UNI-T UT89X Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

UNI-T UT89X Digital Multimeter


UT89X/UT89XD are 6000-<:aunt true RMS digital multlmeters. A unique feature is the NCV function which can quickly identify live and neutral wires through light intensity. In addition, the UT89X can measure temperature and detect live/neutral wire through a single test lead by contact. The UT89XD can perform LED measurements. The whole series are designed with audio/visual alarm, allowing you to observe the last result more intuitively. The flashlight and Iha auto backlight features era also convenient when measuring in the dark. With ergonomic design and durable double injection build, UT89X series are perfect measurement tools for eleclricians end hobbyists.


  1. Double injection, durable and ergonomic
  2. Audio/visual alarm (applied in voltage/current/capacitance/diode/transistor/ conlinuity/NCV/1..ED measurement)
  3. Up to 1 000V voltage measurement
  4. Up to 20Acurrant measurement
  5. NCV measurement with voltage levels can measure voltage down to about AC 12V/50Hz and distinguish live/neutral wires by sensing.
  6. Liva measurement: single probe to identify live/neutral wire by contact (UT89X)
  7. Up to 1 00mF capacitance measurement
  8. LED measurement can output voltage about 12V/5mA (UT89XD)
  9. LCD auto  flash light backlight and
  10. Design according to CAT Ill BO0V, CAT 111000V safety requirements and the followtng directive standards: LVD Directive (2014/35/EU):
    • EN 61010-1 :2010
    • EN 61010-2-030:2010
    • EN 61010-2-033:2012 (for hand-held matars wi1h voltage measurement function)
    • EMC Dlrecttva (2014/30/EU):
    • EN 61326-1 :2013
    • EN 61326-2-2:2013


Open the package box and take out the device. Please check whether the following items are deficient or damaged, and conduct your supplier immediately if they are.

  1. User manual ————–1 pc
  2. Test leads————– 1 pair
  3. K-type (NiCr-NiSi) thermocouple ——- 1 pc (UT89X)
  4. 1.5V AAAbattery———–4 pa;
  5. Warranty card————1 pc
  6. Indicator function description color cardi——-1 pc

Safety Instructions

Safety Standards

  • CAT Ill 600V, CAT II 1 00OV, double insulation, and material pollution grade II.
  • CAT safety level: Category Ill Is suitable for measuring circuits connected to Iha power distribution section of a building’s low voltage power supply unit.
  1. Do not use the device if the battery cover or the rear cover is not covered up or will pose a shock hazard
  2. Please check Iha insulation layer of Iha 1861 lead before use: It should be in good condition without any damage or broken wires.
  3. When • ~ • symbol appears on the screen, it indicates that the battery is low. Replace the battery in time to ensure measurement accuracy.
  4. Functional dial should be switched to proper position.
  5. The measured signal is not allowed to exceed the specified limit to prevent elactric shock and damage to the meter!
  6. Never switch the functional dial when measuring to avoid damage to the meter!
  7. After each measurement, disconnect the test leads with the circuit. For current measurement, swttch off the power supply first, and than disconnect the test leads with Iha circuit.
  8. Be cautious when the measured voltage is higher than DC 60V or AC 30Vrms to avoid electric shock!
  9. Do not use or store the meter in high temperature and high humidity environments. The performance of the meter may be affacted.
  10. Do not change the intemal circuit of Iha meter to avoid damage to the meter and users!
  11. Clean the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or solvents!
  12. Please operate the meter according to this manual, otherwise the protective measures of the meter may be invalid.
  13. Replace the test lead if the insulation layer is damaged.
    Warning : The replaced test leads should comply with EN 61010-031 safety standard, CAT Ill 600V, CAT II 1000Vand can measure current above 20A.

General Specifications

  1. Max voltage between input terminal and ground: please refer to the technical index for more details.

  2. &20A terminal: 20A 250V fast-acting fuse (<1>5x20mm)

  3. ArnAlμAtermlnal: 630mA250Vfast-acting fuse {Cl>5x20mm)

  4. Display count: 6000 Max capacitance: 99.9mF

  5. Others:
    Range : Auto/manual
    Polarity : Auto Refreshes 2-3 times/s; “OL” appears when over-range.
    Display : TN screen
    Operating temperature: o•c-40•c {32•F-104.F)
    storage temperature: -2o·c-so·c (-4.F-140.F)
    Relative humidity: o·c- below 3o·c .;;15%, 30·c–4o·c .;;so%

  6. Operating altitude: 0-2000m

  7. Battery: AAA 1 .5V x 4

  8. Low battery Indication: LCD displays’~- symbol

  9. Dimension: about 175mm x 81mm x 48.5mm

  10. Waight: about 345g (including batteries)

  11. EMC:
    RF field (1V/m): overall accuracy= specified accuracy+ 5% of range
    RF flald (>3V/m): no specified calculatlon

External Structure (picture 1)

  1. Auto backlight sensing window
  2. LCD screen
  3. Functional buttons –
  4. Functional dial
  5. Input terminals
  6. Hook
  7. Multifunctional test lead slot
  8. Flashlight
  9. Battery cover screw
  10. Case holder
  11. NCV sensing part
  12. Audio/visual alarm indicator
  13. Transistor last portsuni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 1

UT89X/UT89XD LCD screen (picture 2a/2b)uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig

Functional Dial and Buttonsuni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig

  • button:
1. Continuity/diode: short press (<2s) to cycle through continuity and diode measurement.
2. Hz%: short press (<2s) to cycle through frequency and duty ratio measurement.
3. ACV: short pl’86s (<2s) to cycle through frequency and AC voltage measurement.
4. ACA: short press (<2s) to cycle through frequency and AC current measurement
5. ·c·F: short press (<2s) to cycle through Celsius degree and Fahrenheit degree measurement.
6. NCV: short press (<2s) to cycle through the sensing range of EFHI and EFLo.
7. In the off state, press and hold the SEL/REL key, than rotate the dial to tum on the device. The product enters the non-sleep mode, and the buzzer produces 5 beeps every 15 minutes, reminding the user to tum off the product.
8. Long press (>2s) REL key to anter/axtt REL measurement mode, LCD wtll display the REL symbol (applied to v, mv, uA, mA, A, CAP, o measurement).
  • 00 button: press to tum on/off the auto backlight.
  • ~ button: short press (<2s) and the displayed value will be locked, and the LCD will display the • CJ• symbol; short press again and the value will be unlocked. Long press (>2s) this button to tum on/off the flashlight.

Operation Instructions

Please first check the internal 1.5Vx4 batteries. If the battery voltage is low when the device is turned on,

  • symbol wtll appear on the SCl88n. u-needs to replace batleries in time before use. Please also pay special attention to the waming sign ‘&.
  • beside the test lead terminals, which indicates that Iha tested voltage or current must not excaad the values listed on the device.uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 5

DC Voltage Measurement (picture 3)

  1. Switch the dial to position (range: 600mV/ 6V/60V/600V/1 OO0V);
  2. Connect Iha rad test lead to=~ terminal, black to COM terminal;
  3. Connect the probes to the correct:t test points in the circuit to measure voltage.

AC Voltage Measurement (picture 4)

  1. Switch the dial to v-postHon (range: 6V/60V /600V/1 OO0V);
  2. Connect the red test lead to :-;l terminal, black to COM terminal;
  3. Connect the probes to the corrac:t test points In the circuit to measure voltage.

uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 6


  • Do not input voltage over 1 0OOVrms. It is possible to measure higher voltage. However It may cause damage to the meter.

  • Be cautious to avoid electric shock when measuring high voltage.

  • Notes:

  • Before using the device, It is suggested to measure a known voltage for verification.

  • The meter Input Impedance Is about 10MO. This load may cause measurement error when measuring the high impedance circuit. In most cases, if the circuit impedance is under 10k0, the error can be ignored c,;;;o.1%).

  • The input impedance of DC mV scale is infinite (~ 1000MO), and it does not attenuate when measuring weak signals, so the measurement accuracy is high. However, when the test leads are disconnected, there may be a value on the screen, which Is normal and will not affect the measurement result.

  • Readings of AC measurement are true RMS.

  • At AC voltage position, short ~ (<2s) SEL..IRB. button to enter frequency measurement. Frequency measurement range: 45Hz-1kHz (for reference). Min measurement amplitude: 10% of voltage range.uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 7

Resistance Measurement (picture 5a)


  1. Switch the dial to Cl position {range: 6000/6k0/60k0/600k!l/6M0/60MO), make sure the circuit power is turned off;
  2. Connect the red test lead to =~ terminal, black to COM terminal;
  3. Connect the probes to the circuit test points to measure the resistance.


  • If the measured resistor is open or the resistance exceeds the maximum range, the ‘OL’ symbol will be displayed on the screen.
  • Before measuring Iha on-line resistance, switch off Iha power supply of the circuit, and fully discharge all capacitors.
  • Whan measuring low rasislanoe, Iha test leads will produce 0.10-0.30 measurement error. To obtain accurate measurement, short-circuit the test leads and use Iha REL function.
  • If the resistance is greater than 0.50 when the test leads are shorted, please check if the test leads are loose or damaged.
  • Whan measuring high resistance at SOMO range, it is normal to take a 1-seconds to steady Iha readings.
  • The internal 630mA and 20A fuses can be checked by the 6MO measurement function. Please refer to Picture 5b for more details: Insert the red probe lo the 630mA or 20A input terminal to measure the resistance. If both fuses are blown, the ‘OL” symbol will appear on the screen.

Continuity and Diode Measurement (picture 6)

Continuity measurement steps:

  1. Switch the dlal to * •• position, and make sure the circuit power is turned off;
  2. Connect the rad test lead to =.:: terminal, black to COM terminal;
  3. Connect the probes to the circuit test points;
  4. Measured resistance >300: The circuit Is broken; buzzer makes no &0und; red indicator ison. Measured resistance, 300: The circuit is in good conduction status; buzzer beeps continuously; green Indicator Is on. If “OL” appears on the screen, the circuit is in open status.

Diode measurement steps:

  1. Switch the dial lo+!-•• position
  2. Short press (<2s) SEL/REL button to activate the diode measurement;
  3. Connect Iha rad test lead to=-~ terminal, black to COM terminal;
  4. Connect the rad probe to diode anode, black to diode cathode;
  5. Reading <0.12V: red indicator will be on with continuous beeps, indicating the diode may break down; Reading within 0.12V-2V: green Indicator will be on with one beep, Indicating Iha diode is in good condition (for reference).
  6. If the diode is open or its polarity is reversed, the “OL’ symbol will appear on the screen. Silicon PN junction: about 500-BO0mV (normal value).uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 9 uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 10

Warning : Do not input voltage higher than DC 60V or AC 30V to avoid personal injury!


  • Before checking Iha continuity or measuring Iha diode onllna, switch off the power supply of the circuit, and fully discharge all capacitors.
  • Diode test voltage range: about 3V.

Capacitance Measurement {picture 7)uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig

Steps :

  1. Switch the dial to 100mF-lf- position, the green Indicator should be on.
  2. Connect the red test lead to ~; terminal,  black to COM terminal.
  3. Connect the probes to the pins of capacitor.
  4. When measuring large volume capacitor, if the yellow Indicator Is on, It Indicates that the capacitor is being charged, and the green indicator will be on when the capacitor is fully charged. then wait for the steady reading.

Warning: Please fully discharge all capacitors before measuring (especially for capacitors with high voltage) to avoid damage to the meter and personal injury.


  • 11 the measured capacitor is short-circuited or I ha capacitance exceeds the maximum range, the ‘OL’ symbol will appear on the screen.
  • When measuring large volume capacitors, it may take a few seconds to obtain steady readings.
  • Whan there Is no Input, the meter displays a fixed value (Intrinsic capacitance).
  • For small capacitance measurement, this fixed value must be subtracted from the measured value to ensura measurement accuracy. Or users can choose Iha relative measurement function (REL) to automatically subtract the intrinsic capacitance.

AC/DC Currant Measurement (picture 8)uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig

AC current measurement steps:

  1. Switch Iha dial to A~ position (range: 60rnA/ 600rnN20A);
  2. According to the current being measured, connect the red test lead to mAμA or 20A terminal, black to COM tarmlnal;
  3. Connect Iha test probes with the circuit in series.

DC current measurement slaps:

  1. Switch the dial toA= position (ranga: 60μA/ 60mA/600mA/20A);
  2. According to the cunrent being measured, connect the red test lead to mAμA or 20A terminal, black to COM tarminal;
  3. Connect the test probes with the circuit in series.


  • To prevent possible electric shock, fire or personal injury, switch off the power supply of the circuit before measuring the current, and then connect the meter with the circuit in series.
  • Please choose the correct input terminal and function to measure. If the range of the measured current is unknown, select the maximum range and then accordingly reduce.
  • There are fuses Inside the 20A and rnAlμA terminals. Do not connect the test leads with any circuit in parallel to avoid damage to Iha meter and personal injury.


  • Readings of AC measurement are true RMS.
  • If Iha tested current Is 6A-1 0A, the max measurement time should not exceed 60 seconds, and Iha next test should be after 1 minute. If the tested current is l!:10A, the max measurement time should not exceed 10 seconds, and the next test should be after 15 minutes.
  • When measuring AC currant, short press (<2S) SEL/REL button to display AC frequency.

Frequency/Duty Ratio Measurement (picture 9)


  1. Switch the dial to Hz% position.
  2. Connect the red test lead toU~{ terminal, black to COM terminal.
  3. The frequency value is displayed on the screen.
  4. Short press ( <2s) SEUREL button to perform duty ratio measurement.
  5. The duty ratio percentage is displayed on the screen.
  6. When measuring AC voltage or AC current, you can short press (<2s) the SEL/ REL button to switch to frequency measurement.
    warning: Do not input voltage higher than DC 60V or AC 30V to avoid personal injury!

Temperature Measurement (picture 10) (UT89X only)


  1. Switch the dial to “C” F position;
  2. Plug the K-type thermocouple”+” end to U”O:·~ terminal and the other end to the COM terminal;
  3. Short press (<2s) SEUREL button to switch between “C and “F.uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 14


  • Only K-type (NiCr-NiSi) thermocouple is applicable (The measured temperature should be less than 230″C/446″F).
  • “OL” symbol appears when the meter is turned on.
  • “F=1.8x”C+32

Transistor Measurement (picture 11)

uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 15

Steps :

  1. Switch the dial to hFE position and make sure that the test leads are not connected to any circuit;
  2. Insert the three pins of the transistor to the corresponding polarity holes on ~ socket;
  3. The reading on the screen is the amplification factor of the measuring transistor. Amplification factor >50: green indicator is on, indicating that the amplification is good. Amplification factor ~50: yellow indicator is on, indicating that the amplification is poor.
    Warning : Do not input any voltage at any test lead terminals during the transistor measurement to avoid personal injury!

NCV (Non-contact Voltage) Measurement (picture 12)

uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 16


  1. Switch the dial to NCV position.
  2. In NCV sensing level 2 (default, LCD displays “EFHI”), the voltage range is >48V-220V. Place which is at the upper left comer of the multimeter near the live AC power cord. If the voltage of the measured power cord is in the range of sensing level 2, the yellow indicator will start flashing and the buzzer will beep intermittently. According to the intensity of the induced voltage, the yellow indicator flashes with varied frequencies (flashes fast when the intensity is strong), and the buzzer beeps with different intermittent lime (the intermittent time is short when the intensity is strong). The LCD displays the induction intensity from weak to strong by. the measured power cord is >220V, the red LED will be on.
  3. If the measured power cord voltage is <48V, users need to short press (<2s) the SEL/REL button to switch to sensing level 1 (LCD displays “EFLo”). If the voltage of the measured power cord is in the range of sensing level 1, the green indicator will start flashing and the buzzer will beep intermittently. According to the intensity of the induced voltage, the green indicator flashes with varied frequencies (flashes fast when the intensity is strong), and the buzzer beeps with different intermittent time (the intermittent time is short when the intensity is strong). The LCD displays the induction intensity from weak to strong by”-“,•–“,•–“,•—•.
  4. Short press (<2s) SEUREL button again to switch to sensing level 2 (LCD displays “EFHI”) measurement.


  • The sensing level varies with the distance between the sensing part and the measured AC power cord.
  • The sensing voltage level is for reference only and no specific measurement is made. The frequency of the induced voltage is applicable to 50Hz/60Hz.
  • During the NCV measurement, users need to hold the multimeter case by hand.

Contact Type Live/Neutral Wire Measurement (picture 13) (UT89X only)uni-t
ut89x digital multimeter fig 17


  1. Switch the dial to Live position.

  2. Connect the red test lead to UM:;:~ terminal. Do not connect any test leads or conductors to the other three terminals.

  3. Insert the red probe to the AC power socket.

  4. The live or neutral wire in the socket can be identified by the audio/visual alarm. If the live wire is contacted, the red indicator flashes and the buzzer beeps. If the neutral wire is contacted, the red indicator is off and the buzzer makes no sound.
    Warnings :

    • Do not input voltage over 1 000Vrms. It is possible to measure higher voltage.
    • However, it may cause damage to the meter. Be cautious to avoid electric shock when measuring high voltage.


  • When the live wire is >60V, the red indicator will flash and the buzzer will beep. According to the voltage value of the live wire, the indicator flashes with varied frequencies, and the buzzer beeps with different intermittent time.
  • The measured voltage is for reference only and no specific measurement is made. The frequency of the induced voltage is applicable to 50Hz/60Hz.
  • During the Live measurement, users need to hold the center part of the multimeter case by hand. When the LIVE function is applied to the intensive high-voltage electric field measurement, the accuracy for the device to judge the “live wire” may be unstable. In this case, ii should be judged by the LCD display in combination with the sound frequency.

LED Measurement (picture 14) (UT89XD only)uni-t ut89x digital multimeter
fig 18


  1. Switch the dial to LED position.
  2. Connect the red test lead to U~{ terminal, black to COM terminal.
  3. Connect the red probe to LED anode, black to LED cathode.
  4. Reading <11.1V: green indicator will be on, indicating that the LED light has a forward voltage drop, and the LED light should be on Reading > 11 . 1 V: indicator will be off, indicating that the voltage drop value of the LED light is out of the measurement range.
  5. Press the HOLD key to keep the value, and the green indicator will be on.

If there is no operation for 15 minutes, the meter will automatically shut down to save power. Before the auto shutdown, the buzzer will make five consecutive beeps and one long beep and then enter the sleep state. You can wake up the device by pressing any button, and the buzzer will beep once. To disable auto shutdown, switch the dial to OFF position, long press SEUREL button and tum on the meter, the 0 symbol disappears on the LCD with three beeps. Restart the meter to restore the Auto-off function.

Buzzer warning:

  1. Input DCV/ ACV voltage ;,,,, 1 000V: buzzer warning and red indicator is on, high voltage symbol appears, indicating that the range is at its limit.
  2. Current ;,,,, 1 DA: buzzer warning and the red indicator is on, indicating that the measured current is relatively large and the measurement time should be controlled.
    • Low battery detection: when the battery is lower than about 4.5V±0.1V, the low battery symbol appears.

Technical Index

  • Accuracy: ± (a% of reading + b digits), 1 year warranty
  • Ambient temperature: 23″C±5″C (73.4’F±9’F)
  • Relative humidity: 75%


  • To ensure accuracy, operating temperature should be within 18’C-28’C and the fluctuation range should be within ±1 ‘C .
  • Temperature <18’C or >28’C: add temperature coefficient error 0.1 x (specified accuracy)/’C

DC Voltage Measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
600mV 0.1mV ±(0.5\H4)
6.000V 1mV ±(0.5%+3)
60.00V 10mV


600.0V| 100mV
1000V| 1V| ± (0. 7%+10)

Input impedance: •mv range ;;, 1 000MO, •other ranges: about 1 OMO. (The reading might be unstable at mV range when no load is connected, and it becomes stable once the load is  connected,~ ±5 digits)

  • Max input voltage : ±1 000V
  • Input voltage 1000V: audio/visual alarm
  • Input voltage >1010V: “OL” appears on LCD

AC Voltage Measurement

Range| Resolution| Accuracy| Range| Resolution| Accuracy
6. ooov (45~400Hz)| 1mV|

± (0. 8%+5)

| 6. 000V (400~1000Hz)| 1mV| ± (1. 0%+8)
60. 00V (45~400Hz)| 10mV| 60. 00V (400~1000Hz)| 10mV|

± (1. 5%+8)

600. 0V (45~400Hz)| 100mV| 600. av (400~1000Hz)| 100mV
1ooov (45~400Hz)| 1V| ±(1.@10)| 1000V (400~1000Hz)| 1V| ± (1. 8%+12)

  • Input impedance: about 1 OMO.
  • True RMS display.
  • Frequency response: 45-1 KHz
  • Non-sine wave frequency response: 45Hz-400Hz
  • AC crest factor at 3000 counts: allows ~3.0
  • AC crest factor at 6000 counts (full range): ~1.5

According to the crest factor, the additional error is calculated as follows:

  1. Add 4% when crest factor is 1-2
  2. Add 6% when crest factor is 2-2.5
  3. Add 8% when crest factor is 2.5-3
    • AC voltage frequency measurement: 45Hz-1 kHz. Min measurement amplitude: 10% of voltage range.
    • Accuracy guarantee range: 1-100% of range, shorted circuit allows least significant digit<10
    • Max input voltage: 1 000Vrms
    • Input voltage >1000V: audio/visual alarm
    • Input voltage >1010V: “OL” appears on LCD.

Resistance Measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
600. 00* 0. 10 ±(0. 8%+5)
6. 000kO 0. 001kO ****

±(0. 8%+3)

60.00kO| 0. 01kO
600. 0kO| 0. 1kO
6. 000MO| 0. 001MO| ± (1. 5%+5)
60. 00MO| 0. 01MO| ± (1. 5%+25)

  • Measurement result = reading of resistance – reading of shorted test leads
  • Open circuit voltage: *about 1V (test current is about 0.4mA)
  • Overload protection: 600V-PTC

Continuity, +I- Diode Measurement

Range Resolution Remark


| ****


| Set value:

Open circuit: resistance >300, no beep;

Well-connected circuit: resistance ,;;;300, audio/visual alann

| ****


| Open circuit voltage: about 3 V (test current is about 1.2mA) Silicon PN junction nonnal voltage: about 0.5-0.8V,

with audio/visual alann

  • Overload protection: 600V-PTC
  • Reading <0.12V: red indicator will be on with continuous beeps, indicating the diode may break down; Reading within 0.12V-2V: green indicator will be on with one beep, indicating the diode works well.

Capacitance Measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
6.000nF 1pF ±(5%+35)
60.00nF 10pF ****


600.0nF| 100pF
6.000uF| 1nF
60.00uF| 10nF
600.0uF| 100nF
6.000mF| 1µF| ±(6.0%+10)
60.00mF| 10µF| ± ( 10%+0D)
100.0mF| 100µF| ± ( 10%+0D)

  • Overtoad protection: 600V-PTC
  • Measured capacitance ~600nF: It is recommended to select REL mode for ensuring accuracy (open circuit allows least significant digit <20).

DC Current Measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
µA 60µA 0.01µA

± ( 0.8%+8)


| 6 mA(,1iUT89XD)| 1µA
60mA| 10µA
600mA| 0.1mA
A| 20A| 10mA| ±(2%+5)

  • Overtoad protection:
  • μA mA range: F1 fuse (q>5×20)mm 630mA250V
  • 20A range: F2 fuse (q>5×20)mm 20A 250V
  • Input >10A: audio/visual alarm
  • Input >20.1A: “OL” appears on LCD

AC Current Measurement

Range| Resolution| Accuracy| Range| Resolution| Accuracy


| 60mA (45-400Hz)| ****


| ****


| ****


| 60mA (400 – 1000Hz)| ****


| ****


600mA (45-400Hz)| 0.lmA| ±(2.0%+3)| 600mA

(400 – 1000Hz)

| 0.lmA| ±(2.5%+5)


| 20A (45-400Hz)| ****


| ****


| ****


| 20A

(400 – 1000Hz)

| ****


| ****


True RMS display. Frequency response: 45-1 KHz

  • Non-sine wave frequency response: 45Hz-400Hz
  • AC crest factor at 3000 counts: allows ~3.0
  • AC crest factor at 6000 counts (full range): ~1.5

According to the crest factor, the additional error is calculated as follows:

  1. Add 4% when crest factor is 1 -2
  2. Add 6% when crest factor is 2-2.5
  3. Add 8% when crest factor is 2.5-3
    • AC current frequency measurement: 45Hz-1 KHz. Min measurement range: mA gear position>35mA, 20A gear position>5.5A. Accuracy guarantee range: 1-100% of range, open circuit allows least significant digit <2.
    • Input >10A: audio/visual alarm
    • Input >20.1A: “OL” appears on LCD.
    • Overload protection: (similar to DC current overload protection)

Frequency/Duty Ratio Measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
Frequency        I 9.999Hz-10MHz 0. 001Hz~100kHz ± ( 0.1%+4)

Duty ratio

I          0.1%-99.9%

| 0. 1%| ±(2%+5)

  • Measurement range: 1OHz-10MHz (auto range)
  • ~100kHz: 100mVrms ~input amplitude ~30Vrms
  • 100kHz-1MHz: 200mVrms ~input amplitude ~30Vrms

  • 1 MHz: 600mVrms ~input amplitude ~30Vrms

The duty ratio is only applied to square wave measurement (~10kHz, 300mVrms ~input amplitude ~30Vrms)

  • Frequency ~ 1 kHz: duty ratio is 10.0%-95.0%
  • Frequency >1 kHz: duty ratio is 30.0%-70.0%
  • Overtoad protection: 600V-PTC

Temperature Measurement (UT89X only)

Range Resolution Accuracy
-4o•c~o·c 1·c ± (6%+5)
o·c~4oo·c 1·c ± (2%+4)
4oo·c~1ooo·c 1·c ± (2%+5)
-40″F~32″F 1″F ± (6%+9)
32°F~752°F 1″F ± (2%+8)
752°F~1832°F 1″F ± (2%+9)

LED Three-color Indicator

Function LED Indicator Color Description


| LED off| >12V| ****

Note: The voltage range is for reference only.

LED on (graen)| 12V-48V: green LED flickers from slow to fast, buzzer beeps from slow to fast.
LED on (yellow)| >48V-220V: yellow LED flickers from slOY

to fast, buzzer beeps from slow to fast.

LED on (red)| >220V: red LED is on.


(UT89X only)

| LED off| <60V| Note: The vottage range is for reference only.

LED on (red)

| >60V: red LED flickers from slow to fast, buzzer beeps from slow to fast to indicab different voltage level.


(UT89XD only)

| LED off| OL

LED on (graen)

| ****



| LED off| OL
LED on (red)| Non-conducting (>300)
LED on (graen)| Conducting (,a;JQ[l)


| LED on (green)| Conducting (0.12V-2V)
LED on (red)| Breakdown (<0.12V)
LED off| > ’Ev


| LED on (graen)| Amplification factor >50
LED on (yellow)| Amplification factor 50
LED off| Amplification factor =0


| LED off| <20pF
LED on (green)| The capacitor is fully charged
LED on (yellow)| The capacitor is charging
Voltage| LED off| DCV <1OO0V, ACV <1000V
LED on (red)| Dev ;e1ooov, ACY ;e1ooov


| LED off| <10A
LED on (red)| ,e1QA


Warning : Before opening the rear cover or the battery cover, switch off the power supply and remove the test leads from the input terminals and the circuit.

General Maintenance

  • Clean the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
  • If there is any malfunction, stop using the device and send it for maintenance.
  • The maintenance and service must be implemented by qualified professionals or designated departments.

Battery/Fuse Installation and Replacement (picture 15)

  • Battery specification: 1.5Vx4 AAA batteries
  • Fuse specification: mA input terminal: “F1” ,j,5x20mm 630mA 250V
  • 2.0A input terminal: “F2” ,j,5x2Qmm 20A 250V
  • Note : Replace the battery immediately when the low battery indicator” ~ ” appears on the LCD, otherwise the measurement accuracy might be affected.

Please refer to Picture 15 to replace the battery or fuse:

  1. Switch the dial to “OFF” position and remove the test leads;
  2. Place the product panel downward and loose the screw on the battery cover, remove the cover to replace the battery or fuse.uni-t ut89x digital multimeter fig 19
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