Hellberg Secure 1 Headband Ear Muffs User Manual

October 27, 2023

Hellberg Secure 1 Headband Ear Muffs

Hellberg-Secure 1-Headband-Ear-Muffs-product-img

Fitting & adjustment


Hygiene kit replacement


Approval and technical data

Secure 1                                      EN 352-1:2002 C4, Weight: C5 227 g, Size: S-M-L C10

Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H         M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 13,8| 10,9| 15,6| 25,4| 31,1| 30,8| 33,8| 33,5
Std. dev. C7| 4,7| 2,3| 2,2| 3,4| 3,0| 2,3| 3,1| 2,6  30dB 23dB 15dB 26dB
APV C8| 9,1| 8,6| 13,4| 22,0| 28,1| 28,5| 30,7| 30,9
Secure 2 EN 352-1:2002 C4, Weight: C5 248 g, Size: S-M- L C10
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H          M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 18,2| 13,6| 21,8| 30,7| 39,4| 35,8| 37,6| 40,0
Std. dev. C7| 5,4| 3,4| 2,7| 3,1| 3,0| 2,9| 2,8| 4,8  35dB 28dB 18dB 30dB
APV C8| 12,8| 10,2| 19,1| 27,6| 36,4| 32,9| 34,8| 35,2
Secure 3 **EN 352-1:2002 C4, Weight: C5 277 g, Size: S-M- L C10
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H          M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 20,5| 17,5| 24,8| 32,7| 43,8| 36,4| 35,9| 38,1
Std. dev. C7| 5,4| 3,0| 2,4| 2,6| 3,7| 3,5| 3,1| 4,1  34dB 31dB 22dB 33dB
APV C8| 15,1| 14,5| 22,4| 30,1| 40,1| 32,9| 32,8| 34,0
Certification and Monitoring: PZT GmbH, Bismarckstrasse 264 B, 26389 Wilhelmshaven, Germany, Notified Body: 1974, Notified by ZLS C9
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 13.8| 19.4| 28.7| 39.0| 32.5| 34.5| 34.6| 36.5| 35.7  23dB| B
St.dev. C7| 2.5| 2.4| 3.1| 3.3| 2.6| 3.0| 2.7| 2.4| 3.1|
Secure 2 ****ANSI S-3.19-1974 C4, Weight: C5 8.74 oz
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 17.0| 21.7| 31.1| 41.9| 36.1| 37.6| 37.0| 38.8| 38.8  26dB| A
St.dev. C7| 2.9| 1.7| 2.5| 2.8| 2.6| 3.6| 4.1| 2.5| 3.9**|

Hellberg-Secure-1-Headband-Ear-Muffs-fig- \(3\)

Michael & Associates, Inc., State College, PA, USA Accredited by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)C9

Secure NeckbandC2

Secure 1                                       EN 352-1:2002 C4, Weight:C5 192 g, Size: S-M-LC10

Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H          M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 12,6| 11,7| 15,9| 22,5| 30,5| 31,2| 34,5| 33,8
Std. dev. C7| 4,1| 2,7| 1,9| 2,7| 2,8| 3,5| 3,2| 4,7  29dB 23dB 16dB 26dB
APV C8| 8,5| 9,0| 14,0| 19,8| 27,7| 27,7| 31,3| 29,1
Secure 2 EN **352-1:2002 C4, ****Weight: C5 ****215 ****g, ****Size: ****S-M- L C10
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H         M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 17,9| 16,4| 21,9| 29,0| 40,2| 35,9| 36,2| 39,0
Std. dev . C7| 5,4| 4,1| 3,8| 4,0| 4,9| 3,3| 5,8| 6,1  33dB 27dB 19dB 30dB
APV C8| 12,5| 12,3| 18,1| 25,0| 35,3| 32,6| 30,4| 32,9
Secure 3 ****EN 352-1:2002 C4, Weight: C5 240 g, Size: S-M- L C10
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H         M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 18,1| 18,7| 25,2| 32,2| 42,6| 36,1| 38,9| 38,0
Std. dev. C7| 5,8| 4,3| 2,7| 3,1| 4,1| 2,7| 3,4| 4,5  35dB 31dB 22dB 33dB
APV C8| 12,3| 14,4| 22,5| 29,1| 38,5| 33,4| 35,5| 33,5
Certification and Monitoring: PZT GmbH, Bismarckstrasse 264 B, 26389 Wilhelmshaven, Germany, Notified Body: 1974, Notified by ZLS C9
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 16.7| 18.1| 27.8| 39.5| 32.0| 34.1| 35.8| 37.8| 36.3  23dB| B
St.dev. C7| 3.3| 2.1| 2.5| 3.7| 2.7| 2.8| 2.5| 3.9| 3.4|
Secure 2 ****ANSI S-3.19-1974 C4, Weight:C5 7.58 oz
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 17.6| 20.7| 31.0| 40.4| 35.2| 38.2| 35.5| 39.2| 38.7  25dB| A
St.dev. C7| 3.2| 2.3| 2.4| 3.2| 3.0| 3.4| 2.3| 2.8| 2.7**|

Hellberg-Secure-1-Headband-Ear-Muffs-fig- \(4\)

Michael & Associates, Inc., State College, PA, USA Accredited by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)C9

Secure Helmet/Cap mountC3

Secure 1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | EN 352-3:2002 C4, Weight: C5 250 g
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H          M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 15,0| 15,0| 14,7| 24,7| 33,1| 26,8| 32,2| 34,6
Std. dev. C7| 4,2| 3,1| 2,9| 2,9| 3,2| 2,7| 2,8| 3,7  27dB 23dB 16dB 25dB
APV C8| 10,8| 11,9| 11,8| 21,8| 29,9| 24,1| 29,4| 30,9
Secure 2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | EN 352-3:2002 C4, Weight: C5 271 g
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H          M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 15,0| 15,0| 21,0| 28,1| 35,3| 34,0| 34,0| 37,3
Std. dev. C7| 4,1| 2,6| 3,1| 3,5| 4,0| 3,8| 4,5| 4,4  31dB 27dB 19dB 29dB
APV C8| 10,9| 12,4| 17,9| 24,6| 31,3| 30,2| 29,5| 32,9
Secure 3|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | EN 352-3:2002 C4, Weight: C5 300 g
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H          M L  SNR
Mean att.C6| 16,4| 17,7| 23,5| 31,8| 41,6| 36,4| 34,2| 35,2
Std. dev. C7| 4,3| 3,3| 4,2| 3,5| 3,4| 3,8| 3,9| 5,7  32dB 29dB 21dB 31dB
APV C8| 12,1| 14,4| 19,3| 28,3| 38,2| 32,6| 30,3| 29,5
Certification and Monitoring: PZT GmbH, Bismarckstrasse 264 B, 26389 Wilhelmshaven, Germany, Notified Body: 1974, Notified by ZLS C9
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 14.0| 17.6| 25.9| 36.1| 32.8| 34.6| 34.6| 35.3| 36.8  22dB| B
St.dev. C7| 2.5| 2.0| 2.7| 3.5| 2.7| 3.3| 2.5| 4.0| 4.3|
Secure 2 **ANSI ****S-3.19-1974 C4, ****Weight: C5 ****9.5 oz
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 15.7| 20.7| 28.8| 36.9| 35.2| 37.0| 37.8| 39.6| 38.6  24dB| A
St.dev. C7| 2.8| 2.1| 3.0| 2.9| 3.2| 3.4| 2.2| 2.4| 2.8**|

Hellberg-Secure-1-Headband-Ear-Muffs-fig- \(5\)

Michael & Associates, Inc., State College, PA, USA Accredited by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)C9

Secure FoldableC11

Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H         M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 17,7| 13,8| 20,1| 26,9| 34,3| 35,7| 35,4| 32,7
Std. dev. C7| 5,7| 4,6| 4,3| 3,4| 4,2| 2,7| 3,5| 5,4  32dB 25dB 17dB 27dB
APV C8| 12,0| 9,2| 15,8| 23,5| 30,1| 33,0| 31,9| 27,3
Secure 2 EN 352-1:2002 C4, **Weight: C5 276 g, Size: ****M-L C10
Freq. Hz| 63| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 4000| 8000  H         M L  SNR
Mean att. C6| 19,8| 15,6| 21,5| 29,6| 36,8| 36,5| 32,6| 33,2
Std. dev. C7| 4,1| 3,4| 3,0| 3,2| 3,6| 3,3| 3,3| 3,4  32dB 28dB 20dB 30dB
APV C8| 15,7| 12,2| 18,5| 26,1| 33,2| 33,2| 29,3| 29,8**

Certification and Monitoring: PZT GmbH, Bismarckstrasse 264 B, 26389 Wilhelmshaven, Germany, Notified Body: 1974, Notified by ZLSC9

Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 15.6| 18.5| 28.1| 36.8| 38.0| 37.9| 39.2| 36.4| 35.4  23dB| A
St.dev. C7| 3.1| 2.6| 2.8| 3.0| 3.0| 2.6| 3.7| 3.5| 5.5|
Secure 2 **ANSI ****S-3.19-1974 C4, ****Weight: C5 ****9.7 oz
Freq.Hz| 125| 250| 500| 1000| 2000| 3150| 4000| 6300| 8000  NRR| CSA
Mean.att. C6| 17.7| 20.1| 30.2| 38.3| 38.5| 38.1| 35.9| 35.9| 35.8  25dB| A
St.dev. C7| 3.3| 2.2| 3.2| 2.8| 2.8| 2.5| 3.2| 2.9| 3.3|
Michael & Associates, Inc., State College, PA, USA**

Michael & Associates, Inc., State College, PA, USA Accredited by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)C9

Approved helmet combinations

These earmuffs should be fitted to, and used only with the following industrial safety helmets. For the latest list of approved helmet combinations please see our website: www.hellbergsafety.com

ManufacturerD1 Helmet modelD2 AdapterD3 S M L
Auboueix Iris 2 30 mm
Bjornklader Balance HD 30 mm
Bjornklader Balance AC 30 mm
Casco PF 100 AS S,M,L 30 mm
Centurion Concept 30 mm
Cerva Alpin worker 30 mm
Irudek Ekain 30 mm
Irudek Stilo 300V 30 mm
JSP EVO 2 30 mm
JSP EVO 3 30 mm
JSP MK 7 30 mm
JSP Evolite 30 mm
KASK Superplasma 30 mm
KASK Plasma 30 mm
KASK HP 30 mm
LAS Rockman S14 30 mm
LAS Rockman S16 30 mm
LAS Rockman S17 30 mm
Petzl ST 30 mm
Petzl VENT 30 mm
Petzl BEST 30 mm
Petzl Vertex 30 mm
Petzl Vertex Vent 30 mm
Petzl Strato 30 mm
Petzl Strato Vent 30 mm
ManufacturerD1 Helmet modelD2 AdapterG3 S M L
--- ---
Schuberth BER80 30 mm
Schuberth Electrician 80 30 mm
Scott Safety Style 300 30 mm
Scott Safety Style 600 30 mm
Scott Safety HC710 30 mm
Scott Safety HC715 30 mm
Scott Safety HC750 25 mm*1
Singing Rock Flash Industry 30 mm
Singing Rock Flash Aero 30 mm
Sundström SR 570 30 mm
Singing Rock Flash Access 30 mm
Uvex Airwing 30 mm
Uvex Pheos 30 mm
Uvex Pheos Alpine 30 mm
Zekler Zone 30 mm
Zekler Zone E 30 mm
Zekler Pinnacle EXO Vent 30 mm
Zekler Pinnacle EXO Volt 30 mm
Zekler Pinnacle EXO Volt Interior 2 30 mm
Zekler Pinnacle Zertec Vent 30 mm
3M Peltor G2000 30 mm
3M Peltor G3000 30 mm
3M SecureFit X5000 30 mm
3M SecureFit X5500 30 mm


  • All the hearing protectors which are included in this instruction sheet are equipped with a thermoplastic headband or spring-arms, or stainless-steel neckband and foam plastic filled cushions. This hearing protector is intended to protect the wearer from hazardous noise levels when fitted in accordance with these user instructions. Any other uses are not intended and therefore not allowed.
  • Hereby, Hellberg Safety AB, declares that the hearing protector Secure is in compliance with PPE regulation EU 2016/425 and other appropriate directives to fulfil the requirements of CE marking.
  • The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: www.hellbergsafety.com/declaration-of-conformity
  • For traceability, see the date clock on the inside of the earcup.


It is important that the instructions for use are followed. Failure to do so could result in a drastic reduction in the noise attenuation and may lead to serious injury. Carefully read these user instructions!

  • The hearing protector must be used at all times in noisy environments to provide the full protection effect! Only 100% wear time provides full protection.
  • The audibility of warning signals at a specific workplace may be impaired if over protected, when using a hearing protector with a too high noise attenuation performance in relation to the noise environment.
  • Ensure that the hearing protectors are regularly inspected for serviceability.
  • The hearing protector’s noise attenuating properties can dramatically decrease with usage of for example thick spectacle frames ski masks/balaclavas, etc.
  • Use of perspiration/hygienic protection over the sealing rings can reduce the hearing protector’s noise attenuation properties.
  • Earmuffs, and in particular cushions, may deteriorate with use and should be examined at frequent intervals for cracking and leakage.
  • Immediately discard the product if showing signs of cracks or damage.
  • Hygiene kit should be changed at least twice per year. Make sure you choose the correct hygiene kit for your hearing protector.
  • Clean the product with mild soap. You must be sure that the detergent you use does not irritate the skin. Do not dip the product in water.
  • The hearing protector must be stored in a dry and clean environment out of direct sun light, e. g. in its original packaging.

Fitting & adjustment (A)

Brush away all hair from the ears and place the hearing protectors over the ears so that they fit comfortably and snugly. Ensure that the ears are completely enclosed by the hearing protectors and that you have even pressure around the ears.

Headband (A1)

Adjust the headband size so that it rests lightly against the crown of your head.

Neckband (A2)

Adjust the protector to its largest size and put it on. Now adjust the headband strap so that the protector rests lightly on your head.

Helmet/Cap mount (A3)

Push the hearing protectors helmet attachment into the helmet slot until it locks into position.
Place the hearing protectors over the ears and inwards until you hear a click. Adjust the hearing protectors and helmet so that they fit comfortably on your head.

Foldable (A4)

Fold out the headband by pressing the cups outwards. The headband is now in its largest size. Put the headband on your head and adjust the size so that it rests lightly against the crown of your head (A1). To fold up the headband, adjust it to its largest size and press the cups inwards so that they fold into the headband

Change of hygiene kit (B)

  1. Remove the old sound absorbing foam and insert the new.
  2. Pull off the old ear cushion.
  3. Centre the new ear cushion over the hole.
  4. Press with a finger along the outside of the ear cushion until it attaches all around the edges.
  5. Pull off the old head cushion and insert the new

Approval and technical data (C)

  • C1) Headband
  • C2) Neckband
  • C3) Helmet/Cap mounted
  • C4) Tested and certified to (standards)
  • C5) Weight
  • C6) Mean attenuation
  • C7) Standard deviation
  • C8) Assumed Protection Value
  • C9) Tested and certified by (notified body)
  • C10) Size: S (small) M (medium) L (large)
  • C11) Foldable

Approved helmet combinations (D)

These earmuffs should be fitted to, and used only with the industrial safety helmets listed in table D.

  1. D1) Manufacturer
  2. D2) Model
  3. D3) Adapter

Earmuffs complying with EN 352-3 are of medium size range or small size range or large size range. Medium size range earmuffs will fit the majority of wearers. Small size range or large size range earmuffs are designed to fit wearers for whom medium size range earmuffs are not suitable

Accessories and spare parts

  • Hygiene kit Secure 1 & 2: 99400-001
  • Hygiene kit Secure 3 : 99401-001

Information required by E.P.A. (US)

  • The level of noise entering a person’s ear, when a hearing protector is worn as directed, is closely approximated by the difference between the A weighted environmental noise level and the NRR.
  • Example : The environmental noise level as measured at the ear is 92 dBA. The NRR is 25 decibels (dB).The level of noise entering the ear is approximately equal to 67 dB.
  • Caution. For noise environments dominated by frequencies below 500 Hz the C-weighted environmental noise level shall be used.
  • Warning. Improper fit of this device will reduce its effectiveness in attenuating noise. Although hearing protectors can be recommended for protection against the harmful effects of impulse noise, the noise reduction rating (NRR) is based on the attenuation of continuous noise and may not be accurate indicator of the protection attainable against impulse noise such as gunfire.

Hellberg Safety AB Stakebergsv. 2 SE-443 61 Stenkullen, Sweden
21/03 Print no: 17287_rev11


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