregular pulse tones frequently, please consult your doctor. Our device has been subjected to strict clinical tests and the measurements taken by the device were examined by experienced doctors from Germany. The manufacturing of the device takes place according to the terms of the European standard for blood-pressure measuring device. We advise you to consult your specialist dealer or chemist if there are technical problems with your blood-pressure instrument. Never attempt to repair the instrument yourself! If problems occur when using the device, the following points should be checked and if necessary, the corresponding measures are need to be taken:

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Malfunction Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood
Pressure User Manual - Malfunction


  • a) Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, or direct sunlight.
  • b) The cuff contains a sensitive air-tight bubble. Handle it carefully and avoid all types of straining through twisting or buckling.
  • c) Clean the device with a soft and a dry cloth. Do not use petrol, thinners, or similar other solvents. Spots on the cuff can be removed carefully with damp cloth and soapsuds.
  • d) The cuff must not be washed!
  • e) Do not drop the instrument or treat it roughly in anyway.
  • f) Never open the device! Otherwise, the manufacturer calibration becomes invalid!


Safety and Protection

  • This instrument may be used only for the purpose described in this booklet. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for the damage caused by incorrect application.
  • This instrument comprises sensitive components therefore must be treated with caution. Observe the storage and operating conditions described in the “Technical specifications” section!
  • Protect it from water and moisture, extreme temperatures, impact and dropping, contamination and dust, direct sunlight, heat and cold.
  • The cuffs are sensitive and must be handled with care.
  • Only pump up the cuff once fitted in the arm.
  • Do not use the instrument close to strong electromagnetic fields such as cellphones or radio installations.
  • Do not use the instrument if you think it is damaged or notice anything unusual.
  • If the instrument is not going to be used for a prolonged period, the batteries should be removed. Read the additional safety instructions in the individual sections of this booklet.
  • Ensure that children do not use the instrument unsupervised: some parts are small enough to be swallowed.
  • The accessories and the detachable parts should be recognized properly before using.
  • A warning to remove primary batteries if the instruments is not likely to be used for sometime.

Instrument care
Clean the instrument only with a soft, dry cloth.

Batteries and electronic instruments must be disposed off in accordance with the locally applicable regulations, not with domestics waste.


Device Standard: Device corresponds to the requirements of the European
standard for

  • Standard ( for arm BPM with adapter)
  • I EC60601-1-6:201 0+ A 1 :2013/ EN 60601-1-6:2010 + A 1 :2015
  • I EC60601-1:2005+A 1:2012/EN60601-1:2006+A 11:2011 +A 1:2013+A 12:2014
  • I EC60601-1-2:2014/ EN60601-1-2:2015
  • I EC/EN60601-1-11:2015
  • I EC80601-2-30:2009 + A 1 :2013/E N 80601-2-30:201 0+ A 1 :2015

The stipulations of the EU-Guidelines 93/42/EEC for Medical Products Class Ila have been fulfilled.


Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Technical Specifications Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood
Pressure User Manual - Technical Specifications Dr Trust Monitor -106
A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual - Technical


Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI is intended for use in the electromagnetic
environment specified below. The customer or the user of Dr. Trust A one
Galaxy with MDI should assure that it is used in such an environment.

Electromagnetic Emissions: (I EC60601-1-2)

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Electromagnetic Emissions

Electromagnetic Immunity: (IEC60601-1-2)

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Electromagnetic Immunity Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI
Blood Pressure User Manual - Electromagnetic Immunity Dr Trust Monitor -106
A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual - Electromagnetic

Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic
propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.

“Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI.

  • Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

Recommended Separation Distances:
Recommended separation distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI.

Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and Dr. Trust A one Galaxy with MDI as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.

Dr Trust Monitor -106 A-one Galaxy with MDI Blood Pressure User Manual -
Rated maximum output power of transmitter

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distanced in meters (m) can be determined using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where Pies the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
Note 1: At 80MHz and 800M Hz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies
Note2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.


Driven by the passion for innovation, we at Dr. Trust endeavor to provide our customers with the latest medical inventions with an objective to promote good health and wellness all around the world. All the medical devices and health monitors provided by Dr. Trust are supported by accurate, latest and ground breaking technologies, innovated at our headquarter in NY, USA. All our products adhere to the most stringent CE and FDA guidelines and are strongly recommended by doctors and health practitioners. Our products are designed in the utmost exemplary ways to ensure that their accuracy and convenience are unrivalled. The ease of their use and operation makes them even more suitable for users of all age groups.

Dr. Trust strives to enhance the quality of lifestyle by providing with the most trusted and innovative health care and wellness products. Being a renowned global leader in health care products, Dr. Trust ensures that our technically efficient team works dynamically and tirelessly to provide the best of the medical devices to our clients. The products that we have to offer are suitably designed for use at homes, laboratories and hospitals.

Our ground breaking solutions allow you to monitor your health in the easiest ways possible. In today’s era when all of our lives are too hassled to handle, it becomes a bit difficult to pay attention to our health. But it has now become easier with the coming of the monitoring devices which can be conveniently used at homes and even on the go.

We bring to you a variety of best self medical devices, trusted and used by Doctors, medical professionals and home users all over the world.


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