beurer DS 61 Nutritional Analysis Scale Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

beurer DS 61 Nutritional Analysis Scale

beurer-DS 61-Nutritional-Analysis-Scale-PRODUCT

Dear customer,
Thank you for choosing one of our products. Our name stands for high-quality, thoroughly tested products for applications in the areas of heat, gentle therapy, blood pressure/diagnosis, weight, massage and air.
With kind regards, Your Beurer team

Instrument functions

This digital nutritional analysis scale can be used to weigh foods or to monitor nutrition. Weight is displayed in 1 g graduations. The scales are designed for private use. The following functions can thus be performed quickly and easily:

  • measuring the weight of foodstuffs up to 5000 g (weighing mode),

  • determining various nutritional values (protein content, fat content, cholesterol, carbohydrate content) of 950 foodstuffs,

  • determining the energy value of 950 foodstuffs in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ),

  • calculating the carbohydrate content in bread units (BE),

  • storing foodstuffs that have been weighed over a specific period and displaying the totals (storage mode).
    Moreover, the nutritional analysis kitchen scale also includes the following additional functions:

  • 50 individually allocable memory spaces for foods,

  • Additional weighing function (tare function) for weighing foodstuffs directly one after the other in one bowl,

  • Possibility to switch between grams and ounces,

  • Automatic switch-off function after 180 seconds,

  • Automatic warning function when the upper weighing range limit of 5000 g is exceeded,

  • Change battery‘ display when batteries are low.

Included in delivery

Check that the device packaging has not been tampered with and make sure that all contents are pre-sent. Before use, ensure that there is no visible damage to the device or accessories and that all packaging material has been removed. If you have any doubts, do not use the device and contact your retailer or the specified Customer Services address.

  • Diet kitchen scales
  • 3 x AAA batteries
  • These instructions for use

Signs and symbol

beurer-DS 61-Nutritional-Analysis-Scale-FIG-1

beurer-DS 61-Nutritional-Analysis-Scale-FIG-2

Warnings and safety notes

Keep these instructions carefully and also make them accessible to other users.


  • Please note that you must not take any medication (e.g. administration of insulin) based solely on the nutritional information of the nutritional analysis scale. Check the nutritional information against a second source before administering medication (e.g. literature on the subject, nutritional courses). A plausibility check is particularly important in view of possible operating errors (e.g. typing errors when entering information) as well as possible deviations of nutritional food values from the approximate values stored in the nutritional analysis scale. In serious cases, this could lead to errors in administering medication, for which we cannot assume liability.


  • The values stored in the scale for finished products and mixtures (e.g. Black Forest gateau) may be subject to relatively great deviations depending on the manufacturer or preparation. With finished products, we therefore recommend comparing the values with the information given by the manufacturer on the packaging and, with mixtures, we recommend calculating the nutritional value by addition of the separate ingredients.

  • The stored nutritional values for the individual food items are programmed into the scale in good faith and in accordance with the applicable data at the time of printing the instructions for use.
    If foods have no information (display: ), do not add these to the sum function. The end result could be incorrect.

  • The scale is not intended to be used to weigh medication or unauthorized substances.

  • The product is for private use only and is not intended for medical or commercial use.


  • Batteries can be fatal if swallowed. You should store the batteries where they are inaccessible to small children. If a battery has been swallowed, medical assistance must be obtained immediately.
  • Never throw batteries into the fire. The danger of explosion!
  • Batteries should not be charged or reactivated with any other means, nor should they be taken apart or shortcircuited.
  • Remove the batteries if the instrument is not going to be used for a longer period. This prevents any damage as a result of leakage.


  • Never open or repair the instrument, otherwise perfect functioning is no longer guaranteed. If these instructions are not heeded, the warranty becomes null and void.
  • In the event of repairs, please contact customer service or an authorized dealer.

Device description

Nutritional analysis scalebeurer-DS 61-Nutritional-Analysis-Scale-

  1. On/off button
  2.  M+ To store measurement
  3. MR To display sum values
  4. MC To clear memory
  5. Switch to change the weight units (g/oz) unit
  6. Tare button tara
  7. Display
  8. Kilocalories display
  9.  Kilojoules display
  10. Displaying the carbohydrate content
  11. Displaying the cholesterol content
  12. Fat content display
  13. Displaying the code
  14. Weight display
  15. Displaying the number of memory spaces
  16. Protein content display
  17. Bread units display
  18. Digital buttons 0 – 9 for entering the foodstuffs code
  19. Battery compartment (back)

Initial use

Changing the weight unit
The scales can display values in the weight units g (grams) or oz (ounces). The default setting is in grams. You can adjust the unit using the unit button.

Positioning scales
Place the scales on a firm, even surface. A firm base is essential to correct measurement.


Switching on scales
The display shows the weight of the item to be weighed. Press the button.

Weighing additional items (tare)
To weigh additional quantities you can reset the scales to 0 g.

➔ To do this, press tara. Entering the foodstuffs code
➔ From the food list (page 20 onwards), find the 3- digit code for the material you want to weigh and enter this number using the digit buttons.

If you have entered the wrong number, fill in the code with any numbers up to three digits. Then reenter the code again. The display now shows all nutritional and energy values. Please note that, due to natural fluctuations in the nutritional and energy values of foodstuffs only approximate data is possible.

Switching off scales
The scales switch off automatically 180 seconds after the last weighing change. Press the button to switch it off manually.

Saving weighed items

You can save the weight, nutritional and energy val-ues of the foodstuff currently being measured. The scales automatically add up the values of each meas-urement stored. You can view the total weight, total nutritional values and total energy values at any time. The saved data is retained even if the scales are switched on and off or if the battery is changed.

Saving the first measurement

You have previously done a measurement and entered the foodstuffs code.
Press the memory button M+.

The display shows the summation symbol ΣM, the memory space (e.g. 01), and the total weight.

Saving other measurements
Substitute the item to be weighed and repeat step 1.

Displaying added measured values
To retrieve the saved values, e.g. on a daily basis:
Press the memory button MR.
The display shows the summation symbol ΣM, the number of memory spaces (e.g. 02), and the total stored weight as well as the total nutritional and energy values.

Clear memory
Clear the memory regularly, e.g. on a daily basis.
Press the memory button MC.
The symbol M clears. The memory has been cleared.

Programming your own food codes

The appliance has stored nutritional and energy values for 950 foods (memory locations 000 – 949). You can program a further 50 memory locations
(950 – 999) with your own types of food and enter these in the blank lines of the table in the section on “Food codes”. For this purpose, you have to know the nutritional and energy values of these foods.
The nutritional and energy values to be entered relating to a weight of 100 g of the specific type of food.
Please proceed as follows in order to program the additional types of food:

  • Turn the appliance on. In order to do this, press the button.
  • Press the buttons tara and MR simultaneously for approximately three seconds. The appliance changes to the programming mode. The display for the food code shows the value 950. The last two figures flash.
  • Enter the desired food code (figures 50 – 99) and confirm the input by pressing the button MR.
    Press the memory button MR.

The display shows the summation symbol ΣM , the number of memory spaces (e.g. 02), and the total stored weight as well as the total nutritional and energy values.

Clear memory
Clear the memory regularly, e.g. on a daily basis.
Press the memory button MC.
The symbol M clears. The memory has been cleared.

Programming your own food codes

The appliance has stored nutritional and energy values for 950 foods (memory locations 000 – 949). You can program a further 50 memory locations
(950 – 999) with your own types of food and enter these in the blank lines of the table in the section on “Food codes”. For this purpose, you have to know the nutritional and energy values of these foods.
Note: The nutritional and energy values to be entered relating to a weight of 100 g of the specific type of food.
Please proceed as follows in order to program the additional types of food:

  • Turn the appliance on. In order to do this, press the button.

  • Press the buttons tara and MR simultaneously for approximately three seconds. The appliance changes to the programming mode. The display for the food code shows the value 950. The last two figures flash.

  • Enter the desired food code (figures 50 – 99) and confirm the input by pressing the button MR.
    Then the energy value of the food is requested.

  • Use the number buttons to enter the energy value of the food (in 1 kcal graduations) and confirm the input by pressing the button MR.
    Next, the values for the cholesterol content (in 1 mg graduations), the carbohydrate content (in 0.1 g graduations), the fat content (in 0.01 g graduations) and the protein content (in 0.01 g graduations) are requested. After you have entered the appropriate value, press the button MR in order to move to the next requested value. After you have entered the last value (for the protein content) and pressed the button MR, the appliance switches to the weighing mode.
    Note: If you do not know the requested value of the food, please leave the value on “0” and press the button MR in order to enter the next value. Please note that in your diet control the value that has been left as “0” is not included in the addition of a nutritional or energy value (see “Displaying added readings”).

  • Please check that the entered value is plausible.

Replacing the batteries

The scale requires 3x AAA batteries. If the replace battery symbol appears, it means that the batteries are almost empty. Insert the batteries into the battery compartment on the underside of the scale. Make sure that the batteries are inserted the correct way round.

Notes on handling batteries

  • If your skin or eyes come into contact with battery fluid, flush out the affected areas with water and seek medical assistance.
    Choking hazard! Small children may swallow and choke on batteries. Store the batteries out of the reach of small children.

  • Observe the plus (+) and minus (-) polarity signs.

  • If a battery has leaked, put on protective gloves and clean the battery compartment with a dry cloth.

  • Protect the batteries from excessive heat.
    Risk of explosion! Never throw batteries into a fire.

  • Do not charge or short-circuit batteries.
    If the device is not to be used for a long period, take the batteries out of the battery compartment.

  • Use identical or equivalent battery types only.

  • Always replace all batteries at the same time.

  • Do not use rechargeable batteries.

  • Do not disassemble, split or crush the batteries.

Cleaning and maintenance

You can clean the scale with a damp cloth, using a little washing-up liquid if necessary.
Clean the weight plate surface regularly.
The accuracy of readings and the instrument‘s service life depend on careful handling.


  • Make sure that no liquid comes onto the scales. Never immerse the scales in water. Never rinse them off under running water.
  • Do not clean the scales in the dishwasher!
  • Do not place any objects on the scales when not in use.
  • Protect the scales from impact, moisture, dust, chemicals, and major temperature fluctuations and keep away from heat sources (ovens, radiators).
  • Do not expose the scales to high temperatures or strong electromagnetic fields (e.g. mobile telephones).

What if there are problems?

Display Cause Remedy
E—- The weighing range of 5000 g has been exceeded. Remove the item to be

weighed from the weigh plate.
The maximum memory of at least one of the nutritional or energy values has been excee- ded, e.g. over 99999 kJ.| Clear the memory with memory button MC.
____| There is no nutritional or energy value for this foodstuff that has been requested.

0 is added in memory mode.

M is flashing| The maximum memory of at least one of the nutritional or energy values has been exceeded, e.g. over 99999 kJ.| Clear the memory with memory button MC.
****| The battery is almost flat.| Replace the battery in the scale (see Chap- ter 6.4. Replacing the batteries).
Minus value (-)| The item to be weighed was placed on the scales before they were switched on.| Press the  button.
No dis- play| The battery is com- pletely flat.| Insert a new bat- tery (see Chapter

6.4. Replacing the batteries).


For environmental reasons, do not dispose of the device in the household waste at the end of its useful life. Dispose of the unit at a sui- table local collection or recycling point. Dispose of the device in accordance with EC Directive – WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). If you have any questions, please contact the local authorities responsible for waste disposal.

Battery disposal

  • The empty, completely flat batteries must be disposed of through specially designated collection boxes, recycling points or electronics retailers. You are legally required to dispose of the batteries.
  • The codes below are printed on batteries containing harmful substances:
    Pb = Battery contains lead,
    Cd = Battery contains cadmium,
    Hg = Battery contains mercury.

Technical specifications

Database| 950 foodstuffs with the following nut- ritional and energy values:

•  Protein in g (oz)

•  Fat in g (oz)

•  Cholesterol in mg (oz)

•  Carbohydrates in g (oz) and BU

•  Energy in kcal or kJ

Classifi-| •  Protein:           0.1 g (0.01 oz)
cation of| •  Fat:                  0.1 g (0.01 oz)
nutritional| •  Cholesterol:       0.1 mg (0.0028 g)
and energy| •  Carbohydrates: 0.1 g (0.01 oz)
values| •  BU:                  0.01

•  Energy:              1 kcal/kJ

Warranty / Service

Further information on the guarantee and guarantee con-ditions can be found in the guarantee leaflet supplied.

Food codes


o.a. on average
i.d.m. in dry matter (e.g. when indicating fat content of cheese)
vol. % alcohol percent alcohol content by volume


  • ready to eat parts
    purchasable raw goods minus waste

  • dried product
    the powder is weighed. That is to say before it is prepared. Unless it is described in more detail or worded differently, e.g. ‘made with dried products’ or ‘ready to eat

All data refers to portions that are ready to eat. Unless it is described in more detail or worded differently.
We take no responsibility for the information on the accuracy of foods lists.
Note : Some of the foods listed are not available in certain countries. If a food that is important to you is not listed, you can set it up in freely programmable memory locations (950 – 999).

Dairy Products

Dairy Products

000| Ayran
001| Buttermilk
002| Crème fraîche, 30 % fat
003| Crème fraîche, 40 % fat
004| Soured milk, low-fat
005| Soured milk, full-fat
006| Fruit yoghurt, low-fat
007| Fruit yoghurt, low-fat
008| Fruit yoghurt, full-fat
009| Fruit quark, 20 % fat i. d. m.
010| Semolina pudding, cherry
011| Yoghurt, low-fat, 1.5 % fat
012| Yoghurt, low-fat
013| Cocoa drink made of skimmed milk
014| Kefir
015| Kefir, with fruits
016| Condensed milk, 10 % fat
017| Condensed milk, 4 % fat
018| Condensed milk, 7.5 % fat
019| Cow‘s milk (low-fat), 1.5 %
020| Cow‘s milk (full-fat), 3.5 %
021| Skimmed milk
022| Milk pudding
023| Rice pudding, chocolate
024| Milkshake
025| Whey, sweet
026| Whey powder, dry product
027| Raw milk, certified milk
028| Raw milk, farm-gate milk
029| Cream (coffee cream), 10 % fat
030| Cream, sour (sour cream)
031| Whipped cream, 30 % fat
032| Heavy sour cream, 24 % fat
033| Farmer‘s cheese with cream, 40 % fat i. d. m.
034| Farmer‘s cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.
035| Farmer‘s cheese, low-fat
036| Goat‘s milk
037| Appenzeller, 50 % fat i. d. m.
038| Baking Camembert, 45 % fat i. d. m.
039| Bavaria Blue, 70 % fat i. d. m.
040| Bel Paese
041| Alpine cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.
042| Blue mould cheese (blue-veined cheese), 50 % fat i. d. m.
043| Brie, 50 % fat i. d. m.
044| Mild, full-fat cheese, 30 % fat i. d. m.
045| Mild, full-fat cheese, 50 % fat i. d. m.| | 088| Mixed cream cheese and cottage cheese, 10 % fat i. d. m.| | 130| Walnut oil|
131| Wheat germ oil|
046| Cambozola, 70 % fat i. d. m.| | 089| Processed cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.|
047| Camembert, 30 % fat i. d. m.|
132| Air-dried meat|
090| Low-fat hard cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
048| Camembert, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
133| Meat extract|
049| Camembert, 60 % fat i. d. m.|
091| Tête de Moine, 50 % fat i. d. m.| | 134| Luncheon meat|
050| Camembert, baked|
092| Tilsit, 30 % fat i. d. m.| | 135| Minced meat (half beef and half pork)|
051| Cheddar|
093| Tilsit, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
052| Chester, 50 % fat i. d. m.| 136| Mutton, breast|
094| Trappista cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
053| Edam, 30 % fat i. d. m.| 137| Mutton, leg|
095| Soft cheese with nuts, 70 % fat i. d. m.|
054| Edam, 40 % fat i. d. m.| 138| Mutton, loin|
055| Blue-veined cheese, 60 % fat i. d. m.| | 096| Vineyard cheese, 60 % fat i. d. m.| | 139| Mutton (fillet)|
097| Weisslacker, 50 % fat. i. d. m.| | 140| Mutton (chop)|
056| Emmental, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
098| Westberg, 45 % fat i. d. m.| | 141| Sheep liver|
057| Feta (sheep cheese), 45 % fat i. d. m.|
099| Goat‘s cheese, semi-hard cheese, 48 % fat i. d. m.| | 142| Veal (blade, shoulder)|
143| Veal (fillet)|
058| Cream cheese, granular|
100| Goat‘s cheese, soft cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.| | 144| Veal (neck with bones)|
059| Cream cheese prepared with herbs, 20 % fat i. d. m.|
145| Veal (knuckle with bones)|
Eggs and Egg Dishes|
060| Gorgonzola, 55 % fat i. d. m.| 146| Veal (leg, with bones)|
101| Hen‘s egg, complete (100 g)|
061| Gouda, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 147| Veal (pure muscle)|
102| Hen‘s egg yolk (liquid yolk)|
062| Gruyère, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 148| Veal (loin eye muscle with bones)|
103| Hen‘s egg, clear (liquid yolk)|
063| Hardanger, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 149| Veal sweetbread|
104| Scrambled egg|
064| Cottage cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.| 150| Breast of veal|
105| Fried egg|
065| Jarlsberg, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 151| Veal chop|
Oils and Fats|
066| Cheese pie with walnuts, 50 % fat i. d. m.| 152| Calf‘s liver|
106| Cottonseed oil|
153| Calf‘s kidney|
107| Butter (sweet and sour cream butter)|
067| Leerdamer, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 154| Escalope of veal|
068| Limburger, 20 % fat i. d. m.| 155| Smoked pork chop|
108| Butter, medium fat|
069| Maasdamer, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 156| Lamb (pure muscle meat)|
109| Clarified butter|
070| Maaslander, 50 % fat i. d. m.| 157| Oxtail|
110| Safflower oil, refined|
071| Mascarpone| 158| Horsemeat o. a.|
111| Peanut oil, refined|
072| Morbier, 40 % fat i. d. m.| 159| Beef /minced meat (tartate)|
112| Cocoa butter|
073| Mozzarella cheese| 160| Ground beef|
113| Coconut oil, refined|
074| Münster cheese| 161| Leg of beef (Schlegel)|
114| Pumpkin seed oil|
075| Palmarello, 50 % fat i. d. m.| 162| Beef liver|
115| Cod liver oil|
076| Parmesan, 36 % fat i. d. m.| 163| Ox tongue|
116| Linseed oil|
077| Provolone| 164| Beef (fillet)|
117| Maize germ oil (corn oil), refined|
078| Pyrenean cheese, 50 % fat i. d. m.| 165| Beef (prime rib, roast joint, riblet)|
118| Margarine (diet margarine)|
079| Raclette cheese, 48 % fat i. d. m.| 166| Beef (hip, silverside)|
119| Margarine (standard margarine)|
080| Smoked ham cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.| 167| Beef (crest, neck)|
120| Mayonnaise, high-fat|
168| Beef (top round)|
121| Half-fat butter|
081| Grating cheese, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
169| Beef (pure muscle meat)|
122| Olive oil|
082| Romadur cheese, 20 % fat i. d. m.|
170| Beef (roast beef, loin)|
123| Rapeseed oil (colza oil)|
083| Roquefort cheese|
171| Back bacon|
124| Suet|
084| Rottaler, 45 % fat i. d. m.|
172| Blade of pork (shoulder)|
125| Salad mayonnaise (50 % fat)|
085| Rubiola, 75 % fat i. d. m.|
173| Pork (belly)|
126| Lard|
086| Sour milk cheese (Harzer, Mainzer), 10 % fat i. d. m.|
174| Pork (fillet)|
127| Sesame seed oil|
175| Smoked pork chop|
087| Sbrinz, 48 % fat i. d. m.| | 128| Soya bean oil, refined|
176| Pork (chop with bones)|
| 129| Sunflower oil, refined|
| |
177| Pork (pure muscle meat)| | 222| Pork and veal sausage (brain sausage)| | 268| Catfish (wolf fish)|
178| Pork (schnitzel meat, top round)| 269| Prawns|
223| Chasseur sausage|
179| Pork, hind hock (hind knuckle)| 270| Crab (crayfish)|
224| Veal sausage|
180| Minced pork| 271| Krill (Antarctic)|
225| Calf liver pâté|
181| Pig‘s kidney| 272| Salmon|
226| Knackwurst|
182| Ribs of pork, braised| 273| Spiny lobster|
227| Smoked, rolled fillet of ham|
183| Ham, boiled| 274| Ling|
228| Landjäger sausage|
184| Leg of pork (gammon)| 275| Mackerel|
229| Liver pâté|
185| Goat‘s meat o. a.| 276| Mussels|
230| Liver sausage, low-fat|
186| Tongue of pork| 277| Rosefish, redfish|
231| Ring Bologna|
Poultry and Game| 278| Anchovy|
232| Smoked pork / beef sausage (Braunschweiger Mettwurst)|
187| Duck o. a.| 279| Sardine|
188| Pheasant o. a.| 280| Haddock|
233| Mortadella|
189| Goose o. a.| 281| Tench|
234| Blood sausage (black pudding)|
190| Hare o. a.| 282| Plaice|
235| Salami (German)|
191| Venison o. a.| 283| European hake|
236| Ham (boiled ham)|
192| Chicken (roast chicken) o. a.| 284| Pollock (Alaska pollock)|
237| Ham (smoked, rolled fillet of ham)|
193| Chicken (boiling fowl) o. a.| 285| Monkfish (angler fish)|
238| Ham, smoked (bacon)|
194| Chicken, roast chicken, leg, with skin| 286| Sole|
239| Ham sausage, fine|
287| Sprat|
240| Brawn (head cheese, red)|
195| Chicken, breast with skin|
288| Turbot|
241| Pork belly, smoked|
196| Chicken‘s livers|
289| Smelt|
242| Bacon, streaky|
197| Rabbit meat o. a.|
290| Tuna|
243| Aspic|
198| Partridge|
291| Octopus (sepia)|
244| Bavarian veal sausage|
199| Venison, leg|
292| Edible snail|
245| Wiener|
200| Saddle of venison|
293| Zander|
Fish, crustaceans and molluscs|
201| Pigeon|
Fish Products|
246| Eel|
202| Turkey, breast, without skin|
294| Eel, smoked|
247| Oyster|
203| Turkey, leg, without skin and bones|
295| Kipper, smoked|
248| Perch|
296| Herring, fried herring|
204| Turkey, with skin, o. a.| | 249| Blue ling|
297| Herring, marinated (pickled herring)|
205| Quail| | 250| Bream|
206| Wild boar| | 251| Kipper|
298| Herring, young herring|
Sausage, pâté & meat products| | 252| Dogfish|
299| Herring fillet in tomato sauce|
207| Farmer‘s sausage| | 253| Whitefish (vendace)|
300| Caviar, genuine (sturgeon caviar)|
208| Ham sausage| | 254| Fish fillet|
301| Mock caviar (German caviar)|
209| Beer sausage| | 255| Flounder|
302| Prawns in tins|
210| Bockwurst (large Frankfurter)| | 256| Trout (river trout, rainbow trout)|
303| Crabmeat in tins|
211| Bratwurst (fried pork sausage)| | 257| Shrimp, prawn|
304| Salmon, smoked, in tins|
212| Cabanossi| | 258| Grenadier|
305| Mackerel, smoked|
213| Cervelat sausage| | 259| Hake|
306| Sardines in oil|
214| Corned beef| | 260| Halibut, black (Greenland halibut)|
307| Rosefish, smoked|
215| Canned sausage| | 261| Halibut, white|
308| Salted herring|
216| Meatloaf| | 262| Herring (Atlantic)|
309| Haddock, smoked|
217| Pork sausage| | 263| Herring (Baltic)|
310| Strips of smoked rock salmon|
218| Frankfurter sausages| | 264| Lobster|
311| Pollock, smoked|
219| Rissole, raw| | 265| Cod|
312| Dried cod|
220| Goose liver pâté| | 266| Scallop|
313| Tuna in oil|
221| Poultry sausage, low-fat| | 267| Carp|
Cereals and Cereal Products| | 360| Bran flakes, oats| | 407| Flan case|
314| Amaranth| | 361| Small baked items, mixed| | 408| Triticale|
315| Apple pie, covered| | 362| Crispbread| | 409| Wholemeal bread with sunflower seeds|
316| Apple strudel| | 363| Soft pretzel /pretzel-style rolls|
410| Wholemeal pita bread|
317| Apple turnover| | 364| Maize, wholegrain|
411| Wholemeal biscuit|
318| Bagel| | 365| Maize breakfast flakes, unsweetened|
412| Wholemeal noodles, raw|
319| Baguette|
366| Cornmeal| | 413| Wholemeal rusks (zwieback)|
320| Berlin pancake|
367| Almond macaroons| | 414| Waffle mixture|
321| Sponge cake (sponge fingers)|
368| Marble cake| | 415| Christmas stollen, Saxon|
322| Puff pastry|
369| Flour, wholemeal rye| | 416| White bread|
323| Rolls (buns)|
370| Multigrain bread| | 417| Wheat, wholegrain|
324| Brownies|
371| Poppy-seed cake| | 418| Wheat semolina|
325| Buckwheat groats|
372| Poppy-seed roll| | 419| Wheat germs|
326| Buckwheat flour, wholemeal|
373| Mocha cream torte| | 420| Wheat bran|
327| Shortbread|
374| Muffin, blueberry| | 421| Wheat flour, type 405|
328| Butter cake|
375| Muesli biscuit| | 422| Wheat-rye bread|
329| Cereals, with fruit aroma|
376| Muesli mixture, dry product| | 423| Wheat starch|
330| Cereal bar (with chocolate)|
377| Nut cake (baking mixture)| | 424| Wheat bread for toasting|
331| Cookies, butter|
378| Nut cake (pastry/ long-life bakery products)| | 425| Wholemeal wheat bread|
332| Corn Flakes|
426| Wild rice, raw|
333| Corn Flakes, with nut + honey|
379| Flan, yeast dough|
427| Lemon cake|
334| Corn Flakes, wholemeal|
380| Fruit flan base, ready-to-eat|
428| Zwieback (rusk)|
335| Couscous, boiled|
381| Breadcrumbs|
429| Onion cake|
336| Couscous, raw|
382| Pizza dough|
Potatoes and Potato Products|
337| Diabetic pastries|
383| Popcorn|
430| Roast potatoes, ready-to-eat|
338| Spelt flour, wholemeal|
384| Pumpernickel|
431| Potato, boiled (with peel)|
339| Doughnut|
385| rice, polished, boiled, drained|
432| Potato dumplings, dry product / powder form|
340| Egg-based pasta (noodles), boiled /drained|
386| rice, polished, raw|
387| rice, polished| | 433| Potato dumplings, half and half, ready-to-eat|
341| Egg-based pasta (noodles, macaroni, spaghetti), raw|
388| Rice flour|
434| Potato croquettes, dry product / powder form|
342| Fruit loaf| | 389| Rye, wholegrain|
343| Fruitcake, English| | 390| Rye bread|
435| Potatoes, baked (with peel)|
344| Fruit muesli, without sugar| | 391| Rye flour, type 1800|
436| Potatoes, with peel (raw)|
345| Pearl barley| | 392| Rye flour, type 815|
437| Potato fritters (potato / pancakes), dry product /powder form|
346| Spice cake (long-life bakery products)| | 393| Rye-wheat bread|
347| Gingerbread| | 394| Rye wholemeal bread and whole- meal bread| | 438| Potato fritters (potato pancakes), deep-frozen / ready-to-eat|
348| Glass noodles, boiled|
349| Graham bread| | 395| Rye wholegrain bread| | 439| Mashed potatoes|
350| Semolina, grain| | 396| Cake mixture| | 440| Mashed potatoes, dry product / powder form|
397| Russian bread|
351| Semolina slices|
398| Sacher torte| | 441| Potato starch|
352| Unripe spelt grain meal|
399| Cream gateau| | 442| Potato soup, dry product / powder form|
353| Spelt grain rissoles|
400| Chocolate muesli|
354| Oats, Instant|
443| Unpeeled potatoes, boiled|
401| Black Forest gateau|
355| Raised pastry, single|
444| Chips, ready-to-eat, unsalted|
402| Shortbread|
356| Yeast dough (mixture)|
445| Fried grated potatoes, deep-frozen|
403| Spaetzle|
357| Plaited yeast bun|
Vegetables and Salads|
404| Edible bran|
358| Millet, grain|
446| Artichoke|
405| Bread for toasting|
359| Cheesecake|
447| Artichokes in oil|
406| Tortellini, ready-to-eat|
| |
448| Aubergine| | 497| Beetroot| | 543| Orange|
449| Bamboo sprouts| | 498| Red cabbage| | 544| Apricot|
450| Batata, sweet potato| | 499| Rocket| | 545| Apricot, dried|
451| Blanched celery| | 500| Sorrel| | 546| Apricots in tins|
452| Cauliflower| | 501| Sauerkraut, drained| | 547| Avocado|
453| Beans, green| | 502| Chives| | 548| Banana|
454| Beans, green, in tins| | 503| Black salsify| | 549| Banana, dried|
455| Broccoli| | 504| Celeriac| | 550| Tree tomato|
456| Watercress| | 505| Soya bean sprouts| | 551| Pear|
457| Chicory| | 506| Asparagus| | 552| Pears in tins|
458| Chinese cabbage| | 507| Spinach| | 553| Blackberry|
459| Iceberg lettuce| | 508| Spinach, deep-frozen| | 554| Bread-fruit|
460| Endive| | 509| Swede| | 555| Carissa|
461| Farmer salad| | 510| Bouquet garni| | 556| Chayote|
462| Field salad, lamb‘s lettuce| | 511| Tomato| | 557| Cherimoya (anone)|
463| Fennel, leaf (Florence fennel)| | 512| Tomatoes in tins| | 558| Date, dried|
464| Cooked meat salad, home-made| | 513| Jerusalem artichoke| | 559| Strawberry|
465| Spring onion| | 514| Tzatziki| | 560| Strawberry, deep-frozen|
466| Garden cress| | 515| Waldorf salad| | 561| Fig|
467| Gherkins| | 516| Plantain (greater)| | 562| Fig, dried|
468| Green cabbage (curly kale)| | 517| Turnip| | 563| Pomegranate|
469| Cucumber| | 518| White cabbage| | 564| Grapefruit|
470| Herring salad| | 519| White cabbage salad| | 565| Guava|
471| Ginger| | 520| Savoy cabbage| | 566| Rose hip|
472| Potato salad| | 521| Zucchini| | 567| Bilberry (blueberry)|
473| Garlic, raw| | 522| Sweet corn| | 568| Bilberry (blueberry), deep-frozen, unsweetened|
474| Kohlrabi| | 523| Sweet corn, in tins|
569| Raspberry|
475| Kopf salad| | 524| Onion|
570| Elderberry, black|
476| Pumpkin| | Mushrooms|
571| Honey melon|
477| Dandelion| | 525| Oyster mushroom|
572| Jackfruit|
478| Baby corn| | 526| Slippery Jack|
573| Japanese medlar|
479| Swiss chard| | 527| Champignon (cultivated mushrooms)|
574| Redcurrants|
480| Matie salad|
528| Champignons in tins| | 575| Blackcurrants|
481| Horseradish|
529| Honey coloured agaric| | 576| Kaki|
482| Carrots|
530| Morel (common morel)| | 577| Prickly pears|
483| Carrots, in tins|
531| Chanterelle| | 578| Carambola, star fruit|
484| Mung bean sprouts|
532| Chanterelle, dried| | 579| Cherry, sweet|
485| Noodle salad, Italian|
533| Red cap| | 580| Cherries in a jar|
486| Okra|
534| Edible boletus| | 581| Kiwi|
487| Paprika fruits (pepper)|
535| Edible boletus, dried| | 582| Kumquat, raw|
488| Parsnip|
536| Truffles| | 583| Lime, sweet lime|
489| Parsley, (leaf)|
Fruit| | 584| Litchi|
490| Leek|
537| Acerola| | 585| Longan|
491| Purslane|
538| Pineapple| | 586| Mandarin|
492| Radicchio|
539| Pineapple in tins| | 587| Mango|
493| Small radish|
540| Apple| | 588| Mulberry|
494| Radish|
541| Apple, dried (sulphurated)| | 589| Mirabelle|
495| Rhubarb|
542| Apple sauce| | 590| Cranberry|
496| Sprouts|
591| Nectarine| | 638| Capers, pickled| | 684| Sour cherry juice|
592| Olive, green, marinated| | 639| Chickpea, seeds, dry| | 685| Soya drink, fruity|
593| Olive, black, marinated| | 640| Chickpea, sprouts, fresh| | 686| Tee, black|
594| Papaya| | 641| Kidney beans, in tins| | 687| Tomato juice|
595| Passion fruit| | 642| Cow pea (black-eyed pea), raw| | 688| Grape juice, commercially available|
596| Peach| | 643| Linseed, flax|
689| Lemon juice, freshly squeezed|
597| Peach, dried| | 644| Lima bean, raw|
Alcoholic Drinks|
598| Peach, in tins| | 645| Lentil, seeds, boiled|
690| Alcohol-free beer, German|
599| Plum| | 646| Lentil, seeds, dry|
691| Top-fermented dark beer (5 vol. % alcohol)|
600| Cape gooseberry| | 647| Poppy, seeds, dry|
601| Cranberries| | 648| Sesame, seeds, dry|
692| Amaretto (28 vol. % alcohol)|
602| Quince| | 649| Soya beans, seeds, dry|
693| Apple wine (cider)|
603| Rambutan| | 650| Soy meat|
694| Beer, Koelsch (beer from Cologne)|
604| Greengage| | 651| Soy milk|
695| Beer, Pils, lager, normal beer, German|
605| Sea buckthorn berry| | 652| Soya bean sprouts|
606| Persimmon| | 653| Soy sausage o. a.| | 696| Bock beer, light, bottom- fermented (7 vol. % alcohol)|
607| Gooseberry| | 654| Sunflower seed|
608| Sultans, dried| | 655| Pigeon pea, raw| | 697| Punch, strawberry|
609| Tamarind| | Non-alcoholic Drinks| | 698| Cuba Libre|
610| Watermelon| | 656| Pineapple juice| | 699| Curacao (35 vol. % alcohol)|
611| Grapes, dried (raisins)| | 657| Apple juice| | 700| Dessert wines

(16 –18 vol. % alcohol)

612| Grapes| | 658| Apple juice, commercially available|
701| Double bock beer, dark (8 vol. % alcohol)|
613| Lemon| | 659| Apple juice spritzer|
614| Sugar melon, honey melon| | 660| Apricot nectar|
702| Advocaat|
Nuts| | 661| Beer, non-alcoholic, international|
703| Export beer, light (5 vol. % alcohol)|
615| Cashew nut| | 662| Cappuccino|
616| Sweet chestnut| | 663| Coke| | 704| Fruit wine (8 –10 vol. % alcohol)|
617| Peanut| | 664| Coke, light| | 705| Gin|
618| Peanut, roasted and shelled| | 665| Iced cafe| | 706| Mulled wine|
619| Hazelnut| | 666| Iced tea, peach| | 707| Clear Korn (32 vol. % alcohol)|
620| Coconut| | 667| Grapefruit juice, commercially available| | 708| Lager (full-strength beer), light (5 vol. % alcohol)|
621| Coconut flakes|
622| Pumpkin seeds| | 668| Raspberry syrup| | 709| Light, bottom-fermented (2.5 – 3.0 vol. % alcohol)|
669| Elderberry juice|
623| Macadamia nut (Australian nut)|
670| Blackcurrant nectar| | 710| Liqueurs (30 vol. % alcohol)|
624| Almond, sweet|
671| Coffee| | 711| Maize beer

(wheat beer, top-fermented)

625| Poppy, seeds (dry)|
672| Coffee extract powder (instant cof- fee), dry product /powder form|
626| Brazil nut|
712| Malt beer, malt drink (0.04 – 0.6 vol. % alcohol)|
627| Pecan nut|
673| Coconut milk|
628| Pine nuts| 713| Fruit brandy

(40 – 45 vol. % alcohol)

674| Latte Macchiato|
629| Pistachio (green almond)|
675| Lemonade, Cola Mix| | 714| Ouzo (38 vol. % alcohol)|
630| Sesame, seeds (dry)|
676| Mandarin juice, freshly squeezed| | 715| Pina Colada|
631| Sunflower seeds (dry)|
677| Carrot juice| | 716| Port|
632| Walnut|
678| Multi-vitamin juice| | 717| Red wine, heavy|
Pulses and Seeds|
679| Orangeade| | 718| Rum|
633| Bean, seeds, white, dry|
680| Orange juice, freshly squeezed| | 719| Sangria|
634| Pea, seeds, dry|
681| Orange juice, commercially available| | 720| Sparkling wine, orange|
635| Pea, pod + seeds, green|
682| Beetroot juice| | 721| Sparkling wine, white (German sparkling wine)|
636| Peas, green, in tins|
683| Sea buckthorn berry juice|
637| Peas, green, deep-frozen, seeds|
722| Brandy (Cognac)| | 765| Nougat| | 807| Mayonnaise dressing|
723| White wine| | 766| Nut cake with icing| | 808| Horseradish (tube)|
724| Full wheat beer, yeast-free (5 vol. % alcohol)| | 767| Nut nougat crème| | 809| Pepper cream sauce|
768| Plum pudding| | 810| Cream sauce|
725| Full wheat beer, yeast-containing (5 vol. % alcohol)|
769| Cane sugar made from sugar beets (brown sugar)| | 811| Salad mayonnaise|
812| Sauce hollandaise|
726| Vermouth|
770| Red fruit compote, made of dry product, ready-to-eat with water|
813| Sweet and sour sauce|
727| Whisky|
814| Sauce for gyros meat, dry product /powder form|
728| Vodka| | 771| Russian chocolate cheesecake|
Sweet Items| | 772| Chocolate /peanut bar|
815| Sauce for paprika goulash, dry product /powder form|
729| Maple syrup,| | 773| Chocolate /caramel bar|
730| Meringue| | 774| Chocolate /coconut bar| | 816| Sauce for marinated beef, dry product /powder form|
731| Bonbons, hard caramels| | 775| Chocolate-coated marshmallow|
817| Mustard|
732| Dessert sauce, fruit, ready-to-eat| | 776| Chocolate, milk-free, at least 40 % cocoa|
818| Soy sauce|
733| Dessert sauce, chocolate, ready-to-eat|
777| Chocolate, white| | 819| Thousand island dressing|
734| Diabetic chocolates| | 778| Chocolate crème, made of dry product, ready- to-eat| | 820| Tomato puree|
735| Diabetic chocolate, full-fat| 821| Tomato sauce, traditional basic sauce|
779| Chocolate buttons|
736| Diabetic chocolate, plain|
780| Chocolate pudding, made of dry product, ready-to-eat with milk| | 822| Tomato sauce, Italian|
737| Diabetic sweetener|
823| Vinaigrette|
738| Diet ice cream|
781| Soft Ice cream|
824| Zingara sauce|
739| Dominostein

(German chocolate cake)

782| Almond biscuit|
825| Onion sauce|
783| Tiramisu|
740| Dresden Stollen, with marzipan| Jams|
784| Vanilla, cream pudding, made of dry product, ready-to-eat with milk|
741| Ice cream| 826| Apple jelly|
742| Ice cream, Neapolitan-type| 827| Orange jam|
785| Vanilla crème, made of dry product, ready-to-eat|
743| Ice cream, chocolate| 828| Apricot jam|
744| Ice cream, vanilla| | 786| Vanilla sauce /custard, made of dry product, ready-to-eat with milk| | 829| Blackberry jam|
745| Gingerbread cake| 830| Diabetic jam, with fructose jam|
746| Peanut butter (puree)| | 787| Full-milk chocolate| | 831| Diabetic jam, with sweetener / fructose jam|
747| Fondant| | 788| Full-milk chocolate with hazelnuts|
748| Frankfurt Crown Cake| | 789| Wine gums o. a.| | 832| Strawberry jam|
749| Fruit custard, made of dry product, ready-to-eat| | 790| Cinnamon biscuit| | 833| Raspberry jam|
791| Lemon cake| | 834| Redcurrant jelly|
750| Fruit ice cream| | 792| Sugar (cane sugar, beet sugar)| | 835| Cherry jam|
751| Fruit chews| | Sauces and Dressings| | 836| Plum jam, (damson)|
752| Ambrosia, jelly, made of dry prod- uct, ready-to-eat with water| | 793| Barbecue sauce| | 837| Plum puree|
794| Béchamel sauce| | 838| Quince jelly|
753| Gelatine dessert (“jelly”), ready-made product|
795| Gravy| | 839| Quince jam|
796| Gravy, light| | Soups and Stews|
754| Ring cake|
797| Curry sauce| | 840| Cauliflower-broccoli soup, low-fat, dry product /powder form|
755| Jelly babies|
798| French dressing|
756| Honey (blossom honey)|
841| Bean stew, white|
799| Instant broth|
757| Sugared pancake with raisins|
842| Cream of mushroom soup|
800| Light sauce, thickened|
758| Cocoa powder, slightly de-oiled|
843| Chilli con carne|
801| Italian dressing|
759| Licorice|
844| Chinese noodle soup|
802| Hunter‘s sauce|
760| Marzipan|
845| Pea stew with sausage|
803| Ketchup|
761| Milk chocolate|
846| Pancake soup|
804| Herbal butter sauce|
762| Ice cream, at least 70 % milk|
847| Cream of unripe spelt grain soup|
805| Maggi seasoning sauce|
763| Chocolate marshmallow|
848| Vegetable broth|
806| Mango chutney|
764| Mousse au Chocolat|

beurer-DS 61-Nutritional-Analysis-Scale-FIG-7


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