AXIS Camera Station Video Management Software User Manual

June 6, 2024

AXIS Camera Station Feature Guide
User Manual


This document is based on the following versions:

  • AXIS Camera Station 5.41
  • AXIS Camera Station mobile app for Android
  • AXIS Camera Station mobile app for iOS

AXIS Camera Station video management software puts efficient surveillance at your fingertips with an intuitive interface that’s easy to operate – even for the occasional user. In this guide, you will find a summary of the useful features and functions.
The AXIS Camera Station video management software is at the core of this Axis end-to-end solution. The complete solution is comprised of:

  • AXIS Camera Station server software : handles all communication with cameras, video encoders and auxiliary devices in the system. The number of devices that each server can communicate with is typically limited by the total bandwidth available.
  • AXIS Camera Station client software: provides access to recordings, live video, logs and configuration. The client can be installed on any computer enabling remote viewing and control from anywhere on the Internet or corporate network.
  • AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry: inbuilt within AXIS Camera Station software and provides access control functionality when the AXIS A1601 door controllers are added.
  • AXIS Camera Station Network Recorders: With an Axis Network Video Recorder you get an easy-to-install and reliable solution perfectly adapted to Axis wide range of network products. The recorders are preloaded with all necessary software including video management software licenses.
  • Mobile viewing app for AXIS Camera Station: provides access to recordings and live video on multiple systems. The app can be installed on Android and iOS devices, and enable remote viewing from other locations.
  • Axis Secure Remote Access: Axis Secure Remote Access simplifies the installation of remote access to surveillance systems.
  • AXIS Camera Station Integrator suite: A set of tools to help integrators design, deploy and maintain AXIS Camera Station solutions, these tools include AXIS Site Designer, AXIS Installation Verifier and AXIS Camera Station System Health Monitoring.

General client operation




Tabs for easy selection| Makes it possible to create a customized workspace with instant access to views and cameras. Easily move between the resources depending upon the task.
Drag and drop selection (including multiple selections)| Fast and intuitive operation. Easily create customized views on the fly.
Multi-monitor support| Enables an even better overview and operation. The operator can have different monitors for different functionality, such as viewing recordings and live view simultaneously.
Online and offline help| Updated help information when you need it. The help is sensitive to the page you are viewing to enable a quick understanding of the function.
User-defined action buttons| Allows you to define various actions and make them available in your workspace such as playing an audio message from an Axis audio device.
On-screen controls for extra camera features| Makes it possible to access certain Axis camera features such as starting wipers, initiating AXIS Speed Dry, etc.
Joystick integration (AXIS T8310 Video Surveillance Control Board)| For easy and precise control Pan Tilt Zoom cameras.
Web pages for simple integration and display| Allows you to integrate with an external system, all that is needed is a web presence. This can be used for the presentation of Switch interfaces, People counting statistics, even weather reports, and more.
Programmable hotkeys| Makes it possible for the advanced operator to trigger a function such as instantly displaying a specific view, taking a snapshot, etc.
Logs| Makes it possible to track who did what and system events in a certain timeframe.
Filter and search logs| It is possible to search the content within the logs and filter for specific log types (alarms, audits, and/or events).
Operator selectable video stream profiles (low, medium, high)| Useful for low bandwidth connections and to optimize operator experience.
Stream information (frame rate/ bitrate etc.) for diagnostics| Instant information about live-view performance such as bandwidth, frame rate, and resolution.

Software customization




Adaption of user interface| Three color themes to meet a range of operator environments and preferences (light, classic and dark).
Action buttons| Easily create action buttons in live view for the control of device functionality as well as external systems. Examples are to control illumination, trigger an audio message, arm/disarm alarm panels or open a barrier.
Create interactive maps| Import a map of your site to get an interactive overview for easy navigation. Place devices on a map, add cameras with thumbnail views, speakers with the ability to trigger audio clips, doors icon which reflects status, and action buttons that can trigger event setup in action rules.
Software integration with other systems| Application Program Interface – Open API for software integration, including VAPIX®.

Viewing and video




Synchronized live video from different servers| Get the full overview by viewing live video from different servers and or sites simultaneously.
UltraHD 4K| Support for high-resolution cameras for clear identification of incidents (requires appropriate client and display).
360 dewarping in life and playback| Allows operators to get a complete scene overview without blind spots.
Axis Corridor format (9:16)| This makes it possible to optimize the monitoring of tall wide scenes such as aisles and corridors.
Multi-sensor stitching| Presents multiple camera sensors camera streams as one single joined view.
PTZ control including pre-set positions and autofocus| Allows you to follow and track moving objects and focus on details of interest. Preset positions can also be used when an alarm is activated to automatically observe the area of interest.
PTZ Autotracking| Via the Autotracking ACAP, the AXIS PTZ will automatically track selected objects identified by the camera or when an object enters a predefined zone.
User-defined digital presets| Allows you to add digital preset positions of areas of interest.
User-defined multi-view displays| Flexible customization of your views, combine maps, web pages, cameras, and more.
User-defined video sequences| Create virtual guard tours to automatically overview your site.
Flexible Maps with camera preview| Quick overview of the entire site with instant navigation and access to camera views.
Hot spot view| One frame can be set as a hotspot that automatically loads the view from another frame or map when clicking in that frame. Hotspots can be useful for asymmetric split views with one large and several small frames. The largest frame is typically defined as the hotspot.
Receive live and recording alerts| Allows the user to right-click on a tab and associate it with alerts. By doing so alarm actions will not interfere with the user’s current view.
Manual recording| Enables an operator to manually trigger a recording by clicking an icon in the live view.
Instant playback| Easily jump from live view back in time a few seconds to immediately investigate something seen in the live view.
Snapshot still images from life| Allows you to easily save and share still images from cameras and maps with others.





Live audio from a microphone connected to a camera| Allows you to listen in on live view scenes and get both video and audio recordings.
Live talk to a speaker| Allows you to speak live to deter intruders or inform and communicate with staff and customers.
Action buttons to trigger stored messages| Possibility to play pre-recorded messages to deter intruders or inform staff and customers.
Alarms can be used to trigger stored messages| Use alarms from actions and or ACAP’s (AXIS Camera Application Platform) to automatically trigger pre- recorded messages such as “intruder detected”.
Speaker icons on maps can trigger stored messages| Trigger any of the messages stored on a camera by using the speaker placed on a map.
Push-to-talk audio| Push-to-talk can be enabled for all Axis cameras supporting half-duplex audio.
Listen to this source only| When monitoring multiple channels of video and audio all other sources are muted at a click of a button.

Recording playback




Multiview synchronized playback| Get a full overview of an incident by investigating multiple cameras simultaneously.
Synchronized playback from different servers| Get a full overview of an incident by investigating playback views from different servers and or sites simultaneously.
Video Scrubbing| A quick investigation of recorded video by dragging the timeline forward and backward.
Fast play (up to x64)| Allows you to quickly analyze the video and find the section that is of interest.
Frame advance| Possibility to investigate details frame by frame.
Smart search with results shown as thumbnails| Define a boundary box in the scene of interest and define the time frame (e.g. what happened at the entrance between 7-9 pm). All incidents taking place will be instantly presented as thumbnails.
Snapshot still images from playback| Allows you to easily share images with others.
Bookmarks with notes| Facilitates investigation by marking videos for easy retrieval at a later date and building cases for export.
Lock recording from being overwritten| Secures video from being overwritten in its original form on the server if required.
Color-coded timeline with filter| Clear color coding of different types of recordings and events and filter makes it easy to locate incidents of interest.
Calendar selection| Easily search within specific times and dates to quickly find videos of interest.
Failover recording from SD card| If contact with a server is lost, the video will be saved on a camera’s SD card. When contact with the server is re- established video will automatically be uploaded to the server.
Smart Search 2.0 (Preview)| Advanced filters are used to search recorded footage. Search for vehicles or people, the filter further by color, tripwire, area, and ability to filter out fast and small objects.
Background processing for Smart Search 2.0 (Preview)| Enables faster performance by continually processing video in the background without affecting system performance. Can be enabled on camera by camera basis.

Recordings and events



Recording can be configured as continuous and motion| Makes it possible to set recording mode for each camera as well as alarm triggered.
Pre and post buffer for motion detection recordings| The Pre-alarm buffer allows you to record video of what occurred prior to a detected event and the Post alarm is the time to record after a detected event. This can ensure you obtain all the relevant information.
Ability to configure free shape “include” area and multiple exclude areas for Motion detection Makes it possible to increase VMD performance and reduce false alarms.| Makes it possible to increase VMD performance and reduce false alarms.
Motion detection has a short-lived object, small object, and swaying object filters| Makes it possible to reduce false alarm triggers by excluding certain objects.

Active alarm handling




Alarm alerts / notifications| Alarms are sent to users connected to the server.
Alarm view| Automatically switch to the video view associated with the alarm.
Support for alarm acknow ledgments| Alarms are high-lighted until acknowledged by the operator.
Support for alarm procedures| Possibility to write instructions to explain what actions to take presented with a specific alarm.

Video export




Right-click events to select a video for export| Selection is made simple. Right-click an event and choose export.
Markers to select the video for export| Specify the start and end of export by the use of markers. The video shown will reflect the marker, removing the need to specify the exact time the event occurred – drag the marker and view the video.
Multiple cameras and recorded sequences can be added to export| Different cameras and recordings from different times can all be combined in the export to create a complete overview of the incident.
Notes can be added to video sequences| Makes it possible to describe details of the incident that may not be obvious to the recipient.
Digital signature| Increase the evidential value of exported material. The digital signature can be used to verify that the video is untampered since the time of export.
Create a playlist and include Axis File Player| Makes it easy for third-party recipients to view exported material including synchronized playback (up to four cameras) and presentation of notes and bookmarks.
Password protection zip export| Safeguard that your exported case can be transferred to the recipient in a secure way.
Incident report| Management of case information including video stills and text descriptions. The incident report will be created on a network location which can then have restricted access thus limiting the access to the exported video.
Video Redaction| Mask video before exporting to protect third-party privacy. Pixelated boxes are easily applied to the video to obscure individuals and object identity without the need for additional software or services.
Automatic export to archive video| Scheduled export of recorded video for long-term backup storage.
Exported video formats| Multiple video formats can be exported as ASF, MP4, and MKV.
Axis File player| Included as default when exporting video for third-party’s without the need for installing additional software for playback.

User management




User profiles| Individually define a user’s rights to access certain devices and their functionality.
Support for Microsoft Active directory| Microsoft Active Directory can be used to facilitate the administration of users, groups, and device access rights.
Support for user groups| Possibility to define access right on a group level, three default user profiles:
Administrator: Full access to all functionality and all cameras and devices.
Operator: Full access to all functionality except Configuration tab, Device management page, and Audit log. Full access to cameras and I/O ports. Access to playback and recording export can be restricted
Viewer: Access to live video from cameras and access to I/O ports.
Mechanical PTZ Priority| When two users with different priorities try to control the PTZ camera at the same time, the user with the highest priority will block the other user.

Multi-site management




Clients can connect to multiple servers simultaneously| Connect to several servers to have a complete overview of larger premises or even multi-site installations.
Server lists| You can group servers and locations in a server list. If you have multiple sites or servers this function makes it easy to access and connect to them.
Aggregated views| Camera lives and recorded views may be combined from multiple sites/servers. An example would be to view all entrance doors of the stores of a retail chain.
Axis Secure Remote Access| Simplifies access to remote surveillance systems. Once enabled it removes the need for manual port-forwarding and router configurations. The technology uses multiple levels of authentication to establish secure, encrypted communication between a client and the surveillance system.
Administration| An administrator can connect to multiple sites/servers and configure devices and settings.





Scale up to larger systems by adding servers| Grow the number of cameras and performance by adding more servers. It is easy to configure the clients to view both recorded and live video from multiple servers.




Multiple storage locations can be allocated| It is easy to add additional direct-attached and local network storage and allocate to cameras. Cameras can be allocated to different storage locations if desired.
Zip stream| Zip stream profiles can be applied to reduce storage requirements whilst maintaining forensic details.
Individual retention times can be applied to each camera| To manage video storage time and comply with regulations, individual desired retention times can be set for each camera.
Average bitrate| Average bitrate is a sophisticated method of controlling bitrate. Video compression will be adapted to ensure retention time requirements are always met.
Failover recording by adding an SD card to the camera (auto transfer on connection resume)| Makes it possible to create redundancy and record to SD card within the camera if the connection to the recording server is lost. The recording will be uploaded to the server once the connection is regained.
Axis Validated Storage solutions| Axis supplies a range of network video recorders. These include the AXIS S22 appliances with built-in POE switches and the AXIS S11 recorder series which meet higher demands as they can include RAID and redundant PSU’s.

Mobile app for iOS and Android

Functionality can vary slightly between operating systems.




View live and recorded video| Connect to a selected server and view video from anywhere.
Video Scrubbing| A quick investigation of recorded video by dragging the timeline forward and backward.
Fast play (up to x8) and slow play (0.25)| Allows you to quickly analyze the video and find the section that is of interest.
Frame advance| Possibility to investigate details both forward and backward frame by frame.
Color-coded timeline with filter| Clear color coding of different types of recordings and events and filter makes it easy to locate incidents of interest.
Calendar selection| Easily search within specific times and dates to quickly find videos of interest.
Video encoding| Support for H.264 and H.265 video encoding.
Multi-view of life from a single server| View multiple cameras to overview a site.
Server list| Easy overview of all servers/sites in the system.
Export video| Instantly share video with third-party.
Snapshot stills| Instantly share still images with third parties.
PTZ control including pre-sets| Control PTZ to follow moving objects.
360 Panoramic Dewarp| Dewar 360 panoramic videos in both live and playback.
Audio (listen)| Allows you to listen in on live view scenes.
Audio (talk)| Allows you to talk to a speaker associated with a camera.
Axis Door Station Integration| Two-way audio communication and live video image of the caller. A door connected to the door station can also be opened from the app.
Mobile alarm notifications| Receive alarm notifications on your mobile device. The alarm notification has to be configured with action rules of the AXIS Camera Station server and requires connection via Secure Remote Access.
Action button| Action buttons are presented in the app to control external equipment such as illumination, trigger audio messages, and open or close shutters or barriers.
Axis Secure Remote Access| Simplifies access to remote surveillance systems. Once enabled it removes the need of manual port-forwarding and router configurations. The technology uses multiple levels of authentication to establish secure, encrypted communication between a client and the surveillance system.

Action rules and integration
Action rules



Action rule engine| Enables triggers and actions to be defined to build more complex and tailored solutions. For example, activation of a tripwire from AXIS Fence Guard ACAP could then action the recording of video from certain cameras, move a PTZ to a specific preset, trigger an audio message on a speaker and

trigger an output to turn on some lights and alert an operator.

Various triggers| Triggers define when a rule should be activated. The following triggers are available: AXIS Motion Detection, Active Tampering Alarm, AXIS Cross Line Detection, System Event and Error, Input and Output, Device Event, Action Button, Access Control Event, and External HTTPS.
Various actions| One rule can have multiple actions. When the rule is activated, all actions are performed. The following actions are available: Record, Raise Alarm, Send Email, Live View, Set Output, Send HTTP Notification, Send mobile notification, and AXIS Entry Manager.

Integration with other Axis IP products




360 dewarping in living, playback, and export (AXIS XXXX-P Models)| Allows operators to get a complete scene overview without blind spots even in exported video via the AXIS File Player.
AXIS Multi-sensor stitching (AXIS P3807-PvE)| Presents multiple camera sensors camera streams as one single joined view.
AXIS Q2901| The Axis temperature monitoring cameras allow alarms to be created when an object reaches a maximum temperature.
AXIS Door Stations and Video Intercoms (AXIS A8004 / A8501 / A8207 / I8016-LVE)| Answer/ decline / ignore calls, audio and visual communication, and open contact for opening door. Features include:
– Preview window showing live video of the caller.
– Multiple calls will stack.
– If AXIS Camera Station is minimized, calls will still be shown.
– Record video and audio of person entering including pre and post time.
– Answer calls and open doors from the Axis mobile app.
– “Speak” functionality can be enabled to enable communication to the door station with a call being initiated.
Inputs and Outputs (AXIS A9161 / A9188)| Tightly integrated with the AXIS Camera Station action rule engine to enable the creation of tailored solutions.
– Inputs such as panic buttons and other sources such as PIR’s, alarms, and door contacts can easily be connected to a system.
– Outputs can be used to control other equipment such as barriers, shutters, and lights.
Audio (AXIS C3003 / C1004 / C8033)| Enhance your surveillance system with audio:
– Speakers can be associated with a camera to enable viewing and live talking to the site.- Pre-recorded messages such as “wrong direction”, “intruder detected” etc. can be manually triggered from action buttons and automatically triggered from alarms and analytics.
Axis Decoder (AXIS T8705)| Enables video and split views to be displayed on monitors across the network to keep an eye on customer areas, manufacturing processes etc. without the need for a client.
It is also possible to select multiple cameras or views and send them to a decoder connected to the server.
Radar display and alarm triggers AXIS D2050-VE| Live view of radar to visualize the movements of an intruder. Integration via the action rule engine enables more advanced solutions to be configured.
AXIS A1001 with AXIS Entry Manager| Simple access control functionality can be added:
– Trigger actions in AXIS Camera Station such as recording a person entering a building.
– Integration with an action rule engine to create advanced alerting such as alarming on the door forced, door held open, and tamper alarms.
– Action buttons to unlock and lock doors.
– The web page of AXIS Entry Manager used for the management of doors and cardholders can also be displayed and operated within AXIS Camera Station.
AXIS A1601 with AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry| Unified access control features using AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry. See section 15 for details.
AXIS S22XX Network Switch| Configure and manage the AXIS S22XX network switch within the configuration of the AXIS Camera Station. This includes port and POE management.
AXIS Body worn solutions| Mobile video footage from guards and employees in vulnerable situations can be incorporated into the surveillance solution. Once uploaded the footage behaves exactly as one of the permanently connected cameras.
AXIS Body Worn Assistant mobile app| Notes and categories added in the AXIS Body Worn Assistant mobile app are displayed in the AXIS Body Worn metadata list in AXIS Camera Station’s recording view.
AXIS License Plate Verifier ACAP| License plates captured by cameras using the AXIS License Plate Verifier ACAP can be viewed in the AXIS Camera Station Data search tab.
AXIS Autotracking 2.0 ACAP| The Axis PTZ running the Autotracking ACAP will automatically track selected objects identified by the camera or when an object enters a predefined zone.
Other ACAPs installed on the camera| Axis edge-based analytics can be added to cameras to increase operator efficiency and to meet specific requirements for example:
– Axis provides ACAPS such as AXIS Guard Suite, AXIS perimeter Defender, AXIS Live Privacy Shield.
– ACAPs are also available from partners to enable a wide range of enhanced functionality such as audio analytics and more.
Running analytics on the camera removes the required for a central server and simplifies scalability.

Integration of third-party products




ONVIF| AXIS Camera Station support on if Profile S conformant third- party devices that have been verified through
AXIS Camera Station Device Compatibility Tool. AXIS Camera Station 5 and above supports third-party devices according to definitions in the IEC62676-2-3 standard. Note: One Universal license per video stream is required.
Ability to add RTSP and HTTP video streams| Possibility to add video streams directly to AXIS Camera Station for live view and recordings.

Note: One Universal license per video stream is required.

API| AXIS Camera Station API offers functionalities such as System information and configuration, Camera capabilities, Snapshot, Live view, Recordings from specified cameras, interval and range, Playback, PTZ, Action Buttons, Get Event Logs, Audio transmission, Support for third party devices.
AXIS Camera Station API documentation is available on request by members of the Axis ADP program.
External data| Using the API, data from third-party systems such as Licence Plates, Elect

Integrator functionality

ronic Point of Sale (cash registers), and similar systems can be saved and presented into AXIS Camera Station. This data can also be associated with video recordings and interrogated using the data search.
Currently only applicable for the following Axis product – AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

Data search| The possibility to filter data entries by date and time and free text from external data sources.

Device configuration




Design and specify a solution based upon AXIS Camera Station using AXIS Site Designer| The tool includes a camera, accessory, and recorder selectors as well as a built-in storage calculation. The tool also provides a bill of material, installation notes, quotations with prices, and an auto- configuration file.
Auto-configuration from AXIS Site Designer| Save installation time and eliminate mistakes by exporting configurations made in AXIS Site Designer to AXIS Camera Station (configuration generated in AXIS Site Designer can be sent via email or downloaded to a USB).
Installation notes from AXIS Site Designer| Save installation time and eliminate mistakes by transferring installation notes made in AXIS Site Designer (pdf sent by mail or downloaded to a USB).
Auto-discovery of devices| Automatic discovery of devices connected to the network (even without the configuration of IP addresses).
Automatic View creation| Once cameras are added views are automatically created for quick navigation. These can then be adjusted to the customer’s requirements.
Simultaneous configuration of multiple camera settings from multiple servers| Facilitates configuration when installing several cameras with the same configurations such as recording profile.
Image configuration| Adjust camera image including brightness, color, WDR rotation, and mirroring.
PTZ pre-sets can be added and saved| Makes it possible to quickly move and zoom to a specific area of interest such as garage entrance to easily capture a license plate.
Cameras and other Axis devices such as audio, IO, door station, etc. can be added to the system| Easy to expand the system with extra functionality with different devices to meet customer requirements.
External data sources| External data sources (for instance door activities) can be associated with a camera view. This then associates recordings with the data when using the Data search tab.
Remote access to a device web page (Beta)| Access all the connected devices features via the devices web interface. This gives access to advanced functionality and enables efficient configuration when accessing remotely.

**Management of devices**




Assign IP Address (Fixed/DHCP)| Makes it possible to assign IP Addresses automatically from a DHCP server or assigned from an IP address range.
Add users and Set passwords| Support for Microsoft Windows Active Directory makes it possible to easily add users to the system.
Password Randomization| Automatically generate a secure password on a device. This password is generated at the maximum length supported by the selected device(s).
Firmware upgrades| The system can automatically check for new device firmware upgrades; Firmware can be upgraded in parallel or in a sequence.
The administrator informed of new firmware when starting client| Makes it possible for the Administrator to decide if firmware should be updated or not.
Install camera application (ACAP)| A camera application is software that can be uploaded to and installed on Axis network video products to add functionality to the device, for example, detection, recognition, tracking, or counting capabilities. The ACAP is installed directly from AXIS Camera Station or downloaded from the Axis web page or vendor’s web page.
Save configuration file| Multiple devices can be configured at the same time by copying device settings from one device, or by applying a configuration file.
Set time and date| The date and time settings for your Axis devices can be synchronized with the server computer time, with an NTP server, or set manually.
Restart the device and restore factory default| Restart devices or restore devices to reset most settings, including the password, to their factory default values. The following settings are not reset boot protocol (DHCP or static), static IP address, default router, subnet mask, and system time.
Multiple device Management| Possibility to perform batch upgrades and configurations of connected devices.
Manage devices from multiple servers| Possibility to perform batch upgrades and configurations of connected devices from different servers.
HTTP| Securely connect to devices using HTTPS. AXIS Camera Station can also configure a Certificate Authority.

Reporting and verification




Axis Installation verifier (Tests the system integrity and produces reports for service and handover)| This unique function stress tests the system high lighting any issues. The tool automatically produces useful documentation for integrators which can be used for handover and service documentation.
Client and server configuration sheets (Documents all client and server settings)| Possibility to automatically create handover documentation containing all system configurations.
System report| This can be used by technical support to simplify the troubleshooting of issues.
System Health Monitoring| Provides an overview of the system including the recording hardware. Storage information is provided including details associated with retention. Notifications are generated if a device or if the system goes offline and emails can be sent. Multiple systems on the network can be monitored to ensure the system is performing as expected.

Unified access control

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry is part of the AXIS Camera Station software and provides a unified solution combining both surveillance and access control functionality. No extra software modules are required, simply add AXIS A1601 Network Door Controllers to the system (each door controller requires a core license) and all of the functionality is available.
Access control configuration



Encryption between controller and reader| OSDP Secure Channel support encrypts the data between AXIS A4020-E-readers and the AXIS A1601 controller.
Door and zone configuration| This feature provides the possibility to configure a door installation in AXIS Camera Station linking it to the correct hardware peripherals and combining doors into zones.
IP Reader| It is possible to add the AXIS A8207-VE (Video intercom and access control reader) to the system as an IP Reader.
Pin chart of configured AXIS A1601| After the doors have been configured, a color-coded pin chart can be viewed and printed which can be used to assist installers when installing the hardware on-site.
Identification profiles for doors in the system| Identification profiles define the manner of identification required at a door and can be combined with scheduling. For instance, requiring card and pin at night and only card in the daytime.
Customizable PIN length| Set the number of digits (1-24) in the system for PIN (Personal Identification Number) that accompanies a card for cardholder validation.
Card formatting| Add a possibility to define card formats in the system providing an easy translation from data received from any card reader and data to be validated in an access control setup. These can be deployed system-wide or on individual readers.
Copying of preconfigured door configurations| You can copy a door controller’s configuration and apply it to another. This saves time and eliminates configuration mistakes.

Access control management




Cardholder management| In the Access management tab, you can create cardholders, give them multiple credentials (up to 5) such as cards and PIN codes, and associate a photo. Custom fields in the cardholder profile are provided for additional information.
Duress PIN| A duress pin can be associated with a cardholder. When this PIN is entered the door will open and an additional alarm alert will be generated and presented to the system operators.
Create cardholder photo| As well as importing a photo to associate, you can take a photo using a PC webcam.
Cardholder groups| Cardholders can be combined into cardholder groups such as staff, management or cleaners for easy and scalable management.
Access rules| An access rule defines when someone has access to where. Combining a schedule with a cardholder, or group of cardholders with doors and/or zones.
Unlocking schedules including First person in| Applying an unlocking schedule on a door unlocks the door while the schedule is active. Adding the First person in the flag enables the unlocking schedule only if someone has first entered the door.
A manual door and zone control| Manual door actions like Access, Unlock, Lock, and Lockdown can be sent to an individual or multiple doors and zones.
Import and Export of cardholder information| Cardholder information from an existing access control database can be imported via a CSV file. This simplifies the migration from one system to another.
The system can also be restored from the last point in time export was created.
Configuration reports| Add a possibility to export configuration reports in CSV format.

Door dashboard
The door dashboard provides live information and control of the associated door. The door dashboard can be used within split views just like cameras within AXIS Camera Station.

Functionality Description
Real-time visual verification of door activity The activity at the door is

displayed together with the relevant cardholder photo for easy real-time verification. The last event is shown constantly.
Live door status| The current status of the door monitor and lock is displayed. Door forced open and Door open-too-long alarms will be displayed in real-time when viewing the door dashboard.
Bookmarked transactions| An operator can bookmark an individual entry for easy investigation.
A manual door and zone control| Manual door actions like Access, Unlock, Lock, and Lockdown can be sent to the associated door.

Data search tab



Filter on date and time and free text linked with video| The possibility to filter access control events combined with video recordings.
Event markers| Event markers are displayed on the recording timeline to aid investigations.
Export data| Export the data contained within the search to a text file.

Hardware overview (AXIS A1601 Network Door Controller)
AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry is only compatible with AXIS A1601 Network Door Controller. More details of the hardware can be found in the datasheet.



Secure Entry Firmware track| The unified solution only supports A1601 Network Door Controllers on the Secure Entry Firmware track.
Autonomous configuration| The controllers are configured autonomously to function regardless of AXIS Camera Station Server being online.
Number of doors| Each AXIS A1601 Network Door Controller can control up to two doors (depending upon the requirement).

A maximum of 128 doors can be used and is dependent upon the AXIS Camera Station server hardware.

Readers| Up to 2 readers, RS485 (OSDP)/Wiegand

Additional information

  • **** AXIS Camera Station landing page: overview information and link to free 30-day trial
  • AXIS Camera Station S22 Appliance Series: all-in-one recorders with integrated switch
  • AXIS Camera Station S11 Recorder Series: out of the box ready recording solutions
  • AXIS Camera Station Desktop Terminals
  • AXIS Camera Station Help Center: Helps to find the right information about AXIS Camera Station and how to build end-to-end Includes the relevant online manuals.
  • AXIS Camera Station Mobile Application
  • AXIS Camera Station tutorial videos: Library of videos to show features and
  • AXIS Camera Station release reviews

User Manual
AXIS Camera Station Feature Guide
Date: December 2021
© Axis Communications AB, 2019
Ver. M13.2
Part No. T10145623

Date: December 2021

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