MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH Handling Mounting Grounding Powering and Cabling Installation Guide

June 6, 2024

**MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH Handling Mounting Grounding Powering and


About this document

This document provides hardware installation instructions for B12 4T4R Procedures are provided for RRH handling,
mounting, grounding, powering, and cabling.

Safety information
For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at points where risks of damage
to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to follow the directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.

Intended audience
This document is intended for customers installing B12 4T4R

Safety labels
The safety alert symbol is used on product labels and in this document to alert the user to important safety instructions.

How to use this document
Prior to installing the radio, the installer should be familiar with the safety precautions, warnings, and product conformance statements. Required tools and materials recommended for installation, and a process checklist, are listed in Chapter “Tools, materials, and checklists” . The RRH installation instructions begin with Chapter “Transport, mount, and ground the radio” which provides mounting instructions for the radio. After it is mounted into position, the RRH can be connected to the network in accordance with the instructions given in Chapter “Connect interfaces” . This connection is made via fiber optic cables. In addition, instructions for connecting user and power alarms are provided in this chapter. Next, instructions to connect the radio to its power source is given in Chapter “Finish the installation” . The power source is DC power provided from an external power Converter or DC generator.

Conventions used
In this document, all parts are described as they are shipped. Metric parts are specified in metric units. Non-metric parts are specified in non-metric units. Lengths and other measurements are given in metric units, with non- metric units given as equivalents for use in non-metric markets.
For manufactured parts, the following system of conventions is used:

  • Metric sizes of nuts, bolts, flat washers, and lock washers are identified by an uppercase letter M followed immediately by a size in millimeters (example: M10)
  • American fractional sizes of nuts, bolts, anchor bolts, and washers are identified by a number followed immediately by a double apostrophe (example: 3/8″). In the case of lengths measured in feet, “2 feet” is used rather than “2′” so that the single apostrophe is not overlooked.

The illustrations in this document do not contain all details and exceptions, but are rather intended to highlight main points. Dimensions are usually shown in millimeters, with inches in parenthesis. As an example, 680.0 (26.77) equals 680 millimeters or 26.77 inches. Wire gauges are specified in metric units. Equivalent sizes in the American Wire Gauge (AWG) system are given in the following table. Converter or DC generator.

Standard cross-sections and wire diameter of round copper conductorsMAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering
-and- Cabling -FIG 1

B12 is not a consumer product. Please install and use B12 in accordance with the instructions.

  • Before installing or modifying any B12 equipment, read and fully understand the entire instructions in this guide.
  • Only qualified personnel are authorized to install and maintain the B12.
  • Changes or modifications to the B12 equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the product warranty and the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
  • Keep equipment powered off during installing or modifying
  • This is not a consumer device. It is designed for installation by FCC license and qualified installers. You must have an FCC license or express consent of an FCC license to operate this device. Unauthorized use may result in significant forfeiture penalties, including penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing violation.
  • This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
  • This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 10m between the radiator & your body.


Structure of safety statements
This topic describes the components of safety statements that appear in this document. General structure Safety statements include the following structural elements: MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering
-and- Cabling -FIG 2

Signal words
The signal words identify the hazard severity levels as follows:

S i gnal word .Meaning
DA GER  it’s  JJ extremely hazardous .situation. w]uch, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
warning| Indicates a hazardous situation w, which, if not avoided, could result in a deal.b or serious injury.
CA •| [0| Indic ates a hazardous situation which, if no t avoid ed, could result in

minor or moderate injury.

OTJCE| Indicates a hazardous situation not related Lo personal injury.

General precautions for installation procedures

Failure to observe these safety precautions may result in personal injury or damage to equipment.

  • Read and understand all instructions.

  • Follow all warnings and i11stmctio11s marked 011 this product.

  • Installation and maintenance procedurr’.s must be followed and pe, fonned by trained personnel only.

  • The equipment must be provided with a readily accessible disconnect device as part of site preparation.

  • Grounding and circuit comin11ity is vital for the safe operation of the equipment.
    Never operate the equipment with grounding/bonding conductor disconJ1ected.

  • Install only equipment identified ill the product’s insta//ation manual. The use of other equipment may result in an improper connectio11 which could lead to fire or injury.

  • Use caution when installing or modifying telecommunications lines.

  • T1ie product has multiple power inputs. Before sen1icing, Disconnect all inputs to reduce the risk of energy hazards.

  • For continued protection against the risk of fire, all/fuses used in this product must be replaced only with fuses of the same type and rating.

  • Never install telecommunications wiring during a lightning storm.

  • Never install telecomm1111ications connections in wet locations.

  • Never touch insulated wiring or terminals carrying direct c111Ten/ or ringing c111relll, and never leave this wiri11g e,-.; posed. Protect a11d tape uninsulated wiring and tenants to avoid the risk of }ire, electrical shock, and
    injury to personnel.

  • Never spill liquids of any kind 011 the product.

  • To reduce the risk of an electrical shock, do not disassemble the t’1e product. Opening and removing covers and/or circ11it boards may expose you to dangerous voltages or 01her risks. incorrect reassembly ca11 case e/ec1rical
    the shock when the unit is subsequently used.

Safety specific hazards

An IA. DANGER .. electric-shock hazard
Working in se1·ere weather can restrict in personal injury 01· de01Jr and damage 10 the equipment.
Nevel’ is a/ 01· perform maintenance dtui1g seven~ weather (7righ winds, Ug/Jing, blizzards, hurricane ere.).

AN A DANGER .. ~ Noxious-substance hazard
Use of respect in, ed c/eing ag<‘,r1s can rem/I in personal injury.
Use only specified cleaned,g gems. Never use j1a,1unable solvents.
Always ensure there is adequate ventilation in 1he work area and ‘M~ar the appropriate personal pro1ec,i1,-e equipment.

A ~ DANGER .. l:::. user hazard
17rls equipment operates w;1’1 invisible laser radiation. Laser radiation can cause considerable injuries to tire tyes.
Nor look in10 1/ie end of an exposed fiber or in10 m, open op1ica/ connector 1,fren tire optical source Is switched on. Alwtl}5 observe 1/re lase. warning fsr mcrios.

An IA. WARNING ..  Electric-shock hazard
Some parts of all electrical iJ1stallations are one-rgi1ed. Failure to obscene this fact and tire safety warnings may le. ad 10 bodily injuries and property damage. For 1his reason, 011/y uai11ed cord qualified personnel (electrical work,·s as defined in /EC 601/5-. Al or EN 60215) may, a// or service The install/

Electric-shock hazard
The power,• supply /i11es to 1he network element are energized. Contact with pans cai1’ying \•oltage cm, cause health problems, possibly inc/11ding death, even /tows after 1he even/. Open and /lockout, the load dlsc01mec1 switch in 1/ie disn·ibr.1aon ba,· to completely de-energize tire network/me.

AN IA. WARNING.. ~ Electric-shock hazard
17 is prod11cr may be co11neCied 10 011 ACmafn power supply may domain cm me,·naf bauery supply. Disconnec1ing one power,. the source May 1101 de- energize,J,e system, cmd can lead ro serious inj11ry.
discovery and lock ow the AC main power,· supply, if prose, and tire infernal base,y supply, if presen1, be/Ore servicing the equipmen1.

A ~ WARNING .. ~Laser hazard
T/Je light, ji·o,11 farther, and flight-rat flam:e LED’s may cause eye damage If absorbed by, the retina. br 1he US cars// ANSI ZI 36.1, in £11rope co,result in IEC-60815 Safe1y of lasing,· fTMICISJor guidance 011 11,e safe use of optical jiber communication systems in the workplace.

NOTICE ~ ESD hazard
Semiconductor del-ires can be damaged by e/eco·osraric dischar~s. The following rt1fes me be complied with when handling (OJY module cauaining semic.ond11c1or comfXJnenrs:

  • Wear claim or a11ris1an·c working do1hes (fOr example, coa1 mack of I 000/4 co11011).
  • Wear· 1he rounded Hrisr s1rap.
  • Wem· shoes with conductive. soles on a ronducril’e jloor sruface or conductilc work. mar.
  • Leave 1he mot/11/es, heir original packaging 1mril ready for 11se.
  • Make sure, here is no dij] I? reFnce in po1emial ben, can ya, self, the workplace and,he packaging bef<n moving, unpacking, or packing a module.
  • Hold 1he module only by 1he grip without 1oud, ing the co11nectio11 pi11s, o·acks, or compo1Ie11is.
  • Tes, or handle the. module. only with grounded tools on gmmded equipment.
  • handle defective modules exactly like new ones to Ol-‘Oid c01,ri11gjimher damage.

Sudde11 changes in du! the weather may lead 10 the formula of codensario11 on componems. Ope-ra1ing  ermir when condensation moisture is present can tles1roy them. Units that show signs of congestion may be dried be/Ore ins1a{{ario11.


Laceration hazard
The RRH may have sharp edges and bru,·s and the cons. met may cause lacerations. Wear apop·ime pe,·supr Oiecrheequ ip,u.

Tools of o, the working area CBD! cause short Cfm,l1s during operation .can /,adduction of1mirs,
Modern, AFIr find, hang your work that no tooling equipment floshglr1s, etc., hm”‘ been left In or on the spent

NOTICE ~ Corrosive-substance hazard
Opening plastic containers and lids With breast, an aggressive cleaning agent may cause pa-permanent damage.
Do no, us sohwus~ pariffrn. abrasive or a~ssfr’e dean Inglis, abrash·e or agree antiseptic agency or arm heer D, Maurits.
A NOTICE ~ Service-disruption hazard
Cletmg with ‘K’atr or o higher-p,-entire c/r may damage the component, nth, RRH. The way,hlng dove cf the equipment with a wai,r or o laugh-pressure dealer ts not pearl. ‘d.

Inadequate circulation
Inadequate circulation of cooling air can cause some units to become too warm. This can
lead to operational impairment.
Cover all installation slots for unequipped units with blanking panels.


Touching a hot heater may cause burns. Do not touch the heaters.Before touching the units wait until they have cooled down, wear safety gloves and clothes.

Product overview

Functional description
B12 project uses 3GPP bands 12 (working band: TX:729-745MHz, RX:699-715MHz), which provides the RF transceiver, power amplifiers, and filter functions. I provide four TX paths and four RX paths. B12 includes

  • Initially supporting LTE only now,
  • Two fronthaul optical SFP ports capable of supporting 10G and 25G Ethernet,
  • O-RAN-compliant fronthaul,
  • IEEE 1588 and SyncE for time and frequency reference,
  • AISG v3.0-compliant DC power and control for external RETs and TMAs,
  • 4 dry contact external alarm inputs,
  • -48V DC input power.

B12 Radio descriptionMAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding
-Powering -and- Cabling -FIG 4


Tools required for installation

This section provides a master list of aH tools. materials, and pam required during the installation process.
WARNING Electric-shock hazard
If the installation is pe1formed wi1h energized DC cutters or with a bakery bac/wp supply connected, an energy hazard, therefore, always use are proper(v insulated.
The following is a master lis~ in alphabetical order, of all tools that may be utilized
during installation

  • Torque driver and No.2 Pozi-Drive bit (5Nm)
  • I3 nun sockets
  • 13mm adjustable torque spanner torque wrench and sockets ( IO and I 5Nm)
  • 19mm adjustable torque spanner (LO and l.5Nm)
  • Box cutter or equivalent, to open packaging
  • Crimping tools 22-16 gauge, 104’0 gauge (5-120 mm2 ) for installation of terminal lugs and c-taps (R-3695A)
  • Drill and drill bits (for mounting RRHs on a wall)
  • Ear protection gear
  • Electrical conduit .installation equipment and materials
  • Electrical tape
  • A hoist capable of lifting and moving the RRJ-1 foto final position
  • Hammer, 16 oz. ( 5 kg) for anchor installation
  • Heat gun for heat shrink
  • insulated gloves
  • Insulated hand, tools (for completing electrical connections)
  • Ladde-r or work standfslool
  • Level (steel)
  • Marker, 10 mark floor for lineup and drilling
  • Measuring tap
  • Nut driver decimal) with l 0-inch extent:ion
  • drier set metric with 250-mm e,; action
  • Ohmmele. (Mu.lcimeter. -volt/ohmmeter.r, or equi alen
  • Safety goggles.s or glasses R-3055)
  • rewclriveri; (power and manual) flat-blade, Phillips
  • Silicone caulk
  • Socket sru (decimal and metric) various drives, including l/4″ drive for security bi
  • StTfppin!l tool (for LDF4 antenna jumper cables – part number 74Z–0-12- I 5 for Huber u!mer connector pan number lTE-71 &9 for Andrew connectors.
  • Tool& for preparing cables
  • Torque Wrenches, L.5 and 3 Nm
  • Torque wrenches, 35 – 300 iu.-lb. (4 – 34 m)
  • Torque wrenches, 4.4-150 ft-lb. (6- 200 Nm
  • Wire stripper
  • Wire rope or chain sling;, 7/16 inch J l mm). 7 feet long (2 m). minion quantity: 2)
  • Wrench- Adjustable, (3/4 inflO mm) op,en-ended wrench (or &e•t of fixed open-6Ilded warm:he’s)
  • \Vrench – Flare Nut or Box Wrench, 1- mm ( 2 in.} req uirnd to install seismic anchors ..
    Note : Some of the tools in di master I.isl is. useful in .some cases, bm would nm be filed in all RRH installation.

Supplies needed

The following is; a master list, in alphabetical order, of all lhat are raequired during installation of the RRH

  • Amim: idant compow1d provided)
  • Lacing cord, wa1:ed#50
  • Red tape or tags – 145(‘ or equivalent, for tagging or DC power cables
  • items – furled ling there floor stand (p
  • Tape – Electrical tape
  • Tie wrap!>
  • Twine
  • Fibre optic cleaning tools.

Parts .and/or kio. needed

The following is a master list of all para and kit-. I.hat are requirerl during immHarioD of the RRH.

  •  Dcomiectorized cable
  • External user alarm interface kit.
  • Fibe.r optics connector.sized rail
  • RF rumrona wiper cables
  • Anchor kit m e..>:pamion anchor kit
  • Grounding kit
  • R-ITEr6MS eyebolts {2 _
  • M x 12 St:-mv 4, M pring Wash r (4}, ,f Plain Was_her ( )
  • Mounting bra.cket (wall, pole

Transport the Radio

This topic describes how to attach a two-leg lifting sling to the Radio and to move it near to its designated position using a lifting mechanism such as a derrick.

Unpack the RRH
Use the following steps to unpack the Radio.

  1. Make note of the “TIP N TELL” indicator on the package to see if the Radio was mishandled or tipped during shipment.
  2. Follow instructions on the package when handling the Radio.
  3. Check Radios for signs of damage.
  4. Report damage as required.

Prepare RRH for lifting and transport
A lifting device or hoisting mechanism is required when moving the Radio. Obtain M8 eyebolts, lifting device, and mounting hardware.MAVENIR B12 4T4R
RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering -and- Cabling -FIG

mount the Radio

MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding
-Powering -and- Cabling -FIG 6

  • Step 1 Attach and fasten the Bracket radio to radio back with screws M8×18
  • Step 2 Attach and fasten the Bracket pole to the wall by expansion screws
  • Step 3 Hang the radio on the mounting bracket pole
  • Step 4 fasten M8X18 screws on two side
  • Step 5 fasten M6 nut on the top

MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering -and-
Cabling -FIG 6

Connector the power cable and grounding cable

Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering -and- Cabling -FIG

  • Step 1 Attach and fasten the Bracket radio to radio back with screws M8×18
  • Step 2 Attach and fasten the Bracket pole to the wall by expansion screws
  • Step 3 Hang the radio on the mounting bracket pole
  • Step 4 fasten M8X18 screws on two side
  • Step 5 fasten M6 nut on the top

MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering -and-
Cabling -FIG 9

Connector the power cable and grounding cable

  • Connector the power cable
  • Connector the grounding cableMAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering -and- Cabling -FIG 11

Connector the optic fiber

MAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting-
Grounding -Powering -and- Cabling -FIG 12

  • Connector the RF cable by torque wrenchMAVENIR B12 4T4R RRH- Handling- Mounting- Grounding -Powering -and- Cabling -FIG 13

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