ICP DAS tM-DA1P1R1 1-Channel Power Relay Module User Guide

June 5, 2024

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Quick Start Guide
for tM-DA1P1R1
April. 2014, Version 1.20ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay


Congratulations on purchasing the tM-DA1P1R1 the most popular automation solution for remote monitoring and control applications. This Quick Start Guide will provide
the information needed to get started with the tM-DA1P1R1. Please also consult the User Manual for detailed information on the setup and use of the tM- DA1P1R1.

What’s in the shipping box?

In addition to this guide, the shipping box includes the following items:

Technical Support

  1. Understanding the Hardware Specifications and Wiring Diagrams
    Before installing the hardware, you should h ave a basic understanding of hardware specifications and the wiring diagrams.

System Specifications :


Interface| RS-485
Format| (N, 8, 1), (N, 8, 2), (O, 8, 1), (E, 8, 1)
Baud Rate| 1200 ~ 115200 bps
Protocol| DCON, Modbus/RTU, Modbus/ASCII
Watchdog| Communication (Programmable)
LED Indicators
Power| 1 LED as Power Indicator
Intra-module Isolation, Filed-to-Logic| ** 2500 VDC
EMS Protection
ESD (IEC 61000-4-2)| ±4 kV contact for Each Terminal
±8 kV Air for Random Point
EFT (IEC 61000-4-4)| ±4 kV for Power Line
Reverse Polarity Protection| Yes
Input Range| 10 ~ 30 VDC
Consumption| 1.8 W max.
Dimensions ( W x L x H )| 52 mm x 98 mm x 27 mm
Installation| DIN-Rail Mounting
Operating Temperature| -25 ~ +75 °C
Storage Temperature| -30 ~ +80 °C
Humidity**| 10 ~ 95% RH, Non-condensing

I/O Specifications :

Analog Output

Channel| 1
Type| 0~10V,   0~20mA,    4~20mA
Resolution| 12-bit
Accuracy| ±0.1% of FSR
DA Output Response Time| 10 ms
Voltage Output Capability| 20 mA
Current Load Resistance| 500 Ω
Digital Input/Counter
Channel| 1
Type| Dry
On Voltage Level| Close to GND
Off Voltage Level| Open
**Counters| Max. Counts| 65536 (16-bit)
Max. Input Frequency| 100 Hz
Min. Pulse Width| 5 ms
Input Impedance| 10 KΩ
Relay Output
Channel| 1
Type| Power Relay, Form C
Operating Load Voltage Range| 250 VAC or 30 VDC
Max. Load Current**| NO : 10 A @250 VAC

NC : 6 A @250 VAC

Operate Time| 15 ms max.
Release Time| 5 ms max.
Mechanical Endurance| 1 X 107 OPS
Electrical Endurance| 5 X 104 OPS
Power On and Safe Value| Yes, Programmable

Wire Connection:

Voltage Output

ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Current Output

ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Digital Input/Counter

ON State Readback as 1| OFF State Readback as 0
ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -
fig4| ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1
Channel Power Relay Module - fig5
Relay Output
ON State| OFF State
ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -
fig6| ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1
Channel Power Relay Module - fig7

Pin Assignment :

ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module - fig8

ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module - fig9

2 Booting the tM-Series in Init Mode
Make sure the switch is placed in the “Init” position.

Connecting to the PC and the Power Supply
The tM-Series series is equipped with an RS-485 port for connection to a 232/USB converter to PC

ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Installing the DCON Utility

The DCON Utility is an easy-to-use tool designed to enable simple configuration of I/O modules that use the DCON protocol.

Step 1: Locate the DCON Utility

The DCON Utility can be obtained from the companion CD or from the ICPDAS FTP site:

Step 2: Follow the prompts to complete the installation

After the installation has been completed, there will be a new shortcut to the DCON Utility on the desktop.![ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module

5 Using the DCON Utility to Initialize the TM-Series Module
The M-Series is an I/O module based on the DCON protocol, meaning that you can use the DCON Utility to easily initialize it.

Step 1: Run the DCON Utility
Double-click the DCON Utilityshortcut on your desktop.

ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Step 2: Use the COM1 port to communicate with the tM-Series
Click the “COM Port” option from the menu and a dialog box will be displayed that will allow you to set the communication parameters as described in the table below.ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Step 3: Search for the TM-Series module
Click the “Start Search” button from the toolbox to search for the tM-Series module. After the TM-Series module is displayed in the list, click the “Stop Search” button.ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Step 4: Connect to the tM-Series
After clicking on the name of the module in the list, a dialog box will be displayed. ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module -

Step 5: Initialize the TM-Series module
Set the “Address” field in the dialog box to 1 and then click the “Setting” button to save the settings.![ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel Power Relay Module

6 Rebooting the TM-SeriesModule in Normal Mode
Make sure the INIT switch is placed in the “Normal” position.

Starting the Module Operation

After rebooting the TM-Series module, search for the module to make sure the settings have been changed. You can double-click on the name of the module in the list to open the configuration dialog box. ICP DAS tM DA1P1R1 1 Channel
Power Relay Module - fig20

DCON Command Sets

Command Description
$AAF read firmware version
$AAI read INIT status response: !AA0 -> INIT short to GND !AA1 -> else
$AAM read module name
$AAP Read Modbus RTU/DCON protocol response: !AA0 -> DCON !AA1 -> Modbus RTU
$AAPN Set Modbus RTU/DCON protocol N-> 0: DCON, 1: Modbus RTU
$AA00 channel 0 AO zero calibration
$AA10 channel 0 AO span calibration
$AA2 read configuration
$AA30VV trim the channel 0 analog output, VV in hex, 01-7F to increase, FF-80

to decrease
$AA40| set current analog output as power-on value of channel 0
$AA5| read reset status !AA1 first after power on, !AA0 others
$AA60| read back the last analog output value set by the analog

output command of channel 0

$AA70| read the power on value of the analog output channel 0
$AA80| read back the current analog output value of channel 0
$AA90| read the type code and slew rate of analog output channel 0
$AA90TS| set the type code (T) and slew rate (S) of analog output channel 0

AA0(data)| set analog output value of channel 0

%AANNTTCCFF| set configuration, NN: new address, TT = 00, CC: new baud rate FF: data format
@AACEC0| clear DI counter 0
Command| Description
@AADI| read DIO response !AA00O0I
@AADO0V| set DO, V-> 0: off, 1: on
@AAREC0| read event counter of channel 0
~**| clear host watchdog timeout counter
~AA0| read host watchdog status
~AA1| clear host watchdog timeout status
~AA2| read host watchdog enable/disable status and timeout value
~AA3ETT| enable/disable host watchdog and set timeout value E-> 0: disable host watchdog, 1: enable host watchdog TT: host watchdog timeout in 0.1s in hex format
~AA4| read DO power on and safe value
~AA40| read analog output channel 0 safe value
~AA50P0S| set DO power on and safe value P-> 0: power on value off, 1: power on value on S-> 0: safe value off, 1: safe value on
~AAO(name)| set module name
~AARD| read response delay time in ms in hex format
~AARDVV| set response delay time in ms, VV in hex format, 00 – 1E

Baud Rate Setting (CC) Bits 5:0
Baud rate, 0x03 ~ 0x0A

Code 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06
Baud 1200 2400 4800 9600
Code 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A
Baud 19200 38400 57600 115200

Bits 7:6
00: no parity, 1 stop bit
01: no parity, 2 stop bits
10: even parity, 1 stop bit
11: odd parity, 1 stop bit

Data Format Setting (FF)
Bits 1:0
00: engineering format
01: percent format
10: hex format
Bits 6
0: checksum disabled
0: checksum enabled

Type Code Setting (T)

Type Code Output Range Data Format Max Min
**** 0 ****

0 ~ 20 mA

| Engineering| +20.000| +00.000
Percent| +100.00| +000.00
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h

4 ~ 20 mA

| Engineering| +20.000| +04.000
Percent| +100.00| +000.00
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h


| ****

0 ~ 10 V

| Engineering| +10.000| +00.000
Percent| +100.00| +000.00
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h
4| 0 ~ 5 V| Engineering| +05.000| +00.000
Percent| +100.00| +000.00
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h

Slew Rate Setting (S)

S V/s mA/s S V/s mA/s
0 Immediate Immediate 8 8.0 16.0
1 0.0625 0.125 9 16.0 32.0
2 0.125 0.25 A 32.0 64.0
3 0.25 0.5 B 64.0 128.0
4 0.5 1.0 C 128.0 256.0
5 1.0 2.0 D 256.0 512.0
6 2.0 4.0 E 512.0 1024.0
7 4.0 8.0

 Modbus Address Mapping

Address Description Attribute
10097 Low latched values of DI R
10105 Low latched values of DO R
00001 Digital output value of channel 0 R/W
00033 Digital input value of channel 0 R
00065 High latched values of DI R
00073 High latched values of DO R
00097 Low latched values of DI R
00105 Low latched values of DO R
00129 Safe value of digital output channel 0 R/W
00161 Power on value of digital output channel 0 R/W
00193 Counter update trigger edge of channel 0 R/W
00513 Write 1 to clear counter value of channel 0 W
00257 Protocol, 0: DCON, 1: Modbus RTU R/W
00258 0: Modbus RTU, 1: Modbus ASCII R/W
00260 Modbus host watchdog mode 0: same as I-7000 1: can use AO and DO
commands to clear the host watchdog timeout status R/W
00261 1: enable, 0: disable host watchdog R/W
00264 Write 1 to clear latched DIO W
00265 DI active state, 0: normal, 1: inverse R/W
00266 DO active state, 0: normal, 1:inverse R/W
00269 Modbus data format, 0: hex, 1: engineering R/W
00270 Host watchdog timeout status, write 1 to clear

host watchdog timeout status

| R/W
00273| Reset status, 1: first read after powered on, 0: not the first read after powering on| R
30065| Analog output read back| R
30129| The counter value of digital input| R
40033| Analog output value| R/W
40097| Safe analog output value| R/W
40193| Power on the analog output value| R/W
Address| Description| Attribute
40289| Analog output slew rate| R/W
40417| Analog output type code| R/W
40481| Firmware version (low word)| R
40482| Firmware version (high word)| R
40483| Module name (low word)| R
40484| Module name (high word)| R
40485| Module address, valid range: 1 ~ 247| R/W
40486| Bits 5:0

Baud rate, 0x03 ~ 0x0A

| R/W
Code| 0x03| 0x04| 0x05| 0x06|
Baud| 1200| 2400| 4800| 9600
Code| 0x07| 0x08| 0x09| 0x0A
Baud| 19200| 38400| 57600| 115200
Bits 7:6
00: no parity, 1 stop bit
01: no parity, 2 stop bits
10: even parity, 1 stop bit
11: odd parity, 1 stop bit
40488| Modbus response delay time in ms, valid range: 0 ~ 30| R/W
40489| Host watchdog timeout value, 0 ~ 255, in 0.1s| R/W
40492| Host watchdog timeout count, write 0 to clear| R/W
10033| Digital input value of channel 0| R
10065| High latched values of DI| R
10073| High latched values of DO| R
Type Code| Output Range| Data Format| Max| Min
0| 0 ~ 20 mA| Engineering| 20000| 0
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h
1| 4 ~ 20 mA| Engineering| 20000| 4000
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h
2| 0 ~ 10 V| Engineering| 10000| 0
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h
4| 0 ~ 5 V| Engineering| 5000| 0
Hexadecimal| FFFFh| 0000h

Copyright © 2014 ICP DAS Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
. E-mail: service@icpdas.com


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