WindowCandles WCUIG-22 Electrical Device Installation Guide
- June 5, 2024
- WindowCandles
Table of Contents
- Safety Cautions and Recommendations
- Theory of Operation and Installation
- Location of WindowCandles Transformer and Controls
- Rough-in runs or pre-wires
- 1 Philips screwdriver bit, tighten the screws clockwise to tighten down the
- **
- **Installation and removal of WindowCandles candlesticks and
- Troubleshooting and technical support contact information
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
WindowCandles WCUIG-22 Electrical Device
Safety Cautions and Recommendations
This system is an electrical device and as such should be handled with
caution. This system was designed to be professionally installed and tested
prior to use by the homeowner. Safe installation of this WindowCandles Low-
Voltage Lighting System will ensure years of enjoyment for the homeowner and
their guests. Please read all Safety Cautions in their entirety as well as
this entire User and Installer Guide. Should you have any questions about the
installation or use of this product, please visit our website at or call us toll-free at 1-877-NO-CORDS. This is an
electrical system; care must be exercised to install this system according to
the local electrical codes in the installation jurisdiction. Some areas will
require installation by a licensed electrical contractor while other areas
will require installation by a licensed low-voltage installer. Check with your
local government to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations prior to
installation. This electrical system is based on an NEC Class 2 wiring system.
All components and methods of wiring used, including the transformer, must be
classified as listed Class 2 components. The WindowCandles Low-Voltage
Lighting System is designed to be powered through our .custom made low-voltage
Class 2UL Listed transformer and our specially designed wire. The use of any
other transformer or wire will render our warranty void and may result in a
fire hazard or electrical shock.
Theory of Operation and Installation
The WindowCandles Low Voltage Lighting System is designed to be simple to install and operate. Homeowners will enjoy beautiful windowsill mounted accent lighting without the ugly cords, multiple switches, and bumping hot bulbs normally associated with freestanding 110 VAC electric candles of any kind. Best of all, the system approach allows one control to operate the entire household. You can, of course, wire the home for multiple zones of operation; for example, to allow the children’s bed- chambers to be switched off independent of the remainder of the home. The system is extremely flexible and since it is a low-voltage system, it is safe to operate. Installation takes three easy steps for the installer. First, the planning and pre-wiring during construction of the home, before the wallboard is hung. Second, installation of the Candle System Mounting Clip in each window to be wired, which happens after the trim carpenter has installed the windows and generally before the homeowner takes possession of the home. The third is the final delivery, installation of the candles and decorative bases, and instructing the homeowner about the system. Early involvement with the builder/general contractor and trim carpenter is essential to easy implementation. Proper use of the WindowCandles Installation Sticker on each window where a candle is to be installed will help to ensure the cooperation of the wallboard installers and the trim carpenter. Both are essential for a successful installation!
Location of WindowCandles Transformer and Controls
Typically, one would like to locate the transformer(s) near the electrical
distribution panel (basement or garage). This allows for a central location
for the homeowner to access all household controls (electric, phone, alarm,
and WindowCandles). Secondarily, the distribution panel is typically located
in an area that is easy to access with the wire runs (since the electrician
had to pull the power lines there as well). Each of our large WindowCandles
transformers is fused on the 110 VAC input and each tap of the secondary
output has a current-limited circuit breaker (automatically resets once load
is removed and power is again restored to the primary), and comes with a 6
-foot-long grounded plug cord. Hence, have the electrician put an outlet
nearby and you simply plug it in (see figure A). Different control means can
be applied depending on the homeowner’s desires. We have seen the use of an
outdoor mounted photocell for dusk to dawn operation, the use of the photocell
with a timer (time delay relay) for timed operation triggered by dusk, and a
simple switch operation with the switch mounted in the foyer closet next to
the alarm system switch, or combinations of the aforementioned such as a dusk
to dawn with an in-line switch for a manual override (see figures B and C).
Please consult with the electrical contractor on the Jobsite for assistance in
planning and implementing any 110 VAC switching and controls to be used. Most
electrical contractors will install a switched (or photocell controlled)
outlet box at your preferred location for mounting the WindowCandles
transformers. The simplest control means is to have a switched outlet placed
near your preferred WindowCandles transfer location and use an off-the-shelf
24-hour timer to switch 110 VAC power to the transformers. A manual override
switch can be installed in an accessible spot (foyer closet, top of basement
stairwell, mud room, etc.). Discuss this to make sure the electrical
contractor is aware of the requirement. You should double-check the control
and 110 VAC power availability during rough-in and before the wallboard is
Rough-in runs or pre-wires
Since this is a low-voltage system, the wire used to feed the candles will, to
some degree, act as a resistive element in the system. Hence, the voltage
(potential) available will diminish as the run becomes longer. However, a run
would have to be over 400′ for a reduction of voltage to the candles to apply.
It is recommended that the installer carefully survey the subject dwelling
before choosing the WindowCandles transformer mounting area. Likewise, the
selection of the supply runs is important. The planner should strive to
balance the runs so that all runs carry approximately the same number of
fixtures. Six fixtures per run (not zone) are recommended and this number
should be de-rated to two or three when the run is over 400′ long. We find it
helpful to plan runs in a logical fashion. For example, Zone 1 might be first-
floor front (as you face the home), Zone 2 might be first-floor rear and left
side Zone 3 might be the second-floor front and third-floor dormers, with Zone
4 being second-floor rear and right, with both runs coming together down to
the first floor and joining at the transformer location (see figure D). Wires
for all four zones are then connected to the transformer. Note: You can also
have a run with 2 WindowCandles, a run with 3 WindowCandles, and a run with 1
WindowCandle for a total of 6 WindowCandles. This would be zone 1, for
example. In the estimating and planning stages, it is easy to note the run
configuration. Proper recording of the runs will help immensely when trying to
debug an installation after the wallboard is in place. Likewise, proper
marking of the runs or wires at the transformer will ease the final
installation process as well. Our custom Mounting Clip and Wire Lock
components make installation simple and safe provided you use our specially
made and designed top-quality Class 2 UL recognized wire from WindowCandles
and its approved suppliers. Make all runs in accordance with NEC wiring
guidelines and in accordance with any local regulations in force. Do not run
this low-voltage wire through and conduit or bored hola alongside and high
voltage (110 VAC.or higher. current. carving wire or cable Also do not run
this wire through any junction box, receptacle box, or switch box which
contains any conductor carrying 110 VAC or higher. All low-voltage runs must
be kept clear and independent of any high voltage (110 VAC or higher) current-
carrying wires or cables. Run the wire from either end of the planned run to
each window sequentially using the shortest possible distance that is
reasonable. Leave a small
install the Mounting Clip you should pull the excess wire from the sill hole
until taut (see Figure G).
Grab one wire lock and run the wire over the wire lock, assuring that the wire
lays in the plastic channels (see Figure H).
You should note that there
are small copper prongs that will pierce the wire to create an electrical
connection. Make sure these prongs are on the side of the clip that will
pierce the wires when the clip is inserted and tightened into the mounting
clip. Once the wire is seated properly in the wire lock, insert it into the
bottom of the mounting clip (Figure I),
using the guides to make sure the wire
is pierced by the copper prongs. Press the mounting Clip and Wire Lock
together with your forefinger and thumb. You should feel the metal clips
pierce the wire. While holding the clip with one hand, take two (2) wire lock
screws and insert them one at a time into the holes in the wire lock. Using a
1 Philips screwdriver bit, tighten the screws clockwise to tighten down the
wire clip. Before completely tightening one screw, insert the 2nd screw and tighten it down completely. Then go back to the initial screw and tighten it down fully. Be sure not to overtighten the screw locks. Tighten down enough to assure the wire has been pierced by the conner Drones and that a good. connection is achieved Once the run is complete and tested, go back and install each Mounting lip Assembly into the Sill plate using the #4 stainless steel wood screws provided. Be careful to align the oval Mounting Clip so that the major axis is parallel to the window (see Figure J) Off-axis installation will cause the Decorative Base to appear twisted relative to the Window and is sure to cause the homeowner to ask for a return service cal. Once all Mounting Clip Assemblies are installed for a given run, we recommend you connect the transformer and run a load test. Install a Candle Stick Assembly in each Mounting Clip Assembly on the run and using an ammeter inline at the transformer output, measure and record total line current, along with line voltage. These numbers may come in handy for troubleshooting in the future. We typically record them and place them inside the transformer enclosure for future reference. Move on to the next run and repeat until all runs in the home are complete. Finally, check the control and supply circuits provided by the electrical contractor and notify them if there are problems or concerns.
Final Delivery and System Test- Teaching the homeowner about the
Typically, the final installation will take place either just before or immediately after the homeowner takes possession of the home. Since the Decorative Bases and Candle Stick Assemblies remove easily from the Mounting Clips and since the Decorative Bases and Candle Stick Assemblies make up 75% of the cost of the system, we recommend scheduling the final installation AFTER the homeowner has taken possession of the home. A final installation, the Candle Sticks and Decorative Bases are installed, the system is tested and the homeowner is given brief instructions about the product and the controls. As with the Mounting Clip installation, it is a good idea to first do a walk- through to check each window, the transformer mounting area, and the controls, to ensure that nothing has been tampered with, moved, or damaged since the Mounting Clip installation visit.
**Installation and removal of WindowCandles candlesticks and
Installation of the candlestick is simple -align the “tee” on the bottom of the Decorative Candle with the “slot on the windowsill mounted Mounting Clip and slide the Decorative Candle into position. Once installed, simply slide the Decorative Base over the Decorative Candle and allow the oval recess in the Decorative Base to completely cover the oval shape of the Mounting Clip. That’s it – you’re done! Removal of the candlestick is simple. Remove the Decorative Base and slide the Decorative Candle out to disengage. Be sure to utilize the Mounting Clip Covers to keep the Mounting Clips clean and free of dirt. Always remove power from the system by dis- connecting the transformer(s) when removing candles for the season. Installation and removal of the Mounting Clip Covers are just as easy, align the Mounting Clip Cover with the Mounting Clip and into place To remove simply ninth the Mountain Clio Cover-front to back (thinnest part of the oval) and lift. The decorative candles used in this system are specially wired to provide consistent decorative illumination at 2 watts per that draw more than 2 watts the internal safety circuit will not allow it. if you experience a bulb slowly self-extinguishing immediately after turning the candles on, you probably have installed a bulb that requires more than 2 watts. Bulb replacement is simple – just unscrew and remove the old bulb and insert and screw in the new bulb. Only one important thing to remember- use the right bulb! Call us at 1-877-NO. CORDS (662-6737) for fast and easy ordering of the correct low-voltage bulbs for your WindowCandles. Or visit us online at for a complete selection of all of our decorative bulb colors.
Troubleshooting and technical support contact information
If you have any questions about installing this system or any part of it please call us toll-free at 1-877-NO-CORDS for step-by-step installation procedures. We want to make sure you fully understand the installation process to ensure an easy, enjoyable installation. If you experience trouble with your system, your first call should be to your professional installer. If you can- not get support from your installer or dealer, then please give us a call and we will provide the assistance directly or recommend an installer in your area.
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