wizarPOS 2D Smart POS Instructions
- June 6, 2024
- wizarpos
Table of Contents
wizarPOS 2D Smart POS
This document describes the instruction of using WizarPOS Scan Service,
including interface description, parameter description, and methods of calling
the services.
The reader of this document is a developer who uses the WizarPOS Scan Service.
Project Background
The WizarPOS smart POS currently use an enhanced and customized Android system
as the OS, and as for the scan function, the Android system does not come with
the barcode scan/2D barcode scan function, but use open source services, such
as Zxing/Zbar. Many of the Android Apps that are used on smart POS devices
have already realized a very quick scan function.
However, there are many other applications are developed based on smart POS,
not ready-made commercial applications. And many of the smart POS developers
also have POS industry background, not professional Android developers. So
when they start developing applications, they want to be provided with a
convenient scan API by WizarPOS, instead of learning Zxing/Zbar themselves.
From the hardware point of view, the scan parts used on smart POS, are not
necessarily the standard camera, there will be some transformation. In some
cases, the scan part will be required to be a specialized hardware. Therefore,
the direct use of Zxing /Zbar is not really applicable for WizarPOS smart POS,
but need some modification and customization.
For the reasons above, we consider developing WizarPOS Scan Services to
facilitate the third-party developers in developing applications with the scan
Scan Service Usage
The scan service is an app and started by using AIDL. The third-party apps
custom their UI through by transfer some parameters.
Interface and parameter description
Interface description
This interface is a synchronous call interface.
When the application calls the interface, the scan service opens the camera as defined by the scan parameter and starts the scan. After the scan, the camera is turned off and the results are returned immediately
ScanResult scanBarcode(ScanParameter parameter); -
ScanParameter -
ScanResult -
This interface is an asynchronous call interface, indicating the continuous scan is started. When the application calls this interface, the scan service opens the camera as defined by the scan parameter and starts the scan. After each scan, the results will be returned during the callback. After each callback is done, the next scan process starts. void startScan(ScanParameter parameter, IScanCallBack callBack); Parameter: ScanParameter, IScanCallBack -
FoundBarcode in IScanCallBack
When calling startScan(), the parameter IScanCallBack must be implemented. The caller can get the ScanResult through this interface. When this interface is called, the scan service is in the pause state, and after the call is returned, the next scan action will be continued. You can turn off the scan service that is in pause with “stop scan”.
void found barcode(ScanResult result); -
ScanResult -
Stop the continuous scan, and turn off the scan service’s UI. After stop, other callers can call startScan, or scanBarcode interface. -
Return: getScanType(int index)
Get scanner type. -
String getScanType(int index); Parameter:
Int 0 or 1; -
String “Scanner” or “Camera” or “Error”; -
Parameter Description
ScanParameter is a parameter object, it defines the parameters that need by the scanner service.
method: set(String key, String value) (Value Not case sensitive)
Key| Value
| Value| Description
window_top| int| Default: 0,
Range: >0
| The distance to the screen top. Effect in overlay mode.
window_left| int| Default: 0,
Range: >0
| The distance to the screen left. Effect in overlay mode.
window_width| int| Default: screen width
Range: >0
| Screen mode.
| width.| Effect| in| overlay
window_height| int| Default: screen height
Range: >0
| Screen height. Effect in overlay mode.
enable_scan_sectio n| boolean| Default: true Range: true/false| false: all the display window is the area for scanner, remove the scanner frame.
true: customize the area of the scanner, has a scanner frame, the other part is semitransparent, the scanner frame is in center, can adjust the width or the height of the
scanner frame.
scan_section_width| int| Default: 300dip
Range: >0
| The width of the scanner frame.
| int| Default: 300dip
Range: >0
| The height of the scanner frame.
display_scan_line| String| Default: moving Range: No/fixed/moving| Display the
red line in scanner area.
NO: Not display Fixed: In center
Moving: Move up and down
enable_flash_icon| boolean| W1 上
Q1 上
| Whether to display the hover button of controlling
the flash.
| | Range: true/false|
enable_switch_icon| boolean| Default: true
Range: true/false
| Whether to display the hover
button of switching camera.
enable_indicator_lig| boolean| Default: false| Whether to display the
ht| | Range: true/false| light buton, only supported in Q1.
decodeformat| String| Default: BARCODE_ALL
Range: Barcode Format
| Decode format range. Default is BARCODE_ALL, the formats are separated by
decoder_mode| int| Default: 2 Range: 0/1/2| Decode mode: 0: mode1
1: mode2
2: mode3
| boolean| Default: false
Range: true/false
| Whether
| to| return| the| scanned
camera_index| int| Default: 0 Range: 0/1/2| 0: main scanner(fixed camera).
1: second scanner(zomm camera). 2:customer display camera.
scan_time_out| long (ms)| Default: -1
Range: >0
| <=0:scan forever
0:scan with timeout, when timeout, return timeout error, only effected in synchronized interface.
| int| Default:
| The color of scan border, use
scan_section_corne r_color| int| Default: Color.argb(0xFF, 0x21, 0xDB,
| The color of the scan corner
| int| Default:
| The color of the scan line
scan_tip_text| String| Default: auto scan when grab the scanned
| The tip text under the scan border
scan_tip_textSize| int| Default: 15| The size of the tip text
Unit: sp
scan_tip_textColor| int| Default:
| The color of the tip text
scan_tip_textMargi n| int| Default: 30| The distance between the tip text and
the bottom of the screen
Unit: dp
flash_light_state| boolean| Default: false| Initial state of flash light true: opened
false: closed
indicator_light_state| boolean| Default: false| Initial state of indicator light true: opened
false: closed
scan_mode| String| Default: dialog| Scanner window mode
dialog: activity with specified UI overlay:only has scanner window, without UI titles, UI buttons, the scanner window on top of other UI activities
scan_camera_expo sure| int| Default:0| Camera exposure compensation for zoom
scan_time_limit| int| Default:50| The max decode time
enable_mirror_scan| boolean| Default:true| Enable mirror scan
Default is true, opened
enable_hands_free| boolean| Default:true| Enable handsfree will start motion detecting and motion illumination. Generally, when scan continually should enable it.
Only for Zebra scanner.
enable_ui_by_zebr a| boolean| Default:true| true: display UI, false: hide UI. If hide UI, the speed of start scanner will faster.
Only for Zebra scanner.
enable_mobile_pho ne_screen_mode| boolean| Default:false| true: improves bar code reading performance on mobile phones and electronic displays, but may increase decode
So if don’t need to scan code from phone, please set it false.
Only for Zebra scanner.
enable_upca_count ry| boolean| Default:true| true: after UPC_A decoding, show country code at the first place; false: after UPC_A decoding, hide country code at the first place.
Only for Zebra scanner.
enable_decoding_ill umination| boolean| Default:true| Enabling illumination usually results in superior images. The effectiveness of illumination decreases as the
distance to the target increases. true: Enable Decoding Illumination, the decoder turns on illumination every image capture to
| | | decoding.
false: Disable Decoding Illumination, the decoder does not use decoding illumination.
Only for Zebra scanner.
enable_motion_illu mination| boolean| Default:false| true: turns on motion
illumination in hands-free and auto aim trigger modes.
false: turns off motion illumination. This parameter only applies to hands- free mode.
Only for Zebra scanner.
Scanner mode
In dialog mode, the scanner UI has drawed by the camera scanner service, the
third app don’t need to consider about the UI.
In overlay mode, the camera scanner service only provide the scanner window,
the window will display on top of the third app UI. So the third app can draw
the UI by itself, such as the title, the buttons. In this mode, if the app
need to switch the camera, the flash light, the indicator light, it must use
the broadcast like belows:
Broadcast Action : com.wizarpos.scanner.setcamera
Broadcast Key: overlay_config
value: 0 Fixed camera;1 zoom camera; 2 customer display camera
Flash light:
Broadcast Action : com.wizarpos.scanner.setflashlight
Broadcast Key: overlay_config
Value: true opened; false closed
Indicator light:
Broadcast Action : com.wizarpos.scanner.setindicator
Broadcast Key : overlay_config
Value: true opened; false closed
Sample Code: // open the flash light
Intent intent=new Intent();
intent.putExtra(ScanParameter.BROADCAST_VALUE, sendBroadcast(intent);
Zebra Scanner
Zebra scan requires the following conditions:
- Exist Zebra imager.
- Set the parameter “camera_index” to 0- main scanner.
- When screen black, the imager can not work.
- Set the parameter “enable_ui_by_zebra” to false- hide the default UI from the system.
Field | Type | Description |
resultCode | Int | >=0: Success |
<0: Failure
See also Error Code
text| String| The text result, return null when error occurred, the format of the text is UTF-8, if need the other format, please get the raw buffer
and change by yourself.
rawBuffer| Byte[]| The raw buffer
bitmap| Bitmap| The scanned image, it will return when set the
parameter enable_return_image is
barcodeFormat| String| barcodeFormat, see
Error Code
Value | Description |
1 | Success |
0 | Cancel |
2 | The scan UI fully display |
-1 | The service has been occupied |
-2 | Can not open the camera |
-3 | Scan timeout |
-4 | Illegal parameter |
Scanner service integration
The scanner service use AIDL, so the third-party apps must include the AIDL
files( get from \source\aidl from barcode SDK package) which provided by
WizarPOS. The follows are described the methods of integrating in Eclipse and
Android Studio.
The files include:
In Eclipse, put all the files into the package: com. clouds.scan server. said.
In Android Studio, firstly put the AIDL files in the package(com. cloud pos.
scan server.aidl) , the package is in folder (src—main—aildl), if the package
and the folders have not existed, please make them first.
And then, put the package(com. cloud pos.scan server.and), two the java files
package in the folder(src—main–java), if the package and the folders are not
existed, please make them first.
clean project, if compiled success in folder:
build—generated—source—aidl—debug, then the app can call the scanner service
Bind service
We have provided the API for bind service. Put the interface and the implement
in any package. Get from \source\aidlControl from barcode SDK package.
Use the follow method to bind service:
AidlController.getInstance().startScanService(this, this); -
Implement the interface IAIDLListener. Get the scanner service, use the service to call the functions.
Use this function to unbind service.
Please see also the demo project for detail.
Barcode Format
Documents / Resources
wizarPOS 2D Smart
[pdf] Instructions
2D Smart POS, 2D, Smart POS
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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