prorelax dermo vacuum massager Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

prorelax dermo vacuum massager Instruction Manual
prorelax dermo vacuum massager

Dear prorelax® Customer,

congratulations on your purchase of the prorelax® vacuum massager.

The prorelax® Vacuum Massager is an appliance which allows you to have a suction massage (vacuum) of professional quality in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This appliance performs an intense and effective massage and it is extremely important that you read these instructions for use carefully; improper or excessive use or using it in the presence of a number of physiological conditions (see the paragraph ‘Warnings’) may cause the appearance of bruises due to the suction action on the skin. These bruises – due to improper use of the appliance – are temporary and will be naturally reabsorbed within a few days.

Subcutaneous suction massage:

Subcutaneous massage means a deep massage at the level of the hypodermis. The difference between this type of massage and a manual massage is based on the fact that a manual massage compresses the tissues towards the inside, while the prorelax suction massage is based on cutaneous suction with a consequent detachment of the tissues.

This technique has some very important consequences:

  • all the vessels that pass under the suctioned tissue are opened. This means an increase in blood flow and lymphatic circulation, helping to create an important purifying effect and supplying the tissues with nutrients.
  • suction helpsto loosen skin tissue and the outermost layer of fat cells also begin to be broken down.
  • The skin begins to look younger and healthier.

The suction massage by prorelax® carries out a deep massage from the inside out, generating the mobilization of the fats present in the skin cells. The massage also activates the process of lipolysis, that leads to the reduction of solid fats. The massage causes increased blood flow: the blood supplies more oxygen and other nutrients, draining off the fluids present in the tissue.

Before using this product, please read these instructions carefully and keep this manual for future reference.

Safety instructions for using the prorelax appliance

Please read this section carefully before using the appliance.

  1. Only use the appliance for the purpose stated in these instructions.
  2. Keep the appliance out of the reach of children and do not let them play with it.
  3. Only use the original power adapter with the appliance.
  4. Disconnect the adapter from the power supply and from the appliance when it is not functioning or recharging.
  5. In the event of mechanical damage to the insulation of the power supply cable or the body of the adapter, immediately disconnect the power supply and have the appliance checked at a service center.
  6. In the event of over-heating of the appliance, the power supply cable or the body of the adapter, immediately disconnect the power supply and have the appliance checked at a service center.
  7. The surface of the appliance can be cleaned by wiping it with a soft cloth, slightly dampened with warm water or a 70% alcohol based solution. Do not wash it under running water or immerse the appliance in water and do not use aggressive chemicals or petrol (gasoline) to clean the body.
  8. Do not place or recharge the appliance in damp places or in the bathroom. Do not touch the appliance with wet hands. Do not use the appliance if water has penetrated it or the appliance has fallen into water.
  9. Do not use the massager with excessive cream, oil or lotion on the skin. If these substances penetrate the appliance; they could cause breakage or reduce its life.

Suction massage action

Conditions in which suction massage is recommended:

  • Excess weight
  • Cellulite
  • Sore muscles
  • Intense physical activity
  • Presence of stretch marks after pregnancy and delivery
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery operations
  • Chronic tiredness syndrome

Treatments for the body:

  • Improves the metabolism of the skin and underlying tissues, thus helping to eliminate cellulite
  • Helps to stimulate lymph-drainage and to remove toxins
  • Improves muscular tone and the figure
  • Treatments to improve physical shape
  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Normalization of muscular tone


Do not use when experiencing:

  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system: stenocardia, myocardial infarction, heart problems
  • Tumors of the skin
  • Blood coagulation disorders
  • Liver and chronic kidney diseases
  • Varicose disorders
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, coetaneous lesions)
  • Excessively sensitive or anemic skin
  • Wounds or recent surgical stitches
  • Pregnancy


  • prorelax® suction massager: 1 pc.
  • Interchangeable cups 3 pcs. (diameter 30mm, 65mm and 95 mm) (1.2”, 2.6”, 3.7”)
  • Elastic ring for the 95 mm (3.7”) cup: 1 pc.
  • Adapter for power supply: 1 pc.
  • Instructions for use: 1 pc.

Technical features

  • Battery recharging time: 8 h

  • Power supply voltage: 3 VDC , 500 mA

  • Maximum Suction: min. 13,3 – max 53,30 kPa (2 – max 8psi)

  • Weight:
    appliance 225 g (8 oz)
    adapter 265 g (9.4 oz)
    cups 140 g (5 oz)

  • Range of operating temperature: 18-35 °C (65-95°F)

  • Maximum humidity: not more than 90%

For EU:

  • Input: 230-240V ~ 50Hz
  • Power Consumption: 22W

For USA/Canada:

  • Input: 120V ~ 60Hz
  • Power Consumption: 14W

For home use only.

Description of the appliance

Product Overview

  • A – body of the appliance
  • B – power switch
  • C – program selector
  • D – vacuum power selector and emergency release
  • E – inlet hole
  • F – coupling for cups
  • G – 30 mm (1.2”) cup
  • H – 65 mm (2.6”) cup
  • I – 95 mm (3.7”) cup
  • J – connector of the power supply adapter
  • K – power supply adapter
  • L – elastic ring
  • M – recharge indicator light

Recharging the built-in batteries

Before using the appliance for the first time, we recommend a complete cycle of recharging the built-in batteries. To recharge the batteries:

  1. Insert the adapter into a 220 V, 50 Hz (USA 120 v, 60 Hz) outlet.
  2. Make sure that the power switch of the appliance is on OFF. Connect the cable of the adapter to the appliance and check that red light (M) goes on.
  3. Leave the appliance to recharge for 8 hours. The red light stays on after charging. It only lights up green when the device is in use. Do not leave the appliance charging unguarded or for a longer period of time than indicated.
  4. After a complete recharge, the appliance can be used for 1 hour.
  5. The appliance can also be used while it is recharging.
  6. Please also remember that if the appliance is not used for a prolonged period of time, the batteries automatically lose their charge.

Maintenance of the appliance

  • After each treatment remove the cups carefully and clean them in warm soapy water.
  • The body of the appliance can be cleaned by wiping it with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water or an alcohol based solution.
  • The inlet hole of the appliance can be cleaned with a cotton swab.
  • Dry the cups and the appliance thoroughly with a soft cloth or towel before putting it away.
  • Do not place the appliance where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Do not open the appliance and do not attempt to repair it or alter its construction.
  • In the case of defects with the appliance or breakage of the adapter or the power supply cable; please contact an authorized service center.

Instructions for use

Treatment with the appliance helps with the reduction of fatty cells (cellulite) and improves the appearance and tone of the skin, eliminating superfluous fat, obtaining a slimmer figure and improving the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system.

  • The treatment will be more effective if combined with the use of cosmetics for the body and essential oils. To cleanse the skin, the appliance should be used with a cleansing cream or lotion. Used for massaging the bust, the appliance helps to stimulate its enlargement due to the improvement in the blood circulation and the elimination of phenomena of retention.

  • Before treatment, remove make-up and/or have a shower. Do the treatment in relaxing surroundings and in a pleasant temperature. For greater effectiveness, use a cream, gel or lotion.

  • Select one of the three cups according to the part of the body to be treated:the small cup is for the body, the medium cup for the treatment of the surface of the body and the large cup for the massage of the abdomen, the back and the bust.

  • In case of treating the bust the elastic ring supplied must be fitted on to the cup!

  • Insert the cup by putting the end into the inlet hole of the appliance and rotate it in a clockwise direction until it stops. To remove the cup, repeat this operation in the reverse direction.
    Important: replace the cups with care, avoiding excessive force!

  • A treatment of the face is also possible. For this you need a “mini suction cup, 15mm” (to acquire separately).





The prorelax® appliance has 4 MAIN PROGRAMS , pre-set for specific alternations of suction and release which allow carrying out the main types of massage desired:

The treatment is set to alternate between 2 seconds of suction and 1 second of release; during the release phase, YOU MUST move the position of the cup to an adjacent but not overlapping area, always taking care NEVER TO PLACE the cup on the area that has just been treated.

The treatment is set to alternate between 4 seconds of suction and 2 seconds of release; during the release phase, YOU MUST move the position of the cup to an adjacent but not overlapping area,   always taking care NEVER TO PLACE the cup on the area that has just been treated.

The treatment is set to alternate between 8 seconds of suction and 4 seconds of release; during the release phase, YOU MUST move the position of the cup to an adjacent but not overlapping area,   always taking care NEVER TO PLACE the cup on the area that has just been treated.

The treatment is continuous: suction will therefore be constant and continues; suction can only be stopped manually by pressing the safety button which is on the back of the appliance (*) or by turning the unit to OFF.
safety button

The use and selection of the programs depends on the area to be treated:

  • On flabby skin of the body, on the neck, on a sagging stomach and on all particularly sensitive areas, always use PROGRAM 1 ONLY, at least for the first treatments.
  • You can then go on to PROGRAM 2 but only after having ensured that your manual skills and the way your body reacts to the use of the appliance allow it.
  • PROGRAM 3 is only for the areas of the body that are very toned and compact.
  • PROGRAM 4 (constant and continuous suction) allows you to adapt the massage, according to your preferences. However, you must be sure of having acquired the manual skill and experience necessary.
  • Remember that you can only stop the suction by pressing the safety button as described above or by turning the unit to OFF.

Before starting the treatment with , please check that the power selector switch is at the minimum (on L = low)

Power Selector

Treatments with prorelax Vacuum Massager

Cellulite and accumulation of fat

Select PROGRAM 2, you can go on to PROGRAM 3 or 4 only after having ensured that your manual skills and the way your body reacts to the use of the appliance allow it. To make the cup slide more easily over the area, always apply oil-based cosmetics (such as baby oils).

ALWAYS begin with the power level at the minimum, you can increase the power only after gaining the necessary experience.

  • Specific movements for buttocks, always upwards and inwards
    Cellulite and accumulation of fat
Shaping the legs

Select PROGRAM 1 for the flabbiest parts (inner thighs) and PROGRAM 2 for the rear areas. To make the cup slide more easily over the area, always apply oil- based cosmetics (such as baby oils).

ALWAYS begin with the power level at the minimum, you can increase the power only after gaining the necessary experience.

  • Massage in a diagonal direction and always inwards (the pictures shows the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).
    Shaping the legs

  • Diagonal movements, see the images, from the inner part of the leg to the front or rear areas and in an upwards direction (the pictures show the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).
    Shaping the legs

  • Vertical movements with a final curve, see the images, from the other part of the leg to the front or rear areas and in an upwards direction (the pictures show the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).
    Shaping the legs

  • Vertical movements, see the images, from the outer part of the leg to the front and rear areas and in an upwards direction (the pictures show the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).
    Shaping the legs

  • Movements to reduce the outer thigh: transversal movements, see images, all over the area and always concluding with an upward massage (the pictures show the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).
    Shaping the legs

  • Movements to reduce the inner leg: do horizontal movements, see image, horizontally over the whole area and always conclude with a vertical massage in an upwards direction (the pictures shows the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).
    Shaping the legs


Select PROGRAM 2 for the flabbiest parts and PROGRAM 3 for less flabby parts.
To make the cup slide more easily over the area, always apply oil-based cosmetics (such as baby oils).

ALWAYS begin with the power level at the minimum, you can increase the power only after gaining the necessary experience:

  • Do the massages shown in the images, always starting from the outside and concentrating them inwards.

Select PROGRAM 1 or 2 for the flabbiest parts and PROGRAM 2 or 3 for the less flabby parts. To make the cup slide more easily over the area, always apply oil-based cosmetics (such as baby oils).

ALWAYS begin with the power level at the minimum, you can increase the power when you have seen how best to use the appliance.

  • Do the massages shown in the figures, always starting from the outside and concentrating them inwards (the pictures show the movements for the right side of your body; repeat the same movements on the left side).

  • Do the massages shown in the figures, always starting at the bottom and concentrating them upwards

Localized fat

Select PROGRAM 1 for the flabbiest parts and PROGRAM 2 for the less flabby parts. To make the cup slide more easily over the area, always apply oil- based cosmetics (such as baby oils).

ALWAYS begin with the power level at the minimum, you can increase the power when you have seen how best to use the appliance:

  • Do the massages shown in the figures, always starting from the outside and concentrating them inwards.
    Localized fat

  • Do the massages shown in the figures, always starting from the outside and concentrating them inwards (the pictures show the movements for the left side of your body; repeat the same movements on the right side).
    Localized fat


Select PROGRAM 1 or 2 for the flabbiest parts and PROGRAM 2 or 3 for the less flabby parts. To make the cup* slide more easily over the area, always apply oil-based cosmetics (such as baby oils).

ALWAYS begin with the power level at the minimum, you can increase the power when you have seen how best to use the appliance:

Treatments with prorelax Vacuum Massage

  •  Do the massages shown in the figures concentrating them in an upwards direction.
    • Recommended for décolleté:
      Small suction cup, 30mm.
      Recommended for bust:
      Large suction cup, 95mm
      In case of treating the bust the elastic ring supplied must be fitted on to the cup!



The pictured symbol on the product, the packing or the enclosed documents signifies that the product should not be disposed of after the end of its life cycle together with the domestic waste. You as consumer are obliged by law to render electric and electronic products at a local place of collection for electronic equipment. This is at no charge. Please take out the batteries before disposal of the product. The proper disposal enables the recycling of valuable resources and avoids possible negative effects on humans and the environment. For further information please contact your local authority or the vendor of the  product.

Warranty Provisions

EUROMEDICS GmbH, Beckers Kreuz 13, 53343 Wachtberg, Deutschland (hereinafter called “EUROMEDICS”) provides a warranty for the prorelax® dermo vacuum massager (hereinafter called the “Product”) subject to the following preconditions and in the scope described below.

The warranty conditions described below do not affect the legally prescribed warranty obligations of the seller from the contract of purchase with the buyer. Moreover, the warranty applies irrespective of mandatory legal liability provisions, such as those according to the product liability law, or in cases of mala fide intent or gross negligence, or owing to injury to life and limb, or to health by EUROMEDICS or its agents.

EUROMEDICS guarantees the defect-free operability and the completeness of the product, especially that the product is free of material defects, manufacturing defects and construction defects. The decisive factor in this regard is the state of the art of the science and technology at the time of manufacturing. The product must have manifested the defect that caused the damage at that time itself.

The warranty period is 2 years from the date of purchase of a new, unused product by the purchaser.

The warranty applies worldwide, i.e. regardless of the country in which EUROMEDICS has marketed the product and the purchaser has purchased it.

This warranty only applies to products that the purchaser has procured as a consumer and exclusively for personal purposes in the framework of domestic use (i.e. not for products that were procured or used in the framework of a commercial or independent professional activity).

If the product is found to be deficient in operability in accordance with the following provisions during the warranty period, EUROMEDICS will provide a free replacement according to these warranty conditions.

If the purchaser wishes to file a warranty claim, he must first contact EUROMEDICS customer service:

Grandkaule 3
Tel: +49 (0)228-32301170
D-53859 Niederkassel
e-email: [email protected]

The purchaser will then get further information on how to process the guarantee case, for example, where he can send the device free of cost and what documentation is required.

Filing a warranty claim can only come into consideration if the buyer can submit

  • a copy of the invoice/proof of purchase and
  • the original product

to EUROMEDICS or to a service centre nominated by EUROMEDICS upon demand.

Expressly excepted from this warranty are

  • products that are used, cleaned, stored or maintained incorrectly and/or not in compliance with the conditions laid down in the operating manual, as well as products that were opened, repaired or modified by the purchaser or by a service centre not authorised by EUROMEDICS;
  • products that were sold as second quality or used articles;
  • consequential damages arising from a defect in the product (however, in this case, there may be entitlements from product liability or from other mandatory legal liability regulations).


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Exclusively distributed in Europe by:
D-53343 Wachtberg, Germany
[email protected]


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