AZIO IZO Wireless Backlit Mechanical Numpad User Guide
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
- AZIO IZO Wireless Backlit Mechanical Numpad
- **Pairing the Numpad in Bluetooth Mode
- Connecting the Numpad through USB **Connection
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AZIO IZO Wireless Backlit Mechanical Numpad
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Multilingual instruction guide is available for download at > Support Keyboards > IZ0 Numpad in material and workmanship under normal use and service for the length of the warranty penod ater purchase. AZIO reserves the right, before having any obligation under this varranty, to inspect the amaged nIO product. Initial shipping costs of Sending the ALIO product to the AZlU service center in Los Angeles, California, for inspection shall be borne is wattany in enect, e pruaucE must not nave been mishandled or misused in anv way. nis warranty does n0t cover any damage due to accidenis, misusSe, aDuse or negigence. Please retain the dated sales receipt as evidence of the onginal purchaser & date of pur- nuurchaser mist rontact 47i0 and ohtain an RMA # which is to he iSed within 15 da of is5uance and must present acceptable proot of onginal ownership Isuch as original receiptl tor the product. ALiD, at its discretion, shall repair or replace the derective unit cOvered by this warranty. Ihis warranty 1s non-transferable and does not appty to any affect any other legal rights you may have by operation of the law. Please contact Azl0 through email, chat, or one of the technical support numbers listed for warranty service procedurEs. No AZIU Supplier, dealer, agent, or employee is authornzed to alter or extend the terms ot this Limited Warranty or to make any representation whatsoever. AZIO reserves the right to amend the terrms of this Limited Warranty at any time without notice
Before lodging a claim on the Limited Warranty. resources at /support. If the product is still not functioning properly after making use of these resources, please contact AZIu through support Dr your autnorized distributor or dealer. Tou may be reguired to 3ssist witn the diagnosis process to verify and ascertain any IsSues which you may be facing se review the online help dy vay depending on the country in which the Limited Warranty claim is lodged.
If you purchased the product from an AZIO reseller, please contact the AZIO reseller in regards to your Limited Warranty claim. If you are unable to return the product to the AZI0 reseller for whatever reason, or if you have purchased the product directly from AZI0 at aziocorp. com, then please follow the steps below: a. Email support/ to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization Number RMANumber” b. Note the RMA Number in a visible place on the in the shipping box or write it on the shipping box. c.Enclose a Valid Proof of Purchase inside the product’s package. Please visit aziocorp. com/warranty for examples of a Valid Proof of Purchase. d. Send the product to the following address: AZIO RMA 19933 Harrison Ave City of Industry, California 91789
Do not send AZIO any product without a valid RMA Number.
We advise that you select a method of shipping that is traceable le.g. UPS, DHL FedEx). Any expense of claiming under this Limited Warranty will be borne by the person making the claim including any shipping and handling charges in returning the product to AZI0, aswell as any applicable customs, duties or taxes in relation to the claim). if the product is validly returned under the terms of this Limited Warranty, AZI0 will be responsible for postage expenses for shipping the product back to you lbut not any customs charges, duties, or taxesl. You are responsible for ensuring that the productis properly packaged and will bear the full risk of loss or damage forany product that is returned improperty packaged. Risk of lossor damage in the returned product only passes to AZIOwhen the product is receivedby AZI0 and AZ10 shall not be responsible for items lost in transit to our address. In the event that the procedure herein is not followed, AZlo reserves the right to accept the delivery of the product on such terms that it may determine at its sole discretion. Returns Not Covered by this Limited Warranty. If AZIO receives a product from the purchaser that does not meet the requirements of this Limited Warranty, including lbut not limited tol a product that la) lacks a valid RMA Number,(bl is not accompanied by a valid Proof of Purchase, Icl is no longer covered under the Warranty Period, or ld) does not have a defect covered by this Limited Warranty, you may be responsible for an assessment fee, return shipping and handling fees, and other reasonable fees as may be required by AZI0 prior to the product being returned to you. General. This Limited Warranty applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is non- transferable. No AZID reseller, agent, distributor, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension or addition to this held to be illegal or unenforceable the legality or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected or impaired.
nidnges o mcdiicairs did not expressly approve the paTty responsive tor compliance your void with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Ihs equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. ause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can ha determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by any or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the recevigantennal.
- load circuit different from that to which the rece
- Consulthe dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician to help his device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions 1 this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired carbon.
HEAZIUIZU Numpad contains a Li-ion rechargeable battery. The general life expectancy of low please use the included US8 connection cable to recharge the battery. Caution: in personal injury. Please do not leave the rechargeable battery discharged or unused for an extended period, which might affect the life usage of the battery.
his product contains Chen defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to the state Last
CE STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH EU DIRECTIVE AZIO CORPORATION declares that the 120 Numpad is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/33/E the Tul Declaration ot Conformity can be requested via the following: Company: AZID CORPORATION City of Industry, California 91789 E-mail:
Correct Disposal of This Product Waste Electrical& Electronic Equipment Applicable in the European Unian and other European countries with separate collection systems This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it should nat be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal
In order to have maximum safety while using this product, we strongly suggest that you adopt the following guidelines:
- Should you have trouble operating the device properly and troubleshooting does not work, please unplug the device and contact the AZ10 support argo to for support. Do not attempt to service or fx the device yourselt at any time.
- Do not disassemble the device doing so will void your warranty and do not attempt to operate it under abnormal current loads.
- Keep the device away from liquid, humidity or moisture. Operate the device only within the specific temperature range of 0°C 132°F| to 40°C[104°F|. 5hould the temperature exceed this range, unplug and or switch oft the device in order to let the temperature stabilize to an optimal level
COMFORT Research has shown that long periods of repetitive motion improper positioning of your computer peripherals, incorrect body position, and poor habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles. Below are some guidelines to avoid injury and ensure optimum comfort while using your AZI0 120.
- Pasition your numpad and monitor directly in front of you with your mouse next to it. Place your elbows next to your side, not too far away and your Numpad within easy reach
- Adjust the height of your chair and table so that the numpad and mouse are at or below elbow height.
- Keep your feet well supported, posture straight and your shoulders relaxed.
- During usage, relax your wrist and keep it straight. If you do the same tasks with your hands repeatedly, try not to bend, extend or twist your hands for long periods.
- Do not rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods. Use a wrist rest to supportyourwristwhile gaming.
- Customize the keys on your numpad to suit your style of usage in order to minimize repetitive or awkward motions
- Do not sit in the same position all day. Get up, step away from your desk and do exercises to stretch your arms, shoulders, neck and legs 8.Ifyou shoud experience ary physical discomfort while using your Numpad such as pain, numbness, or tingling in your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck or back please consult a quelilied medical doctor immediately.
For the metal and plastic parts of the Numpad, once a month we recommend you unplug the device from the computer and clean it using a soft cloth or cotton swab with a bit of warm water to prevent dirt buildup. Please do not use soap or harsh cleaning agents. Remember to dry off any left over moisture on the metal parts of the numpad. We are dedicated to provide our products with premium materials and present them in the best condition, but consistent care will keep the product at its optimum over a longer duration.
- Interface Bluetooth+ USB Hybrid
- Mechanical Switch Gateron-Blue Switches
- N-Key Rollover 6kRO via BT/ NKRO via USB
- Battery 1000 mAh Li-ion
- Charging Connection USB Type-C Cable
- Dimens. (LxWxH) 92x 150 x 42 mm
- Weight 0.5 lbs/221 g
- System Requirements Windows 10 & above/ mac0S USB Port or Bluetooth 5.0
- Package Contents 1ZO Wireless Mechanical Numpad USB Type-C Cable User Guide
Numpad Modes & Switches connected The AZI0 1z0 wirelessly numpad via is Bluetooth or wired numpad via USB. that supports The operating Mac/PC system and selection can be and interface mode switches are both located on the rear side of the numpad. (Fg 01)
- CALC In CALC mode, the numpad will function as a standalone calculator. When idle for 5 minutes, the numpad will enter sleep mode. Press any key on the numpad to wake the numpad. Please note that the numpad can still be charged in this mode.
- BT: In BT mode, you may connect the numpad to your computer Wirelessly, While in Bluetooth mode, the backlight will automatically turn on. When idle for5 minutes, the numpad will enter low power mode and automatically go to sleep after 60 minutes of inactivity.
- USB: In USB mode, please connect the included USB Type-C cable to the numpad and your computer. While in USB mode, the numpad will automatically begin charging and the backlight will turn on. This is the default “off” mode of the numpad.
**Pairing the Numpad in Bluetooth Mode
- Step.1 Switch the numpad to BT Mode. The mode switch is located on the backside of the numpad.
- Step.2 Select which bluetooth profile to connect to by pressing the FN key and 1, 2, or 3 key together. For example, when pairing with the bluetooth profile 1, hold down FN key and 1 key. For first time connection, the default module is set at bluetooth profile 1. Please refer to the next section for changing BT profiles.
- Step.3 Put the numpad in Pairing Mode by holding down the FN key and the” key fora few seconds until the BT Profile Indicator Light goes from a quick flash to a slow continuous flash. The numpad is now in Pairing Mode.
- Step.4 On your Mac, navigate to “System Preferences’ and select “Keyboard. Next, click on onSet Up Bluetooth Keyboard. For Windows 10, go to Bluetooth Settings and select Add Bluetooth or other device. Once the setup wizard finds “IZo_NP click on Pair. Once pairing is successfully completed, the numpad backlight will stop flashing. The numpad is now ready for use.
Multiple Bluetooth Profiles Setting
- Short-press FN 1 to change to BT Profile 01.
- Short-press FN 2 to change to BT Profile 02.
- Short-press FN 3 to change to BT Profile 03.
This numpad supports pairing of up to 3 Bluetooth devices simultaneously with 1 profile/device activated at a time via combination keys FN+1. FN+2″, and “FN 3. The default profile is BT1, and to change, simply short-press combination keys “FN+2 or ‘FN 3” and follow the previous procedures to pair with other devices. To switch between the 3 connected BT profiles, short-press combination keys “FN1, “FN+2,or “FN+3
Connecting the Numpad through USB **Connection
To connect via USB port, please use the Type-C Cable included in the package. Please connect the cable to the Numpad UsB port Fg 02) and to your computer. When connection is successfully established, the numpad will light up and be ready for use
Checking the Battery Level
To check the battery power level of the Numpad, press the FN key and 0 key. The Battery Level Indicator LEDs (Fg 03]) will light up from the 0 – 9 keys, with each key indicating 10% of total power, When all 10 keys light up, the battery is at 100%; when all keys are unlit, the battery i5 at is U% power remaining
Charging the Numpad
When the battery level is less than 20%, the Battery Indicator Light (Fg 04) will start blinking in red. Insert the included USB cable into the numpad and plug the other end to a USB port or a USB charger. When plugged in, the indicator light will stop blinking and stay a static red, indicating that the numpad is charging. Once fully charged, the indicator light will be off. Charging a completely drained battery to full on a USB 3.0 port will take approximately 6 hours due to its large power capacity. Actual charging time may vary depending onthe power output of the charging source. The numpad can be charged in any mode BT, USB, or CALC mode. Fig.04/Battery Indicator Light
- Blinking Red Light > Battery Low Power (-20%
- Steady Red Light Battery Charging O
- Light Off Battery Fully Charged
Standalone Calculator Hot Keys Legend
The AZIO 1Z0 Numpad has hotkeys designated for its standalone calculator
function. While the numpad is in “CALC” mode, you may use the numpad as a
regular calculator and holding down FN+ IKeyl allows for use of certain
functions in this mode.
Number pad Hot Keys Legend The AZIO 1Z0 Numpad hotkeys are supported on
both MAC & PC modes by default; holding down FN+ IKeyl allows for control of
backlight, bluetooth, battery, and calculator app functions.
Standalone Calculator Hot Keys Legend
The AZIO 1zO Numpad has 9 different backlight modes : Static, Breathing, Shadow Splash, Splash, Reactive, Discreet, Row Splash, Light Off &Wave. The default when the numpad is connected to a device is static mode and can switch between 9 backlight modes Press the FN key Enter key to switch between backlight modes. The backlight brightness increases and decreases in increments of 25%. When the numpad is switched to calculator mode, the backlight will be a constant static mode.
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