RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024


Restube active
Instruction manual

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety


RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety - Fig

Important information

**** Thank you for choosing RESTUBE! Restube…

  • is not a life jacket or a “personal flotation device (PFD)
  • may not be used as a substitute for a life jacket or PFD
  • does not guarantee protection against drowning
  • is suitable for experienced swimmers over 10 years

Active user intervention is necessary

① Pocket

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety -
Pocket| RESTUBE 20210506
Active Self Inflating Water Safety - Pocket 1
1| Pocket
2| Flap
3| Packing flap
4| Safety leash
5| Key compartment with key string
6| Velcro
7| Horizontal strap positioner
8| Vertical strap positioner
9| Buckle
10| Waist strap
11| Strap adjuster
12| Trigger cord
13| Lever position
14| Release lever
15| Trigger mechanism
16| RESTUBE-CO2-Cartridge
17| Trigger with whistle
18| Buoy
19| Oral valve with cap
20| RESTUBE Positioning Bar

Safety notes

Important notice to begin
Anyone who wishes to see these instructions on video for more background information about RESTUBE and the team may visit the following link:

Read the product information carefully before using the product!
Observe the notes inside the product and on the waist strap tag!
Check Restube before each use, see chapter 2.
Should you detect defects during the inspection, please contact the dealer/manufacturer. > >> [email protected]
Never attempt to repair Restube by yourself!

… only works as a floating device when it is completely inflated.
… only guarantees functionality when using the original RESTUBE-CO2-Cartridge ( 16g/21ml ).
… is not suitable for temperatures below 4°C.
… only wear Restube on top of clothing, so that the trigger is accessible and the floating device is not prevented from inflating!
… requires active use by the user and is therefore not suitable for people who are physically or mentally incapable of swimming.
… has a supporting function in water, but does not provide protection in case of unconsciousness.
A slight trigger delay is possible in temperatures below 59°F (15°C). Carrying additional weights or clothing reduces the perceived buoyancy of Restube.
Make sure that supervision is nearby. Only put yourself in situations with Restube that you could handle safely without the product.

Operation and maintenance

Check the product’s readiness for use (trigger and cartridge) before each use!

  • Open the pocket and verify that the release lever is switched to the green position
    > >> If not, the CO2 cartridge may be empty. In this case, unscrew the CO2 cartridge
    > >> If the cartridge is pierced at its opening, it is empty and must be replaced

  • Verify that the buoy is in the correct position in the pocket
    > >> The trigger mechanism must face the label with this symbol sewn into the pocket

How do I fasten Restube correctly?

Wearing the product loosely or open is dangerous! The product must be tightly secured to prevent loss and enable functionality.
The provided waist strap may be inserted vertically or horizontally into the back of the pocket.
> >> The options for attaching the strap have different advantages for wearing the pocket on land or for practicing water sports. The user may choose the most suitable position depending on the application and personal preferences.

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety - Fig

When using a vertical position the pocket must be worn so that the trigger faces downward!

  • Remove buckle and adjuster from waist strap
    > >> Velcro 6d on the waist strap must face upward

  • Insert the waist strap through the horizontal or vertical strap positioner (black fabric) on the back of the pocket until velcro 6d connects to velcro 6c inside of the strap positioner.
    > >> This prevents the pocket from moving around the waist strap

  • Slide buckle and buckle back on

  • The X-strap on the back of the pocket allows you to insert your own straps, up to a width of 50mm.
    > >> Insert the waist strap horizontally or vertically over the black strap positioner and under the X-strap
    Open the buckle and place the waist belt around the hips
    > >> Wear the pocket so that the RESTUBE logo faces outward and the strap positioner rests against the body
    Close buckle safely
    Fasten the buckle securely and adjust the waist strap to fit tightly
    > >> The loose end of the waist strap can be fixed using the adjuster
    Wear Restube on your right, so that the trigger is easily accessible with your left hand

The RESTUBE Positioning Bar (20), allows stabilization of the bag when worn on the hip in the pocket provided inside the hip belt.

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety - Fig

How do I trigger Restube?

Triggering and inflation is only guaranteed in water because buoyancy pulls the buoy from the pocket! Duration until completely filled may be lengthened when triggered on land.

  • Grab the trigger with your left hand and pull away from the body firmly
  • The buoy will unfold within seconds
How do I use Restube?

Do not unscrew the CO2 cartridge while in use! After triggering, the CO2 cartridge is very cold. Avoid direct skin contact.

  • Tuck a fully inflated buoy under your arms

  • Adopt a stable position to keep airways free

  • If you need help, use the trigger as a whistle
    > >> You can also wave with the buoy to call attention to yourself

  • Remain calm until the help on-site or self-help is possible

What to do if someone else needs help in the water?

Notify professional assistance and third parties first. Do not endanger your own safety!
Restube is not intended for towing people.

  • Use the RESTUBE buoy as a buoyancy aid when approaching the person in need
  • The RESTUBE buoy can be transferred to the person in need if the situation requires this and both the necessary knowledge and physical condition exist
  • Subsequently, further measures may be taken to assist the person
Inflating by mouth

Never inflate the flotation device by mouth and trigger the CO2 cartridge afterward. This may cause over-inflation and serious damage. Never fill buoy with other gases! Do not fill the buoy with the help of an inflation device (e.g., a pneumatic pump)! Please avoid inhaling the CO2 gas from the flotation device when topping up the buoy via the oral valve

  • Remove buoy from pocket
  • Open the Velcro on the safety leash and unwrap the safety leash
  • Unfold buoy completely
  • Open the cap of the oral valve
  • Inflate buoy with your breath using the valve
How do I make Restube ready for its next use?

Once Restube has been triggered, it must be made ready to be used again. You will need an original RESTUBE-CO2-Cartridge.
Only the original RESTUBE-CO2-Cartridges are 100% quality-certified and seawater resistant and the force is tailored to the RESTUBE trigger!
Do not use comparable commercial CO2 cartridges!
These will not guarantee inflation of Restube in an emergency.

The CO2 cartridge (#1)
Restube beach only guarantees functionality when using the original RESTUBE- CO2-Cartridge ( 16g ).

  • Remove any dirt (e.g., sand)
  • Unscrew the empty CO2 cartridge and dispose of with residual waste
  • Foldaway the release lever to avoid piercing the new CO2 cartridge
  • Switch the release lever to the green position to avoid piercing the new CO2 cartridge.
  • Screw the new original-RESTUBE-CO2 cartridge tightly and up to the marking into the trigger mechanism

The buoy
Pointed or sharp objects can damage the valve! The buoy can only be folded away correctly when there is no gas in it.

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety - Fig
8Empty the buoy completely (#2)

  • Open the cap of the mouthpiece
  • Release the gas from the buoy
  • Fully release gas by folding or rolling the buoy
  • Close the cap of the oral valve

Longitudinal fold (#3)

  • Spread out the buoy so that the trigger mechanism is in the top left
  • Fold up the bottom part of the buoy along the horizontal dotted line
  • Tuck the folded part of the buoy under the CO2 cartridge so that the oral valve folds away to the left

Zigzag fold (#4)

  • Turn the buoy so that the trigger mechanism is facing upward
  • Fold over the bottom end of the buoy to the back along the first solid line

The words “Oben/Top/Haute/Arriba” must be visible.

  • Fold over the next part to the front along the dotted line
  • Continue until you reach the trigger
  • The buoy is correctly folded if the CO2 cartridge is on the outside
  • The last fold must be to the back

Wrapping the safety leash around the buoy (#5)
(Wrap only once until the yellow thread ends)

  • Hold the folded buoy firmly in one hand
  • Use the free hand to wrap the safety leash exactly once around the buoy and the back end of the CO2 cartridge

Do not wrap the remaining safety leash further around the buoy – store it behind the CO2 cartridge in the pocket.

  • Attach the safety leash to the white velcro 6e
  • Pack away the folded buoy into the pocket


If the buoy is not positioned correctly in the pocket, the correct release is not guaranteed!

Position the folded buoy in the pocket so that the trigger mechanism is facing the label with this symbol
> >> The trigger cord must hang out of the pocket

  • Store the rest of the safety leash in the pocket next to the cartridge
    > >> Do not store the safety leash in the key compartment in the flap

  • Close the flap of the pocket

  • Close velcro 6a & 6b


Problem Cause Corrective action
Buoy does not fit into the pocket The buoy is not fully emptied > Empty

buoy completely
Velcro does not dose| The buoy is not folded correctly Buoy is not positioned correctly in the pocket| > Observe packaging instructions
> Trigger mechanism must face the label with this symbol.
CO2 cartridge is pierced immediately when screwing in| The release lever was not switched before screwing in the new CO2 cartridge| > switch the release lever to the green position to avoid piercing the new CO2 cartridge.
CO2 cartridge can- not be screwed in or only screwed in with much difficulty| Dirt on the thread or trigger mechanism| > Clean the trigger mechanism

Storage, care, maintenance, and disposal of your RESTUBE product

Lifespan & storability
RESTUBE products are designed to have a long lifespan and can be triggered from 50 to 250(*) times, depending on the version. Once used, the device is to be stored outside its packaging, well ventilated, and at a maximum temperature of 28°C. The maximum lifespan of the device is 5 years from the date of purchase, assuming that the care and maintenance instructions are followed.
If used frequently (more than once per week) or in tropical climates, the product lifespan may be shorter. If humidity is high, the device should be removed from its box. Do not put RESTUBE products on radiators and do not dry or store them in direct sunlight.

Maintain your RESTUBE product after every use. Five minutes of your time will help to make sure that you carry on being able to enjoy the product.
> >> Take the bladder out of its bag and check all parts for external damage: Bag, bladder, trigger, trigger cord, and CO2 cartridge. None of the components should show signs of heavy use, significant rust, or damage.
> >> Following use in saltwater or chlorinated water: Remove the bladder from its bag, and rinse both in freshwater, ensuring that the oral valve is closed and that the cartridge is screwed in first. If the product has become particularly dirty, wash it with a mild detergent or a weak solution of lye and rinse it with fresh water afterward. Do not use cleaning agents which contain alcohol or solvents.

*() Restube active: Up to 100 times**

> > The bladder and its bag should be opened and hung out to dry. Once dry, pack the system back up in accordance with the packing instructions.

With a little care, you will be able to maintain your undamaged RETUBE product yourself.
If you are unsure about something, contact us by email: [email protected].
We will be happy to carry out a check for you – all you will have to pay for is the costs of postage and any replacement parts which may be needed. NOTE: Never carry out any repairs on your RESTUBE product yourself!

Maintenance intervals
At least every year, as well as before any longer periods of use. Additionally, maintenance should also be carried out following every inflation.

Visual check
Check all components for damage, wear, or deposits: Bag & stitching, waistband and buckle, bladder, trigger, trigger cord, CO2 cartridge, and CO2 cartridge thread (to do this, unscrew the cartridge and screw it back in again)

Trigger test
We suggest that you trigger your RESTUBE product in the water so that you can experience the buoyancy yourself. Once back on land, unscrew the cartridge and move the release lever as if triggering the device. The pin should move inside the fitting for the cartridge.

Oral valve test
Remove the cap from the valve and depress the oral valve in order to allow some CO2 to escape. Afterward, the oral valve should be completely sealed again. Next, empty the float entirely via the oral valve. Next, inflate the float via the oral valve until it is firm, using only your breath to do so.

Air-tightness of the float
Having completely inflated the float by blowing into it, leave it somewhere where the temperature is stable for 24 hours. Should it lose a lot of air during this period, the product will need to be replaced. NOTE: Pure CO2 slowly diffuses through the material of which the bladder is made. It is therefore normal for the float to slowly empty over a period of 15-30 hours if it has been filled with pure CO2 from the cartridge.

Getting ready for the next use
Pack the dry RESTUBE product up according to its packing instructions. Ensure that the old cartridge, which has been pierced and has a hole, is replaced with a new, intact one. NOTE: Only use genuine RESTUBE CO2 cartridges, as the inflation function can otherwise be adversely affected. The cartridges conform to EN ISO 12402-7 as well as UL 1191. They are 1. made to fit the trigger and have a very thin pierceable cap, 2. weighted for the exact amount needed to fill the bladder, and 3. are very resistant to seawater.

The bag and belt can be disposed of in the general waste. The CO2 cartridges can only be disposed of in the general waste if they are empty.

Help us to make everyone freer and safer in the water!
Show other water-lovers how you use your Restube. Post a picture of yourself with a
Restube on Facebook or Instagram, link to @restube.official and #restubemoment, and write about your special RESTUBE experience. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks for your help, the RESTUBE team


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more freedom and water safety

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety - Fig
Produced by: RESTUBE GmbH • Dieselstraße 1 • 76327 Pfinztal-Berghausen • Germany • [email protected]

RESTUBE 20210506 Active Self Inflating Water Safety - symbol


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