ICP DAS CAN-2024C CANopen Slave Device User Manual

June 1, 2024

ICP DAS CAN-2024C CANopen Slave Device




  • CANopen is one kind of network protocol based on the CAN bus and is mainly used for embedded network systems, such as industrial machine control, vehicle control systems, factory automation, medical equipment control, remote data acquisition, environmental monitoring, packaging machine control, etc.
  • The CAN-2024C module follows the CiA DS-301 version 4.02 and DSP-401 version 2.1. It is easy to access the analogue I/O status and set the configuration by using the standard CANopen protocol. The CAN-2024C has passed the validation of the CiA CANopen Conformance Test tool.
  • Therefore, the provided EDS file is standard for any other standard CANopen masters. Owing to the 4-channel analog output and the CANopen masters of ICP DAS, you can quickly build a CANopen network to approach your requirements.

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(1\)

Hardware Specifications

Analogue Output:

  • Output Channels: 4 single-end channels
  • Output Type: 0 ~ +20 mA, 4 ~ +20 mA, 0 ~ +5 VDC, -5 VDC ~ +5 VDC, 0 ~ +10 VDC, -10 VDC ~ +10 VDC.
  • Resolution: 14-bit.
  • Accuracy: +/- 0.1% of FSR for Voltage Output. +/- 0.2% of FSR for Current Output.

Zero Drift:

  • Voltage: + /- 30μV/ °C.
  • Current: +/-0.2μA/ °C.
  • Span Drift: +/- 20ppm/ °C.
  • Voltage Output Capability: 10V@5mA.
  • Max Current Load Resistance: external power +24 V:1050 Ω.
  • Power-on Value & Safe Value: Yes.
  • 4KV ESD Protection: Yes, Contact for each terminal.
  • Intra-module Isolation, Field to Logic: 3000 VDC.


  • CANopen Status: 3 LEDs for PWR / RUN / ERR.
  • Terminator Resister: Yes, by DIP-switch with 1 LED indicator
  • AO LED: 4 LEDs for analog output and 4 LEDs for circuit output
  • Power Supply: Unregulated +10 ~ +30 VDC.
  • Power Consumption: 1.5 W.
  • Operating Temperature: -25 ~ 75 ℃.
  • Storage Temperature: -30 ~ 80 ℃.
  • Humidity: 10 to 90% RH, Non-condensing.
  • Dimensions: 32.5 mm x 110 mm x 102 mm (W x L x H) Detail.


  • Standard CAN open general I/O slave devices.
  • CANopen Version: DS-301, v4.02.
  • Device Profile: DSP-401, v2.1
  • Provide 4 single-end analog output channels.
  • CANopen transfer rate: 10 kbps, 20 kbps, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 800 kbps, 1000 kbps.
  • Maximum CANopen slave Node-ID up to 99.
  • Support NMT, PDO, SDO, EMCY, SYNC, Guarding, and Heartbeat protocol.
  • Pass the validation of the CANopen conformance test
  • Provide EDS file for CANopen master interface


ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(2\)

Hardware Structure

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(3\)

Node ID & Baud Rate Rotary Switch

  • The rotary switches of node ID configure the node ID of the CAN-2024C module.
  • These two switches are for the tens digit and the units digit of the node ID. The node ID value of this demo picture is 32.
  • The rotary switch of the baud rate handles the CAN baud rate of the CAN-2024C module.
  • The value of the baud rate switch from 0 ~ 7 is normal CANopen mode, The relationship between the rotary switch value and the practical baud rate is presented in the following table.
Rotary Switch Value Baud Rate (kbps)
0 10
1 20
2 50
3 125
4 250
5 500
6 800
7 1000

LED Description

  • Power LED
    • CAN-2024C allows 10 VDC ~ 30 VDC for working voltage. The power consumption is 1.5 W. Under the connection of a proper power connection, as the unit is turned on, the LED will light up in red.
  • Run LED
    • The Run LED indicates the CAN-open operation state. The description of the LED state is shown below. For the details, please refer to section 2.3.1 of the CAN-2000C user manual.
LED Signal State Description
No Light Non-operation Power Supply is not ready
Single Flash Stopped The device is in the Stopped state
Blinking Pre-operational The device is in a Pre-operational state
Continuing Light Operational The device is in an Operational state

Table 2-2

Error LED

  • The Error LED indicates the CANopen error state.
  • The description of the LED state is shown below.
  • For the details please refer to section 2.3.2 of the CAN-2000C user manual.
LED Signal State Description
No Light No error The device is working well.
Single Flash Error Warning At least one CANopen error


Double Flash| Guarding Fail| Guarding fail event happened.
Continuing Light| Bus Off| The bus off-state happened.

Table 2-3

Terminal Resistor LED

  • When the 120Ω terminator is used, the LED will turn on.

Vout LED

  • If the CAN-2024C is applied in voltage mode, the Vout LED has turned on while the corresponding channel outputs a non-zero voltage value.

About LED

  • If the CAN-2024C is applied in current mode, the Iout LED is turned on while the corresponding channel outputs a non-zero current value.

PIN Assignment

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(6\)

Wire Connection

  • Current Output Wiring
  • Voltage Output Wiring

Object Dictionary

Object List General Communication Entries

Idx Sidx Description Type Attr Default
1000h 0h device type UNSIGNED 32 RO 00300191h
1001h 0h error register UNSIGNED 8 RO 0h
1003h 0h largest sub-index supported for

“predefine error field”

| UNSIGNED 8| RO| 0h
| 1h| actual error (the newest one)| UNSIGNED 32| RO| —
| …| …| …| …| —
| 5h| actual error (the oldest one)| UNSIGNED 32| RO| —
1005h| 0h| COB-ID of Sync message| UNSIGNED 32| RW| 80h
1008h| 0h| manufacturer device name| VISIBLE_STRING| RO| CAN-2024C
1009h| 0h| manufacturer hardware version| VISIBLE_STRING| RO| 02
100Ah| 0h| manufacturer software version| VISIBLE_STRING| RO| 1.00-20100201
100Ch| 0h| guard time| UNSIGNED 16| RW| 0h
100Dh| 0h| life time factor| UNSIGNED 8| RW| 0h
1010h| 0h| largest sub-index supported for

“store parameters”

| UNSIGNED 8| RO| 1h
1010h| 1h| save all hardware parameter| UNSIGNED 32| RW| —
1011h| 0h| largest sub-index supported for

“restore default parameters”

| UNSIGNED 8| RO| 1h
1011h| 1h| restore all default parameters| UNSIGNED 32| RW| —
1014h| 0h| COB-ID of EMCY| UNSIGNED 32| RW| 80h+x
1017h| 0h| producer heartbeat time| UNSIGNED 16| RW| 0
1018h| 0h| largest sub-index supported for

“identity object”

| 1h| vender ID| UNSIGNED 32| RO| 0x0000013C
| 2h| product code| UNSIGNED 32| RO| 0x00002024
| 3h| revision number| UNSIGNED 32| RO| 0x00010001
| 4h| serial number| UNSIGNED 32| RO| 0x6cd3683c

Table 3-1 Note: x is Node-ID of the module

SDO Communication Entries

Idx Sidx Description Type Attr Default
1200h 0h largest sub-index supported for

“server SDO parameter”

| 1h| COB-ID form client to server


| UNSIGNED 32| RO| 600h+x
| 2h| COB-ID form server to client


| UNSIGNED 32| RO| 580h+x

Table 3-2 Note: x is Node-ID of the module

RxPDO Communication Entry

Idx Sidx Description Type Attr Default
1401h 0h Number of entries UNSIGNED 8 RO 4
1h COB-ID used by RxPDO UNSIGNED 32 RW 300h+x
2h Transmission type UNSIGNED 8 RW FFh

Table 3-3 Note: x is Node-ID of the module

RxPDO Mapping Communication Entry

Idx Sidx Description Type Attr Default
1601h 0h Number of entries UNSIGNED 8 RW 4
1h Write AO channel 0 UNSIGNED 16 RW 6411 0110h
2h Write AO channel 1 UNSIGNED 16 RW 6411 0210h
3h Write AO channel 2 UNSIGNED 16 RW 6411 0310h
4h Write AO channel 3 UNSIGNED 16 RW 6411 0410h

Table 3-4

Analogue Output Function

Idx Sidx Description Type Attr Default
6411h 0h Number of Output 8-Bit UNSIGNED 16 RO 1
1h AO value of channel 0 UNSIGNED 16 RW 0
2h AO value of channel 1 UNSIGNED 16 RW 0
3h AO value of channel 2 UNSIGNED 16 RW 0
4h AO value of channel 3 UNSIGNED 16 RW 0
6443h 0h Number of Analogue Outputs UNSIGNED 8 RO 1
1h Error Mode AO channel 0 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0
2h Error Mode AO channel 1 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0
3h Error Mode AO channel 2 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0
--- --- --- --- --- ---
4h Error Mode AO channel 3 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0
6444h 0h Number of Analogue Outputs UNSIGNED 8 RO 4
1h AO error value of channel 0 UNSIGNED 32 RW 0
2h AO error value of channel 1 UNSIGNED 32 RW 0
3h AO error value of channel 2 UNSIGNED 32 RW 0
4h AO error value of channel 3 UNSIGNED 32 RW 0
2004h 0h Number of Analogue Outputs UNSIGNED 8 RO 4
1h Type Code of AO Channel 0 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0x33
2h Type Code of AO Channel 1 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0x33
3h Type Code of AO Channel 2 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0x33
4h Type Code of AO Channel 3 UNSIGNED 8 RW 0x33

Table 3-8
This object 0x2004 controls the output type of the CAN-2024C. There are six kinds of output ranges for choices. These ranges and corresponding values are listed below.

Type Code Value Output Type Output Range Hexadecimal
0x30 Current 0 ~ 20 mA 0x0000 ~ 0x7FFF
0x31 Current 4 ~ 20 mA 0x0000 ~ 0x7FFF
0x32 Voltage 0 ~ 10 VDC 0x0000 ~ 0x7FFF
0x33 (default) Voltage -10 ~ +10 VDC 0x8000 ~ 0x7FFF
0x34 Voltage 0 ~ 5 VDC 0x0000 ~ 0x7FFF
0x35 Voltage -5 ~ +5 VDC 0x8000 ~ 0x7FFF

Store and Restore the Object

  • Users can write the value 0x65766173 to the object index 0x1010 with subindex 1 to save the application setting or write the value 0x64616F6C to object index 0x1011 with subindex 1 to load the factory default.
  • The following table lists the relative objects that will be stored or restored after writing these two objects.
  • The factory default for these objects is also shown.
Index Sub Index Description Factory Default
2100 h 1 Set Module to Operation Mode when powering on 0
6443 h 1 Error Mode AO channel 0 0
2 Error Mode AO channel 1 0
3 Error Mode AO channel 2 0
4 Error Mode AO channel 3 0
6444 h 1 AO error value of channel 0 0
2 AO error value of channel 1 0
3 AO error value of channel 2 0
4 AO error value of channel 3 0
2004 h 1 Type Code of AO Channel 0 0x33
2 Type Code of AO Channel 1 0x33
3 Type Code of AO Channel 2 0x33
4 Type Code of AO Channel 3 0x33

Application Object3.3 Application Object

Analogue Output module (0x6411): The user can use the object index 0x6411 with subindex 1 to read a group of 16-bit information. For example, if the node ID of the CAN-2024C is 1, the commands are listed below:

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(9\)

Read the object index 0x6411 with subindex 1, and the value 0x3FFF of the AO channel 0 will be responded to by the CAN-2024C module. Users can use the object index 0x6411 with subindex 1 to write output value (Hex format) into the CAN-2024C module. The commands are as follows.

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(10\)

Write the 0x2FFF value into the object index 0x6411 with subindex 1 of CAN- 2024C, and the AO channel 0 will output the 5V if you select the 0~10 V output range.

Analogue Output Error Mode (0x6443)

This object defines whether output is set to a pre-defined error value (see 6444h object) in case of an internal device failure or a ‘Stop remote node’ indication.

  • 0 = actual value rest.
  • 1 = reverts to error value integer (6444h).
  • others = reserved.

For example, if the node ID of the CAN-2024C is 1, the commands are as follows:

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(11\)

Write object index 0x6443 with subindex 1 to subindex 4, which can set each channel for actual value rest mode or revert to error value integer mode.

Analogue Output Error Value Integer (0x6444)
On the condition that the corresponding Error Mode is active, device failures will set the outputs to the value configured by this object (index = 0x6444).

For example, if the node ID of CAN-2024C is 1, the commands are shown below:

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(12\) ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1

Write the output value 0x3FFF into the object index 0x6444 with subindex 1. The CAN-2024C responds that it is successful.
Type Code for CAN-2024C Module (index = 0x2004)
Setting the type code will decide the output ranges of the CAN-2024C. If the node ID of the CAN-2024C is 1, the commands are listed as below:

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(14\)

Write the type code value 0x34 into the object with index 0x2004 and subindex

  1. The CAN-2024C responds that it is successful.

Error Mode and Error Value (0x6443, 0x6444)

  • The object 0x6443 and 0x6444 are used to control the safe value when the CAN-2024C is into stop mode or some error happens, such as node guarding failure, it will check the value of the object 0x6443.
  • If some bits of the subindex 1 of this object are set to 1, the corresponding AO channels will output the error mode output values which are described in the corresponding subindex of the object 0x6444.
  • For example, if set the value 1 into the object 0x6443 with subindex 1 and a value 0x3FFF into the object 0x6444 with subindex 1 respectively, when some error event occurs, only the channel 0 will output the error mode output value 0x3FFF because the index 0x6443 with subindex 1 is set to 1.
  • The other channels keep the status as the error event does not happen.

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(15\)

Write object index 0x6444 and subindex 1 to 0x3FFF means that setting the error value to 0x3FFF for activating the error mode output value of channel 0. If the error event occurs, the module will output the safe value 0x3FFF corresponding to the objects 0x6443 and 0x6444.

Set Module to Operation Mode when powering on (0x2100)

This object 0x2100 with subindex 1 defines if the module will enter operation mode automatically when powering on.

For example, if the node ID of CAN-2024C is 1, the commands are as below:

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(16\)

Write object index 0x2100 with subindex 1 to 0x01 then store the setting as below. The module will enter operation mode when powered on.

ICP-DAS-CAN-2024C-CANopen-Slave-Device-FIG-1 \(17\)

Default PDO Mapping RxPDO mapping list:

ID Len D 0 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7
300h + x 8 AO_


| AO_


| AO_


| AO_


| AO_


| AO_


| AO_


| AO_


Table 3-9 Default RxPDO list

  • Note: x is the Node-ID of the module
  • Note: AO is the Analogue Output
  • Note: C0, C1, C2 and C3 is channel 0, channel 1, channel 2 and channel 3.
  • Note: The ‘L’ indicates low byte and ‘H’ indicates high byte.


  • Without contrived damage, all products manufactured by ICP DAS are warranted in one year from the date of delivery to customers.


  • ICP DAS revises the manual at any time without notice. However, no responsibility is taken by ICP DAS unless the infringement act imperils to patents of the third parties.


  • Copyright © 2016 is reserved by ICP DAS.


  • The brand name ICP DAS as a trademark is registered and can be used by other authorized companies.
  • CAN-2024C user’s manual (Revision 1.10, Mar/02/2016)

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