grass valley KULA Production Switcher Installation Guide

June 6, 2024
grass valley

KULA Production Switcher

Installation Manual
13-06503-020 2020-10-29

Related Products
This Installation Manual Covers: · Kula IP Mainframe and Control Panels and Ancillary Panels · Kula SDI Mainframe and Control Panels and Ancillary Panels · Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe and Control Panels and Ancillary Panels
FCC Compliance
In order to comply with FCC/CFR47: Part 15 regulations, it is necessary to use high-quality, triple-screened Media or Monitor cable assemblies with integrated ferrite suppression at both ends.
Patent Information
This product may be protected by one or more patents. For further information, please visit:
Copyright and Trademark Notice
Grass Valley®, GV® and the Grass Valley logo and/or any of the Grass Valley products listed
in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of GVBB Holdings SARL, Grass Valley USA, LLC, or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries. All other intellectual property rights are owned by GVBB Holdings SARL, Grass Valley USA, LLC, or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries. All third party intellectual property rights (including logos or icons) remain the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2017 – 2020 GVBB Holdings SARL and Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Kula Installation Manual

Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using Kula documentation, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Grass Valley hereby grants permission and license to owners of Kula to use their product manuals for their own internal business use. Manuals for Grass Valley products may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose unless specifically authorized in writing by Grass Valley.
A Grass Valley manual may have been revised to reflect changes made to the product during its manufacturing life. Thus, different versions of a manual may exist for any given product. Care should be taken to ensure that one obtains the proper manual version for a specific product serial number.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Grass Valley.
Warranty information is available from the Legal Terms and Conditions section of Grass Valley’s website (


Kula Installation Manual

Part Number 13-06503-020


2021-01-13, 16:06

Important Safety Information
This section provides important safety guidelines for operators and service personnel. Specific warnings and cautions appear throughout the manual where they apply. Please read and follow this important information, especially those instructions related to the risk of electric shock or injury to persons.
Symbols and Their Meanings
Indicates that dangerous high voltage is present within the equipment enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.
Indicates that the user, operator or service technician should refer to the product manuals for important operating, maintenance, or service instructions.

This is a prompt to note the fuse rating when replacing fuses. The fuse referenced in the text must be replaced with one having the ratings indicated.



Identifies a protective grounding terminal which must be connected to earth ground prior to making any other equipment connections.
Identifies an external protective grounding terminal which may be connected to earth ground as a supplement to an internal grounding terminal.
Indicates that static sensitive components are present, which may be damaged by electrostatic discharge. Use anti-static procedures, equipment and surfaces during servicing.
Indicates that the equipment has more than one power supply cord, and that all power supply cords must be disconnected before servicing to avoid electric shock.
The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has been tested and certified as complying with applicable Underwriters Laboratory (UL) regulations and recommendations for USA.
The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has been tested and certified as complying with applicable Canadian Standard Association (CSA) regulations and recommendations for USA/Canada.
The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has been tested and certified as complying with applicable Underwriters Laboratory (UL) regulations and recommendations for USA/Canada.
The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has been tested and certified as complying with applicable Intertek Testing Services regulations and recommendations for USA/Canada.
The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley product means that it complies with all applicable European Union (CE) directives.
The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley product means that it complies with safety of laser product applicable standards.


A warning indicates a possible hazard to personnel, which may cause injury or death. Observe the following general warnings when using or working on this equipment:
· Appropriately listed/certified mains supply power cords must be used for the connection of the equipment to the rated mains voltage.


Kula Installation Manual


· This product relies on the building’s installation for short-circuit (over- current) protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker for the rated mains voltage is used on the phase conductors.
· Any instructions in this manual that require opening the equipment cover or enclosure are for use by qualified service personnel only.
· Do not operate the equipment in wet or damp conditions. · This equipment is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cords. To
avoid electrical shock, plug the power cords into a properly wired receptacle before connecting the equipment inputs or outputs. · Route power cords and other cables so they are not likely to be damaged. Properly support heavy cable bundles to avoid connector damage. · Disconnect power before cleaning the equipment. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners; use only a damp cloth. · Dangerous voltages may exist at several points in this equipment. To avoid injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while power is on. · High leakage current may be present. Earth connection of product is essential before connecting power. · Prior to servicing, remove jewelry such as rings, watches, and other metallic objects. · To avoid fire hazard, use only the fuse type and rating specified in the service instructions for this product, or on the equipment. · To avoid explosion, do not operate this equipment in an explosive atmosphere. · Use proper lift points. Do not use door latches to lift or move equipment. · Avoid mechanical hazards. Allow all rotating devices to come to a stop before servicing. · Have qualified service personnel perform safety checks after any service.
A caution indicates a possible hazard to equipment that could result in equipment damage. Observe the following cautions when operating or working on this equipment: · This equipment is meant to be installed in a restricted access location. · When installing this equipment, do not attach the power cord to building surfaces. · Products that have no on/off switch, and use an external power supply must be installed in proximity to a main power outlet that is easily accessible. · Use the correct voltage setting. If this product lacks auto-ranging power supplies, before applying power ensure that each power supply is set to match the power source. · Provide proper ventilation. To prevent product overheating, provide equipment ventilation in accordance with the installation instructions. · Do not operate with suspected equipment failure. If you suspect product damage or equipment failure, have the equipment inspected by qualified service personnel. · To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.


· This unit may have more than one power supply cord. Disconnect all power supply cords before servicing to avoid electric shock.
· Follow static precautions at all times when handling this equipment. Servicing should be done in a static-free environment.
· To reduce the risk of electric shock, plug each power supply cord into separate branch circuits employing separate service grounds.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection
Electrostatic discharge occurs when electronic components are improperly handled and can result in intermittent failure or complete damage adversely affecting an electrical circuit. When you remove and replace any card from a frame always follow ESD-prevention procedures: · Ensure that the frame is electrically connected to earth ground through the power cord or any other means if available. · Wear an ESD wrist strap ensuring that it makes good skin contact. Connect the grounding clip to an unpainted surface of the chassis frame to safely ground unwanted ESD voltages. If no wrist strap is available, ground yourself by touching the unpainted metal part of the chassis. · For safety, periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap, which should be between 1 and 10 megohms. · When temporarily storing a card make sure it is placed in an ESD bag. · Cards in an earth grounded metal frame or casing do not require any special ESD protection.
Battery Handling
This product may include a backup battery. There is a danger of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Before disposing of your Grass Valley equipment, please review the Disposal and Recycling Information at:
Cautions for LCD and TFT Displays
Excessive usage may harm your vision. Rest for 10 minutes for every 30 minutes of usage. If the LCD or TFT glass is broken, handle glass fragments with care when disposing of them. If any fluid leaks out of a damaged glass cell, be careful not to get the liquid crystal fluid in your mouth or skin. If the liquid crystal touches your skin or clothes, wash it off immediately using soap and water. Never swallow the fluid. The toxicity is extremely low but caution should be exercised at all times.

Kula Installation Manual
Mesures de sécurité et avis importants
La présente section fournit des consignes de sécurité importantes pour les opérateurs et le personnel de service. Des avertissements ou mises en garde spécifiques figurent dans le manuel, dans les sections où ils s’appliquent. Prenez le temps de bien lire les consignes et assurez-vous de les respecter, en particulier celles qui sont destinées à prévenir les décharges électriques ou les blessures.
Signification des symboles utilisés
Signale la présence d’une tension élevée et dangereuse dans le boîtier de l’équipement ; cette tension peut être suffisante pour constituer un risque de décharge électrique.
Avertit l’utilisateur, l’opérateur ou le technicien de maintenance que des instructions importantes relatives à l’utilisation et à l’entretien se trouvent dans la documentation accompagnant l’équipement.
Invite l’utilisateur, l’opérateur ou le technicien de maintenance à prendre note du calibre du fusible lors du remplacement de ce dernier. Le fusible auquel il est fait référence dans le texte doit être remplacé par un fusible du même calibre.
Identifie une borne de mise à la terre de protection. Il faut relier cette borne à la terre avant d’effectuer toute autre connexion à l’équipement.
Identifie une borne de mise à la terre externe qui peut être connectée en tant que borne de mise à la terre supplémentaire.
Signale la présence de composants sensibles à l’électricité statique et qui sont susceptibles d’être endommagés par une décharge électrostatique. Utilisez des procédures, des équipements et des surfaces antistatiques durant les interventions d’entretien. Le symbole ci-contre signifie que l’appareil comporte plus d’un cordon d’alimentation et qu’il faut débrancher tous les cordons d’alimentation avant toute opération d’entretien, afin de prévenir les chocs électriques. La marque UL certifie que l’appareil visé a été testé par Underwriters Laboratory (UL) et reconnu conforme aux exigences applicables en matière de sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux États-Unis.
La marque C-CSA-US certifie que l’appareil visé a été testé par l’Association canadienne de normalisation (CSA) et reconnu conforme aux exigences applicables en matière de sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux ÉtatsUnis.


La marque C-UL-US certifie que l’appareil visé a été testé par Underwriters Laboratory (UL) et reconnu conforme aux exigences applicables en matière de sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux États-Unis.
La marque ETL Listed d’Intertek pour le marché Nord-Américain certifie que l’appareil visé a été testé par Intertek et reconnu conforme aux exigences applicables en matière de sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux ÉtatsUnis.
Le marquage CE indique que l’appareil visé est conforme aux exigences essentielles des directives applicables de l’Union européenne en matière de sécurité électrique, de compatibilité électromagnétique et de conformité environnementale.
Le symbole ci-contre sur un appareil Grass Valley ou à l’intérieur de l’appareil indique qu’il est conforme aux normes applicables en matière de sécurité laser.

Les avertissements signalent des conditions ou des pratiques susceptibles d’occasionner des blessures graves, voire fatales. Veuillez vous familiariser avec les avertissements d’ordre général ci-dessous : · Un cordon d’alimentation dûment homologué doit être utilisé pour connecter l’appareil à une tension de secteur de 120 V CA ou 240 V CA. · La protection de ce produit contre les courts-circuits (surintensités) dépend de l’installation électrique du bâtiment. Assurez-vous qu’un fusible ou un disjoncteur pour 120 V CA ou 240 V CA est utilisé sur les conducteurs de phase. · Dans le présent manuel, toutes les instructions qui nécessitent d’ouvrir le couvercle de l’équipement sont destinées exclusivement au personnel technique qualifié. · N’utilisez pas cet appareil dans un environnement humide. · Cet équipement est mis à la terre par le conducteur de mise à la terre des cordons d’alimentation. Pour éviter les chocs électriques, branchez les cordons d’alimentation sur une prise correctement câblée avant de brancher les entrées et sorties de l’équipement. · Acheminez les cordons d’alimentation et autres câbles de façon à ce qu’ils ne risquent pas d’être endommagés. Supportez correctement les enroulements de câbles afin de ne pas endommager les connecteurs. · Coupez l’alimentation avant de nettoyer l’équipement. Ne pas utiliser de nettoyants liquides ou en aérosol. Utilisez uniquement un chiffon humide. · Des tensions dangereuses peuvent exister en plusieurs points dans cet équipement. Pour éviter toute blessure, ne touchez pas aux connexions ou aux composants exposés lorsque l’appareil est sous tension. · Avant de procéder à toute opération d’entretien ou de dépannage, enlevez tous vos bijoux (notamment vos bagues, votre montre et autres objets métalliques). · Pour éviter tout risque d’incendie, utilisez uniquement les fusibles du type et du calibre indiqués sur l’équipement ou dans la documentation qui l’accompagne.

Kula Installation Manual
· Ne pas utiliser cet appareil dans une atmosphère explosive. · Présence possible de courants de fuite. Un raccordement à la masse est indispensable
avant la mise sous tension. · Après tout travail d’entretien ou de réparation, faites effectuer des contrôles de sécurité
par le personnel technique qualifié.
Mises en garde
Les mises en garde signalent des conditions ou des pratiques susceptibles d’endommager l’équipement. Veuillez vous familiariser avec les mises en garde cidessous : · L’appareil est conçu pour être installé dans un endroit à accès restreint. · Au moment d’installer l’équipement, ne fixez pas les cordons d’alimentation aux surfaces intérieures de l’édifice. · Les produits qui n’ont pas d’interrupteur marche-arrêt et qui disposent d’une source d’alimentation externe doivent être installés à proximité d’une prise de courant facile d’accès. · Si l’équipement n’est pas pourvu d’un modules d’alimentation auto- adaptables, vérifiez la configuration de chacun des modules d’alimentation avant de les mettre sous tension. · Assurez une ventilation adéquate. Pour éviter toute surchauffe du produit, assurez une ventilation de l’équipement conformément aux instructions d’installation. · N’utilisez pas l’équipement si vous suspectez un dysfonctionnement du produit. Faitesle inspecter par un technicien qualifié. · Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique, n’effectuez pas de réparations autres que celles qui sont décrites dans le présent manuel, sauf si vous êtes qualifié pour le faire. Confiez les réparations à un technicien qualifié. La maintenance doit se réaliser dans un milieu libre d’électricité statique. · L’appareil peut comporter plus d’un cordon d’alimentation. Afin de prévenir les chocs électriques, débrancher tous les cordons d’alimentation avant toute opération d’entretien. · Veillez à toujours prendre les mesures de protection antistatique appropriées quand vous manipulez l’équipement. · Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique, branchez chaque cordon d’alimentation dans des circuits de dérivation distincts utilisant des zones de service distinctes.
Protection contre les décharges électrostatiques (DES)
Une décharge électrostatique peut se produire lorsque des composants électroniques ne sont pas manipulés de manière adéquate, ce qui peut entraîner des défaillances intermittentes ou endommager irrémédiablement un circuit électrique. Au moment de remplacer une carte dans un châssis, prenez toujours les mesures de protection antistatique appropriées : · Assurez-vous que le châssis est relié électriquement à la terre par le cordon d’alimentation ou tout autre moyen disponible.

· Portez un bracelet antistatique et assurez-vous qu’il est bien en contact avec la peau. Connectez la pince de masse à une surface non peinte du châssis pour détourner à la terre toute tension électrostatique indésirable. En l’absence de bracelet antistatique, déchargez l’électricité statique de votre corps en touchant une surface métallique non peinte du châssis.
· Pour plus de sécurité, vérifiez périodiquement la valeur de résistance du bracelet antistatique. Elle doit se situer entre 1 et 10 mégohms.
· Si vous devez mettre une carte de côté, assurez-vous de la ranger dans un sac protecteur antistatique.
· Les cartes qui sont reliées à un châssis ou boîtier métallique mis à la terre ne nécessitent pas de protection antistatique spéciale.
Manipulation de la pile
Ce produit peut inclure une pile de sauvegarde. Il y a un risque d’explosion si la pile est remplacée de manière incorrecte. Remplacez la pile uniquement par un modèle identique ou équivalent recommandé par le fabricant. Disposez des piles usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. Avant de vous séparer de votre équipement Grass Valley, veuillez consulter les informations de mise au rebut et de recyclage à:
Précautions pour les écrans LCD et TFT
Regarder l’écran pendant une trop longue période de temps peut nuire à votre vision. Prenez une pause de 10 minutes, après 30 minutes d’utilisation. Si l’écran LCD ou TFT est brisé, manipulez les fragments de verre avec précaution au moment de vous en débarrasser. veillez à ce que le cristal liquide n’entre pas en contact avec la peau ou la bouche. En cas de contact avec la peau ou les vêtements, laver immédiatement à l’eau savonneuse. Ne jamais ingérer le liquide. La toxicité est extrêmement faible, mais la prudence demeure de mise en tout temps.
Environmental Information
European (CE) WEEE directive.
This symbol on the product(s) means that at the end of life disposal it should not be mixed with general waste.

Kula Installation Manual
Visit for recycling information. Grass Valley believes this environmental information to be correct but cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy since it is based on data received from sources outside our company. All specifications are subject to change without notice. If you have questions about Grass Valley environmental and social involvement (WEEE, RoHS, REACH, etc.), please contact us at [email protected].
Lithium Batteries
Battery Warning
Your Grass Valley equipment usually comes with at least one button battery located on the main printed circuit board. The batteries are used for backup and should not need to be replaced during the lifetime of the equipment.
Battery Disposal
Before disposing of your Grass Valley equipment, please remove the battery as follows: 1 Make sure the AC adapter / power Cord is unplugged from the power outlet. 2 Remove the protective cover from your equipment. 3 Gently remove the battery from its holder using a blunt instrument for leverage such as a screwdriver if necessary. In some cases the battery will need to be desoldered from the PCB. 4 Dispose of the battery and equipment according to your local environmental laws and guidelines.


· Be careful not to short-circuit the battery by adhering to the appropriate safe handling practices.
· Do not dispose of batteries in a fire as they may explode.
· Batteries may explode if damaged or overheated.
· Do not dismantle, open or shred batteries.
· In the event of a battery leak, do not allow battery liquid to come in contact with skin or eyes.
· Seek medical help immediately in case of ingestion, inhalation, skin or eye contact, or suspected exposure to the contents of an opened battery.


Kula Installation Manual
Laser Safety – Fiber Output SFP and QSFP Modules Warning
The average optical output power does not exceed 0 dBm (1mW) under normal operating conditions. Unused optical outputs should be covered to prevent direct exposure to the laser beam. Even though the power of these lasers is low, the beam should be treated with caution and common sense because it is intense and concentrated. Laser radiation can cause irreversible and permanent damage of eyesight. Please read the following guidelines carefully:
· Make sure that a fiber is connected to the board’s fiber outputs before power is applied. If a fiber cable (e.g. patchcord) is already connected to an output, make sure that the cable’s other end is connected, too, before powering up the board.
· Do not look in the end of a fiber to see if light is coming out. The laser wavelengths being used are totally invisible to the human eye and can cause permanent damage. Always use optical instrumentation, such as an optical power meter, to verify light output.
Mains Supply Voltage
Before connecting the equipment, observe the safety warnings section and ensure that the local mains supply is within the rating stated on the rear of the equipment.

Safety and EMC Standards
This equipment complies with the following standards:
Safety Standards
Information Technology Equipment – Safety Part 1 EN60950-1: 2006 Safety of Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment. UL1419 (4th Edition) Standard for Safety ­ Professional Video and Audio equipment (UL file number E193966)
EMC Standards
This unit conforms to the following standards: EN55032:2015 (Class A) Electromagnetic Compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements EN61000-3-2:2014 (Class A) Electromagnetic Compatibility – Limits for harmonic current emissions EN61000-3-3:2013 Electromagnetic Compatibility – Limits of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker EN55103-2:2009 (Environment E2) Electromagnetic Compatibility, Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use. Part 2. Immunity
WARNING This equipment is compliant with Class A of CISPR 32. In a residential environment this equipment may cause radio interference.
FCC / CFR 47:Part 15 (Class A) Federal Communications Commission Rules Part 15, Subpart B Caution to the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Kula Installation Manual


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

EMC Performance of Cables and Connectors
Grass Valley products are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the appropriate European EMC standards. In order to achieve this performance in real installations it is essential to use cables and connectors with good EMC characteristics. All signal connections (including remote control connections) shall be made with screened cables terminated in connectors having a metal shell. The cable screen shall have a largearea contact with the metal shell.
For unconnected signal/data ports on the unit, fit shielding covers. For example, fit EMI blanking covers to SFP+ type ports; and fit 75 RF terminators to BNC type ports.
Coaxial cables connections (particularly serial digital video connections) shall be made with high-quality double-screened coaxial cables such as Belden 8281 or BBC type PSF1/2M and Belden 1694A (for 3Gbps).
D-type connectors shall have metal shells making good RF contact with the cable screen. Connectors having “dimples” which improve the contact between the plug and socket shells, are recommended.


Notices xvi

Table of Contents
Related Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii FCC Compliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Patent Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Copyright and Trademark Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Battery Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xi Laser Safety – Fiber Output SFP and QSFP Modules Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiii Mains Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiii Safety and EMC Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Safety Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv EMC Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv EMC Performance of Cables and Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About this Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Cabling and Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Kula KPX, KPP, K1X, K1P and K5P Control Surface Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Connecting the Touch Screen Monitor GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kula K1X and K1P Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Connecting a 2M/E Control Surface together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mainframe Layout and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mainframe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bi-directional Input/Output BNCs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Rear Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 12G-SDI Mainframe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Kula IP Mainframe Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 IP Mainframe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 All other Connectors (all Kula mainframes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 RJ45 – RS422 Serial Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Table of Contents
3 Environment and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Environmental Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Control Surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Mounting a Kula Control Surface into a Desk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Mounting the Kula K5P 1M/E Control Surface into a 19″ Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Mainframe Location and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Air Flow through the Mainframe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mounting the Kula Mainframe into a 19″ Rack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Ancillary Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Mav Remote – Desk and 19″ Rack Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Mainframe Internal Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Checking the Kula Power Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Control Surface External Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
5 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Control Surface Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Kula KPX Control Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kula K1X Control Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Desk Cutout Information for KPX and K1X Control Surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Kula K1P Control Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Kula KPP Control Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Desk Cutout Information for KPP and K1P Control Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Kula K5P 1M/E (19″) Control Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Mainframe Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Kula Mainframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Ancillary Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Mav Remote Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 LCD and LED Aux Panel Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Kula Control Surface Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Kula Mainframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Kula Mainframe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Kula IP Mainframe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Mav Remote Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Mainframe PSU Information (covering all Kula mainframes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

About this Manual
Thank you for purchasing your new Kula Production Switcher. This installation manual will help you through each stage of the physical installation of each component and advise you of all relevant safety aspects. For user setup and configuration please consult the User Instruction Manual. This manual covers Kula SDI, 12G-SDI and IP production switchers.
3M/E 24 Xpt Comprised of: 1x K1X control surface 1x K1X control surface 1x KPX control surface
2M/E 24 Xpt Comprised of: 1x K1X control surface 1x KPX control surface
2M/E 16 Xpt Comprised of: 1x K1P control surface 1x KPP control surface
1M/E (19″) K5P Control Surface Kula Mainframe
If you have any questions regarding the installation of your product, please refer to the contact details listed at the rear of this manual.
Note: Please note that all diagrams are for illustration purposes only and may differ slightly from the purchased product. Grass Valley operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. Grass Valley reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.

Introduction About this Manual

Cabling and Connections

Kula KPX, KPP, K1X, K1P and K5P Control Surface Connectors
The Kula KPX, KPP (Program/Preview) Control Surface and the K5P 1M/E Control Surface have Power, Network, Comms, Monitor Output connector (used to connect to a touch screen monitor, used as the GUI) and a Network connection to the switcher mainframe. The “Comms” ports on the KPX and KPP control surface are used as power and comms to the Kula K1X and K1P control surfaces.

Kula KPP and Kula KPX

1 234 5


Kula K5P (1M/E 19″ Control Surface)

Kula K1P and Kula K1X

1 234 5 5

1 2x External PSU Connectors

2 2x USB Connectors 3 Monitor Out

4 Network Port to Mainframe 5 2x Comms Ports 6 4x Comms Ports

Note: Only two of the Comms ports on the KPX and KPP control surface are required to connect to the K1P control surface, they also provide power to the K1X and K1P control surface, as these are “Comms” ports not Ethernet ports. DO NOT connect any “Comms Ports” to an Ethernet Switch. CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable.

Cabling and Connections Kula KPX, KPP, K1X, K1P and K5P Control Surface Connectors
Control Surface Connections – continued

Diagram below shows the connector information for KPX, KPP and K5P Control Surfaces (LH Side) (Note: The label below is on the underside of the control surface)






Diagram below shows the connector information for KPX and KPP Control Surface (RH Side) (Note: The label below is on the underside of the control surface)

Kula Installation Manual

Connector 1
2 3 4 5

KPX, KPP & K5P Control Surface Connectors
Description 2x PSU Connectors – Kycon KPPX 4Pin or Compatible 12V DC 8.33A 2x USB 2 Connectors Monitor (MON) Output – to touch screen GUI 10/100/1000 base T, RJ45 network connectors to the switcher mainframe 2x Comms Connection Important Note: NOT Ethernet, connections must be direct to a control surface. Do Not use network switches or hubs. CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable. 4x Comms Connection See “Important Note” above


Cabling and Connections Kula KPX, KPP, K1X, K1P and K5P Control Surface Connectors
Connecting the Touch Screen Monitor GUI
To connect a touch screen monitor to the Kula KPPP, KPX or K5P output port on the side near the USB ports, the monitor port is used to connect to an external “computer” touch screen or normal display monitor. The external monitor must have a 1920 x 1080 display resolution and it is recommended that the monitor be larger than 21 inches.
KPP or KPX (Note: the K5P control surface is connected in exactly the same way).

Silk Screen from the side of the Control surface

USB port

MON (monitor) output port

When using a touch screen

MON (monitor) output port

DVI Lead USB Lead

When using a non-touch screen monitor, connect a USB Mouse to control the menus. When using a touch screen monitor, connect the USB lead from the monitor to one of the USB ports. Touch screen monitor – once the external monitor is connected to the Kula control surface, a USB control lead (shown above) is connected, allowing the touch screen functions to be used.

Kula Installation Manual Non- touch screen monitor – once the external monitor is connected to the Kula control surface, a USB mouse (shown above) is used to control the Kula menus on the monitor screen.
Current Compatible Touch Screen Monitors iiyama T2250-MTS iiyama T2236-MSC B1 and B2 iiyama T2252-MTS GeChic On-Lap 1502 ELO_1002L_1502L ELO-2002L
Kula K1X and K1P Connections
The Kula K1X and K1P provides a 1 M/E Control Surface that works with the KPP Program /Preview control surface. All power and comms to the control surface are provided by the KPP control surface.
Diagram below shows the connector information for K1X and K1P Control Surface (RH Side) (Note: The label below is on the underside of the control surface)
2x Comms Connection Important Note: NOT Ethernet, connections must be direct to the control surfaceDo Not use network switches or hubs. CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable.

Cabling and Connections Kula KPX, KPP, K1X, K1P and K5P Control Surface Connectors
Connecting a 2M/E Control Surface together
Below is a diagram showing how to connect a KPX and a K1X control surface together.
Kula K1X

Kula K1X Control Surface Kula KPX Control Surface

Kula KPX

Connect the KPX control surface to the K1X control surface via the two “Comms” ports on the right hand side of the control surface.
Note: Two “Comms” cables must be connected for correct operation!


Kula Installation Manual
Connecting a 3M/E Control Surface together Below is a diagram showing how to connect a KPX and a two K1X control surfaces together.
Kula K1X

2x Kula K1X Control Surface

Kula K1X

Kula KPX Control Surface

Kula KPX

Connect the KPX control surface to the 2x K1X control surfaces via the two “Comms” ports on the right hand side of the control surface.
Note: The two “Comms” cables on each K1X control surface must be connected to the KPX control surface for correct operation!


Cabling and Connections Kula KPX, KPP, K1X, K1P and K5P Control Surface Connectors
Mainframe Layout and Connections
Mainframe Overview The Kula mainframe has 1 card that has all the Mix Effects and Input/Output video processing. The type of mainframe, i.e. the number of M/Es and number of Inputs/Outputs is determined by the number of sub-cards on the main card Kula Mainframe Front Card Location
Main Card

Kula Mainframe Rear Connectors

Kula Installation Manual




The table below outlines a 2M/E mainframe.

Kula Mainframe Connectors

Connectors A B

Description Output BNCs
Input/Output Bi-directional BNCs
Reference Network USB
Serial Inputs

Connector Information
12x SDO BNC Outputs total (numbered BNC 1 to 12) (6x SDO BNC Outputs on the 1M/E Mainframe)
4x SDI/SDO BNC Inputs plus 2x Bi-Directional Input/Outputs. Numbered: 37 to 42 (2M/E) and 13 to 18 (1M/E)
3x 25 Way D-type GPIO connectors (1 – 22, 23 – 44, 45 – 66)
1x Ref In and 1x Ref out
3x 10/100/1000 base T
2x USB3 – for external memory device or hard drives USB outputs are 5 V DC, 0.9 A each
2X RJ45, RS422 Ethernet ports
36x SDI BNC (numbered BNC 1 to 36) (18x SDI BNC Inputs on the 1M/E Mainframe)

Note: Inputs and Outputs will vary, depending on the Kula system purchased.


Cabling and Connections Mainframe Connections
Mainframe Connections
Note: The following pages that describe connectors on a 2M/E Kula Mainframe (unless indicated otherwise).
There are 36x SDI Inputs on the rear of a 2M/E Kula mainframe, the diagram below shows the 2 rows of SDI inputs as would be seen looking at the rear of the mainframe.
There are 12x SDO Outputs on the rear of a 2M/E Kula mainframe, the diagram below shows the 2 rows of SDO Outputs as would be seen looking at the rear of the mainframe.
Bi-directional Input/Output BNCs
These are bi-directional BNCs, used as Inputs or Outputs. For Inputs these are numbered 37 – 42 (19 – 24 for a 1M/E mainframe), a continuation from the fixed inputs. For Outputs these are numbered 13 – 18 (7 – 12 for a 1M/E mainframe), a continuation from the fixed outputs.

Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Rear Connectors

Kula Installation Manual





Connectors A

Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Connectors

Description Output BNCs
Input/Output Bi-directional BNCs
Input BNCs
GPIO Reference Network USB Serial

Connector Information
12x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) Outputs. Serial digital interface As REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 3 x 12G-SDI (11.88Gbps SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connectors (silver BNCs)
2x Bi-Directional Input/Outputs. Numbered: 41 to 42 (2M/E) and 17 to 18 (1M/E)
40 x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) Inputs. Serial digital interface As REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 10 x 12G-SDI ( SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connectors (silver BNCs).
3x 25 Way D-type GPIO connectors (1 – 22, 23 – 44, 45 – 66)
1x Ref In and 1x Ref out
3x 10/100/1000 base T
2x USB3 – for external memory device or hard drives USB outputs are 5 V DC, 0.9 A each
2X RJ45, 4 x RS422 serial ports


Cabling and Connections Mainframe Connections
12G-SDI Mainframe Connections
Inputs There are 40x SDI inputs in total that can output SD/HD and 1080p (270Mbps/1.485Gbps/2.97Gbps). Ten of those inputs with “silver colored BNCs” are inputs for 12G-SDI (SMPTE 2082) single link.
Outputs There are 12x SDI Outputs in total that can output SD/HD and 1080p (270Mbps/1.485Gbps/2.97Gbps). Three of those outputs with “silver colored BNCs” are outputs for 12G-SDI (SMPTE 2082) single link.
Bi-directional Input/Output BNCs These are bi-directional SD/HD and 1080p BNCs, used as Inputs or Outputs.
Note: Inputs and Outputs will vary, depending on the Kula system purchased. 14

Kula IP Mainframe Connectors

Kula Installation Manual



Connectors A

Kula IP Mainframe Connectors

Description NET X4, NET X5
Input/Output Bi-directional BNCs
Input BNCs
GPIO Reference Network USB Serial

Connector Information
Network 10/100/1000 base T for each IP rear card control (RollCall). A’ card is NET X4 ‘B’ card is NET X5
2x Bi-Directional Input/Outputs. Numbered: 41 to 42 (2M/E) and 17 to 18 (1M/E)
4 x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) Inputs. Serial digital interface As REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 1 x 12G-SDI ( SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connectors (silver BNC).
3x 25 Way D-type GPIO connectors (1 – 22, 23 – 44, 45 – 66)
1x Ref In and 1x Ref out
3x 10/100/1000 base T
2x USB3 – for external memory device or hard drives USB outputs are 5 V DC, 0.9 A each
2X RJ45, 4 x RS422 serial ports


Cabling and Connections Mainframe Connections

Connectors I

Kula IP Mainframe Connectors


Connector Information

IIP Input/Output QSFP
A1 and B1 Primary
Inputs and Outputs

Inputs A1 and B1 – 1x 50GbE each Primary QSFP connection. A1 is on the upper ‘A’ card, and B1 is on the lower ‘B’ card.
Inputs – 18x on each Primary 50GbE input = 36x Inputs
SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 9x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs.

Outputs A1 and B1- 6x on each 50GbE output = 12x
Outputs Total
SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 3x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs.

A2 and B2 Secondary Inputs and

Inputs A2 and B2 – 1x 50GbE each Secondary QSFP connection. A2 is on the upper ‘A’ card, and B2 is on the lower ‘B’ card.
Inputs – 18x on each Secondary 50GbE QSFP SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 9 x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs.

Outputs A2 and B2 – 6 x on each secondary QSFP SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 3 x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs.

Note: A2 and B2 Secondary are for redundancy..

Note: Inputs and Outputs will vary, depending on the Kula system purchased.


Kula Installation Manual
IP Mainframe Connections
QSFP Input/Outputs
2x 50GbE A1/B1 are the Primary QSFP connections of the Upper ‘A’ and Lower B’ card. Inputs A1/B1- 18x on each Primary 50GbE Input = 36x Primary Inputs Total – SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 9x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs. Outputs A1/B1 – 6x on each Primary 50GbE Output = 12x Primary Outputs Total – SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 3x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs. 2x 50GbE A2/B2 are the Secondary QSFP Input and Output connections for the Upper ‘A’ and LowerB’ card, giving redundancy.
Input BNCs
4 x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) Inputs. Serial digital interface As REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 1 x 12G-SDI ( SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connectors (silver BNC).
Bi-directional Input/Output BNCs These are bi-directional SD/HD and 1080p BNCs, used as Inputs or Outputs.

Cabling and Connections Mainframe Connections
All other Connectors (all Kula mainframes)
USB 3.0 Two USB 3.0 connectors for fast data transfer. USB outputs are 5 V DC, 0.9 A each.
Network Kula has 5 RJ45 10/100/1000 base T network connectors (NET X1 to NET X5)
Note: NET X4 and NET X5 are Network 10/100/1000 base T for each IP rear card control (RollCall). `A’ card is NET X4 ‘B’ card is NET X5 There are 2 LED’s attached to each connector, the LED’s have different functions depending on the type communication they are receiving, the list below describes the functions. Connectors with XLR shells can be used to connect with these network connectors. In each case LED – Lit = link, Flashing = traffic. Left LED Right LED 1G bit (1000 base T):GREEN GREEN 100Mbit (100baseT):OFFGREEN 10Mbit (10baseT):YELLOWGREEN No link:OFF OFF
Reference Analogue reference input and output:

25 Way GPIO
3x 25 Way D-type GPIO connectors: (1 – 22, 23 – 44, 45 – 66)

Pin 13

Pin 1

Kula Installation Manual

Pin 25

GPI /GPO 1 – 22




2 GPO 2

3 GPO 4

4 GPO 6

5 GPO 8


7 GPO 11

8 GPO13

9 GPO 15

10 GPO17

11 GND

12 GPO 20

13 GPO 22

14 GPO 1

15 GPO 3

16 GPO 5

17 GPO 7

18 GPO 9

19 GPO 10

20 GPO 12

21 GPO 14

22 GPO 16

23 GPO 18

24 GPO 19

25 GPO 21

Pin 14

GPIO Pin-outs

GPI /GPO 23 – 44




2 GPO 24

3 GPO 26

4 GPO 28

5 GPO 30


7 GPO 33

8 GPO 35

9 GPO 37

10 GPO 39

11 GND

12 GPO 42

13 GPO 44

14 GPO 23

15 GPO 25

16 GPO 27

17 GPO 29

18 GPO 31

19 GPO 32

20 GPO 34

21 GPO 36

22 GPO 38

23 GPO 40

24 GPO 41

25 GPO 43

GPI /GPO 45 – 66




2 GPO 46

3 GPO 48

4 GPO 50

5 GPO 52


7 GPO 55

8 GPO 57

9 GPO 59

10 GPO 61

11 GND

12 GPO 64

13 GPO 66

14 GPO 45

15 GPO 47

16 GPO 49

17 GPO 51

18 GPO 53

19 GPO 54

20 GPO 56

21 GPO 58

22 GPO 60

23 GPO 62

24 GPO 63

25 GPO 65


Cabling and Connections Mainframe Connections
RJ45 – RS422 Serial Ports
There are 2 RJ45 ports which provide 4x RS422 serial control. They can be assigned with communications protocols to communicate with number of external devices. This is used to connect for example to Servers, Editors ands other devices.

For the two RS422 ports, each one can independently either be a Master or a Slave. Master settings makes Kula able to control external equipment and a Slave setting lets Kula be controlled by external equipment.

RS422 1+3 Pin Configuration

RJ45 Pin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cable screen/GND

Color (typical)
Orange/White Orange Green/White Blue Blue/White Green Brown/White Brown

Function (master mode) Tx1B Tx1A Tx3B Tx3A RX3A RX3B Rx1A Rx1B GND

9 pin D-Type 9 pin D-Type













RJ45 Pin
1 2 3 4 5

RS422 2+4 Pin Configuration

Color (typical)
Orange/White Orange Green/White Blue Blue/White

Function (master mode) Tx2B Tx2A Tx4B Tx4A RX4A

9 pin D SP2

9 pin D SP4
3 8 2


RJ45 Pin
6 7 8 Cable screen/GND

RS422 2+4 Pin Configuration

Color (typical)
Green Brown/White Brown

Function (master mode) RX4B Rx2A Rx2B GND

9 pin D SP2
2 7 9

The pin assignments for the 9-pin cable are as follows:

Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Master Ground Rx A Tx B Tx Common Spare Rx Common Rx B Tx A Ground

Slave Ground Tx A Rx B Rx Common Spare Tx Common Tx B Rx A Ground

Kula Installation Manual
9 pin D SP4 7


Cabling and Connections Mainframe Connections

Environment and Location
Environmental Considerations
This chapter instructs the user how to install the control surfaces, mainframe and any ancillary panels into desktop and 19 inch rack environments. Attention should be paid to the cooling information for the mainframe. The ambient temperature for all the supplied equipment should not exceed the limits of 5
and 40°C (41 to 104F) at a relative humidity of 10 to 90% (non-condensing).
Installing the equipment in a clean environment with moderate temperature and humidity will promote a long and trouble-free equipment life.

Environment and Location Control Surfaces
Control Surfaces
Mounting a Kula Control Surface into a Desk
Note: The Kula control surface should preferably be mounted in a desk which is open underneath. Note: If the desk is not open underneath, enough room has to be left underneath for ventilation and for routing the PSU and Comms cables to the underside of the control surface. Note: It is essential to ensure the air temperature does not exceed 40°C. With the desk cut to the correct size, desk cut-out information can be found on: · 24 crosspoint (KPX and K1X) cutout diagrams on pages 37 and 38. · 16 crosspoint (K1P and KPP) cutout diagrams on page 41. The Control Surface is secured into a desk using appropriate “Pan Head” M4 screws with a Max. head diameter of 8.8mm [0.34 Inches]. At each end of each Control Surface, there are two 4.5 mm [0.18 Inches] fixing point holes for the screws (as shown on the diagram below). Fixing point Screw Holes
Fixing point Screw Holes

Kula Installation Manual
Mounting the Kula K5P 1M/E Control Surface into a 19″ Rack
The Kula K5P 1M/E Control Surface can be mounted into a standards 19″ rack. 1 Check that there is enough clearance for the connectors on the left side of the control surface. 2 The control surface is fastened to the rack system using 4x M6 (1/4 inch) screws (screws are available from rack suppliers). 3 Once fastened to the rack insert all of the connectors making sure that the external PSUs do not hang from the side of the control surface, the PSUs have to be supported.

Screw Holes

Screw Holes

Note: The Kula K5P 1M/E control surface can also be mounted into a desk. Desk Cutout Dimensions are on page 43.

Environment and Location Mainframe Location and Environment
Mainframe Location and Environment
Air Flow through the Mainframe
The Kula mainframe can be used freestanding (tabletop configuration) or installed in a standard 483mm (19 inch) equipment rack. The following precautions should be observed:
1 The air intakes on both sides and the cooling fan exhausts at the rear of the unit must not be obstructed – a minimum clearance at the rear of the mainframe of 200mm (8 inches) is ESSENTIAL.
2 Air intakes situated at the front and on both sides, are to allow the inlet of cooling air and MUST NOT BE OBSTRUCTED.
Top view of the Kula mainframe showing airflow through

Side view of the Kula mainframe showing airflow through

Fans are located on the front door of the mainframe

Cooling Fan Failure IF THE COOLING FANS ONTHE SWITCHER MAINFRAME SHOULD STOP FOR ANY REASON, THEN THE SYSTEM SHOULD BE SWITCHED OFF IMMEDIATELY OR PERMANENT DAMAGE MAY RESULT. Depending on the length of time the mainframe has been run with no fan the unit may need to be returned for checking and repair. Contact Grass Valley or your Grass Valley dealer to discuss the situation.

Kula Installation Manual Warning! Note: Do not obstruct air intakes to fans and air vents on any piece of equipment listed in this manual. Please pay particular attention to the air intakes at sides and the vents at the rear of the Mainframe.

Environment and Location Mainframe Location and Environment
Mounting the Kula Mainframe into a 19″ Rack
Note: The Kula Mainframe is heavy (14kg ­ 30.3lb) and will require two people to lift into position, using correct lifting procedures. If you are unsure of the lifting procedures, ask a Health and Safety adviser for information.
The Mainframe will require an 2RU space within a rack system. Please read the above warning before attempting to fit the mainframe into a rack.
1 Check that the rack is rigid enough for the mainframe. 2 A suitable rack tray will be needed in the rack to take the weight of the
mainframe. The mainframe rear will become heavier when the BNC cables are connected. 3
Note: If the rack tray has sides, make sure that they do not block the ventilation holes on the sides of the mainframe.
4 When in position in the rack, there are 2 pre-cut slots (mounting holes) running down each side of the front of the mainframe, to access the mounting holes, the mainframe front door will have to be opened. To do this; unscrew the door locking screws on either side of the door, then pull outwards and lower (as shown in the diagram below).
5 The mainframe is fastened to the rack system using 4x M6 (1/4 inch) screws (screws are available from rack suppliers).
Door locking screws

Undo screws pull outwards and lower
M6 Screws 2x screws on each side attach the mainframe to the rack Note: The front door of the mainframe has to be lowered to access the fixing holes.

Rack Tray

Kula Installation Manual
Ancillary Panels
Mav Remote – Desk and 19″ Rack Installation
There are three ways to mount the Mav Remote: 1 Desk Mount 2 Half Rack Mount (with rack mount tray as support) 3 Rack Mount using 2x Mav Remote units with a joining plate
Desk Mount The rack mount ear mounting brackets can be set to two different positions, horizontal with the mounting holes facing upwards, and vertically (for Rack Mount as described in the 19″”Rack Mount description), this will allow the unit to be secured to the underside of a desk.
Mounting the unit to the underside of a desk
With the rack mount ears in the horizontal position, the unit can be secured to a desk using 4x screws

Environment and Location Ancillary Panels
Half 19″ Rack Mount The mounting brackets may also be set to a vertical position to fit the unit into a 19″ rack, the unit is 1RU high and only half 19″ wide, so will need to have support from below using a rack mount tray, as only one side of the unit can be secured to the rack sides.

Support for the unit with a rack tray

The unit is secured to the rack on one side only.

19″ Rack Mount using two Mav Remote units with a Joining Plate
Two Mav Remote units can be joined together using a joining plate, which allows the units to span across the full width of the rack and fasten to the rack without the support of a rack tray.

The units are joined using a “Joining Plate” Note: The Mav Remote must have ventilation to allow cooling, and must not be installed into an enclosed space.

Kula Installation Manual
LCD and LED Aux Panel – 19″ Rack Installation The method of mounting the LCD and LED Aux Panels into a 19″ rack is exactly the same for both Aux panels. The ears of the Aux Panels have 2x holes on each side, use the correct rack mount screws and fixings in the 4x mounting holes, to secure the Aux panel to the rack as shown below. Make sure that enough access is allowed behind the Aux panel to connect the external PSU and network cable.

Environment and Location Ancillary Panels

Power Supplies
Mainframe Internal Power Supplies
The information below gives an overview of the power supplies used in the Kula mainframes.
Note: To reduce the risk of electric shock, plug each power supply cord into separate branch circuits employing separate service grounds.
The Kula Mainframe is supplied as standard with two power supplies, one power supply is able to run a fully populated mainframe. The other power supply is for redundancy.
Note: To ensure full dual redundancy, the two power supplies must be powered from independent power sources.
This symbol indicates that hazardous voltages are present inside. No User Serviceable Parts inside the power supplies. This unit should only be serviced by trained personnel. The power supplies for the Kula mainframe are retained within the mainframe body, there are no On/Off switches for the power supplies. The mainframe will power up as soon as the AC Power Cables are plugged into the IEC connectors and turned On at the AC mains supply.
Checking the Kula Power Supplies
Kula mainframe power supplies are hot-swappable. Replacing power supplies should only be attempted by qualified personnel. To see that the power supplies are working correctly, when mains power is applied, a green power LED is lit (as shown below).

Left PSU removal screws

Power LED

Right PSU removal screws

Power LED

With the power supplies un-plugged from the mains supply, they can be individually removed by unscrewing the removal screws and carefully withdrawing the PSU from the body of the mainframe.


Power Supplies Control Surface External Power Supplies
Caution! The Power Supplies have NO user serviceable parts inside and if one should become faulty, it should be replaced immediately.
Control Surface External Power Supplies
The Kula Control Surface is supplied with 2 external 12V power supplies. One of the power supplies powers the control surface, the other is for redundancy. Caution! The Power Supplies have NO user serviceable parts inside and are welded shut. Do not attempt to open the power supply cases.

Snap and Lock type connector Note: Make sure that the mains power is turned Off before connecting the PSU to the control surface.
The power supply connector plug that connects to the control surface is a 4 pin “Snap and Lock” type, care should be taken when connecting and un- connecting.
Note: Do not allow the power supplies to hang freely from the control surface. Make sure that the cables are not under any stress.

Control Surface Dimensions
Kula KPX Control Surface


Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Kula KPX Control Surface 994 mm ~ 39.13 Inches 139.8mm ~ 5.50 Inches 64.7mm ~ 2.55 Inches (123.3 mm ~ 4.86 Inches total height including T-Bar) Approx – 5Kg ~ 11.02lb 41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Dimensions Control Surface Dimensions
Kula K1X Control Surface

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Kula K1X Control Surface 994 mm ~ 39.13 Inches 139.8mm ~ 5.50 Inches 64.7mm ~ 2.55 Inches (123.3 mm ~ 4.86 Inches total height including T-Bar) Approx – 4.2Kg ~ 9.25lb 41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Kula Installation Manual
Desk Cutout Information for KPX and K1X Control Surfaces
The desk cutout diagram below is for a 3M/E control surface, this is the KPX and 2x K1X control surfaces combined.
The desk cutout diagram below is for a 2M/E control surface, this is the KPX and K1X control surfaces combined.

Dimensions Control Surface Dimensions
Desk Cutout Information – continued The desk cutout diagram below is for a 1M/E control surface, this is for the KPX or as a single control surface on its own.

Kula K1P Control Surface
Diagram shows the end view of a Row

Kula Installation Manual

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Kula K1P Control Surface 834 mm ~ 32.83 Inches 139.8mm ~ 5.50 Inches 64.7mm ~ 2.55 Inches (123.3 mm ~ 4.86 Inches total height including T-Bar) Approx – 3.5Kg ~ 7.71lb 41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Dimensions Control Surface Dimensions
Kula KPP Control Surface

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Kula KPP Control Surface 834 mm ~ 32.83 Inches 139.8mm ~ 5.50 Inches 64.7mm ~ 2.55 Inches (123.3 mm ~ 4.86 Inches total height including T-Bar) Approx – 4.0kg ~ 8.81lb 41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Kula Installation Manual
Desk Cutout Information for KPP and K1P Control Surfaces
The desk cutout diagram below is for a 2M/E control surface, this is the KPP and K1P control surfaces combined.
The desk cutout diagram below is for a 1M/E control surface, this is for the KPP as a single control surface on its own.

Dimensions Control Surface Dimensions
Kula K5P 1M/E (19″) Control Surface

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Kula K5P 1M/E Control Surface 482.6 mm ~ 19 Inches 221.5mm ~ 8.72 Inches 87.9mm ~ 3.46 Inches (146.5 mm ~ 5.79 Inches total height including T-Bar) Approx – 3.6Kg ~ 7.14lb 41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Kula Installation Manual
Desk Cutout Dimensions for K5P 1M/E (19″) Control Surface

Dimensions Mainframe Dimensions
Mainframe Dimensions
Kula Mainframe

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Kula Mainframe 482.6 mm ~ 19 Inches 604.8mm ~ 23.81 Inches 87mm ~ 3.42 Inches Approx – 14Kg ~ 30.3lb 41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Ancillary Panels
Mav Remote Dimensions

Kula Installation Manual

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

Mav Remote Dimensions

9.44 inches ~ 239.9 mm

12.95 inches ~ 329 mm

2.00 inches ~ 50.7 mm (including feet)

TBC lbs

~ TBCkg

41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing


Dimensions Ancillary Panels
LCD and LED Aux Panel Dimensions

Width Depth Height Weight Environmental

LCD and LED Aux Panel Dimensions

19 inches ~ 482.6mm

1.51 inches ~ 38.4mm

1.72 inches ~ 43.6 mm

2.2 lbs

~ 1kg

41 to 104°F ~ 5 to 40°C non-condensing

Note: The diagram above displays the LCD Aux Panel dimensions. The LED Aux Panel has exactly the same dimensions



Kula Control Surface Specifications

Kula KPX and KPP Control Surface



Power Supply 2x 4 pin PSU Connectors – Kycon KPPX 4 Pin or Compatible 12V DC 8.33A

Inrush Current 7.8A


2x USB 2 Connectors

Video Output Digital Video Monitor Output (MON) connector. To connect to a touch screen GUI


10/100/1000 base T, Auto – MDX/MDXI on RJ45 connectors

Connections to 6x RJ45 connectors (in total) for Comms and +12V 0.42A power supply

the K1X and Connection to the K1X and K1P control surface.

K1P Control Surface

NOT Ethernet, connections must be direct to the control surface. Do Not use network switches or hubs.

CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable.

Kula K1X and K1P Control Surface

Power and



Connections 2x RJ45 connectors for Comms and +12V 0.42A power supply in from the to the KPX and KPP control surface.

KPP Control Surface

NOT Ethernet, connections must be direct to the control surface. Do Not use network switches or hubs.
CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable.

Kula K5P Control Surface



Power Supply 2x 4 pin PSU Connectors – Kycon KPPX 4 Pin or Compatible 12V DC 8.33A

Inrush Current 8.7A


2x USB 2 Connectors

Video Output Digital Video Monitor Output (MON) connector. To connect to a touch screen GUI


10/100/1000 base T, Auto – MDX/MDXI on RJ45 connectors


2x RJ45 connectors for Comms and +12V 0.42A power supply

Connectors NOT Ethernet, connections. Do Not use network switches or hubs.

CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable.


Specifications Kula Control Surface Specifications

Power Supply
External PSU for the KPP Control Surface

External Power Supplies
2x Fully independent external PSU modules with separate mains power feeds via 2x 10A IEC leads. Output from each PSU = 12V DC 100W via Kycon KPPX 4 Pin or Compatible connectors to the KPX and KPP control surface. 2 supplied as standard, 2 PSUs provide dual redundancy.

Voltage Power

External Mains Power Supply Requirements 100V – 240V 50/60Hz Less than 120 Watts


Kula Mainframe

Kula Installation Manual

Television Standards

Television Standards

11.88Gbps Video Standards (2160p) (Kula 12G-SDI ONLY)


60Hz SMPTE-2082M


59.94Hz SMPTE-2082M


50Hz SMPTE-2082M

2.97Gbps Video Standards (1080p)


59.94Hz SMPTE-424M/Level A


59.94Hz SMPTE-424M/Level B


60Hz SMPTE-424M/Level A


60Hz SMPTE-424M/Level B


50Hz SMPTE-424M/Level A


50Hz SMPTE-424M/Level B

1.485 Gbps HD Video Standards

1080i 60Hz (ANSI/SMPTE-274M (4)-292M(D))










30Hz sF(ANSI/SMPTE-274M(12) as per RP211)


29.97Hz sF(ANSI/SMPTE-274M(13) as per RP211)


25Hz sF(ANSI/SMPTE-274M(14) as per RP211)


24Hz sF(ANSI/SMPTE-274M(15) as per RP211)


23.976Hz sF(ANSI/SMPTE-274M(16) as per RP211)

















SD Video Standards


60Hz/59.94Hz4:3/16:9 (ITU-R BT.601-5



50Hz4:3/16:9 (ITU-R BT.601-5



Specifications Kula Mainframe

Mainframe Internal Processing

Luma & Key

3G – 148.50 MHz or (148.50 /1.001)MHz

Input/Output HD ­ 74.25 MHz or (74.25/1.001)MHz


SD ­ 13.5MHz

Pb & Pr

3G – 74.25 MHz or (74.25/1.001)MHz (4:2:2)

Input/Output HD ­ 37.125 MHz or (37.125/1.001)MHz (4:2:2)


SD ­ 6.75MHz

Synchronization Input line synchronizers on all paths.


Kula Installation Manual

Kula Mainframe Connections


Mainframe Outputs
12x SDO BNC Outputs total (numbered BNC 1 to 12) (6x SDO BNC Outputs on the 1M/E Mainframe) 1080p SDI/HD-SDI/SD-SDI (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps)

Mainframe Output Formats & Levels

SDI Output Format

Tri Standard 3Gbps-SDI/HD-SDI/SD-SDI 1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps)

Analogue Sync ±300mV tri-level HD sync or 300mV SD sync according to system standard


75 ohms



Mainframe Inputs 36 x Tri standard, SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps-SDI each on 1x BNC (18x SDI BNC Inputs on the 1M/E Mainframe)

SDI Input Format
Analogue HD Reference
Analogue SD Reference

Mainframe Inputs Formats & Levels Tri Standard 1080p 2.97Gbps/HD 1.485 Gbits/second and SD 270Mbits/second serial digital interface as per ANSI/SMPTE-259/292M ±300mV tri-level sync 6dB
300mV sync with optional 300mV pk-pk burst 6dB
75 ohms (except reference input).

Bi-directional Inputs and Outputs

Mainframe Bi-directional Inputs/Outputs
2x Tri standard, SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps-SDI BNC Inputs (only) or 2x 1080p SDI/HD- SDI/SD-SDI (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) BNC Outputs

Network Serial Control USB

Mainframe Network/Serial/USB 3 ports 10/100/1000 base T, Auto ­ MDX/MDXI on RJ45 connector. 2 x RS-422 on RJ45. 2x USB 3.0 – for external memory device or hard drive USB outputs are 5 V DC, 0.9 A each

Reference/ Sync Input /Output

Mainframe Reference/GPIO
1x Tri-Level depending on output standard 1x On-line Switchable between analogue 3Gbps, HD Tri-level Sync and analogue SD sync
3 x 25 Way D-type programmable GPIO Tally with TTL-level/contact-closure inputs for GPI


Specifications Kula Mainframe

Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Connections

Bi-directional Inputs and Outputs

Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Bi-Directional Inputs/Outputs
2x Tri standard, SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps-SDI BNC Inputs or 2x 1080p SDI/HD-SDI/SD- SDI (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) BNC Outputs

SDI Input Format
Analogue HD Reference Analogue SD Reference Impedance

Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Inputs Formats & Levels Tri Standard 1080p 2.97Gbps/HD 1.485 Gbits/second and SD 270Mbits/second serial digital interface as per ANSI/SMPTE-259/292M and 12G-SDI (SMPTE 2082) Single Link ±300mV tri-level sync 6dB
300mV sync with optional 300mV pk-pk burst 6dB
75 ohms (except reference input).


Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Inputs
40 x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) Inputs. Serial digital interface As REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 10 x 12G-SDI (SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connectors

SDI Output
Format Analogue Sync Output

Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Output Formats & Levels Tri Standard 3Gbps-SDI/HD-SDI /SD-SDI 1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps)and 12G-SDI (SMPTE 2082) Single Link ±300mV tri-level HD sync or 300mV SD sync according to system standard
75 ohms


Kula 12G-SDI Mainframe Outputs
12 x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) Outputs Serial digital interface As REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 3 x 12G-SDI (SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connectors

Note: All other connectors on the mainframe are the same as the standard Kula SDI mainframe


Kula Installation Manual

Kula IP Mainframe Connections

Kula IP Mainframe Inputs/Outputs
A1 and B1 – Inputs A1 and B1 – 1x 50GbE each Primary QSFP connection. A1 is on the Primary upper ‘A’ card, and B1 is on the lower ‘B’ card.
Inputs and Outputs Inputs – 18x on each Primary 50GbE input = 36x Inputs Total SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 9x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs.

Outputs A1 and B1- 6x on each 50GbE output = 12x Outputs Total

SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs across two

50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 3x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03

(SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs.

A2 and B2 Secondary Inputs and

Inputs A2 and B2 – 1x 50GbE each Secondary upper ‘A’ card, and B2 is on the lower ‘B’ card.







Outputs Inputs – 18x on each Secondary 50GbE QSFP

SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs across two

50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 9 x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03

(SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p inputs.

Outputs A2 and B2 – 6 x on each secondary QSFP – SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs across two 50GbE links. Each 50GbE link transports 3 x SMPTE 2022-6 or VSF TR-03 (SMPTE 2110) SD/HD/1080p outputs.

Note: A2 and B2 Secondary are for redundancy.

Input BNCs

Kula IP Mainframe Input BNCs
Input BNCs 4 x HD/SD/1080p (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps). Serial digital interface as REC601/ SMPTE/292M / SMPTE424M via BNC connectors. Including 1 x 12G-SDI ( SMPTE 2082) single link BNC connector (silver BNC).

IP Input and Output
Analogue HD Reference Analogue SD Reference Impedance

Kula IP Mainframe QSFP Inputs/Outputs Formats & Levels Signals supported over RTP stream per rear module with 2 x 50GbE QSFP Cages. QSFP+ Optical 2 x 50G Ethernet Conforms to IEEE 802.3ba – 100GBASE-SR4 100Gigabit over fiber. QSFP+ direct attached copper (DAC) cable 100GBASE-CR4 100Gigabit Ethernet over twin axial cables ±300mV tri-level sync 6dB
300mV sync with optional 300mV pk-pk burst 6dB
75 ohms (except reference input).

Kula IP Mainframe Bi-Directional Inputs/Outputs


Specifications Kula Mainframe

Bi-directional Inputs and Outputs

2x Tri standard, SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps-SDI BNC Inputs or 2x 1080p SDI/HD-SDI/SD- SDI (270Mbps / 1.485Gbps / 2.97Gbps) BNC Outputs


Kula Installation Manual


Kula IP Mainframe Network/Serial/USB 3x Ports – NET X1 to NET X3 10/100/1000 base T, Auto ­ MDX/MDXI on RJ45 connector.

Serial Control USB

2x Ports – NET X4 and NET X5 These are Network 10/100/1000 base T for each IP rear card control (RollCall). `A’ card is NET X4 ‘B’ card is NET X5 2 x RS-422 on RJ45. 2x USB 3.0 – for external memory device or hard drive USB outputs are 5 V DC, 0.9 A each

Note: All other connectors on the mainframe are the same as the standard Kula SDI mainframe
Mav Remote Specifications

Mav Remote



Video Output 1x Monitor Output


2x USB 2 Connectors


1x 10/100/1000 base T, Auto – MDX/MDXI on RJ45 connectors

Connections to 8x RJ45 connectors for Comms and 2x +12V 0.42A power supply

MAV modules Connection to other MAV modules

NOT Ethernet, connections must be direct to MAV modules. Do Not use

network switches or hubs.

CAT5 or above cables – crossover cables are Not suitable.

Power Supply
To the Mav Remote

Mav Remote Power Supplies
2x Fully independent external PSU modules with separate mains power feeds via 2x 10A IEC leads. Output from each PSU = 12V DC 100W via Kycon KPPX 4 Pin or Compatible connectors to the Mav Remote. 2 supplied as standard per Mav Remote, One PSU provides Dual Redundancy.

Voltage Power

Mav Remote External Mains Power Supply Requirements 100V – 240V 50/60Hz Less than 100Watts (per Mav Remote)


Specifications Kula Mainframe

Mainframe PSU Information (covering all Kula mainframes)

Voltage Power

Mainframe Power Supplies Two fully independent hot-swappable PSU modules, with separate mains power feeds via 2 x IEC sockets. Dual Redundant requires two fully independent PSU modules; with separate mains power feeds via 2 x IEC socket.
Mainframe Power Supply Requirements 100V – 240V 50/60Hz, 5-2A 400 Watts Max.


Contact Us

Grass Valley Technical Support
For technical assistance, contact our international support center, at 1-800-547-8949 (US and Canada) or +1 530 478 4148.
To obtain a local phone number for the support center nearest you, please consult the Contact Us section of Grass Valley’s website (
An online form for e-mail contact is also available from the website.

Corporate Head Office

Grass Valley

3499 Douglas-B.-Floreani

St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 2C6


Telephone: +1 514 333 1772


+1 514 333 9828

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