fubag BS 6600 DA ES Gasoline Generator Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

fubag BS 6600 DA ES Gasoline Generator

Our generators are designed to give safe anddependable service if operated according to instructions. Read and understand the anual before operating the generator . Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage.

General safety

Exhaust gas contains poisonous carbon monoxide. Never run the generator in an enclosed area. Be sure to provide adequate ventilation. When installed in ventilated protection are to be observed.
The muffler becomes very hot during operation and remains hot for a while after stopping the engine Be careful not to touch the muffler while it is hot. Let the engine cool before storing the generator indoors. The engine exhaust system will be heated during operation and remain hot immediately after stopping the engine. To prevent scalding, pay attention to the warning marks attached to the generator.
WARNING!| Gasoline is extremely flammable and explosive under certain conditions. Refuel in a well ventilated area with the engine stopped. Keep away from cigarette, smoke and sparks when refueling the generator. Always refuel in a well-ventilated location. Wipe up spilled gasoline at once.
** Connections for standby power to a building’s electrical system must be made by a qualified electrician and must comply with all applicable laws and electrical codes. Improper connections can allow electrical current from the generator to back feed into the utility lines. Such back feed may electrocute utility company workers or others who contact the lines during a power outage, and when utility power is restored, the generator may explode, burn or cause fires in the building’s electrical system.


  • Always make a pre-operation inspection before you start the engine. You may prevent an accident or equipment damage.
  • Place the generator at least m away from buildings or other equipment during operation.
  • Operate the generator on a level surface. If the generator is tiled, fuel spillage may
  • result. Know how to stop the generator quickly and understand operation of all the controls.Never permit anyone to operate the generator without proper instructions.
  • Keep children and pets away from the generator when it is in operation.
  • Keep away from rotating parts while the generator is running.
  • The generator is a potential source of electrical shocks when misused; do not operate with wet hands.
  • Do not operate the generator in rain or snow and do not let it get wet.
  • The power generator is a mains replacement that generates electrical power for supply to a mobile distribution system.
  • The power generator must be operated outdoors within the prescribed voltage, output and rated speed limits (see type plate).
  • The power generator must not be connected to other electrical supply systems or electric generation systems (e.g. other power generators).
  • he power generator may not be used in environments where there is a risk of explosion.
  • The power generator may not be used in environments where there is a risk of fire.
  • The power generator must be operated in accordance with the conditions set out in the technical documentation.
  • All improper use of the power generator including all uses not described in these instructions will constitute unauthorized incorrect usage for which the manufacturer is not legally liable.
  • Operation in environments where there is a risk of explosion and fire.
  • Operation in enclosed areas and under direct exposure to rain or snowfall.
  • Operation without the requisite safety precautions and connected to existing supply network systems.
  • Spraying with high-pressure cleaners or fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Non-compliance with regular servicing requirements.
  • Failure to carry out measurements and checks for early detection of defects.
  • Know and apply the Prevention of Injury regulations and the safety instructions for the power generator.
  • Understand and be able to practically implement the technical documentation.
  • The operator must know the functions of, and be able to use, the components of the power generator.
  • The operator must wear the appropriate personal safety equipment.
  • The labelling on the electrical generator must be complete and maintained in a readable condition.
  • Constructive changes may not be carried out on the electrical generator.
  • The rated speed of the motor has been set during manufacture and may not be changed.
  • The operating safety and correct functioning must be checked before and after each use.
  • No naked flames, lights or spark-emitting appliances may be used within the hazard area of the power generator.
  • Smoking within the hazard area of the power generator is strictly forbidden.
  • During operation, the power generator must be protected from dirt and foreign matter.
  • The power generator may only be transported when cold.
  • The power generator may only be lifted using the carry handles intended for this purpose.
  • The electrical safety must be checked before each operational use.
  • The appliance may not be covered. The air intake may not be blocked or obstructed.
  • When starting, the load may not be connected.
  • Only certified and approved cables may be used for the wired network.
  • The power drawn may not exceed the maximum rated power.
  • The power generator may not be operated without the sound absorber.
  • The power generator may not be operated without the air filter or with the air filter cover open.
  • The generator’s tank may not be refilled during operating.
  • The tank may not be refilled when the power generator is hot.
  • The power generator may not be cleaned and serviced when in operation; when hot.
  • Always remove spark plug connector prior to commencing servicing and repair work.
  • The power generator must be shut down when not required for periods longer than 30 days.
  • The power generator must be stored in a dry enclosed room.

Safety symbols

| Precautions that involve your safety.
| Start and run the generator outdoors. Do not run the generator in an enclosed area, even if doors or windows are open.
| To reduce the risk of serious injury, avoid attempting to touch the hot surface.
| Units should not be operated or stored in wet or damp conditions or on highly conductive locations such as metal decking and steel work.
| Could not use under the rain,
| Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive. Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death
| Ear protection.
| Read carefully and understand operator manual prior to operation of this product. Follow all warnings and instructions.















  14.  BATTERY



  17.  MUFFLER

A – Digital display
B – AC voltage indicator
C – Frequency indicator
D – Hour indicator
E – Low lubricant alert
F – Select button

Pre-Operation checks

Check engine oil

  • Before checking or refilling oil, be sure the generator is put on a stable and level surface with engine stopped.
  • Remove oil filler cap and check the engine oil level
  • If oil level is below the lower level line, refill with suitable oil (see table below) to upper level line. Do not screw in the oil filler cap when checking oil level
  • Change oil if contaminated,

Check engine fuel


  • Do not refuel while smoking or near open flame or other such potential fire hazards. Otherwise fire accident may occur.

  • Close fuel cock before refueling with fuel.

  • Do not refill tank while engine is running or hot.
    Be careful not to admit dust, dirt, water or other foreign objects into fuel.

  • Wipe off spilt fuel thoroughly before starting engine.

  • Keep open flames away.

  • Check fuel level at fuel gauge.

    • If fuel level is low, refill with unleaded automotive gasoline.
  • Be sure to use the fuel filter screen on the fuel filter neck.

    Fuel tank capacity 25l.
    Checking components
    Check following items before starting engine

  • fuel leakage from fuel hose.

  • bolts and nuts for looseness.

  • components for damage or breakage.

Before start of the generator it is necessary to move away all shipping fixture.

Checking generator surroundings

  • Do not refuel while smoking or near open flame or other such potential fire hazards. Otherwise fire accident may occur

  • Close fuel cock before refueling with fuel

  • Do not refill tank while engine is running or hot

  • Be careful not to admit dust, dirt, water or other foreign objects into fuel

  • Wipe off spilt fuel thoroughly before starting engine Keep open flames away

  • Check fuel level at fuel gauge

  • If fuel level is low, refill with unleaded automotive gasoline

  • Be sure to use the fuel filter screen on the fuel filter neck

Checking components

Check following items before starting engine

  • fuel leakage from fuel hose
  • bolts and nuts for looseness
  • components for damage or breakage

Before start of the generator it is necessary to move away all shipping fixture.

Checking generator surroundings


Make sure you review each warning in order to prevent fire hazard

  • Keep area clear of inflammables or other hazardous materials.
  • Keep generator at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from buildings or other structures.
  • Only operate generator in a dry, well ventilated area. Keep exhaust pipe clear of foreign objects.
  • Keep generator away from open flame.
  • Keep generator on a stable and level surface.
  • Do not block generator air vents with paper or other material.

Operating procedures


(а) Set the engine switch to “ON” position

(b) Open the fuel cock

(с ) Set the choke lever to “CLOSE” (arrow mark). Not necessary if the engine is warm

(d) Pull the starter handle slowly until resistance is felt. This is the “Compression” point. Return the handle to its original position and pull swiftly. Do not fully pull out the rope. After starting, allow the starter return to its original position while still holding the handle. If the engine fails to start after several attempts, repeat above procedures with choke lever returned “OPEN” position

(е) After the engine started, return the choke lever gradually to “OPEN” position

(f) Warm up the engine without load for a few minutes

Using electric power

( а) Check the digital display for proper voltage. This generator is thoroughly tested and adjusted in the factory. If the generator does not produce the specified voltage, consult your nearest FUBAG generator deale

(b) Turn off the switch(es) of the electrical appliance(s) before connecting to the generator
(с) lnsert the plug(s) of the electrical appliance(s) into the receptacle


  • Be sure to ground the generator if the connected electrical equipment is grounded.


  • When the circuit breaker or no-fuse breaker turns off during operation, the generator is overloaded or the appliance is defective.
  • Stop the generator immediately, check the appliance and /or generator for overloading or defect and repair as necessary

(d) Check the AC CIRCUIT BREAKER is “ON”. If the breaker is “OFF”, set the breaker “ON”.

Stoppin the generator

(а) Turn off the power switch of the electric equipment or unplug the cord from receptacle of the generator Allow the engine about 3 minutes to cool down at no-load before stopping.

(b) Allow the engine about 3 minutes to cool down at no-load before stopping

(с) Set the engine switch to “OFF” position.

(d) Close (stop) the fuel cock.

Oil sensor

  • the oil sensor detects the fall in oil in the crankcase and automatically stops the engine when the oil level falls down below the safety limit when engine has stopped automatically, check the oil level.
  • if the engine does not start by usual starting procedures, check the oil level

Preparation and maintenance in winter time

Maintenance in winter time is considered to be the period when the temperature of the ambient air is fixed below +5 C. The low temperature of the ambient air hampers the engine start, negatively influences the operation of all its systems. To prepare the generator and provide its further no-failure operation it is necessary to make the following steps:

  • Use up all the old fuel completely, discharge the remaining one.
  • Clean the filter of the fuel valve.
  • Check the air filter. Change it if necessary.
  • Substitute the engine oil for the oil corresponding to the season.
  • Fill the fuel tank with the fuel to avoid ingress of water and its further freezing in the fuel tank and the carburetor.

The generator is to be kept in a place at the temperature from +5 C and above in winter time. If the engine stops for more than 15 minutes during the operation at negative temperatures it is necessary to place the set into a warm place to prevent the condensate freezing in the breather pipe and the throttle before its start. It may cause the pressure boost in the crankcase housing and the gaskets break down. The monitoring of the set operation is to be carried out oftener than under usual operating conditions as they are considered to be rough.


Maintenance schedule
Service plan Service work
**** Daily – check the air cleaner

– check oil level and refill to the upper level before starting the engine.
– check all the points indicated in “PRE-OPERATION CHECKS”.
50 hours (Weekly)| – clean and wash air-cleaner element.
More often if used in dirty or dusty environments.
– change engine oil.(The initial oil change must be conducted after the 25 hours operation.)
– check spark plug, and clean and adjust if necessary.
– check and clean the fuel shut-off valve.
100 hours| – replace spark plug
– replace air-cleaner element
decarbonize cylinder head, valves and piston
check and replace carbon brushes
300 hours or every year| – inspect control panel components
check rotor and stator

3 years

| – replace engine mount rubber
overhaul engine
– change fuel lines

Initial oil change should performed after first 25 hours of use. Thereafter change oil every 50 hours. Before changing oil, check for a suitable way to dispose of the old oil. Do not pour it down into sewage drains, onto garden soil or into open streams. Your local zoning environmental regulations  will give you more detailed instructions on proper disposal.

Items marked with a bold font required advanced skill and tools, so they should be done by the distributor.

Servicing work
Servicing work should only be carried out by personnel qualified for this purpose.All the works listed in the service plan are to be carried out in accordance with the operating and service instructions for the motor. We recommend that these works be carried out by an authorized service station.

Checking electrical safety
The electrical safety may only be checked by personnel authorised for this task.

Engine oil change
Change engine oil every 50 hours. (for a new engine, change oil after 25 hour.)

(а) Drain oil by removing the drain plug and the oil filler cap while the engine is warm Please use a container to load the used oil for protecting environment.

(b) Reinstall the drain plug and fill the engine with oil until it reaches the upper level on the oil filler cap.

Use fresh and high quality lubricating oil to the specified quantity. If contaminated or deteriorated oil is used or the quantity of the engine oil is not sufficient, the engine damage will result and its life will be greatly shortened.

Servicing air cleaner

Maintaining an air cleaner in proper condition is very important. Dirt induced through improperly installed, improperly serviced, or inadequate elements damages and wears out engines Keep the element always clean

(а) Take out the air cleaner, clean it well in kerosene and dry it

(b) After wetting the element by clean engine oil squeeze it tight by hand

(с) Lastly, put the element in the case and install it securely.

Cleaning and adjusting spark plug

(а) If the plug is contaminated with carbon, using a plug cleaner and wire brush.
(b) Adjust the electrode gap to mm.

Cleaning fuel strainer

Dirt and water in the fuel are removed by the fuel strainer.

(а) Remove the strainer cup and throw away water and dir.

(b) Clean the screens and strainer cup with gasoline.

(с) Tightly fasten the cup to main body, making sure to avoid fuel leak.

Preparation for storage

The following procedures should be followed prior to storage of your generator for periods of 3 months or longer

  • Drain fuel from fuel tank carefully. Gasoline left in the fuel tank will eventually deteriorate making engine-starting difficult.
  • Loosen the drain screw on the bottom of the carburetor float chamber, and drain the fuel completely.
  • Change engine oil.
  • Check for loose bolts and screws, tighten them if necessary.
  • Clean generator thoroughly with oiled cloth. Spray with preservative if available.
  • Pull starter handle until resistance is felt, leaving handle in that position.
  • Store generator in a well ventilated, low humidity area.

Trouble Shooting

When generator engine fails to start after several attempts, or if no electricity is available at the output socket, check the following chart. If your generator still fails to start or generate electricity, contact your nearest FUBAG Generator dealer for further information or corrective procedures.

When Engine Fails to Start

Check if choke lever is in its proper position| Set the choke lever to “CLOSE” position
Check if fuel cock is open| If closed, open fuel cock
Check fuel level| If empty, refill fuel tank making sure not to overfill
Check to make sure generator is not 1connected to an appliance| If connected, turn off the power switch on the connected appliance and unplug
Check spark plug for loose spark plug cap| If loose, push spark plug cap back into place
When No Electricity Is Generated at Receptacle
Check to make sure no-fuse breaker is in the ON Position.| After making sure that the total wattage of the electrical appliance is within permissible limits and there are no defects in the appliance, turn the circuit breaker to the”ON”position. If breaker, continue to actuate, consult your nearest servicing dealer.
Check AC terminals for loose connections.| Secure connections if necessary.
Check to see if engine starting was attempted with appliances already connected to generator.| Turn off switch on the appliance and disconnect cable from receptacle. Reconnect after generator has been started properly.


Warranty refer to defects of materials and components and do not refer to components subject to natural wear and maintenance work.
Only machines cleaned from dust and dirt in original factory packing fully completed, provided with instruction manual, warranty card with fixed sales date with a shop stamp factory serial number and originals of sales and ware receipt issued by salesman are subjects of warranty. Within the warranty
period the service center eliminate free of charge all detected production defects. The manufacturer disclaims warranty and legal responsibilities if nonobservance of the instruction manual by user, unqualified disassembling repair or maintenance of the machine as well does not bear responsibility for caused injury to persons or damages.

The beginning of the warranty period is defined by the cashier’s check or purchase receipt, received at the purchase. Please keep these documents safe.
The warranty obligations do not include cases of replacing components subject to natural wear, cases of nonobservance of the manual instructions and damages caused by unskilled handling, connection, maintenance, or installation, as well as damages caused by external factors.
Replaced power generators and their parts pass into the ownership of the seller.
No claims for loss indemnity are accepted unless they are caused either by deliberate acts or negligence of the manufacturer. The right for the warranty repair cannot be a ground for other claims.

Power generator shall not be a subject for warranty maintenance in the following cases

Opening (attempt of opening) or repair of the generator by user or other unauthorized persons.
– Receipt of the power generator in disassembled condition.
– Nonobservance of requirements and rules of the instruction manual for power generator and engine (for instance, use of oil and/or fuel of inadequate quality; the definitive signs of such defect include sticking/folding of the piston ring).

  • Tempered seal on the motor speed governor.

  • Use of accessories not specified by FUBAG.

  • Any changes or modifications of the power generator or its components that are not authorized by.
    FUBAG in written.

  • Presence of foreign materials inside the generator and motor.

  • Ventilation outlets of generator and/or motor are stuffed with dirt (for instance, due to installation indoors without sufficient ventilation and/or discharge of exhaust gases to the outside).

  • Dirty cooling ribs of radiator and/or motor.

  • Signs of blocking and overload (for instance, simultaneous burnout of rotor and generator stator, all stator windings, suction of abrasive materials inside the motor, insufficient motor lubrication, motor overheat, excessive motor speed, use of lubrication oil of inadequate quality; nonobservance of oil change intervals and so on).

  • Damage of the power generator due to improper transportation and/or storage, mechanical damages of the power generator frame and/or motor.

  • Existence of corrosion on the surface or on the inside of the power generator components.

  • Unintended use of the power generator (for instance, use of the household purpose models in production or for other purposes connected with deriving of profit).

  • Incorrectly filled in or manipulated warranty card.

Warranty obligations do not include incompleteness of the unit, that could have been discovered at the point of sale.
No claims from the third parties are accepted. Power generators are accepted for warranty repairs only in a clean state.
Warranty terms do not stipulate generator cleaning up.


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