OrbiTrac EM-1132 Elliptical Bike Owner’s Manual
- June 5, 2024
- OrbiTrac
Table of Contents
OrbiTrac EM-1132 Elliptical Bike
- Before your starting to exercise, read the manual carefully and also always keep this manual with you.
- Before beginning any exercise program you should consult your doctor first to determine if you have any medical or physical conditions that could put your health and safety at risk or prevent any damage. Your doctor’s advise is essential if you are taking medication that affects your heart rate, blood pressure or cholesterol level.
- Be aware of your body’s signals. Incorrect or excessive exercise can hurt your health. If you feel dizziness, nausea, chest pain, back pain or other health symptoms stop the workout at once and consult your doctor before continuing.
- Do not operate any exercise equipment if it is not assembled well. Also you must inspect your machine periodically to ensure your machine in good condition. It is your responsibility to ensure that all users of the equipment are informed of all warnings and precautions.
- Keep children and pets away from the equipment. The equipment is designed for adult use only. The equipment is not suitable for therapeutic use.
- Before using the machine, please check the nuts and bolts are securely tightened.
- Always use the equipment as mentioned. If any defective components which have been found while assembling or checking the equipment, or you hear a,;iy unusual noises from the equipment during use, stop_ immediately. Do not use the equipment until the problem has been rectified.
- Wear appropriate workout clothing while exercising. Do not wear robes or other clothing that could become caught in the machine. Running or aerobic shoes are also required while using the machine.
- Use the equipment on a flat level, clear surface. Do not use the machine near the water or outdoors.
- Keep hands away from all moving parts. While lifting or moving the equipment, always do it carefully.
- Maximum weight of user: 11 0kg/250Lbs.
No. | Description | QTY NO. | Description QTY |
1 | Knob | 4 | Screw(ST 4. 8×20) 2 |
2 | Cvlindrical tube | 2 48 | Chain cover |
| Connectina wire Washer(D8x3x
2 50
| Screw<ST4.8×35) 4
Screw(ST 4. 8×48) 3
5| Bolt<M8x20)| 2| Small plastic cover 2
6| Cao| 2 52L/R| Pedal hinae bolt 2
7| Dumbbell 3LBSx2| 2 53L/R| Pedal tube 2
| Dumbbell 2LBSx2 Screw(M6x16)| 2
4 55R/L
| Bolt<M10x45xl20) 4
Pedal 2
10| Dumbbell bracket| 2 56| 2
11| Nvlon nut(M8)| 5 57L/R| Nvlon nut 2
12| Screw| 2 58| Can(S18) 2
13| Washer| 2 59| Chain 1
14| Computer| 1 60| Screw(ST4.8×20) 1
15| Handrail| 1 61| Tension control 1
16| Connectina wire| 2| 62| Nut 1
17| Vertical tube| 1| 63| Washer| 1
18| Plastic cover| 2| 64| Nut 1
19| Screw(M8xl35x14)| 2| 65| Collar ball 2
20| Screw(M8xl76x14)| 1| 66| Collar housina 2
21| Screw(M8xl63x14)| 1| 67| Nut 1
22| Fan wheel| 1| 68| Washer 1
23| Brass bushina| 2| 69| Chain wheel 1
24| Fan wheel axle| 1| 70| Crank 1
25| Nut(M10x1xB5)| 4| 71| Twister 1
26 Bolt(M6x36)| 2| 72| Bolt 4
28 Small PiPe| 2| | Pin(
29 Sensor| 1| 75| Rear bottom tube 1
30 End cao| 8| 76| End cao 4
| Hand pulse Foam arip| 2
| 77
| Arc washer 4
Acorn nut(M10) 4
Handle bar| 2| | Main frame 1
34 Plastic bushina| 4| 80| Front bottom tube 1
Cap(S13)| 2| 81| Washer(D8) 1
36 Steel bushina<
37 Handle bar shaft| 1| 83| Saddle tube 1
38 Washer<D17)| 1| 84| Knob(M12 L41) 1
39 Washer(
40 SPrina washer(
41 Bolt(M1OX18)| 2| 87| Washer(D8) 3
42L/R Swina link| 2 88| Nvlon nut(M8) 3
Cap(S16)| 4|
44 Bolt(M10xl55xl25)| 2|
Steel bushina (¢14x10x
Nvlon nut(M10) 6| |
Step 1
Fix the Front bottom tube (80) and Rear bottom tube (75) to the Main Frame (79) with Bolts (72), Arc Washers (77) and Acorn N·uts (78). -
Step 2
Fix the Swing links ( 42UR) to the Main frame (79) with the Handle bar shaft (37) , Bolts ( 41) , Spring washers (40) , Washers (39) and Washers (38). Then fix the Pedal tubes (53UR) to the Crank (70) with Pedal hinge bolts (52UR) , Spring washers (56) and Nylon nuts (57UR). And cover with caps (35 , 43& 58).
NOTE: The left pedal should be tightened in the counterclockwise direction; the right pedal should be tightened in the clockwise direction.
While you assemble this step, hold this “52R/L” part like the right drawing.
The one with X mark is incorrect. The “52R/L” part must be horizontal or it
can’t be put into the crankshaft.
Step 3
Attach the Pedals (55R/L) to the Pedal tubes (53L/R) with Bolts (54) and Nylon nuts (46). -
Fix the Handle bars(33L/R) to the Swing links(42UR)with Knobs(1 ).There are holes one the Handle bars(33UR) for you to adjust the height. -
Step 5
Fix the Saddle (86) onto the Saddle tube (83) with Nylon nuts (88) and Washers (87), then put on the Extension plastic tube (85). -
Step 6
Insert the Saddle tube (83) into the vertical pipe of the Main frame (79) with Knob (84). -
Step 7
Connect the computer wires with the connecting wires (29 &3), Connect the wire of Hand pulse (31) with Connecting wire(16).
Fix the Cylindrical tubes(2)to the Main frame(79) with Knob(1 ).Then fix the Vertical tube(17)to the Cylindrical tubes (2) with washers(4)and bolts(5),and cover with caps(6)at last. -
Step 8
- Fix the Dumbbell bracket (10) to the Vertical tube (17) with Screws (9).
- Fix the Plastic cover (18) to the Vertical tube (17) with Screws (20&21) and Nylon nuts (11), then fix the Handrail (15) to he Plastic cover (18) with Screws (19) and Nylon nuts (11 ).
- Connect the computer wires with the connecting wires (16 &3), and then attach the Computer (14) to the computer bracket on the top of vertical tube ( 17) with Screws ( 12) and Washers (13).
- Put the Dumbbell 3LBSx2 (7) & Dumbbell 2LBSx2 (8) on the Dumbbell bracket (10).
Step 9
Attach the Twister (71) to the Front bottom tube (80) with Bolt (73), Washers (81) and Nylon nuts (11). Noted: You can fold the Twister (71) up, and fix the Twister (71) to the Front bottom tube (80)with the Pin(74).
Now we have finished assembling this equipment.As you try it at the first time,you should adjust the tension to a desirable level before your exercise.
For minute tension adjustment.simply use the tension adjustment knob to adjust the intensity of workout when you exercise.The power of the equipment increases with increasing the speed, and the reverse. The equipment is equipped with tension adjustment knob, which can adjust the resistance. Reduce the resistance by turning the tension adjustment knob for the resistance setting towards stage “-“.Increase the resistance by turning the adjusting knob for the resistance setting towards stage”+”.
You can loosen or tighten the friction belt for greater tension adjustment. First.turn the tension adjustment knob all the way to the loosest setting.Then re-strap the friction belt at the buckle in·the main frame which just beneath the flat beam at the top centre. The more length you allow for the friction belt to wrap around the fan wheel. the less friction it will cause.Re-adjust the tension knob after you finished re-strapping.
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